xt776h4crh3x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crh3x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 1977 1977 1977-11-28 2020 true xt776h4crh3x section xt776h4crh3x ‘ 89'.

Volume LXIX. Number 70
Monday. November 28.1977


Ex—Maranathans reveal
shortcomings of group

Kernel Staff Writer

Turn off the radio, tear up the
football tickets. cancel Friday
night's date: Maranatha has come
to UK.

Founded in Paducah in 1971 by
Bob Weiner, Maranatha is a
Christian group centered around
“the Lord, Jesus Christ."

But Maranatha is not an ordinary
church group; there are a lot of
‘do‘s’ and ‘don't’s.’ Eric Wright, a
student at Central Kentucky
Vocational and Technical State
School, defected from the group last
summer. Now that he is free, he
realizes exactly what the group was
doing to him.

“They (Maranatha) are dishonest
the way they present themselves,"
be said. “They call themselves a
ministry. but they are actually a

Wright. like most members,
joined Maranatha because he was
looking for a group in which he could
find fellowship.

Wright said that what bothered
him was that Maranatha was

To United Way

creating an artificial family. “They
put men between people and God. If
you mentioned anything else besides
Maranatha, they frowned upon you.
It was worldly, they said. They
separate yourself from the world,
which is good, but you have to know
what is going on. If you don‘t, you de-
sensitise yourself. Maranatha is
really insensitive to people’s needs.

“In Maranatha,“ Wright said,
“we couldn’t listen to the radio. The
local sin station is 98 (WKQQ-FM). I
was really afraid to do anything."

But the radio is not the only
restriction that the members have.
They are discouraged to date and to
be involved in worldly things.
Wright said that Maranatha
members believe rock music is from
the devil and cancer is caused by
unforgiveness from God.

Members are also discouraged to
attend any other church. The
members are taught to think that
other teachings are unbalanced.

Group leaders, who are sup-
posedly closer to God, suggest the
right thing to do for the younger
members. If the younger members
go against the suggestions, they are

said to have fallen short to the devil.

Wright said he felt this kind of
pressure when he decided to leave
last summer. “When I left," he said,
“I felt my world open up again. It
was really emotional because I liked
the kids that were in the group. I just
didn't like the pressure."

Most of the emotional pressure is
applied by the leaders. Bob Martin,
who has been in the Maranatha
group since it began, is the UK
leader. He denied all the accusations
that were brought up against the
group. “Those accusations are lies
and rumors,” he said. “I’ll decide
whether the truth is slanted.”

Martin evaded every question that
dealt specifically with doctrines. He
said that the members can liken to
the radio if they want and that
dating is permitted. He even warned
against the validity of the Kernel. “I
know the Kernel has a way of
presenting the wrong side of the

Mitch Smith. the student
president, gave some insight to the
dating theory. “Why should I go out
with a girl," he reasoned, “and take

(‘ontinued on page 6

UK leads in donations

Kernel Reporter
For the sixth year in a row, UK is
the number one group contributing
to the United Way of the Bluegrass
1 UWB) fund drive. Students, faculty
and staff have contributed $105,409.
beating the goal of $102,584.

United Way funds benefit 31
agencies, including the Red Cross,
the Salvation Army, Boy Scouts,
Girl Scouts and organizations to help
the handicapped and mentally

The successful fund drive was a
result of good planning, said George
Hearn. UWB executive director.

“The campaign went well." he
said. “It was executed in a timely

manner and the preset objectives
were achieved.”

Fayette, Jessamine and Scott
counties tallied $1,310,442, an 18.5
percent increase over last year’s
total and $53572 better than the 1977

Students donations were em-
phasized this year, said history
junior Mike Mulhearn, director of
the student drive.

“We hit the residence halls harder
4 this year) and they responded very
well. The Greeks always turn out, too.
Overall, there was a lot of en-
thusiasm," Mulhearn said.

Competition among residence
halls, fraternities and sororities, and
student organizations will culminate
with a certificate and recognition for

the group that raises the most
money per capita. Fundraising
activities included a dance at
Haggin Hall, a haunted house at
Boyd Hall, an aluminum can drive
at Kirwan Tower and a T-shirt sale
at the Complex.

UK's 3408 contributors gave
$97,103 last year, according to
United Way figures. Fundraising for
this year’s drive began in September,
said Placement Service Director
Jim Alcorn, chairman of the UK
fund drive.

He anticipates that funds will
continue to come in until the Jan. 1
cutoff date. Money received after
Jan 1. will be counted toward next
year’s drive.



an independent student newspaper



Rick Robey (53) and Alike Phillips (55) seem to
havetlie market cornered on rebounds as Southern
Methodist University forward Reggie Franklin t t5)
helplessly looks on. Franklin and his Mustang
teammates had the dubious distinction of pro\ idiiig





University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

\thiili r

the opposition for Kentucky‘s easy season-opening
till-Xi; win. The ti-ltl Robe) scored 2:; points and
Phillips. also 0-10. chipped in 22 points and a
gamehigh 1X rebounds. Jack (iiwns led all scorers

Senior experience the key in 110-86 win over SMU

Sports Editor

The UK basketball team's senior
class, even with James Lee
noticeably absent, took charge early
against Southern Methodist in
Saturday night‘s 110-86 season-
opening win.

In the first half, Jack Givens, Rick
Robey and Mike Phillips had seven
rebounds apiece, while Givens and
Robey scored 18 and 16 points,

Although the outcome was never
in doubt, the 42-point lead built by
the starters was almost sliced in half
in the last three minutes as the
Wildcats finished the game with four
freshmen on the floor.

Between the three of them. Givens,

Robey and Phillips accumulated 75
points and 44 rebounds for the game.
Both Robey and Phillips looked much
quicker than they did last year,
according to UK Coach Joe Hall.
They ale showed they could work
much better together on offense
during the games after practicing on
the same unit in practice.

“Jack‘s got a bad shoulder that
caused him a lot of pain,” Hall
added. “Thank goodness it was his
right arm."

Even without Lee's patented
drives to the hoop, Givens and the
two 6-10 seniors joined the rest of the
team in arousing enough noise to
indicate that the Rupp Arena crowd
is finally comfortable in the 23,000
seat house.

Givens. despite playing with that

strange shoulder injury suffered in
the exhibition game against the
Russians, ignored the inconvenience
and crashed the boards with
relentless authority.

Many of his points came on tip-ins
as he passed Johnny Cox, Pat Riley
and Cliff Hagan to move into eighth
place on the all-time UK scoring list.
One of those follow shots almost flew
over the backboard before settling
back into the basket. On another
occasion, be practically reached
behind his back for the ball and
deftly drove it home.

“I didn‘t know anything about it,"
Givens said when asked how it felt to
move up on the UK scoring list. “I'm
just happy to be in the record books.

“They ( the SMU defense) weren’t
blocking out; that made it a lot

easier for us. I'm surprised we did
as well as we did without James and
LaVon (Williams)."

When asked if he would have any
special advice for the freshmen
during the eight days of practice for
Indiana, Givens said he understood
their plight. Three years ago, he
knew what it was like to be a fresh-
man playing on a senior-dominated

“The freshmen need to keep their
heads up and not get down." Givens
said. “It‘s new for them. I wish they
didn't get outscored. They‘ve been
working real hard.“

Robey was also sympathetic with
the freshmen, despite their rapid
collapse. “The freshmen learned a
lot,“ he said, also remembering the
games when he made mistakes with

the 1974-75 NCAA finalists.

“They can look at the film, learn
to block off and work on their
mistakes. We can spend a week and
a half together. They had to have
had the jitters before 23,000 people. I
remember my first game here last
year. As a junior I even had the

The 23 points scored by Robey
came on eight field goals in 13 at-
tempts and seven free throws without
a miss.

“The game as a whole was a
success for us. Our offense is geared
to letting forwards handle the ball,"
he said. “If you faked them up, you
could go around them.“

Robey also explained how he and
Phillips have become the demolition
duo on offense Kentucky fans have

long awaited. “Mike and I have had
a chance to work together. We've
been going against people our own
size for a change."

It's true that SMU did not have the
size to cope with UK's inside
strength. But when the Wildcats
have to face Bobby Knight‘s
Hoosiers one week from today. they
will have even more of it with the
return of James Lee and LaVon

And, eventually. sophomore Jay
Shidler will return to add some
depth to the already competitive
guard position. So if anyone thinks
the 109—75 rout of the Russians and
Saturday's breather against SMU
were impressive. there‘s more to
come in the games ahead.




which claimed 164 lives. will be much

would transfer the fire marshal‘s office

and cnstmction.

reorganization involving the state fire



wrote the socalled Mormon Will.


off a chain reaction in the Kentucky capital aimed at
preventing a similar disaster in the future.

The reverberations of the Memorial Day weekend blaze,

General Assembly convenes in January.
Two key proposals are expected to be considered. The first

of Insurance to a new state department for buildings, housing

broaden the fire marshal's enforcement powers.

begin today in a trial to determine whether Howard Hughes

Attorneys involved in the complex litigation over the three
page document took eight days to select the five men and

in evidence when the

from the Department The will is only

three women who will hear the evidence.

Hughes' relatives, most of whom are not mentioned in the
will. claim the document found at the Mormon Church
headquarters in Salt Lake City is a forgery.

The offered will is hand-written. It is not witnessed or

notarized. but it need not be under Nevada law. The will is
dated March 19, 1968. Hughes died April 5, 1976.

one of more than 30 purported wills which

have been received in the county clerk’s office, but is the only

one which has received any serious consideration.

The second proposal would give the fire marshal or his
deputies authority to obtain a temporary restraining order
cl0sing a place of public assembly in which fire code violations
were found to pose an imminent threat to public safety.

Both pieces of legislation would mandate departmental


marshal‘s office and


Yale's Beinecke Library has been placing rare books in
cold storage at 20 degrees below zero for the past five months
to combat boring beetles—the insects that feast on old paper

and leather bindings and the glue that keeps them together.

There are pesticides that can kill the bugs, but they are
also dangerous to humans, and libraries must be closed while

DELAYS. arguments

the freeze.

the chemical is working.
Since last June,

thousands of rare volumes have received

personal commitment to Christianity will be reflected in his
sexually explicit magazines. Ilustler and (‘hic. But he says
there will be no change in the magazines‘ philosophy.

“Everybody expects pictures of the crucifix on the cover of
llustler. with some verSIon of the scripture printed inside,"

Flynt told theAkron Beacon Journal
published yesterday.

“Our philosophy is going to be the same. We're going to be
doing what we've been doing. but we‘ll do it better. Sex is
beautiful and God-given. If they (critics) think it's obscene,
they should complain to the manufacturer Evil is in the eye

of the beholder." he said.


day to a preparatory peace conference in Cairo next week

in an interview


while Syria sought to undermine President Anwar Sadat's


Sadat said in a television interview that representatives at
the Cairo summit would sit around a table and work without a
mediator. He' said he was forging ahead toward a com-

prehensive Mideast settlement at Geneva even if the Arab

world disagreed.

('omplled from Associated Press dispatches.

The Egyptian president said he had informed neither the
Linited States nor his Arab allies in advance about the (‘airo
meeting. Ile said he intended to call an Arab summit con-
ference after reaching a settlement at Geneva.

It was not immediately known if the US. was given an
invitation to deliver to Israel or if on had been extended to the
Palestinian Liberation Organization il’l.t)). w hich has said it
would not attend anyway.

says he would resign if the province of Quebec voted for in-
dependence. Newsweek magazine reported yesterday.

In an interview,
dependence for the province would be both disastrous and

No referendum on the issue has yet been scheduled. but
there has been talk of holding one in 1979.


I‘ARTLY (‘LOt'D AND (‘OOL TODAY. Highs near 40.
Increasing cloudiness tonight with a 40 percent chance of
rain. Lows in the upper-30‘s. ('loudy and cool Tiisday with a
good chance of rain. Highs in the mid-40‘s.

Trudeau told Newsweek that in






‘19" . .


n: w». a;



Wm!» "Q. I. “‘31-. "« K. .’








editorials 8: comments

my in a.“ News Editor (\ki Photograph" Copy Editors
save Bailing" Marine Durham mu Klflhl
Judllh Eurtoo
Managing Editor Associate tiditor Sports Editor Ly um Funk
“ck Gabriel Marie Mitchell David Hibbltu Betsy Puree
Phil Rutledge
Will Editor Staff Artist m. Editor
Jm Kemp William Palate Thomas (‘lark



Petroleum netw


Non-commercial TV
doesn’t really exist

it .\Slil.\ti'l‘().\ Mobil oil picked
up the lab for the Public Broad-
tasting Seruce‘s presentation of
llolicr‘ Grates l, Claudius.

The series vi as. so much finer than
an) of the dull dramatizations of
trash fictmi. on commercial TV. you
dill ;. oursetf a disser‘. ice if you didn't
tune it til . always providing, of

As is so often the case with ad-
venturesome television, this
package was done in England where
it has been well-received.

We can't say for sure that if Joan
Sullivan of Boston's WGBH-TV, who
has handled the American
presentation, had been turned down
by Schmertz the series wouldn't


Nicholas Von Hoffman


course. the government didn‘t stick
your community‘s non-commercial
\tn‘ion nth in unwatchable, per-

:itaztently snowshrouded UHF
You nced not feel indebted to

\tolzll. hour-vet

There's politics in the altruism of
‘i‘lt‘lf‘ paymg for this and so many
other programs on the Petroleum
Broadcasting System. as you in-
creasingly hear PBS called.

till company sponsorship of
anything appealing to the upper-
':iiddle class is quite heavy. Note the
Exxon commercials on Face the
Press sic and Meet the Nation

film i t Liudius. the monster oil
. sirpi -ra:-.or. ha.~ gone so far as to buy
.i double page ad in the. New York
Times inaaazane section—upper-
’ »- .,ig:.iin——\vith a pull-out
program Junie. that includes. would
you believe it, a reading list!

Lordy. Lordy. the next thing you
knuu they‘ll be cleaning your
iLiI‘IiSthid again,

.\0 matter hou good i, Claudius
(as, and ll was very good indeed. it
.s disconcerting to learn that Her-
btzt Schmertz. Mobil‘s vice
pre~idcnt for public relations, ap~
pear» to have been the person who
ul'imatciy decided whether or not
the 12-part series would aired in the
l'nited States

viii]: (""1

have aired.

We can no more say that than we
can say for sure the cuts—they
prefer to call them edits—made for
the American showing were made
with Mobil in mind. (i, Claudius
contains more than a minimum of
sex and gore, but readers of
Suetonius will tell you that next to
the Emperor Caligula, Charlie
Manson looks like the amiable, fat
monk in the Xerox commercials.)

It can’t be said that Mobil has
abused its power in this instance, but
should it have such power over non-
commercial television? How non-
commercial is non-commercial
television anyhow? The lists of
commercial sponsors before each
program seems to grow larger every

It appears that what PBS has
become is a very inexpensive way to
do institutional advertising to a
group with premium demographics:
high income, high status, high
educational types who’ve been bored
by commercial TV too often to watch
it any more.

Advertising on non-commercial
TV is very cheap. Not only is there
no profit, but taxpayers and in-
dividual small donors pay 99 percent
of the freight. Then a company like
Mobil can move in for a couple of
hundred grand and get the credit.

The Mobil Oil Corporation should

receive no greater recognition for its
contribution than the Jones’ family
who send in their 825 or $30 a year.

To ask ourselves

We might ask ourselves what’s the
reason for non-commercial TV’s
existence? Is it only to get ads off the
air? Even in this, non-commercial
TV hasn't been altogether suc-
cessful. Have you noticed the
amount of promotional clutter on
PBS stations? The gaps for com-
mercials that don’t exactly sell
anything, but try to get you to make
an offering above your taxes, so that
Mobil can enjoy a yet cheaper ad-
vertising vehicle.

There are all kinds of goodies on
non-commercial TV. Even a series
like Best of Families which would
have been better named White Roots
is, in historical accuracy, superior to
the black Roots from which it

But if programs like Visions and
Nova often have first-rate in-
stallments, PBS still emits the odor
of commercialism and commercial
control. p

The arrival of Dick Cavett serves
as this program year's best
example. What is pleasant, vapid
Mr. Cavett doing on the air with his
chain of second-rank celebs who
aren’t quite right for Carson? His
program failed in commercial
television not because it was bold, or
new or innovative or any of those
words, but because it was dull.

The Carter Administration has
asked Congress for a large increase
in non-commercial TV ap-
propriations. Let this be done, but
with the proviso that Mobil and the
rest of the oil altruists clear out.

Corporate America already runs
three networks. That should suffice.

Copyright, 1977, by King Features
Syndicate, inc. '

Censorship arrives

With new ’community’ standard,
only the ordinance is obscene

A sign was placed in the window of a book and
magazine store near campus next week. Persons
under 18 may not enter without parent or
guardian, it warned. By way of explanation, the
smaller print below allowed that persons in the
“community” might find some of the mer-
chandise objectionable.

What that sign also warned of is that. official,
overt censorship has come to Lexington. A new
ordinance passed Nov. 3 by the Urban County
Council (dramatically before election day) was
first enforced last week, according to local
police. '

The regulation’s direct focus forbids persons to
sell knowingly to minors or publicly display
explicit material in print or in film, “unless such
material has artistic, literary, historical,
scientific, medical, educational or other similar
social value for adults and access to such
material is limited to adults.”

There are lots of hoary old arguments against
the dangers of censorship in any form, and they
have merit. Banning obscenity could lead to
banning dissent with any “community stan-
dards,” be they esthetic, political or religious.
Also, a climate of censorship stifles freedom of
expression and new ideas, and violates First
Amendment guarantees of the freedom of

specialists can determine that exactly at age 18,
growth hormones can support stable and
responsible emotions and actions. ‘

scenity, it’s nobody‘s business to try and outlaw
it, least of all the seli‘~proclaimed “church
Lexington of scum forever when they assembled
en masse to help railroad the measure through
the county council. l

graphic descriptions of what is obscene) could
require various alterations in this pure “com-

adorned with underwear and many library books
would have to be placed in an “Adults Only"
section. After that. who knows? Maybe Charlie‘s
Angels would have to wear bras, and all the other
culture intruders from the outside world that this
“community“ is tied to would have to mind their
manners or get hauled down to the courthouse on
Main Street.

literally, as it is probably obscene itself and
cannot be read, at least in the presence of

it's reassuring, though, that government

Even assuming there is a definition of ob—

who thought they were ridding

Taking the ordinance literally (using it’s fairly

First of all, several statues would have to be

()f course, it is difficult to take the ordinance


simply childish and irrational.

name just some.


All these traditional arguments are valid, but
something else seems to be more evrdent. In
these times, putting brown wrappers over pic-
tures with a few stray nipples or pubic hairs is

It’s also irrational to put so much emphasis on
keeping certain magazines away from children
when there are so many things that are real
problems to adolescents in this “community":
alcoholism, drug abuse, truancy, lack of sex
education, poverty and uncaring parents, to

counter, but

What is to be done? Not much can be done,
apparently, in a “community" where officials
conduct Keystone Cops escapades on visiting .
theater productions that come to town. It’s
doubtful they‘ll change their minds over the
ordinance so soon.

At UK, the Student Center Sweet Shop will
probably have to keep Penthouse under the
most other effects should be
minimal. For you 17-yearold freshmen, though,
it could get tough. When you go to the store for
textbooks either hang on to that old fake ID, or
bring along an upperclassman. You may need
one of them to get in.




Take me back to trashy Kentucky

lililti ill \H .l. MUFFETT

My husband and l have just
recently moved to Lexington from
LOS Angelcs ill order that he may
amend graduate school at UK. We
were hoping to improve the quality


of our lives by moving to a com-
paratucly 'ow-density area where
the air In cleaner, the pace slower,
the surroundings more graceful and
the countryside practically at your

h o bought a home on the banks of
the Kentucky River so that we might
enjoy the spectacular beauty of
rural living. a luxury one would be
hardpressed to find in the concrete
overgrowth of the City.





We were grateful for the drive to
town as it gave us time to enjoy our
surroundings: the horse farms and
stately homes, the meticulous rows
of crops, the grazing cows, pigs and

All this reverie was short-lived,
nowcver. when the glow of newness
wore off our perception of things and
we began to really noice what we
were seeing—roads of indescribable
beauty lined with trash and the
bodies of dead animals which
nobody bothered to pick up.

We have watched car after car
dump everything from a single
Kleenex to a shopping bag filled with
refuse out the window!

We sit on our dock, night after
night, and watch plastic bottles and
tin cans float endlessly by. We have
seen overloaded garbage trucks


speed down Harrodsburg Road,
their excess waste spilling onto the

I have yet to see a “No Littering”
sign. Not one TV commercial to
remind Kentuckians to “Keep
Kenucky Clean." Not, one radio
announcement to' reinforce this

It's as if people in this state are
dilivious to everyone but them-
selves. They act as if nebody is going
to be inconvenienced by their in-
difference and lack of caring.

Even in California, a state with
well over 20 million peole, one would
be very ashamed to litter. Southern
California has suffered dramatically
from such blatant abuse of the en-
vironment, but it is trying to recoup
some of its losses before it is too late.
People are becoming - en-





vironmentally “aware." They have
been “educated" to know better.
And it shows!

Kentuckians can learn from their

Surely one of the most ironic and
ludicrous aspects of the past election
here was the debate as to whether or
not residential sections would
receive trash pick-up six days a
week. If people would just make the
effort to pick up their own trash and
deposit it in a proper receptacle
much of the problem would be

In Southern California trash is
picked up only once a week, yet

Southern California makes central
Kentucky look like a dumping

I guess that the people here seem
to think the quality of life will con-
tinue as it always has—slow and
easy—and that nothing is ever going
to change. But new people are
moving into the Lexington area very
day for the very same reasons my
husband and I did

People from large cities are
seeking escape from the crowding,
the noise, the air pollution and the
high costs of city living. The more
people who move here, the greater
the risk of pollution. How can we
expect outsiders to respect our city

and state if we, the residents. do

If everyone treats this area the
way the Lexingtonians, who pride
themselves on their background and
"breeding" do, it won‘t be a fit place
for anyone to live.

People of Kentucky, wake up! The
beauty of your state is being defiled
within and cannot sustain this
punishment and apathy much longer
Without resulting permanent

Deborah J. Moffett, a resident of
High Bridge, is an employee of Gig
Henderson Advertising, lnc..

——i.etters to the editor——

Don't shush

In response to Tom Padgett’s
remarks concerning the over-
crowding of busses (Kernel , Nov.
22), I was overjoyed—indeed
elated—to learn that the problem
was not a matter of too many riders,
but rather a problem of human
impatience further complicated by
students waiting until the last
minute to park at the stadium before

Just imagine the incredible
number of sad conditions that Mr.
Padgett has explained. I mean, it’s
mind-boggling. The elevators in the
Office Tower aren‘t crowded
because too many pe0ple want to use
them at 10 till each hour of the week;
they should be more patient and wait
for a later elevator.

And campus parking lots aren’t
overcrowded because there are too
many cars; people should be more
patient and either arrive earlier or
wait until a space is vacated.

Football and basketball tickets?
They're not in short supply because
too many students want to see the
Cats play; students should line up
earlier just to wait for the next home

Of course Lexington‘s traffic
problem isn't caused by all those

motorists on the streets at 8:30 and
3:30 each weekday; they should just
commute to and from work two
hours earlier each day.

Yessiree, ol' Tom sure put his
finger on the root of the problem. He,
unlike the. rest of us, has certainly
seen the trees in spite of the forest.

Theo R. Levercnz
Graduate Student
Higher Education

OI' Tom knows

You recently printed a letter from
a journalism student requesting
quiet in the library. 1 would like to
put in a similar plea for noise.

I am a instructor in the an-
thropology department and l was
rudely ‘shushed‘ by students in the
AIDS room two weeks ago. This
occurred in the course of an
authorized tutorial session in the
room of the library which is set up
specifically for tutoring.

i would like to remind (or inform)
students that there is NO LONGER a
reserve book room on the first floor
of the library. This is now the AIDS
room. if you want to study there, no
one has any objections, but do not
interrupt tutoring sessions—one of
the principal purposes of that room.
Tutoring cannot be done silently.

I gave up my time, which is
valuable and my students came out
in the rain and cold, not because
they wanted to. but because they
wanted to learn.

I went through the proper chan-
nels, violated no University rules
and held the session in the proper

We are going to do this again, and
i am prepared to be belligerent to
people who try to prevent the proper
use of this room.

Debby Donnellan
Graduate Student
Department of Anthropology


Letters should be typed and double
spaced, but should not exceed 250
words. Comments should not exceed
750 words. The Editorial Editor will
not publish any letters or comments
that are not typed. You must include
your address, classification and
phone number on any material you

Letters and comments should be
addressed to the Editorial Editor,
114 Journalism Building, University
of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., 40508.






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Eye in the sky

Kentuckian yearbook photo editor Doug Ramsey makes
some last-second preparations before taking to the air.
Ramsey. an amateur pilot. recently took some aerial

Correlate with IWY conference

Women engineers plan activities

Kernel Reporter

In correlation with the
International Women’s Year
(IWY) convention in Houaon,
the UK chapter of the Society
of Women Engineers (SWE), a
national organization, will
begin a week of activities
Nov. 28.

Organization members will
be wearing t-shirts bearing
the letters “S.W.E." in an
attempt to “make females
aware of the engineering field
as not being an ail-male
field,“ said Elizabeth Coff-
inan, SWE member.

Coffman added that the
organization is benificiai and
necessary, providing many
services that aid women in
obtaining information con-
cerning job opportunities.

President Debbie Moore
said that during Awareness
Week, SWE members will
wear dresses to prove “that
we are not just one of the
boys. We, as women, can
maintain our feminine
characteristics and still be
successful” in predominantly
male careers.

Also included on the agenda
will be a members‘ dinner on
Dec. 1. A female engineer will
speak to the group.

When discussing the at-
titudes of male engineers,
Moore said they often don't
take female engineers
seriously. “Women work
hard to earn their degrees,"
she said.

The purpose of the group,
Moore said. is “to encourage
engineering majors to attain

SG schedules
book exchange

Student Government (SGi
is making plans for the spring
semester book exchange and
is currently looking for
volunteers to assure ”the
project‘s success.

Whether or not the book
exchange will be continued
depends on the number of

Volunteers will be asked to
work a few hours for two
days. Those interested in
contributing their time to this
project are requested to call
the SG office or go to room 120
in the Student Center.


mic» or plants




high levels of education and
professional achievement,"

In the past, the
organization has sponsored
field trips to various
maufacturing plants, such as
Union Carbide in Oak Ridge,
Tenn, to see a nuclear
reactor. Corning Glass Works

1 Kiiii'iei

Adiertising Direttor
Anthony tiray

l Ad Pioduuion Manager
Diane Harkrader




('iiculati'm Manager
Gary Tanner
l 258-2872

The Kentucky Kernel, 114 Joani-
I allsm Building. University of Ken-
I Iuelq. Lellnnon, Kentucky. loses.
‘. II lulled flve times weekly during
the year except holidays and exam
periods, and weekly during the
ulnar aeulon. Third class pos-
tage pald at Lexington. Kentucky.
405LL Subscription rates are mailed
I 33 pa year. or one cent per year