xt776h4crc49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crc49/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-05-14 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 33, May 14, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 33, May 14, 1914 1914 1914-05-14 2015 true xt776h4crc49 section xt776h4crc49 •
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Y { VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MAY 14, 1914. N0, 33,
Q K•ntucky Intcncholantlc Auoclatlon Good Hgllthhthgl nd Now. 8°'¤•· Q¤¤"*•*• ind "‘•*"¤""°”**' 8* Great Serin for Pltchen. M city Auditorium, Friday mgm, md
Holda 8•¤ond Annual M"; nc • em` Iectlona Open the Second Annual Rmdww · spundld
on gum plum . Tow-n.m,m_ (Orange and White.) p'°°¤"m'
 .... ;_ On Friday afternoon the Volunteers
4 LOUNWLLE MALE WINS HA", l GOL;) AM; MLVER and Wildcats played the tlrst game of SIX AWARDS GNEN.
V ·TANF°R¤ WINS CLASS us", MEDAL8 GWEN their series here. The State squad The second meeting and contest of
The second AE mick and new , ii had an easy walkaway with a score the High School Tournament was held
meet of the Kentucky Imerschomsuc { l The second mwrscholasuc mumw ot 10 to 1. The Volunteers could not at the City Auditorium last Friday
Association was held last Saturday ` ment ever held under the auspices of connect with twirler Park's twlsters, night. On this occasion was decided
afternoon on Stoll Field- The fair x the University began last Thursday although "l)ad" Dawson pitched a. tho winners of declamatlons, readings
weather brought out A crbwd osumab mgm with the contest in music at the splendid game, errors on the part of and orchestral selections. Three gold
cd M 1,500. md it wu the couceusus City Aud“0rium_ A number of high the players preventing us from keep- and three silver awards were made to
· of Opinion that the meet was E success /} Schools were represented and an exceb ing the score down. Dad chopped out the winners of the respective features. _
from an Bmndpointa The 1913 meet lem program was rendered. Judge 10 men and allowed only 8 hits, while The program was composed of three
wu considered a success at the uma. Lyman Chalkley presided at the Open Park fanned 11 men and gave up 5 different features and was equally as
but the 1914 event sum-ely eclipsed ins contest and in opening the exer- “"" “°°" as ""’ “”‘ ‘““”*°“‘ °"°¤"°“'·
` it; this year one hundred entries being uses expressed a dwp appreciation In the second game Tennessee The contest opened with a "Tourna- A
l nm in from seventeen schools, while l that S0 many schools had mnt boys picked up a blt and showed the Ken- ment Marr·h," rendered by the Lexing-
_· mst year more were only twentymve and gms to contest in music. tucklans what could be done ln the ton High School Orchestra, who was
L entries from thirteen schools. On this Occasion dght gold medals line of baseball, running ot! with the given second place in the contest.
é As in Int Nuns meet the high Miss Iva Bene Bommg died at com were 8_wm,d€d_ TWO went to each of game to the tune of 6 to 2. Hutche- However the decision between this or-
,_ schools were divided mm two classes, don, Oregon, Sunday night, any an the ·wmnm,8 of the piano solos. ML son went in the box and succeeded in chestra. and the one from Manual High
§ Mmuu wd Mlm High Schools. of illness of me days of ptomahw pow Carl Brickell. Shelbyville, wd Miss getting 17 strike-outs to his credit. was not made by the judges as the ln-
{ Louisviusr Lexington md Paducah, cum; Ruby Cum), Cymhmmk only one Park again went ln for Kentucky, but structor ofthe Lexington orchestra
mums in Class A, and the smaller The sad and startling message was medal was to be presented to the Wim our boys found him and pounded the played with them. Each orchestra
gchcnln in Clggg g_ In ggvgrg] in. received at the University Tuesday ner ot the piano solo, but since the pu all °v°r th° ¤°ld· T°mmy tmggmg gave ”"’°u°“S that would lend grace
• gtgncu, however, [hg (glass B men morning with general regret by all decision was a tie the management °' h°m° ""L Park was mneved in t° any musical f”u“l·
were forced to better me mus A who had known ..JOe,.. as she was M_ prepared medals for each The Wim the 4th period of play by Woodson,} Miss Julia. Rodman, Mt. Sterling,
record; in grdgr to   tectionately called, and who remem— ner of the vocal solo was Miss Lucie wh° did °°t h°’v° nythmg but “ gl°v° w" given mst h°“°” in uw reading
Although no Nm;-dn wom mgdg in bored her as one ofthe most beautiful Smith, Maysville, who rendered the and °‘ husky l°°k· °° uw V°l“m°°" °°°t°“t·
the mw; nu [hg qutrigg ncqnmnd and attractive girls that ever attended beautiful song, "lt I Wore a. R0se," in r°mp°d °° mm °l°°‘ Th" fm"` "°“d'“g“ °“ uw p'°g"·m
themselves wen. The Class A stu State University. I an exceedingly pleasing mammn Allen Coach Brumage has one of the best were of a. high class and every one
` lwu Weber, of Louhvme Malo, who _ Sho was bcm and {eared in Loudon, Bowen, Sprmgngld, singer and college pitchers we have seen here for was worthy of flrst prize for their per-
3 * by making twentyihme of his mamm Kyq and was a magnmcem type of sprinter, was given second award forlsome time, but he seems to be the formance. Of the six declamatlons,
’ forty pnlngn nnnblnd [hem to win the the graceful, beautiful women for his delightful selection, "C0me Where] wh°l° t°°m‘ Jumus Caldwell- L°“i"m" M“““1·
team cup. Loulsvlne Manual nnlnnnd which her State ls famous. the Llndens Bloomw who smh KY   ‘;h;’8°.f*°°'¤m¤“°¤ :**8 ":°¤°¤* 0* *h°
gecond with thirty-two pgintgl Paducah While at the University she was al- Air" was given by each ot the vlo- °IN    Rn Org was g;’°:i mtu? z°· ““d ML
P nnnwnd with gw€n;y-tw0 gud Lexlng. ways active ln student interests and linlsts, and they showed extraordinary ~  G AT   °y ‘""“ · · 8* S°“v e- was given
] g ton High flnighgd lng; with twenty attatlned remarkable standards as a ability in handling the bow. ln this “°°“d place
V pointy, student. In 1910 and 1911 she won first place was given to Allen Ament, Closed Saturday Evergng With First TM d°"l‘““““°““ °h°“' that '·h°
In Class B Stanford succeeded in the gymnastic tournament trophy cup Elizabethtown, and second award was Aid to Injured Contact After High S°h°°lS °f th', Sum have °bl°
winning the team cup, making twenty,   given to Fay Brlcken. Shelbyville. Two Dayt Work- Speakem These M9 °'lS° developing
(Continued on Page Th"°°·) , the are and the association will pro-
nvn points, with Springfield and Law- _ Throughout the programs {our quar· --——
mncgburg second and third respective- ____+•_•___T mts rendered one Selection each, The Kentucky Mining Institutelvlde for debates to he held at next
ly with twentyiwo md tweutyime   which added much interest to the opened its second annual meetlng Fri- year’s tournament. Many high schools
pomm The other schools finished in     program. The Cymhhma quartet. com day morning, May 8, at the Univer- have students that can debate as well
the Order named: Maysville 19. Shel- posed of Messrs. Ruby Cum], Gaylen sity. The Institute was held this year as declaim, and In the future the de-
byvule   Cynthianu 9%, Madls0n_ Stlldéhtl W"' SYIQQ DIHCQI and GTQQK Poindexter, Thomas Renaker and Joe in j0l¥l[ $€‘SSi0H with the United St3t€S baté will be Ihé iIIlp0!'t8,l]f, feature of
. ville 9, ML Starling 8, Elizabethtown may at Lexington Opera Clarke were Ewen medals for me best nnrenn nr Mines and the American the tournament.
5, Cuueusburg 1. H°u·°_ quartet. The program was one that Red Cross Society. The meeting, to- The program was as follows:
• ’ The events and winners in each fol- 8ATURD r’ 8 P. M- could, no doubt, move the breast of Esther wml the émmal First éid · L T°'“m°m°m‘ M"°h"`A‘ Hau-
l0w: a music lover. It also showed that ‘ eating °n Sutulddy °'n°m°°n’ was Laxingmn Or°h°°"°"
120_YARD HIGH HURDLE Ou Saturday '€‘ght’ May mth, at 8 the high schools am doing much in highly successful and a. source of 2. Declamation, "Scrambled Eggs,"
Class A_Fh_St'   Weber, Louisville pl ul', in the Lexington Opara House, directing their pupils along musical m\lCll S3.[lSf&Ctl0Il to OUT luilling D€‘ H€l`Il13.Il C8lV€l't, l`[3.ySVlll6.
Male. Time, 0:18%,. (Only man com- one of the most beautiful productions li11BS· p8'rml8nt' 3' Reading Julia Rodman ML
Dating). ever Staged in Lexington, wm be given The program was as follows: vine President B. R. Hutchcraft Sterling.
Class B_Fu_st, Embry, Stanford and this brilliant performance is the 1. mano S0l0HUU··.·"Schumann presided at the Institute Friday, due 4. Music. Loulsvllle Manual Or-
High; sBc0ud’ Sparrow, Lawrenceburg work of University students. Carl Brickell, Shelbyville- to [Ile &bS€l1(‘8 of U18 Dl'€SldPl1t, \V. L. Ch€S[l‘&.
High. Timo, 0:20 26. The Greek play, Hpygmamm and 2- Quartet: nwandermg in the Moss. The principal addresses ofthe 5. Det·lama,tlon, Julian Riffe, Hus-
POLE VAULT. Galatea/’ will be given, followed by Woodlaud." V My “°r° made by: Mawr R' U' Pm- t°mvm°‘
Class A—First, Smith, Lexington original classic dancing. The enter- Z\luySvl1le—-Efllésl Z<’lS|€*¥`· Anim CEL wrsOn' Medical Corps' U' S` A" on 6` R€ading—"W0man in the Shoe
High; second, Webber, Louisvme minmeut is primarily for the Student vert, Hermann culvert, Edith "Amerlcan National Red (`l‘0SS in Sh0p," Aleen Kavanaugh, Lawrence-
Male; third, Garrett, Louisville Man- Loan Fund of the University and Hoefllck. First Am and Accident Pmvenuom burg`
` ual. Height, 9, feet 9 inches. should therefore interest every stu- 3. Vocal Solo: "Come Where the l. l’. 'l`u.shof, ot State University, on 7. "Sunuy South MedleY." Lexing-
CIBBS B—Fil‘Bt, I•‘l‘¤.Zi€l‘, Lawrence- dent. ’l‘he prices have been purposely Llndens Bl00Ill." UNM`? Sufoty ln the Lake buperior mn Orchestra"
bur: Hilhl ¤¤<>¢>¤d. Parker. Madison- lowered, the lower nnnr being 75n and Annn hnnlnn spnngnerd ¢`•>l¤l><*r Ui¤irl<·t:" E. Drennan. of Jen- 8. Declnmnnnn-··R9pen; of the
Vine High; third. Durbin. CYDthi8»Il8 500, and the entire balcony 25c_ Ag 5_ Plano Solo; "Mldgumuygr Nighfg kmS· Kyo on Manne Motorsin C \v- Unlon," Jllhllls C&IdWe]l, Loulgvillg
HM)- Hflishi. 10 feet. this production lg snr- [nn students. D,-8a_m_•· Srrivklund. of nturgis. Ky., on "Some -1\{unual,
100·YARD DASH. and by the students, we feel gurg mn Enter my l\l[gygv[]lg_ 0llw¤‘ i*li’fl¢¤llwSL" W- H· (`um¤i¤z- 9. Reading, Hager cnnn oregon
Class A——Flrst. Miller, Paducah ham, of Ashland, on "The \Vorkman's Sprlngtleld.
r_-T(l§\{§€;d—(;!TI;u l (Continued on Page Six,) (Continued on Page Six.) ((`0llllllued Oil Vutw Fil/8}. (Continued on Page Fivg)_
P malion Lexington Opera House
yg d G I t [ Saturday Night

 Q ` •
g ‘ A T H E I D E A
I ME AT Children 5c ,
· pm•·r.¢LA•• nu gvgnv Arroluvratuf. J. H- ITAMPIR. Jr-. 0wn•r end ll•n•|•r. OPIN 10 A. M, to 11 p, M, `
_:    ”`; '_°"" "’_’; 7'  "t` -,T.." '* ""   . **2 -;-4 · ·
V           State wlll be a dlntlnct loan to thel lf the apple hlonomed, can the tree
_ ,._.._....   Work. but hll mill? fl'k*¤d¤ will D8 learn? N0, but the nw would.
K£|1’H VAUDEVILLE. l     glad to nee hlm enter this useful form ____,_•_,_______
——·- l .
M ""’ "“°“ dn" "“'°" '° ·\Frld•y Afternoon For the Flret Tlm• of Cham". ”"_°•, I Pnramn o' Ad"““"`
close the Keith vsudevllle perform- " th. ··-M. "
gnces grow better wlth each succeed- TRACK MEET   R S
    mg week, me the eueneence also ln- sms erou. •=•u.¤. SATURDAY Hm ALL MWASWIS
creases, especlnlly the popular fsmlly —— wm, T ***-3* " H N
matlnees, for whlch A speclal prlce has The vanity hue bln club from tho •M‘•." °” ° • I 'j
been made of 10, 15 and 25 centel The Queen city wm come to Lexington to The tuck team from Tennessee S*V° '“°;’eY bY Ordering
THURSDAY, FRIDAY Bhd U"' Y0" We hm hm °Y me W°°*· °°m· Tm ::0 Wndfmlhonnstrn meld!   wlll meet our track teem on Stoll Field mm us O O
menclng wlth the Thursday matinee, uy g emoon Orh 8 H nlm Ow; Saturday nfternoon. From the records ‘
  hs All \ll1\1B*UBHy good ODE Bild ls BUTO season between tdese two clu B. 9 “ {hg f,'Q gggmg for   geggou [hn    
to Dreve 0¤¢ of UR ¤10¤\ P|€¤¤i¤8 Ye! to bgmmembere the L"` time zh? meet promlses to be full of lnterest 417 gAg·y· MAXWELL
with D·“y Matinee presented, containing se lt does the 2:1::8 'gloops surchsn urn wi and clone at all stngee. S0 far for V A BABBAGE
nsmee 0f some ei the mont ¤0l>¤|¤‘ ¤¤· Q " ::8 ::3 d;ter;::::)n·;° the y••r we have lost and also won   S   Rmmmmm
temlnars now   In this p0pu° com ng W · 0 from            
,     {gr {erm or amusement. The Benlll- be victorious In tho come"' " be the had content untll we go to D E N ‘ I `I  
FE    scope wlll show • novelty ln the mo- '"‘°1"°"‘Z Line gm In uw em Knoxville next Thsnkeglvlng.
tlon picture llne. The Aldo Brothers mmm °n m b r' fmmI:°‘° tw The tegm 1; regdy to gun nm] gt nn. J. T.  
are hmed as "vhunny Gvm¤•¤•.¤." and _h"° ° "'°" t°°"' °' ° ° °°° °"” the nm mat the wuaem wlll claw . .
P0p\II8l'   MSGDCCS "l~'h0¤y Wrestlers" and from the sd- Cmcmmm hu puma ucouem ban up thqugqk in nrder to bring another   bheapslde {
Vance pm.! mma- they me up to all season and hold an excellent record victory to Su"' Hom., 8 A_ M_ to 8 P_ M PHONE ·M_x
10c, 15c, 25c. me umm;. Manny me een we two °’ ‘“‘“°’ *""'°" ‘“ °“'°· " ’°“k °“‘ ___......_..... —·——···——·—-··——  
young runes who nlug me dance wen ’°’ °“’ "°“ """°"" """°· “" ; ‘ LECTURE AND DOLLAR 5Arr;·rY RAzgRg_ • ; •
Night ........................... 10c, 25c, 50c and ITE cemunenne. wee new how "““ ‘° "‘° °""°"° “°"’ °“ """ "‘ CONCERT AT Ender Keen Cutter 4
to hand out thelr "stufI" in • manner day ·"°m°°n'     ’ ,  
400 coco SEATS we 0... ........,. mm .. .....m....... ot —-——•·—— ——— °“" E"' R°°dY
I Pref. J. T. C. N•• and Mn. Mary Haw- .|u$1' WHAT You NEED,
merit. Golden and Hughes are black C, E,   ‘ km. ¤.”um_ to Aunt.
nmoroue nc • s s RG , .
··—-‘—_* —‘_— im comming. yl;0   Born; wggoco gr S TECH vu••?¤77•7tv 10 coorn &   `
T•'•Ph•"• al horeeplay and ls worth while. They .-—-— ——-—   E
• no styled me uuclmym wd Hum of To le Anoclate 8•er•t•ry of Student The Calvary BBDUR Ch¤l'¢h. ¢0!'¤6¤‘ IAIN STREET ANI) ·R°ADwAY 4
    C0. the vaudeville etage." Perhaps the Y' M' c' A' R°d" Ammm md High stm"' haw il C0 3
mon wuumwl ut on me bm in mn For wma 'nme Oman of the just completed plane for a thoroughly LQ]       :
TOD  PIPES ETC. presented by moans Tompon md · enjoyable entertainment ln their msln Incorponwd l
’ ’ compiny in ·   auch in   Young MGD B   Auoclstlcn It audhnce r%tu' Tuesday. Ml, 19, 8 M·”“f.°tur•• °' {
· • Georgl School ot Tech logy, At- .
Plpd Rhpllfed. Mm Tomput ww, som very haw umu, ZM of the l"g“t“3’¤w°”m“ EI:. En., shud; th: ¤t;sp;oe:’ tlidilnsr; Ng. HAND IVIAI£?C£{%.?\I§§LY  
.orenetoteu ngun, . =
*-*""‘°*°”• ‘ ‘ "““’°’“’ ‘"“' ‘“° °°""°°""* °°'““"“ ": or the seem, new been an eemepone- men by Pm, J C T Nm 0, the UM no wear umm eraser °4 °
imp°"°°"°° ° numb". °t th c ence with Mr C E Blevins recent • . · · K
  · · · · verslty. Mrs. Mary Hawkins Dantz-
u a lll un, ne s the lmt FOR PEN nd PEN IL ·
UNIVESITY LUNCH STAND Ezingtzivotgvmu Ting; Mm CDL preeldent or the State Unlvernlty Y. ‘er· v0c,“,t_ Lgxhggton, xy., Prot. TABLE$Saand FIN(é S l
cnt;.-• •xcIu?v;Iy teuetzadentt uns is a ummm Dutch Commun and M· C- A-- md um l’·“°" hu ”°°V*°d Wayland Graham, Prof. Stratton, Mr.  
IM NU"! ¤ NN ¤ V••‘• Y a cell to that University ss Associate
A B BARNETT M-     *··*··*     EF" L$°°“°§; i"‘     ·
· • • ‘ or nmlmltea run. The su Ameneen " '“‘ ” °°· " ”‘“ · "°‘ slm 0·H“" Fuunlaln Pans -. _
l A l l l
con. •. wanton: mu c0u=Ax Du em 8 rs i number of 'N" "°° '*°“ "°°“ "°° “’° "‘°" C. E. Collins. Frankfort. Ky. Prof. ___ _
dasfes regxccmmz the dmemn to conduct ite nctlvltlee, the General Now, lecture win be from the book of ,
` ¤¤¢r¤¢•rv *>¢¤¤s Mr- H- F- ¤¤¤·¤r- mmm. nn-., ummm wm mee- B|'0WI|IIlg·$I8gg nlug cu.
YES, periods in American m"°ry' Red` The Assoclatlon is housed ln a. mngnl- mms and the scxtetw from pnnkmrt WM E 8 A
w' ""‘ °*'" °""'”" °"'“ '°" °1°° md md wi°°h°°t°r °l°°° me Bmw "°*>¤¢ *>¤“d*¤¢ ¤°¤**¤¢ *"5·°°°·°°· °* all trrtlsts wlll certainl afford me U O T GG, sucmm.
-•t- with s comedy juggling ect that is s _ ' Y 309 WEST MAIN STREET
• . , • which amount *50*000*00 W-8 prolonb C0!lgI’9Q!.U0!l All 0|)p0l‘(\1l1nY SOYGOID   I _
Bl"! B¤“€Y 8 PYWUWU Club “°"°‘“”· M‘“°°°’ “'° ‘"°“ ““"· ed ny ur. Jenn D. rteemener, Jr. ,m,,,,,_
,.2'1'Z..'.?”J..f.f£.“’“°».`£’.&”’2;., “""""°“°‘“‘ “‘“",,"‘.’· ¤·····r M ······ ········*···» M ··= - .#....-.. ] · D. Purcell
    Blevlne, the local association of stu- KEEP IT UP, CAROLINE. (lnmwmd) .
_ dents has mule marked progress She (at the piano)-"How do you DQRQTHY DQDD SHOES
C. A.  S FROM JUNIORS along some new linen, and his eggree- enjoy this rerrunv {egg WOMEN
H M pim. score 11.; slve pollcles have resulted ln •. splen· He—"Very much. The more you   to  
wh•6:) E“_:_|2 ¤:%6•‘:_;>3n£l| • In R game that went to and fro as dld year of achievement. His leevlngmefrsln, the better I like lt." RALS1-ON HEALTH SHOES
Should Have. Ice Cree Bed!. la wave on at small pond made by a   F9
”MN AND WALNUT sTREET·· school boys' pebble, was played by the • *4 00 to $5 00
 |Senlors and Juniors on Stoll Field     ' °
      Tuesday afternoon. The Seniors took F th
Anthracite and Bi · the lead by two runs and not until the 02 I c B ‘ ·
fifth did the Juniors lead. Preston . . Q lege 0 S Smgkgr
o GOALS pitched a good nm for me Bmw Tuesday and Frndey evemngs at U. C. T. Hall, by Goyto
Lexington; ' K¢¤t¤¢ky and Woodson played his usual game. _ _ _ , _ .
________;___, Ralph M0,w, and (,,,,,00,, twmcd Mass Spurr and Wm. Warfield. Adnmssnon 50 cents. Th¢ L¢W1¤ C¤8¤r C0-
W S   for the Jnnlore. At the cme or the _ _ _ °”‘ N"' P°'°°"°" [
° · ninth inning the game was tied and SD€¢I8| Bpp0Intm¢ntS m3d¢ f0I° t€I¢hll\g ulé Tango,  N 
'[`hg Slaltlry Qrgcgr the tenth was played ln twillght, thus
PHONE .,,0 Petrie hed no optlculs and could not Maxixe, Hesitation and One Step. CREAM FLOUR
. . . . '°°·°h UW wd- Takes less Shortcning
Cm" S' Llme and vumma Av°· The Juniors dld not play. as they   ——¤ul• by-- ·
  had practiced with the versity and   LEXIYIKYOII R0u¢l' MIHB C0.,
am S dy | c Q] left all chances ot other class games  
Hy som-H uppgn ··.·_ untll another cycle is reached. The   &   JOE BENcK$RT• P|'0P,|' • •
Frggh   Mgdg Dgi|y_ Seniors wlll meet the winner of the ‘ c r
Pop Cgyn Fyiugrg Freshman and Sophomore game lf the      
LEXINGTON. · · KENTUCKY dlapute ls ever settled or another   ( `O I0., umtummon M on. num Mm _,
“““‘° “’ ""’°"· ` mn R • rum-cuss wom: eunmtrzsn
Repniring PROF- NOE RETURNS. Nw rum asso-v tsz s. u»»••t¤¤• 2
Prof. J. T. (T. Noe returned lust Bet- T T£l1“?:   z
W. H. St-CVCHSOH urduy from u four days' trip to Web- R IG H N       BW" rl   T0 ORDER
• ` ster and Owen counties, where he do ~—————————   —— —- ————~·-—-— A A- — · c|r:°:::;‘::°;:|°° yi R°’.’I'|"“
lddtls Work a llvered u bnccslsureute address b•· AllIerlt¤u•r••t••d “:|t:r•:l?::•T::••:•':::
Specialty *¤;·> ·‘*—¤ ¤~;_¤¤·¤¤¤ cl--— ¤f me ¤·¤¤ COLLECE WORK A SPECIALTY y 1 "
so looe at rovldenee and Wheatley. i
Club Rates, 5 Suits, $1.50 Prot. Noe very often ls called to do- ]24-])8 Ng;-th Llmgtone Lexington, Ky. m L     F
Wl 8. l.l•n•. Ph|g•\912-g liver such addresses and wlll leave   T
_•••••••••••••• Monday for other auch addresses. __,__ ____ ,___ City Net`!. Bank Bid';. _ {
’ 1

• O
I H       I   Money Loaned on all goods of Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
Diamonds, Watches, jewelry, Etc.
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
O Q  
MIS! IVA |¤RilN¤ 70-*% ¤l¤¤ ¤ll¤*¢h ¤¤¤ml>¢l‘¤- The Incident. was norm enough to Hosmraurv. M
$U¤D!N\-Y sUccUM·· S°°‘*"—S0‘$· lm? U““'°"“Y· 350i startle authorltles hardened to crlme -—-— ORE TRUTH THAN POETRY
—-—-———-— F*`°'·'hm°¤· 803 Roltellon. 000- and lawlessness and lt was necessary The appmlw M U"` K"°”0 WM “ (IN Tms PGETRY')
_lQ(Tl‘qn“ed fOrm_Pag‘l One) __r____ New Btud°nts_°Met at U-alum b·g` li)? [h9 ¥Il\1l‘d€l'€d GKGCUIBHY to 8.l)BOIl[ keen (me' and he was doing full jul" __V_ ( *7*:
. . l(‘€‘, HPO!] '
and WM one of me but gymmsm in base checked, tree beds, room and mmm, from the www that was mm live to the excellent dinner provqdad mw oe ol amlllar with na
the institution. boxrd llstn, lnrormatlon bureau, on hu, mm with that Hcupe beganltly lllls hostt ll: Illttle (laughter of Wu HN; www mm my mm pm
— , IP I()\l.¢! W ' · r · · l ‘
M R member of the Alpha xl Dem! arslty Handbook 1,500 distributed uu, me of uunuu and maruudw For [ r I-lu arrow tl muopen mouthed bmw H
0 {LW 0. . . , .  
nhe was active ln fraternal circles and fm? M"’°“ Years he '0¤m*’d the UUVRRKO i l Wn na y. sho qmued
ln nar Januar year was honored by "°°h'"°" mm l°t°°" b°f°r° "`"` """ C*‘"‘“““““ S'°"“"· *”°’""° Um (m..,l;,m,h;m{:ll and H.Md` anu ac It ls w1n.ra·.n.la..·..ra.ak·. w
mpmbemmp In the Hsmn, and Crowns, lng home. had bid $20.000 for his head and me l. lo u   you acre here to mn. hom - · .. e
• • me honorary Swim mcmy of the $150 ralsed ror Foreign Missions. lngpired rurales tracked nlm from hid- "°`r;l°v€ry dag" wp ,,,,,,;,,,0 and than wp www mm
Umvemn · 12 dglggatgg uttoudod Kansas (llty mgplaco to mdmg_p|&c8· vma mm_ 1+. guest eamed with satisfaction. c ·
Y Convention Fund ot $*00 ral d for "DO YOU mY 'el¤¢k- ’ ’ ' N Y . th rr 1 F , . .
I ° tabulatlng vital statistics for any, 2. ff; t°"‘ M M“'°“°“;’ U""°""’ mi "b°°° ;‘fl‘ 0*** '°°"‘;“_€‘f"1S°""°
Q     Iteachlng Industrial school, 3; shop gsutsgls sjsofianfhrsgu ar gellorygf _ tl; Enigma; game was 0 9 md to  
l H    I meetings, 2; public lectures on law, 1. a a a 6 r mun S D I °
Weatherford campMgn_15 meetings waukee. Students at the University In behalf of the SODll0lll0l‘e class   zf°f25¢
asm seventy-tlve students tram wm. total aaaaaaaaa ot 2,145. °' W‘“°°“”‘"‘“"°'°‘“‘“'“°‘"“““‘*‘“‘ "`€ ""“"‘* ‘° '"“"° me '°"°‘”'“‘ *0**** €*··•·**’··*»<>¤ f>·’€¤~¤¤¤ M·¤··¤
. Purdue University, accompanied by Convocatlons under charge ot Y. M. Sams on two Oi me daily papers Mlm: 1
Dean J. H. Skinner, of the Purdue Col- (3_ A_ °dis°"‘ The S°°m° Times has °' m D0 nt at issue was 8 d°°m°" as
l lege of Agriculture, arrived at the Sunday page which is written and to whether Grubbs should play as a
- ber of the Freshman team. The
University hm Mondax In the cpm? with gold and brass the world is edlted by the students ln the Depart mem   . __ 
' mg Hermes they ushered forth a few ..y0um_,, ment or Journalism at me Unlverslty Sophomores based their objection   {T1,  , l
° Strong yam for their Own university ol! Washington. At the University otlupon the inter-class rule which states    of'.?
have made 8,Il €Xt€l'l8lV8 BUPVEY of IHC CAREER A8 AN OUTLAW courses are under the Supervision of pate in any class game or Con test` `\·•~.. »`  00- ¢§'  :3
, Experiment cam. and a..·m. ....a.. at — T- R- W**l*¤¤·¤· m=··¤¤*¤¤ ·=¤**¤r 0* me The *`**’S“m€" "*'“S"’ *0 play w‘“l·     0 .
•l • the Umvemm They have also At the death or his father, Francis- Press, students not only do work for out Grubbs; so why not declare the r ?  
l visited Elmendorf and seemed to em co. or Pancho, was left in charge ot his paper but also help out at times on game forfeited to the Sophomores? lf  / s—» .  
` joy the beautiful Blue Grass scenery the Villa ranch in the State of other dailies in that clty. Arrange 6·¤Y forfeit is to be Elven it b€l°¤SS Y   , l
l Mound the city of Lexington. Chihuahua and with it assumed the re- ments have already been made to have lPKv·U>' to ¤S·  
sponslblllty of his mother and a young the journalism students at Western lf the Y"l`0¤hl¤€ll Call ¤ll1Slel‘ Sui'- 0 _‘, »"
SUMMAFW Oy.- -I-HE sister, the latter a Mexican beauty of Reserve University supplement the]fl<‘l€ll¢ ¤0l1l`8g€» W9 9·¤`€ willing to Play · iv
__ _ y_ M_ c_ A_ ACTIVITIES coquettlsh tendencies. Becomlng teaching ot the classroom with practl- 0¤ lilly date ¤8l`€€d ¤D0¤- / \
enamored of the county sheriff of the cal work on two daily papers of Cleve— Sigllédi W
A brief S“mm¤·|'Y of the Y- M- C- A- city of Chihuahua, the girl eloped with land. Some of the Western universi- J. S. YVATKINS. CAD!. / (°`Q
ucllvltles uurlns the past school year mm. Forgetful or me marriage cere— nas, mrc mascara, lnalana, Kansas, NORMAN TERRY. Men // 0,,,.:*
follows, Sh0Willg the diversity of the mony the couple fled to the mountains. etc., have printing plants and issue ‘
local Work? The enraged Pancho, with an escort dally papers. These publications are, THAT SUFFRAGET E
¢ | M9¤lb€l`8lliD 524· of cowboys and a prlest, pursued the to be regarded not as ideal papers, as T `
Student Subscribers 330- l‘l1ll¤WaYS. Overtaking them, he some shallow crltlcs try to imply, but lt is not rooommoudablo
**0-00 '“°8"*“°¤- forced ulotrlrnouy upon the unwilling as practice sneeze ln which students To vved a Suumg,,m,_
Fl'€€ Btatlellefy. Diane. l‘00l¥lS f0l‘ sheriff, then handing him a shovel, may print classroom exerclses.—l·`rom Hol- tongue is not dependable,
meetings. commanded his brother·ln-law to dig "Schools of Journalism," by James She}; qulte too Solf.dououuuolo_
EmD|0YlTl€!l¢ B¤l'€R\1 llellléd 40 méll a grave. That horrld task completed, Melvin Lee, in the American Review
lt ls not recommendable,
earn $2,000. Pancho shot down the terrified brlde- ot Reviews for May. And ya;...md yet-
Rellglous census taken showing groom and rolled his body lnto the plt. ___._...,..._. .
Of course lt’s undeniable
p   S . T "How do you get your constituents Th t _ di i
` e     so thoroughly accustomed to lmpllclt a Woman ls V ne;
'l‘ . .
  A R d ell ··=· on W W¤""" J}.?  §’"`1S`°"S.§`T`Y"g. the New srmnc
» Te ed y ··wa11·· re ll d s z r s r n n ` Mr ex mm re °’
\“ • · ’ pe °m° 0gu)’T`ld d lr dum-
  ‘ "l made 'em understand at the outset lm ml mee an p u e'     DE-
,   Le ' t 9   t But mlnwbut mlne—
xr xlng on S lgges that lf they dldlft RCCGDE my SUNG-      
.   Store nlents they’d have to llsten to a long H I should RG buc D \
O ll 8 ,
' é - string of statistics.-Washington Post. And hi DD m at  
l _: The College Man’s Shop. ———-•·—·——— S g° ° °" '
__ . , V ‘ » , . A ··Boob·· is u I£mOu’S umuuy Our home would be a bubbly can
I { \l
40* l '· ‘ .......,,.w.c ora dftthtd bl · .
IU ` * »           Jokes l`l1‘!ll lll Wll€l‘€ S€l'll)OllS f€8,l‘ l zz an re a Ou y can   -    
_ Fashlons for young men · (onfuse a poor Republican,
        . to tread. Ol] \•\'h8l'8 he's Bt.      
. ’ We malfe av Study of Barklng Antls seldom bite. Besides Shak not attaiuubla coats, classy N€(kW€8l‘,
  • •
young men S wants grid _3»I°€ |DENT|F|ED_ My little sutfragette! Shll'tS, Gt?. StyIlSh
• • ! always pY€p3I`€d Wlth Just —; Althought lt’s not explaiuable,   H t in  
the Stylgg the cgllggg fellows A smull boy 1:1:1 la rathelr lonesome My love is unrestminabm 8 S IIE,
° expr o w t t t
    clerl:-igs Olsnvea is Dglngerl lguygouqilhz Blll SHOIS just DOI l\[[lilll8blt‘1      
Hart Sghaffngy & Morx }'l`lime;s of lhat cllty. He giazeclulsbout So VH Y°¥'8€t·
—, · moraewmwt,au n ——~·•-·-»-—-
0 cllllges tgleflhgngevll (mts for "'°"°“°" “ """“"· as y W ·• ·•· + ·• • ·• ·•· ·• + ·•· ·•» ·• ·• • • •
f ` y g a' B new "Please, slr," said the lad, timldly, • •
l weaves are here. ·»»....a you ...0.. a..ya....a of a lady _, • _·lV§§'l`   + • 9
, uDunlapn and ustetsonn round here?"
H "\Vhy, yes," answered the ofllcer. —·-~·-——~—·~—·~#—-—~—· ——-~ »—»——-a— ~
8tS. Tw sew Wvemlu. All advertising under this head will  
. 1 Shirts, Neckwear, Fnrn_ H ··1woll_ huyo you ooou uuy without u be charged for at the rate of tive cents
¢ • • L!. b Y" ll d lh I I - H .
w w         ly. 8 OY CO!) ll\1€ 9 lid RDX OUB DET IIB .~c°RP0.ATE°
l Ml   5/     c ··you_·* roullod the deputy_ ROOM AND BOARD——Good rooms "
' "W l." · - . .
D   2 0* |_·_;—;;·—·f_‘··»·»·‘€‘g§‘§·»?i·‘éi‘l§¥¤   ·‘l’m“·l?·» IT,12.'§...;’.’;i.°"i’;’.'i .E?.‘;1°..‘Z.‘l‘2IZ.. ”'° "0°"°g** "`°"°"’S S"°¤”
e oy. lere’s tle ady?" ' ’ '
0 l
0 l

 O i Q
l · V e T H I I D E A
T I I D Z ¤ \         coveted honor. Ho ls a member of O ‘
E I --—-— the Delta Chl fraternity. b/Q
publlallad avery Thursday throughout tho C0\l•|• !••l‘ by tho I¢¤¢|•¤\ DOG! H' N' w°°“°°’ Personally he ls lllted by every one, *  
gf gba ltato Ualvorslty of K•¤t¤ok!, for ltbl; bruolllf. af ¢h• ¤¤· A blg man ls usually a frlend ol the Sunny of dlwmlllon he hu a pl°“_ _ 0
t , alu l no faculty o • ns u on. ’  
lD::_·:“t‘:1·“lol•lm¤ · por of tho Unlvsrslty lt   people. H. N. woodlol? hllom lm •¤d ¤ml1¤ f0l‘ lll and a jolly "b•llo"l . Ll
TBI s oo nowsps · lltd, ttb Ul t asovor ‘
with tha vlaw of furnlshlng to lts subsorlbors all tho collego news of Kon- H lu ° ° bn ""ll y' l kl ll on every slde. ulrls and boys alike l O I
tacky, togothor wltln a dlgost of ltoms of lutorost concerning tho unlversltlas been surrounded y a ost o n and hl! prueme ll vlnmm The you re 3 believer lll · •
°‘ °u'°’ s“t°=. d Cmnt -—— m°°d°‘ wh"] h° wu ° Fr°°hm‘°' campus or the danclng lloor tlnds hlm d   d l I
|u||¤k| 1’ION,0NI DOLLAR '.%Y.A” dFlVl CIPLTI PllR COPY than ln youthful dgyg, hg wu more mma", md gracefully MM human Ollt O0I' an Tl l
od t bsxlngton Post O co as sooon cass ma ma ter. _ ‘ . . I
  uh * mm phY’I“*"Y u“‘“ mmy S"' ··l;q, Tom" lg g constant boost my- gh; healthy l‘8CI‘03t.l0Tl-—lt.,S I
..,4,,,,,, ,._ Tmm _,___,,.........   ........ ‘ ........ s¤1¤¤r-¤¤-¤¤¤·¢ ‘°”‘ “°°"”°" "`“'°“ "` ‘""°"°‘ °“" "*·"·"·"* ·*·*’ °"° “"*°*" ‘"° °“ ""° Safe to Sa that Owe I
J, 0, REYNOLDS ........................................ Assistant Editor mg M. I:r°°h;n°:1ly8·r °:d wlzmul: to number among our friends. y y  
v r n n ma e oo o · · I
Asaoolata Edltors. xw vpmllous lam lglm ln mj so ho- ills work here has been classical a Spaldlllg €flthl_lSlaSt’__
RUTH IMCHISNIY, Socloty ldltorMARGUARl’I`E McLAUGl~lLlN, Alumn ° "° y ?°l l l pm and ln the department nf law. Out In Golf Termlq Cricket Or
"· "· °*""`°*“`"· ’“"‘°"° “‘"°°’ w· C· °'°"· '“· “°°"""°"‘ “°°°"°' "`°r° ”°"‘ `, ”l“° "°°‘f°f"h°$ the www he ll sure to ..........l ,0. , ., , .
lun".- gum °° mlnd his 8 °r °u° wm n t e Im success comes to hlm who ls prepared. what ]]0t,
n as Mana or. C. H. SCHWARTZ, Sub. Mir. - 6 ¤ 0¤6 0 9 €¤ 0I' 0 ¤¤¤ W10 W Spa lng (lata ogue sent ree. ·
v. 4. sassaom, sun s g ::3;"b:;';“l;:gr’::’“··l::s?;° 'sl H 1 {th s 1 1 1 lll ld l l
B. . N S, As l ta t J. T. GELDER, Assistant be sorely missed; he has made hls I
I B ROLL] G ll n { ____: guar