xt776h4cq00c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4cq00c/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1952 journals 099 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.99 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.99 1952 1952 2014 true xt776h4cq00c section xt776h4cq00c Regulatory Bulletin 99 July, I952
Same Items of Interest ta
Kentucky Nurserymen
For the Year Ended June 30, 1952 .
By W. A. Price l
Howard G. Tilsan L
$»-*‘“%‘°"‘*-», i
I 2,) was .4*;
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

 Regulatory Bulletin 99
Kentucky Revised Statutes - Sections 249. 010 to 249. 990 .l...... 3
Summary of Requirements of Kentucky Nursery Inspection Law. . . 6
"Nursery Stock" Defined .............,........................ 7
Requirements for Shipment of Nursery Stock into Other States .... 7 A
Plant Quarantine Officials . . ...... . .......................... 9
Interstate Shipment of Barberry and Mahonia Restricted .......... 12
Plant lrnportation ......................................,..... 14
Oak Wilt ................,................................... 14
Japanese Beetles ......... , .................................. 16
White-Fringed Beetles .................,..................... 16 A
Elm Phloem Necrosis and Dutch Elm Diseasei , ................ 16
European Chafer ......................i....,................ 18
Inspection Requirements for Certain Classes of
Nursery Material ....................l.............. 19
Nursery Dealers ...............................,............ 20 2
Kentucky Nurseryrnen Who Received Certificates of
Inspection 1951-52 ........... . ,.............. . ..... 22 _
Summary of Nursery Inspection, 1951-52 .......... . ......,.... 25

By W. A. Price and Howard G. Tilson
The Kentucky Nursery Inspection Law, since its enactment in
- 1926, has been revised and is herein reproduced as it appears upon
the statute books.
249.0'I0 to 249.990
249.010 DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, unless the con-
text requires otherwise: .
(1) "Commissior·1er” means the Commissioner of Agriculture, La-
bor and Statistics.
(2) “Department” means the Department of Agriculture, Labor
i and Statistics. l
(3) “Director” means the Director of the Agricultural Experiment
· Station.
249.020 (1925a-1; 1925a-10) STATE ENTOMOLOCIST; ASSIST- I
ANT. (1) The Entomologist and botanist of the Agricultural Ex- I
periment Station shall be the State Entomologist. Y
(2) The State Entomologist shall serve without pay other than ”
his salary as an officer of the Agricultural Experiment Station. He
shall be paid his traveling expenses.
(3) The State Entomologist shall appoint a deputy entomologist
and assistants.
249.030 (1925a-I; 1925a—10) ENTOMOLOCIST MAY MAKE
RULES AND PUBLISH DATA. (1) The State Entomologist, with _
the advice and consent of the director and the commissioner, may
prescribe, modify and enforce rules, regulations and orders nccdcd
to carry out KRS 249.020 to 249.100.
(2) The State Entomologist may publish bulletins, circulars and
reports containing information concerning inspections, insects and
plant diseases.
(3) The rules and regulations and publications shall be printed
from time to time and fumished to interested persons. `
State Entomologist shall, with the advice and consent of the director

 4 Regulatory Bulletin 99
and the commissioner, establish and maintain quarantines against
the importation into this state, of any trees, plants and parts of plants,
whether nursery-grown or not, from any state or from any county
within the state, where such plants or parts of plants are known to
be affected with dangerous insect pests or plant diseases. He shall
designate in announcements of quarantine the area quarantined,
, whether it constitutes a part of this state or some other state.
State Entomologist or his deputy has reason to believe or is credibly
informed that at any place within the state there has been introduced,
or offered for sale, trees, plants or parts of plants infected or infested
with diseases or destructive pests that are likely to spread, he shall I
investigate the suspected articles and premises lf they are found
so infested or infected, he shall notify the owner or possessor, in
writing, of the nature of the infestation, specifying the insects or
diseases that have been found, and demand that within a reasonable
specified time the affected articles or premises be disinfected, or .
destroyed by fire, under the direction of the State Entomologist, his
deputy or assistant, and at the expense of the owner or possessor.
BE LICENSED. (l) Every resident nursery or agency selling nur-
sery stock in this state shall annually file credentials with the State
Entomologist. If these credentials are satisfactory to the State En- '
tomologist, the director and the commissioner, the State Entomologist
shall, upon payment of a fee of five dollars by the nursery or agency,
issue it a license authorizing it to do business in the state.
(2) Every nonresident nursery and every agent, dealer or seller
uf trees. representing nonresident nurseries or dealers shall annually
file creclentialswvith the State Entomologist. These credentials shall
include the names of nurseries, nurserymen or other persons repre-
sented. lf these credentials are satisfactory to the State Entomologist, _
the director and the commissioner, the State Entomologist shall issue _
the lit-ense.°
(3) Any person soliciting orders for or deliyering trees or plants
iu this state shall carry with him a copy of his license from this state,
which he shall show to prospective buyers, purchasers, county offi-
cials or agents of the State Entomologist on demand.
my resident nurserymen and dealers are required to pay the five dollar
license fee.

 Inspection of Nursery Stock, 1951-52 5
249.070 (1925a-3; 1925a-4) ENTOMOLOCIST TO INSPECT
where trees, vines, plants or other nursery stock are grown and of-
fered for sale, shall be inspected by the State Entomologist or by his
assistant, once each year. ·He shall notify the owners of such nurseries,
in writing, of the presence of any San ]ose scale or other dangerous
pests on the stock of these nurseries, and shall also notify, in writing,
the owner of any affected nursery stock to take such measures, on or
before a certain day, for the destruction of insect or fungus enemies
of nursery stock as have been shown to be effectual.
(2) The owner of the affected nursery shall, within the time I
specified, take such steps for the destruction of injurious insects or
fungus enemies present, as will exterminate them.
K   No person shall ship or deliver any such nursery stock af- ‘
fected with insects or fungus enemies, before treatment.
the State Entomologist examines any trees, vines, plants or other v
nursery stock and finds the stock free from dangerously injurious _
insects and fungus enemies, he shall make out and deliver to the T
owner of the stock a certificate stating that he has inspected the
stock and that he believes it to be free from dangerously injurious ‘
insects and fungus enemies. He shall keep in his office, for the infor-
mation of anyone interested, copies of all valid certificates issued
by him.
INSPECTION CERTIFICATES. Whenever a resident nurseryman
or seller of trees, vines, plants or other nursery stock ships or delivers
such goods, he shall send on each package so shipped or delivered
a printed copy of the certificate issued to him by the State Entomolo-
_ gist, stating that the stock has been inspected as required by law and
is believed to be free from dangerously injurious insect or fungus
249.100 (1925a—7) NONRESIDENTS TO FILE, AND IM-
Every nonresident nurseryman or other person intending to ship into
this state trees, plants or parts of plants, whether nursery-grown or
not, shall file with the State Entomologist a copy of a valid certificate

 (__ Regulatory Bulletin 99
from a state or United States Government inspector showing that
the trees, plants or their parts have been inspected and that he  
authorized to sell and ship or transport them. All packages of trees,
plants or parts of plants shall bear a copy of a certificate of inspection
from an ofhcial inspector. Transportation companies within the state
shall notify the State Entomologist at once when any such trees or
plants are received by them without a valid certificate. Nursery
stock or other trees, plants or parts of plants shipped into this state
in violation of a state or United States quarantine may be seized and
destroyed or returned to the shipper at the expense of the owner or
249.200 (42g-1; 42;;-2) _[APANESE BEETLE CONTROL. The _
State Eutomologist shall adopt and carry out such measures as he
deems advisable to protect crops from the ravages of the ]apanese
beetle (Popillia japonica). He may employ help, purchase materials
and enforce such regulations as in his descretion are necessary to
accomplish the purpose.
2—l$2.9?)() (42f-4; 200; 1923; 1925a-4; 192521-9) PENALTIES. (1)
Any person who violates any of the provisions of KRS 249.020 to
2¤l!J.10() or hinders the carrying out of any of the provisions of those
set-tions shall be fined not less than twenty—five dollars nor more
than five hundred dollars. -
(2) Any fine imposed for a violation of subsection (3) of KRS
2-19.070 may he recovered in the county in which the nursery is
situated or the county to which the nursery stock is shipped.
(1) It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale uninspected or
uncertified nursery stock. A certificate of inspection indicates free-
dom from certain injurious insects and plant diseases but does not .
vouch for trueness to variety nor for grade and condition of any _
nursery stock.
(2) Growers of nursery stock, for sale or shipment, shall apply
in writing before ]une lst of each year to the State Entomologist,
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, for inspection
  Every dealer in nursery stock shall secure a nursery dealer’s
permit. Before this is issued, however, he must furnish an affidavit
that he will buy and sell only stock that is certified and will maintain

 Inspection oi Nursery Stock, 1951-52 H
with the State Entomologist a correct and complete list of all sources “
from which he gets his stock. Landscape architects and tree movers
whoa handle nursery stock are classified as dealers.
(4) Every person who solicits orders for nursery stock shall ob-
tain and carry an agent’s permit which is secured only upon request
» of the nurseryman or dealer to be represented.
(5) All packages or bundles of nursery stock shipped by common
carrier must have attached a copy of the inspection certificate or
·   Certificates and permits may be revoked for cause.
(7) Fees shall be paid as follows: Inspection certificate $5;
dealer’s permit, $5. Agents’ permits and nonresident nurserymen`s
certificates are furnished without cost. Fees shall accompany appli- —
cation. Application blanks may be obtained from the State Entomolo-
· gist.
(8) Nonresident nurserymen shall file copies of their state cer- _
tificates and secure nonresident permits. Every package 'of nursery
V stock coming into Kentucky shall have a valid inspection certificate
attached to the package. Nonresident nurserymen, dealers, and g
agents shall carry their Kentucky permits when soliciting orders or f
delivering nursery stock in Kentucky. U
(9) All certificates and permits automatically expire june 30 _
following date of issuance. 4
Nursery stock includes all trees, shrubs, vines; roses. strawberry.
raspberry, and blackberry plants; herbaceous perennial plants and
roots; ornamental bulbs, corms, tubers, and rhizomes; and any part
of the above groups of plants capable of disseminating injurious ‘
insects and plant diseases. For regulatory purposes the term "Nursery
Stock” includes all plants which grow out of doors and live more
· than one year, whether nursery grown or native.
A summary of the major requirements for shipping nursery stock
into other states is given on the following page. lt will be noted that
most states require the out~of—state shipper to file a copy of his nur-
sery inspection certifieate with the proper administrative authority

 Q Regulatory Bulletin 99
l`)€fO1'€ Sl`l1I)1H8I11S GTC U'l£1(iL’. OI]ly’ 1ll1'(%€ SUIYCS I‘€qlll!`c: ililllg fees, EX-
cept 1I1l(l<;‘I` S]_)€(:l2ll C‘Otl{l1lZ1OIlb, lllléll ttI`€ 1lOt€Cl lll 8. tz1l)l€ 'W'l1lCl"1 i{)llCVVS.
Special shipping. tags are required by the followrng states and will
be furnished by them at a nominal cost to the shippers: Arkansas ($2
per 100 tags); Florida ($3.24 per 100 tags); Georgia ($1.00 per 100
tags); and New Mexico ($1.2a per 100 tags).
A specral tag should be secured and attached to each bundle of
llUI‘S(;‘1`y StOCl·( Sl11[)]_')€(1 to illly ot [HG iOtl1' states l1St€(1.
State of
origin ·
State certificate Nurseryman's Ar;ent’s Special Posted
filed filing fee fee tag Bond
Alabama ,,.,. . ...,4,,......... Yes Reciprocal S1 No None
Arixona ............,........... No None None No None
Arkansas .,..,....,.,,......... Yes Reciprocal $1 Yes Reciprocal
(ialiiornia .................... No None None No None
(Kanada .........4.............. Yes None None Yesl None
Colorado ..........,.,......,.. Yes None None No None
(jonnecticut ...........,....., No None None No None
Delaware .,..........,.....,... Yes None None No None
Florida ...i..............,...... Yes None None Yes None
(leorgia , ..4.,..,........i...... Yes Reciprocal S1 Yes $10002
idaho .......,............,....... Yes $5 to S15 $1 No $1000*
illinois .......................... Yes None None No None
l ndiana ,,......,...,... . ....., Yes None $1 No None
lowa ............,........4...... Yes Reciprocal None No None
Kansas . .........4....,.....,.... Yes Reciprocal None No None
Kentucky ..,..........,........ Yes None None No None
Louisiana ..,..,. . .............. No None None No None
Maine ...,i..,......,.....,..... Yes None None No None
Maryland ..,.,..i.............. Yes Reciprocal None No None ‘
Massachusetts ..i............. Yes None None No None
Michigan ...................... Yes S15 or Reciprocalil $1 No None
Minnesota ..i................. Yes Reciprocal Reciprocal No None
Mississippi .......i............ Yes Reciprocal None No None
Missouri ..,.....,...,.,.,....... Yes None None No None
Montana . .,..................... Yes $5 to $25 $25 No None
Nebraska ......,............... Yes Reciprocal $1 No None
Nevada .....,..,.i...........,. No None None No None
New Hampshire ............ No None None No None
New jersey ..,........,...... Yes Reciprocal None No None
New Mexico ..... . ............ Yes $10 $25 Yes None
New York ........,........... No None None No None
North Carolina ............ Yes Reciprocal None No $1000*
North Dakota ......,....... Yes Reciprocal None No None
()hio ........,...,.........,..... Yes Reciprocal $1 No None
Oklahoma ..4................. Yes Reciprocal $1 No None
Oregon ....,.....,............... No None Sl N0 None - ·
Pennsylvania ., .,..,......... Yes None None No None
Rhode Island ..,..,........ Yes None None No None
South Carolina . .......   Yes None None No None
South Dakota ...i.....i.,.. Yes Reciprocal $1 No None
Tennessee ..i,................ Yes Reciprocal Reciprocal No $5000*
Texas ............. . ...,.......... Yes Reciprocal None No None
Utah ......,ii,....,............... Yes S10" None No None
Vermont   .............,.... No None None No None
Virginia .......... . ............. No Reciprocal Reciprocal No None
\Vashinp.:tou .....,..........,. No Reciprocal $1 No None
\V•-st Virginia ............., Yes None $1 No None
Wisconsin ........,............. Yes None None No None
VVyominr: ......4.,............. Yes Reciprocal None No None
I Secure special permit and instruction from officer in charge before making shipment.
E Only fer fruit-stock shippers.
“ For nurserymen who t-pen-te through agents.
* For nurserymen who promise maintenance. .

 Inspection of Nursery Stock, 1951-52 9
V Alabama ......... . ........ .B.P. Livingston, Chief, Division of Plant Industry,
State Department of Agriculture and Industiries,
515 Dexter Avenue, Montgorriery l
Alaska .................. ...Hon. G.W. Gasser, Commissioner of Agriculture,
Arizona ...... . ........   Lauderdale, State Entomologist, P.O,Box
2006, Phoenix
Arkansas ................. Paul H. Millar, Chief Inspector, State Plant Board,
Little Rock
California ................ A.P. Messenger, Chief, Bureau of Plant Quarantine.
State Department of Agriculture, Sacramento 14 ·
Canada ....... . ............ Dr, Robert Glen, Chief, Division of Entomology,
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario
Colorado ................. F. Herbert`Gates, State Entomologist, Bureau of
Plant and Insect Control, Z0 State Museum, Denver Z
C0¤¤€CtiCl1t ..... . ........ Nealy Turner, State Entomologist,.Agricultural "
Experiment Station, Box 1106, New Haven 4
- ` Delaware ..............   W.R. Hickman, Nursery Inspector, State Board
of Agriculture, Dover
DiSt1‘iCl10f C0lu¤'1bia... F.P. Hubert, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran- L
tine, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington Z5
Florida ............ . ....... Arthur C. Brown, Plant Commissioner, State Plant '
Board, Gainesville
G€01‘gia .......... . ........ C,H. Alden, Director of Entomology, State Capitol, _
Atlanta 3 T
Hawaii ..................... D.T. Fullaway, Chief Plant Inspector, Board of Com-
missioners of Agriculture and Forestry, Honolulu
Idaho .... . .................. M,A, Lyman, Director, Bureau of Plant lndustry, t
State Department of Agriculture, Boise
_ Illinois, ................... H,F. Seifert, Horticultural Inspection Supervisor,
Room 300, Professional Arts Building, Glen Ellyn
Indiana .................... Frank N. Wallace, State Entomologistj State Depart-
ment of Conservation, Indianapolis
Iowa ............... . ........ Dr. H.M. Harris, State Entomologist, Ames ,
Kansas, North ........... Dr. Roger C. Smith, State Entomologist, State Col-
lege of Agriculture and Applied Science, Manhattan
South.. ......... Dr. Charles D, Michener, Entomologist, Entomolo-
gical Commission of Kansas, Lawrence
Kentucky .................. Professor Walter A. Price, State Entomologist,
College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
Louisiana ................. S.], McCrory, State Entomologist, State Department
‘ of Agriculture and Immigration, Box 4153, Capitol
Station, Baton Rouse
Maine ...................... E.D. johnson, Horvculturist, Division of Plant
Insustry, State Department of Agriculture, Augusta
Maryland ................. Dr. E. N. Cory, State Entomologist, University
of Maryland, College Park

 10 Regulatory Bulletin 99
Massachusetts .... Leo F. Doherty. Director, Division of Plant Pest
Control and Fairs, 41 Tremont Street, Boston B
Mexico ........... Ing. Dario Arrieta, Director General of Agriculture,
I San Jacinto, D. G. Mexico
Michigan ......... C. A. Boyer, Chief, Bureau of Plant Industry, State
Departrnent of Agriculture, Lansing 13
Minnesota ......... T. L. Aamodt, Director, Bureau of Plantlndustry, State
DepartmentofAgriculture, Dairy and Food, University
Farm, St. Paul 5
Mississippi ....... {Dr. Clay Lyle, Entomologist, State PlantBoard,
State College
Missouri ......... R. E. Roselle, State Entomologist, State Department
of Agriculture, Jefferson City
Montana .......... R. O. Young, Chief, Division of Horticulture, State
Department of Agriculture, Labor, and lndustry,
Nebraska ......... C. J. Walstrom, Entomologist, Bureau of Plant Indus- ‘
try, State Department of Agriculture and Inspection,
Nevada ........... George G. Schweis, Director, Division of Plant Indus-
try, State Department of Agriculture, P. O. Box 1027,
New Hampshire .... Dr. J. G. Conklin, State Entomologist, Insect and Plant
Disease Suppression and Control, State Department
of Agriculture, Durham
New Jersey ....... Harry B. Weiss, Chief, Bureau of Plant Industry,
State Department of Agriculture, Trenton 8
New Mexico ....... Professor R. F. Crawford, Deputy Inspector, College
of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, State College ‘
New York ....... . . H. B. Little, Director, Bureau of Plant Industry,
State Department of Agriculture and Markets, Albany l
North Carolina .... C. H. Brannon, State Entomologist, State Department
of Agriculture, Raleigh
North Dakota ...... Dr. J. A. Munro, Chairman, Departrnent of Entomology,
North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo
Ohio .............. John Baringer, Chief, Division of Plant Industry, State
Department of Agriculture, Columbus 15
Oklahoma ......... Clyde A. Bower, Director, Division of Entomology and
Plant Industry, State Department of Agriculture, .
Oklahoma City 5 .
Oregon ...... . .... Frank McKennon, Chief, Division of Plant lndustry,
State Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Building,
Pennsylvania ...... Dr. T. L. Guyton, Director, Bureau of Plant Industry,
State Department ofAgriculture, Harrisburg
Puerto Rico ....... Luis A. Catoni, Chief Inspector, Department of Agricul-
ture and Commerce, San Juan
Rhode Island ...... Alvin J. Lamon, Administrator, Division of Entomology
and Plant Industry, State Departrnent of Agriculture
and Conservation, State House, Providence 2 s
South Carolina ..... J. A. Berly, Entomologist, State Crop Pest Commission,

 Inspection of Nursery Stock, 1951-52
South Dakota ...... Harry M. Lee, Director of Plant Industry, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Pierre
Tennessee ........ J. C. Moser, State Entomologist and Plant Pathologist V
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Texas ............ Robert Boyd, Chief, Division of Plant Quarantine,
State Department of Agriculture, Austin
l Utah ............. Earl Hutchings, State Entomologist, State Department
of Agriculture, Salt Lake City
Vermont ........ .. Dr. M. B. Cummings, State Nursery Inspector,
Agricultural Experiment Station, Burlington
Virginia .......... G. T. French, State Entomologist, State Department
of Agriculture and Immigration, lllZ State Office
Building, Richrnond 19
Washington ....... William H. Shaw, Supervisor of Horticulture, State r
Department of Agriculture, Olympia
West Virginia ..... F. Waldo Craig, Entomologist, State Department of
Agriculture, Charleston 5
I Wisconsin ...,.... E. L. Chambers, State Entomologist, State Department .
of Agriculture, State Capitol, Madison 2
Wyoming ......... George B. Harston, State Entomologist, State Depart-
l ment of Agriculture, Powell

 12 Regulatory Bulletin 99
Federal Quarantine Number 38, on account of Black Stem Rust was
ammended by the Secretary ofAgriculture to become effective February
ll, 1950. Among the important changes in regulations are: (1) the
elimination of the requirement to place a special permit tag on each
package of barberry, mahonia, or mahoberberis shipped interstate;
(Z) shipments of seeds and fruits of approved species and varieties are
required to have special permit tags attached when going into any of the
eradication states.
The requirements of Federal Quarantine Number 38 are sum-
marized as follows: (1) The eradication states are: Colorado, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia,
Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming; (Z) Barberry, l
mahonia, and mahoberberis, in any variety, can be shipped interstate
(to any state) only under certificate issued by the Bureau of Entomolo-
gy and Plant Quarantine; (3) Application for Federal certificate must
bc filed in duplicate, not later than May 15 each year, with the Bureau
of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Division of Plant Disease Control
Washington 25, D. C. ; (4) Only species and varieties known to be rust
resistant and approved by the Bureau will be acceptable for certifica-
tion. Species and varieties not known to be resistant to rust cannot be .
shipped interstate and growers who have such rust susceptible species
will be required to destroy them before permits to ship approved varie- ·
ties are granted; (5) The following species and varieties of barberry,
mahonia, and mahoberberis are designated as rust resistant:

 Inspection of Nursery Stock, 195l·5Z 13
Scientific Name Qommon Nam€
Berberis arido-calida
B. beaniana ......................... Bean‘s Barberry '
B. buxifolia ......................... Magellan Barberry .
B. buxifolia nana ..................... Dwari Magellan Barberry
B. calliantha ........................ — -——------- —
B. candidula ......................... Paleleaf Barberry
B. chenaulti ......................... Chenault Barberry
B. circumserrata .................... Cutleaf Barberry
B. concinna ......................... Dainty Barberry
B. darwini .......................... Darwin Barberry
B. {Grmosana ........................ — -----—-————
B. franchetiana ..... . ................ —- —--——·--——-
B. gagnepaini ........................ Black Barberry
B. gilgiana .......................... Wildfire Barberry .
B. horvathi .......................... - ---—-—-··-—
B. hybrido-gagnepaini ................ False Black Barberry
B. julianaei ......... . .............. Wintergreen Barberry
B. koreana ......... . ................ Korean Barberry -
B. linearifolia var. Orange King ....... Jasperbells Barberry
V U B. mentorensis ...................... Mentor Barberry
B. pallens .... . ...................... Pallid Barberry
B. potanini ......................... Longspine Barberry I
B. replicata [ ..... . .................. Curlleaf Barberry ·
B. sanguinea ............... . ........ Red—pedicel Barberry
B. sargentiana ...................... Sargent Barberry _—
B. stenophylla ............... . ....... Rosemary Barberry l
B. stenophylla diversifolia ............ — -—---—-·—·—
B. stenophylla irwini ................. Irwin Barberry
B. stenophylla nana compacta ......... Corallina Barberry
B.  PTE€p`5I€_TJT .......... - -------·---
B. thunbergi DC ..................... Japanese Barberry ’
B. thunbergi atropurpurea . .......... Redleaf Japanese Barberry
B. thunbergi atropurpurea nana ..,.,,. — ----------- _
B. thunbergi erecta .................. Truehedge Columnberry
- B. thunbergi 'globe". .,............... — -—-------·~
B. thunbergi 'lgolden" ..............,.. - -----------
B. thunbergi maximowiczi ............ Coral Japanese Barberry
B. thunbergi minor .................. Box Barberry
B. thunbergi pluriflora ............... Flame Barberry
B. thunbergi "thornless". ............. - --——-------
l B. thunbergi "variegata" ........,..... - ·----------
B. triacanthorphora ....... . .......... Threespine Barberry
B. verruculosa ...................... Warty Barberry
B virgatcrum ...................... - —-—---————-
Mahonia aquifolium ..... . ............. Oregongrape Mahonia
M. bealei ........................... Leatherleaf Mahonia
M. compacta ......................,. - ---~-.-----
M. dictyota ......................... Netvein Mahonia
M. fortunei . . . . ..................... Chinese Mahonia
M. nervo-ga- ......................... Cascades Mahonia
M. pinnata ....... . ........... . ...... Cluster Mahonia
M. repens ........................... Creeping Mahonia

 14 Regulatory Bulletin 99
Under provisions of Federal Quarantine Number 37 certain limita-
tions are placed upon the importation of plants and seeds from foreign
countries. Anyone wishing to import nursery stock, plants, or seeds
must first obtain a permit from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant
Quarantine, 209 River Street, Hoboken, New jersey. In applying for
a permit to import plant material the follwoing information is required:
(a) The name and location of the producer from whom the plants or
seeds are to be secured; (b) the name and address of the person or firm
to which the plants or seeds are to be shipped; (c) the number and genus
of the plants or seeds for which the permit is desired.
All restricted plants imported under the conditions listed above are
limited in size and age to the youngest and smallest which can be S1C·
cessfully freed from soil about their roots, transported to the United ·
States, and established in this country with a reasonable degree of suc-
cess. Certain classes of plants permitted entry under quarantine 37
are required to be grown by the importer under post entry inspection
_ regulations. Such plants are not released to the trade until such time
as their freedom from plant diseases and insect pests has been estab-
lished. The plants are therefore grown for one or more years in a
place where the state inspector may have access to them forinspection
purposes, for such time as appears necessary. When their freedcrn
from pests and diseases has been established, the plants under quaran -
tine are released.
A comparatively new disease, oak wilt (Chalara quercina Henry),
is threatening all oaks in the midwest. The disease is caused by a
fungus organism that can be identified by plant pathologists in one -to
two-year old vascular tissue from infected trees.
Varieties of the red and black groups seem to become infected i
with oak wilt more readily then white and burr oaks, although all _
species and varieties of oaks are susceptible to the disease.
The first symptoms in the red and black oaks are the appearance
of leaves on the upper branches. They show dull light green color and
curl upward, Later the leaves may turn yellow or reddish brown before
falling. All leaves may fall within a month after first symptoms occur .
ln white and burr oaks the disease develops more slowly, with one or
more branches near the top showing disease symptoms first.
Spread of the disease from diseased to healthy trees within native
stands of oaks can occur through natural root grafts or unions. It is
not known to plant pathologists how the disease is spread from one ,
locality to another,
Oak wilt is known to occur in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and
Wisconsin. Nurserymen, foresters, and all others interested in pre-

venting the loss of oaks should be on the alert for this trouble. Samples
of twigs from oaks showing symptoms of the disease should be sent to
the National Oak Wilt Research Committee, P. O. Box 373, Memphis , `
Six twigs or branches about 6 to 8 inches long and 1/2 to 1 inch
in diameter are best for laboratory examination. The twigs should be
alive oxtjust recently dead but not completely dry. D0 not send leaves ,
dead branches or decayed wood. The twigs should be tied in abundle ,
wrapped in paper so as to prevent excessive drying but should not be
wrapped in wet moss or cotton. Labels should be attached in such a
manner as to couple the laboratory report with the tree from which the
twigs were taken.
One oak tree infected with oak wilt disease was found in Greenup
county, Kentucky, during the summer of 1951, The diseased tree was .
destroyed, in approved manner, in order to prevent spread of the trouble
to healthy trees. This is the only tree yet found in Kentucky to be in-
fected with oak wilt disease.

The 1951 inspecting and trapping activities resulted in the discovery
of three areas in Kentucky infested with japanese beetles. The infested
areas are located in jefferson, Greenup, Kenton, and Campbell counties .
The jefferson county area covers approximately 300 acres, all within
the city limits of Louisville. The Greenup county area includes the
small towns of Russell, West Russell, and Worthington. The Kenton-
Campbell county area includes several scattered spots along the Ohio
river opposite the infested area north and east of Cincinnati. All the
areas found to be infested were treated with a foliage appl