xt776h4cpt1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4cpt1p/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1995 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 71, No. 1, Summer - September 1995 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 71, No. 1, Summer - September 1995 1995 1995 2014 true xt776h4cpt1p section xt776h4cpt1p FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
Volume 7l Number l Summer - September l995  5    i
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 US ISSN 0016-2116 I
Table of Contents
Notes from the School — Kathy Carr 1
Field Notes - Susie Hudgins 3
Courier News - Barb Gibson 6 r
Seventieth Annual Report 10
Report of Operations 27 I
Seventieth Year — Selected Data 30
Investment Growth Report - Deanna Severance 31
Miscellaneous 32
In Memoriam — Barb Gibson 33
In Honor Of - Barb Gibson 34
In Memoriam/In Honor Contribution Cards 35
Urgent Needs — Barb Gibson inside back cover
Cover: Mary Breckinridge, founder of the Frontier Nursing Service.
FNS celebrates 70 years of healthcare in Leslie County.
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin Q
USlSSNOOl6-2116 v
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. *`
Wendover, Kentucky 41775 ,
Subscription Price S 5.00 a Year for Donors 1
Subscription Price $12.00 a Year for Institutions j
Editor's Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 y
VOLUME 71 NUMBER 1 September Summer 1995 ;
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices. V`};
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775. ,1
Copyright Frontier Nursing Service, 1nc.l995/All Rights Reserved  

Notes from the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
_; Nursing - Katherine Camacha Carr, CNM, PhD
Z The past few months have been
  very busy at the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing. Major 4 .,·;
remodeling of Aunt Hattie's barn has ,4;;
transformed the space into a multi- W
purpose classroom, where large groups . J “
attending Midwifery Bound orientation Level III on-campus ses-
sions can meet with faculty and staff. The Mardi Cottage class-
room has also undergone renovation to accommodate the many
I CNEP students and faculty. It is sometimes hard to believe that in
just six years CNEP has admitted over 700 nurses in the nurse-
midwifery education program and over 260 have graduated with
many more to come.
In August, CNEP Class 13 was admitted, numbering 46.
. The new classroom and meeting space was put to good use during
  Midwifery Bound weekend. All of the new students were housed
— on campus, while the faculty stayed at Wendover or in Hazard. The
p new students met the Level I faculty (including two faculty
I babies), FSMFN staff and student advisors. They also attended a
, wonderful reception at Wendover - always a highlight for new
  students, many of whom have read about Mary Breckinridge and
  her work and dreamed of visiting this historic site. Students also
  perfected their skills with logging onto the electronic bulletin
  board system, so they can stay in touch through e-mail and
  teleconferencing once they are back in their own communities.
T This eager group even got started on their Level I coursework
  before leaving campus. There was also some time for fun — a
  chance to sample the local crafts and the now traditional faculty
i skits. In September, another group of 42 new students in Class 14
pi will attend Midwifery Bound in Hyden.
I Faculty and staff are looking forward to graduation this
_ year on October 21, in the Richard Nixon Recreation Center. A
{iw record breaking number of 47 new graduates will be added to the

CNEP roster! With graduates, their families and faculty even the l
Nixon Center will be bursting at the seams! Suellen Miller, CNM, i
PhD will be the keynote speaker. Dr. Miller, whose background is . ~
in health care administration, is currently a PEW Postdoctoral i
Research Fellow at the Institute for Health Policy Studies,  
University of California at San Francisco. In addition to gradua- if
tion, CNEP faculty will hold an all faculty meeting. This provides  
faculty from all over the United States with an opportunity to work
together on curricular issues and keep FSMFN at the forefront of
nurse-midwifery education. `
Donna Black, SNM, CNEP Class 8 was wed to Sargeant
Keith Wright, USAF on July 18 at 7 p.m. in the evening. The
wedding took place in the chapel at the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing, Hyden, Kentucky. Charlotte
Meeker, SNM, CNEP Class 9 was the matron of honor. Katherine
Wright, age 8, and J acquie Wright, age 10, daughters ofthe groom,
were bridesmaids. {
The bride wore a two piece white silk suit and carried a '
bouquet of red and white roses. The ceremony was conducted by
County Judge Onzie Sizemore.
The bride is from Malone, New York and worked as a
traveling labor and delivery nurse until entering the CNEP pro- .
gram in April 1994. The groom is from Oklahoma and is a
biomedical technician in the US Air Force.
The couple will reside in Sumter, South Carolina.  —
-Ellen Edmondson ii

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  The Newlyweds
  Field Notes
; This summer, life at Wendover
! has been rather hectic to say the very V Z pg
! least. As reported in the last Quarterly   .
i Bulletin, Mother Nature surprised us  *i§T§»»'
! with a large tree plopping over lin the  
night. Iguess she was just warming up ·   E _
for what was to come.     ‘‘i 'J  
‘ The first Saturday in July we were greeted with a huge oak
tree down across the road just before the steps to the Big House.
i· We are still wondering how Mother Nature managed this one so
quietly since it did not go with a bang but a whimper. No one heard
it fall which is amazing for a tree that was over six feet in diameter!
‘ Junior and Michael spent the entire day with chain saws and chains
` and, with the help of the Couriers, they were able to clear the road
p and remove most of the debris. A week later another one went
down on the mountain across from the Barn. When the men had
time that too was cut up for firewood. If it's true that things run in
threes or sevens, I guess we're in for three more to go, as just this
g morning I heard a mighty crash way up in the woods!

 V F
When June arrived, Ronnie Caldwell - man of many
talents — of our maintenance staff on Hospital Hill, resigned to get
married so we hired Jerry Adams full time and Curly Bowling as ’
part-time help.
June also was the beginning of the major renovation _
projects at the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing.
First was to create a large classroom at Mardi Cottage. J. G.
Morgan was persuaded to supervise this and asked that Junior and
Michael be his full time workers. Walls were removed, floors
repaired, drywall and paint flew, new lights installed, rug laid and
it was done in the nick of time for the July Level III students to use.
This was a real concerted effort on the part of Wendover's
maintenance team and the Hospital crew.
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New classroom at Mardi Cottage  
Immediately after that, work started at Aunt Hattie's Bam  
to create a large conference room in the old storage area to be ready i
for Midwifery Bound in August. Now this project is really in- is
volved - removing walls and ceilings, replacing a lot of the K
plumbing, framing, adding windows, installing a new heat pump
system and the like. As I write, the pressure is on and we can only J
hope that the space will be usable in August if not completely -
finished. J. G. has been a godsend to us to agree to oversee and

  coordinate the various parts of each of these projects along with the
  different talents needed. I guess we will just have to cease any and
  all extra projects so J. G. can get on with that retirement he‘s
  eagerly looked forward to!!
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{ Renovation at Aunt Hattie 's Barn of new multipurpose room
Along the way we have entertained two Level III classes,
i a number of overnight guests who came here to "kick back" and the
Auditors. A writer from Oregon stopped by with his daughter for
the better part of a week to research Mrs. Breckinridge and the
FNS. So, we have been busy though at times Ifeel it's been hit and
· miss trying to keep Wendover at it's best.
As a final note, on August 1, I will celebrate five years of
 > working for FNS. My Courier experience in the winter of 1990
_, certainly changed my entire life as it has many others. I feel
L extraordinarily fortunate that my path brought me here although I
  do wish someone could tell me just where those five years have
flown to! -Susie Hudgins

Courier News  
Albert Nguyen, Buffalo, New York was here from June 1- mid  
August. He heard ofthe Frontier Nursing Service through Barren's
Intemships in New York. Al worked at the Adult Literacy Center, _
tutored summer school kids, assisted nurse aides on home health ;
rounds and shadowed practitioners at the Hyden Clinic. He will be 3
retuming to Comell University to finish his senior year and then  
on to medical school. *
Danielle Stanko, Lower Burrell, Pennsylvania was here from  
June 28 - mid August. She heard of us through The Princeton
Review's Top 100 Intemships in America. During her time here
she gained knowledge from the radiolo gist team by working in the
x-ray department at the hospital, tutored at the Adult Literacy
Center, worked at the Hyden Manor Nursing Home and observed
surgery. Danielle will be retuming to Allegheny College, Meadville,
Pennsylvania this fall and then plans to apply to medical school.
(Danielle recently wrote and asked me to thank everyone she knew e
or worked with for such a memorable time at FNS. She especially l
wanted to thank all of those people in the hospital who signed the I
tee shirt given to her by the x—ray staff. She has wonderful
memories of all the people she was able to get to know in Leslie
County. We are all sure to miss her smiling face as well)."
Kenneth Dunn, Olmsted, Ohio was here from July 1- late August.
He graduated from Stanford University in Califomia. Ken worked
at the Adult Literacy Center, tutored kids in summer school, and
shadowed practitioners. Ken will be applying to medical school »·
Mitch McClure, Thayer, Kansas was here from June 1 - mid `
August. He heard of us through America's Top 100 Intemships. `
Mitch worked at the Wooton Clinic with FNP Heidi Froemke, “
tutored at the Adult Literacy Center, shadowed providers and went
on Home Health visits. He is planning a career in medicine. T

i Elizabeth Bird, Condado, Puerto Rico was here from May until
July. She attended Bowdoin College and is planning to apply to
· medical school. Elizabeth shadowed practitioners and worked on
  a special project with midwife Marina Alzugaray during her time
j here.
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E x    ` ...  *5 ' » . f Donations and grants which are not restricted by donors are reported as operating
d revenue. Bequests under wills are recorded when received by the Service.
Tax Status
The Service has received a determination from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that
`€ each of the nonprofit entities qualifies as tax-exempt under applicable Intemal Revenue
`€ Code (IRC) sections.
2. New Pronouncements
0 During 1993, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of Financial
>f Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and
S Contributions Made and SFAS No. 117, Financial Statements of Not—for-Profit
Organizations. SFAS No. 116 establishes accounting standards for contributions and
applies to all entities that receive contributions. Contributions received are recorded at
fair value in the period received or pledged. SFAS No. 117 requires that all not-for-profit
organizations provide a statement of financial position, a statement of activities and a
U statement of cash flows. The statement of financial position shall report the amount of its
d total assets, liabilities and net assets for each of three classes of net assets—permanently
restricted net assets, temporarily res¤·icted net assets and unrestricted net assets—based on
the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Service is required to
il implement these statements for the year ending April 30,