xt776h4cpp22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4cpp22/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, Summer Session, Vol. 58, No. 3, 1966 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, Summer Session, Vol. 58, No. 3, 1966 1966 1966 2013 true xt776h4cpp22 section xt776h4cpp22   ;__     wr K T - Q 0{ 0 ` i  `.
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I _ O {ice, Lexingtonf Ky., u¤d‘ero'the Act of August 24,’*I91’2. Edited by the _
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 , cowrzurs j
,' General Information ............................ 7 Agricultural Engineering ................ 40 I 
f A '· l il E l ...,............ 40 ‘·
• ¤ College of Arts and Sciences .............. 11 Aggiciiloggl _____     __________________ 40  
'* Aerospace Science .......................... 12 Plant Pathology ............,................... 40  
1 Agriculture ........,i............................ 12 Animal Science ....i........................... 41 l 
·‘ ,·* Anthropology ..................i............... 12 Dairy Science .................................. 41 ls 
Art ............................................i....... 13 Poultry Science ................................ 42 lg 
n Botany ..................................,........... 14 Horticulture .................................... 42  
V-il Chemistry ........................................ 15 Rural Sociology .............................. 42 l 
·i Classics ..................,......................... 16 Home Economics ............................ 42 ij
"' l Combined Degrees .......................... 16 1
    ........................................   College Oi Engineering  
 , Education jljllllljllilllllllllliifllllZZZIZZZZIZ iv 4g·4¤e**~if4l E¤gi¤¢€¤¤g —·------·--··--· 44  
· _ Engineering ............................i....... iv gl‘?l“l§“ ,E¤g2¤€<=¤¤g ·······~—-—-···----- 44  
  English, Speech, and Dramatic Arts 17 lvl . n§“igi€°rlng ‘; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘    
  geography ...................................... lg  S ···················· 45 li
J ‘‘l4. l H‘§;(Qf;y jj·‘jjjjj;j··jjjjj ············‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘ 20 Mechanical Engineering ................ 45 I
li Home Eciiniiinicé ...1]]]][]Z]]Z[]][]]Z 21 l“*>4=*ll¤igl°4l E¤gl¤€€*i¤g ·-··---·--·--— 45
  Humanities ................i..................... 21 {
iw Hygiene and Public Health ......,..... 21 College of Law ,................................... 46 [I
  Law ......... Z ..............,...................,..... 22 l
tr Library Science .....,..,..................... 22 (jollogo of Education l
:,6 Mathematics and Astronomy .......... 23 C i. _ d G .d 47 i
__. Microbiology .................................,.. 24 A3urlsSl?fgt.‘m _ (lusancc Z"I ‘'‘‘'''‘°’ 47 i
4:; Middle East Area Studies .............. 25 F ml;iui.m1Onf‘Eld lipervmon ''‘’ 47 —
"l9 Military Science .............................. 25 Com} _ai1(mS 0 um Mm `''`‘`'''‘'''' 48 _·
  Modern Foreign Lllngullgos I lli'I`1Cli_llIU .......................... . ...,.....,. 49 l
- ` and Literatures ........................ 25 \;l5_ll£? lg?   '‘'` _ fit ’'‘''`''`'''''''‘’`‘'''‘'''` 50 Q
__" French .......................................... 25 OC" um`] ucd um ’'‘‘'‘‘`‘'''''‘`‘''''‘ Q
· I German ........................................ 26 _ g.
_ Spanish ...............,....i........... , ....... 26 College of C¤¤¤mor·=o  
z' _l RllSSl11I'1 ..............i....................i.... 26 Bugjylggg Adljlinistrgtign __________________ 53  
Music ····-····--·--···--··---·····-·····--···-·--··-· 26 Economics ........................................ 53 I
Philosophy ........................................ 29 l
Physical Education .......................... 30 College ni Plininincy _
l Physics .............................................. 31 Pi i I _ t_ __i Ci _ t 55 l
Political Science ..............._,,_____,_,____ 34 Ml·¤fl1li1¢olil/l lzia U worms ry .i............ 55 l
Psychology ...,..........................,...,..... 35 Jtum C lcd ‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘·‘‘····’·‘‘‘··‘ I
Radio, TV and Films ...................... 36 _ _ l
Russian Area Studies ...................... 36 Collogo of M€d1€‘¤¤€ I
Social Work .....··»....-...-.......··-..-..··-- 36 Anatomy .......................................... 56  
Sociology ··-····-·--·······-······················· 37 Pharmacology .......................,.......... 56 [
Sti\tlSt1CS ..i ........ i ..............................   Physiology and Bjgphygjcg _____________ _   i
iw gOlilC3l Majors ................................   i
”` oo ogy .................,.......................... . ·  
C: School Of iommiiism   39 School of Architecture ....................,... 57
College of Agriculture and Rules for Academic Probation .......... 59
Home Economics
Agricultural Economics .................. 40 Summer Session Director ............,....... 64
Any variation from the printed schedule must be authorized by the Registrar, who
requires the approval of the dean and the head of the department concerned. Ap lication
_ P
for changes in the schedule must be made on blanks furnished by the Registrar.
‘ 3

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May 13 Fr1day—Last date for makmg application for admission to the a 
Summer Session  
  ]une 10-11 Friday and Saturday—Registration I 
  ]une 13 Monday—Class work begins F 
I  ]une 16 Thursday—Last clay to cntcr an organized class A 
]une 24 Friday-Last day to drop a course without a grade  
]unc 27-28 Monday and Tuesday—Last days for filing application for an  
August degree in the College Dean’s Oflice 1
    ]uly 4 Monday—Independencc Day Holiday if
’ August 1 Monday—Last day for making application for admission to the
y 1966 Fall Semester
I August 5 Friday—End of Summer Session I
I August 9 Tuesday-All grades due in Registrafs Office by 4:00 p.m. `
I ]une 9 Thursday, 12:45 p.m.—Oricntation of new freshmen and new
  ` transfer students
· g june 10-11 Friday, 8:00 a.m. to Saturday, 11:00 a.m.—Rcgistration of all ’
students according to the following alphabetical schedule:
A ]UNE 10 ‘
Xi   Friday Forenoon Friday Afternoon _
  gl 8:()0 to 8:50-A - Bos 1:00 to 1:50-Hf - Kl 1
{Q;.   9:00 to 9:50-Bot — Cok 2:00 to 2:50-Km — Md :
:9   1():00 to 10:50-Col - Ec 3:00 to 3:50-Me - Pa {
  11:00 to 11:50-Ed — Gri 4:00 to 4:50—~Pb - Ros `
  12:00 to 12:50-Crj - Ile
  JUNE 11 y
  Saturday Forcnoon
'V   8:00 to 8:50-Rot - Ste
  9:00 to 9:50-Stf - War
  VV ` L 10:00 to 10:50-Was - Z
  ]une 13 Monday—Class work begins
  ]une 16 'I`hursday—Last day one may enroll for the full Summer Session
tif; 5

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T Curricula ;; 
The University of Kentucky, a land-grant institution, will oiler eight weeks i 
of regular summer session work and post-session courses. Courses will be 6
oitered in eight colleges-—Arts and Sciences, Agriculture and Home Economics,  
Engineering, Law, Education, Commerce, Pharmacy, and Medicine—and in  Q
the Graduate School and the School of Architecture.  
Over and above its program of liberal education, the University Summer  
gg, Session provides numerous opportunities for persons to prepare for speciHc  
 T occupations. The opportunities are in a number of fields such as: ]ournalism,
 i` Medical Technology, Pre—Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Pharmacy, Music, Li- ’
} “ brary Science, Public Service, Art, Geography, Geology, Microbiology, Psy-
J\ chology, Radio, Television, Films, Social Work, Sociology; Agriculture in its _.
Y various phases, Pre-Forestry, Pre-Veterinary, Home Economics; Engineering- ,§
. ·  Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Mining and Metal- T
_ · lurgical; Law; Elementary and High School Teaching, Educational Administra- 4
__' tion and Supervision; General Business, Banking and Finance, Personnel Man- A
agement, Marketing, Accounting, Business Administration, Industrial Adminis-
tration, and Secretarial Work.
Credit Hours
' Nine semester hours are considered the normal load for undergraduates.
For graduate students, the normal load is six hours; the maximum is nine.
nr Graduate students who earn six or more graduate credits and who remain in
‘_  residence throughout the Summer Session are assigned nine weeks of residence. ·
_” · University students may be confident of acceptance of credits at full value by
Q `A other colleges and universities. Moreover, U.K. credits always meet the tests
for employment, whether by government agencies, by corporations, or by pri- ‘
~ vate companies, regardless of the Held. This is a very important consideration.
E In certain categories of employment, students and graduates of land-grant uni-
i versities have a distinct advantage over other students and graduates.
i Fees ·.
/.-·· p  For the Sununer Session, the full—time fee for all Kentucky students will
, i be $80. For out-of-state students, the fee will be $195. The hourly fee for
‘ Kentucky residents will be $14 per credit hour for undergraduate students and 1
$17 per credit hour for graduate students. The hourly fee for out-of-state stu-  
dents will be $33 per credit hour for undergraduate students and $44 per l
credit hour for graduate students.
S. Admission ·
Undergraduate applicants for admission should write to the Dean of V
Admissions for application forms, stating whether they wish admission to the _
freshman class or advanced standing. Applications and transcripts of credit
should be filed 30 days in advance with the Oilice of the Dean of Admissions.
Students entering with advanced standing should present transcripts from
each institution they have attended. High school graduates are invited to

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fi?  ’}
.,   start their college carreers in the Summer Session. Special courses are planned  
  for entering freshmen and special attention will be given to them to the end i 
blt that their collegiate careers will be richer, more profitable, more economical, Z 
  and more meaningful.  
  Graduate applicants for admission should write to the Graduate School g 
  Office for application forms. Applications and transcripts of credits should be  Q
",;»‘ filed 30 days in advance with the Graduate School Office.  lf
;.,;_ L’iUl71g ACCO7TL7TLO(l£lflO7”LS  J
_; ’ Room applications for single men and women should be made to the Uni- ·, 
7"_ versity Housing Office, Room 130, Student Center. Rental for a room in the at
  residencc halls is $10() for the Surnmcr Session. Costs of housing during short  
T courses depend on the number of nights in residence. P
V Furnished efficiency and one-bedroom family housing units are available  
  in Shawneetown at $80 and $95 per month. A limited number of two-bedroom ‘
I-   apartments are available at $105 per month. Applications for family accommo- ._
—   dations should be made as early as possible to the University Housing Office,
  The Student Center cafeteria and University grills will be in operation _g
_   during the Summer Session. t
Cuftllféll Clfld RGCTGGHOTLCIZ Resources ,
The University of Kentucky is located in the center of the Bluegrass Re-  
- gion, an area of scenic beauty and historic interest. Many of the famous horse- 5
  farms, some more than a thousand acres, are in this rich region. During the L_
i Summer Session, tours are conducted to many of these farms, including Elmen—  
dorf, Calumet, and Castleton. Ashland (home of Henry Clay), General ]olm F
Hunt l\’l()l`g1l1'],S residence, the home of Mary Todd (wife of Abraham Lincoln), ·
and Keeneland Race Track are points of historic interest which may be visited. S
Out-of-town trips are often scheduled to view the outdoor dramatic presenta—  
tions of “Home Is The Hunter” (Harrodsburg, Ky.) and "The Stephen Foster il
~ . Story” (Bardstown, Ky. ). Lectures and concerts by specialists and visiting pro-  
x, fcssors are presented by the various departments within the University Commu- 1
, nity. The English, Speech and Dramatic Arts Department will sponsor its sec- {
V ond season of Summer Stock Theatre in cooperation with local and professional 5
artists. The recreational and lounge facilities in the Student Center are fre-  
· quented by all summer students, as well as the planned programs of folk danc- ii
» ing, watermelon feasts, jam sessions, and weekly film series.  
Health Service
  The services of the University Health Service are available to all full-  
  time students who have filed a Health Report Form. Part-time students may f
  apply for these services by submitting a Health Report form and paying the I
i""¤ activities fee. The eligibility of part-time students to receive this service will .
be determined by the Health Service. i
F 9  
.-1. E

 I, 7 K  
, ·, Colleges are arranged according to order in the catalogue and in general
  the departments of each College are arranged alphabetically.
`Y Days of recitations are indicated by the initial letters of the days. For
- example, M-Th indicates the class is offered Monday through Thursday, M-F
{ indicates the class is oiiered Monday through Friday, etc.
‘ The buildings are indicated as follows:
A, Administration DH, Dickey Hall MC, Menls Gymnasium
AA, Administration EC], journalism MH, Miller Hall
Auurx EH, Erikson Hall MN, Medical Center
N AE. Agrleullurill Engr- FA, Fine Arts Bldg. M, Museum
  AG, Alumni Gymnasium FB, Funlchouser Biol. RB, Reynolds Bldg.
AH, Anderson H?-lll SCL SC, Sports Center 3
AgSC, Agricultural FH» Fmcé H¤ll sri, Scoville mu ;
bt Science Center KL, King Library (Exp. Sta)
  BH, Barker Hall L, Lili-lerlY Hall SS, Social Sciences
·· BL, Bowling Lanes McVH, McVey Hall SU, Student Unjnn
l Com, Commerce Bldg. ML, Meats Lab TEB, Tay]Or Education
  CP, Chemistry-Physics MSc, Medical Science Bldg.
nl Bldg- Bldg \VC, VVomen’s Cym-
l D, Dairy Mell, Memorial Hall nasium
 1 MC, Memorial Coliseum
 A 001-099 — No credit and/or non-degree courses
  100-199 — Open to freshmen; gives undergraduate credit only
  200-299 — Prerequisite sophomore classification; gives undergraduate credit
 ` only
  300-399 — Prerequisite junior classification; gives undergraduate credit only `
  400-499—Prerequisite junior classification; gives undergraduate and graduate  
  credit for non-majors l
 . 500-599—Prerequisite junior classification; gives undergraduate and graduate
  f credit
  600-799 —~ Open only to graduate students
  l 1. Freshmen may be admitted to courses numbered between 200 and 499,
  and sophomores to courses numbered between 300 and 499, upon approval of
  the instructor and the dean of the student’s college. Such approval shall be j
A;   limited to students who have demonstrated superior ability or preparation. t
  2. Seniors with superior ability or preparation may be admitted to courses {
  numbered between 600 and 799 upon approval by the instructor, the dean of
jfligl the student’s college and the dean of the graduate school. I
s   ·¤

General Requirements;  ll
English, first and second semesters, freshman year, 6 credits.  
General Hygiene, 1 semester. l 
Physical Education, 2 credits.  
Group Requirements:  _:
1. Foreign Languages (Arabic, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, j 
, ]apanese, Russian, Spanish). Required; Twelve semester hours in one language, ij 
I the first nine of which may be waived. ,
  2. The Humanities. To satisfy the lower division requirements in the Humanities, I
» students in the College of Arts and Sciences must earn four credits in literature ._
i and philosophy (Humanities 200, 201 or 202) and two credits in art or music  
j (Humanities 203_ or 204). These courses should be taken during the sophomore .. 
I year, and two co