xt776h4cp313 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4cp313/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-04-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1930 1930 1930-04-11 2012 true xt776h4cp313 section xt776h4cp313 ..f 1 Best Copy Available











The freshman class will hold n
meeting at 4 o'clock Tuesday, April
15, In Memorial hall. All freshmen
are urged to attend.
Dean Alvln E. Evans, of the College of Law, will address the Fayette County Women's Club at 2:30
o'clock next Wednesday afternoon
on "The Administration of Justice."
Robert O'Dear will represent the
University chapter of the Scabbard
and Blade at the convention In Minneapolis April 26, 27 and 28, instead
of Hayes Owens who was selected
delegate. The delegate was changed because of a track meet which
comes on April 26, In which Owens
will participate.


met at
Lc Cercle Francals
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the

recitation room of Patterson nan.
Miss Alberta Riley presided at the
opening of the meeting. Miss Vera
Dodson had charge of the program
which was on the Life and Works of
Edmund Rostand. Miss Dodson was
assisted by Miss Katherlne Wilson.
The remaining time was devoted to
the playing of French games. There
were fifteen memoers present.,
Bar examination
be held April 16
and 17, according to an announcement made Tuesday in the College
of Law. The following eight University law students will take the
pvn minatlnn at that time:
nmshv William H. Cecil. Dan Grif
Finley, Malcolm Wallace,
flth, J. C.
Willis C. Wright, William Buckles,
and H. A. Asher.
The Kentucky

at Frankfort






Comedy of Sophisticated So
ciety Life Will Open
Week of May 5





Talented Cast Is Selected for
Vivid Account of
mestic Discord


"Table d' Hote," a clever comedv
of sophisticated society life, is the
title of the Inst Gulgnol .production
of the current season. The play,
which is in three nets, was written
by Director Frank C. Fowler and
Mrs. Marian Callaway.
It will be
presented at the Gulgnol theater
during the entire week of May 5.
The action of the play takes place
in the dining room of a fashionable summer resort hotel in Spring
Lake, N. J. It is a vivid account of
domestic discord and clandestine relations existent among certain fam
ilies of the
"four hundred."
The manuscript is reDlete with ex
cellent comedy and tense dramatic
Mr. Fowler,
of the nlav.
will direct the production and assist
the actors in the interpretations of
tneir respective roles. Mrs. Gallo-- ,
way is with her husband, Prof. W.
F. Galloway, at the University of
Michigan, where he is instructing!
classes in isngnsn. Besides being
the other
of the nlav.
Mrs. Gallaway is an actor of excep
tional anility. Lexington theater
goers have not forgotten her ex
cellent performance
last year in
"The Flight of the Duchess."
The cast that has been selected
for the production is as follows
Mrs. Brierly, Miss Virginia Boyd,
former student at the University
and member of Kappa Kappa
uamma sorority; Mrs. Tottenham,
Mrs. Dorothy Martin, wife of Prof,
J. W. Martin, of the College of
Commerce; Patrician Tottenham,
Miss Mary Sidney Hobson, Chi
Omega; Garry Hamilton, Mr. Glen
Baylor, former student at the University of Virginia, and member of
Delta Chi fraternity; Billy Petti
grew, Mr. John Noonan. Sigma Nu:
George McAllister, Mr. Kenneth
Mclntyre, former student at Washington and Lee University; Jessica
McAllister, Miss Virginia McVey,
former student at the University
and member of Kappa KaoDa
Gtmmi wgrity:- - Ottver.ttae-bea- d
waiter, will fee played by Mr.TIayes
caiunan; Mr. Claude walker and
Mr. Delroy Root, members of the
Delta Tau Delta fraternity, will en
act the roles or waiters.



Allison to the council was as follows:
"As a result of Investigations con

ducted, the attention of the student
body is called to the fact that the
campus book store is owned and operated by the University of Kentucky, with Miss Carrie Bean employed as manager.
The books at
tfie store are being sold at list price,
and the profit at the store for the
entire past year is less than 5 per
cent, and no rent, heat or light
charges were paid by the store, the
University of Kentucky furnishing
these free.
"Books on sale at the store are
selected and orders placed by the
heads of the departments at the
University. These orders are placed
In the hands of Miss Bean, who for
wards them to D. H. Peak, business
manager, who approves them before
the books are ordered.
"All bills are paid by D. H. Peak,
who is In charge of accounts for the
"In view of the small profit made
unfounded." He consulted Miss Car by the campus book store and conrie Bean, manager of the book store, sidering the routine employed In
and D. H., Peak, University business purchasing the books, it is my findmanager, who gave him the Infor- ing that charges made by students
mation upon which he predicated that the book store is reaping exor
his report to the councilmen.
bitant profits from the sale of texts
The statement as Issued by Mr. is unfounded."

Strollers Add "Scarlet" to
List of Spring Successes

Director Riley Produces Air
of Mystery and Suspense
Throughout Drama


Annual Tour of Seniors Will
Include Inspection of Large Entire Cast and Stage Crew
Industrial Centers to View
Assist in Realistic
Actual Work
In order to "give the prospective
engineers a vision of what is going
on in the large industrial centers
that they will be more able to understand what is happening in the
profession they are entering," the
seniors of the College of Engineer
ing, from May 7 to 16, under the
gHldanot Dean F. Paul Ander- -



Council Names Committee
To Audit Store Profits;
Text Report Is Received
Appointment of a committee of
three to determine whether or not
there is Justification for charges
made by students that the Univer
sity book store is earning excess
profits from the sale of texts and
school commodities featured a meet
ing of the Men's Student Council
Wednesday afternoon.
The action of the council followed
the granting of permission for the
audit by President McVey at a meeting last week. Those named on the
committee were Walter Vest, Alex-nndBruce and Benjamin LeRoy.
uex Allison, president of the coun
cil, read a report of his investigation
of textbook sales and profits to the
councilman, which was filed for consideration when the committee of
three returns a complete report of
its findings after an audit of profits
and expenses at the school store.
Mr. Allison s report on the sale of
texts that "charges marie by stu
dents that the University book store


Scarlet masks and gowns, crimson-bound
programs, red footlights,
scarlet cards of warning and death
and scarlet thoughts were delightfully interwoven with the mystery- farce at the Gulgnol Monday,

11, 19.30




Students Elrt
;T .
iueen or junior from

1500 Students Will Probably
Attend Kentucky High
School Week



Musical Contests of Individ
uals, Rands and Orchestras
Arc Today and Saturday


Sadie Hovious, Jane C Ken-neMary G. Heavenridge,
Jo Blackburn Also Ran



sixteen- - districts representing over
300 high schools from every section

of the state, have already particl
plated in the oratory, declamation,
debate, and achievement contests
held Wednesday and Thursday In
the tenth annual high school week
held at the University under the au
spices of the Department of Univcr
slty Extension. It Is expected that
before the conclusion of the pro
gram of activities, which includes
the Kentucky High School Festival
to be held today and Saturday,
there will be over 1,500 Kentucky
high school students in attendance.
high school week
The two-da- y
program, which in the charge of
Prof. Louis Clifton of the extension
department, opened on Wednesday
morning at 9:30 in the Memorial
building with the oratorical con
tests. Sampson Knuckles, from the
Red Bird Settlement School, Beverly, was acclaimed
the winner
over 15 other district winners. Two
boys, Thomas Seary, Holy Family
High School, Ashland, and Alvln
Trigg, Hopklnsville, were tied for
the second place honors.
Judges in the oratorical contests
were Dr. T. T. Jones, Dr. L. J.
and Prof. George Ragland of
the University faculty, and Mr. W.
E. Freeman, Jefferson county, Missouri, a member of the Missouri
state legislature.
In the first round of the debate
contests held on Wednesday at
McVey hall, Murray defeated
Bellevue defeated Jenkins; Frankfort defeated Hopklnsville; Science Hill Academy defeated
Pleasure ville high school; St. Xavler
of Louisville, defeated Elizabeth-tow- n
high school; Berea Academy
defeated Minerva; Ashland defeated Red Bird, and Danville defeated
Bowline Green.
In the second round of the preliminary debate contests held at McVey hall Wednesday night, Bellevue
defeated Murray; Frankfort defeat -de
e Beienee;Hill;.BwftAcademy,
feated St. Xavler, and Asniana ae
feated Danville.l
(Continued on Page Seven)



More than



Jack McGurk,

Chairman of

Affair, Announces Arrangements Are Complete

Ten Are Honored

at Opening

I'rogram of Twilight Series
In Memorial Amphitheatre

Thursday night marked the open
ing of a series of six twilight con
certs presented by the University
concert band. This series of concerts is being presented in the Memorial amphitheater if the weather
permits, otherwise the program will
be given Inside the Memorial build

Miss Mary Lou Renaker. member
of Kappa Delta sorority and Junior
in the College of Arts and Sciences,
was elected Queen of the Junior
Prom yesterday afternoon. The vot
ing on all the candidates ran close,
and Miss Renaker's majority was
not large. Other nominees for the
honor were Misses Sadie Hovious,
Jane Clay Kenney, Mary Grace
Heavenridge, and Josephine Blackburn.
This is the second time In the his
tory of the University that a prom
queen has been elected. Last year
Miss Kathleen Fitch received the
honor, but was unable to be present
on the night of the prom due to
illness. The coronation of the queen
will take place at the prom, which
will be held in the Men's gymnasium
the evening of April 25. The fes
tivities of the evening will be Interrupted and Jack McGurk will pre
sent the queen to the dancers.
Politics took a slight turn in
the election when the press was
refused admission to the room in
the basement of the Administration building, where the ballots
were counted and tabulated.
Kernel reporter, endeavoring to
secure the story of the result be
fore press time, was told in no un
certain language that' he was not
wanted in the room, and that the
winner would be announced as
soon as convenient to the officers
conducting the vote.
Miss Renaker, whose home is In
Burlington, was recently elected
president of the local chapter or.
Kappa Delta, was selected as a
Kentuckian beauty, was a nominee
for band sponsor, is a member of
the Y W. C. A., a Stroller eligible,
a "member'" or the 'University Girls'
Band, and Is a reporter on the staff
of The Kernel.
Kappa Deltas are holdng open
house in honor of. Miss Renaker
Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6 for
all the men students on the campus.
The Junior Prom Is one or tne
nutstandlne social events of the
school year and with the election of
the Queen of the Prom all arrangements for this delightful affair are
complete. The Prom committee, of
which Jack McGurk is chairman,
has attended to every detaila that
wn on to make the affair
cess and it Is the popular belef that
this will be one of the best dances
of the year. The dance will be formal and will last until one o'clock.
orOne of the better
chestras has been engaged to furnish the music.

The University band is the
THURSDAY Up in the bright
campus' most active organization.
sunlight of the early morning to enIn the course of the college year
joy the coming of Spring.
the University band performs at
ohnnf fhA streets I did See BILL
either rehearsals or engagements
HODGIN who did walk' with me
we qiq uuk
I with him, and
band's activities for 1920-3- 0 will relng trip required of all prospective "Scarlet," by Bruce
length about the approaching finals
Balfour Evens,
veal appearances at 102 rehearsals,
anrt females. Saw also TOTSY
as the most recent addition to their
seven football games, ten basketball
According to Dean Freeman, list of nineteen spring production
nnsE takinir his leisure before class,
games, seven concerts, eight radioMost students at universities have successes.
Saw the enterprising HENDERSON
casts, twelve military formations
little opportunity of getting sight of
"JUDGE" DYSARD as he nurriea to
Prom the time we entered the litand about ten miscellaneous appearthe actual work of engineers," but tle theater to be confronted by ush
the dean's class to offer his dissentances.
ing opinion. Saw BEV WHITE, the
on this trip to the Industrial cen ers and ticket handlers masked
Last night's program was as folrhvmer of rhymes and writer of
ters of the United States the 63 frrrarnarl In enanlaf
opinions, but he was in no hurry,
students will have this opportunity.
lth the ldenMt 0,
March Kentucky Cardinal, BarhurFaculty members also going
Saw BART PEAK in his usual
woo an
ry. Finally to breakfast where I did
Leach, nard.
Dean Anderson, Dean Freeman, D. intriguing airouipiuc, wicicand sus Dr. Henry Goddard
of mystery
' see THEO TEBBS and another
Overture Rosamunde, Schubert.
V. Terrell, L. S. CBannon, and J. pense as the sanguinary
Well -- Known Author and Patrol The Blue and the Grey,
Kunna who I do not have the pleas Schuermeyer, Barnes and Gil B. Dicker.
and flowed through three acts
Editor, Will Be Speaker at Dalbey.
more Are Other Officers The following schedule has been ebbedsmashing
of knowing. Saw also "ALEX"
climax of compoundCharacteristic
The Drummer's
ALEXANDER, who did greet me
Annual Commencement
Elected at Meeting Yester- arranged: May 7, the party will ed a
interest and histrionic endeavor.
Delight, Edwards (featuring Mr. Ben
with his usual fine manners. In the
leave Lexington for Detroit, Mich., Directed by that competent actor
afternoon to stroll about wishing
Dr. Henry Goddard Leach of New Stark).
where three days will be spent in and critical writer,
that I had no ambition for school Morton Walker, junior in the Col specting the various Ford factories, and performed by Thomas L. Riley, York City, present editor of the At this time the Phi Mu Alpha
an all-stcast
that I might loaf to my content. lege of Arts and Sciences and mem- including the Stout
Air of talented actors, "Scarlet" merits Forum magazine, will deliver the professional musical fraternity, held
annual it spring pledging services. The
Saw the usual array of loafers who ber of Phi Kappa Tau social fra Diane factory; the museum at Dear all the praise that has been given
address at the sixty-thir- d
It commencement day exercises to be pledges are as follows: Edgar Bag- mind for study: EARL MAY ternity, was elected president of the born, the General Motors Proving by three delighted
have no
dressed ud to eo somewhere, out University Y. M. C. A. in the annual Grounds, and the Parke-Dav- is
held June 2, according to an an shaw, Malcolm Barnes, Beryl
Behind the glare of red footlitrhts. nouncement made by Dr. Frank L.
never eettine there VIC YOUNG election held yesterday, according tory. Friday evening dinner will be
Foster Coleman, Wiley For-ma- n.
the living
giving the ladies his usual treat
Louis Friedman, Wilbur Frye,
to an announcement from the office had at the Brooke-Cadillhotel at Oyster room of the Marsh home McVey. The exercises, which are to
Bay, Long Island, was be held In the men's gymnasium, James Lyne. David Welsh. These
PEYTON Eijiiis engaging in uie of Bart Peak, secretary of the or- - with the Detroit Alumni Club.
be initiated April 21 at
national pastime VIRGINIA ganzation. Carlysle Schuermeyer, Saturday, the engineers will take seen as' and Joseph's curtain slowly will begin at 10 o'clock In the morn- pledges willduring
retreated to the sides ing.
YOUNG and GLADYS 'RICE in Junior in the College of Commerce,
the Province con
FRANCES and member of Sigma Beta Xi, was a lake steamer to Buffalo, and Sun- of the stage. It was in that living
new sprln g dresses
Dr. Leach, internationally known vention, held under the direction of
Niagara, they room tnat tne drama unfolded In
day and Monday, at
BASKETT acting like a youngster elected
SuKy, O. D. K., and Men's
trips the first act, gathered momentum author and editor, made known his Province Chief Walter Devaux.
will take the usual sight-seeiANNELLE KELLY taking a ride
acceptance to Dr. McVey in a letter
The active members of the chap
Other officers chosen for the year besides visiting the power plants in the second, and
Student Council to ConBUD
FARMER going social
reached its tine: to the latter last week.
1030-3- 1
ter are: Hugh Adcock, Bill Ardery,
are: Treasurer,
duct Election April 25
WILBUR FRYE dressed up in i Barnes; secretary, Robert Gilmore; and industries. Monday evening, ling Holmes climax ih the third only
career of this gentleman has Claude Walker, Irmen Forte, Joe
lleht snrlntr suit going to The Ker and member of thei faculty board of thev will have dinner in Buffalo a lew seconds before the curtain been one of high honor and posi- Conley, Eugene Royse, Joe McGurk,
The names of all nominees for
nel office for a last minute check directors, Professors P. E. Karraker, with the Western New York Chap spread Its bright expanse In final tion. Dr. Leach has been editor of Lawrence Alexander, David Young,
on the paper. This abundance of Paul K. Walp, J. Holmes Martin, ter of the American Society of movement ere the audience awoke the Forum since 1923. He Is a na- Gavle Hamon. Robert Goad, Ray May Queen must be In Dean Mel-cheoffice by noon. April 16. Nompeople of leisure did so dissuade me and Rev. Howard M. Morgan, who Heating and Ventilating Engineers. to applause. But during the two tive of Philadelphia. Pa., and re- Mays, Norman Hainsey, Kern Pat
Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs hour Interval between the first and ceived his Bachelor of Arts degree terson. Earl King senrr. wnour inations for May Queen must be
from studying that I am in no mood will serve for three years. Members
signed by at least thirty male stuso I join tne mum
curtain, many strange
be spent In the Aluminum the final
to work myseir
of the student advisory board, to day will Dupont "Rayon and Cel- events took place which long will be from Princeton in J903. In 1906 he Wortman. E. E. DuRand. Earl Mi dents In the University. Every boy
tiide of loafers.
was given his Master of Arts degree chel, Edward Barlpw, Morris Smith,
Walkone year are
Up betimes and to serve forRuttencutter, Morton Jones lophane plants, the American Brass stamped upon the minds of those at Harvard and two years later, by Stanford Evans, Toy Sandefur.
In school is entitled to vote on the
class. Thence, as Napoleon left the er, Joe
the American Latno who were the perplexed and highly that same Institution, he was given
Honorary members: Elmer G. candidates and to simplify ballotand Malcolm Barnes.
front of
boxes will be
isle of Elba, so did I steal forth from
Company, and the Buffalo entertained audience
his degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Sulzer, Charles Dlckersonr Roy E. ing, Administration,placed in
Mr. Walker, who was editor or this graphing
the Commerce,
my class to become ruler of razz
Aided and abetted by an efficient
Dr. Leach studied extensively in Jarmen, Sidney Griffith, U. G.
of Forge Company will be isitea
recorder of events and czar of vear's "K' book. Is a member the Agricultural and Engineering
Lewis C. Robinson.
Thursday. May 15, about half the stage crew, the first act in its open Sweden, Norwan and Denmark. He
buildings. The election will be held
scandal. Soon I saw BETTY CRAW Sigma Delta Chi, Journalism frater- party will return home while the ing minute presented Horace Miner is also editor of the American-ScandinaviThe twilght program continues:
FORD and PAT THOMPSON who nty; news editor of Tne tternei, others will visit New York City for as Julius Hunter, the grotesque carePrevious to
"At the Court of Cleopatra." from throughout the day of Thursday,
the Mens
do seem to get so much pleasure In and
Anril 24. the results of which will
evening of taker of the Marsh home, who wan- his Forum editorship he held posi- the suite "Famous Beauties."
a few days. On the
each other's company. Soon I did Dormitory Governing Council. He May 16 those in New York will be dered about the living room with tions of English instructor at HarReveries Sabbath Charms, For be announced In The Kernel, Friof the
see BETSY SIMPSON who doth in has served as
American-Scandinaviday morning.
of the
New xoric Aium-- nl strange mutterlngs and light signals vard, secretary
trigue me with her beguiling eyes, Y. M. O. A. for the past year, was entertained This the part of the trip to the accompaniment of a rain
The election Is being conducted
Selection The Desert Song, Rom
Foundation and cuClub.
and the way that she doth sing the editor of the "U. K. Y'" and is a is optional with the students.
by members of the SuKy, Omlcron
storm with thunder and lightning rator of the Scandinavian Collection berg.
Pitkin Club.
blues would indeed make one more member of the
Delta Kappa, and the Men's StuMarch On the Mall, Goldman.
out of doors. Before the action could of the Harvard library.
virtuous than I look forward to the
dent Council. Committees appoint
lag, Jack Smith and Katherlne Daadvent of Spring. This day I am in
ed from these organizations win
vis, as Terry Smith
and Jeanne
no further mood for scandal so i
have complete charge of both the
Page, came upon the stage to lay
close my eyes to iniquity ana shut
election of the May Queen and of
the foundation of mystery and sus
myself up to study. So passed the
the May Day program. The awards
pense, with which the play was reevening and night.
committee has selected prizes ior
plete. They were followed in natuSATURDAY Forth from a comthe most beautiful, the most comthere should have been a greater ral sequence, as the play progressed,
By Pat Rankin
fortable bed to the man's college,
At llrst It was decided that the ical, and the best Individual float,
The Kernel reDorter has been de-- 1
variety from which to choose. The by Kenneth Mclntyre, Christine
Yesterday the gallant juniors held
did behold many sleepy
whence I
purpose of paucity of the material indicates Johnson, James Dorman, Mary clared the most lowly, useless, and banquet should be formal, but It was and these awards are on display at
heads from "night befores." Saw their election social the
the Tavern.
celebrity of the that the prestige which should be Elizabeth Fisher, Earl Cella, George worrisome creature on the Unlver- - discovered that the uncouth news-sitDICK BREWER and GLADYS choosing their
campus. He is responsible for papermen had a tendency to "scoop"
Anv elrl in school who has a
everyone s dismay attached to such an outstanding so- Roberts, James Gates, Frank David
RICE, which is fast becoming nat- season. Mucn to
so his neighbor, so the "formality standing of 1 is eligible for nominafor cial event, Is somewhat lacking, but son and John Hearne, who respec the few bits of news that are
ural. Saw also LOUISE WENDT, there were only five candidates or what matters that to the successful tively played as Martin Booth, Delia lru?.enly arrayed in the columns of stuff" was called off. Overalls and tion, providing she Is neither a
Ah, love, thou the envied position of
and her HAMBO.
freshman nor a graduate student
Kernel. But there Is a secret bibs were adoptd.
For one night she Is su- Faye,
these five the
art sweet. At noon to lunch where THE PROM, and of only two. The candidate. the girl who was queen Kldd, Cyrus Marsh, Mrs. Marsh, Al The this most assumptuous Indl- - Tuesday, April 15, the annual
and providing this Is not her first
preme as
Spike Noonan, Lee Stuart, about
modest Kappas had
the inn did swarm with gentlemen
nel Banquet will be held at the La-n- v year at the University. The girl
He has to go hungry I
enough not for a night. Little sisters will look
(Continued on Page Twelve)
from the north state, and methlnks Alpha Gams were good
nftpr dav the lean and lanky favette hotel, and as usual, those at- - receiving the highest number of
they up to her In pious awe and perhaps
our southern lassies did feel many to enter, as they thought that
Kernel reporter has snatched up a tending will be guests of the busi-tldb- lt votes will be May Queen, the second
Saw there had participated any campus activi- emulate the favored sister.
a .quake of
here or a sandwich there to'ness office. James Shropshire has highest will be Maid of Honor and
one sorority.
And then on the night of the
eat It ravenously while pushing the charge of the banquet and Wilbur four others will be attendants. Phoof this month a goodThe Chi Omegas, sponsoring Mary twenty-fift- h
kejs of some infernal typewriter. ' Frye is in cnarge 01 tne program. tographs of the nominees will be
-- soup
JANET ROBBINS who had their Grace Heavenridge, the cool lady ly number of the socially elite will
made by Deacon Studio. The May
No Kernel next week.
Eat? Well, The Kernel staff Just Ihe reporters nave oraerca
high attend the prom, all accourtred and
What wonder that from Indiana,
heads together
and spoon" books of etiquette as Queen will be crowned at the annual
May Queen will be nominated
afternoon hopes of projecting themselves Into caparisoned, they will dance and
In the
men are tricked
guests May Day festivities which will be
Back in the days when Edwards there will be outstanding
the SIGMA CHI'S plus their "sweet- the spotlight. Mary Lou Renaker, make themselves exceedingly merry April 16.
held on the University campus.
The Ker- - present.
was reporting
Penalties will be enforced on Templln Business Office for tho same ' Special guests at the banquet will
hearts" rushed between house and the staid and demure young lady for a whle. crown the aueen. who
nel the
gym carrying gay colored papers from the Kappa Deltas, represented for a few brief moments will rise
absences from last classes before publication decided that tho report- - be President and Mrs. Frank L. Mc-e- rs
vnd balloons. Saw JOHNNY S LA-O- that Hellenistic organization. The robed in dazzling immortality to the Spring vacation, and on absences
as well as all members of the Vey. Lfan and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd,
and DORIS STRIKER. Me- blissful state of Mississippi, and the position coveted by all of the Junior
from first classes after Spring
The regular weekly luncheon- staff should get at least one good Prof, and Mrs. Enoch Grehon. Prof.
thlnks she is well named! The base- Alphi Xls were represented by smil- girls.
feed" durlnR the school year, poor ana Mrs. v. it. rorimann, wr. uu meeting of the faculty of the ColFortunately enough that will be
ball game, sport of collegians, was ing Sadie Hovius, while the Kappas
Kentucklans arrive to be disso poor from his; Mrs. Gerald Griffin, Miss wargue- - lege of Law was held at noon Tueslittle Templln was
most amusing. JOHNNY EPPS attacked the forces of the opposi- one night when man will have the
tributed May Day.
reportorlal tasks that he resembled rite McLaughlin, John Bullock, Koy day at University commons. This
with one STELLA 8PICER and all tion from two angles and presented advantage over the ladles, for there
Strollers will leave for annual
"shadow soup." The first Kernel Owsley. Nell Plummer. Edwards M meeting is a short business session
were there In gay fascinating Jo Blackburn and state- is only one woman who may be
Spring tour.
the Kappa Deltas
Banquet was given. It has become Templln, La wre nee Shropshire, held each week by the faculty of
Queen, but every man present may
array. And at the end of the eighth ly Jane Clay Kenny.
Kathleen Fitch, and Jess Laughlln. the College of Law.
an annual affair.
(Continued on Page Twelve)
it was tnougnt oy many mat be a king, if only for a moment.








Men Will Nominate
May Queen April

Gallant Juniors Chose Prom Queen
From Paucity of Fair Candidates

Starving Kernel Staff to Don Bibs,
Overalls for Annual Feed, April 15

� ner nt 7 o'clock In the red room of
the Lafayette hotel.
Saturday, April 12
Last day of the Music Festival at
the University.
Campus Club formal dance nt the
Phoenix hotel.
Alpha XI Delta Founder's Day
banquet nt the Phoenix hotel nt



G;30 o'clock.


Triangle formal dance nt the
B men's Rymnnslum.
Mr. n, D. Mclntyre host nt lunch-co- n
for Mr. Bnrre Hill nt the Chimney Corner nt 1 o'clock.
5 Sunday, April 3
m Vesper services at Memorial Hall
Stgma Delta Chi Pounder's Day at 4 o'clock.
Friday, April 11
Tuesday, April 15
Kentucky High banquet at the Lafayette hotel.
Kernel Banquet nt the Lafayette
University luncheon In Boyd hall hotel at G o'clock for members of
School Music Festival nt the Unl- verslty.
hi honor of the music supervisors, the staff.
Announcement of the Junior lot 12:30 o'clock.
Alpha Delta Thcta alumnae din- Prom Queen.

I H fi

Phone Ashland 3648


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April 24
Twilight concert In Memorial Hall
nmphlthcatcr nt 7 o'clock.
April 2(5
French Club banquet.
Tea for Woman's Club
Mrs. Howard Pcnk, president of
the Woman's Club of the JJnivcr-sH.- v.
pntrrtnlned with a bridtrc ten
Tuesday nfternoon nt her home In
honor of the new members or tne
The house was attractively arranged with spring flowers and
lighted candles and n delicious dinner was served.
Assisting Mrs. Peak were: Mrs.
Leslie Ingcls, Mrs. W. E. Freeman,
Mrs. W. A. Price, Mrs. Robert Lundy
nnd Mrs. Fordyce Ely.
Recital to Be Given
The following invitation has been
"The McDowell Club of Lexington invites the members of Phi Mu
Alpha to be their guests at a recital
of Modern Music by Mr. Harry
Jrteyers, of Louisville, Ky.
"Phoenix hotel ballroom, April 15,
8 o'clock."
Tea for National President
Beta chapter of Alpha Delta
Theta sorority entertained with an
elaborate afternoon tea yesterday
afternoon from 4 to 6 at the chapter house in honor of Mrs. Ansel F.
Hemenway, national president. The
house was decorated with pink glad-oll- o
and delphinium and blue tapers
in silver candlesticks tied with blue
In the receiving line with Mrs.
Hemenway were Miss Margaret
Horsfleld, faculty advisor; Mrs.
Charles Van Deren, province secretary; Mrs. Annie Neale, house president, and Miss Margaret Marrs,
president of the active chapter. Mrs.
Margaret Cole Hare presided at the
tea table, which was beautifully
decorated wi