xt776h4cp20z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4cp20z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1944-07-jun6-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-07-jun6-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-07-jun6-ec. 1944 1944-07-jun6-ec. 2011 true xt776h4cp20z section xt776h4cp20z 



    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, June 6, 1944.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday,
June 6, 1944.   The following members were present:  Judge Richard C.
Stoll, Chairman; H. D. Palmore, J. C. Everett, and R. P. Hobson.
President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson were pres-

     A. Allies Invade France.

     The Chairman of the Executive Committee called attention to
the fact that upon this day the Allies had launched an invasion
against the enemy, landing on French territory.   In the discussion
that followed, it was recalled that a member of this Board of Trus-
tees, John Cooper, is now in the Armed Forces and that various mem-
bers of the Board of Trustees have sons in the Armed Forces of the
United States.   Those sons are as follows:

     Lt. (J.g.) Robert C. Hobson, U.S.N.R., Dallas, Texas.

     Lt. (jog.) Frank M. Cutler, USN CEC, 115th Battalion, New
Guinea. Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California.

     Lt. T. H. Cutler, Jr., Army Transport Corps, Assam, India,
APO 491, do Postmaster, New York, N.Y.

     Capt. Mack G. Walters, 0-379708, Hdqo AAA ORP, Camp Stewart,

     Pvt. Paul G. Blazer,Jr,9 Company A, 28th Air-borne Tank Battalion
Fort Knox, Kentucky.

     Lt. WT. Tway, Camp Claiborne, La.

     Lt. David L. Cleveland, M.D.R.P. - A.S.F.T.C., Camp Ellis,

     B. Contract for Growth of Aromatic Tobacco.

     President Donovan presented correspondence with Dean Thomas
Cooper concerning the production of aromatic tobaccos, together with
a proposed contract for the growing of aromatic tobacco, the purpose
being to determine how successfully tobacco of this type might be
produced in this country and to determine its commercial value.

                                         May 19, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:
     as you may recalls there has been developed in our research
     laboratories, an aromatic type of tobacco.   This is an



important discovery and may give a materially larger value
for Kentucky-grown tobaccos. This development has now
reached a stage where it should be tested upon a larger
and a commercial scale. Accordinglyt arrangements have been
made with the American Suppliers, Incorporated, to purchase
crops of aromatic tobacco, which will be grown from seed
furnished by the Experiment Station and under the direction
of the Experiment Stations We wish to make arrangements
with certain growers for its production, since we do not
have the land necessary to care for it.

Our men in charge of this project did not understand that
agreements of this kind must be submitted well in advance,
for approval by you and the Board. This matter has been
brought up only within the last few days and the tobacco
must be set within the next week or so. Is it possible
for you to approve the contract in advance of the meeting
of the Executive Committee, so we may proceed with the work?
In the event the Executive Committee does not hpprove the
agreement, the only loss well be the seed and the expense
of supervision which we have given its Of course, the
grower will be in the position of having overproduced his

There is a collateral agreement* which is to accompany
this one for the approval of the Board, by which the Ameri-
can Suppliers, Incorporated, agree to purchase the crop
from us at the ceiling price. The matter is so pressing
that I hope It will be possible for you to give it your
                                  Sincerely yours;

                                  (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                            Dean and Director

*Will be submitted within a few days.

     WHEREAS it is desirable to determine the commercial
value of aromatic tobaccos a product of research by the Ken-
tucky Agricultural Experiment Station, a plan for producing
a supply for experimental manufacture is being fostered by
the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Under this
plan the tobacco is to be grown for and on behalf of the said
Experiment Station, which tobaccos when grown as well as when
harvested and transported to market, is to be the property
of the said Experiment Station, in which the grower shall
have no interest save as hereinafter provided:
     NOW, THEREFORE. the undersigned grower agrees: (a)
that the allotment of such aromatic tobacco which he Is to
grow for the current season shall, when grown, harvested,
and transported to market by said grower, be the property
of the said Experiment Station; (b) that he will furnish
the ground and all the labor required for producing and



marketing the crop; (c) that the said tobacco is to be
cuts housed, and handled separately and at no time shall
there be any intermixture with other tobacco; (d) that
the said tobacco is to be graded according to burley
grades by a government grader, if one is available; (e)
that the said tobacco is to be sold as usual through the
medium of the warehouse floors and will be purchased by
the American Suppliers, Inc., on behalf of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station as per the terms of the
marketing card of said Experiment Station, which is hereby
made a part of this contract.

     IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF the said Experiment Station,
on its part, agrees: (a) to furnish the seed for such crop;
and (b) to pay he grower, for the use of his soil and his
labor expenses, the ceiling price allowed to be paid for
each grade of the tobacco so grown.

     Dated at Lexington, Kentucky, this         day of
              , 1944.




                                   May 19, 1944

Dean Thomas Cooper
University of Kentucky

Dear Dean Cooper:

     I am authorizing you to go ahead and sign the con-
tract with the American Suppliers, Incorporated, to pur-
chase crops of an aromatic type of tobacco recently de-
veloped by the Experiment Station.   When the Board meets
June 2, I shall present the agreement for their approval.

                                 Cordially yours,

                                 (Signed) H. L. Donovan



                     111 FIFTH AVE.
                   NEW YORK 3, N. Y.
                                            Address reply to
                                          Louisville Division
                      May 24,1944         American Suppliers,Ino.
                                          P.O. Box 808
                                          Louisville 1, Kentucky

Dr. W.D. Valleau
Agricultural Department
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Dr. Valleau:

With further reference to our conversation a few days ago
regarding the purchase of aromatic Burley when it is sold
next season.

We agree to buy this aromatic Burley tobacco at government
graded ceiling prices. If the 1944 crop is not government
graded we will buy each grade comparable with the highest
market price.

                                 Very truly yours,

                                 (Signed) J. S. Dowd
                                           Vice President

                                         May 26, 1944

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

Under date of May 19, I submitted a proposed agreement for
the growing of aromatic Burley tobacco.   Enclosed is a
letter from the American Suppliers, Incorporated, agreeing
to buy such aromatic Burley tobacco as may be grown, at
government graded ceiling prices. This is the further en-
closure referred to in my letter and which I was not in
position to furnish at that time,

                                       Sincerely yours,

                                       (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                               Dean and Director.



                                       May 29, 1944

    Dean Thomas Cooper
    University of Kentucky

    My dear Dean Cooper:

         This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May
     26 enclosing a communication from the American Supplier,
     Inc., agreeing to purchase aromatic Burley tobacco at
     ceiling prices, which you are having grown under contract.
     I will ask the Board to approve of this arrangement which
     you have made when they meet next Friday,

                                       Cordially yours,

                                       (Signed) H. L. Donovan

     Upon recommendation of President Donovan, the Board took the
following action:
                         * ** ** ** ** *

            1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, the Director of the Experiment Station
               is authorized to sign the contract on behalf of
               the University of Kentucky.

     C. Asheraft-Wilkinson Company Check.

     President Donovan presented to the Board a check in the amount
of $69.90 which was made payable to the University of Kentucky by
the Ashcraft-Wilkinson Company of Atlanta, Georgia.   This check repre-
sented an overcharge for certain seeds handled through Louisa Supply
Company of Louisa, Kye, and was sent as a refund for distribution
to the people who purchased seed from the Company.   The Comptroller
did not wish to endorse the check to the Louisa Supply Company with-
out Board authority.
                         * * * ** ** * **

            2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
               ly carried, the Comptroller is authorized to en-
               dorse the check made payable to the University
               of Kentucky to Louisa Supply Company for the
               purpose of being distributed to the people en-
               titled to receive same.



    D. Street and Barrett Suit Dismissed,

    President Donovan presented the following le'ters concerning
the case of Frank T. Street and H. P. Barrett ii-'the case of Charles
M. Meacham, Jr., against Thomas P. Cooper, Director of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Statioh. The Executive Committee ordered the
information received and filed.
                                    May 11, 1944

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

    This is to report that, according to an order received
    from the Clerk of the Fayette County Circuit Court, upon
    motion of the plaintiffs, the case of Frank T. Street
    and H. P. Barrett and the case of Charles MA. Meacham,Jr.,
    against Thomas P. Cooper, Director of the Kentucky Agri-
    cultural Experiment Station; the Kentucky Seed Improvement
    Association, etc., was dismissed as of April 22, 1944.
    It was adjudged by the Court that the defendants should
    recover from the plaintiffs the cost herein expended.

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                               Dean and Director.

                                      May 17, 1944

     Dean Thomas Cooper
     University of Kentucky

     My dear Dean Cooper

          This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May
     11 informing me officially that the Fayette County Circuit
     Court dismissed the case of Street, Barrett and Meacham
     against you as Director of the Kentucky Experiment Station
     and the Kentucky Seed Improvement Association,    This is
     good news which I shall report to the Trustees at our
     next meeting.

                                       Cordially yours,

                                       (Signed) H. L. Donovan



    E. War Food Administration Agreement.,

    President Donovan presented a contract and correspondence con-
cerning cooperative agreement under Section 3 of the Farm Labor
Supply Appropriation Account, 1944, for the State of. Kentucky. He
read Dean Cooprl' letter, and filed letters from M. L. Wilson# Di-
rector of Extension Work in Washington, D.C*, and the contract,

                                          May 19, 1944

    President H. t.Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovant

    In April, you received a request from Director M. L. Wil-
    son, to give consideration to a certain agreement developed
    in connection with the Farm Labor program and under the
    direction of -the War Food Administrator,  It seems ap-
    parent to me that the-agreement does not Change the situa-
    tion which was provided for in the original agreement,
    signed by you February 25, 1944.   I have been informed
    that the advantage of the enclosed agreement is to take
    care of an emergency, should one arise in the state,
    Otherwise there would be no need to make use of it, In
    the agreement submitted by Director Wilson, no provision
    was made for its termination by the University of Kentucky.
    I have thought that you would wish to have such statement
    included in the agreement and have had a clause inserted,
    that it may be terminated upon thirty days' notice,    I
    am accompanying the agreement with letters and explanatory
    material which, I believe, will give you all necessary
    information.   With the provision for termination, I recom-
    mend your approval.

                                           Sincerely yours,

                                           (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                    Dean and Director

                     WAR FOOD ADMINISTRATION
                     Director of Extension Work
                        Washington 25, D.C.

                                                April 22, 1944

     T. P. Cooper
     Director of Extension Service
     College of Agriculture
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Director:



Some little time has been required to study the replies
to Administrator Jones' letter of February 14 to the Pres-
idents of Land-Grant Colleges with reference to services
and functions which the State extension services are
willing to perform in connection with interstate and for-
eign labor as provided in Soction 3(b) of Public Law 229,

In analyzing the replies, an attempt has been made to
group the States according to a limited number of pattern
arrangements which will gear in readily with the adminis-
tration and operation of the farm labor program as a whole.

A standard form of agreement has been prepared which is
susceptible to modification to take care of almost any
arrangement that may be agreed upon.   Sections 1 to 5
deal with general considerations, while Section 6 outlines
the specific services and functions relating to interstate
and foreign labor an individual State is desirous and will-
ing to perform.

Just in case 't becomes necessary at some time during the
year to supply to, or obtain from, another State even a
relatively small number of agricultural workers, it is
highly desirable that every State extension service enter
into an agreement covering Section 6 A 1, 2 and 3. Under
such an agreement, funds from Section 3 of the Farm Labor
Act can be allocated to State extension services in the
same manner as the funds available to States under Section
2,   This plan will obviate delays in obtaining reimburse-
sent for expenditures authorized in connection with the
recruitment of interstate workers.   Section 3e, page 2,
of the agreement is so written as to enable State extension
services to pay from funds allocated in advance for any
service rendered in connection with interstate and foreign
labor which the Administrator might authorize even though
not included in the specific services and functions set
forth in Section 6.

Enclosed are four copies of an agreement which seems to
meet the situation in your State,   If the agreement is
satisfactory, please return four signed copies, two of
which will later be returned to you after being signed by
the Administrator.   If the agreement is unsatisfactory,
please give us your reactions promptly, It is important
to know definitely at an early date the operational pat-
terns which will be followed in the several States during

Please estimate the funds which will be needed to carry
out the functions covered by this agreement.   It will
probably be desirable to make a small allocation of funds
immediately to be augmented as the season advances and
activities develop,



It will, of course, be necessary to keep the accounts on
the funds allocated in accordance with this agreement
separate from the State extension farm labor funds allo-
eated in accordance with Section 2 of Public Law 229.
Necessary instructions for guidance of your accounting of-
fLice will be sent at the time the first allocation is

Enclosed also is a copy of a letter I have written to
your President explaining the purpose of this new agree-
ment and its relationship to the original agreement
entered into between the colleges and the War Food Admin-
istration following the passage of the 1943 Farm Labor
Act and extended by a supplemental agreement to cover the
1944 Farm Labor Act.

                                  Very truly yours,

                                  (Signed) M. L. Wilson
                                            Director of Extension

              Director of Extension Work
                 Washington 25, D. 0.

                                           April 22, 1944

You will recall that Judge Jones, the War Food Administra-
tor, wrote, under date of February 14, 1944, regarding
the willingness of the Extension Service of your Institu-
tion to perform certain services and functions connected
with interstate and foreign agricultural labor.    Based
on the replies received, the enclosed form of agreement
has been prepared.   Section 6 can be varied to meet
State situations,

Four copies of an agreement prepared to fit the situation
in each State are being mailed to State directors of exten-
sion.   After your director has reviewed it from an opera-
tional point of view, he will be presenting it for your

The form of the proposed agreement relating to interstate
and foreign labor services and functions follows closely
the language of the original agreement entered into
between your Institution and the War Food Administrator
after the passage of the first Farm Labor Act on April
29, 1943.   In fact, the present agreement may be con-
sidered in effect an extension of the 1943-44 agreements
to include a somewhat broader range of farm labor activities.



An important advantage of the new agreement is that it
makes possible an advance allocation to States of funds
to care for certain expenses connected with agricultural
labor being brought in from outside the State, or being
recruited for transportation to another State, which are
not a proper charge against the farm labor funds appro-
priated for allocating to the State extension services
under Section 2, Title I, of the 1944 Farm Labor Act,

Regardless of the specific services and functions out-
lined under Section 6, once this agreement has been exe-
cuted it becomes possible for the State extension
service to utilize Section 3 farm labor funds for any
othier emergency activity connected with interstate and
foreign agricultural labor which it is mutually agreed
that the State shall perform.

In case the standard form of agreement and the letter
being sent your director do not answer satisfactorily the
questions which may arise in your mind regarding State-
Federal relationships growing out of the Emergency
Farm Labor Program, I shall appreciate your writing me.

                               Very truly yours,

                               (Signed) M. L. Wilson
                                        Director of Extension

                 (STATE OF KENTUCKY)

     THIS AGREEMENT, made this        day of         , 1944,
between the War Food Administrator, U. S. Department of
Agriculture, hereinafter called the "Administrator," and
the Cooperative Agricultural Extension Service of Universi-
ty of Kentucky, hereinafter called the "Extension Service,"


     WHEREAS, the Administrator and the Extension Service
desire to assist in providing an adequate supply and dis-
tribution of workers for the production and harvesting of
agricultural commodities essential to the prosecution of
the war, pursuant to Section 3 of the Farm Labor Supply
Appropriation Act, 1944 (approved February 14, 1944, 78th
Congress, 2d Session), hereinafter called the "Act":



    NOW, THEREFORE, in consider'ation of the undertakings
set forth below,

    1. The Administrator agrees'

       To allocate funds to the State of Kentucky; herein-
after called the "State", in such amounts and at such times
prior to December 31, 1944, as he may deem necessary, for
expenditure by the Extension Service in accordance with
Section 3 of the Act and this agreements and to assist and
cooperate generally with the Extension Service in the formu-
lation and conduct of the part of the program to be financed
with the funds so allocated.

     2. The Extension Service agrees:

        a. To accept and administer the funds so allocated
in accordance with Section 3 of the Act and this agreement;
subject to the supervision of the Administrator.

        b. To use the allocated funds only for furnishing
the services or functions set forth in the Schedule cortained
in paragraph 6 of this agreement and to combine with and ac-
count for as allocated funds any receipts derived from any
feeding and housing operations conducted under this agree-

         c. To return to the Administrator all such funds
not obligated by December 31, 1944, unless the Administrator
otherwise directs; unless otherwise directed by the Adminis-
trator, to return to the Administrator all unexpended property
acquired with the fufds, or if the Extension Service so
elects, the value thereof as determined by the Administrator
after consideration of estimates submitted to him by the
Extension Service, when such property is no longer needed
in the administration of the program undertaken with the
funds; to restore any misapplied funds; and, in the event
the Administrator determines that the program is not being
carried out in accordance with approved plans and procedures
and his supervisory instructions and regulations, forthwith,
upon notice, to return to the Administrator any unobligated
dalances of allocated funds or unexpended property acquired
with allocated funds.

         d. To keep such accounts and records and make such
reports concerning the use of the funds and work under way
and accomplished as the Administrator may require.

     3. The Administrator and the Extension Service mutually

        a. That the plans and procedures for the adminis-
tration of the program to be financed with the funds allo-
c ted pursuant hereto to the State shall be formulatod'by
the Extension Service and shall be subject to prior approval
by the Administrator,



          b. That, in carrying out approved plans and
procedures, the Extension Service shall be governed by
such instructions and regulations with respect to the ex-
penditures of funds as may be issued by the Administrator
from time to time.

          c. That the program shall be coordinated with
agricultural labor programs in other States and with the
national agricultural labor program, and shall be carried
out to the extent practicable in cooperation with interested
State and Federal agencies.

          d. That all rights and obligations of the Admin-
istrator herein may be exercised and performed by and
through duly authorized representatives of the Administrator.

          e. That the Administrator may from time to time
request the Extension Service to perform functions and
services in connection with interstate and foreign labor
movements not herein specifically enumerated and to the
extent that the Extension Service agrees to and performs
such functions and services the funds allocated pursuant
to this agreement will be used to meet the expenses incurred.
Actual performance by the Extension Service of any such
function or service requested by the Administrator will
constitute agreement by the Extension Service to the re-

     4. No Member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident
Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of
this agreement or to any benefit that may arise therefrom.

     5. The Administrator may require the modification or
termination of this agreement whenever he finds such action
to be necessary in order to carry out the terms of any
treaty or international agreement to which the United
States of America is signatory.

     6. Schedule.

        A. Services and functions to be performed by the
Extension Service with respect to domestic interstate agri-
cultural workers and their f amilies transported with them,
           1. When upon request of the Administrator, work-
ers are to be recruited in the State for employment in another

               a, Recruitment of workers, including phys-
                  ical examination and execution of work

               b. Transportation to and from place of res-
                  idence and assembly point and subsistence,
                  protection, shelter, health, medical and
                  burial service during such transportation,
                  before leaving assembly point, and after
                  returning thereto,



              c. Furnishing of a representative to accom-
                 pany workers to point of employment and
                 in area of employment until workers are

           2. When, upon request of the Administrator,
workers are to be recruited in another State, and when it
is mutually desired by the Extension Services involved, the
Extension Service of the State where the workers are to be
employed may perform any or all of the services and functions
listed under  1".

            3. Upon receipt of approved certification, and
when no special arrangements for equipment and facilities
have to be made by the Director of Labor with the -imerican
Association of Railroads:

                a. Transportation to and from such assembly
                   point in the State of recruitment and
                   primary destination point in the State
                   of use.

                b. Subsistence, shelter, health and medical
                   and burial services while en route

        B. Further health and medical services to be performed
by the Extension Service, are:     None, except as may be
performed under paragraph 3e.

        C. Services and functions to be performed by the Exten-
sion Service with respect to foreign agricultural workers and
their families transported with them are:   None, except as
may be performed under paragraph 3e.

     The University of Kentucky may, upon 30 days' notice to
the Administrator, terminate this agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agree-
ment as of the date first above written.

                                 War Food Administrator
                              U.S. Department of Agriculture

                              President, or other Appropriate

Director of Extension.



    Upon recommendation of President Donovan, the Committee took the
following action:

            4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, the agreement with the War Food Admin-
               istrator is approved and President Donovan is
               authorized to sign same on behalf of the Universi-
               ty of Kentucky.

     F. War Food Administration Amendment.

     President Donovan presented correspondence from Dean Cooper
concerning amendment to the War Food Administration contract, and
recommended approval of' same.

                                           May 25, 1944
     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     Under authority granted me last year, a contract was en-
     tered into for egg and milk grading, with the War Food
     Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.
     In order to meet the overhead administrative cost involved
     in certain phases of this work, the War Food Administration
     proposes an amendment to the contract, copy of which is
     attached.   I request authorization to sign this amendment
     to our present contract.

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                          (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                   Dean and Director.



                      AMENDMENT TO
                      BETWEEN THE
                        AND THE

 IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the parties hereto that
 Memorandum of Agreement AMA(A)-38, effective April 15, 1943,
between the Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agri-
culture, University of Kentucky, and the Food Distribution
Administration (now Office of Distribution, War Food Admin-
istration) providing for Federal-State grading work on
butter, cheese, eggs and poultry be amended as follows:

Under the caption "Mutual Agreements" strike out paragraph
(d) as originally written and amended on January 1, 1944, and
insert the following:

      (d) The Agricultural Extension Service, College of
      Agriculture, University of Kentucky, may bill the
      Food Distribution Administration (now Office of
      Distribution, War Food Administration) for eighty-
      five per cent (85%) of any fees charged and collect-
      ed, and for the full amount of the expenses incurred
      and collected for grading and sampling services
      rendered by its full time employees, and in addition,
      may bill for one-third of the administrative over-
      head charged and collected to cover the cost of plant
      operations when supervision of those operations is
      furnished by the Agricultural Extension Service,
      College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky.
      These amounts will be paid from the Trust Fund
      Appropriation Account established under this agree-

This amendment shall become effective June 1, 1944.

                       Director, Agricultural Extensio.r Service
                       College of Agriculture, University of

                       Doputy Director of Distribution
                         War Food Administration


Director of Extension Work
U. S. Department of Agriculture.



                                        May 27, 1944

    Dean Thomas Cooper
    University of Kentucky

    Dear Dean Cooper:

         I have your letter of May 25 enclosing a copy of the