xt776h4cp183 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4cp183/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1995-06-sep19. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1995-06-sep19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1995-06-sep19. 1995 1995-06-sep19. 2011 true xt776h4cp183 section xt776h4cp183 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, September 19, 1995.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m.
(Lexington time) on Tuesday, September 19, 1995 in the Board Room on the
18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.   Meeting Opened

      Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order
at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mrs. Marian Sims.

      B.   Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of
the roll: Governor Edward T. Breathitt (Chairperson), Mr. Ted Bates,
Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell, Mr. Shea Chaney, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr.
Merwin Grayson, Mr. James F. Hardymon, Professor Loys L. Mather, Dr.
Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles, Mr. Jim Miller, Professor Deborah
Powell, Mr. Steven S. Reed, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian Moore Sims,
Mrs. Lois C. Weinberg, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. Absent from the meeting
were Mr. Robert N. Clay, Mrs. Elissa Plattner, and Mr. Martin Welenken. The
University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors James W. Holsinger and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice
Presidents Fitzgerald Bramwell, Joseph T. Burch, and Edward A. Carter;
Professor Robert Lawson, Assistant to the President for Administrative
Affairs; George DeBin, Assistant to the President for Fiscal Affairs; Dr. Juanita
Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton, Director
of Athletics, and Mr. Paul Van Booven, Associate General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A
quorum being present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open
for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

      C    Approval of Minutes

      Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on
August 15, 1995 had been distributed. He noted that Professor Jim Miller's
name was inadvertly omitted in Section B, Oath of Office Administered, and
asked that the Minutes be amended to include Professor Miller's name. Mr.
Chellgren moved that the Minutes be approved as amended. Mrs. Bell
seconded the motion, and it carried.



      D.   Nomination of Officers and Executive Committee

      Under the Governing Regulations, officers of the Board and the
Executive Committee are elected annually at the September meeting.
Governor Breathitt called upon Mrs. Bell to preside and receive the report of
the Nominating Committee. Mr. Wilcoxson, Chairperson of the Nominating
Committee, placed the following slate of officers for 1995-96 in nomination:

           Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson
           Robert P. Meriwether, Vice Chair
           Lois C. Weinberg, Secretary
           Richard E. Plymale, Assistant Secretary

      Mr. Wilcoxson moved that these officers be approved. The motion,
seconded by Mr. Shoop, carried unanimously.

      Mr. Wilcoxson placed the following slate of Executive Committee
members for 1995-96 in nomination:

            Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson
            Robert P. Meriwether, Vice Chairperson
            Paul W. Chellgren
            James F. Hardymon
            Billy B. Wilcoxson
            Lois C. Weinberg, ex officio

      Mr. Wilcoxson moved that these individuals be approved as the
Executive Committee for 1995-96. His motion was seconded by Mr. Grayson
and passed. Governor Breathitt presided for the remainder of the meeting as

      E.   President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. The Kentucky EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate
         Competitive Research) program has again been funded, this time
         for $7.5 million.

      2. The National Science Foundation has awarded a $1 million grant to
         10 faculty members in two departments to develop a state-of-the-art
         computer laboratory that will harness unused computer power and
         allow researchers to study how to improve computers.

      3. The UK Markey Cancer Center has been awarded a $350,000 Cancer
         Center Planning Grant from the National Cancer Institute.



      4. Fifty-six bronze sculptures depicting human forms in various
         aspects of human activity are now permanently affixed to the facade
         of the College of Fine Arts Building on Rose Street. Professor John
         Tuska's bronze sculptures were dedicated at a College of Fine Arts
         ceremony on August 25th.

      5. Jeremy D. Popkin, a scholar of French history, has been named the
         College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor for 1995.

      6. The College of Pharmacy admitted 80 first-year students to its first
         all-Pharm.D. class this fall.

      7. The College of Law sets a new record in African-American

      President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in
the report at their leisure.

      He noted that PR 1 also has the Biennial Budget Request Report to the
Trustees. He asked that the report be delayed until the end of the meeting,
after the Finance Committee report.

      F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

      President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action;
and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted. Mr. Shoop moved approval. His
motion, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the

      G.    Conflict of Interest/Financial Disclosure Policy - Research (AR
114.0-4) (PR 3A)

      President Wethington said that PR 3A recommends that the Board
approve a Conflict of Interest/Financial Disclosure Policy. He asked Professor
Lawson to comment on PR 3A.

      Professor Lawson said that the National Science Foundation and the
Department of Health and Human Services have adopted regulations
designed to deal with integrity, objectivity, and research activities that are
supported by those federal agencies. These regulations require universities
who receive funds from those agencies to adopt a policy that requires
everyone involved in research activities to disclose any financial interests



that they might have that would effect the way in which they would conduct
or report on that research.

      He reported that the University has been working on adopting a policy
to implement these regulations, and the policy has passed through a number
of faculty and administrative groups. He explained the policy requires
researchers to file disclosure statements whenever they apply for external
funding. It requires administrators to review those disclosure statements and
if the statements reveal a conflict of interest as it would relate to this research,
then the University has to eliminate that conflict of interest or find a way to
manage that conflict of interest. Most of the policies in PR 3A are required by
the federal regulations. Without an adoption of this policy, the University
would not be eligible to participate in these federally funded programs. This
policy must be in place by October 1, 1995 in order to comply with federal

      President Wethington said that this policy deserves Board review and
consideration for approval. He reiterated that the policy must be put in place
as a result of requirements levied by the federal government. He
recommended that PR 3A be approved. Mr. Chellgren moved approval. His
motion, seconded by Mr. Miller, carried. (See PR 3A at the end of the

      H.    Revision of Provisions for Faculty Salary Supplemental
Compensation under the Dental Services Plan (AR II-7.0-4) (PR 6A)

      President Wethington said that PR 6A, 6B, 6C, and 6D are proposed
changes in the provision for faculty salary supplemental compensation in the
Medical Center. These documents affect Dentistry, Medicine, Allied Health,
and Nursing. The proposed changes change the frequency of payment of
participants from semi-annually to quarterly. He recommended that the
Board approve the Revision of Provisions for Faculty Salary Supplemental
Compensation under the Dental Services Plan. Dr. Meriwether moved
approval. Mr. Reed seconded the motion, and it passed. (See PR 6A at the
end of the Minutes.)

      I.    Revision of Provisions for University Health Service Physicians'
Supplemental Compensation under the University Health Service
Physicians' Practice Plan (AR II-7.0-9) (PR 6B)

      President Wethington said that PR 6B is a companion document. This
document changes the supplemental compensation plan for physicians from
semi-annually to quarterly. He recommended approval of PR 6B. On motion
made by Mr. Grayson, seconded by Mrs. Bell and carried, PR 6B was approved.
(See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes.)



     J.    Revision of College of Allied Health Professions Faculty Practice
Plan (AR 11-7.0-10) PR 6C)

      President Wethington said that PR 6C makes the same change for the
College of Allied Health Professions Faculty Practice Plan. He recommended
approval for changing their payment plan from semi-annually to quarterly.
Dr. Meriwether moved approval. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it
passed. (See PR 6C at the end of the Minutes.)

      K.    Revision of College of Nursing Faculty Practice Plan (AR II-7.0-
11) (PR 6D)

      President Wethington said that PR 6D will change the College of
Nursing Practice Plan payment from semi-annually to quarterly and
recommended approval. Dr. Meriwether moved approval of PR 6D. His
motion, seconded by Mr. Grayson, carried. (See PR 6D at the end of the

      L.    Acceptance of Audit Report for the University of Kentucky for
1994-95 (   1

      Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that
the Finance Committee met and reviewed ten items to present to the Board
for action. He explained that FCR 1 is the audit report for the University for
1994-95. It is the consolidated financial statement audited by Coopers &
Lybrand and includes the statements of the University of Kentucky and all of
the affiliated corporations. He said that the balance sheet, the consolidated
statement of changes and fund balances, the consolidated statement of
revenues and expenditures, and the summary of accounting policies had been
reviewed by the Finance Committee.

      Mr. Hardymon stated that the Finance Committee received a brief
report from Coopers & Lybrand, and the University has a clean, unqualified
report. He noted that Coopers & Lybrand complimented the University's
staff for their cooperation and expertise. He recommended approval of FCR 1.
Dr. Meriwether seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FCR 1 at the end of
the Minutes.)

      M.    Disposal of Personal Property (FCR 2)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 2 relates to Disposal of Personal Property.
He reviewed Exhibits I and II and moved approval. Mr. Shoop seconded the
motion, and it passed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)



      N.   Report of Leases (FCR 3)

      Mr. Hardymon reviewed the Report of Leases and made a motion for
approval. He noted that these leases are less than $30,000 annually. Mr. Bates
seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

      0.   Approval of Leases (FCR 4)

      Mr. Hardymon reviewed the Approval of Leases, noting that these
leases are greater than $30,000 annually. He said that the Finance Committee
had reviewed and accepted the leases and were bringing them to the Board for
approval. He moved approval of FCR 4. His motion, seconded by Mr.
Grayson, passed. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

      P.    1995-96 Budget Revisions (FCR 5)

      Mr. Hardymon said that the budget revisions are brought to the Board
quarterly. He reminded the Board that the report on budget revisions
submitted in August was a special report. He reviewed the revisions and
noted that the major items in the report are the Hospital Revenue and Fund
Balance. He recommended approval of FCR 5. Dr. Meriwether seconded the
motion, and it passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Q.    Estate of William Robert Sheeley (FCR 6)

      Mr. Hardymon reported that there were four gifts/pledges for
consideration. He said that FCR 6 is the Estate of William Robert Sheeley, a
native of Anderson County. Admiral Sheeley had a very distinguished career
in the United States Navy and retired approximately 20 years ago. He died in
1993 and is leaving money to the College of Medicine with no restrictions for
its use within that College. The initial distribution is $275,000, and there
possibly will be an additional $200,000 later this year. He recommended
approval. His motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, carried. (See FCR 6 at the end
of the Minutes.)

      R.    Philip Morris. Inc.. Contribution (FCR 7)

      Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept a gift of $159,000 from
Philip Morris, Inc. He noted that this gift is for research, education programs,
undergraduate scholarships, and graduate fellowships in the College of
Agriculture. Mr. Chellgren seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 7 at
the end of the Minutes.)



      S.    RJR Nabisco Foundation Contribution (FCR 8)

      Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept a gift of $107,000 from the
RJR Nabisco Foundation to the College of Agriculture. He stated that this gift
will be divided among research, extension, and education programs in the
College. His motion, seconded by Professor Mather, carried. (See FCR 8 at the
end of the Minutes.)

      T.    Saint Joseph Hospital Pledge (FCR 9)

      Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept a pledge of $100,000 from
Saint Joseph Hospital for the College of Allied Health Building Campaign.
The company's pledge is to be paid in $25,000 installments over a four-year
period. The pledge is contingent upon the building being constructed with
support from other businesses, hospitals, and the Kentucky General
Assembly. Mr. Reed seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 9 at the
end of the Minutes.)

      U.    Biennial Request 1996-98 (FCR 10)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 10 includes the operating and capital
requests for 1996-97 and 1997-98. He asked President Wethington for his

      Through a series of slides, President Wethington reviewed the 1996-98
Biennial Request. He said that the document is based on the Strategic Plan
goals: scholarship and academic excellence, leadership, stewardship of
University human, fiscal and physical resources, and community. It includes
chancellor/vice presidential and college/unit plans which reinforce the
University-wide plan and also includes the Land Use Plan.

      He reported that the Biennial Budget Request is based on strategic plans
within the context of the revised Kentucky funding model. It places
emphases on the following:

      - Strengthening the University as a student-centered university
      - Maximizing access
      - Competitive salaries and benefits
      - Strengthening role as leading research university
      - Commitment to equity and diversity
      - Forefront of information technology
      - Instructional and research equipment and maintenance of facilities
      - Addressing the University's unique leadership role in the state

      He reviewed the provisions of the Kentucky Funding Model and said
that the University's request under the funding model is a reasonable request.



If funded, it would address longstanding funding inequity in the Community
College System, provide a 3% cost -of-living increase, deal with performance,
provide opportunity for special requests, establish short-term funding
objectives, and establish a long-term funding strategy for higher education in

      President Wethington reviewed charts illustrating formula funding
equity and the formula gap in comparison with other state institutions. He
then provided a summary of state funding requests for 1996-98 for the
University, calling particular attention to fixed costs and cost-of-living
expenses. He also pointed out the program improvement request for the
Comunity College System and the University System. He noted the request
for new programs and special requests for both systems.

      After reviewing the 1996-98 capital request for state funding for the
Community College System and the University System, he recommended
that the 1996-98 Biennial Request, which includes both the operating and
capital requests, be approved for submission to the Council on Higher
Education, the Governor of the Commonwealth, and the General Assembly.

      President Wethington thanked the members of the staff for their
efforts in preparing the Biennial Budget Request. He asked the Board to act
favorably upon the Biennial Budget Request and that they become advocates
for the University of Kentucky and for all of the colleges and universities as
we try to achieve a better level of state support during 1996-98.

      Mr. Hardymon said that the Finance Committee reviewed and
approved the document. He moved that FCR 10 be approved. Mr. Shoop
seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 10 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Professor Miller thanked President Wethington and the University
staff and administration for their good work. He said that it is a very broad
and encompassing document. He made note of the effort on the part of
President Wethington and the administration to deal with the faculty and
staff salaries and in particular, the salaries of the Community College System.
He expressed appreciation to President Wethington and the administration
for this bold initiative dealing with the low salaries in the Community
College System.

      Governor Breathitt expressed his appreciation to President Wethington
and the staff. He noted that President Wethington had been very much
involved in the preparation of this document. He said that he had seen one
other person in public life as involved in a budget as President Wethington
and that was former Governor Earl Clements. He said that he was impressed,
and it is a very fine compliment to President Wethington.



      Professor Mather said that he would like to add his voice to the thanks
for the effort that went into preparing the document and to the sensitivity to
the needs of the state and the University community. He stated that he is
hopeful for more than a continuation budget, which is where we have been
at best for some time. He said that he does have a couple of areas that he and
President Wethington have discussed. One of those is his concern about
reliances on part-time faculty. He expressed hope that the University can
begin to move toward more reliance on full-time faculty. The other issue
expressed from faculty is the hope that the University can begin to address the
overall salary structure for University staff. Professor Mather noted that
faculty depend heavily on the staff and commented that staff carry a heavy
burden in fulfilling the University's missions. He commended President
Wethington and the staff for the emphasis in the budget on diversity issues.
Another issue beyond the state budget is declining pools of federal grant
funds for research, particularly in the medical area. Although in the past,
University faculty have been very successful in obtaining funds he stated he
hoped there will be some flexibility to deal with lack of research dollars if and
when that kind of belt tightening becomes a factor because of federal budget
cuts. He commended President Wethington for what he has done.

      V.    Resolutions Honoring Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr. and William B.

      Mr. Wilcoxson read the following resolution honoring Daniel C.
Ulmer, Jr.:

      Whereas, Daniel C. Ulmer Jr. has broadened his commitment to
      education, particularly higher education through the completion of a
      full term as a productive and esteemed member of the University of
      Kentucky Board of Trustees, and

      Whereas, he has well represented the interests and concerns of his
      home community of Louisville, site of a large concentration of UK
      alumni, and

      Whereas, his experience in the banking community in Kentucky and
      nationally has provided the Board of Trustees with a wealth of
      judgment and expertise, especially through his work as a most active
      member of the Board's Investment Committee, and

      Whereas, his service to the Board allowed the University the benefit of
      his seemingly ever-expanding experience as a civic leader of the
      highest caliber, beyond Louisville and extending throughout the state
      of Kentucky, and



     Whereas, he has lent his considerable expertise in banking to the
     University in dealing with all matters, but especially those requiring
     banking acumen, and

     Whereas, he has been a faithful attendee and participant in meetings of
     the Board, and has provided valuable input on other University issues,

     Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the
     University of Kentucky does hereby express its sincere and abiding
     gratitude to
                             Daniel C. Ulmer Jr.

     for the dedication and commitment he has given to the Board and for
     the support he has shown to the University.

     On motion made by Mr. Wilcoxson, seconded by Mr. Chellgren and
carried, the Resolution was approved.

      Governor Breathitt presented the following Resolution honoring
William B. Sturgill:

      Whereas, William B. Sturgill, a distinguished 1946 graduate of the
      University of Kentucky, served the people of the Commonwealth as
      chairman of the UK Board of Trustees for 10 years, the longest tenure
      of a board chair in the University's 130-year history, and

      Whereas, he has been a University Fellow since 1968, a valued member
      of the Development Council since 1973 and chairman for a five-year
      term ending in 1994, and

      Whereas, his gifts of time, talents and money to his alma mater know
      almost no bounds, including twin donations to first construct, then
      expand a building for the UK Office of Development, which bears his
      name, and

      Whereas, he has proved to be one of the University's most generous
      benefactors in other ways, having funded the William B. Sturgill
      Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Education 20 years
      ago and having provided support for nearly two dozen separate
      programs at the University, and

      Whereas, he has proved a living example to others in terms of giving
      back to the University what he had been given as a student and
      graduate of the University, and



     Whereas, his interest in education, and higher education in particular,
     has highlighted a career of service to the Commonwealth and its

     Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the
     University of Kentucky does hereby express its deepest and abiding
     appreciation to
                              William B. Sturgill

      for his exceptional career that includes 16 years of leadership to this
      Board and for the magnanimous sharing of his resources, inspiring all
      of us who have warm and loyal feelings for the University of

      On motion made by Governor Breathitt, seconded by Mrs. Weinberg
and passed, the Resolution was approved.

      W. Meeting Adjourned

      There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 2:17 p.m.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Lois C. Weinberg
                                          Board of Trustees

(PR 2, 3A, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D; FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                                                    PR 2

Office of the President
September 19, 1995

Members, Board of Trustees:

                                PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: that approval be given to the attached appointments, actions and/or other
staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff changes require
approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations
of the University. These recommendations arc transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appointments and/or other staff
changes is delegated to the President or other administrators who are required to report their
actions to the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring Board


Action taken:


J Disapproved


U Other






      Assistant to the President for Fiscal Affairs

      Henninger, Thomas R., Business and Operations Director, Office of
         Fiscal Affairs, effective 9/18/95.


      Environmental Health and Safety

      Thorpe, Norma J., Staff Assistant, University Fire Marshal, after 21.5
         years of service, under AR 11-1.6-1 Section III.A.2, effective 9/15/95.

      Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies

      Hughes, Charlie G., Associate Scientist, Tobacco and Health Research
         Institute, after 29 years of service, under AR 11-1.6-1 Section III.A.2,
         effective 8/31/95.



      Vice President for Information Systems

      Scott, Elizabeth B., Librarian IV (temporary), University Libraries,
          Technical Services, effective 8/21/95 through 6/30/96.



                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM

         BOARI) ACTION


               Office of the Chancellor

               Shumard, Ronald, CC Marketing Director for the Center for Kentucky Rural
                  Economic Development, effective 8/21/95.



               Elizabethtown Community College

               Ames, William M., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
                  through 6/30/96.
               Bowden, David, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95 through
               Sharp, Marsha, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/l/95 through

               Hazard Community College

               Dunn, Timothy J., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
                  through 6/30/96.
               Hawkins-Looney, Lori, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
                  through 6/30/96.

               Hopkinsville Community College

               Kelly, Quin E., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95 through
               Prudhomme, Bonny, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
                  through 6/30/96.
               Spires. Melvin C., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/l/95
                  through 6/30/96.

               Jefferson Community College

               Brumfield, Kevin. Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
                  through 12/31/95.



Cahaney. William J., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
   through 6/30/96.
Litteral, Trina K., Instructor in the Community College System. 8/1/95 through
Weiner. Peter. Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95 through

Lexington Community College

Davenport. Teresa, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   8/23/95 through 6/30/98.
Hawley, Joyce D., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   8/23/95 through 6/30/98.
Justice, Laura G.. Instructor in the Community College System. 8/1/95 through
Lear, Wanda G., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95 through
   5/3 i/96.
Norman. Valiant C.. Instructor in the Community College System, 8/21/95
   through 5/31/96.
Phillips. Peggy J., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   8/23/95 through 6/30/98.
Smith, Richard T., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
   through 12/31/95.
Strunc, Mary Ann, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/95
   through 5/31/96.
Watts, Laverta A., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   8/23/95 through 6/30/98.
Wheeler, Freelon D., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   8/23/95 through 6/30/98.

Madisonville Community College

Adaniel, Inocentes, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Adaniel, Maria V.. Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 throu-h X/21/98.
Bohannon. Tony, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary).
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Bowling, Robert G., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/21/95
   through 6/30/96.
Charnes. Manina, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/9X.
Cooper. Lisa, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/9X.



Davis, Dianna, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Dunlap, Donna, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Durst. J. W., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Farhi. Sivy, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/23/95 through
Fulks, David T., Instructor in the Community College System. 8/22/95 through
Goins, Lori, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Hawk, Sheryl, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Hawkins, Theresa, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Hedges. Donna, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Lamb, Angie, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Leachman, Lori, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Lindauer, Patricia, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Lodzik, Monique, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
McLain, Julia, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
McLurkin, Amy L., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Montague, Phil, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Moody, Kirk, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Pinerola. Jase, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Rawlings. Teri, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Roehr, Beth. Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Roof, Greta P., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
   9/22/95 through 8/21/98.
Sellers, Amy, Instruct