xt773n20gc9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20gc9d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 2002 2002 2002-04-26 2020 true xt773n20gc9d section xt773n20gc9d Want to see Bill Keigbtley in a tutu? l 4



April 26. 2002


Ceebrating 30 years of lependnce


UK basketball

Team awards honor
men’s players for
good jobs during
the season I lit

' Wm“

Hayes vows to continue appeals process

Relentless: 56 presidential candidate requests
Board of Trustees review of last month’s election

By Sara Cunningham
surr mini—“E

Votes were counted for the
Student Government elections
over a month ago. but the fight
over election claims is likely to
continue long after students
take their finals next week.

The 86 Supreme Court up-
held the rulings of the Election
Board of Claims last week.


marking the end of student
hearings on election claims.
However. SG president runner
up Ben Hayes is not satisfied
and said he is going to continue
pursuing the matter.

He said his claims of possi-
ble funding violations and oth‘
er alleged abuses are too
important to forget.

“I feel the corruption has

saturated student government
on every level." Hayes said.
“It's not that I didn't work hard
enough. I just didn't cheat
hard enough."

Hayes asked the UK Board
of Trustees to listen to claims
and intervene. He said the mat-
ters might be heard sometime
in June.

"I'm not sure if they'll even
hear it.“ Hayes said. “But if
they‘re interested in becoming
a Top—20 university you Would
think they would want to end
corruption in student govern-
ment just like they are working


to end the Athletics Depart»
ment corruption."

Hayes also contacted the
state board of the ACLU to ask
them for legal help. He said
they should be getting back to
him sometime next month. If
they do not offer assistance. he
will contact local attorneys for
pro bono help in court later on.
he said,

“I'm not stopping until l
have exhausted all means of ap-
peal or Tim (Robinson) steps
down." Hayes said.

Some have questioned how
Hayes‘ actions might affect SC

entucky’s new catch

New in town

Stephen Vlrinn carries his l6-month-old son, Eli, on his shoulders while his wife, Julie, looks on durin

University Press of Kentucky on South Limestone. Wrinn started this month as the press's third director.

Welcome: New University Press director pursues
his passions - publishing books and fishing

By Tracy Kershaw

When Stephen Wrinn found
out he was a finalist for the di-
rector‘s job at the University
Press of Kentucky. he went
straight to his computer.

“I did a Google search for
‘Kentucky and fishing.“‘ he said.
“I had to specifically know how
good the fishing was here."

The search brought up a
book by Kentucky author Art
Lander. A Fishing Guide to Ken-
tucky's Major Lakes. Wrinn was
about to order a copy when he
noticed the University Press of
Kentucky. where he would soon
visit for an interview. had pub-
lished the book. So he decided to
wait and pick up a copy in per-

In Lexington. Wrinn not
only got a guide to great fishing.
but also a new job.

After working 12 years at
commercial publisher Rowan
and Littlefield in Washington
00. he became the third direc.
tor of UPK. which publishes

scholarly books for 14 colleges
in the state.

After a while. the profit—dri-
ven world of commercial pub~
lishing drove Wrinn to want to
work at a more serious-minded
university press.

“I realized that in commer-
cial publishing. because it is for
profit. there is a logic that you
can never be content with just
a. say. 5 percent profit. You
must grow." he said. sitting in
his new office at 663 South
Limestone. “It got to a point
where I didn't enjoy publishing
the books we published."

As director of the press.
Wrinn will acquire books in
history and political science
and manage a ZZZ-person staff
and a warehouse operation.

He'll also serve as liaison
for the Thomas D. Clark Foun-
dation. an organization whose
mission is to support the publi»
cation of books about Kentucky
and the Appalachian region.

“My goal as director is to
continue our strengths in re-
gional publishing but take UPK

to a higher level of national
recognition and prestige."
he said.

Wrinn said he wants to
combine the merits of commer-
cial publishing quick deci»
sion-making and project turn-
around 7-~ with the scholarly
and regional mission of the
press. which. he said. is already
poised for continued success.

“I think I have to convince
people of my utter sincerity
that publishing only firstrate
scholarly work is the reason I
am here." he said.

Leila Salisbury. UPK mar-
keting manager. said the staff is
already pleased with Wrinn

“The entire staff is im
pressed that he seems to have
high standards for the scholar-
ly publishing part of our press."
Salisbury said. “He seems to
have already embraced the re‘
gional mission of the press."

One of Wrinn's first pro-
jects won't be a tough one for
the avid fisherman: He'll be the
editor for Art Lander‘s next
book on fishing in Kentucky's
smaller lakes.

“i'm going to be his peer re
viewer . make him take me
out to all the lakes so I can dou»
ble-check his research. Some-




9 a suprise visit Thursday afternoon outside the

body's got to do it." he said.

While living in Washington
DC. Wrinn drove two hours al-
most every weekend to western
Maryland to fish. A Palomino
golden trout he caught in Penn-
sylvania is mounted on his of-
fice wall and a cardboard pro-
motional for A Fishing Guide to
Kentucky '3 Major Lakes sits on
a table.

“Fishing is my passion." he
said. grabbing a small photo al~
bum from his bookshelf He
flipped through each page.
“This is a steelhead trout in up»
state New York. a striped bass
in Connecticut. a brown trout
in Scotland and a rainbow trout
in Idaho."

On Tuesday Wrinn will fish
with Kentucky Poet Laureate
and UK English professor
James Baker Hall at a pond on
Hall's Sadieville farm.

“How cool is this job”
Wrinn said. The trip will be his
first time to fish in Kentucky

UPK director is a position
he said he would have de
scribed four years ago as his
ideal job. And he called Ken-
tucky a place he can see himself
staying in forever. “I can't wait
to get to know this entire state."

I think I have to convince people that publishing only first-

rate scholarly work is the reason I am here.”




Newsppre at he iii

in the future. 80 president Tim
Robinson was sworn into office
for his second term Wednesday
and said Hayes is ignoring and
potentially damaging the Hide
pendence of SC.

"To go outside 80 is not ap‘
propriate.“ Robinson said.

“For someone who seems to
be so concerned about repre-
senting students. he doesn't
seem to be bothered by piercing
SG's indeiwndence, He's putting
his self~interest before SC."

SC Advisor John Herbst
said he has never seen 80 go
through controversy like they


are going through now. He has
been SG Advisor for f'ive years
and has Worked on-and-off with
80 for 218 years.

He said many organiza-
tions deal With allegations and
speculations at some point and
the best thing to do is wait for
the facts.

“I've always considered 80
to be a self-governing organiza-
tion with its own checks and
balances." Herbst said. “But
this is above and beyond the
normal constraints of the SG
constitution. I'm not sure what
this means for the future,"

J President Todd
creates position,
lills two others

Administration: New post will be charged
with ‘higher purpose’ of serving Kentucky

By John Vlampler
antistatic? __ “W“

Next vear will see some
new faces in the UK

President Lee Todd is
looking to fill one new posi—
tion and two existing ones
that are being vacated.

The new position is vice
president for Academic Out-
reach and Public Service. for
which a search was recently

UK already has a list of
candidates for vice president
for Research. to replace Jim
Boling. who is returning to a
fa( ulty position in the College
of .-\griculture.

[,‘K is also searching for a
replacement for Associate
Provost of Student Affairs
Jim Kuder. who is retiring

See STAFF on 3


Vice president ior Academic
Outreach and Mc Service:

Will oversee process of serving
the statewide comnntnlty. Review
of applications will begin May 15,
and continue until the new posi-
tion is filled.

Vice president for Student Allah's
This position would involve a
great deal of direct interaction
with students. A list of finalists
for the position is expected to be
out by the end of the week

Vice president for Research
Must have much background
and understand that all depart-
ments on campus have roles in
doing reseuch for UK A list of
finalists has already been
compiled, and interviews
begin in May.

nut MB | maustm

Triumphant sculpture
“Momma-Inclusion“. Tin-tied.


 2i riiibiiv. APRIL 26. 2002 I kcinucitvireeiici


The Low-down


67 48

Watch out for
though you wont
see the one that
gets you...

VOL. $3109

Call 257-l9l5 or

Call 257-2872 or

Call 257-287l or

fax 3234906

If you have
mail them to
Ashley York,
editor in chief, at
kyliernelrom or
call 257-1915.


Among the many monthly prizes up for grabs:


Student selected for Cornell program

I‘ollege of Social Work doctoral student
l.iiid.i \t'ei‘iiioling is one of IL! students nation
\\ ido who have been selected nationally to attend
the hub annual Summer Research Institute at
(‘oriiell l'niyeisity The 30oz institute is
slitlllstllt'il by the National Data .\rclii\'e on l‘hild
\liuso ind Neglect i.’\'I).\l‘.»\Z\'i.iiid will be held at
l'oriicll in Ithaca. N Y .\I;i\ Ethluno L’. The I‘.’
participants were selected based on preyions
lost-.iii h c\‘pei'ioni o ind their level of coinniit
mom to their research In her doctoral program.
\Vornieliniz completed two research papers.
\\lllt‘ll focused on how siibsi.iiico abuse and
mental health problems .ll'f' detected and dealt
with among clients oi Kentucky's child welfare
s\‘slt-lll ller ro\ li'\\\ ol'dziia and lilcriuuro on the
suliiocts l'i'\e.il-*d gaps Ill \i‘l‘\ ices otlei'ed to child
\\‘i'li:ll't' l iil‘lll\ .ls' lllilll\ si'l'\'lt‘i's li'lttl lti ltil‘lls till
innit llxl‘l‘\ pioli'iciiis is opposed to that of the
i'llllll .\Ioi'o study in this area. she said. could
load to lll’t‘.tl\llll'llll;lll\ lot better services.

Family Studies Ph.D program overflows
After iust one year on lhc register at the I'm»
\‘oi‘s‘ity of lx'oiitncler. the new l’aiiiily Studios Iloc
toi‘al Program is bursting .u ilic soains While in
creases in both the mastcrs and the doctorate
programs were o\pecied. the actual increases
have gone far llf‘\llll(i \\ hat administrators hoped
tor ;i one \ear Illi‘l‘i‘Jlst' Hradu ito onrolluiout in
t'uinly studies has Illlllllt'll “Will to to more than
Til lor tall 200: In lhc doctoral program. four stu
ill"ll\ were accepted to the pi'ogi'aiii's first semos
it'l‘, .uid another was added this semester ()I‘ the
lliil joll‘.‘ applications. t'lLlel have been accepted.

Financial Aid opens new Web site

\ new Wobbasod email service from tho
I‘uiyersity of Kentucky (ltfico of Student l‘iiiaii
cial .\id is making it easier for students to man
ago then financial .ud l‘ltilll \\'\\\\ iiky odii I’i
iiancial.-\id (Qt' ldl‘list litiiil. students can locate
and directly e-iiiail their financial aid counselors
\\‘.lll questions they may li;i\o about their liiian
rial :ud question


Bush, Saudi leader bond at ranch

t‘RAWl'HRI). Texas Presirlont Ilush said
'l‘hiu‘sday that he and Crown Prince Abilullah of
Saudi Arabia forged a personal bond in a day of
t.ilks .‘ll tho pi‘osidoiit‘_s Texas ranch and Abdul
lah proiiiis‘od not to "use oil as a weapon” to




Billy Collins wrll
serve a second
one‘year term as
US. poet laureate.
the Library of
announced Thurs-
day. The library
Cited his program
for getting schools
to choose a poem a
day for pupils to
read. silently or
aloud. It said the
program "has been
greeted Wllh great
enthusiasm across
the country."
Collins deSIgned a
Web site and drew
up a list of poems
to choose from.
including some of
his own verse He
has published srx
books of poems
over the past 25
years, with titles
like “The Art of
Drowning“ and
"The Apple that
Astonished Paris."
A teacher of long
experience. he has
the title of distin-
gurshed professor
of English at
Lehman College In
New York City.

HIS verse IS noted
for Wit and ease of
understanding and
he commands as
much as $2000 for
a reading. As poet
laureate he gets
$35,000 a year to
give free readings
and adVise the
library on poetry.
He was appornted
to his first term in
June. Collins WIII
deiiver a free lec-
ture at the library
May 8 on
"Hedonism and the
Pleasures of
Poetry." linking
poetry to the philo'
sophical idea that
happiness is the
proper aim of life.

We’re Giving Away More Than

25 000

in Cash and
Incredibly Useful Stuff.


show Arab anger over US support for Israel,
The president's upbeat assessment contrasted
wttli recent Saudi complaints that the adminis
tration‘s backing of Israel had damaged
prospects for Mideast peace and soured relations
with the Arab world. Bush took a more personal
view after he and Abdullah spent five hours
meeting and then walking and driving the fields
and Woods of' the president's Prairie (‘hapel
Ranch. "()iie of the really positive things out of
this meeting is the fact the crown prince and I es-
tablished a strong personal bond." Bush said.
"We've spent a lot of time alone discussing our
respective visions, talking about our families."
The Israeli-Palestinian crisis dominated the dis
cussion in Bush's first face-toface meeting With

House votes to break up INS

WASHINGTON The House overwheliir
ingly agreed to abolish the embattled Tlllllilgl‘tlv
tioii and Naturalization Service on ’l‘hursday
and create two new agencies to handle enforce-
iiieiit and immigration services. The bill passed
the House 405 9 just hours after Attorney (it‘llt‘l‘-
al John Ashcroft made a special trip up to the
(‘apitol to endorse the legislation. House Repub-
licans and Democrats both got behind the bill. "I
am convinced it is time for reform." said House
Democratic Loader Dick (lephai'dt. 1) Mo. "We
will have taken a big step in helping the federal
government iiiaiiage immigration." said Rep
John lvllldt'l'. R-(Ea. Howover. Ashcroft said the
White House would likely work with the Democ-
ratic~controlled Senate to get a plan more to its
liking. “This is not the end of the journey." the
attorney general said. ”This is an important first
step essential to the jouriiey's end. but not suffi
cient to get us there."

Senate's energy bill offers tax breaks
WASHINGTON The Senate passed an ener-
gy bill Thursday that features tax breaks to con-
serve and produce energy and directs more use
ofethanol. but rejects the Bush administration
proposal to develop oil in an Arctic wildlife
refuge. After sometimes bitter deliberations. the
Senate approved the energy package 88-11. The
vote sets up a showdown with the House. which
last year passed an energy bill that focuses more
on helping energy companies boost production.
including drilling in the Alaska refuge. Much of
the Senate debate. which stretched over six
weeks. centered on America's dependence on
foreign oil and the security concerns over rely
ing on the volatile Middle East for much of its
energy. Republicans argued for more domestic
production. while most Democrats maintained

the answer was in conservation.

No death penalty for Robert Blake

LOS ANGELES Prosecutors won't seek
the death penalty against actor Robert Blake if
he is convicted of murdering his wife. the dis—
trict attorney's office said Thursday. Prosecutors
will instead seek a sentence of‘life in prison with-
out parole. the office said. Blake was charged
Monday with fatally shooting his wife. Bonny
Lee Bakley. 44. after a dinner outing last May.


$0, SUE ME:

Five current and
former city officials
have sued rapper
Dr. Dre and others
involved in the pro-
duction of a DVD.
saying their privacy
was invaded.
Defendants in the
Iawsurt, filed
Wednesday in US.
District Court.
include Up In Smoke
Tour headliner Dr,
Dre Magic Johnson.
whose company
helped produce the
tour; AOL Time
Warner, which dis-
tributed and mar-
keted the DVD; Best
Buy, which sold it;
and Panavrsion.
which provrded
cameras for the
concert staff The
lawsuit alleges that
“a hidden camera
and microphones
were secretly used
to intercept. eaves-
drop upon and
record" exchanges
between city offi~
cials and tour orga-
nizers. Up in Smoke
was a major rap
tour featuring
Eminem and Snoop
Dog that came to
mom and Auburn
Hills in the summer
of 2000. OffICials in
both cities threat-
ened to punish tour
organizers if they
showed a sexually
explicit Video as
part of the show.
Detrort officials
succeeded in keep-
ing the video from
being shown. but
later paid Dr. Dre ~
whose real name is
Andre Young .
$25,000 and apolo-
gized for infringing
on his free speech

Prosecutors said the tidyearrold actor and his
bodyguard. Earle Caldwell. plotted the slaying
for months. Blake and (‘aldwell have both plead
ed innocent. Blake has said that his wife, the
mother of his year-old daughter Rosie. was shot
while he went back into a restaurant to retrieve
a gun he carried to protect her. The decision was
announced after a meeting of the district attor-
ney's Special (‘ircuiiistaiices (,‘ommittee. which
reviews potential capital cases. District attor
ney's spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said the
quick decision was evidence that prosecutors
want the case to move swiftly to trial.

Wco to cut jobs, close 24 factories

CONCORD. NII. Tyco International Ltd.
said Thursday that it plans to close 24 factories
and eliminate T.Illo iobs. primarily in its elecr
homes and lt'lt‘i‘tillllllllllll'fllltllTS businesses. The
iob cuts represent about it percent of 'l‘yco's
worldwide work force of almost 250.000, The
company also said it is scrapping its plan to
break into four parts. saying it was an ill-timed
mistake. Instead. it said it will downsize and sell
its (‘l'l‘ financial division in hopes of getting
some $7 billion. The conglomerate that makes
products ranging from disposable medical sup
plies and plastic hangers to fire protection and
security systems is taking its plastics division
oil the sales block It had hoped to sell the busi-
ness for as much its SI billion. 'l‘yco shares
dropped Itili poi'coiit. or 33.1.”) a share. to close at
$30.75} on the New York Stock Exchange.


Elderly, wounded Pakistanis freed

l{:\lllll.. AfngITlTlSiém Afghanistan's inter
im regime on Thursday freed the first of hun-
dreds of Pakistani prisoners locked away for
months in cramped. squalid cells because they
came to liolp the deposed Taliban regime fight a
“holy war” against America The first Ill.) Pak-
istanis elderly men with long white beards
and younger men who were wounded filed
humbly into a Pakistani military plane and flew
home guarded by heavily armed soldiers with
red berets Pakistan said it would detain the
men until authorities can verify they really are
Pakistani citizens and determine whether they
committed any serious crimes. At the very least.
said Foreign Ministry spokesman Aziz Ahmed
Khan. the men crossed the border without prop
or documents. Khan described the release as a
humanitarian effort on behalf of innocent or
lnisled people.

Compiled from staff and wire reports.







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like findiriga


By Mai


lead o
it) {it}
is the
for Fa

fall at
to tea




this _\
dent z
The l
ing. tl
he sai
May I
for Rr
he, hr





LCC students conduct research
poll to gauge upcoming elections

By Marti Lu

Jim Gray and Kathy Witt
lead other candidates. according
to an annual poll conducted by
Lexington (‘ommunity (‘ollege
political science students (iray
is the top choice for Lexington
mayor and Witt is the favorite
for Fayette (‘ounty Sheriff.

L(‘(‘ political science pro
fessor and poll founder Tim
(‘antrell has done a survey each
fall and spring since since 1988
(‘antrell said the polls are used
to teach students about public
opinion surveys and to try to
predict the outcomes of local

“It's a good learning experi
ence and also has a lot of public
interest." Cantrell said “Politi-
cians frequently analyze our
poll. especially on the local


Continued from page 1

this year. The position will be
renamed vice president for Stu
dent Affairs.

Todd said he created the
vice president for Academic
Outreach and Public Service to
meet UK's "higher purpose" of
serving the state of Kentucky.
The position will oversee the
process of developing and iin
pacting this goal. Todd said

“It gives me somebody that
when they wake up in the morn»
ing. they spend their whole day
worried about whether or not
we're making progress on our
higher purpose measures."
be said.

UK recently announced the
search for the position and will
begin reviewing applications
May 15.

A list of candidates for Bid
ing‘s position of vice president
for Research have already been
named. Interviews will be con
ducted in May. and Todd said
he, hopes to have the position

The poll surveyed a sample
of 1.281 frequent voters in
Fayette (‘ounty and several sur-
rounding counties on topics
ranging from their preferred
candidates for city. county and
state offices. to whether Lexing
toni‘ayette I’rban (‘ounty (lov
eriimeiit should buy the Keir
tucky American Water

Survey participants strong
ly favored Mitch Mct‘onnell for
the US. Senate and [THE
buying the mom company The
poll shows (iray leading ’l'eresa
Isaac by eight percent in the
mayoral race and Witt coin
mandiiig a strong lead in the
Sheriil‘s race

(‘antrell said a lot can
change in the six weeks before
the election

"Several candidates have
not begun to spend money yet.
and when this happens. little

filled by the end of the summer
if it cannot be filled that quick
ly. Boling has agreed to stay in
the position until January zoos
lloling said his successor
iiiiist have characteristics that
include a strong background in
research and the understanding
that research is in all depart
ments of campus. from the Med
ical (“enter to Social Sciences.

Roling will be conducting
research on animal nutrition
and metabolism in the (‘ollege
of .ngriculture when he steps
down from his current position

"I‘m very much looking for
ward to returning to the faculty
and resuming research.” he said

As for Kuder's position.
Acting l’rovost Mike Nietzel
said he is expecting to be given
a list of finalists by the end of
the week.

Nietzel said the decision to
rename the position vice presi»
dent demonstrates its imixntance

"It adds a bit of volume to
the voice of the person in that
office, and that will help stu
dents." Nietzel said,

After spending 13 years at
lTK and 18 at (‘olorado State
University previously. Kudei‘

known candidates can really
move up when their name and
platform becomes known." said
(iantrell. "()ur fall poll is usual
ly a better indicator of who Will
win the elections."

A poll will be conducted
again in November. surveying
public opinion on most of the
same topics. including local
candidate preferences.

The November poll has
been successful at predicting
election winners in the past.
and has only failed to predict
the winner of the mayoral race
once in the last it years.
(‘antrell said.

[.(‘t‘ students wtll likely
continue to conduct the polls in
the future (‘aiitrell said he will
keep doing the exercise as long
as he is teaching there

"We work verv hard at do
ing it. and I think the coiiimuni-
ty appreciates it." (‘antrell said.

said he plans to focus on his
hobbies like writing. cooking
and photography, during his re
tireiiient He also plans to spend
more time with his u do his
four children and his grandson

Kuder said that the stu
dents at ['K as a group are out
standing and he has had one of
the best student affairs stalls in
the nation

in addition. he siiitl I'K has
a president and provost who are
both very stiiiprii‘iiyt' of student

"it s unusual to have all
these together 'hc said "My :irl
vice to my \lit't't-sslii‘ would be.
take full advantage of it "

Kuder stud the person that
takes his position needs to be
able to deal with tough situa
tions and keep a sense
of humor

He said Student Affairs has
many progratiis and services to
help students. and it is this in
teraction that he has cherished
over the years

"There are few iobs that al
low one to make a difference in
college students lives. and that
is what i enioy most about this
position." Kuder said

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