xt773n20gc8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20gc8t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 2001 2001 2001-02-27 2020 true xt773n20gc8t section xt773n20gc8t m



Only a party where open
containers abound
and nudity is as
common as parking
tickets deserves to
be called Phat
Tuesday. While Fat
Tuesday (uh, today)
is the beginning of
the Lenten season.
New Orleans seems
to interpret this as a
reason to party.
Sounds like a plan to
me. Here is what you
need in order to have
a New Orleans-style
Mardi Gras throw

Good Food. What would
New Orleans be
without good food? A
fun city with no good
food, you say? Well,
yeah, Smarty (read
Smarty as Smart-
ass). What would New
Orleans be without
the walls and earth
holding the water
from swallowing the
city? A nice place to
fish. It you want a
fun Fat Tuesday
Party, start at dinner
and eat Creole 'till
your sweat smells
like crawfish.

Beads. If you really want
to spice up your
party, get a whole
great big old bag of
beads. These things
cost $.01 to make.
sell for $.05 in bulk,
and are worth
nothing on
Wednesday The joy
of these little


necklaces is what
they can be traded
for. it seems that
some people will do
basically anything to
get the most beads
possible. This
includes jumping
rope, giving you a
beer, getting naked,
making you dinner
and sometimes more.
I have heard of crazy
instances where
people Will actually
offer to clean up
after the party for
beads. Little, plastic,
but incredible.

Libations. Now there are
some people who
would "clean up after
a party" sober, but
they would never go
to a party like this
anyway. They work at
strip clubs and know
that they can get a
lot more than plastic
beads for, umm.
"cleaning up after a
party." Alcohol
seems to loosen
people up and make
them more and more
"clean” as they
consume more and
more alcohol.

Bodies. No one is
"cleaning up" if you
have no one there.
Might as well invite
everyone by
streaking through
campus, throwing
flyers everywhere.
Editor’s Note: If you
are female. please
stop by the Kernel
and give me an
invitation. too.

-Ron Norton


l1 2.3

Mostly cloudy, or to
put it more negatively,
mostly not sunny.



VOL. #106 ISSUE lth9


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Feruary 27, 2001 —



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Coalition seeks seats in SGA

By Andrew Grossman
ASSISTANT vrw’stotion N N

A group of overwhelmingly young and
motivated students is seeking to eiid "the
saga of the SGA."

In collaboration with the Tim Robin
son and (‘aroline Harralson campaign.
several SGA senators and other students
are working together to make broad
changes in Student Government.

The coalition hopes to win enough
seats in the election to end the infighting
that has defined SGA in recent years. The
members estimate they may seek as many
as 15 senate seats in addition to the presi
dential ticket.


Among the students lending their sllll
port are Senate (‘liairiiiaii Edwin Orange
and Senators liesli l’roffitt. Zach Webb and
(‘atheriiie Edwards.

“These people represent all different

political views." said Kevin Kidd. one of

the coalitioii‘s members. "We hope the di
versity is one of'tlie qualities that helps Us
to be successful."

The platform presented by the coali
tion includes several measures that will
increase SUA‘s services and interactions
with students. Among these services are a
freshmen move in service. a student in
teriiship library. a bike service center. a
weekend bits service and monthly student
roiuidtable meetings

In addition. the coalition Ii is taken I
stance on several campus w idc issues Ill
cludiiig their pledge to proteit campus
green space, expand free speech. defend al'
firtiiative action and add a second student
to the ill uit'il till Trustees.

Kidd said that unlike coalitions ol' the
past. the purpose of' this group is coopera
tion rather than political wrangling

"We‘re willing to work with anyone
who \llill‘f‘\ our goals." he said "(lur main
concern is getting the Senate and the pres
ident to Work together and use out i»-
sources to help as tiiaiiv students .is we
r Ill "

Robinson said the strength of llls i am
paign lies in bringing together the ideas of


uriiiy studi-iit leaders

'Hiieof th» liltiltlt‘llls w lift the Si i-\ this
you wnis that the Senate and the president
were going in dull-rent duet tions.“ Robin
son said "We need to develop an agenda
with both branches of government and oth
er student leaders so that everyone. not inst
the president. has ownership of the ideas "

'l'liis coalition appeals to some stu
dents who llllki' been friistrated by the in
lighting and fat tioiis

'lreally hope these guys w in enough
votes to get their platform passed " said
liii/abetli Ilorsett, a freshman out if tend
of llarralson "I don't think any of us want
to see the whole inipmi ltlilt'lll thing littll
pen again "

Amnesty: Students
can make a difference

By Scott Sloan

STAFF W5“???

A lot of people talk about human rights. but not nian‘. peo
ple do anything about them

For one group on campus. it is all dlltllll ll'littll

The I'K chapter of Amnesty Internation il believes in pro

{ .
s,- t 1'

Janella Spencer (above right) and Chrissy Oakes
(above, left), second year dental hygienist at LCC,
give a free cleaning to Amy Hollins, 6, to honor
National Children's Month. (Left) Spencer adds the
finishing touches to Hollins' cleaning. The Student
American Dental Hygienist Association will be per-
forming free cleanings for children this week at the
Oswald Building on the main LCC campus


ti-cting the human rights of all people around the wot Id through
.i variety of actions The grassroots lilti‘fl'lll‘dil seeks to make
people aware of violations of human rights around the globe
The orgaiii/ation hopm tti use the awareness to prevent l'ittur»

“You can make a real difference " said Ani‘. Shelton,
Amnesty president and a Spanish and linguistics senior

The I'K chapter of Amnesty takes part in letter writing to
prisoners of conscience and holds publii demonstrations out to
roots, information booths and petitions for gowrnmental re
forms The group also par
ticipates in the Amnesty l'r
gent Action Network that mt,
helps provide immediate as
sislance for a variety of mm

For Illslnlit'i'. Aiiini-stv's m"°“?”“‘“"”""-
urgent action during llll' Tmmmmzzolfim
week of Valentine's ltay was Sim. cm- 7“ New
to send letters to the presi tmmmq‘mwmm
dent and (‘EU of Tiffany ems'wwmm‘w.
Jewelers urging him to lob ””"mflh""
by (‘ongress to ban dia
moods exported from rebel
controlled areas in Sierra Leone and Angola The diamonds are
funding the rebels who have slaughtered thousands ofcivilians
in the area.

The group's goals include securing the release of prisoners
ofconscience including men. women and children who are im
prisoned solely because of their beliefs or a discriminating fac-
tor such as race. gender or sexual orientation. Amnesty also
seeks to ensure fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners
and end the use oftorture. cruel and inhumane treatment. polit
ical killing and the death penalty.

lTpcoming events for Amnesty include a film series and the
Southeast Globalization Roadshow. The event will be at lfK's
campus March 24;. The event. which is open to the public, was
organized by the Mexican Solidarity Network and will include a
number of workshops for participants to attend.

IIK‘s chapter is a member of the international organization
that includes more than 1.1 million members and is spread over
I92 countries and territories

Since the organization s formation in 1961. Amnesty has
aided more than ioooo prisoners in a variety of ways.

“Amnesty helps you feel like you‘re a part of the world."
said Amy ()live. a foreign language and international econom»
ii-s Junior and Amnesty member "You get to learn a lot about
issues all over the world."

Web site offers writing help without bounds

8it Put silent


Whether you're seeking creative input
on your master‘s thesis or help with an
English ltll essay and ian't afford the
time to step away from your computer
screen UK's Writing (‘enter will soon
have some good advice waiting for you ..

The Writing Center recently received
a 3125.000 grant to offer some enhanced va~
rieties of the. traditional writing consulta
tion currently offered at the center. Writ-
ing (‘enter Director Gail (‘ummins applied
for the grant from the t‘ouiicil on l’ostsec-
ondary Education She applied to get the
grant from the council's venture capital
fund. to form a Web site to he called “The
Write Place."

Once the site is up and running. its
services will include various kinds of as
sistance. resources and Workshops. all re-
lating to writing for many disciplines. A
student will be able to get tutoring online.

but iii “real time." where he or she inter
acts directly with a tutor through an in
stant messaging application. They will
also have in this interaction a computer
ized chalkboard or “whiteboard.” de
signed by Smarthinkingcom. for brain
storming or the expression of more cont
ple'x' concepts.

“What we're try ing to do
is take the best parts of the
humanistic sides of the face-
to~face tutoring sessions and
put them on the Web." (Yum-
mins said.

A student will also be
able to email a work in
progress to a tutor to be rt-
turned. with informed feed
back. within a certain
amount of time. (‘unimins
said. As the tutor makes suggestions. they
can make a electronic link to a resttlll‘t‘e
elsewhere on the web site that goes into
greater detail on that subiect

Another benefit to students With The


IJ. You. may
Neurs: Hey-May. l0
an. to 4m W
Thursday, 7 MIL to lo


Write Place is simply that it will be on the
Internet. and potentially accessible from
anywhere in the world at almost any time.
thus pushing the time and space restric
tions on w hen one can access tutoring
"This is wonderful for schools around
the state that may not have a writing cen
ter like [the non-Internet
one at FRI." said Meredith
Reed. who is currently a
consultant in The Writing
(enter and in training to be
a consultant for The Write
.Iiidith Heaney. also a con
siiltant at the existing cen
ter. saw another advantage
in otiIine tutoring
"Because there's a stigma
assoi iated Willi coming to
The Writing Winter. and because there's a
degree of anonymity [in using the inter»
net]. students will be more likely to come
for help if they can do it in the privacy of
their dorm room." she said


The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lengton

Item I lrnwrisurr







z | meson, rtaituiiu 27,2001 | tummy leaner


The Low-down

were put on hold for further review. And for-
mer governors who President Bush tapped for
his Cabinet promised a federal government
that would encourage state innovations. In
meetings here and in the next two days. policy
issues will be the driving concern for the gov-
ernors of nearly all 50 states.


By 1
“”3“!” W ”T “I" "' moot Storm kills at least eight in South —
WASHINWPN ‘ 91‘5“?“ Bus“ Plan” ‘0 “L W“ T0 Ponroroc. Miss. - A tornado killed seven
duoe corporate subsidies to help pay forltax TOUR: Alter people and destroyed or damaged hundreds of
”its and hlgh.” education and health spending. MM 0" M" homes around the city as violent storms swept “1"
m5 budget CW“ 581d Sunday. AS Bils‘h. DIODE”? Texas M'Stfl' through the region, authorities said Sunday. 0! ‘
to outline‘his budget plan to t (lllg‘ll‘SS on 'lues- at . It" at Dozens were injured. An 2-year-old boy was tcri
day. “"9 likely target .15 ”WV-5' Export-Import one-oft shows killed by a tornado in Arkansas. The storms tali
Bank. find Mn”! ”amp!” “”9”” f" m“ {"1“ v in November. struck the region late Saturday but the full ex-
ot Management anti illltlgtit.trllex bank guaiair Madonna Ill“! tent ofdamage in rural northern Mississippi was my
tees llxlil‘llfi to foreign companies in projects that to take u m not known until daylight Sunday. The twister an
mu .. .... a ‘
i i t e i _ » ' r - a ' , ' ) 5
rice to rural areas Daniels said on "Foy News 'M EM in National Weather Serv1ce said. The vast storm (
S. l' , .. F _ 1, B .1 l j ; ’ ilin ‘1 "1” “mod tn. summer m system that swept across the eastern half of the
5 urn ‘11-) ’U oi. ( ,‘H‘. 915.] 1‘“ in]. )1} £3,111; ‘in her first official nation also dumped more than 20 inches of snow ”‘9
fl“ 11“ ”.1",l1m.l.‘t‘-N& Ill! flint“. If RAM" “,7 tour in eight on northern Minnesota. Blowing snow closed ”I“
( m mg ‘( m“ “m‘ ” l‘ ‘m. .“m , Marlon hundreds of miles ofhighways in Minnesota and "l l
.‘. H} y y, .. , X l . \ y K , lll' years. M
st ait I At tit saint mm. It I. pit pi _ Hit. a South Dakota “in
year. $1.6 trillion tax cut PM“ t° 5“" ‘ ' got
rehearsals for M
Judge's remarks may help Microsoft "" °"""" "' “'5' work i" “"9“ zone in Colombia
INLSMtOId i ‘()T i l b" ~l‘1!" ‘ , ,V
\\'~\S‘HIN("l‘()N \l ”I m will try m m” lOti A. (,o om Id ymg missions over lh
, ‘ , ' . f 1 1 if“ N . . V l , } | "“9"!" M' guerrilla-infested coca fields or manning remote [“0]
‘ m‘ " an i‘l’l"“‘l“. ”m” ”H“ “H l‘ .1 I“! 1 1‘ azlne. Thetour radar stations in the jungle. private American ml
”MM”, ”t ”,1“ software 9“”? 1“ mm‘lmi‘lnlm l5 “0‘3“de citizens are working perilously close to the front me
m. a high stakes legal showdown that ”l'“ M 1.“. 5“ to launch in lines of the drug war in (T‘olomhia. Referred to as
“5 inuch U" tiiegudgc “h”."}“d" ti“; 1 “mg. “‘8 June and con- "contractors" by the Washington agencies who sel
t'hei 3‘9“ [mainBl”?.”\‘fi‘f link!“ .l ‘ ‘ ‘ N" Ht: tinue through hire them and "mercenaries" by critics. they are hit
' I“ i“ “mm“ ‘ n I" ‘ ' ‘“ w” 5 ‘ ‘ "m" _” . September. supposed to number no more than 300 at a time in;
“"5“!“ the courtroom ' .‘me'mg Mwm‘wn iii the South American countrv Yet with the US. str
chairman BI” Wit,“ 1” Napoleon an‘i fllil‘c'i‘ft' government “outsourcing" much of its drug war
' ' "Pg. E‘l”l‘,‘i"‘;‘ Tm“ ‘t"5.““j“‘ not “1‘1“” VP}, , aid to these contractors. officials are already in-
mlng hlS haw inn ctt d a new it ll(lt aid into i It f. ast . f" dicating that the ceiling needs to he raised.
15 . pcrts say that makes the lull more dilticult for I
tmlnf: government lawyers who are trying to pre ‘
u es 0 serve their historic antitrust \‘lt‘iiil‘V ordering . ‘
f the breakup of Microsoft for anticoinpetitiye Power problems In West may spread l
ame mm | Kmttsufl’ i

more TV
than I


Response teams found unprepared
WASHINGTON - After three years and SI lii
million. the Army National (iuard has no anti
terrorism teams ready to respond to nuclear.
chemical or biological attacks because of defer
tiye safety equipment and poor training. an lll
ternal Pentagon reyiew found. The Pentagon in
specior general report said preparedness is so
bad that Guard members at one point were given
mobile labs with air filters installed backward
and gas masks with incompatible parts. i’t‘llill
goii otiicials are "inoying as fast as we can" to fix

m. .
Jackson's new
album may not
be ready for its
scheduled June

according to
reports from the
US. The New
Yorlt Daily Post
has claimed that

LOS ANGELES , As Californians brace for a
summer of anticipated power shortages and the
possibility of rolling blackouts. experts are warn-
ing their neighbors in states across the West to
be ready for the possibility of having to share the
pain. Natural gas supplies are tight, reservoirs
are low and a heat wave could drive up demand
for electricity. California has been coping with
short power supplies for weeks and twice en-
dured short periods of targeted or rolling black—
outs in January. All the Western states share a
power transmission grid. but the area most like-
ly to face problems similar to California's is the
Northwest. Washington. Oregon, Idaho and west»
ei‘n Montana depend heavily on hydroelectric



1.132 phtsotblool. while Arkansas collected 693.



In Friday‘s Kernel. the article “Computer system causes


. ‘ . e - Jackson's . . .. . . .

Brad um“ 40' :lieslfliiiiiégfiiiiiz‘ill(tilirii‘iiki l" ( ”h”!- “h” ”“l lawyer, John power. an energy source facmg a double chal- problems for students." information dealing with health ben'e; ASS

costar of ‘ ‘ Branca told lenge ”113 year. fits and I.(,( students was incorrect. Ii( ( students can use 13k

"Ever bod Loves . . .3 . Student Health and full-time students at Mt are required to
Raymimdfyrefer‘ GOVEI'IIOI'S 9W9“ assurance 2:2; V3 5.7:: pay the health services fee. Students enrolled with six or more 1‘!
ring to Richard \\‘.-\SHIN(}'I‘()N The Bush administration said that "no “0111‘s can PUFClmSt‘ ill" Silldf‘m ht‘élllh INSUI‘HIH‘“ :1:
22mins caatnifiisa offered ”W. nation \8 ““Pf‘l‘fr‘ {‘7‘ tin“! branch one's had the In Monday‘s Kernel the article “17K f'ills short with black w
wggkeeid‘s TV liiir:Mii'liilii‘iiiiiiiilzI[illiclnlimiil'ifii ”isslui‘iiilli{smiliai heart It: :ie'vl" students" should have said that the University inet three out of a;
Guide Awards. state needs won‘t [w Wigwam ll.\' ”1,. ml“ WM“ "52:2"; chiset five objectives designed to increase enrollment. retention and le

“1m” ’I‘wo m.“ 1.0%”,th put in place in the graduation rates among hentucky resident black students.
. g . . . . _ . Tommy Mottola ,
last hours of the ( linton administration. one of yet H
which had drawn concern from state officials. ' Compiled from wire reports ,. , . . W
In report an error call 7he Kentucky Itcrnel (If 257-1915. st
, ., ,, ,, _, ____. WW“- .. .--,,__._..,_W_..,. . . H
y. . , . 7 _ (‘I
o a ‘o o 0
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Wednesday, February 28’rh
Rupp Arena @ 8 p.m.

2 of UK's Most Spirited
Students seated in the Upper

Arena will be moved to the


of UK's last home game vs.
the Auburn Tigers


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The College of Human Environmental Sciences
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All are WELCOME!
(Faculty. Staff. & Students)






Students, be there to get in
on the action as the Cats
head in to the last week of
the regular season!









Managing student tres

By Scott Sloan

surr wizard

Midteriiis hay'e deseeiided
upon llK students like a tloek
of y’ieioits. angry y'ultures de-
termined to peek away the ti
tality ofall

A good midterm grade ran
mean the difference between
an A and a (7. so studying cans
es many students a great deal
of stress.

While these students stress
theiiisely'es out. others keep
their sanity by injeeting a dose
of humor into their lives. l’rom
television shows to movies. a
good laugh van turn a frustrat
ed frown upside down.

“I watrh Must See 'l‘\' on
'l'liursdays" said Valerie
l‘ttllttl‘ttw. an agrieultural eom
niuiiieations senior. "It helps
me to relax."

UK Learning Skills t‘ounr
selor Miehael Rosenberg says
humor is iieressary for iiianag
iiig stress. espeeially' during
stressful arademit' times

”You have to take

Other ways to relieve

1. Exercise or taking a wallt

2. Get away from the source

3. Get plenty of sleep

4. Socialize


Soiree: Michael Rosenberg


aeademies seriously. but you
can't have your entire self
worth based on them." Roseiir
berg said.

“You need to maintain a
balance between working and
the things you enjoy."

Although many television
networks and movie studios
want students to think they
have the best eoiiiedy. there is
no eure that will Work for all

"We earli have something
different that makes us laugh

or even smile." Rosenberg

"Not ey'erybody finds .lim
(‘arrey' eomedies funny or

Monty Python funny. but We
ran all find things that make
its laugh "

'l'eley'ision and movies are
not the only liuiiioi‘oiis ways to
end stress Students ("an laugh
along with a eomedian‘s (‘l) or

joke with friends

Rosenberg said that
pulling an all iiighter eaii be
unhealthy for students

"When we get into an aead
t‘ltllt'flll)‘ stressful time. it‘s as
if people eoiiipetitiy'ely' try to
beeome the most stressed."
said Rosenberg.

”it‘s almost fashionable to

stay up the latest for three
nights straight."
Rosenberg suggests that

students try to setup their l't‘
y'iew time so they ran have the
night before the test free to do
something they entity that will




Class, a job and a socia
with a few helpful hints

relax them and put tl
good frame of mind

"The best thing you ran do

is make some time for
so you‘re not rompl
("used on (the testl." ht

"If you don't find
relax. your body' will

Rosenberg says that stu




“WWI 3"!”

l life are enough to make anyone crazy, but
you can overcome the common pitfalls.
nap in a dents also tend to perform bet
tet‘ at hell they are rela\etl
\lt‘pltt’llllt‘ ('lme. an
inent iry ednt atioii senior. said

.\'t tlll'st‘lf

etely to she telayes by sitting down
‘sitttl with a group of triends and
time to watehing "Whose lane ls it
do it loi :\n', way‘” or "l~'i tends"

I think you‘ie got to

laugh." she said

Media appeal to high court for record access


l\l()N'l‘l’l‘llilliR. \"t

Xations took their rase to

loge professors

'l‘he .\\stti'l.’li“tl Press. the 'l‘imes Ar
giis. the Rutlaiid Herald. \i't‘twy'r'l’y and
\'ei iiiont

WP'l'Z 'l‘\'
Supreme t‘onrt
rourt ruling,

[it the


It was not known when the Supreme

(part would hear the ease

The sealed rerords lllt’llltlt' at'liday'its
for seareh warrants and a request for
physir‘al evident-e from the suspei-ts,

l’roserutors said releasing the doru


News organ]
highest r'ourt Monday after a ,iudge re
fused to open retords that might explain
why authorities have rliai'ged two ll't'll
tigers wtth killing two ltartmoiith ('ol




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Kitty 0’ Shca’s

NARI)! ems


iiieiits rould ieopart
iny‘es'tigation. and


"l‘iet'emeal (lls
mation does not prr
ing of the myestig:


.lanies l'arker.
hub. 17. are atrial-wt
Susanne Zantop to t
llanoy‘er. N ll.. ho
who me in the sin
about 3.3 llllli‘\ fro
eaught last


a possible motiy'e


week at

lize their rontmuing
lllsll'lt'l .liidge l’atri

t'ia Zimmerman sided with them Mon

seiiiination of mild”
imote an tindeist'ind
ition and r'liat‘ges in

this ease. rather the opposite oer ins. and
has ot't'ttt‘t‘ed. in this tase."


lo. and Robert 'liil
lot stabbing llalt'aiid
leath Jan 37 in their
me. The teenagers.
all town of (‘lielst-a.
m Dartmouth. were
an lndiana trurk

Authorities haye said nothing about

and Ellllltist nothing

’llittlll their ey‘idenr e

.-\ sherift told the .\l’ earlier th ll one
ol the teen ager _. had bought a military
style knife on the lill"lli“i 'llltl that fin
gerpi ints linked one to the

li.'.‘e~.tit_:atoi -. obi llllt’tl lo seart'h
wart nits in 'y3 llll’tlil is they sought “\l
rlenre igatiist the teen .igeis

\lt‘illl‘.‘.ltlll . in it iy» rhtll
ei .iris arraigned at l
hearing Honda:

\nthot ities treated him as an 'ltlllll
while he was on the run. but be reverted
to tuy'eiiile status alter being returned

'l'ullorh. ati idult under New ilainp
shire law. will before 'l indge on
Wednesday ha a preliminai". hearing
He is rbsirged at. itli two rooms ot first de
gt‘ee minder


‘5 ll . l'ai k

'l'tst"l tll'w‘llll"




, t t . t . ,, l i , utilities I l
‘ i ‘ I " '4 Meeting ' lftnn' Boprri and aim 'mw “as
l " l l " l \ "’tt'l “W” "mnr'llluintewq Sinltftpm ”‘in M ’n
. i , Brine )l Lit-m lblriod rln law f 1m- Binole. Hull 3~ I
” ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ M ‘ - aw 1m im mg 'lgn 77H m
s " liflttittilll' t" y it ’val'lt\\. ' is ‘W‘Amnmdtibtotnm WOW tam ~
I "Wodxhno to Wild Lmarl ll Wideh 3W tie 4 vi a
mi _)r \tmt-ns - >le \..u mam 'Atonu ’h-Onnoo Mtg ’ “loo W and
_ 'upm M W 7:039 you s it‘w Io m
m m 1mm“. mm m "Hi ,. ‘Umorion Jnmmtw 1mm 300 um‘: mom Stud .
st is y .i ~ l " . it: an it sit .. s 1 ‘AM Mtg ”trim Bib 9m ire
. s s tot at .v sit, ct.” .. i .- mi... 5?qu
, ‘ ‘tlI RUM" Wow» - hr ’.i.r we who
4 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' -. ' ' ‘ W “ 'toeitmao'ttw-rto «it: t t. tom .luimm :m an
‘ “' "“ *' ' " ' “ " mutt not:
u {at ll ite‘ . ‘ll' t st\'t l l s 'tkmldiihihtt auto wt boar :Ileqorifl turnout .lodt
PLATOS 'Bodmmtovi Single Doubles It. to hr floater OPMlInP tom 4*. wanton (iv
l I t ‘
.....‘...s.t.. ~..-
. Hours: . .
,3 MW F“ to 8 2590 N‘icholasvdle Rd.
. ' t ,' t >4 . r v. .t ‘ a v ,
J" Sat 106 '
stir. 12 278-6660

You Have The Clothes,
We Have The Moneg.

Trade Ya!




iiiinucii ”VIM "t Tutspatifiimg v21. WT


Real Property
offers housing

A different campus life: Full-time students at
UK may find a home courtesy of the University

By Adam J. Endorf

('ONlFi!B‘lllN(t WRtlER

Looking for i plate to ll\’t'
run he a hassle

'l‘hei‘e nothing more
painful than looking loi an
apartment Spending hours of
time looking at ipziitnieiits oi
houses that are too small. too
far away from r'ampus or inst
ititi t'\'pi'lis'l\'e

if you are in this position.
and need a plate to live then
you should try t her king out the
[TR Real Property ()t‘lii e

'l‘lie l'K RPM is .l diy ision
ot the l'iity'ei‘sity that buys
property tor the l'itlyetstty
within the {ll (llllsllltill not
The IR Board of Trustees ap
proves the property for further
dey'elopinent of l "R

[‘K obtains these ptopei
ties from l'omnieit'i il itid pi‘t
y'ate realtors within a (eitain
at tllllslilttlt area that sin iounds
l'K's rampus

"The l'iiiyersity does not
ilt tiy'e y look loi properties. but
will buy them it they are ill the
artpiisition .iiea,” s'iid lhtan
tyathy' the \dministr itiy‘e ‘s’tall
tlffit ei lot the inner sll\ 's tis
('al .illait's diy‘ision "the int
yersity' buys them it they fit
within the Lftlltlt'lllli's ot the
tapit il dey'elopment 'nftbe t} m
[ills "

l'R is. only allowed to buy
these properties at then
st‘sst'fl yaliie. and n-: higher
'l‘here are ”if, units that the I'm
\ei'sity owns and maintains

The units are sort ii-ed by
the l'R Rl’tl. ‘y\lil(‘ll t'lliploy's
two full time stafl that are
skilled in sey'er ll different
ti 'ides to taki- l are (it the prop

The l‘niy'ersity does not
buy‘ these buildings or houses
with the intent on renting but
they like to proy'itle the stu
dents. fariilty' and staff an op
portunity to rent at a fair prit'e
if they are not in immediate



Campus Claendar

February 26 - March 4, 200]

The (output (niendai is pioduted by the WM of Student Artivzties Registered Student Gigs and UK Dents (an ’sUbl’Y‘tll inletmtion for FR“ online ONE WEE t
PRIOR to the MONDAY -nlormotion is to appear at http://www.iikdeI/(o-pus (blender

(all 257-8867 for more information

This is ittei they ll«|\t
passed an t"t\'ll"iltlllelll.’il
health and satety tiis‘pertion as
well Its pass all tire t'tttl"\ by the
l’ire Maishall 'l‘his lllt hides
ther‘kmg toi tox‘ir' iiiziteriiis
stieh 'l's le id 'llltl asbestos

trithy' said the l'R RPM is
more stringent than most land

The IR M” l i‘eiits at eithtt
market value oi below maiket
y title that are tomparable
other units in the ’ll't‘fil Hath,
s iid the l'niy‘eisity rents .is low
'is it i an

\inre the l niy'ersity RPM
is i nonprofit unit that rem-ites
no state or federal money all of
the money goes hark into the

l’or e\ample. last year
s“..."ttt.ttlttt was ptit into landstap
ing the properties to set an e\'
tniple tot all of the other non
tttity'ei sity owned propertim m
the itea

'l'ht retnnrements for being
il-le to rent one ofthe l‘niy'ersi
t'.‘ properties is that. you are t'l
ther a full time l'K student. l'R
tar iilty oi staff The properties
tl“ on ’I first rome. first some
b'isis. but as Ken t‘ley'idt‘nte.
the .issoriate y'it-e president for
list-zit affairs said students ("ome

Soon it will be even easier
to see and rent these properties
situe the [R Rl'H has i welt
site in the works

The web site will t‘oiitain
an applit‘atton. the addresses ot
\‘tlt'éllli pioperties. utility est;
mates. pit'tures' of the t‘Vlt‘rltil‘s
as well as the ability to take a
y'irtual tour from your home

UK Real Property

For more information call the UK
Real Property Office at 257-8649








ford P'ivmn Dining lloom

'wt am my: 'ible (one? "MM

Rer ti. Outveorh fit

it Emil yum WW2


utmuitiis RKRiALIQll

Mill tuning, Bum Til ”and {ii
‘Dinner in the Dorms Hillel lwsb Stud (liq 6 ”tom illniet {our

‘lnbte baritone F'EMi‘ (00”!th Group 4 60m Blunt Hull p”vote Dining Room
’Fritoontei for for Christ him 730 Stud {ti

’Gimi thumb Mtg 330 out till) Stud (ti

'Pwvet Auctuntobilitv Groom Uplirilr (mom Ministries 635w {atvurv 800m {hutch
Dinner and Worship Sen/«e Upltnli (mom Mummies 530 6 309m {otvory Baptist (tutti
(tillage libertariom mg 8 3mm H3 Stud (ti

Fouettoon learn Mtg 80m :19 North
'Dtmooe loom Mtg 54500“ Ag North dg llbfofV lobby

‘llK’liido fiuh 5 630m Alumni Gym lott
Men Rosin-tho“ e. Auburn Horn Raw Arena

'Owotd Fifi-bit em Any and Design (WM 30m >oni rstud (ti losdoll Gduy
‘(reotvvo Noting (troop h 8 300m Noting (tr toting nbron

‘UK Ailoifo auti b 368 30m UK Alumn- va loft
Medieval and lenntsme tumoeon DWlflQ 7 9am 361 Old Stud (ti




Im A!







‘Amnnty international Rpm 778 Ztud ’it
“freshmen Form loin Boot Stud Union {bagel



'Itmiimt hunt in .,mh mg i W" (mutant 4:! Mm







25¢ organs



'Ul lambda Mtg 1300M 73l1tud (ti

Devotions n broth ‘7 Imm final Stud ‘lmon Multipuronw Room

‘(ampts Unsafe for (hint 5 309m Stud fa Worsborn 'lieotte
‘(l’trtstian Student ‘ellnwsltin Synergy 80m (Si «yew at NMdlood-iod

floor 1' mm “MM tntn aw

‘0! (mi To "tub “We ‘tnur *~ A man Alum two or
‘Wrirmi Rostrum! il( 'nimmmt Iii-mun

‘mi dim WM ‘ui





naps, mus, Etc.

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'UK QUGRY PtodKe 6 3pm (lob Sports Field
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3M.“ “END
'Osnld Exhibit line A