xt773n20gc6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20gc6n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1998 1998 1998-10-14 2020 true xt773n20gc6n section xt773n20gc6n ‘ I . - Q
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Genius art?
‘Pi,’ with its
#4 gifted story,



Cam ts

pus even 1'" plays at

Impeacment Kentucky .
debate Theatre I 6

hist‘oer‘ifll mighty October 14- 1998 http://www.kykernel.com

gather on Thursday to _———_'—-———“’

discuss the debate over

whether to impeach W

President Clinton.

The forum will be
held at 5 pm. in the law
school courtroom.
Panelists include Paul
Salamanca from the

Fraternities may ban LCC pledges

College of Law.

professor Lance Banning

of the history .

department, Sarah LCC f . f b h 11

Welling of the College of ' ' ‘ ' raternity men. outo a out raisingt e a -men‘s average is the [PC to disregard LCC stu-

Law and Donald Gross of After wmmnq the reqlonal Amencan 8’00 ofverall members. had a because lFC scholarships are dents on behalfof their GPA, be-

the political science ‘ ' ' ° ’ _ A o 2.23 at the end of the based on it. Blanton said. cause we are looked upon as stu«

department. Advert'smq Federauon competltlon the 19 \ spring 1998 semester. Another incentive is having dents of UK." he said. “In a way.
Jennifer Segal, The Lexington campus stu— unlimited social events through- it's discrimination."

political expert on the By Jennifer 1'le during the first semester with a dent fraternity men had a GPA of out the semester. Last year a LCC students are allowed to

media and the Supreme
Court, will moderate.

The UK Pre Law
Association, Phi Alpha
Theta and Societes Pro
Legibus are sponsoring
the forum.


The UK fraternity system is
considering banning Lexington
Community College men from
pledging UK fraternities in or-
der to raise grade-point aver-

stipulation on their GPA.

-Not allowing students to join
until after the first semester.
without a stipulation on their
GPA. '

“I’m trying to make sure the

2.82. which is the all-men’s aver-
age. When combined, the cumula-
tive all-fraternity average was
2.78. Blanton said.

“l‘m not saying everyone at
LCC is a bad student. but we need
to take a look at some criteria.

scholarship bill passed that
placed social restrictions on fra-
ternities that did not meet the all-
men‘s average. Knipp said. A fra-
ternity that failed to meet the av-
erage is limited to four social
events during the following se-

participate in all events on the
UK campus. with the exception of
NCAA sports.

The results from the discus—
sion will be formed into a bill
and voted on during the Oct. 26
ii“(,‘ meeting. The bill will need


ages. all-fraternity average 15 above which we will use to affiliate mester. a two~thirds majority vote to
This week. lnterfraternity and always stays above .the all them to our organization.“ Blan~ With fewer than 10 percent pass. ’
Odd stuff Council President Josh Knipp mensaverage, Knipp 531d; ton said. “I think anything we of the fraternity men coming Knipp emphasized that the
and the 18 fraternity presidents The all-men's average 15 the can do to pledge people who are from LCC. basing the discus- three options are open to
willdiscuss three options: all-male GPA on campus. good students is helpful to the sion solely on LCC students is change. .
Classified -Not allowing LCC students Tony Blanton. adviser offra- system." unfair. LCC Sen. Brian Bier- “This is only a discussion
to join. ternities. researched LCC GPAs One reason such a strong mann said.
ads "'0'“ -Allowing students to join within the Greek system. The 99 emphasis is being placed on “1 think it‘s silly on behalf of See LCC on 3 }>> ,
newspapers T“ """‘ ""“““'__



Get rid of aunts: Zap
does the job in 24 hours.

Lost: Small apricot
poodle - Reward.
Neutered, like one of the

Lost: Beagle, partly
blind. hard of hearing,
castrated; answers to
the name of Lucky.

For Sale: Eight
puppies from a German
Shepherd and an Alaskan

For Sale: Great

Dog For Sale: Eats
anything; especially fond
of children.

Pit Bull For Sale:

GPA needs

Undergrads will need 2.75 GPA
to qualify for graduate school

By Jill Gorln
STAFF which


If graduate school is in your future. a
2.5 undergraduate gradepoint average will
no longer be sufficient.

This decision was made by the l’niver-
sity Senate Monday in the William T.
Young Library.

Owner deceased. The minimum GPA requirement for
admission was raised from 2.5 to 2.75.
For Sale, three Also. the Graduate Record Examination

canaries of undermined



test analytical section will now be consid-
ered in selecting graduate students. Be
fore. only the verbal and quantitative sec
tions were used.

A superb and “This will raise the expectation of the
inexpensive restaurant. image of UK. “ said Mike Nietzel. dean of
Fine food expertly the Graduate School.

served by waitresses in
appetizing forms.

Creative daily
specials, including
select offerings of beef,
foul, fresh vegetables.
salads, quiche. 7 ounces
of choice sirloin steak,
boiled to your likeness
and smothered with
golden fried onion

Firefighters cleaned up hoses used to contain a fire which occurred last night at the
located at the corner of Euclid Avenue and Rose Street. Th
Jim lells, of the Lexington Fire Department. Wells said about six to eight people were inside the building. but none of them were
injured. Fire crews contained the fire in about five minutes. lells did not say what caused the fire.

e fire broke out in a storage room in the




JOHNNY rams l kznntismr

UK Parking and Transportation Services Building,
basement of the building, said Maj.

Nietzel said it does not seem unreason-
able to require a minimum grade-point av-
erage of 2.75. That is below the graduate
grade-point average of 3.0 that mandates
academic probation.

All of the this benchmarks schools
it compares itself to 7 have higher admis-
sion standards. Most require an undergrad-
uate grade-point average of 2.75. while
some require 3.0.

Also. all of the benchmarks have as
high. or higher. percentages of minority
graduate students and female graduate stu-

0 dents than UK.

Dinner Special - ' ‘ Nietzel said that shows setting higher
Chicken or Beef $2.25; 1 academic standards is not an obstacle to
Turkey $2.35; Children 5 diversifying graduate student enroll
$2.00 ments.

A discussion was made to raise the un-

ANTIOUES 102 of the Mining and Minerals dergraduate gradepoint average requirc-

For sale: An antique
desk suitable for lady
with thick legs and large

UK, Kentucky Geological Suvery analysts hold
brown bag seminars to discuss geological issues

Resources Building.


Brown Bag Seminar
Bart Davidson. “The Geology of


ment for graduate school applicants even
higher. to 3.0.

"There has been a lot of concern about
balancing the access among students and
having a standard as high as 3.0." Nietzcl

I u ‘ . u I a v r v
— Source: J" 0 h.“ Edgendlmb bdd‘ took nearly Kentucky." said. “But I think a 2.75 is reasonable it
http://www.cybercheeze coumauimc wants - W ‘ l‘ttl h i f balances the access and shows high stan-
' . . e tea 1 ea eat 0 our» - , . ~-
'com/arms/zghfgi Th0_ 1’(f‘rntu“k:V Geological selves. thélnking the trail was go- “army. . . ' ddldé'h . g . . .1. . . d . .. l
’ Survey is sponsoring a week of ing to be easy .. Smath said “We Brown Bag Seminar Noon' . S . 1 “a“ i 5'0 3mm“? d proposa
“brown bag" seminars in con had to make numerous 11;“ stops .lim [)rahovzal. “The Gulf of l“ “‘9“er undergraduate “u‘k’mb ‘0 (10‘


6i 4.5


Francis Harvey, an




junction with Earth Sciences
Week (Oct 11-17).

This is now an annual event.
held nationally in more than 30

to its continued growth." said
Carol Ruthven. director of (Tom-
munication and Technology

Part one of the seminars. a
video tour of “The Bright An-

before finally making it back to
the top."

Throughout the 30-minute

species of flowers and wildlife.
many of which he was able to
capture on film.

Earth Science Week contin»
ucs all this week and concludes

Corinth and Thc (‘ambrian of


covery of Mount St. Helens."


KS Office of Geologic lilfttl‘
mation Open House (10 am. to

clarc a major within their first 60 credit
hours. The proposal was developed by the
l'ndergraduate Council to help students
make decisions about their career and

assistant "0320:: states. Kldt’é). \thewaiitlfieiihce hadha firstd Brown Bag Seminar NW“. major within a reasonable amount of

Weekend ”'“u's‘”. "We are very proud of this (an d lgthc 2 an:(‘Slg' 5 $3 William Andrews. "Drew Versus “m“ .- . ‘ ~ . ‘ .
t f n.“ ' new program and look forward 5 un 5 0, ’r‘ ‘ .anyon. 9 m9 Volcano Eruption and Rc» ’ it “i” not affect (iiirent students. but
orecast, canyon is home to numerous will apply to undergraduates entering the

l'niversity in the fall of 1999.

The proposal was not designed to dis-
courage experimentation by students nor
prevent them from attempting more than
one career path. according to a report to
the Senate from the Undergraduate (‘oun-








gel Trail in the Grand Saturday with a special presenta»
Canyon." presented by Richard tion aimed at middle school and 10 am. to lla in. "Rocks and cil. ’
Partly cloudy. Sunny Smath. a UK geologist, was high SChOOl students. Minerals" 1 As of now. 500 juniors or seniors at 13K

onThin'sday. held this past Monday. in the Geologists from the Ken- 113'm_t()n(xm‘[-‘(yggjlglhxikg l have not declared amainr and are not ex-

———¢—k — lgiinlidng and Mineral Resources tuckhy Geollogical Surlv0e2yhv4vill be and Mineralg l(lt‘ililfi(‘(iil(m. l {)9}??? t0, timihmt" In the "PM WWW. the

Kant“ y u1 mg. int c at 0 am. in ining ' . .. . i l ‘t‘ )‘ SEW.

me] A room filled to capacitywith and Minerals Resources Build- , pd}*‘9"£“‘°” 1‘" ldlelélhThf When students have earned 45 hours
‘ both students and faculty listened ing to assist anyone who has 1”“th l‘altxintologica' {New 1‘ and haven't chosen a major. they will be re
3 VOL ”04 'SSUE ”35 and watched as Smath narrated any special or unusual rocks or together “'"h “fwd mlé-w'h‘fifiht‘ ; quired to meet with an adviser regularly
t '—"‘—“ hisjourney along the Bright An- fossils they would like to have Departmentoftymlogy dint L. m' i until a major has been decided.
-; ESTABUSHED lN ‘892 gel Trail. identified. versny 0f ( "'lC‘rtnf‘tl' :1 lostiing a 1 Students who fail to declare a major af-
t '"DEKNDEW SWCE 197‘ His initial walk to the bot- boat tiipon l'dk‘ ( um r ant. ' fer earning 60 hours will have a registra
. '————--—— tom of the trail. 7.8 miles, last- M: For information. please con 1 tion stop placed on their record until they

_ 1 News tips? ed only two hours: however. All seminars will be held in tact Dan Phillips at 45 ~u‘. w

EXP 10/31/98










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, " ‘ 9' yea-«3 Fina-“vs g 5..“ . w i .. J


The Campus Calendar Is a weekly publication produced by the Office of
Student Actlvltles. Postings In the Calendar are FREE to all
registered student organlzatlons and UK departments Information can be
submitted in room 203 o' the Student Center or by filling out a request 'orm
onllne at WW All requests must be submltted
ONE WE K prior to publication. For more Information call 257-78867.





LEAP l- 1‘30 Hit! 20 i rt‘dlL'lJ Hdil

Movie: The Last Temptation of Christ. J'pm Wm mum frwntw lRH

SAD Family Weekend Committee llel-‘Ilntl Jpn.

J!) 3 Kim‘- .’ Yr
SAD indoor Activities Committee "liwilt'u 0 "mm in! srut: ( l'
SAB Spotlight Jazz Committee mmmnu. ’ 50pm not sum (r .
Fellowship of Christian Athletes rm rtinu 1) 00pm Isl 8mm m;

(t ”rum ‘}1 Wont: and e. ( alumina Awe)

Cats For Christ rimming ‘ 00pm. Fm 33091.1in (mum

Jewish Student Organization Hillel Foundation Weekly Dinner. Fume ( n-mrmm

PSI (hi nwetmq ‘u'm Rm 1‘: l Kastlo» Ha’l

UK AIIKIdO Club ml i-tlz‘u P 9 mom Alumni (um i (m m, rump min i immtt (i‘i is
Sweat at 24“)“38?‘

Karaoke Night. Studmzl (unto-r Gamer (mm. {mm


Free Math Tutoring In: Math 109 )1. ll} Rmm‘ 20‘- frdH-v Hull mil )5? 870 l lm


PIPPIN. Rpm. (.uiumd lhvntrv Tit Lets $7 sludent $10 stv‘nuir
Kill/ems anti le t-mzyluwmes it} quiver”! (iciniissmv: . .ll’ 35“ .qng

SAB Contemporary Affairs Committee nmvtmg 49m King ( nitt‘i‘n‘ ( t:

SAB Next Stage Committee meeting 3 inum 7m Stud (tr

Amnesty international mus-ting 7 00pm Rtmm l 1.) Student (enter

UK Lambda meeting (or i e-shiudvtmm people 7 300m Room 3 it Sluiivm

Family Studies Student Association meeting 6 30pm Rm 316 l unktmimu emu
Wesley Foundation Dinner and Prayer. 6pm Wesley Foundation
Thursday Night Live snultsnl en m, (nrisimn Sluiip'il Ie‘ill‘inHiL‘l
(olilmhld Avie

inn: iail.‘


UK JV Football Vs (mm um Military, («ills ‘i‘ “limo ( Ilittlnr)nwl"ditl‘r Staci um
Cofleehouse at Student (enter (mnwrnmn 8 10pm

Alpha Omicron Pi/Sigma Pi Pl-Athlon. 4 mom i s (lil'lflhnl n ru-ni shit
quntrnllon F90 (all Kale! at 32’! 32.9310- Inlt)



FRIDAY 10/16


Appalachian Music with Randy Wilson. Peal (mm '\ Mug 1mm”, North

PIPPIN. Sum (mlgnui ilwtltrr- Tit Avis S ‘ \iildpnl S H’i slettltl' imam; . .i'Nl 1 in
mnpluvlws St} ur-ni-rdl mlmissinn (ills ."'.‘ 6030

Using Markets to Motivate Environmental improvement by Dr Ru hm ll Sandor
sponsored by Gamma Sigma Delta. Wl' Vnung ( nntprmu 9 Room. In vwv. Ilhrfll‘\
“NAFTA'S Impact on the Environment" in lillm inimmistm Tum Al N 'Nl

UK Basketball Midnight Madness. Honwn xii-m. .: on ( Him-um
UK Hockey ~\ itilin (at 1 ill l mu" all» \4ll1nlu111 isrnnutsm it w ( rntovv

UK Women's Soccer (,einqm dam
UK Volleyballss Snuthmnlum 7pm M()Vtttirl.ql(iillN‘r‘UHi


French Cooking Demonstration. i run. h Rosltii'tlt v at nimnimq l imwnwnt
kit: him

Open MIC Night at Sludvttt (WHIP? (mnwn 0|)er (3 Hum



PIPPIN. )tim mu) Sum (.ulonui Tlmulve TH hols S.“ slmient $10 syninl l 1“]an
-l"ll UK pnutiuyolpx $1} (gs-floral ntlmlssinn (all 25? 4929


UK "0(key \. . inim ( a: mi llnlvvrsils Midniuht le‘liiqtnn I: l' ( D’llil-t

UK Football ~ Illillsidtld Slate. gum

UK Women‘s (tub Soccer vs Michigan IOnn‘


Stand—Up Comedy with Ellen Stelgman. slmnsnrod h» io-wmet Siiitirnl
Uttiamrnlmn Rum Stutlont

SK "Run For the Kids" sponsored by Doll's Delta Delta Surnrilv (.1 mm unto-

! mnmvmwsnillh \lJilliim 9am I helix in 9 103m rm 9 shorty $10 5‘in ‘\ ll‘qlsil ii
tum 1m» Sl,‘ tn: n- l1d\ lwnplits ( hlIlITI-Hl s l ancor (all ( nrhiti .11 121 200, to:

SUNDAY, 10/18

PIPP|N_ )mn (.uluvini Theatre Tickets 84’ student. $10 svnior r ltizvns anti ill
IIHV‘llt‘\t"O s St.‘ qmwral admission. I all )5? 4929

UK Wind Ensemble Concert. Singlptary (enter

Senior Horn Ensemble Recital. 7pm. Singlptary (mum

Guest Oboe Recital. Mark Ostoich. 7pm. Mvnvnrlai Hall Atiditnritli“



UK Buddhist Association meeting. lO'OOam, Room l24 Kastlo‘ Nail
Phi Sigma PI nit-olmu fl mom Rm 730 Sludvni ( nntpr
University Praise SOWI(Q.(hTIS1|dn \iucionl fellowship 1mm 80) ( r-lumhm

UK Aikldo (lub Il‘w‘lll'u. l ‘lnm Alumni (wm i Mi, fur mun: min i (\nlucl (tins
SWIM" Al 3 V! ")RR'


UK Men's Soccer ho-Irmmi 19m

UK Women‘s Soccer lennoswe, i 30pm

UK Volleyball ss (rurum 7m“, MPmnrial ("list-um




- e 2.51.



fad-.532: «4 e


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‘ ..-4cvomom“ode-uw'




~""' ~"-'l~"$.-“.7..' 33: '

Matt May. Aaron Sanderiord
SoortsOally Editors
Hm: 2574915 I E-rliail: Wain“. WerdOhotmilxom



Iii‘WYJflOIERHmO l mm'


















- .34'1. . .
__ ‘. ~ '.- . . r
‘r c" .‘. .' _ " F - .
' v , g, . . Martin Scorsese:
r‘i: : ’7‘ i;;.‘;" ‘ ‘ M '55 I o n . Sto Y lAs' IEMPTAIIOH
M — - ~ .~ - i as
'.. . . o . or CHRIST >
4 .. ;"- . ‘ 7:00 rum. Wonsnm Tiiurn:
.1 , ,2: For more information
“ l, ‘3 Next Week: George (iooney and Jennifer Lopez in Out of Sight
~‘_ = ' g. stopping the Tigers relentless ground game 7 FOR ROMANY RM
"‘ By Stmn Scrlmr from improved speed and size yfpfffg.
., ‘ surr mm (a the defegsive aide of thelbalL. FAMOUS FRENCH POT flfl’lb’lflloflkf $161751!!an
, ~ . . . ore spee at t e corner ac ”(f
Kevm Faulk might. as well positions will allow the line- ICE CREAM wwzrxwwwzrwwma
30 ahead and D1309 a hlg b11119 backers and safeties to play the '
" eye on the back 0f hIS jersey. run. while this year's defensive WWI!”
The UK defense has. . line averages 20 pounds more fffi/CfflffA/K/
b gash: ball-wohrld runhmils than last season, which should 41/759573?
ac WI e In t e CFOSS airs present more of a challenge to t
‘ ‘ ' Saturday when the Cats travel LSU's from five. "”3“ WPflé’E/fl/fl’mflifpflfl