xt773n20g93s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20g93s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1979 1979 1979-09-26 2020 true xt773n20g93s section xt773n20g93s . ‘. “t
Schedulmgprob/em Cited . ..y
SG' G b t I H: lllllla OCC l' Ith tB
By STEVE MASSEY County headquarters last Friday told It is difficult to pinpointareason for publicity about the gubernatorial Kentucky Broadcast Association is planned program for the forum. “As
Associate Editor Bobby D. Gunnell. co-chairman of the problems with the debate. It seems forum was released until Brown‘s sponsoring the broadcast. which will far as we know. both candidates are
UK Young Democrats for Brown. to they arose after Sen. Edward Fayette County office got ago-ahead originate from the Lexington Hyatt coming we have confirmations
Student Governmet‘s scheduled hold off on advertising the debate. Kennedy. D-Mass,, said he would from the Brown‘s main headquatersin Regency. from both of them." Crutcher said.
Brown-Nunn debate is enveloped in a Lynne Crutcher. 80 political affairs appear in Kentucky to support Louisville. The reason Brown might not be able In the program. a candidate will be
\‘ cloud of mystery. committee chairman. said that Brown Brown‘s campaign. Ree Keribo. Mateus said she would meet with to attend the 80 forum. Mateus allowed three minutes to respond toa
Pan of the mystery involves local backing out ofthe forum would “make Brown‘s Fayette County cry-chairman, Brown today in order to determine if added. was because of two conflicting question from one of two student
Brown forces who say they have me. (the) Political Affairs said. The visit is causing schedule he could participate in the debate. events scheduled for that evening panelists. two media representatives or
received no confirmation for Brown‘s (Committee) and SG look bad.“ conflicts for Brown. she said. Mateus admitted to a schedule besides the forum. She said these a moderator. The opposing candidate
expected appearance in 80's Oct. 25 SG plans to allocate $l80 for the Keribo said the Brown camp is conflict but said “we are trying to engagements were in Lexington and will be given one minute for rebuttal.
gubernatorial forum. gubernatorial forum reception, which; awaiting final word from Kennedy‘s rearrange the schedules so that John Frankfort but declined to state their The student panelists are Elsa
Equally mysterious isatyped letter would be held prior to the debate. advisors in Washington. DC for a (Y. Brown Jr.) can be in as many nature. Black. a first-year law student and
of confirmation. dated July ll. 50 slated to start at 8pm. inthe Student definite date Kennedy would be in counties as possible.“ Furthermore. Mateus said the former columnist forthe Philadelphia
received from Brown's central office in Center Ballroom. Kentucky. A tentative date of Oct. I3 Mateus said the last two weeks of Brown camp does not consider the SG Inquirer and instructor in the School
I Louisville. Lois Mateus. director of Crutcher said the real losers would has been released by Kennedy aides. October present problems because forum a debate. She said she thought ofJournalism. and Steve Wurzbach‘a
scheduling at Brown‘s central office be UK students ifthe debate wereto be “We‘ve got to go with what “Brown is in demand for many events. thedefinition ofdebate wascandidates senior in cultural anthropology. Mike .
said the letter was sent by someone cancelled. “They(the students)arethe Washington says.“ Keribo said. We hope to cover as many as 70 more responding to each other‘s questions. Breen. an 50 senator. will serve as
working on Brown's schedule before ones who would be getting the shaft,“ adding that Kennedy‘s visit will result (of Kentucky’s l20) counties before Accordingly. she said the only debate moderator. Crutcher said no media
she assumed her post on Sept. l. she said. “in the shuffling ofa lot of scheduling the elections." Brown will appear in with Nunn will representatives have been chosen yet. '
4 And the mystery reads more like a Crutcher said the Nunn camp has to make everyone happy" However. Mateus also said Brown be a Kentucky Educational Television although 50 is trying to get reporters
political Catch-22 when consideringa been “very coorperative in helping Keribo also said she told Gunnell would bein Lexington on Oct.25 fora broadcast on Oct. 17. from the Louisville Courier-Journal
representative from Brown's Fayette with the debate." last Friday to make sure no further 1 pm. radio program with Nunn. The Meanwhile. SC is continuing it's and the Lexington Herald.
. Vol. Lxxu. No. 29 Ker 2] University of Kentucky
Wednesday. September 26. 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
~ —
. . l . 3: ii .. gov ’-. Vii-.11”? W3 .5 .
Discussmn sessrons .. as, ,.._ W””“"” by “We” . ‘
= _ . . ' ..-';_:. m h: i V " ,, g " I
to exploreproblems ,. t aw a Senate Councrl approves
By JUDY BARTLEY 7%?» 7'9" ."’ a * . . w ‘ , We . : a new Wlt raWa p0 Icy:
In the early days of the Women‘s Liberation 2 ., ' ‘ " g 4 " d t t' I.
movement. groups were formed by women to a: ' - . , ' .. Stu en pu rga '0" p0 |cy
explore the issues and problems associated with ’ ‘_ I <4 ...;;'1 7‘ ”' . “tip w T
their changing roles in socrety. . 5%}. . ., .. ;_ 3‘ ..
Today. Steve Smith and John Watson. of the ' ' I i "is. % r i ”f _ T} ‘3 " ._ . , '
Educational Counseling and Testing Center. have a; 3 - “l; w... _ x .4 g f _ ”t “ " “s "‘1'- ; By CINDY MCGEE '59“? Wt" 'appomt' and promote
begun a similar program directed toward men‘s 3 «2 ~ ' “ g.» ' «.7 -. , ‘ '. a Copy Editor indiVIduals involved. in research and
concerns. V 54‘» I “as” ; ' ’ 4” other creative actiVitles wrthout tenure
o Reminiscent of the women‘s groups. the program . ,, _ _ ' . g The University Senate . Council fora hmhed time. 3 .
is called A Men‘s Consciousness-Raising group. 7;" ' g. ' ‘ " , yesterday approved a Withdrawal ThC Senate Councfldccrdedto send
Sessions consist of informal discussions for two 4"" ‘ ' . = policy changing the timea StUdCht can the proposal to the U Senate Research
hours once a week. Presently. the group consists of , g? V ”W . ‘ I}: . " drop a course without receiving any Committee for further study.
nine men who explore such topics as competition. w w i . , ‘ 3; mark on his transcript from one to Sing-letary also spoke to the Senate ~'
stereotyping. men‘s insecurities and difficulties W or 1', 1 s17“ ’. . i _. 11 three weeks. COUhC'l COhCCl’hth the decrsron made
encountered in relations with women as wellas other gym fir” 3' 7, . g .1 > ”3;: 4‘3 v m ,. ' ThC policy. introduced by Arts and by a subcommitee Of the COUhCll 0“
men. f f . y - ' ' 3’ " , " $4,. Science Senator Mike Breen. will go Higher Education h0t to approve
Smith and Watson. the organizers of the group, 7% 3%; .3; . t g _ 3- > a; ,. beforethe University Senate Oct. 8for financmg for three UK blhtdlhg ,‘
are both doctoral students in Counseling . g _ 4:152. final approval. pfOJCCtS. 3 . 3
Psychology. They developed the idea for the ' a , : a“ .' ' The Withdrawal policy for this The bUlldl'nss included a nCW
program a year ago from an issue of Counseling ' . 9; 4 ' *1 semester allows students to drop a pharmacy budding. a primary care ,
Psych/ogist which was devoted entirely to the 3" -' " 4Q , . , . . ' ‘ . class for {we weeks WlthOUt receiving “h" and an hddhmh to the A3 ,
‘ subject of men’s consciousness-raising. I ”.3 . .. "~-' ' " ‘ '\ any mark. In April. however. the U Chandler Medical Center. . .
Watson said Smith and he received plenty of I ,- i Q‘s-t: ‘ Senate changed the time period from .Without anew pharmacy hu‘ld'hS’
support from the director of the testing center when five weeks to one week beginning Jan. Singletary said “there IS a 890d chance
they started the program. " , . l. 1980. the Pharmacy School wrll lose its '
Watson said that some of the men‘s problems i 3, any “Nous/Km... 5““ Unless the new policy proposed by accreditation 0" be PUt 0" probation.“ j
result fromthe “macho“ image. “Menare taught not Sh " d 7 Student Government is passed by the "I hate to see. It (thePharmacy '
to befeeling.” Watson said. He said he believes that a we ance U Senate. the 0ne~week withdrawal SCthT) done . m by N“ Plath '-
many men see emotional display as a sign of Teresa Willis. a fine arts sophomore. and from Thurber Carnival." The production was policy Wt“ 80 into CttCCt Jan. 1- StUP‘dhy": he sa'd- “ _ ' -'
weakness. “it is my suspicion that men do not open Barry Levy, an A & S junior. frolic among the one of a series of dramas sponsored by the UK Breen said 50 opposed the one Ahh' S‘hgletahy added. Th“ lthc [
UP as easily as women,“ he said. grasses at yesterday's performance of “A Fable outdoor theatre department. week Why because it “penalizes CHE S decrsron) ‘5 also a. very “hm“ .
But. Smith said. he felt that men must liberate students with unnecessary‘W‘s‘. which problem from the medical school‘s 1
themselves before women‘s movements could by counseling and group experience.“ Watson said direction the discussions are taking. “We‘re in the leads to competitive disadvantages.“ VIEW" . 3"
succeed in their quest for equality. “Women are as an explanation for the poor response. process of just exploring.“ Watson said. He feels Breen said benchmark universities B'OChCh'hStry PTOTFSSOT George ‘ ‘ ’_
generally more oppressed.“ he explained. which Although the original group is closed to new quite positive about the program. calling it a in surrounding states allow as mUCh as Schwert said the medical center was ‘
results in their seeking more help. members. persons interested in participating can “growth oriented experience.“ six weeks for Students to Withdraw terribly °V°hCTOWd¢d and “Plath“ _
Because the new group didn‘t have a large obtain information through the Counseling and Smith said that because the group is leaderless. it froma class without a mark. that the medicalcenter could possrbly '
response from the campus community. Smith said Testing Center. Watson hopes that as people is allowed the freedom to focus on work with each President Singletary presented the lose "5 accreditation next. year when .' ' '
they have plans to go to dorms in an effort to help become aware. the program will be able to expand. other. Senate Council a research title series the accreditation team vrsrts. . I
BUYS open UP- The sessions have been meeting for only a short In the future. Smith said the group is considering designed to attract and retain ‘fHad anew pharmacy hmtd'hS been
“It is my belief that many men are stillintimidated time now. but Watson seemed pleased with the bringing men‘s and women‘s groups together. Pt0t°55i°nat research personnel. The bh'h' we were .gomg to use the 01d 5
' pharmacy building to help decompress
d 1 t the medical center." Singletary said. “l ., ‘ '
O a . don‘t think the Council (on Higher
\ for a big audience for Clint Eastwood’s “The Outlaw josey Wales.“ panel delay sending the SALT ll treaty tothe Senate until something Education) realizes the domino effect .» ’
The two motion picture finished four and five in the ratings. is done about SOVtCt troops in CUhfl- their decision had. )
‘ Church was reacting to a speech to the United Nations by Soviet “I hope the CHE can be persuaded .
campus Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko in which he called reports ofa to change their mind when they meet ‘ .
PRESIDENT CARTER SAID YESTERDAY his proposals to Soviet combat brigade in Cuba a propaganda campaign “based on Oct. 17 .. he said.
HARRY CAUDILL. APPALACHIAN STUDIES TEACHER, aid mass transportation will erase decades of neglect and “reclaim fals°h°°ds;" , . . . . . “Our‘ primary concern this year is
will not speak at the Student Bar Association noon forum today as America‘s transit system" unless Congress rejects his proposed tax “Th“ “"‘hc'amy (““8 7mm qucsm" mu“ "hm“"y “mm“ salaries but the we it looks now we "
was scheduled. on oil company profiee and the matter closed.” said Gromyko. ‘1 ' l , y th ‘ -
A The forum featuring Caudill will be held Oct. l0. Carter. making a one-day trip to New York City. also promised ChU'Ch said that “3.5 h" as t “h concerned'the matter can be won get sa ary increases or {"19”}; . '
H ‘ that mass transit systems will continue to get priority allocation of id°s°dh°hly Wh‘h President Carter ‘5 able tocertify t° the Senate h" we need for the new budding. ‘
state gasoline and diesel fuel if shortages develop. “We will keep them conclusion based on our independent intelligence assessment. that Singletary said. Ninety percent of all
rolling," he said. these Sovret combat forces are no longer present in Cuba." our problems could besolved if we had
THE SENATE, ON A VOICE VOTE YESTERDAY,conflrmed Carter‘s remarks were delivered at the annual convention ofthe the resources. bUt it's not coins to '
the nomination of Boyce F. Martin Jr. of Louisville to the new Amerifian Publi‘c Trarlzsit Association. world happen here or anywhere. We have to
“Kentucky”seat on W 6th US. Circuit Com of A m n is speec to t e transit group. Carter said he has made . do the best with what we have.“
Martin. 43' currently is chief judge of the Kentuirit; Court of propgsals that. would produce 40.000 jobs throughout the I9805, hohgwlif:chin:ifiiiflidyo‘rvrtrflfgfihiuggrdaprfiififm He added that hethought education . , .
. ‘ Appeals. a post he has held since that court was created in 1976. 3‘"! "Law" amounts °t energy and add '5 million passengers a in danger of getting a soaking from the rain): y across the country would take a low ‘
magi; ghdbnenihie youngest Judge on the 6th Circuit Court. fly 0 uses, streetcars and subways. The prince w“ touring a veterans‘ hospital in Bishopton. seat on the priority money list. .
' Scotland when the blushing lass. Mary Colgan. a 26-year-old th 0th" action. SC agreed to scnda '
I THE DOLLAR I'LL COULD 'ECOME A THING OF THE mother oftwo. broke out ofthe crowd with her plastic umbrella to purgation policy proposed by SC to -
- natIOI‘l PAST and tomorrow's money might be made of plastic if Congress protect the royal head. the U Senate for a final decision. The
, . NIC GIVEN LITTLE CHANCE OF IMPROVING it‘s dismal follows the recommendltlons released yesterday by a Carter Aftet’escorting the bachelor'prtnce over the 50-yard route to the policy statesthat students purged from .
' ' . - ~ - . - “mmmm'on m" for" °" mom" “at building. Mrs COT!“ ssldi Student Senate cannot serve on the U
. - third—place 't‘hd'hl "l the ratings. finlshfit I surprisingNo. t for The task force suggested that the government begin replacing the “I just did it for a dare. A man in the crowd dared me to do it. 1 Senate
. 3 $222; $320; .the fall TV season. figures from the AC Nielsen Co. 5::rsg‘iiiflz.wnh the new Susan B. Anthony dollar coin and later $;T:h:r;h;f:;rle;i: lovely. and I got a chance to speak to him “-59. discussed “5 a PYOPOS‘I
. . . AndthoughNBC‘squick "“1 wasdueinparttoacouple ofmajor It also suggested that Congress consider eliminating the half— pc ' requmng teachers to inform which"
. theatrical movtcs. rather than regular weekly fare. three of the dollar chm. mums pennies our of aluminum alloy if copper prices titer “in writing” about course content and ,
‘ | “8:30;? returning Rm! Ptlfld in Nielsen‘s 20 for the week ending rise too high and urged a study of using plastic in future currency. wen grading crfttetth- This Pong: “T;
I I « ~ . sunny AND WARM rooav with hi hs near so. Clear and brousht be ore the U Sen-te pt. ‘
,. aggi‘hgfi.:hmfi:r2; :thgt‘r’: ClehlvtTome» the box SEN FRANK CHURCH. D-IDAHO. chairman of the Senate not so cool tonight with a blanket of fog forrhing inthelateevening. ht" was ”ht to.SC for further study. .
. yea ‘ me o “h °h °"hh'"d h°P°d Foreign Relations Committee. recommended yesterday that the Lows will reach the mid 50s. The proposal m" be sent to U Senate ’
'. ' M___ on Oct. 8 for discussion and vote. . ,
‘ is
.._'V3.__ .. .1.“ ...,....--. ‘1 W , ”'ggm .. MW... .-,.a .. ._, _

 KENTUCKY mu. Min...” 1., so..." Sim Mme! Marti Green Tho-u curt Guy Lead-I
Editor in (fuel ('umpus L'duur Tue-a Young Pad MW Entertainment Edilur Dlrfl’lol of Photography
. I . Asim'iale Elli/5" Ilklud MGM
e n ('1!) Willi “an Dot-lard Cindy MCGR John (1., Day“ Mum ~
Managing Mum Iii/mural L'dum Kirby Stephen- Spom Editor - Photo Manager
\ . . (‘opi‘ Ediiort Iria RI I d
II C 0'
, edita‘la'ls & comments Ammml Spam Editor
. l _______________________________________.______.______, .
' ””‘NKW 3w“R‘L°‘3c5ilie ’Commentaries’ of all kinds suitable i
Reno HURT ills reeuiies... _ , _ ’ .
ties Bees SNIFHNG for publication and reply by public .
I) ALL MN‘NG...» “
' On Sept. 14 a commentary by a homosexual serves; hasaplace onthis newspaper‘s editorial page.
, appeared on this page. A few days later (Sept. l8) a It would be a sad state of affairs to be able to agree _
letter written byazoology senior appeared in response with or accept everything you read on the editorial ;
e‘“”\‘”~\ to that commentary. That response became the page of any newspaper, be it a national, local or i
gr ‘ \ ‘ impetus behind even more letters to the editor. This college paper. That‘s not the idea. You can't grow ' ;
'\ i ‘3 time the writers had more than the homosexual issue intellectually in an environment where the only i
\ ' , w ‘ to “explore“ (a polite way of putting what a lot ofthe opinions you come in contact with are your own. You l
l i V \ writers were doing), now the letters began to attack can lock yourself in your room and save a lot of
. h // (4"— /\\‘ '7” the points raised by Ray Kues. zoology senior as to money, time and effort.
2;.“ I? {1 it ‘ i / , h, what constitutes natural behavior. More than thirty Then there were the People who advocated going
.i 9 557.4 h ' ”3" . ‘ , L g letters later (some of which couldn‘t be printed). the after Joe Lincoln (the assumed name ofthe author of
.‘i ,e‘ x; :. Lg i . ’3 . \ Z / issue (issues) in question are no closer to resolution. the original piece on homosexuality) and allgays with
t} 5': ‘- l ‘9} x .i’ E. $2 ‘ 'i , And they won‘t be no matter how oftenthe same ideas a baseball bat. So much for tolerance and brotherly l
. (21;) k '\ '- iI/t'. . ('7 - = 3 £0 - get tossed around. nor do they need to be. love. Maybe a lot of these people were only trying to ‘
I ’5’" 1 , % 2" .- =&s The homosexuality issue and the topics raised in amusetheir friends by writing. bl" "‘5 kind ofscaryto
w ”—1? —-—--—-— M ""_ -7 association with it made a number of things clear Fhmk that people might actually feel ”“5 way,even 'f
.«emfi-LcktJQSK9FKW ‘I«;.t about this campus (or at least about the people who it‘s on a subliminal level. .
‘ _ ~ WT V __ ’ write letters to the editor). However, some of these Some good came 0‘" Of all ”“5 uproar. A '0‘ 0f '
., l revelations are more flattering than others. enlightened. intelligent, people advocated a more '
W ‘ fl . One ofthe more depressing thoughts raised by Kues tolerant pomt of View not-only toward homosexuality, .
y t . but toward those who nailed Kues to the wall over his .
. , was that the commentary on homosexuality had no . . .
' . . . own opinions on the subject.
- . place on the editorial page of the student newspaper. Th . .h . . . . ‘
. , e pornt is that everyone 18 entitled to an opinion. .
T hats a pretty sad comment on freedom ofspeech and . , . . .
ma , . l . I tolerance But it s not very matureto assumethat your opinionis
arusw’mw— ”"61 ectua ' the only opinion worth holding. Maybe that's what a
Any sincere point of view. even those interesting to college education is really all about w learning not
______________________.__— only a small segment of the community the Kernel only to have opinions. but to respect those of others. ‘
' L tt t th Ed'to *
the Inquisition or for that matter as H u m 0 r .
FU" Of it those who are in the KKK or the . . h
To the idiot who «seen i... he 3333;?“g,::;;.f’ag‘gmi°-.‘fl‘risggi'; Careful/y crafted jest speaks of the eloquence ofhuman uncertainty .:
coura e to si n his name to is ‘ . ‘ . . ;
misguided articgle.(Editor‘s Note: The SPOke these words which are fam‘llhr :
“article" in question was actually the ‘0 ”705! people, Blessed are I C: David Macaulav‘s recent book toilet paper), and. of course the could have written and drawn a parents become angry? Children are, 1.
Kerrie/it Sept. 19 editorial. Editorials merCIfUI» for they‘shall be called sons Motel of the Mysteries (Boston: greatest find of all. the "sacred polemic tract. condemningthe cheap. after all. powerless in a world of -‘ .
are written by the editors ofthe Kernel Of, God. You have heard that lithvtyas Houghton Mill‘lin, 1979) has headband"around the “sacred collar“ tawdry, crass. shallow. usually adults. but their laughter cuts deeply, . '
and "° traditionally unsigned. They said, Y0? shall love yohr neig . or reminded us that humor remains with its inscription in ancient English. ridiculous manner 0f much 0f especially when “1155 are simply i
may often represent an opinion with and hate your enemy. But , safy ‘0 hou. essential. We are told that humor is an "sanitized for your protection.“ This American life in the late 20th century, arbitrary and when regulations are .
which many may not agree. but the Love your enemies 8'”? plat!) hort 0.5? ‘art.‘ and artists how help us laugh at last was supposedly mumbled by but Macaulay understands well how postulated merely to showdominance. : '
'“k 0‘ '1 signature is by "0 means 3 who persucute you. (. 2,“ ew .(m) ourselves and our pretensions are as ancient North Americans as part ofthe most people will say they agree with Until recently. women have also used
reflection 0‘ any 1“" 0‘ courage.) 5:7'9'43'44) I 90m believe anyone. rare as Twain. Aristophaes. and rites for the dead. the holier-than-thou preacher, and yet ridicule 10 POW out the silly poses I
You‘re 50 fun 0f Sh“ 3’0“? breath k‘nowing GOds Word IMIL as a Rabelais. It mav be instructive if we Within a short time, museums are howthe same folk rejectdirect attacks adopted by macho-style males, and,in . .
stinks. i agree. along with l~ran and Christian ShO.UId‘ cou d commit survey what M'acoulav Spoofs, and doing a booming business in “down deep“ where it counts. So the some important aspects, the laughter 3
everybody else.thatthe officialmadea Persecum.“ m. FPS name. and attempt to understand why his ————————-———— weapon is humor. quiet. carefully ofchildren and women protectedthem i
mistake on the clipping call and that it consider himzelflustifhedh f . h deoightfully illustrated book provides 1- _ crafted jesting at the way we all are. from the exercise of raw power. Just
was an obvious human error. But.that Finally. ad ”£5813, 0,‘ .0 you]. t, e laughter both wry and belybouncing. In mente agltare' The great humorists have all what, then. do we take seriously? Can
is not the point in question here. you basic premise O G ”52mm!" ls ove. Some will recall his Great Moments in understood this principle: the laughter we not enjoy the idiocy of judges.
nitwit. The point in question here is the love of d 0d Off ma." .m Architecture (1978) which has a byjohn scarborough cannot deprive a person, a people, a doctors, professors. politicians. and '
why did the Official. Norbert pronouncmglu gement o mans shns smaller target of a single profession. _______ culture. of dignity, or it becomes not other authority figures who do take
Ackerman of Knoxville. Tennessee. on the CJOSS W1ti‘lJefSuS?hl'lSI.S(;h8[ but Motel includes us all. reproductions of artifacts from the humor, but VlCIOUS racism at worst or themselves seriously? Can we not, in .
first signal a touchdown and then man might obtain orgiveniess’thihs The yearisAD.4022.andanobody Motel of Mysteries, and the most at best shrill commentary easilytuned the fashion of Harald Stumpke in his .
change his mind and signal a penalty and] egperienfz adnew .bm‘ “Itidt he] named Howard Carson has stumbled popular proves to be a paperweight out. Macaulay says laugh ifyou would minor classic of how science “names“ " .
. on contact that was made five seconds 0 3. hpmt‘ oThlo Croftnhlhg (:5? tli 't upon the greatest archaeological find made ofcrystalin which is embeddeda retain your sanity. That laughter is everything and then pretends to know ' .
earlier. Some people say Mr. man 5 Cir. ' {rough ESE; ti 1; to to date. revealing the almost forgotten reproduction of a “Plant That would quite sane, and as Freud and Legman everything because everything has a
Ackerman was just dumb but, no. '5 p955! let olr e dt sit a that civbilization of the vaguely known Not Die.“ made especially for these have noted. how we laugh is almost as name? ~'. .
you'rethe one who‘sdumb. You‘retoo experiihcelruc love 2?“ Oh 3r; - Usa. An enture “motel“ is found intact shrines in ancient North America. important as the object of 0Ut jokes. Perhaps humor can guide “5 as we .
freaking dumb to see that ol' Norbert love. . is etc “on no 10m; aries by Carson an dhis attractive assistant. Plastic plants... Macaulay and Aristophanes ask. in search for true values and true leaders. if
was cheating us. Fran and 1 both agree or hnhns' hlust asffJesusd 0v; mahn and under many feet of soil there area Delightful stuff, It reminds us how effect, why are officials and scholars so lfa Sacred Cow is so sanctified that it ’1 .
thatit‘s high time something was done enoug tih‘ecahsi'fermg eréveot'hgs: several “tombs" which have been little we really know about XVlllth self-serious? Why must bureaucrats cannot bear the gentle breath of our ;-
/ to correct the bias 383m“ UK- crosshcsthime eveitlifliihne CZ?“ rec with undisturbed since the late 20th Dynasty Egypt and how ludicrous resist the natural urge to regard many guffaws. it may be that such a bovine }
.. ' .. :22!” and have differei‘it ideis about century. Results of the excavatons might be our custom of labelling of their chores as simply funny? Why has lost its essential value and cxrsts h',
H"?! ZIP Thompson ‘ l't , th h. A Chr'sti who refute the sweeping theories of ancient artifacts .. those we fail to do experts in Egyptian archaeology merely for its own sake. If a leader '..
Agricultural Engineering senior :68:an crielnclemd' the 110v?) and someonecalled von Hooligan who had understand as “religious.“ But (and by implication almost all bristles at jokes, it may be that he 1-
. forgivenepss of Jesus Christ can even earlier proposed tenets abvout ancient Macaulay apparently has more than “experts") .loudly pontificate how cannot abide the “‘"h his . own i.
PraISO the Lord love those who carry baseball bats North Americans. and had sold may Egyptian archaeology and the correct their notions are? Why does response mirrors. That truth is simple .
I would like to address this letterto around with them to bash those of books congaintingthose opinions. But hucksters of pseudo-artifacts in mind. the observing .publi’c accept these and spans time and cultures: humor 1
two people who have written opinions different opinions. are the archaeologists much different? He laughs at himself. first, and then at assertions as ‘facts when almost speaks '0‘“ the eloquence 1“ human 3,
regarding the current controversy over Carson (a lightly dingised Howard the vast pretensions around him. everything“ about a given field of uncertainty. and any human being : .
homosexuality. Thesetwo people,Mr. Michael Lavender Carter of King Tut fame in the 20th His books (City. Underground. "CXPCTUSC '5 unknown? who cannot laugh ' espcc1ally at ,5;
Km and M“ Btu“ Bent” have Metallurgical eneineeflns junior century) carefully catalogues all the Cathedral. Pyramid. and Castle. as Macaulay has also touched himself i—imay have fooled lime" ;
both presented arguments which deal remains in the “tombs“ of the Motel well as Motel and Great Moments) all something something far deeper than ”“0 believmg "l h'5 0W“ pomposny. i
with the Bible and Christians. As a Book sales (identified by a large “sacred sign"), vividly show what skilled drawing can merely potting fun at the puffball P0mP°§1W '5 like the balloon: one 3‘
born-again Christian. l feel that there By now most studentsarestruggling including a vast array of artificacts accomplish. Now. however, his pen archaeologists among US- He has small Pl“ [9‘5 01" all the an. r;
are some misunderstandingsabomm)’ to read their textbooks too much to WhICh “are all religious _. “sacred pomtedly reminds us. In a qmet, tapped one Of the most venerated h h his ' I
faith which should be cleared up. remember the struggle to buy them. collars (toilet seats). toothbrushes careful'manner. of how mortal are all methods or exposmg pretensmn. false John sculmgou‘l t”: eh 3:": f
First Mr. Kues, you condemn There‘s no question that inflation has (which dont seem to receive a specral of our immortalia: gigantic butldings, knowledge,and Pompous delegaton Of “a classics. l co "limb 9' "I t ;
~ homosexuality as a sin by reason of driven book prices up along with name), a nurinal brusn (“sacred continent-girdling four-lane power known to man: humor. BYPUI’C ”00"!“ aeadem “v ' e ""1““"3? ..
God‘s Word. You are correct. everything else but inflation strangely asPcrglllum ) ha “‘sacrcd point in highways‘ and a." of the trappingsthat laughter, children In all eras have questions ofteachlng and thel k0, W“ I
homosexuality is a sin. as are pride. doesn‘t seem h) matter when you sell pristine condition ' (an unused roll of go With them. including mortals. He infuriatd the" CIdCTS- Why ShOUld WP”? "9'! Wednesday. g, .
slander.‘ljtypocihicy, licsGand hate. A“ the books back at the end of the j _
,3” con emne by 0d and ”is semester. Four weeks a o l bou ht a %
Nash”; Wt” be excgullzd- 3::th used. one hundred 8twenty gpage WET SAY m) NE W I CANT DEFY :
are islu gements an on‘t lieve . '
that He lheeds any assistance from you Exam?" :Jciifgh I Pascf°b21f ‘itn /3 YOU EAT-e. o a s cm GRAU iTY/ '5
or your aseball bat. In fact. His Word 0 v;
states. “Judge not. that you be not Effigbsithlmost everyone has a W | MPOSSIBLE‘ '9 "‘ sf;
Judged. For w'm. the yudgement you For this reason. the Student Center /'~ // .r \‘ 'r ' :-
pronounce yOU’Wl“ beludged. and the Board and Student Government plan [7 1/ at. - " i _.a
measurenyou give Will be the measure to jointly sponsor a book exchange 7/: '- ":l-\ ‘ . . if
i you get. (Mathew ("U 73”) that will be an alternative for students. 4 . " is g f: T‘ *2
. corli'iizmarinéitn: (in th: Gist" hands/Chu Your ideas are necessary for the best ’ ~‘ //~ ' ' a “ f '
”Nam Y _C3U5¢9 l ‘5 ossible exchan e. Put them in a sf" ’ - ’ ' ' I Q
_ ,. many persecutions carried out in the [etter tothe Editgor, contact Jay Peter “ ’ [I , // 7% /;/-/-/ \ i7%”’|77/ ‘
1 name 0f G°d‘ I wonder 'f the P°°Pl° through the Board or Jeff Compton f -\ “if ‘ _ ' ‘——- A / (/4 (A ’ 4' ‘.' ,5 JV '/ '
~ who w?” "SPOM'M‘ for these with Student Government. or attend ‘9’ . \ "‘ . l - "’ I." '3 I”) 2 \‘ '9/ A"
3' Eersecutions were "le . Christians. the meeting to discuss the exchange ‘ ‘ . - “(x ‘ ' ' : '- ‘t‘.’ —~ ' V 1 l
» was: we oe. i... 7200...... % «e L — . s. ”a: i .5
. .. . , . . . ‘ Student Center room “9. . ' 1/, 3- '
t residing in their hearts. do not totally i L " ’ a“ J “ ___.__... ‘
: ignore the teachings of Christ as did 3., pa" ‘ T ///4'«
. r the Crusaders and those involved in A l S junior
0 i
. * "i I
, , . ' ‘
‘h'h‘u‘.’ ' 0‘ - . ~,.-. o. f'""""'-"'. . -.. -a-q-v-ouo-wnev. -.. ' ‘1 ‘ 'W~-wemm'¢4—wfio~;"W—~Ofih7"."W' " " ‘TV .'-""“""‘".‘"‘“ 1' “W':»."’°" mummwti-a -.. i -.

THL KINTl ( In KERNEL. Wednesday. September 26. ”79-!
~ I l - Q. A! I; " . Q I ‘5} I, . ‘
fi’ . 'V . ' . a A e ’ . ’ T. fl , h. Ihc Arniuilti AernelllUJouinalism Building. l ntversllv 0' Kentucky
Y' . t‘ . i , k . . Q o ‘ ’ i ' rown an u n n leilliigton. Ky 40506. is published each class day duringihe springand lall
". L t‘ . 4 t '.'j " , , ’ ' fl, semesters and weekly during the summel session
J‘ . a ~‘ ‘ ‘.. . h .. g. t . lhird class postage paid at lexington. Kentutky 40H] Substlipl t l.
W . _ ‘e . . I ‘ ‘ , ‘ a i *w.‘ laiexale ninlledSll year So 50 semester Slim summer or one ten: per i '
1 \ fl . . “ I ' . ‘. j , SWa C ar es year n|lll mailed
1:5 ‘ G a?" ‘ I (I g'. ’ ‘ -. V __ Harry Sherman
. ”was .. t A, , P , . t 9‘, A .. l Jlm ( leveland 4ilierriilng Mgr lynda Villson
‘ o'l - Pk.” '4 “id By THOMAS S. WATSON “Brown's campaign propos- Pn-dmllrin mu “mt-unit mil Mir!
V 3 X . : ~ f K a” . Associa