xt773n20g89r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20g89r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1974 1974 1974-02-15 2020 true xt773n20g89r section xt773n20g89r The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 112
February 15, 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky. 40506




enrollment up


Kernel Staff Writer

STUDENTS ARE rejecting the abstract
fields of liberal arts for those more related
to jobs, according to a recent article in
higher education‘s weekly newspaper, The

Consequently, enrollment in the
humanities appears to be decreasing while
pre-professional and vocational fields are
experiencing an increase.

Lexington Technical Institute (LTI) has
enjoyed considerable growth in the past
year. From September 1972 to September
1973, there was a 29.5 per cent enrollment
increase. Ben Averitt, coordinator of
special needs at LTI, said in its nine-year
existence, LTI has “not yet failed to in—
crease in the spring term." a time when
overall college enrollment usually

WARREN WALTON, assistant dean of
engineering, said enrollment has been on
the decline in the field for the past three or
four years. This, he explained, is due to a
scare created when the government broke
several aviation contracts and a general

Continued on page 20

No time to read

While Lyn Hacker catches up on her reading. Bigun indulges in a more effective
use of the couch. Hacker is a junior journalism major, while Bigun is . . . well,
asleep. (Kernel staff photo by John Hicks.)




Kernel Sta ff Writer

IN AN ATTEMPT to attract a diversity
of qualified students, the UK College of
Dentistry has dropped existing admission

Guidelines for the change were
established by a national accrediting
agency in 1971 and the proposal was
passed Monday by the University Senate.

Dr. Timothy Smith, director of
educational resources, said the new
guidelines will be in effect, for all practical
purposes, for the 1975-76 school year.
Nearly allslots have been filled for the fall

THE CHANGE has spawned some
misconceptions, according to admissions
committee chairman Gerald Hill.

“We’ve seen a lot of people who have
misunderstood that elimination of
prerequisites reduced competition," Hill
said. “In fact, it‘s had the opposite effect."

He added others feel the change
“knocks“ the importance of science, but
Hill denied this. “We're just saying it's not
the only thing.“

Besides attracting students of different
backgrounds, the new policy will reduce

repetition within undergraduate and
professional curricula. Hill said a student
in dental school is essentially taught
everything he needs to know to become a
dentist . Formerly, however, many dental
courses repeated what the student had
taken as an undergraduate.

Hill said there have also been numerous
cases where an individual was prohibited
from admission because he lacked
necessary prerequisites, though there was
no deubt about his ability. He cited an
example of an engineering graduate who
could be eminently qualified for dentistry,
but could not be admitted. He had to return
to school to “clown around for a year”
taking biology or organic chemistry,
which he would take once he got into dental

Now, however, a student can be ad-
mitted solely on potential, ability and
performance on the entrance examination.

IN FACT. Hill said, a student could
conceivably apply for dental school
straight out of high school. UK has already
admitted one student after only one un-
dergraduate year.

That student, he added, was admitted on
an experimental basis. New guidelines
specifically task the University with
concern for the individual’s maturity.

The directive emphasizes “the ad-
mission committee has the major
responsibility for determining the
qualifications of prospective students in
the light of educational aims and ob-
jectives of the profession.”

"WE CAN'T just do these things to be
able to say, ‘Look how different we are’,"
Hill said. “We have to be concerned with
our accreditation.”

Hill and Smith expect long-range effects
of the change to be a heavy increase in
applications, but said no additional ap-
plicants will be accepted.

Hill expects competition for vacancies,
already fierce, to become even more so.

HE DOESN'T feel, however there will be
a significant increase in the number of
two-year and threecyear undergraduate

“Still, at this point, we’ve had very little
experience. Most of what we’re talking
about is projection.”




News In Brief


0 Still going up

’ Quick crisis end

' Cook seeks reelection
0Arab leaders meet

0 Sees more taxes

0 Today's weather...

0 WASHINGTON — Grocery store food
prices are rising much faster than
government experts had expected a few
months ago and for all of 1974 could match
last year‘s 16 per cent jump, the most in a
quarter century. _

The Agriculture Department said
Thursday consumers now are seeing the
biggest increases expected this year. If
farmers produce record crops and turn out
more livestock next summer, consumers
might see prices level off and possibly
decline by year end, officials said.

Based on “most likely” situations, of-
ficials said the 1974 store price of food
might be held to a 12 per cent gain from
last year.

0 LONDON, Ky. — Predicting a quick
end to both the energy shortage and
spiraling food prices, Vice President
Gerald Ford said Americans shouldn’t be
downhearted and discouraged about their
nation’s future as national polls show they

0 LOUISVILLE — The news that SCI.
Marlow Cook, R-Ky., will seek reelection
leaked out Thursday, nearly 48 hours
before he planned the formal an-

It was slated to be made Saturday at a
press conference here but Cook’s decision
became known in Washington and was
confirmed later by his press secretary,
George Yenowine.

Cook, 47, will be seeking his second

0 ALGIERS— The four most influential
Arab leaders sent a high-level delegation
to Paris and Washington on Thursday to
discuss the Arab conditions for bringing
Syria to the peace table, Arab sources

An official communique was expected
later from the four chiefs of state-King
Faisal of Saudi Arabia, President Anwar
Sadat of Egypt, President Houari
Beumedienne of Algeria and President
Hafez Assad of Syria.

0 MIAMI —— President Nixon said
Thursday that rival proposals to his
national health plan would damage the
quality of health care and add $8 billion to
America‘s tax bill.

Dedicating a new hospital wing, Nixon
made the first speech of the year outside
Washington——the first of two political-
type appearances planned during his six-
day Southland stay.

As he promoted his own proposals and
criticized Democratic-sponsored
legislation before Congress,
Nixon received cheers and
applause from more than 1,000 carefully
screened invited guests.

...even odds

There will be decreasing cloudiness this
afternoon but a 50 per cent chance of rain
tonight. The high will be in the mid 405.
Warmer temperatures and rain are likely
for Saturday.




The Kentucky Kernel

Pliblished by the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and published
continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The Kernel Press Inc. founded
l97l, Firstclass postage paid at Lexington, Ky. Business offices are located In the
Journal Building on the University at Kentucky. Advertising, room 210 and News
Department, room III. Advertising published herein is intended to help the
reader buy. Any false or misleading advertising should be reported to the Ad-

vertising Manager.

ERA should stand

State senator Don Johnson’s (R-Newport)
legislation to rescind the Equal Rigths Amendment
(ERA), which guarantees equal legal status to
women, is an obvious attempt by the senator to make
a name for himself and not for responsible govern-
ment in Kentucky.

Johnson's reasoning for advocating rescission
stems from his belief that women are already
protected under the law and considers ERA a waste of
time. Why, then, do unequal pay for equal work, job
discrimination and biased credit practices still exist
in this country?

It is Johnson, not propoents of the ERA, who is
wasting time. Precedent established by the Nebraska
rescission and opinions from Attorney Generals
(including Kentucky’s) across the country show
rescission to be impossible.

Once a state exercises the power to ratify, that
power is expended. Nebraska is still counted among
those 33 states to have ratified the ERA, even though
it rescinded its ratification.

In Kentucky, where only 60 days are allowed every
two years to consider all of the legislation needed by
the state, wasting time on a rescission not legally
binding makes Johnson’s motives all the more


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editorials represent the opinions of th


Letters to the Kernel

A review of Kernel critics

I am curious how the “art
critics" for the Kernel are so
designated. Several times now I
have choked through very sorry
attempts by these so called
writers at reviewing exhibits
which I too have seen. I wonder
what. if any. art background or
experience these persons have.

Most of the attempts are what
seem to be unqualified opinions of
dislike for the art pieces. Very
seldom is any description of the
work given — whether or not the
critic graced it with his approval.

For example, the review of the
faculty show spent the majority
of the article complaining about
restrictions of display. Some of
the pieces weren 't even discussed
(probably to their favor). And I
wonder if this person even saw all
of the work (or maybe he didn't
know what to say about it).

The last review of the one-man
show by Lee Ayres, is completely
ridiculous. To begin with, I had to
look twice to be sure that the
accompanying washed out photos
were of the artist‘s work. They
certainly didn‘t do them justice. I

wonder why they even bother,
(the critics always seem so en-
thused anyway).

Jeff Petty spent halfof his time
complaining about the distance to
the Reynolds Building (wonders
how we art students make it
everyday). He further com-
plained about the size and con-
dition of the Barnhart Gallery.
Perhaps things would be dif-
ferent if the Fine Arts Building
could be used equally by all fine
arts and the University com-
munity took more interest in the
art exhibits. The Kernel could
lead in these efforts. At any rate,
it's what goes into a gallery that
is of concern and apparently this
critic wasn't too concerned. nor
did he seem to understand the art
displayed therein, nor did he try.

Why have reviews at all if this
is the continuing attitude?

(‘olleen Reasor

Nixon's what?

Come on now. Be serious.
Everyone knows that the only
shit that can hurt you is Nixon's.

c editors, not the university



The fact is that in this case feces

as used in fertilizer pose no threat

whatsoever to the health of the

Nick Martin

“The last of the


Chamber music

(‘hamber music of superlative
quality is being played on
Saturday evenings at Alfalfa‘s
Restaurant: I‘m writing this
letter to let your readers know
that. I was over there for a cup of
tea last Saturday and found the
Lamay Quartet playing Mozart.
It wasa sharp cold night, so there
was steam on the windows and a
small group of people drinking
tea and listening. What made it
particularly agreeable was the
sense of being inside the inusnc,
which is hard to feel in a concert

()n inquiring I learned that they
plan to be at Alfalfa‘s (across
from the campus on South Lime)
most Saturdays beginning at 8

T. Walter Herbert. Jr.
til0 S. Ashland Ave.



Exile of Solzhenitsyn




The exile of Alexander Solzhenitsyn
demonstrates a certain Kremlin sen-
sitivity to Western opinion, but at the same
time it seems a new and significant step
toward snuffing out the whole dissent
movement in the Soviet Union.

The question quickly arises: Who will be
the next to go? Andrei Sakharov, the
physicist who has defended the Nobel
Prize winner? Roy Medvedey, the
historian whose biologist brother already
is in exile for disagreeing? Vladminir
Maximov, author?

IN THE DAYS before the current era of
peaceful coexistence between Washington
and Moscow, Soviet authorities might
have used other means of silencing such
insistent critics.

However, only last September the US.
Senate formally voted an expression of

concern over Soviet intimidation of in-
tellectuals, specifically mentioning
Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov and some others
by name. The action suggested that Soviet
policy at home could hamper trade

Exile is a softer tool and looks less
barbarous to the West than such things as
show trials and forced labor. In
Solzhenitsyn‘s case, authorities had to
revert to a tactic unused since the Trotsky
expulsion of 1929 —— forced exile — because
the writer had balked at leaving volun—

Many noted dissenters who were per-
suaded to leave the Soviet Union for one
reason or another subsequently had their
citizenship canceled a nd were forbidden to


William C. Ryan is a correspondent for the
Associated Press.






‘ “Phases-9“.“ .,_ __ ‘










“flares-9‘3..." .‘ ..


opinion from inside and outside the university community









The wide acclaim in the US. which has
greeted Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s crusade
for human rights in the Soviet Union seems
to confirm the adage that it is safer to
discover prophets in someone else’s land
than in your own. It is commendable that
courageous people, who are willing to defy
authority in order to express truth as they
see it, are praised so lavishly. That some
of Solzhenitsyn's heroes in the “Gulag
Archipelago" were Nazi collaborators,
like Andrei Vlasov, (a Soviet general
during World War II, who after being
captured, joined up with the Nazis and led
a band of Soviet defectors in battle against
the Red Army) may reflect Solzhenitsyn‘s
long-standing hatred for the Russian
Revolution according to Irwin Silber (see
“Solzhenitsyn‘s Archipelago: Isolating

Fact from Fantasy" in the Guardian. Jan.
30, 1974, pp. 16-17), but it doesn’t detract in
my mind from his courage to defy
authority, regardless of his motives.

But what bothers me most about the
Solzhenitsyn affair is that it is brought to
us by the same people who bring us the
following too:

(1) THE BRITISH coal miners’ strike
for a gross weekly wage of $103 is por-
trayed as a communist plot to destroy the
British economy,

(2) the independent truckers’ refusal to
bear the burden of the “energy crisis” is
portrayed as unpatriotic and in possible
violation of anti-trust laws, when the
major oil companies are reporting soaring
profits up 60—500 per cent and cornering the
energy market by acquiring 85 per cent of
US. refining capacity, about 72 per cent of

Capitalists prefer
‘Gulag Archipelago'

the natural gas production and reserves,
30 per cent of domestic coal reserves, 24
per cent of domestic coal production, and
over 50 per cent of the uranium reserves.

Moreover, why is there so much at—
tention to this particular “champion" of
human rights at this time without any
concern for the freedom fighters in
Mozambique who are still struggling to
free their country from Portuguese
domination on behalf of Gulf Oil; or the
brutal repression of basic human liberties
in Chile after the military deposed the
democratically-elected Marxist govern-
ment of Salvador Allende who attempted
to nationalize the American-owned copper
companies of Anaconda and Kennecott; or
the little-known recent imprisonment of
newsmen in Sweden for exposing the
activities of a previously secret Swedish
espionage apparatus, the I.B., which has
infiltrated Swedish labor unions, spied on
several left (wing) groups within Sweden
and even certain members of the ruling
Social Democratic party, and has also
spied on North Vietnam and on China for
the US. To appreciate why the
Solzhenitsyn affair is getting such wide
coverage in our mass media, one has to
consider what is being reported and what
is not being reported, and to look for some
kind of pattern which attempts to explain

Fixed rate otters advantages, but...


As I read through Jay Arthur Mills'
article in Tuesday‘s Kernel, (page 3) in
which he advocated a return to the Gold
Standard for the US. dollar, 1 found some
rather basic flaws in his argument.

Nowhere in the article does Mr. Mills
show any factual basns to support his case.
All we have to go on are generalizations,
with no specific statements to show why

what he says is true. There are indeed '

definite advantages to a fixed exchange
rate, for example, an exchange rate
regularity which is important for the
import and export markets.

HOWEVER. IN the editorial one finds
the statement “...the American people
have felt the consequences that go with
money devaluations." Mr. Mills is ob-
viously neglecting the fact that when
exchange movements become ineffective
in a nation's attempt to maintain the fixed

value of a weak currency, devaluation is
just about the only course left open.
However, with a floating exchange rate
this is no longer a problem, since the
market forces of supply and demand are
allowed to set the exchange rate for the
currency, thus removing the need for large
and sudden devaluations, the anticipation
of which is often the cause for heavy
speculation against that currency.

A floating rate also eliminates the

.political element from the system.

Devaluations are generally quite un-
popular moves, and politicians are usually
hesitant to go ahead with one, despite an
obvious need for it.

A floating rate provides for gradual
rather than large, disruptive movements
in the currency’s par value, and it
eliminates the need for large, expensive
holdings of foreign reserve currencies

Up from the pedestal
Susan B. Anthony: an untiring organizer


February 15 marks the birthday of
Susan B. Anthony, “The Mother of us All."
Her contributions to social reform are
nearly limitless.

Born in 1820, Ms. Anthony dedicated her
life to the cause of humanism. She was a
seemingly untiring organizer for the
abolition of slavery; however, as she
watched the growing independence of new
segments of the male population, she also
watched the lack of receptiveness to the
question of women‘s rights. Thus began
many years of fighting for the freeing of

From 1868 to 1870, Ms. Anthony
published a radical weekly newspaper
entitled The Revolution. In this

publication, she allied herself with the
working woman. In addition, The
Revolution discussed such issues as
divorce, prostitution, and the role of the
church in the subjugation of women.

remembered for her role in the suffragist
movement; however, her conception of
rights for women embodied much more
than the franchise. Feminist issues which
we feel are relatively modern, such as
equal pay for equal work, the oppression of
traditional marriage and an Equal Rights
Amendment were all issues upon which
Ms. Anthony expounded. She believed in
total equal rights for all women.

After giving many years of her life to

which are needed under a fixed system in
order to keep the currency at its pegged

I think Mr. Mills should accept the fact
that the reason the dollar was floated in
the first place is that the fixed peg to gold
was obviously ineffective. But perhaps a
totally freely floating exchange rate is not
the correct answer either. Quite possibly a
floating rate with occasional government
intervention would be most beneficial, or
maybe a system of sliding parities. But
some type of variable rate is necessary. I
agree with the opinion expressed in “The
1973 Joint Economic Committee Report on
Floating Exchange Rates," which takes
the position that a return to the Gold
Standard of fixed exchange rates would be
a mistake.


Geoffrey Rosenberger is a business
and economics junior.

feminism, Susan B. Anthony died in. 1906,
14 years before women won the right to
vote. She, however, thought of her sisters
in the Movement at the end of her life and
asked that the Movement be carried on.

Women owe an incredible amount of
appreciation to Susan B. Anthony. If it
were not for her and her sisters of the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
we would not have many of the rights we
do have. As Ms. Anthony once said,
“Failure is impossible.“ That kind of faith
and determination is what has kept the
Feminist Movement strong.


Gail Cohee is the Council on
Women's Concern president.

AS RUMORS percolate that the
repression of Solzhenitsyn may endanger
“detente” (a state of affairs declared by
the American and Soviet governments for
reasons of power politics), could it be that
the Solzhenitsyn affair is an attempt to
prepare the American public for the
proposed increase in the military budget to
$85.8 billion which we might have expected
to be reduced with the supposed ter-
mination of the Vietnam War and the
highly publicized arms limitation talks
which Nixon touts as one of his in-
ternational achievements. Or could it be
that the Solzhenitsyn affair is being played
up in an attempt to discredit Socialism at
this time when the deepening crisis of
monopoly capitalism has cast the most
fundamental assumption of capitalist rule
into serious doubt in the minds of the
general public? At such a moment,
socialist ideas take on a new vitality as we
begin to contemplate political and
economic alternatives to the capitalist
system. Like Solzhenitsyn, we must have
the courage to delve beneath the official


Bob Griss is a sociologist-in-exile,
writing a dissertation on political
economy of the coal industry.





I t



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Philippe Weisbecker

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2 0

4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. February 15, 1974

You can take

a friend camping...

Af Phillip Gall,
we have a pack
for all your

camping needs.

W. Main

Gall 8. So »










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Circle K

Resurrecfed service group

plans charitable project

Kernel Staff Writer

An old organization, Circle K,
is being resurrected for students
interested in serving others.

Steve Thomas, president, said
it will try to organize fund raising
activities to benefit various
charitable causes.

Circle K was active on campus
until a couple of years ago,
Thomas said, but desolved last
year because of little interest.

Circle K’s application to
become a student organization
once more is before the Dean of
Students. Thomas said he expects
approval “by the beginning of
next week. ”

Thomas said the organization
needed a project to publicize the
group as well as help a needy

looking into the possibility of a 48-
hour basketball game, with
businesses donating money for
each point scored. This would be
done in cooperation with “Key
Clubs” in Lexington, a high
school service organization in
which Thomas was active until
coming to UK last semester.

There will be a divisional
meeting of the Circle K clubs
Saturday at the Student Center.
Circle K, sponsored by Kiwanis
Clubs, is open to all students.

Financial aid office

meets BEOG deadline

Kernel Staff Writer

UK’S financial aid office will
have “no problem" adjusting to
an April 1 deadline extension for
Basic Educational Opportunity
Grant (BEOG) applications.

According to James ingle,
director of Financial Aid, ap-
plications are still available. and
may be obtained at the office in
Patterson Tower.

Now in its first year. BEOG
was originally designed for un-
dergraduate students in need of
aid Congressional cutbacks of
appropriations limits grants to
full-time students applying for
the first time. Ingle believes that,
because of the considerably
greater amount appropriated for

the '74-‘75 schoolyear. grants will
be made available to both fresh-
men and sophomores next year,
Sums of up to $950 are expected
compared to a $450 limit this

Ingle said the extension was
ordered because of the program‘s
late beginning (July 1973), and
because all funds have not been
expended. lnconjunction with the
extension. some grants have also
been awarded retroactively. to
apply to fall semester of 1973.

The BEOG program is a
national fund from which
colleges may draw according to
the respective needs of students.
This is in contrast to the Sup-
plemental Educational ()p-
portumty Grant program. which
allots individual colleges specific




30-60 %













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Senate resolution passed
in opposition to abortion

Kernel Staff Writer

FRANKFURT — After one and
a half hours of debate, the state
house of representatives Wed-
nesday passed a resolution
urging Congress to adopt a
constitutional amendment
protecting all unborn human‘

Senate Joint Resolution
Nine, which would guarantee to'
the unborn the constitutional
right applicable to all citizens,
had passed the senate Jan. 23.

The resolution had been
amended so the action would not
prohibit an abortion to save the
pregnant woman‘s life.

REP. Nicholas Kafoglis, (D-
Bowling Green) was the first

representative to speak against
the legislation, noting the “Right
to Life" organization (original
sponsors of the bill) meant more
than the name implied.

“The Right to Life people are
pure in heart and sincere, but
their name means more than it
indicates. Passage of this means
that right to life would mean a
woman with certain conditions
would be risking her life to bear
that child.

“It would mean those in a
social and economic status who
are without benefit or knowledge
of contraceptives will have to
bear the child. And, finally, it
means that a girl impregnated
through rape will have to bear the
child," the gynecologist said.

Covington) who led the battle in
favor of the resolution, noted all




Education, ethics bills
passed in Senate

Kernel Staff Writer
FRANKFORT — The state
senate yesterday passed without
opposition HB 105, which negates
an earlier prohibition on
graduate studies programs at
Northern Kentucky State

The bill, with bipartisan sup-
port of senators from Boone,
Kenton. and Campbell counties,
doesn‘t establish any graduate
programs at Northern. That task
is delegated to the Council on
Higher Education.

Senate Bill 155, authorizing free
tuition to state supported
universities. junior colleges and
vocational training institutions
for dependents of National
Guardsmen deceased or per-
manently and totally disabled
while on active duty. was passed

Both bills now proceed to the

Center, 320 Rose Lane, Saturday, Feb. 16,
following the Uk-Tenn. Game. at about 10:00.
Music and refreshments. Everyone

welcome! 13F15

HELP-VOLUNTEERS needed for several
hours weekly. Provide companionship and
recreation to radiation therapy patients at
Med. Center. Sign-up and Orientation
Wednesday night at 7 p.m. in Newman
Center social room, 320 Rose Lane. 13F15

GERMAN WILL be featured in the In-
ternational Ottice Language Workshop
Friday February 15. 3-5 p.m. Room 14
Alumni Gym. Faculty,students and staff are
welcome. 13F15 ,

Automobile Club will have a tune up clinic
Saturday, Feb. 16. For information call 210»
8854 or 233.0037 IAFIS

Women" is the topic of Mortar Board,
Monday, February 10, 7:30 pm. in
Keeneland Hall Lobby. All women are in-
vited. Members be present by 7:00. 14F10

THE ART LIBRARY will have Open
House Friday, February 15, 1974. The
location is King Library North, Lower Level
across the drive from the Fine Arts Building


it. Call 2721234.

A bill to establish a legislative
ethics boards cleared the Senate
36~0, following a floor amendment
made Wednesday. SB 44 defines
conduct unbecoming a legislator,
or which constitutes a breach in
the public trust. The bill, co-
sponsored by Sen. Joe Gravesf It-
Lexington) also stipulates that
legislators accepting private
contributions for use in defraying
expenses related to adequate
performance of legislative
duties, must report these funds to
the Board of Ethics. The bill
further prohibits legislators from
business transactions with
persons known to have a
legislative interest when the
legislator receives more than in
the ordinary course of business.

The amendment gave the
Board authority to promulgate a
code of legislative ethics and
permits instead its recom-
mendation of a code to the
General Assembly for adoption.

WANTED: STUDENTS interested in
sharing their talents with Leaington citizens.
The Youth Development, Correction and
Preventive Center, a nonprofit program,
needs someone to teach typing to 5 women
twice a week. Contact Volunteer Office at
250-2751. 13Fls

PHOTOGRAPHS BY Gus Kayatas will be
on exhibit in the Barnhart Gallery (601 South
Broadway) February 17-March 1. The
opening for this show will be February 17 at
8:00 p.m. and the public is invited. Gallery
Hours: M-F, 9:005:00. 13F15

REACH OUT and Receive-The Volutteer
Office is receiving many request from
Lexington for tutors. There is a great need
for anyone concerned to tutor elementary
and high school students. Will be a good
learning experience for anyone. Call 258-
2751. Room 9 Alumni Gym. 13F 15

FOSTER CAR E»The Hard to Place Unit is
recruiting on campus for students as foster
parents. Any single or married student,
graduate or undergraduate, living off
campus is eligible. A valuable experience!
Interested? Call 250-2751, Room 9 Alumni

Israel Zelitch. Head Biochemistry Depart»
ment, New Haven, CT February 15, I974,
12:00noon Room N 12, Agricultural Science

Center North. IJFIS


'I‘HE KENTUCKY KEBNEL. Friday. February 15. l974.——5



the resolution would do is
“petition Congress to adopt an
amendment to the 14th Amend-
ment of the Constitution to
supersede a Supreme Court
ruling on Jan. 23, 1973."

On that date, the nation's
highest court ruled abortions are
legal if performed during the first


three months of pregnancy, but


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put some restrictions on other

Rep. David Karem (D-
Louisville) opposed the
resolution for what he called
“inflamatory language” con-
tained in the document. He said
he favors the resolution, but
offered an amendment which
would regulate some of the
harshness of the resolution. The
amendment failed 54-35.

KABEM SAID he felt it would
be beneficial to change the
language so all 100 represen—
tatives would vote in favor of the
resolution, rather than have
some opposing it merely because
of its editorial stance.

lsler led a move to keep the