xt773n20g748 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20g748/data/mets.xml Nevada Survey of Federal Archives (Nev.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs Nevada Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1941 iv, 27 l.: map, ill.; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number  FW 4.14:F 317/ser.11/no.27 books English Reno, Nev.: Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Nevada Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Labor -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Nevada -- Catalogs Nevada -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: no.27, Nevada/Series XI, the Department of Labor text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: no.27, Nevada/Series XI, the Department of Labor 1941 1941 2019 true xt773n20g748 section xt773n20g748 i ,; ~ , ; lHHMHHIEHWWII!IN!WIN"INHIIHllHllWHllllWHlll
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3 Prepared by
i The Survey of Federal Archives
: Division of Coamunitr Service Programs
i Work Projects Administration
f The National Archives
; Cooperating Sponsor
, NO. 27. NEVADA
; Reno, Nevada
‘ The Historical Records Survey Project
§. 19u1

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The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the pro—
ducts of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which Operated
as a nation~wide project of the Works Progress Administration from
January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937. The project closed in Nevada on
the latter date and was reopened as a State project in September 1937.
In August 1939 it became a unit of the Historical Records Survey of
the Works Progress Administration and its successor the Work Projects

The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows:
Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey,
acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition,
and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series
contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey in
inventory form, a separate series number being aSSigned to each of
the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other
major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is
a general introduction to the field organization and records of the
governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the
inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in
alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama
is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. u, etc.

For each local office information regarding each series, or unit
of related records, is presented in the following order: title, in—
clusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the in~
formation was secured), general description of the indexing (if any),
a statement of frequency and purp0se of use, form of the record it—
self (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc., linear footage, de-
scription of the containers, physical condition of the records (not
stated if satisfactory). locatiOn by room number or other identifyh
ing information, and finally, the number of the Form 583A on which
this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from
which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in
The National Archives. When it centains substantial information on
addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed ab- '
stract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See

In Nevada the work of the Survey was under the direction of Dr.
Charles L. Stewart, regional director of Nevada and California, with
Mr. Francis H. Leavitt as state supervisor from its inception in
April 1936 until the termination of the Federal project on June 30,
1937. When the project was reopened in September 1937 it was supers~r
vised by Dr. Stewart, then Assistant Professor of History at the
University of Nevada, who acted as voluntary consultant. Upon Dr.
Stewart's resignation in September 1938, the voluntary supervisiOn
of the project was assumed by Professor Jeanne E. Wier, Head of the
Department of History at the University of Nevada. This Inventory
of the records of the Department of Labor in Nevada was prepared in
1938 under the supervision of Dr. Stewart, with Miss Arlie Rouanzoin
as editor, and was edited before final typing by Mrs. Harriet S.
Woods of the washington office.

Reno, Nevada Ray D. Harris, State Supervisor
May 20, l9ul ' Historical Records Survey Project

 { iv~



E Page

% Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1



, Introduction.......................3
1 Reno, Field Service Branch, District 19 Substation

i , Acting Inspector in Charge . . . . . . . . . . . 4

§ Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1 Carson City, National Reemployment Service . . . . . 9
i Office of the State Director . . . . . . . . . . 9
1 Nevada State Employment Service, District 1

1 Office of the District Manager . . . . 10
i CarsOn City

3 Veterans' Placement Service . . . . . . . . . . 12
i Veterans' Placement Representative . . . . 12

Elko, National Reemployment Service, District 5 . . . 13
3 Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . 13
i Ely, National Reemployment Service, District 4 . . . 1M
Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . in

I Fallon, National Reemployment Service, District 2 .- l6
; Office of the District Manager (not surveyed). . 16
E Las Vegas, National Reemploymont Service, District 9. 16
% Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . 16
' Lovelock, National Reemploymcnt Service, District 7. .18
g Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . 18
i Pioche, National Reemployment Service, District 10. . 19
t Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . 19
3 Reno, National Reemployment Service, District 8 . . . 22
f Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . 22
: Tonopah. National Reemployment Service, District 3. . 23
; Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . 23
; Winnemucca, NatiOnal Reemployment Service, District 6.26
§ Office of the District Manager . . . . . . . . . 26

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"The national aid and supervision of the laboring interests of
the country were first proposed in Congress about the year 1867 and
1 many bills to this end were introduced and referred to committee
1 between that time and the passage of the act of June 27, 1884 (23
I Stat., 60). Under this act the Bureau of Labor was organized in
January 1885, as a part of the Department of the Interior, and the
' CommiSSioner of Labor was made its chief officer. Three years
.1 later, by act of Congress approved June 13, 1888 (25 Stat., 182),
1 the Bureau of Labor and its duties were transferred to the Depart-
5 ment of Labor, with independent functions, the title of its chief
j officer remaining unchanged. This, however, was for administrative
i purposes, and did not constitute an executive department.
1 By act of Congress of February 1”, 1903, "An act to establish
l the Department of Commerce and Labor,” the Department of Labor and
5 all that pertained thereto was placed under the jurisdiction and
i made a part of the Department of Commerce and Labor from and after
July 1, 1903, on which date the name Bureau of Labor was adopted by
1 order of the Secretary.“ 1/
, "By the act approved March H, 1913, creating a Department of
E Labor, the Bureau of Labor was transferred from the Department of
i COmmerce and Labor to the newly created executive department, and
1 under its jurisdiction were placed the Commissioner General of
1 Immigration, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, g/, the
: Immigration Service, the Bureau of Labor, and the Children‘s
i Bureau.” 3/
t "The organic act creating the Department of Labor reads in its
; first section that the purpose of the Department of Labor shall be
i to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners of
j the United States, to improve their working conditions, and to
1 advance their opportunities for profitable employment." E]
, i 1/ Department of Cemmerce and Labor, Organization and Law, (1904).
l i 2/ See Immigration and Naturalization Service.
f 1 g/ Department of Commerce, Annual Report, (1913).
1 ~._/ The Secretary of Labor, First.Annual Report, (1913).


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1, ,

3y section 8 of Article I of the Constitution of the United States,
power is conferred upon Congress "To establish an uniform rule for
‘ On January 29, 1795 a law with the title "An act to establish an
[ uniform rule of naturalization and to repeal the act heretofore passed
upon that subject" was passed . . . . o This law was repealed in
1798, but its general features were reenacted in the law of April 19,
‘ 1802, and is, with a few amendments, the law as it stands at the
7 present time.
R "Prior to the act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stats., 108”), the various
{ laws relating to aliens, including those in regard to the importation
_ of contract laborers, were administered by State officials designated
3 by the governors of the respective States, under the direction and
1 control of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the expense incurred
i in such administration was defrayed from the permanent appropriation
* provided for by the Act approved August 3, 1882 (H7 Cong., Sess. I,
L 376), and known as the 'Immigrant Fund.z . . . . . Section 7 of the
I act of March 3, 1891 established the office of Superintendent of
: Immigration, placing this office under the direction of the Secretary
3 of the Treasury. The same act provides that the duties theretofore
1 discharged by State commissions, boards, or officers, should be per—
, formed and exercised . . . by the inspection officers of the United
3 States. Thus for the first time the administration of the immigra—
tion laws came into the hands of Federal officials exclusively . . .
. . The act of February in, 1903, establishing the Department of
I Commerce and Labor, transferred the Bureau of Immigration and its
. official force . . . to the Department of Commerce and Labor, and
I authority . . . in relation to the immigration of aliens . . . . .
i from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of Commerce and
E Labor from and after July 1, 1903." l/
1 "Prior to the act of June 29, 1906’ (Public, No. 388) there was
) no concentrated supervision of naturalization proceedings nor any
i centralized record of naturalization . . . . . The Bureau of Naturali—
( zation originated in an extension of the authority of the former
! Bureau of Immigratien, which by the act of June 29, 1906 was named
i the ‘Burcau of Immigration and Naturalization,‘ and given charge . .
t . . . of all matters cencerning the naturalization of aliens. Section
‘ 3 of this act conferred exclusive jurisdiction to naturalizo aliens
5 upon the following specific courts: The United States Circuit courts
3 and district courts or Territorial courts, and State courts having a
1 seal, a clerk, and jurisdiction in action at law or equity, or law
and equity in which the amount of controversy is unlimited." 2/
3 M
x 1/ Department of Commerce and Labor, Organization and Law, (190M)
‘ 381.
§ 2/ Secretary of Labor, 2nd Annual Report, (1917) 77.

 ¥W= The Immigration and Naturalization Service, Reno 9
”State courts . . . . . with respect to their exercise of juris—
diction under the act Of June 29, 1906 are Federal courts, since they
equally operate under authority of a Federal statute and confer a
right authorized solely in the Constitution of the United States." 1]
"Under the Act of Congress of March 9, 1913, establishing the
I Department of Labor, the branch of the Government Service charged
} with the duty Of enforcing the naturalization 1ams, which was formerly
\ . a division of the Bureau of Immigration, was made a separate bureau,
the title of the chief thereto having been changed to Commissioner of
} Naturalization.” g/
”By executive order of June 10, 1933 the former Bureau of Immigra~
\ tion and the former Bureau of Naturalization were consolidated to form
the present ImmigratiOn and Naturalization Service, the merger be—
coming effective on August 10, 1933.." 3]
‘ ' "Under the provisions of the President's Reorganization plan no.
5, made effective June 19, 1940, by Public Resolution 75, 76th Congress,
the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the Department of Labor,
1 (including the office of the Commissioner of Immigratien and Naturali-
! zation) and its functions were transferred to the Department of Justice
‘ to be administered under the direction and supervision Of the Attorney
i General." 2/ The Immigration and Naturalization Service is listed
- here, however, as it existed at the time the plan for the Survey of
1 Federal Archives in the States was made.
g Post Office (Federal) Bldg., 50 S. Virginia St.
E This unit of the immigration and naturalization service was estab—
2 lished in Reno on August 1, 1935, as a subdivision of the Department
of Labor, but since June 1h, 19% has been under the jurisdiction of
I the Department of Justice. §EE Introduction. Prior to August 1935
} naturalization hearings were held.in Reno by officers who came from
1 the district office headquarters in San Francisco for that purpose.
1 Several hearings are held in Reno throughout the year, in addition
i to which the acting inspector in charge holds hearings in other
1 towns throughout the state. Other naturalization records beside these
i listed here may be found in the office of the clerk of the United
5‘ States District Court in Carson City, as well as in the various county
I clerks' offices in the State. No records of this Office have been
’ lost or destroyed. Those listed below were surveyed in 1936 and 1938.
E Reports and files of closed cases are sent to San Francisco.
i l/. Secretary of Labor, l§t_Annual Report (1919), 36%.
i 2/. Secretary of Labor, 1st Annual Report (1913), 108.
i 3/. United States Public Documents, Monthly Catalog (March 1990).
F _/ United States Public Documents, Ngnthly Catalog (August 1940).

 The Immigration and Naturalization Service, Reno 5

date. Containing history, number, and definition of files in office
cabinet; cress index, filed alphabetically and chronologically.
(Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 2 in,, in 2 drawers of steel
card cabinet. R. 220. (177)

2. IMMIGRATION FILES, Aug. 1935 to date. Form 631, application
for re~entry permit, in H pages, giving all data on alien making the
application for re-entry permit, also instructions for executing appli—
cation, offices to which permits are mailed, extensions, penalty for
false statements, and a note on the effect of absence from the United
States upon naturalization eligibility; Form 659, application for
registry of alien, 4 pages, giving cemplete facts as to date of the
entry upon which applicant bases application and complete facts as to
the date of application, also additional departures and re—entries are
set forth on separate sheet in duplicate, signed by the applicant,
attached to this form and made a part thereof, and a list of offices
where application for registry may be filed; Form 633, a petition for
issuance 0f immigration visa, to be used only by U. S. citizens, 4
pages, giving all data upon which issuance of immigration visa must
be made, also information and instructions; Form #32, return certifi~
cate lawfully domiciled Chinese laborer, made in triplicate copy, giv-

. ing city, date, port of entry, and all necessary data on Chinese
laborer who intends to leave the United States temporarily, with in~
j structions in Chinese on back of form; Form 565, application for
e warrant of arrest, a statement signed by a person recommending that
, the Secretary of Labor issue a warrant for the arrest of alien(s) upon
H a list of facts written on the form. File also contains miscellaneous
. correspOndence, contract labor investigationS, certificates of identity,
,3 and deportation warrants. File is divided as to active and closed
'fl, cases. Cross indexed, filed alphabetically and numerically. (Daily,
. , official.) 9 x 12 folders, M ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case.
R. 220. (176)
3. NATURALIZATION FILE, Aug. 1935 to date. Form A~2213, applica-
'“‘ tion for a certificate of arrival, and preliminary form for a declara—
; " tion of intention, M pages, giving records examined, record found,
1} date, name, date and place of birth, place now residing, and all data
'2: as to past history of applicant and instructions to the applicant;
'”7 Form Aw221u~San Francisco, application for certificate of arrival,

‘ and preliminary form for petition of citizenShip, U pages, for use in
searching records on arrival, records examined, record found, and
additional facts to aid in locating record on applicant's arrival,
filled in by applicant, also statement of facts to be used in filing
petitions for citizenship filled in by applicant, and instructions to
the applicant; Form 2604, affidavit of applicant, and examiner‘s re~
pert, a notarized application for a new certificate to United States
citizenship; and notarized report of the examiner to the effect that
application should, or should not, be granted; Form 2600, application
for a new naturalization paper in lieu of one lost, mutilated, or
destroyed, giving history of applicant, reason for application,

 I“? The Immigration and Naturalization Service, Reno 6
notary's statements of facts, examiner’s report, and instructions to
the applicant. File also contains pending applications, investigations,

‘ miscellaneous correspondence, and photographs of applicants. ClOsed

l naturalization files are forwarded to district headquarters in San

i Francisco. Cross indexed, filed alphabetically and chronologically.

‘ (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing

1 case., a, 220. (175)


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leveling/norm SERVICE

"The United States Employment Service had its inception in the
creation, in February 1907, of the Division of Information in the
Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, a unit of the then Depart~
ment of COmmerce and Labor . . . . . the function of the Division
of Information being to (1) direct the flow of immigrant labor to
Job openings, and (2) the collection of information that would be of
value in this distribution process . . . . a Little actual placement
or distribution was done by the Division. Legislative authority to
include among its duties advancement of opportunity of workers "for
profitable employment" was contained in the first section of the
organic act establishing the Department of Labor. A nation~wide place—
ment agency for citizens resulted. The country was divided into
eighteen administrative zones, each zone in charge of a supervisor
delegated from the personnel of the immigration offices within the
zone. The entire distribution service was thus coordinated with the
immigration field service. Thus, during the years from 1914 to 1916
the character of the EmplOyment Service changed from that of directing
aliens to inland jobs to that of a placement agency for the un—
employed." 1/

"In the urgent deficiency act approved October 6, 1917, Congress
recognized the necessity for an Employment Service and appropriated
funds for its maintenance. These funds were supplemented by an allot—
ment from the PrOSident‘s appropriation for national security and
defense. Departmental orders of October 13 and December 15, 1917,
contained instructions for the creation of a distinct Employment
Service separate from the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Immigration.” g/

"As reorganized in January 1918 the Employment Service was made a
separate bureau of the Department of Labor, and the Division of Infor—
mation was made a part of the enlarged Employment Service. Within a
year after the peak of maximum activity in 1918, the entire chain of
Federal employment offices was abandoned or turned over to the States
and municipalities for continuation. FrOm 1919 to 1931 the United
States Employment Service continued to function only as a clearing
house for information, standards, and statistics, and to a limited
extent, for interstate clearance on placements.” 3/

"The wagneereyser Act, effective June 6, 1933, abolished the then
existing United States Employment Service and created a new service

_1_/ Social Security Board, _s_9cia1 Security in America, (1937), Makeup.
g/. Document Catalog 1% ~ 65th Congress, 700.
3/ Social Security Board, 2p. cit;

 The United States Employment Service, Carson City 9
as a separate bureau in the Department of Labor. Its major function
was to promote and develop a national system of employment offices by
assisting in establishing and maintaining them in the States. The
function of the Federal office under this arrangement is to develop
and maintain minimum standards of Operation, promote uniformity in
procedure and record keeping, maintain interstate clearance of labor,
and thus integrate the local and state services into a Nation—wide
employment system." if

"Under provisions of the PresidentZs Reorganization plan no. 1,
made effective July 1, 1939, by Public Resolution 20, 76th Congress,
the United States Employment Service in the Department of Labor was
abolished and the functions and personnel transferred to the Federal
Security Agency to be consolidated with the unemployment compensation
functions of the Social Security Board to be administered in the
Social Security Board under the direction and supervision of the
Federal Security Administrator." g/

By this consolidation the two units, the United States Employment
Service and the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation, became the
Bureau of Employment Security. 3/ The Employment Service is listed
here, however, as it existed at the time the plan for the Survey of
Federal Archives in the States was made.

Q£RSON 0123
Capitol Annex Bldg.

The office of the National Roemployment Service, affiliated with
the Nevada State Employment Service, was established July 1, 1933
with quarters in the Industrial Building. It has since undergone the
administrative changes noted in the Introduction, but is entered here

~ as it existed when this survey of the records was made in 1936. In

' March 1938 it was moved to the Capitol Annex, Room 206.

- h. CORRESPONDENCE, 1933 to date. Miscellaneous correspondence
relative to wage claims, bills of sale, Women’s Bureau, Department of
Labor, state budget for the year, child labor, employment agency bonds,

. and national reemployment service. Filed alphabetically and by sub~
ject. (Frequently, reference,) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in 2 drawers

_ of wooden filing case. B. 6. (275)
' ‘ 5. GENERAL FILE, 1933 to date. Financial reports of Nevada
5 employment service, labor statistics, letters from contractors con—

1,. cerning employment, plans of operation, reports of progress, letters
of authority to transfer registration cards, travel vouchers, tele—
grams, miscellaneous correspondence. Filed alphabetically.
(Frequently, reference.) 10 x 12 folders, 6 ft. 6 in., in 4 drawers
or steel filing case. R. 7. (270)
1/ Social Security Board, gprgig;

3/ U.S. Public Documents, Monthly Catalog, (Dec. 1939)
3/ U.So Public DocumentS, Monthly Catalog, (Nov. 1939)

 ’ The United States Employment Service, Carson City 10

6. LABOR COMMISSION CLAIHS, 1933 to date. Record of persons
filing claims with the State Labor Commissioner, showing names of
parties concerned, amount of claim, dates, and other pertinent data.
Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders,

1 ft. 1 in., in drawer of cardboard filing case. R. 7. (273)

7. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, 1933 to date. Reports on pay rolls,
time, relief placement, perpetual inventory, and miscellaneous, with
related correspondence. Filed alphabetically and by subject. (Rarely,
official.) Variously sized looee records and folders, in 1 wooden
and 1 cardboard drawer of filing cases. R. 6. (27%)

s. PERSONNEL RECORDS, July 1, 193M to date. Complete record of
each employee of this office, showing name, date entered employment,
salary, leave of absence, and other data. Filed alphabetically.
(Frequently, official.) 8 x 11 cards, 2 in., in steel box on desk.
3. 7. (272)

9. CONTRACT PAY ROLLS, 1935 to date. Certified transcript of pay '
rolls, contractor’s name, job number, names of employees, type of
employment, hours worked, and amount earned. (Frequently, official.)
9 X 12 sheets, 2 ft. 1 in,, in cardboard drawer. R. 7. (271)

10. STATISTICAL REPORTS, 1936 to date. Daily report of applica~
tions, Openings, and placements, also summary of daily activities.
Filed by name of state office sending in report. (Daily, official.)
9 x 15 folders, 2 ft. u in., in 2 drawers of wooden filing case. R.
7. (276)

Ormsby County Courthouse

This office, affiliated with the Nevada State Employment Service,
was established Nov. 2, 1933. On Nov. 1, 1937 the office of Nevada
District 1 was discontinued and its functions transferred to District
8, Reno. The records listed here are the result of a survey made in
1936 while the office was still located in Carson City.

11. ACTIVE AND INACTIVE BLUE CARD FILE, 1933 to date. Copies of
registration cards, giving age, dates, qualifications as to w0rk,
physical condition, weight, height, and other details. Filed alpham
betically by occupation, under counties. (Frequently, official.)

8 l/u X 11 cards, 6 in., in wooden card cabinet. SW. corner room,
2d floor. (267)

12. ACTIVE REGISTRATION FILE, 1933 to date. Form NRS No. 1, active
registration cards, giving age, dates, qualifications as to work,
physical condition, residence, and other data. Filed alphabetically,
(Frequently, official.) 8 x 12 cards, 6 in., in card cabinet. SW.
corner room, 2d floor. (269)

 ._ The United States Employment Service, Carson City 11


.| No. 1, listing specialized occupations, such as truck drivers, blade

[ men, carpenters, painters, mechanics, laborers, etc. Filed alpha»

‘1 betically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 13 cards, 6 in., in wooden card

R cabinet. SW. corner room, 2d floor. (259)

lu. GENERAL COREESPONDENCE, 1933 to date. With various contractors
, in regard to number of men, rate of pay, qualificationS, and other
items dealing with projectS. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently,
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 10 in., in drawer of steel filing case.

' SW. corner room, 2d floor. (263)

15. IDENTIFICATION LEDGER, 1933 to date. Contains identification

, numbers of all registrants for work. (Daily, reference.) 6 x 13
looso~leaf book, 1 in., on desk. SW. corner room, 2d floor. (265)

16. INACTIVE REGISTRATION FILE, 1933 to date. List of applicants

. for work, removed from active file because of employment, death, or

, absence from state. Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x

» 13 cards, 1 ft., in wooden card cabinet. SW. corner room, 2d floor.

' l7. CHANGE IN wear STATUS, Nov. 1933 to date. Form he}, reassign~
ment slips issued to individuals who have returned to work after ab—
sence from various causes. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, offi—
cial.) 6 x 11 cards, in pasteboard box. SW. corner room, 2d floor.

18. GENERAL FILE, Nov. 1933 to date. Containing requisitions
from contractors to this labor office, asking for workmen, relief
_ cases open and closed, recommendations, pay rolls,carbon copies of
. correspondence, references, and publicity. Filed alphabetically.
. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 10 in., in drawer of steel
I filing case. SW. corner room, 2d floor. (261)

; 19. PAYROLLS, Nov. 1933 to date. Copies of payrolls of contractors

. on various projects completed and under construction, showing hours

. worked, rate of pay, total weekly pay~roll. Filed alphabetically by

, name of firm or contractor. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 sheets,
folded, 9 in., in drawer of steel filing case. SW. corner room, 2d
floor. (262)

1 20. WORK ASSIGNMENT FILE, Nov. 1933 to date. Form 325, assigning

I , individuals to certain projects that are now, or will be, under conm

‘,,J struction. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 6 x 11 cards,

.}~ 6 in., in pasteboard box. SW. corner room, 2d floor. (266)

' 21. REPORT FILE, July 1, 1935 to date. Form 302, daily and weekly
report of applications and placements at this office. Filed chrono—
logically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 envelopes, 6 in., in drawer of
steel filing case. SW. corner room, 2d floor. (26M)

 fifi The United States Employment Service, Carson City 12



i Ormsby County Courthouse

1 This placement office was first established in Las Vegas, Nevada,

‘ on November 1, 1933 and was transferred to Carson City in November,
193M, where it was housed in the Nevada Industrial Commission Build—

2 ing until November 1, 1935. It was then moved to the Ormsby County
Courthouse. On November 19, 1938 it was moved to Reno and is now

' located there at 210 Granite St. Cumulative records and current

', weekly reports are sent to Washington monthly. Useless papers are
destroyed on preper authority. The records here were surveyed in
1936 while the office was in the county courthouse, in Carson City.

. 22. ACTIVE CASE HISTORY FILE, 1933 to date. Containing case
history of veterans on active list, showing name, address, occupation,
nationality, when and where enlisted and discharged, employment record
and other details. Filed alphabetically, by counties. 3 x 5 card
index. (Frequently, official.) 5_x 8 cards, 8 in., in drawer of steel
filing case. lst floor,