xt773n20g71h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20g71h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 2000 Vol.71 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 2000 Vol.71 No.5 2000 2000 2019 true xt773n20g71h section xt773n20g71h F tux) max 405 - \
Volume 71, Number 5 - May 2000 I 1 es S E
' ; 7 0
McLean Co. News 5 . . .5. PUht
- . , e zer
GM fifth woman : ., . e; -
to head organization ; v ' -. By mm 90mm
1 E f 7‘ KPA 7 ' ' ' i,
By LISA LARNAHAN ; «:4, is: g liiiTllETTETniliigli‘hifit‘l:en the
KPA News Bureau i if? v f l‘lN‘i' )1-t‘soli iii .the l ex‘in rton
When Teresa Revlett was T “a - 7-: Wail: y ’ 5'- ‘ i. i . ~. . ‘ i ii '
.. . ; 29%;?“ . .5 Herald-Leaders newsroom to learn
handed her first paycheck lrom ; ,. it??? . t l- ~ . i. ) - , .
‘ . ,. 3 my: _. t iat lied “on this yeai s l 1ilit/.ei
the McLean (ountv News —— $150 , ii . ' p.» 7 . - .~ . -
. ‘ 1 2 _.:~;- iize loi editoi ial cartooning.
for 10 games, photos and stats —— ; . Wh'l , tl 1 H1 l'tl 1 ‘t- fl- ,. -
the high school freshmen thought ' ' ~ ' , . H u ”'5 U '1‘ 5 “ W‘m'
‘ . . f , _ 0 - ed lor the announcement. l’ett was
she was a millionaire. , ' it“ ,1- , .- , t . .- . t tl . I
looking back at that time . , . rt iiying (nsion a iepoo. .
R lJtt th 1 . ' ‘ i .9 , T“ “I couldnt stand it, he said.
:thh i “OW ‘ e genera managfir , _ Lug ., ‘ 1‘ 3 k , For l’ett. 46. the wait for the
0 . e newspaper, 8858 s e ' "i: \ K. “‘ “if“ 1 award had been a disappointing
enjoyed the work so much, she \ g. ' , " . S PETT 6
never even considered being paid. " _> ‘ “’3‘; 7 H ‘_‘i C? 1.. g ‘1 ee ’ page
Revlett is enjoying one of her Fit y a" .4»... ,-
newest responsibilities. too. as t -' 1"" ' ....,ei.- -_ - K HSJA Stat
president of the Kentucky Press " T ‘1‘“ _ ma‘“‘a“w“*‘w‘w . e
Association/Kentucky press 2000 KPA PreSIdent Teresa Revlett, general manager of the McLean
Service Board of Directors. She is County News, started her newspaper career at the age at 13, writing ( : '
only the fifth woman to hold the football game stories and keeping stats. onventlon
position in KPA's 130 years. And She's never regretted that deci- and keeping stats. she made her-
just like at the newspaper, sion. sell' a regular fixture at the paper. d ‘xl 7(X)
Revlett moved up through the “I think a lot of people back writing sports stories, developing ra S over
ranks of KPA. serving first as a then thought K1)? was just for film. proofreading, anything need- By LISA CARNAHAN
state—at-large representative then the large dailies. said Revlett. ed in the newsroom. But ironical- KPA News Bureau
on to other positions including “I’m living prool'that‘s not true. If ly. it wasn‘t on the editorial side ”you hmmfl tried I“ {“510“,
chairman of the advertising. divi- you want to be involved. you can. ol‘ the huilding that she made her rotuminghip with your local high
Sion. Vice president, pres1dent whether your stall is big or small. mark. school journalism program. now
elect and finally president. The organization is what you Al'ter graduation. there was a may he the time t“ try. Many M-
Two of Revlett’s mentors. make ol'it." position open in ad sales and 1m; students attending ”H, 2000
Walt Dear. former owner of the Revlett used that same philos- Revlett took it while attending Kentiickv High School Journalism
McLean (‘ounty News. and Steve ophy to make her path in the college evening classes. She Association tKHS-lAt State
Austin. publisher of the newspaperbusiness. moved up a few years later to (‘onvention are serious about lUU'“
Henderson Gleaner. encouraged Alter getting that early start advertising director and in 1988. nalism and they want 1” km)“.
her to become involved in KPA, at age 13 shooting game pictures See REVLETT, page? more 211mm 1}“. lield.
. See KHSJA. page 12
_ egg-rs.» j, .4; "-y Ea: ",.‘,’.’j\:"5,4rrn.§":5‘ ha:
KPA Summer Convention slated for June 1 5 16 A“... V ._
By LISA CARNAHAN Just underwent an extensive reno— lhe convention itsell ollers sev— _ % Li‘fh~
KPA News Bureau vation and the hotel is gearing up to eral activities ranging l'roni goll' to a . ' fiilfi .” "
\i The theme of the 2000 KPA host KPA. ()ne ol‘ the things that picnic with entertainment and an Wdfllmflwgllfilll Ems” 2; :3
Summer Convention. “(‘ome Early. should make you come early or stay amusement park outing. ()l' course f'n: ‘
Stay Late," is pretty sound advice late is the W.(‘. llandy Blues theres the educational side to the 0M17M‘3KPA mm
considering all the possibilities that Festival just a few miles away in convention as well. and this year's MW '_
an extended stay in ()wensboro. this Henderson. The festival. now in its program features some ol' today's ' W V, i. :29
years host city. has to tiller. ltlth year. draws over fitttltit) people most iii-demand topics lor newspa» i» . " - . ‘
The convention gets underway to the area. lt's scheduled lor .hine pi-r proliissionals Iii-szWTMhum
Thursday. June 1.") and wraps up l-l-lT and a complete scheduli- ol' Tito st'lllllltil s l‘..‘i\1‘ in en ‘ II i'lIl'QIM“ m it:
with the awards banquet on l“l'l(l.'l.\ hands and their iii-rloiiiianci tun-s iii.n.iie:i iii! 'l'lini‘stlm inith lion. ' ‘ 9 3: " l H b gig
“t'Jl‘fl. lint tiiiitt ht that liltiitioiii \kas iltlitli‘il i: \titt' "i"“"‘ttl""' -"‘i will)“ m i995“
it .. 117x. mm mm SeeSUMlt’lFR Quilt”, 1.2: rs-MGW . _ i

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, May 2000
K t k l O [h
‘ UlC Reed was an integral part of Germany from 1966 to 1968. He also Oxford Press and was also publisher of
Rafi leaves Ken_ kyCOm Kentuckycom since its inception on worked as a city reporter for the Kent the Butler-Warren Business Journal.
DflVld Reed, CXUCUUVU producer 0f December 15, 1995. A search for his suc— Beard-Courier while a student at Kent C usack grew up in rural New York.
Kentuckymm, has 110091)th fl 9051“?“ as cessor is underway. State University. And in 1970, he was a where his family owned a group of shop
Director ‘lfsmrgET t2" online :‘I‘C’mu‘ ”f research assistant to author James A. per newspapers. He holds degrees from
the Arizona in V Star in ucson, ' ‘ M'chx ) 'h " ‘ ' ’ r b( k thl the State Universit ' ofNew York and
. _ v, , _ )lIITl' n3] 1 entr,“ ovvaswrltinga )0 on t _i_ . . . y .i i
AT‘Z‘mQ- DaV‘d W1“ be laPnChmg COUNCF JL d] _ ' T165 Kent State shrxrting‘s, He graduated in Mlanu Uan’emlty()f0th.
TULSODI om them “it paper 15 part 9f Post to ME’S pOSlthn 1971, The Recorders have also seen two .
PUlltZOF PUbllShlng (.iompany, based 1“ . In his new position, Post will be other staffers change posltlons. Tom .
St. Louis, Mo. The Daily Star is the oldest _ mm B. PU“ J13 assistant {“3939 resrxmsible f0r day-today newg mvemge. Embrey. former sports editor for the ‘
“PW-‘PHPF‘F in AHZODZI.‘ . . lng “mm for operauOnS offl'heglunlelr- He also will retain one of his former newspapers, has bi?“ named editor ”f ‘
DaVld has put ln 3t) yezusot seerce 'lOUITlillil WILD" 1;?“deng l: EOE-t fr responsibilities, overseeing the news- the Boone County Reorder. A 1996 gmd- '
t“ the Hemld-Luider, 26 years in his cur— since“ ‘5 e m en ey, w 9 .U m. room's transition to computer-assisted Ufitfi’ Of Northern Kentucky University 1
rent h'tUlt. -.l()l)S l'lt‘ has llt‘ld at the HCI‘led- lNOVCmeF t“ bOCOmC GXOCLIUVC (idltOT 0f “0“,“ gathering and three-year employee Of the nevvspa- l
Leader include: sports writer, sports The News Joumal 1n Wilmington, D0]. The Qlurierwloumal and The News per group, he replaces ~Amy Charley. ‘
columnist. weekender editor, television _ Post, 54, has WQI‘lKOd at the paper Journal are ovmed by Gannett Co. Inc. Chris Fossitt, a graphic artist and J
edltor and critic, Director of TelePress since 1911, when he Jolned the stafi as a nine-year employee of the papers has
(Knight-Bidders three channel cable tele copy editor. He was named news editor in . been mmoted to ,m hics de artillent I
vision R811) project), Director of Library 1977 and has held several positions as an LL)Cl(WOOd to had CapltOl sup erg'i S or He i S: {3989 grapduate of 1
Services, assistant to the Managing assistant or deputy managingeditor since ~ , . Northern ' Cqm bell 9mm Tech l
Editor, Administrative Editor and 1985, most recently serving as assistant bureau for Herald-[me] Vocational. He replilces John Cobb who 1
Kentucky CUHW’Ct and KentuckyCom managing Miter/operations. H9 W35 Odi' Frank Lockwood will be the is now web site coordinator for the ‘
editor. tor Of a U S. Army newspaper in Lexington Iiera]d-LQaer's new Communitypmss. 1
Th K k P Washington bureau reporter. He replaces '
"""'"""""' t _ Gail Gibson. who left to take a reporting . . l
6 en uc y res S job at the Baltimore Sun. Lockwood has Fm Herald—I‘m exa: i
The Kentucky Press (ISSN-tX)23-{)324) is pub- District 13 been the Herald-Leader's Northeastern picked as LA “mes ailtor I
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Cray, Manchester Enterprise Kentucky bureau reporter in Morehead 1
Association / Kentucky Press Service, Inc. since 1997 Former Lehngton Herald-Leader _
Periodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, D' tr' t 14 ' - Editor and Vlce President John S, Carroll .
KY‘ 40601‘ Subscription price is $813“ year. DiasvicllcThombe Comm lnwealth—Joumal Lockwood has a law degree and IS a Will sumeed Michael Parks as editor of
Postmaster: Send change of address to The IT)" ( graduate 0f Harvard UmverSlty. Before Th LOS 1 Tim C 11 58 1 ft
. Konniony pron, 101 Connonoi Lane, , _ oormng to the Hand-Leader, he covered 9 Ange ‘5 . a am , , e. -
Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. 915m“ 15A state government and politics for the the Heraldleader in 1991 to Wm ed1-
Don White, Anderson News Idaho Statesman in Boise and the 'lein tor of The Baltimore Sun, a pOSltlon he .
Officers and Directors Falls Times-News alsoin Idaho has held until DOW. He began his WT
KthCkY Press ASSOCiflfiO" District 15-8 ’ ' in 1968 at the Providence (R.I.) Joumal- .
. John Nelson, Danville Advocate-Messenger . Bulletin and became a Sun reporter in
noonon Cusack named publisher 1966 He worked in onion oooiiiono no
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News N ' _ _ . 1
State at Large Of R rdCI‘ . Other The Philadelphia Inqurrer from 1972 to 1
President Elect “my Maddox! He’lders‘m Gleaner E C D p a1J E1 8’ 1979, when he left to become editor of the 1
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express 3111“] Inca-j Lexington Herald.
Sharon Tuminski, Winchester Sun Staff Changes ]
Past President William Cusack has been named , '
roin Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader Tim Hm, Benton T,,bme_Cou,,e, publisher of Northern Kentuckys Former Somerset publisher T
Vice President T l H K m k N E “WWW R900“? “W. ’3 Steve named to top post 1n Flonda i
Dave Eldridge, Jessaminejournal ay or ayes, en c y ew ra Oldmg, the papers preylous PUthhef', _
resrgned from the posrtlon in March m Former Commonwealth Journal
Treawm Associates Division ordertobecome executive editor. newsman John Fltzwater has been ‘
David Greer, The Kentucky Standard, Armando Arrastia, Cusack, 38, has most recently named publisher of The Ledger in
Bardstown Kentucky Department of Education worked as general manager ofThomson Lakeland, Fla. .He had spent the past. 13
District] Ad t‘ . D‘ . . Online and as regional 581$ manager for )Slialrs as publisher of The Gamesvrlle
. vet 15mg "”5”“ Journal-News Group of Hamilton Ohio ' ‘
Ali R , M Led ’ 8: Tim ' . ’ '
Ge ouse “nay her es Blame Morgan meSborO He spent five years as publisher of the See PEOPLE, page 10 ‘
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs W955 News Editorial Division 1
Chris Poore, Lexington Herald-Leader 0.
“5““ D th ‘
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Ioumalism Education ea S i
gonna 3*?" ijn {K m k ———————-————————-—— l
- . - mver 0 en c . .
Charlie Portmann,Franklln Favorite 5‘ Y y Nancy Lucas Mick Nancy Lucas Mlck was also a I
Districts General Counsels Former newspaper publisher teacher for 20 years at Crittenden 1
David Greer, The Kentucky Standard. Ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene and schoolteacher Nancy Lucas EFT/lent?” Slcjhool Emil; mhenéber t
Bardstown Dlnsmore & Shah! Mick, 53, of Marion died following 0 “1°“ . ““8. 9t 0 ‘St I
. . Church. She is survrved by a hus—
District6 . . a lengthy illness on April 16 at band Marlin Travis' two dau h- 'l
Doroth Abemath Oldham Era Kem‘m‘)’ Press Assocratlon Crittenden Hospital in Crittenden ’ . " . g t
Y y, p, Se ,- Staff ters, Allison Evans of Marion and
Kentucky ess rvrce County And M' k f B l' G I
. . . . ' , ' , rea 1c 0 ow 1n reen; a
District? ,' DavrdT.Thompson,ExecutiveDlrector Mick was publisher of The L M' k fM g d \
Kelley wamiCk’ Callatm County News Bonnie Howard'commner Crittenden Press from 1993 to son, ucas 1c 0 arion, an a
Lisa Camahan, News Bureau Director , granddaughter, Meredith Evans of c
District8-9 Reba Lewis,Research/MarketingCoordinat0r 1997. She took over operation of Marion. ‘
Km Metz, BathCounty News Outlook Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant the newspaper after the 1990 Mick was preceded in death by ’ ‘1
District 10.11 Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant diitlhogherbllllshbzndhpaul E. MICk, her parents, Ollie Bryan and d
. . Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant W 0 a P“ IS e t 9 newspaper, Frances Lucas.
Pennm AshlandDail 1nd d t .
19"” gm“ y El ‘5' 9“ Holly Stigers, Tearsheet Coordinator and whose father. Evers Mick, was Funeral services were held 8
District 12 Karen Martin, INAN Account Executive the newspaper publisher before A ril 18 at Marion United l
. p t
Stephen Bowling, Jackson Time Tina Shryock, INAN Bookkeeping Assnstant him. Methodist Church.

 The Kentucky Press, May 2000 - Page 3
O C O O I)
Do your advertlsers con81der your paper 1ndlspensable .
, tion, "Then what are you doing to my estment...a cushion that can be problems is not the thinking that
Marketlng w Kili- l add more value to your products or cut when the bottom-line is less will get us out."

0 i3, ""2; : services to your tl(l\'t‘l‘llSt‘l‘S"“, I get than stellar (‘om tare these fig- That's the challen 'e. Markets
III-Sights E .Q ,g l a lot of uncomfortable shuffling. ures for a jolt? i b have changes. (‘ustiimers have
___________. l *i ! As savvy consumers. we're In the I'.S., national advertis- changed. Attitudes have changed.

, , l 5 -. 1Q 4 Q’ always on the lookout for products ers spend about 7.2 percent of rev~ Newspapers need to change and be

By L15“ Duran ‘Q i and services that deliver the best enue on marketing to consumers. prepared to invest in marketing in

” value forour money. Major US. broadcast media spend order to survive and thrive in

Do your advprtisprs rely on If there's a price increase in a more than :3 percent. Publicly trade today's competitive marketplace
your product as the best local product or service. we want to know ed newspapers spend less than two— Those that do will be rewarded
advertising vehicle to doliyor the why. Has the product been tenths of 1 percent (0.24 percent) with increase revenues. Those that
customers they need to succeed? Do improved? Is there a new or This lack of investing, and under- don't will fade away and wonder
they rely on your sales reps as true improved service that's been added" standing. of the value of marketing what happened.
marketing partners with the neces— How will I, the consumer, benefit? presents a dangerous situation in ILisa Dixon. Ad Works, is a
sary skills to help them build their Put yourself in the shoes of the face of mounting outside compe— speaker and mar/acting consultant
business? What are you doing to your advertisers. You stress the tition, threatened revenues and based in Dallas. Shc conducts semi-
win your advertisers‘ confidence importance of advertising on a reg— declining circulation. nars nationally on behalfo/‘commu-
and business? ular basis. You tell them it's vital ()utside competition and nity publications for their small

In speaking to groups of pub- to have a marketing plan and bud— change is a great motivator that business advertisers and has spoken
lishers, ad directors and marketing get in place. Yet, does your newspa— awakens sleeping giants. There are nationally and intcrnationally at
directors around the country, I find per have a strong marketing plan lessons to be learned from the past. press association conferences, AP]
there's a noticeable lack of cus- and budget? Have you assessed Sweeping changes have hit, and and NNA. Over 70 publications
tomer-driven products, programs your advertisers needs? Have you changed, the automotive industry. nationwide customize and use her
and services designed to really help developed customer—driven prod- The airline industry. The tele-com- Basic Business Builders small busi-
the advertiser. acts and services to meet those munications industry. All had to ncss advertiser neu slcttcrs. Call

When I ask the question, “How needs? How are you promoting new invest in marketing and become today for your free newsletter (~0pr
many of you are going to forgo an products and services to your cus- even more customer-driven in order and for information on her small
advertising rate increase this tomers? to survive. business advertiser seminars. She
year?”, I get a lot of muffled laugh- Most newspapers consider mar- Albert Einstein had a saying, can be reached at 972-818-5472 or
ter. When I follow with the ques- keting an expense rather than an “The thinking that got us into our by c-mail at LADixon@ao/.com./
H f ° 11 l W b ' ° '

urst 1 S state-at- arge 6 Sue causmg sur over
position on KPA board Papas’ COPyrightEd StOI‘iBS

Tim Hurst, general manager of graphic design firm in Bowling (AP) —~ An Internet news site “To the extent that he uses ,
the Benton Tribune-Courier, has Green. He still does consulting with ties to a computerscam sus— content from the Grand Forks
been appointed as a state-at-large work in that field. pect is drawing fire from newspa— Herald," said its editor, Mike
member to the KPA/KPS Board of The appointment was made by per executives who say copyright- JacobSQ “we'd be very interested
Directors. KPA PreSIdent Teresa Revlett fol- ed stories are being stolen. in how he got it and from whom

Hurst has been general manag- lowing the resignation of Teresa The Web site's founder is he sought permission.‘
er at Benton for the past three and Mullins of the Berea Citizen. Robert Brooks of Rockford, 111., Whitworth said his goal is to
a half years. Prior to that, he oper- Hurst’s term will continue through who is accused of theft in Illinois rive 00 le eas access to news
ated and owned an advertising and January 2001. and similar charges in f’ p.’ p‘ ' ’ .y ‘i Q

. . ‘ in their state. He claims he is
—————————————-————-—-——-———-——— Wisconsm. Brooks allegedlv .
. “ doing newspapers a favor
0 0 swmdled several thousand dol— _ Q Q Q . _
Western w1ns overall t1tle
after proposing deals to sell com- newspaper WCb SWCS' .
- Newspaper representatives
, . . puters. .
H Brooks was arrested last say advertisements on the Web
1n aarSt competltlon month in North Dakota, where he site mean Whitworth is profiting
launched www.mlncwspaper.com. from their W‘Wk-

For the first time ever, Western of the Pulitzer Prize. In six writing In February, Brooks turned “He's leveraging someone
Kentucky University's SChOOl 0f competitions, Western finished the site's publishing functions else's content on his site and he's
Journalism and Broadcasting has fourth overall. over to Michael Whitworth. pres— making money from it.” said
W0“ the 0_V9lel intercollegiate title ,Albers and seniors Matt ident of American Technology David Bordewyk, general manager
in the Wllllam Randolph Hearst Batcheldor of Bardstown and St‘Y‘VCiCC-h‘ in DENTIST)“- of the South Dakota Newspaper
Foundation's Journalism Awards Aimee Reed of Columbia will travel Whitworth then launched an Association."

ProgWaensltern finished with 673 to San Francisco on May 19 for InternQthQsQite "““Wd WmeQyQS The Argus Leader uses codes
. . . Hearst finals and awards rcsonta- id“ m W"~"”m~ Tl" “luv Whu’h to redirect people who use mys-
pomts 1n the 40th annual competi- . . . p . includes advertisements and . . . .. -
tion that includes print journalism, tion. Batcheldor is a finalist for news from several states jg mw t<1tt‘n(*W-h~t<)m. Mid Mentele. Q“
photojournalism and broadcasting. national writing honors, while Reed ing ..CQQPYrtht quhStQQth- ”0;“ most browsers, readers who click
The University of Florida was sec- is a finalist for national radio newspapers. “P an Argus Leader stery “T“
and with 666 onmts and the broadcasting honors. Readers can click on news directed to the newspapers main
University of Mlssouri was third Western finished third overall headlines and find the matching Web page, rather than the story.
with 659. , Q last year in the Hearst competition stories on newspaper World Wide Jack McDonald, legal counsel

“This is a credthQto our teachers and has finished fourth several Web pages. for the. North Dakota Newspaper

anld ourdstudentsifl ha”; tip-Alnr} times, but benefited by the addition “You basically have someone Assocnation, said he expects some
’ :I‘dufri‘jlisrrliraeridoBrgadcaZtincg 00 0 of broadcasting entries this year, who’s JUSthlpPing Off cQotheth, acne; Q , t h t d
W , h t . 1. ' - Albers said. and advertismg around it, said 9:1‘9 geing 0 ane 0 0
estems p 0 Ojourna ism pro - ' Aaron Mentele, online manager something, because they re tak-
gram recently won its 11th consec- Last year Western fm‘Shed f the Ar us Leader in Sioux ing our product and using it for
utive Hearst competition, some- behind Florida and Missouri, which 1;" g . ,, .
. . . . alls. something else, he said.
times called the college equivalent had broadcasting entries.

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, May 2000
M hots put readers into your
tiniz t t k t' t d th ' ht
° . g but you can run try 5 picas wide by 7 picas deep. One
Illwla cases DeSIQn ls " i ' ’ advantage to smaller mug shots is that it gives you more
Eve th .n if" space for the type adjacent to the photo when the mug is
- - 1 ’fl notched into copy, helping to avoid word- and letter-
“bel to neWS gat‘thering ' OTry tightening the runaround on your mug shots. I
. . . By Edward F' Henninger as suggest four points.

_ When media organizations “ ,, OCrop mug shots from the top of the skull and mat
fmd themselves m court these I’eople make the news. . . ural hair shape to the tip of the shoulder area, keeping
days, more often than not the Ive heard that phrase repeated time and again . . . .

. . . . . ‘ close to the Sides of the head. Highly stylized hair may
proceeding is related to reporting Since I first became began work in a newsroom 35 years d b (1 th to d 'd
the news, said media attorneys at ago. nee to ecroppe on e pan SI es.
a recent communications-law con- And it’s true. Without real people in our stories, 0When you place multiple head-and-shoulder Phh'
ference. what we write becomes dull and wooden. Knowing that, tos horizontally, crop and Size so the image Size is Simi-
“Increasingly, the arena of we struggle to find the people that are a part of the story lar. Also, take care to align the photos so that the eyes of
action is moving away from libel we’re writing about. every person pictured are along the same line.
and to areas such as news gather- However, we often give up the struggle when it OK you’re usmg a full-column mug shot, take care
mg, fraud and trespass,” noted comes to showing our readers the faces of those people. not to place it at the top of the story, between the head-
George Freeman, assistant gener- We fail to remember a basic piece of the puzzle: the mug line and the text. This will confuse readers. In single-col-
al counsel for The New York ShOt- umn usage, place a full-column mug above the headline.
Times Co., at the annual Mug ShOtS help to bring the people in 001‘ stories to In Multiple-column use, it often works better to place a \
Communications Law Conference life. PhOtOS show these 990919 as they really are " your full-column mug at the top of a leg.
sponsored by the Practising Law readers won’t have to imagine the face of the “gray and .If you plan to pair mug shots horizontally, allow
Institute. The meeting was Nov. balding newspaper consultant you re describing. As a enough space between the photos. IfI pair two 5 x 7 pica
“'12 in New York City - matter 0f faCt’ use the mug 8’th and y 9“ wont have to mugs, I allow 1 pica between them and then center
“More and more, action focus- take .up space in your story With phySical description. them in the column.
es on how reporters obtain news And If “If person 1h th‘: mfugl 5310113 smiling, odds fie OThere’s no need to credit a mug shot.
rather than the ”Uth Of what ygur rea ers are .gomg O ee a pets?“ lS-mO-re l - Mug shots help to get people into your stories. They
they report,” Freeman added. a le. If hes frowning, readers may feel hes a bit distant. a] h l _ ,
' - Research indicates eo le are tWice as likel to read so e p to get your readers into your stories. Use them
Jane E. Kirtley, Silha profes- P_ P . , Y (1 - (1 hi U th 11 d -

sor of media ethics and law at the a story that has faces displayed With it than one that an you 3'th rea ers p. se em we an you gain a
University of Minnesota in does mm more professional 100k. for your newspaper.

. . . ' ' - Edward F. Henn er l8 an mde ndent news r
Minneapolis, pomted out that Here are some tips on handling mug shots. - ( mg P9 pape
prosecutors and defense a ttor- OReproduction ,s so improved that you can conglder consultant and the director of: OMNIA Consulting m
n evs seek information that running your mug shots 3 bit smaller. Many newspa- Rock Hill, SC. You can reach him at 803-327-3322, fax:
reporters obtain in interviews, pers still run these photos 6 picas wide and 9 picas deep, 803-327-3323, e-mail: goZomnia@aol.com)
from filmed outtakes to reporters; ———————————_'_—""———_‘————-
notes and other un ublished ' ' ' °
m......i.. " Miami Herald publisher 8 office used for post-raid

“As far as jailhouse interviews . , , , ,

mm W? mg... .. wen call With Reno Florida relatives mediators
put a direct pipeline from the jail ’
cell mt? the prosecutor’s office,” (AP) — The office of The Miami “His civic obligations were in others because he regarded the call
Sh‘d Kirtley, formerly executive Herald's publisher was used for a direct conflict with the journalistic as private.
director 0f the Reporters conference call between Attorney obligations of his newspaper, and Ibarguen, who along with two of
Committee for Freedom Of the General Janet Reno and mediators he put his editor and his journalists the mediators is a member of the
Press. “We’ve 105‘ 3 lot 0f ground. for Elian Gonzalez's Miami rela- in what would seem to be an unten- civic group Mesa Redonda, said he
There seems to be “0 PFOtC‘CtIOh tives hours after the boy was able situation," Steele said. was surprised when the conversa-
for reporters in these situations." seized. Ibarguen said he contacted tions turned up in the court filing.

1h NOVthPI‘, fOT instance, Publisher Alberto Ibarguen lis- Reno and the mediators that day, He said the mediators assembled in

CBS and one Of its PFOdUCPTS lOSt tened in on the two—hour call and after learning details of their meet- his office to draft their recollections

'd three-week fight t0 3V0id giving told the newspaper's executive edi- ing had been disclosed. of the negotiations for a news story.
iPFOSCCU‘COI‘S in Jasper, Texas, the tor about it on the condition that The other participants in the But, it was during the afternoon

ranscript Of an lntt‘I‘ViOW details not be passed on to the news call had no comment. A secretary meeting at the Herald that Podhurst
lbetween anchor Dan Rather and staff, according to a court filing for chief mediator Aaron Podhurst learned that Reno wanted to talk to

a dragging-death suspect. After obtained April 26 by The said he was giving no interviews, him, and they placed the call.

losing several appeals, CBS Associated Press. and messages to the others were Herald reporters interviewed

handed over the transcript, then Ibargucn said he believed the not returned. Podhurst and fellow mediator Tad
posted the entire document on its April 22 call was off the record and Ibarguen described the tele- Foote, president of the University
' Internet site. could not be used by the newspaper phone conversation as “emotional" of Miami, as they left the Herald
“The danger, if this trend con— or any of the participants. and “extraordinarily frank” but building that day, not knowing they
tinues, is that the media would “I happened upon some infor- declined comment on the substance had just spoken to Reno from their
be considered an arm of law mation that I couldn't have had any of the talks. publisher's office.

enforcement," Kirtley said. other way than accepting it as con- Each side has blamed the other Baron, the Herald's top editor,

To prevent that, newspapers fidential and off the record, and for forcing the armed federal raid: said Ibarguen's report of the meet-
must continue to vigorously pro- tried to use it in as ethical a way as Reno said the Miami relatives were ing formed the basis for his direc-
tect sources, noted Barbara W, possible to inform our coverage," not negotiating in good faith, and tions to news editors to interview

W311, vice president and senior Ibarguen said April 26. the mediators charged the raid cut Podhurst in depth the next day.

legal counsel for Gannett Co. in Ibarguen's restrictions on off active talks. Asked the reaction in the newsroom

Arlington, Va. “Confidential reporting about the call raise ques- The call began about 11 hours to the delayed word of Ibarguen's

sources are critically important, tions about the newspaper's credi- after the raid. Ibarguen later told participation, Baron said. “Are peo-

and we recognize our responsibil- bility, said Bob Steele, director of only Herald Executive Editor ple uncomfortable or somewhat
the ethics program at the Poynter Martin Baron about his participa— embarrassed.“ I would say probably
See MED'A» page 11 Institute for Media Studies. tion and instructed him not to tell yes."

 The Kentucky Press. May 2000 - Page 5

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