xt773n20g60c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20g60c/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1995 1996 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books UK Facts '95-96 University of Kentucky, 1995-1996 text UK Facts '95-96 University of Kentucky, 1995-1996 1995 1995 1996 2019 true xt773n20g60c section xt773n20g60c 33”" l
m Campus Lite 3‘; '
”is?" ‘ , More than 6,200 students live on campus ‘3 o
@1005,» 7”" , 333 W: in one of 18 residence halls and the Greg Page
1:13;“! 9 egg 3.. 53%“ ‘3 Apartments. 3
g »- , , t ,
"K Rated '“W335!lifIIC'ES There are 25 fraternities at UK— with 15 ‘
High by W 100 east; 3;; ('L””‘* of them providing housing for 525 students. 5
Publications “"3533?” _ 3 Fraternity membership tops 1,800. ' 3
The University of 133‘ If R [C3303 (if? Seventeen sororities at UK have 1,400 5 l
Kentucky is rated “DH” members. Thirteen of them supply housing 1
among the top I for 585 members. ' ' 1
colleges and universities in a number of recent ; 3
publications. These include: Tuition 3
Money Magazine ' The 1995-96 undergraduate tuition on the ' l
Ivy League Programs at State School Pn'ces Lexington Campus is $1,297 a semester for l
The Guide 330 10] 0f the Best Values in Kentucky residents, and $3,557 for non—
America’s Colleges and Universities TCSIdeS- 3 333’
The Fiske Guide to Colleges , 3 M,
The Insider’s Cmide to Colleges 3 “”3 l
The 1 00 Best Colleges for Key Telephone listings 3 . 3
African-American Students _ 3 ,3, l
Lexmgton Campus ..................257-9000 3 gems ;
””1“” Support “"38 337 Who“ chandler Medical center...... 323-5000 - glam l
Private giving to the University totaled _ t: ‘3 33, l
$37 million in 1994—95, a 17% increase over Community cane“ System " 257-8607 My ” l
the prev10us Year- Admissions.............................257-2000 . 3
3,897 Students at Medical Center Public Relations .....................257-3303 - 3
The Chandler Medical Center at UK Registrar 2573161 3
includes a 473-bed hospital. More than 3,897 3 _ , l
students are enrolled in its five colleges _ VISIIIII‘ Center ........u-............. 257'3595 ' E
midlc‘ne’ dent‘s“ .“ursmg’ pha‘macy’ and UK "nouns 606-257-5684
allied health professwns.
provides daily updates on sponts, fine arts 3 3
Organizations Abound tor Students and other events 0” the campus m Lexington. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 3
UK students have their choice of over 250 ’ , ,
student organizations on the campus in 3
Lexington. 3
. l
_ V , , ,J

 History .
The University of Kentucky was founded in
1865 as a land-grant institution. Policy for the { ”germ
operation of the University is set by a 20—mem- l, 3“? " ’ " f
ber Board of Trustees, which includes alumni, M—@* a W. ._ g! _'
faculty and student representation. Charles T. " \F/i " l " i V ' .4 ' fl 9 " 9‘ I E , t.
Wethingtonjr. is UK’s 10th president. , .E, . t; 1 E E not?
er. 7 ‘ ,-- 9! . .. ‘ J a - 1 ' 5 %{‘%§£
'UK’s 673-acre campus is located just south ' ”Ema,“ 1“” Q’érfilgftgw ! l m ‘ fikgwfl %
of downtown Lexington in the heart of the A. . , , -*~ a E}; 7% ,r 4”
beautiful Kentuck Blue ass re 'on. *7 arm—3%?“ 9“ o :th affii» " “LJ?” r ”if” »" for;
y gr gl 5. V '- M” AWL-J- UL! a.» _ ..‘ ""‘?'{; was 5* ”321$? .' r W .. ”if:
f 1“.“ , 7W” ._ ‘g/ a.“ Maw-W”. W—‘zwa . ‘ . : 57:", .. 35$ . W5 I H ..~ ~ XS‘l‘é-‘l .f
UK Educates 38% at All Students ,:so,9.i.‘,“‘/..R'TY, 0:. KENTUCKY -« 6W” ,, 5:» ”W . _ o '
Golng To college In Kentucky gfiwfiggfig§fi§%%§%§§ggéfizgfigggiiggja . . , . . A .. .r p, germs“, ,. ,,._ , "Jaws: ...v m, thins-w, I, “W..." r :.. “Laynw. H
_ . _ {an '3,t§?§ Model of new William T. Young Library
Enrollment at UK in Lexrngton 1S more * 5“,“? n «so.
than 24,000. Another 44,000 students at the 14
community colleges in Kentucky mean that _ _
UK is now educating 38 percent of all students Students Best EVGI‘ NEW Commonwealth ”Praw-
going [9,10qu and private colleges and The avera e ACT score for incomin #1 COIISII‘IIGIIOII Pl‘lfll‘lty
g g . .
“HIV“ 51065 1“ the State- freshmen is 24.8, four points above the na— Construction ls under way 9n the new,
tional average. There are 77 National Merit $58 mllllOIl Wllllam T- Young L1brary.
Graduate SCHDOI Enrollment Scholars in the freshman class, 121 Kentucky Completion is expected in the summer of
Beaches Record ngh Governor’s Scholars and 112 high school 1997. Alumni, employees, students and
There are 5 200 students enrolled in the valedictorians. friends contributed more than $21 million
. - s ’ , ’ hel build the new libra . The UK
Un1vers1ty s 95 master 5 programs and 59 _ t9 p ry . .
doctoral programs. Faculty Attract Extramural Fundlnu llblrary System has more than 2 ““1110“
16 A ll _ I} II /% /\ Testimony to the growing national reputa— V0 umes.
ca 8mm 0 8 88 «- Sis ' ' . .
9 Ix) .M/j .' tron of the faculty isthat they generated Medical Center Banks "'9"
There are 16 academic . almost $117 million in grants, contracts and ' . .
colleges and a graduate ': gifts (1994—95) in a highly competitive national . The College of Medicme is ranked
school in Lexington. They arena. There are now 1,720 full—time faculty in thlrd 1n the nation by US. News 69’ World
are: Arts and Sciences, Lexington and another 1,125 in the commu— Repair for Its primary care program.
Agriculture, Engineering, ’ nity colleges. The College of Pharmacy was named by °
Business and Economics, _ _ US. News 69’ World Report as the third best
Education, Human Environmental Sciences, "K '8 A “3333mm "HIVBI'SIW pharmacy program nationally. EE
Communications and Information Studies The University is designated a Research . .
. . . ’ The UK Hos ital is one of the To 100
8002.11 Work, Architecture, Fine Arts, Law, University Of the First Class by thC Carnegie acute care center}: in the US, in rankPings O
Medicme, Dentistry, Nursmg, A111€d Health Foundation, one of only 59 public universities done b the Health Care Investment a
Professions and Pharmacy. More than 100 ' th tio and th n1 one in K nt ck y
. m e na 11 e 0 Y e n Y' Analysts, Inc.
mayors are offered. s m