xt773n20g57x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20g57x/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1983-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, November 1983 text GSO Newsletter, November 1983 1983 1983-11 2019 true xt773n20g57x section xt773n20g57x V/J FEW: Cot/7‘1"» 3.): ya)": T WEI/3.2.651 .
"MGM“ mmc'ron KENTUC o 11
GAY & PROUD" ’ KY 4 5

Dear Friends,
For some time now, the Board of Directors and active members of GSO have been
working to expand and improve the services offered by this organization with as
little added expense as is possible.
The Newsletter has grown, bringing you current, informative, and entertaining
articles. To defray the costs of printing and mailing, advertising has been added.
This now pays for about 90% of the cost of the Newsletter.
GSO's office was moved from its East Main Street location to its present location on
American Avenue, where no rent is charged. The office is stocked with supplies
provided by one of GSO's members free of charge.
The Speakers Bureau (recently retitled "Community Education Services") has sent
speakers to several college campuses and other interested parties. It has done
sensitivity training sessions with new police recruits, talked to several religious

, groups and held workshops and seminars for medical and sociological organizations.
All of this has been done on a donation basis and any stipends received by the
speakers have gone directly into the treasury.
GSO had representatives (the only ones from Kentucky) at a ten state convention,
the Southeastern Conference of Lesbians and Gay Men, held in Atlanta in April. GSO
is also a member of the National Gay Task Force, the Gay Rights National Lobby,
and is a charter member of the Southern Association of Lesbian an Gay ,
Organizations. These accomplishments too, have been done at little or no expense.
This organization operates solely on donations. As of this month, the treasury shows
a bank balance of approximately $15.00. This is supposed to last until our next
major fundraiser in November. In other words-—
OPERATE! I ! ! 1 !!
If the gay community is to continue to build toward a brighter future, the -
organizations that represent us must not perish. I implore you to help put GSO on
solid ground--for you. We're counting on you!

‘ Keith Elston, President

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N E S T ER ‘0’
PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE Keith Elston. President
Last month's letter was to inform you of GSO's financial crisis, ask for monetary assistance in
meeting this crisis, and explain some steps taken to cut GSO's expenditures.
To those who have rushed to GSO's aid, I wish to extend the warmest thanks. -
Many, however, have not responded to this call for help. Perhaps you may have thought about
giving but have put it off and eventually forgot about it, or maybe some missed the last issue
of the Newsletter explaining our financial crunch. .
We are still showing a bank balance of less than one hundred dollars and the immediate future
(this month) looks doubtful for any dramatic change. This depends entirely upon our community.
Your donations, the life force of GSO, are being used for your benefit. The monthly Newsletter,
the GAYLINE, rental fees for park shelters, etc. are some direct products of your input.. The
Newsletter, including postage and supplies, runs around 8160 per month, the GAYLINE is approxi- .
mately 855 per month. Other expenses such as utilities and office supplies often take up the
balance of our general fund. . ’
GSO has survived financial crises before, BUT NOT WITHOUT YOUR HELP!!! This month we will be
sending a special mailing telling you about a very unique opportunity in early December to help
GSO. Until then, please remember our plight and make a tax deductible donation of any amount
today. We're counting on you.
Editors Space Tim Banks. Editor v
My volunteer term as editor is quickly coming to a close. It has been a truly moving experience
serving the gay community over the past year and I hope that my work with the Newsletter has in-
formed, helped or enlightened each one of its readers. .
Some reflections. Until each human being in our society is permitted the liberty to differ rea-
' sonably without penalty, no one of us is safe from the tyranny of any majority. The reality is
that we can no longer afford the pleasure of allowing other people's interest, or disinterest, to
govern the way we live our lives. For some of us that may be frightening. If too many of us are
frightened, if too many of us continue to pretend, if too many of us fail to act with determina-J
tion and commitment, then we will remain victims of concerted and systematic attacks on gays.
With your support, we might one day have no further need to lobby for freedom, we might one day
experience equality. With your support, we might one day have no further need for pretense. With
, your support, we might one day understand and believe in our own dignity.

 Amber Moon will present the third part of their Fall Subscription Seriesin November.
Third in the series is Wallflower.
Wallflower returns to Lexington, uniting the worlds of dance and politics in a ‘
revolutionary theater art. These five women incorporate theater, song, humor and sign
language to create a dialogue with their audience. _
The concert will be held in the Recital Hall, U.K. Center for the Arts. Series tickets are
available at self—selecting prices. Tickets are available at the following outlets. IN
LEXINGTON: Sqecial Media and Good Foods CO-Op; IN LOUISVILLE: Crazy Ladies
Bookstore; IN BEREA: Appalachian Bookstore. Tickets are also available by mail from
Amber Moon, P.O. Box 22096, Lexington, KY., 40522. (Be sure to include a stamped,
self—addressed envelope with your check or money order). For more information, call
252—3110. The concert is November 13, at 5 p.m. '
Amber Moon, the Lexington women's cultural MAN TO MAN BY ALLEY
arts organization, is now accepting ——
applications for a newly created position of The dance proved beautiful and true
Administrative Coordinator. This is a part to all that is right and good
time position at $5.46 per hour with the Th '-—h ’
possibility of expanding to full time after 6 e muSic t e means 0f movement. '
months. The Coordinator will handle Office Watch and study the movement of men
duties as well as assist in'the coordination Their eyes gazing into the soul of the
of volunteer production act1v1ties. Applicant other.
should have Office experience, good oral They love not wrongly '
‘ and .written communication skills and. a but perhaps with more force than can
commitment to cultural arts and collective sometimes
process. Position is partially funded by the b
Kentucky Arts Council with support from e put between a man and a woman.
the National Endowment for the Arts. Call It's good
or write Amber Moon for an application '
(P.O. Box 22096, Lexington, KY., 40522 or F t' f. . _
(606) 253—3110). Deadline for receipt of micfineigger pUShmg the button °f hfe’s.
applications is 5 p.m., November 18, 1983. t 1 ,
Amber Moon is an Equal Opportunity 0 make man ove man ' ' '
Employer. Please do not condemn: for love is the tool
of God
‘ given to men to use,
Potluck 83
The October potluck proved to be a _ ' I
success as everyone enjoyed the '
last of summers beautiful weather, I ‘ . E . Don’t stay in the dark
great food and conversation. I I l \\ ’5 \, D Q
‘ l , « a! ‘
. r?
This month's potluck will be held HIDIHGI . l - lgg‘fi M
Sunday, November 6 at 378 Park ITIH AI ‘- 9 _. ' 3 ,
- Avenue. It will start at 1:30 p.m. ‘ I? ' -‘
CLOSET .: 1 E t . .
Come celebrate Thanksgiving early WONT ; . g " SHOW YOUR
and enjoy a wonderful fall HELP! ' f , ' SUPPORT
afternoon. For directions or more '3, I” ‘83
information call Mac or Rod at . x _-_i ‘ 1;":
269-9806. . 77 9V:

.y & Lesbian Services 3 l 3,3
:xington Gay Services Organization I . 3
I PO. Box 11471 i DIGNI xmgton-
I Lexington, KY 45011 | 33‘?
:(7:00p.m.-11:00p.m.,Tue&Thvfi......................................231-0335I —-——§——e—3——-—
I Support group for gay men and lesbian women; information telephone; speakers bu- : In LOB Angeles, during 1969, an
: reau; workshops; community forums; newsletter; recreation; monthly meeting. | Augustinian priest gathered gay
I 3 3 3 : Catholics for small group masses
lDlg‘mty/Lexmgton I and discussions on being gay and
: p303 Box 1984 | Catholic. As a result of these
I Lexington, KY 40593 i gatherings, Dignity, Inc., an or-
| Gay men and lesbian women; non-gay men and women; Catholics and non-Catho- | 8311123151011 Of 833' and non—gay P'r’
I lics; laity and clergy; spiritual development; education; social involvement; social ac- I sons was founded. This organi-
| . . . I
I tmties. 3 zation now includes more than
I , 4100 members in over 100 chapters
:Gay Alcoholics Anonymous & Parents of Gays i throughout the United States and
| CalltheGayline:..............,.......................................231-0335 I Canada.
: between 7:00 p'm"11 p'm" T96 L' Tm” : Dignity held its biennial conven-
: AIDS Hotline : tic: 1: Segttl: Ever the Labgrdlzgy
l Current information .....................................1-800-342-AIDS (2437) l Signynlipuzzgecfiiiecfiiisr:slli::cgor
: Up-to-date information on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome i of the National Gay Task Force and
Fund for Human Dignity and the
l . . e
IGay & Lesbian Unlon of Students : Rev. Troy Perry, founder of the
l c/o 123 Warren Court, #1 I Metropolitan Community Church. Rev.
: Lexington, KY 40508 333 33 : Perry announced plans to hold a.
l GaylmeTH&F ......u(;1'()1;(35 I combined convention between MCC and
: (7'00p'm"11p'm" ' 3 )' 3 3 l Dignity in 1987. All other gay and
| DU}? $2§Sem95ter for YOt‘f’g gnwlesje- f d ed , f .3 3 3 3 .3 3 : lesbian religious organizations will
: 3.12:."tastings; $325.: .2: amt“Entertain;.;.":.";';2,;".=;; . ee eeeeeeeeee to see
A ‘ J 3.333332% 3:23“ .......1/
NEW GROUP MAKES HEADLINES! ! H Conceived in March 1983, the Lexington chapter of
The Owensboro Gay Alliance has been Dignity gathers twice monthly for a meeting end 8
getting considerable attention in the liturgy and presents monthly programs for those
press from two front page stories car— interested. Last month's topic, "Homosexuality and
ried in the Messenger-Inguirer in Scripture," dealt with scriptural interpretation and
September, 1983. The stories, accord— misinterpretation. Novembers program will be "Models
ing to the OGA Newsletter, have for Partners and Partnering." For more information,
generated considerable controversy write Dignity 0f Lexington, P-O- BOX 1984! 1101111817011:
in the Western Kentucky community. KY 40593. 01‘ call 269-8500 and 38k for Mark.
The headline story, "Gays in Owens— M
boro: Problems of an Isolated Minority", VOLLEYBALL ANYONE?
1ncluded 1nterviews With 3 gay OWQHS‘ For those who would be interested in forming a group
, boroans and dlscussed the frustratmns to play volleyball during the winter months please
. say p80ple face In deahng Wlth the contact Bernie at 266-8859. Call as soon as possible.
3 malnstream, ”straight" society. The W
3 second article covered the Green River COLLECT TRASH FOR GSO AND HELP US RAISE MONEY! ! :g
1 Comprehenswe Care's discontinuation
of services formerly provided to OGA. A long-term fundraiser is under way. GSO would like
3 This occurred when the United Way you to save your aluminum cans and newspapers for re-
j asked the Crisis Line to stop acting as cycling purposes.
3 an answering service for OGA- Turn them in at the monthly general meeting or call
3 the GAYLINE and make arrangements for a pick-up.
‘ If you would like to be placed on OGA's
3 confidential mailing list to receive their Please make the effort to help us help you. Thanks! '
newsletter, write to OGA, Box 951,
; Owensboro, Ky 42302.

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.1. Mars. fl Thru November
“ .. ‘ ‘.'\v“. in"). 33317337: ‘
4g /% 255-1124
gallery TUES.—FR|DAY '
' 11:30-5z30 P.M.
INTERVIEW. tho Houston , V
Recently crowned Miss Gay Lexington, Rita Houston, shared some thoughts about herself in an,
interview with Donnie Royse. ’
"First and foremost, I am a transexual. Not a female impersonator.... I live 24 hours a
day as a woman and plan on being a woman totally at some point in time . . .," stated Rita.
"I'm very happy living the way I do. First of all, I am a transexual and second of all, I
am a professional entertainer. I was a transexual many years before I became an entertainer.
Though Rita is the person that I have become through the years, in the beginning she was like
a character. Now she is real."
Rita has many goals in.mind. "I plan to polish and refine our entertainers until they are the .
best in the state. I want everyone to realize that there is talent here and to recognize it '
for that-it's funny how many people think we do impersonation just because we want to dress up." _
However, Rita explains it more thoroughly. "We want to earn the respect and recognition we de-
serve. Ehtertaining is an art, just like sculpting or painting. There has always been a bad '
feeling about drag in Lexington. I want to dispel those feelings by first making people appre-
, ciate what wglgg . . . . t0
The upcoming shows should attract a wide audience. "There will be a variety of entertainment Pw
offered, not only impersonators, male and female, but male entertainers and live singers.
There should be something for everyone." .
And with the assistance and support of THE BAR, Rita will unveil her first show in Lexington
on Saturday, November 12 at 7:30 p.m. at THE BAR. "I invite the Lexington gay population to
come out and see some of the finest talent around--old and new." Good luck with your plans.

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252—2902 JIX
>\< >¥ >‘!’~ .
080 event on Thursday, December 8. * Sunday 10:30 - 2:00 '
Plan to come and celebrate the holidays early _ _
enjoy live entertainment featuring the talented Tues. Sat. “'00 _ 2:00
Carla Quinn, and also experience a variety of mm
fine wines and cheeses. .
Fri. & Sat. 5:30 -9:00
*Special invitations to be mailed soon!!! Reservations Accepted
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
I I -, . “Tim“? . . . s» . kiwi... 22‘§.2:‘.‘5mce 3933121. 5
_. 3 . 5 e , é . 5 e 7 A 313 251-0535 255-4395 231-0355
0 .2 1? 1; 13533153 15135335331
. 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 26 29 30 3| .
V 6 om 73:2;3322... 8m: 92“}Zfizfam. 1035:2121. 1 1 1.; $5
ggggggéz. American Avenue 255-4593 Velevans Day DRAGHSBTSW
e ‘p.m.—231—033‘5 THE BAR PRESENTS A (United SIaIes) 7:30 p.”
E WWW-w :i:.?°!::'::;::t . mo
m l3g§§gfi¥gm 19
wALLFLowER IN 7-11 p.m. e p.m. 7-11 pm.
CONCERT-5 p.m. .
B U.K. Recital
GROUP-2 2-814 7-11 p.111. 8 p.m.
' GAYLINE mm.— 2
ML Thanksgwlng Day
' R GAY AL—ANON (Unued 5mm;
— 7—11 p.111. 8 p.m.