xt773n20g50t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20g50t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1892-02-29 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 29, 1892 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 29, 1892 1892 1892-02-29 2015 true xt773n20g50t section xt773n20g50t . _ i '
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#Mflfl_f_—7—afi_fiflf- .
' . . r a (-v
. V034. 2. LEXXNGTON, h‘z’n FEBRUARY 5.2931892. NO. 6 ‘
_c..._..2,. _.d_.__.___2_____._._.____.___._.#..2#_.2._._,...__. ..2___#H_c__ _ ._. -i .1 \ ‘ ~ .
.7. 2. W “3w WREATH IS FOR THUSE we .. 0- ' t 3 _
I 7,1, ';.;:__-,»14§§ é; gig, tag}: :7? 23. 5.33543 5;, 2 h‘v‘éi. 75,. I . I: CONTEMD.” 2. that congenial thought of some
if” if; 93,1 fr— 512% Q5 d5l 3“: 55; xt- '- thing higher, and higher. \es,
1:37;"; 11-1; 02 67’s??? :22; 4.3,. 55s.: j 55;: a 5 ——- ', , . , . __ - 1... -
girls: 135:; Q’s; E? 33;; “ is Ff} :» er: iWrilten for thei’flmlofl’eb., 18.02.) the “€3.13 “1’91“ hls ”‘03“ l5
' 273% w {433% :43 2n 4‘. 555-3.; _____ llllCd'WWt‘ll thirst for. glory, his .
_ Oftentiiiies the better nature 11113g1113t10}15 are inflained,—— -
' V of a student arrests him, and what sacrifices would he “0t
.. 11 and 13 W. Mall) Street, .‘ casting aside his idle thoughts make to obtain distnictionl AS
.of pleasure, which from experi- eadl‘mght: care-worn and dls‘ .
. , Tl b 1 b - ence. we know have a tendency appomted he trudges .along the
“5 ESt P ace to uy your . . to crowd out lessons, and useful well-known Pill} to 1115 1191111313 . .
' tastes, 126 remit/m to entertain in cottagie: I‘he llitt‘le'wee-tliings f
' . .37 his undewloped mind something gl'CEt,11111 Wltl U36” 511“ 5'5 0
underwear, Eg$£§rfiweary more earnest, illoble and good. lfondest afi‘ecuou‘, Yet 111s heart ‘ 7 .
‘.Various thoughts occur to us of 15: heaVYi for he cannot 5‘36 them .
. Y things past, present and to come; rise to that plane upoi which -
COLLKBS, CUFFS AND 1131's. ' we can not evade them for this they may, command the respect _
‘ . 7 is beyond our power. Howev— and admiration oi this 'or that ,
_‘ ’ er, as they rush in one by one, neighbor. Night. rolls around
' - - - J and he retires to his humble cot ' *2"
Fall Line of Stationery, BOOA’S, etc" 3k. each intruding upon the other, t b ff \t 1,? ,1 d, .
.1 . ‘ ‘ we pluck from them that which 50011 0 e 0 0 (363111 an 2 ,
’seems to be the most striking of where glorious (16111310115 ‘nieet T
" J D P U RQ : E Ll all; inviting by our power of will 1115 eyes. He tthkS he has '*
. u n the one and rejecting the other. sown the seed and is about to 2
. ‘ W . , ‘ Perhaps this was my state of reap] thghdarf’tESt- But or; awali- _ '
. . . . mi id when theforcible fact oc- mg 1.9—" n S 1 was mere Y .vain .
All -‘ Wflyk " Gumntw '- .4133: to ‘me that everv living delusion. None the less disap- ' .
""‘“‘_""' " f.” "" ‘ " “ ’ ~ ‘ " “'m""”"“*\~“r--*~ . ”‘44: "~47 ._.4 MT" . 1 .g“ .. :1.” {mini-ed l‘ti qr's q J‘pfi‘ flied and \ I ‘
2:22am mne «WWWJ ' ~W2
VIGTOR BOGAE Itinfy unicellular- animalcule to deteriiiinenw-‘itlifis'nobleapiri:
.7 .
,5; (2,3,51‘:§;:.:.,;M_-N Wamww ' ,inigitf’fian was and is a cou- and powerfulhauds t01¢.)r‘3‘5'lmeY- ,- ..
Effigy,“ ,Tgfi /i‘?“\flhq‘% And Manufaatwing Jeweler. ,tender; each one challenging the manual labOr ascending step by ' ' ‘
3‘54": '4- “2'- ' ‘ ‘ . f 2_ Ste . Perha 5 he was imbi
5%,; 'r / "x431, '2: _Pr0mptatte . . to mamfiw other in their battle of then ex 3 1 .. p , ,1'21 ied , _
0': “Wm — - 42:3 ‘ turmg and repairingiewelry. Repair— istcnce from their creation to “'1 ”latbentlmfl‘t‘f llblpmmp‘
éfififi- - if“; A43?“ tingi of glitches 3 Walt); Bic-dais. their end. ' " ted that noble EnglishmauLord _, '
.‘M‘Qgigfilfiw’i ‘-¢§s\421?:3:i‘3§33¥%5}5® 3‘32”" ”gleam (was Pms 0‘ a“) These seemiiiUlv insignificant Chathani to 53V: “EVGTV man’s T
'1“): . «wu’mfiinqrws‘rfr GEE 8'11““ *0 01ml . - 2. b -. 1 - ’ . ' . . ' .-
i’irfgl»te2€r ‘5 ,2. ”M" 5m bem‘g" “CO““G’ hm “0 idea 51011533511111 ”“1 caiiki‘ei'efi
.2; . -»:.:~ :4 ”tetra-tar * " - , ~ ' ' ‘ 'r > a -' 2 '
«with; ‘atar-sari:§§éss,m,«;2»3s§?§f LEXINGTON,R~Z ”y. ofa sense of right and wrong in mus 1 12 3L “F t “'93“ “th 16 __>
--H. ‘1“ _ .22.- , g 22.22,. this struggle. There 13 gunplv shed. ’lhe rains of heaven may
“ . ' A." r “W imbued into them by nature a dTenCh 1t, the winds of heaven ,
In the Spring \ h feeling ofcontention. . may pierce 1'5» but the'king 0f ,
mmwnmzm ”bifi? But when we come to man we England can not enter 1H}: .
A You‘nO' M‘ . 1 F higg—g? find spread out before us over Next_wc come to that land of
., . .35 fl“ S... ancy ”3%:332/2: endless space, a profound study. contention in which is implied ,
mumm‘mumwm ‘ As human beings endowed with distinction. Though “3 15 at-
. V 1w ‘ 2 < . ' E. ’ r I , v r I ‘ ‘3 ..
nghtly FUJHS tO ThOHgiltS Of LOVE.” a wondeiful faculty of. leasouing tuned 0111) b} “E“: 3‘6““ Std“
mm,____m____ __,______ we are enabled to discriminate CW9 thoughts 316 CV“ over—flow- ,
uwmvmmummmflm ' 2 ‘\ '
between l‘iO'llt and wrontr' and mg our minds. ’lhei‘eis a feel—
) ., 2 , ~ 7 x - J _ - 1 . ‘ h .v C . . . . '
lint all the FEIOUGH’I‘S, in the WOild Will not avail any— though this faculty does 1:01,- 211- mg within ourbreast that arouses
- s . i , , 1 1 _ ‘4 _ * . .
‘ l. 111ng if the ‘ young man don t make a presentable appear- ways occupy that high plane to the mind and soul to a point of , ,
. 1~1111CL‘.f‘xllNiltlU‘clll the Spring puts 011 a new garb, and which it is destined, vet it is an contention. Let our hopes be
'1C‘7 1)‘ ’1‘, _ I ‘ «.2 . (‘1). ' ‘ . . . .-," . ‘
—<‘0 1101: 15031111131 (r‘-P‘E1F§t1t1181:1105t ‘ConsvplClgflls liart 1-11 §fltlllt , lilhei‘itance, CprllldS, and 15 Clll' bllglltefl ll tilt‘_\ ‘Nlll, let us . be
‘, ~4 . .2 .2115 1111 ”anyway .‘ titre ore7 you,t1vated even from our cradle. wrapt in shrouds of disapponit-
come in «the category ofa 3 OUR (1‘ MAN With prINGSIndeeddias nature given us these iiients, yet that point is our
I'ANCIILb call and see us, and well show you the llamd-lfacnltjes of the will and judg- aim. It is true‘, often we may
. 2. 2 A x x x n Y w 2 ,v v i , 1 e . . '
:Enlltffit ‘llllC) (if‘ bl RING SUITQ, INEQRWEAR, HObI- l ment that we 111ay improve our aim too high, too often true we
«RX ,‘ lele'l {3. been, that you can find in the country, and l social and moral state; playing may aim 1’00 low, yet if we right—
, we Wil save you money too. \ou can get as nobby a our part and doing our duty welllly consult our inborn aptitude
suit as youwant for 3,313.59, and many at much less. bv their acknowledgment and which is apart of all mankind,
In our i AlLORth; DEPARTMENT we have out4 close observance. ( we will find our calling.
done ourselves, and if we don’t save you from $10 to $15 Thus it shall be my attempt It is not for us to seek out
0111 every suit made to order, from what other Tailors this evening to show what rcla— from the earth the lettered stones
4 . c iaige you, you can have ours for nothing. tions this passion of contention that mark the ancients graves,
ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE be“ to ””1“ in of the for-“‘6? ““1““ “mm Pf
2- works 0f1ife_ antiquity; it is not for us to dis-
" M KAUFMAN & CO It exists in different forms, close the mummies which lie '
l I - - . . .i . ' ‘ .
. I making its wayinstinctively into 111dd€11 “1 some caveinous places
54: East Mam S1}. Lexxng‘ton, Ky. every soul from the most hum— of earth, for they are but the rep-
Prince Alberts a specialty. ble to the most elevated. Show reseu‘tationspffalsc (“74$ Bllt
. 7 Dress Suits for Rent. . . . . me the child, school—boy or man certainly 1t 1“ for 115 to increase 7
. who is not impregnated with ourknowledge of worldly things ‘

 i .-
2 The State Cooliege Cadet '
n“ ' am”: 1.; _/‘_Anmz,‘&~‘=l_' zumw WZWUW > *' ""“I‘ mmarunmmw:zammmmmmmWfi
by labor and study—thereby? \Yhat an inspiration to hiini .
teaching a contending nation— longing with the grand ambitionj
devote, expand and consecratefito enter the powerful arena of} "
ourselves to the holy workthe State, that he must regard!
_ ot their improvement. If weifrom the beginning to the end; BARBER '
can not do what the world 4‘ the divine voice of his own soul! . _ X
calls great, do a small thiiigiWhat a future before. him wholcor- Short and Mill Streets.
well, and it may prove great—‘heeds its warnings! His noble I?“ . . . . . .
forit has been said, “The dew-[work is just begun, for which Artistic Hair cuttinga Spec1alty
drop falling into the sea may he, amid trials, disappomtinents T
seem lost, but received into aland dissensions has so manfully S I l I D E h ‘ I ‘ S
shell may grow into a pearl of striven to stem the torrent. And " ,
marvelous beauty.” when the history of that youth MGO TM .
Then whatever may be our shall end, when his struggling
calling or profession——be it that form shall have succumbed to Watkins and Spencer
ofa mechanic, farmer or lawyer grim death—surely it will not
_it is for us to awaken the spir- be written of him that he was a FOR BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF FMTWt/Ifl,
it of progression as yet so latent phySical hero, dying unwept, T _ .
within us—be a workman that unhonored, unsung—but that ti hey keep the best 33-00: $4430 and 35-00 1111153 0f Substen
“needeth not to be ashamed.” he entered a Nation’s conflict, a1 Shoes made, and guarantee every pair. lee them a. calla _
Persevere now—lest the sun that already born, and as palid as 16 East Main Street, LEXINGTON, KY 7
shines with us in childhood, the struggle for life—the con- M ..
may in after years fade’away, as test for rozzscz‘ame, ziztellzg'ezzcc l ‘
do those summer clouds inuster- and momlz'z’y. - econ , abfinal B ank .
ed around the throne of the Had it not been for that grand ‘ - .
/1[]7gz:g/zly, and ennobling spirit so manifest .
Man, in God‘s own image, was 111 the soul of the pioneer set— LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. .
not placed upon the earth to tlers of this State, Kentucky to:
serve higher earthly beings, but day would probably be as back- A general Banking Business Mend. Comm W ,1
. to be the highest of them all— ward as some of the States of the , Attended to
‘ ture, but king of every fish of tures, the close-cropped inead- R,‘ H—YMA””""" """"‘_"”’ '
the waters, fowl of the air, ani~ ows, and the vast blue grass JO H'N [-1 UTCH iSQNS
mail of the land—king of them fields of our own fair land would DEALER IN
all, and stored away in that eter- probably yet be told of only in '
nal Paradise above is a laurel for song and poetry as a land of the . ‘
the righteous contender, who dreams, and fancies. That it is Jr , ~ .
has. created within hiniLthat no- in reality; and though it may ‘ .
ble passion, the love of‘fame be said to have been nature’s -~ ' ‘
given us to be used aright. \ own Paradise in the! beginning, _ . And Country Produce. ‘
As in the cultivation of most yet 1t W215 her people3 full " ‘. 1., ..-.-.4....e A..-.. .. ..:./~..._._.. ’
__‘..,.‘.1.A.L.--_/ “L. .7“ . . . ‘41-": A .5..€v,,._-...‘I,,’__ .5. 1' > I. .- .._——— —§- -7»! ~~.~.w‘.;r;-r«.~.., -.. I. . I - r
““1 ‘r‘ltfi‘twih‘ldlméfivm : YP““““‘”“‘E‘HPTUO ”“10.“5": 00’s Prompt/y Delivered and SatIsfacz‘Ion Guaranteed, .
to begin in youth. ’lhen are we it to that high, level which it . ‘
, warned by our indulgent mother proudly commands to—day. The CORNER MAIN AND MILL STREETS,
and father of the fruits of a neg- foreigner reads, doubtfully, of l l .
lected childhood—they tell us to her fertile plains, here and there Telephone NO' 4’ LEXINGTON, KY.
Will the \Vl'eatll by alnoral al‘ld not bII-Okell by the rise Of a Dlajestic W
aphysical battle. ZYMSE’ premo- hill; of the extensive velvety c'w'mmE' . GD.CQNHINGHADI.
' nitions arc the outpourings of a lawns which beautify the homes V '
10mgparentwarniwthe can ohms, Kentuckm’ Offlmwfld C). W. F83 ISHEE & 80.,
“whose voice first lisps to-day, romantic scenery which often WHOLESALEANDRBTML DEALERS!!! .
before that; voice shall whisper bursts forth full in the View of I I y I g u 1
, seditioninsecret.” Horace Mann the weary U'flleEf; Offl people hm i353, mm, mm m m gfimb a fill Enid:
says "Remember the little one as plain, hospitable, brave and . g \
‘. whose llill‘ld to—day first lifts ltS gOOd 'dS ally npOn \VlliCll the HOUSBIMNTERS, PAPER HANGERS. m-
tin): billllJlC, l)€f01'€ that hand ])OVV€fllll sun has GVCI‘ $110116, 50 . A M1 HHC Of the CCICbI‘atfid Town and COUB’U‘Y Ready-mixed
511311 scatter fire—brands, arrows, firmly bound to the heart of“01d Paints always on hand. Only first-class work done at reasonable ‘
and death. Remember those Kentucky.” Pam
. Sportive groupsin whose halcyoiil , Among tl‘li‘ll‘q friendly. COL 3-1 We“ now. mas-m
bosom there sleeps an ocean, as l leagues Of srsterbtates, their tal- WmmbmmnWW”we...some...mamaamim.marge—za-m mum:
yet scarcely milled by the pass- cut and eloquence are the daz~ \ i '7 g, V '
ions which soon shall heave it Zlihg lights 0f the Congressional % i A B E ,E E S %
with a teiiipest’s strength. Re- and Legislative Hall. Being in ‘ ~
member ye old and Ci-x'pC‘lil‘EIIC-Ed the fore-front ofa deserving peo-l We can Show Best Values, Greatest Variety .

,. that whatever station in lile yoiiiple, they guard and work ioré and Largest Stock. Come and see 5
may fill, it is at last your duty to! their will. hot “glidiiigsmootli-i ,'
admonish the young." These 1y througl‘r their country‘s foli-~i Fine Stationery. Sceiety Programs. .
immortal words were not spoken age and drinlnng beams ol beau: , Firstuclass Printing and Binding.

_ to a few, but to all the world l ty from her fouiits and streams 1
alike. have our Representatives always C
. . . . . . , . 1 T F . ~
, May it be the ambition of theigone to the City of r/u' 7/17/1012.) RANSYLVRNIA RE’RTJ'NG 0”
youth of Kentucky to so strivernt fifty years ago they staredfi 101535: Main Street. LEXINGTON. In:
asto be pi‘e-eniiiientin thei‘ricnd— hardships, sickness and death;
gei‘izltcetgorngsit:nctipn; Iiniy 1;; bellin tire 1faclegvliille Joulrizseyglicgtltm 1L KUEHNIL B. FOTSCH, ' 1
. .‘ ic.‘ e tia g oryfcon cut. or e rgi 3 lc‘ , _ ider Fa ette Nat. Bank
, which \Hll follow them froniéland their soul adored. 1 Phoenix “Old WW p U} y
. thils vain 1planet to that heavenly These are the men whose niem-l Ergérggwwfifj—E FEES,
pa ace of ove and beauty; there ory we cherish as the foundation,I a}??? 1:33 ‘ o SCH ‘
‘ ——in the presence of a univcrscjand prolmotors ofanation’s prog-g KEUHgf-ti tea Egmfi F T o - ‘
of angels to be crowned Withlress. Since abouta century or; . 1 _ H" /
that immortal wreath whichimore atrotheunionofthoselonelyl Specm attention “' "Lm‘c‘ .. . »
.1 . . -. . - i . b - . . . “fiak‘l‘yG‘TON. 3:".
s iall never W11.l1€1 nor fade. 'little colonies was first cement

 m’ 3 .. 33 3 3 3 33 ~ 3
\3 i3 .
. .

The State @ollege @adet’ .. 3
mm-mmmmmmmw-TWMWWHWWMMN “Ha...” mummy: 3
ted- since these United States i one of its favorite overtures, i F 3.3 E g. . 13. I. may?
first nurtured and enjoyed theirl“Black Queen," which was im-l Fag f9 P9333, an iv}. ésfléfiifi‘gis '
ideal image of a grand and free i mediately followed lw a march,l \ —Gt) TIL——
constitution, we have claimed'“Maggie Nugget,” during whichl . in l1 l) LAN & r“: 0801:: I 2x25“ ‘
such characters as these as ourlthc orators of the evening werel I 0 V1 L ‘ ‘JO 1 “e“ 5 73’

)rotectors. From a duty they ‘ ushered in. N 3_ a 3 3 k3 “-333933333 4 ,
iievcr slirinlced—thcy have given! Dr. Southgate, pastor of the I _i1 3W \ $331325} #63“; ._.-$2% 23??
_ their oil’spring a great and noble i Hill Street Church, opened thei ”mm” “W, ”L, “in”, e-r3,,.,,.;p,-,
V example 0t [Ii-m, _ Jinn/101m]. i exerCises Of the evenlng by pray-I For the best Bread Rolls and Calm-e in the div. Fresh Bl':,"tl:l and l'tolls
' Some day it; may be tor the boys l er, after which the band played1,391,333,,(i\—L.,.3V,3.,.e,,3,,g at’; 01,30,343, ” , 3
of old 21. 8; ill, who now in time i a selection by Suply. At the '
of peace and friendship are loyal ' close of the music, Mr. L. H. Mul- imgmwm
.to sword and cannon, to deci-lligan, president, arose and intro- 3y” 5: 333;??? :33 33 3 3‘3 . . ,3 333!
pher some of the mysteriouslduced Mr.. F. C. Elkin as the ‘ a"; r i .33 3'3 x, a r- 333‘ '3
, problems thatpresent themselves first orator of the evening, " - .I *3 .~ .1 .3 ' 49 .
' in this day. If such shall bel Mr. Elkin chose for his theme Demem m 8“ Km“ 0, -
their lot, be it upon a mental or ‘ “The wreath is for Those \Vho 53,33.
physical arena, ("rod grant that Contend,” and his treatment of Erfish “gait Eamn Etai‘d am §a3fisage .
it be said of them who once the fsubject showed that it “ 9‘ '3 9 ‘f ‘ '
donned the neutral gray, that was not the product of an or- ‘ ’ 3 3
they boldly met the conflict in dmary mind, and that its author 14 WEfiT SHGBT STREET: 3 3
defence ofhome and country. had given it thought and study. . i ‘ 3 "N g- 3
And when for the last time The periods were well rounded hEK-L WN9 E '3 .
c. that magnificent planetary Sys_ and SlIIOOtllly 'connected. Hi5 3W -—-—-—-..—.__——.~ 333
tem shall cease to brighten the voice was clear, enunciation per- _:-' V 33. 3. 3 3.53“"
lofty heavens; when that fairest feet and gestures good. 3.35;; 3 3.3333
. of all stars shall cease to rise The band next played the 3 A 3 3333 ‘ 3
with its painted blushes; when “Bohemian Girl,” after which " 253.33, > ‘
all mankind shall have lost this Mr. B. T. Sonthgate was intro— ' . -
earthly lust and be to each other duccd as the second orator. ”géxw__§_£é_#=i:§3%_é3:§£;3;fi
as brother to brother; when we Mr. Southgate took for the snb- 3,1;ffiififiéfé?ffzfr%j—figi?¥§
now, be laid under the “sod and Stucly‘Waslnngton,” and hand- lqg‘fif3tsr'tgitsgtcggs1’f‘;$%‘§§:J%§%:g§§:
the dew;”-—1‘/HW, and not until led his subject well, showmg a i;333g§*3a;2€:3f§§§haf,‘fi3§%35§3af§;§?§?:afifio L
_//1£’71, will that great ennobling very intimate knowledge of the "Lei“zmifgsg:}§i~lfioi§§§§1% 3-
passion of contention, so deeply life, both public and private, 0f l‘ifigilfiyi—jliitfi§fl$§%f=§ ,3
seated in every soul, know and the Father 01- his Country. . ‘3g3s393s3 ,f‘fifieoél'zizg‘é‘WgG-gigfj . . I
submit to its doom. President Patterson next, at “raggfiitaréét khfi‘géfifIf-c‘gifihgfigfiififi” .
Tlmz we may lay aside the close of the piecc following «oloh‘oaegfr§%§oflotsoflr§ '. -
3 .. The that infest the day, Mr. soot oroiont in voro fish‘a‘t‘ffioarawr z .
. ‘ ' 'i'"-'chci':&ottl -:that' :inves:ts~»tlic~mggisricspecchintrodilcegLQggj .3 "$51343alrs‘lrfif‘t‘étifiréshfisfieidf 3
, body s. E. Hill, who delivered amast‘ itiacm§ W ““
OPEN SESSION. .. N ext upon the programme was ,iflil:,dg%3€§flzibfigf§gg;/j§%ézfi“
, 3 3—— 3 3 3 that very interesting feature of ’l3ll°>“%;*3§r§}msWifiafiffigsxfg}?
Givon to “‘f‘.‘-"',‘.“.‘,”."““"‘E'j-"-TT.”.‘,‘,“"'Y every ouch occasion. the Society rig/”fiat ‘
l ,
up subscriptions, and have sold Y?1§1;08ieirciiiiisitifiitb Ellfijialigrthe best, i ‘31)“? 6:1,”, ;;fj;.’"-,{5e,,f .
7 , . . est: -«;',"tgsia-éfi“'.$: a J‘eas
« one COPY and gm; the 6/11/26 that Whom envy dared not hate Jh%$@‘ ff: . ti’fi‘fixs’ .
I know of personally, and Lord l’mquoatlied the name of Washington _ , }{§§,r¥g¢“ a“ IVER u
knows how many 1n01.e_ But To make man blush there .Was but one.” - Jig}; gxfigfifix 2%?
speaking of things going two for The character of his greatness .‘ iffy-2:2 43%-:7 3&1
a nickle, THE CADET goes not at has been much mistaken. Had -' 1¢gfl~§§ 1gé;§,§§,,,,£_
a dime, not at a nickle, two for he accomplished the Indepen- , a 3,;W";¢’ffiwefe,§_‘
a nickle, nor six for a nickle, but dence 0f hls country and f0hhd<3d mfg-3.5 .ggobg
_ they go all the same, and so do a Federal Republic which should _ .' -k‘ggfgfiéégiifitifil‘s‘: _
the nickles go somewhere, for secure to every Citizen freedom “Bijs‘rmB‘szsiiifflf
there are none of them found in and safety,—liad he done th}S fi'e’eghdi‘i‘fl—WEE' "'
The Cadet treasury. With eyery Circumstance in 1115 Lexington. Ky.
Now, fellow students, we ask favor, it were enough to cover mm
you to consider how much it hls name Wlth Immortal glory; ‘ WG-0 TOM
costs to run a, college paper; how but who shall measure the tow- ,
much time and work, as well as ering supremacy 0f hls greatness < .1 5 86 I I JR
money. We don’t do all this when V‘l’e realize that ltlhshoifita- . O ' 9 O ‘ _
work lose all this time, and go c es _1h 115 way were a . u 1311- ,u
to thfs expense just for the honor, pass1ble; that the dlthUItles . s and ‘0 we“ “on ”no" ‘
, or the dishonor, of running a were all but unconquerable. '
college paper. We run the pa- There seems to be a prevalent For FI‘UItS Nuts @gfilsters &c
. per for the college and for you. idea that all was “patriotism, ’ , y I
Think over this, and if The Ca— bravery and enthusiasm when . . O
det is worth anything to y.ou, Washington took command 0f —-—————————~————————~» -.._._..__,..___._,.,_.______________ ’
please pay at least what youltlie ColonialarmiesatCambridge. '. ,
think it is worth; and it it is not What adire contrast Will the real