xt773n20ds90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20ds90/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1946 journals kaes_circulars_004_422 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 422 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 422 1946 1946 2014 true xt773n20ds90 section xt773n20ds90 - lil l
T S Or  
RALPH KENNEY and E. N. Fuzcus  
‘ This project consists of growing l acre or more of Kentucky E  
_ 3] fescue for seed production. i .
· What Ky. 3'I Fescue Is
A Kentucky 3] fescue is a long-lived grass used for pasture and l
· hay. Seed was obtained by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment ?
· Station in ]93] from B. F. Suiter, a farmer near Frenchburg, in  
· Menifee county, who had an old field covered with it. The Ken-
tucky Experiment Station has tested it for several years for yield Q
and adaptation, and recommends it for planting either alone or I
in mixture with other grasses and legumes. Demand for seed is Q ’
greater than production and promises to be so for several years. l y
3 Where It Is Used I
` This grass is longer lived than timothy or redtop. For forage `
  it appears to be equal to or better than orchard grass in most parts ,
l of Kentucky. lt will probably be useful in all counties outside i
  the area now growing the best bluegrass sod. ·
{  Seeding
‘  The seedbed is prepared as for other grasses and the seed may
  be sown in late summer, fall, or spring. The following steps should
  be taken to sow a seed production plot.
  ]. Order the seed early enough to have it on hand by the first
 ;. of August.
.  2. Plow the ground in July and work it down to a good firm
yl seedbed. When needed, apply 2 tons of limestone and 400 to 600
 Y Circular 422
 L; University of Kentucky . . College of Agriculture and _
 f Home Economics . . Agricultural Extension Division
_  Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Director

 pounds of 6-8-6 or similar mixed fertilizer per acre. The limestone .
and fertilizer can be spread on the land before plowing or they anc
can be spread after plowing and worked into the soil while pre- e cor
paring the seedbed. _ the
3. For this project the seed should be sown August l0 to   Tin
August 20, if possible, rather than in fall or spring. When sown T 
at this time in August it will usually make enough growth to sur-  
vive the winter without any winter-killing and will generally pro-   pla
_ duce a moderate yield of seed in the next year.   thc
The seed may be sown either solid or in rows. lf sown solid it   rc
should be drilled or broadcast evenly either by hand or with a .  ge
hand seeder at a rate of l0 pounds of seed per acre. Cover broad-   W5
cast seed with a spike harrow or a brush, if possible, then roll 5  hic
the land with a corrugated roller. Do not use a drag or flat roller lr  Or;
on the land after sowing, because smooth soil is likely to wash .  in
more than rough soil. j  the
Seeding in rows requires only 5 pounds of seed per acre and  ’. GS
larger yields of seed per acre may be produced than from solid `
seeding. Row seedlings are also kept free of weeds more easily _ isl
than solid seedlings. The rows should be far enough apart to per- j
mit cultivation. A hoe may have to be used and some weeds may   Yie
have to be pulled. Weeds have to be kept down by the use of  
such tools.   yie
lf the seed cannot be sown in rows with a drill, rows about 3 {  _
inches deep may be made on the contour and the seed scattered ` I D"
carefully by hand so that some fall in the bottom and some on g 
the sides and upper edges of the furrow. The rain may be relied ',  $€‘
upon to cover the seed but when the ground is dry it is better to ;  *°
run a tractor wheel or some other heavy wheel on the furrow to  
cover the seed and pack the soil. fi
Where row planting is done, the lime and fertilizers are ap- ‘ 
plied at the same time and in the same manner as for solid .._ 
planting. ,
Care After Planting { 
Since this project is prepared for seed production only, no  
small grain nurse crop is to be used in starting the grass crop. 7
The object is to produce good seed that is clean and in all other  
respects satisfactory for sale. Wild, weedy grasses may come up  
volunteer. The more common are the common cheat and one or  
- more other annual brome grasses related to cheat but not quite so ·
tall. They can be recognized by the seed heads before the fescue
is harvested. All of these are winter annuals, sprout with the fall T 
rains and head out and mature about the same time as the fescue 3
does. This must be removed by hand before harvest. ’.
[2]  q
} l

 s ,
After harvesting the seed crop the stubble should be mowed ~
and removed from the field or the field should be grazed to ac-
complish the same result. This encourages seed stalk production l
" the next year. _ Q
  Time and Method of Harvest  
  The fescue crop matures somewhat unevenly; that is, some l
* plants ripen early and some late. lt averages a few days later l
Q than wheat in the same locality. The seed shatters rather easily.  
  Perhaps most crops are harvested with the combine but the  
if grass can be cut with a binder and later threshed with a grain “ l
  separator or combine harvester used as a staionary thresher. .
~ Where neither combine nor separator are available it can be cut w
 ;» high with a mower and after a week or two of curing, flailed out
g on a canvas or ordinary tarpaulin. lf mowed, it should be raked T *
  in a day or two or piled with a fork, This should be done while
  the grass is damp with dew in order to prevent shattering insofar
·  as possible.
V  The threshed seed will usually have to be recleaned before it l
. is pure enough to be sold or sown. y
` Yields I
Q Yields range from 75 to 400 pounds per acre. Perhaps higher i
  yields are likely to occur under most favorable conditions. z
  · Disposal of Seed g . ‘
;  The demand for seed promises to exceed production for
 T, several years. County agents will endeavor to aid project leaders I
l_  to sell their seed. Y
-.,  Q [3 1

I. Size of project____... 2. Planted in rows or broadcast__._. L  
3. Pounds of seed used__,___.. 4. Cost of seed___.._...... g  
5. Kind and amount of fertilizer used. _____.........-.  
6. Cost of fertilizer   
_ 7. How was ground prepared?  . ivsl  
1 8. Date seed was sown   
9. How was crop cultivated?  lg;  
  A `Ei l· 
IO. What weeds gave most trouble in keeping fescue clean?_. C      
.- -._.-.-... _.--....__._.. . %*%e§‘
I I .When was crop harvested?___._.. I2. How harvested.. I  I   5  
I3. Amount of seed harvested---———- Value--——-—- ji 
I4. Total number of hours of work on this project_____,.... °    
I5. Expenses:    
(a) Rent charged at $20 per acre ............................ $,_._.. A   " 
(b) Rent on team, IOc per hour per horse or mule,. _,......   4`ll {
(c) Value of club member's time at 20c per hour.. ___.... I _ 3; `    
(d) Value of help’s time at 25 cents per hour .......... _....... P   RS) . 3,
(e) Value of tools at 40 cents per acre .................. _,,.... j  
(f) Value of manure at $2 per 2-horse wagonload.. _____... A  Q,
(g) Cost of commercial fertilizer .......................... ___...... ‘  
(h) Cost of seed sown ............................................ ___...   V
(i) Other expenses .................................................. __,...   I
Total expenses .............................. $___...   s···
Value of seed harvested ................ $__,..... I 
Profit or loss .................................. $__..... ` 
Name of 4-H Club Member  ij
Address of 4-H Club Member   
County__.._.... Name of Leader___________,.......- ; 
Approved:   L 
County Agent Vi
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: College or Agriculture  
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May 8 and June 30, 1914. 5M__8_48 {
[4] .  
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