xt773n20dk6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20dk6x/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1980 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 55, No. 4, Spring 1980 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 55, No. 4, Spring 1980 1980 1980 2014 true xt773n20dk6x section xt773n20dk6x VOLUME 55 SPRING 1980 NUMBER 4
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 US ISSN 0016-2116  1
Cover: A transport team member prepares critically ill baby for ‘
helicopter ride to the University of Kentucky Medical ’
Center. (See "Fr0m the Medical Director") ”
  _ •
US ISSN 0016-2116 .
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $2.00 a Year
Edit0r’s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 V
Second—class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices  
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775
Copyright 1980, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. V

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I Its motto:
i_ "He shall gather the lambs with his arm
V and carry them in his bosom, and shall
_ gently lead those that are with young."
Its object:
I To safeguard the lives and health of mothers and children by
providing and preparing trained nurse-midwives for rural areas
I in Kentucky and elsewhere, where there is inadequate medical
_ service; to give skilled care to women in childbirth; to give nursing
care to the sick of both sexes and all ages; to establish, own,
‘ maintain and operate hospitals, clinics, nursing centers, and
. midwifery training schools for graduate nurses; to educate the
» rural population in the laws of health, and parents in baby
_ hygiene and child care; to provide expert social service, to obtain
medical, dental and surgical services for those who need them at a
price they can afford to pay; to ameliorate economic condition
‘ inimical to health and growth, and to conduct research towards
% that end; to do any and all other things in any way incident to, or
,_ connected with, these objects, and, in pursuit of them, to cooperate
with individuals and with organizations, whether private, state or
federal; and through the fulfillment of these aims to advance the
l cause of health, social welfare and economic independence in
. rural districts with the help of their own leading citizens.
A Articles of Incorporation of the
Frontier Nursing Service, Article III.

Miss Kate Ireland, Wendover, Ky.
Mrs. Alfred R. Shands III, Crestwood, Ky.
Dr. Stuart Graves, Jr., M.D.. Louisville, Ky.
Treasurer Assistant Treasurer ‘
Mr. Homer L. Drew, One First Security Plaza, Lexington, Ky. Mr. W. F. Brashear, Hliden, Ky. C
Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. John Marshall Prewitt, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Miss Jane Leigh Powell, Glen Cove, New York ,
Mr. C. V. Cooper, Hazard, Ky. Mr. James Mosley, Hyden, Ky.
Mrs. Albert Ernst, Perkiomenville, Pa. Mr. Wade Mountz, Louisville, Ky.
Miss Fredericka Holdship, Sewickley, Pa. Dr. C. T. Nuzum, Chapel Hill, N. C.
Mrs. Clinton W. Kelly III, Reston, Va. Mr. William Pollard, Smilax, Ky. 1
Mr. James G. Kenan III, Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Burgess P. Standley, Mediield. Mass. y
Mr. John H. Kerr, Jr., Lexington, Ky. Mr. Kenneth J. Tuggle, Louisville, Ky. t `
Mr. Edward A. Mattingly, Hyden, Ky. Dr. Willis D. Weatherford, Jr., Berea, Ky. if
Mr. Eddie J. Moore, Hyden, Ky. Dr. Patience H. White, Brookline, Mass.  
Honorary Cliairman ,*5
Mrs. J etferson Patterson, Washington, D. C. {
Honorary Treasurer •l
Mr. Edward S. Dabney, Lexington, Ky. .
Honorary Members
Miss Helen E. Browne, C.B.E., Milfor% Pa.
Mrs. John Harris Clay, Louisville, y.
Mr. Henry R. Heyburn, Louisville, Ky.
Members Emeritus
Dr. Francis M. Massie, Lexington, Ky.
Mrs. Floyd H. Wright, Lexington, Ky.
Ernst & Whinney, Lexington, Ky.
Mr. Brooke Alexander, New York Mrs. E. Felix Kloman, Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Charles W. Allen, Jr., Glenview, Ky. Mrs. Robert Ashton Lawrence, Westwood, Mass.
Mrs. Edward Arpee, Lake Forest, 1ll. Miss Betty Lester, Hyden, Ky.
Mr. Richard T. Baker, Cleveland, Ohio Miss Agnes Lewis, Maryville, Tenn.
Mrs. Richard M. Bean, Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Marion E. S. Lewis, Matamoras, Pa.
Mrs. Ralph E. Becker, Washington, D. G. Mrs. R. McAllister Lloyd, New York
Dr. Peter P. Bosomworth, Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Charles J. Lynn, Indianapolis, Ind.
Dr. John Breckinridge, Denver, Col. Mr. Jack Maggard, Hyden, Ky.
Mr. R. B. Campbell, Hyden, Ky. Mrs. Arthur B. McGraw, Grosse Pointe, Mich.
Mr. R. B. Campbell, Jr., Lexington, Ky. Mr. J. Gibson Mcllvain I1, Devon, Pa.
Mrs. R. B. Campbell, Hyden, Ky. Mrs. Henry Meigs, Frankfort, Ky.
Dr. Wallace Campbell, Pippa Passes, Ky. Mr. Clay L. Morton, Louisville, Ky.
Mr. Joseph C. Carter, Versailles, Ky. Mrs. Robert F. Muhlhauser, Glendale, Ohio
Dr. Tim Lee Carter, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Samuel E. Neel, McLean, Va.
Mrs. Charles S. Cheston, Jr., Topsiield, Mass. Mrs. Hal H. Newell, Potomac, Md.
Mrs. N. Holmes Clare, New York Mr. Robert W. Nichols, Louisville, Ky.
Judge A. E. Cornett, Hyden, Ky. Mrs. Samuel H. Ordway, New York
Mrs. David Dangler, Lake Forest, Ill. Miss Evelyn M. Peck, Columbia, Mo.
Mrs. John E. Dawson, Dover, Mass. Mrs. Arthur Perry, J r., Concord, Mass. .
Mr. Joseph C. Donnelly, Jr., Mediield, Mass. Mrs. Stanley D. Petter, Jr., Lexington, Ky. ,
Mrs. Robert W. Estill, Dallas, Texas Mrs. Charles S. Potter, Chicago, Ill. ,
Mrs. George E. Evans, Jr., Lexington, Ky. President National Society of Daughters of é
Mrs. Rex C. Farmer, Hyden, Ky. Colonial Wars
Miss Margaret Gage, Pacific Palisades, Calif. Mrs. James N. Rawleigh, Jr., Harrods Creek, Ky. é
Mrs. William A. Galbraith, Sewickley, Pa. Mrs. George L. Robb, Westwood, Mass. 1-
Mrs. Robert S. Gawthrop, West Chester, Pa. Mrs. William C. Robinson, Jr., Versailles, Ky. lf
Mrs. John L. Grandin, Jr., Chestnut Hills, Mass. Mrs. William M. Schreiber, Louisville, Ky. 5
Mrs. Gus Griffin, Louisville, Ky. Mrs. John Sherwin, Cleveland, Ohio wl
Dr. John W. Greene, Jr., Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Seymour Siegel, Carefree, Ariz.
Dr. Charles E. Hagyard, Lexington, Ky. Dr. Harvey Sloane, louisville, Ky.
Mr. James Hardy, Louisville, Ky. Mr. Albert P. Smith, Jr., Russellville, Ky. i
Mrs. Paul Church Harper, Lake Forest, Ill. Mrs. James W. Stites, Jr., Louisville, Ky. `
Mr. Dwight Hendrix, Hyden, Ky. Dr. Grady Stumbo, Hindman, Ky.
Mrs. Horace F. Henriques, Jr., Greenwich, Conn. Mr. Kenneth J. Tuggle, Louisville, Ky.
Mr. John G. Heyburn II, Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Paul J. Vignos, Jr., Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Mrs. Charles H. Hodges, Jr., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Mrs. Ernest R. von Starck, Downingtown, Pa.
Dr. James B. Holloway, Jr., Lexington, Ky. Miss Margaret Watkins, Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. James B. Holloway, Jr., Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Erskine P. Wilder, Jr., Barrington, Ill.
Mrs. Gilbert W. Humphrey, Chagrin Falls, Ohio Mr. Ralph B. Williams, Boston, Mass. Y
Mr. Melville H. Ireland, Lake Forest, Ill. Mr. George Wooton, Hyden, Ky. I
Mr. R. W. P. Johnston, Lexington, Ky. Mrs. William W. Wotherspoon. Grosse Pointe, Mich. ,
Mrs. E. Donald Jones, Bellefontaine. Ohio Miss Barbara Wriston, New York '
Mr. Clinton W. Kelly III, Reston, Va. Mr. William T. Young, Lexington, Ky. .
Miss Deborah King, Dover, Mess. V

_ Miss Sarah Gibson Blanding. Newtown, Pa. Mrs. Langdon Marvin, New York, N. Y.
Mr. Kenyon Castle Bolton. Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Elinor M. Moore. Lexington, Ky.
Mr. A. B. Comstock. louisville, Ky. Hon. Thruston B. Morton, Louisville, Ky.
Mr. John Sherman Cooper, Washington, D. C. Lady Ramsbotham, Hamilton, Bermuda
` Mrs. Cleveland Marcum, Lexington, Ky. Mr. Arnold Whitridge. New York, N. Y.
,, Dr. Glenn Bratcher, Cincinnati, Ohio Dr. E. D. Pellegrino. New Haven, Conn.
ir ` Dr. W. F. Bulle, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. John A. Petry, Louisville, Ky.
g`, Dr. Bayard Carter, Hillsborough, N. C. Dr. John Rock, Temple, N. H.
tg Dr. C. L. Combs, Hazard. Ky. Dr. Robert T. Sceery, Cohasset, Mus.
tg Dr. R. Gordon Douglas, Little Compton, R. 1. Dr. Richard M. Smith, Boston, Mass.
‘¤ Dr. Isadore Dyer, New Orleans, La. Dr. Reginald Smithwick, Boston, Mass.
gi Dr. Ben Eiseman, Englewood, Col. Dr. Allen Rosenfeld, New York. N. V1'.
_ Dr. Laman A. Gray, louisville, Ky. Dr. Carl Taylor, Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Louis M. Hellman, Washington, D. C. Dr. James E. Thompson, Sarasota, Fla.
Dr. Louise Hutchins, Berea, Ky. Dr. Kenneth Warren, New York
Dr. Arthur H. Keeney, Louisville, Ky. Dr. George W. Waterman, Providence, R. I.
Dr. John F. W. King, New York Dr. Thomas Wiegert, Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Samuel B. Kirkwood, North Sandwich, N. H. Dr. J. Huston Westover, Woodstock, Vt.
Dr. Frank J. Lepreau, Westport, Mass. Dr. John Whitridge, Jr., Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Rustin McIntosh, Tyringham, Mass. Dr. Hermann A. Ziel, Jr., Lansing, Mich.
inclusive of
Dr. Marion G. Brown, Lexington, Ky. Dr. John W. Greene, Jr., Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Keith W. Cameron, Ary, Ky. Dr. James B. Holloway, Jr., Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Harvey Chenault, Lexington, Ky. Dr. Coleman C. Johnston, Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Arnold B. Combs, Lexington, Ky. Dr. Edward H. Ray, Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Allen L. Cornish, Lexington, Ky. Dr. Harold D. Rosenbaum, Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Carl Fortune, Lexington, Ky. Dr. David B. Stevens, Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Walter D. Frey, Lexington, Ky. Dr. A. J. Whitehouse, Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Carl M. Friesen, Lexington, Ky.
{ Miss Maryellen Amato, Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Betty Huff. Hyden. Ky.
Miss Laurette Beck, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Phyllis J. Long, Atlanta, Ga.
Miss Hazel Corbin, New York Dr. Ruth Lubic, New York
¢ Mrs. Martha Cornett, Hyden, Ky. Dr. Marion McKenna, Lexington, Ky.
~ Dr. Frances Dalme, Little Rock, Ark. Dr. Beulah Miller, Ada., Okla.
Miss Muriel Dayotf, Berea, Ky. Miss Mary L. Mills, Washington, D. C.
Miss Naomi Deutsch, New Orleans, La. Mrs. Celia Oseasohn, Montreal, Canada
Miss Ruth Doran, Denver, Colo. Miss Carol Randall, Cleveland, Ohio
Dr. Loretta Ford, Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Elizabeth Sharp, Atlanta, Ga.
Miss E. Jane Eurnas, Phoenix, Ariz. Miss Ruth Spurrier, Frankfort, Ky.
Miss Louise Griggs, Lexington, Ky. Miss Marion Strachan, New York
I Mrs. Elinore Hammond, Louisville, Ky. Dr. Helen Tirpak, New York
f Mrs. E. L. Hebbeler, Lexington, Ky. Miss Elsie M. Warner, Philadelphia, Pa.
 V Dr. 0. Marie Henry, Hyattsville, Md. Miss Joyce Wieckman. Hollandale. Miss.

Mrs. Elaine Pendleton, Director  p
Mary Breckinridge Hospital ”
Hyden, KY 41749  E
Dr. Lydia DeSantis n`
Mary Breckinridge Hospital  ,
Hyden, KY 41749  1
Coordinator of Couriers & Volunteers  
Frontier Nursing Service  
Wendover, KY 41775  
Darrell Moore, Personnel  I
Mary Breckinridge Hospital  I
Hyden, KY 41749 I'
Dale Deaton  tf
Frontier Nursing Service  
Wendover, KY 41775 I

 · ooNTENTs
  New FNS Director 6
A From the Medical Director S. D. Palmer, MD. 8
el Frontier School of Midwifery and
, Family Nursing Progress Report Dr. Lydia DeSantis 12
i For Better Human Service 16
v Beyond the Mountains Kate Ireland 18
_` Philadelphia Committee
L Needlepoint Rug 20
  Kate Ireland Receives
{ Honorary Degree 21
l FSMFN Graduates 23
  The Hurricane Demonstration Garden 24
` Some Suggestions for Cooking and
Storing Fresh Vegetables Susan Messer 26
l Wooton Clinic Benefit 29
  Urgent Needs 29
  The Man Behind the Machine 30
l The PCC Gets a New Look 32
  Field Notes 33
;_ Memorial Gifts 38
5 From Our Mail Bag 40
{ M N ewsy Bits 42
  l In Memoriam 44
; dy Staff Opportunities 47
I Staff Page _ 46
  White Elephant 48
 _ Form of Bequest Inside Back
i Cover

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Director Elaine Pendleton A i
On June 6th at the Annual Meeting in Lexington, Mrs. Elaine
(Penny) Pendleton was appointed the new Director of FNS, filling
the position left vacant by Dr. Beasley. Mrs. Pendleton had been [‘
Acting Director since June lst, and had also served as Associate |
Director since February. ; [
Mrs. Pendleton came to the FNS in February, 1979, from a long ‘
association with the Kings County Hospital/Downstate Medical .
Center in Brooklyn, New York. She is a native of Brooklyn, went >
to New York City public schools, and graduated from Kings  S
County Hospital School of Nursing in 1953 with a degree as a
Registered Nurse. She started work there as a staff nurse, and { 
then went on to being the Neurology Head Nurse, Neurology
Supervisor, Surgery Supervisor, and from 1960 to 1965, ,

j Obstetrical Supervisor. In 1966 she received a degree as a Certified
1 Nurse Midwife from the Maternity Center Association in New
  York; then began a long period as Educational Director/ Instruc-
Y tor for the Foreign Nurse-Midwife Family Planning Program still
I with the Downstate Medical Center. During this period (1966 to
1979), Penny travelled to Accra in Ghana, Istanbul, Manilla,
Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Sri Lanka, Bangledesh and Indonesia as a
consultant and instructor.
 `I  Penny has written a number of articles on nurse-midwifery,
  assisted in the production of a film, Normal Delivery, was the co-
  inventor of the Pelvic Teaching Model developed by the
S Pathfinders Fund, and has participated in several training
. programs here and abroad. From 1975 to 1979, she also served as a
 R Clinical Assistant Professor in Nurse-Midwifery.
In 1975 she received a B.A. from Williams College, in 1976 a
e  B.S. from St. Francis College in Brooklyn and in 1979 a Masters
  from New York University. She came to us February 5, 1970, with
 · a wealth of experience and knowledge in work overseas and in
, administration. As Director of Nursing, she has worked hard to
{ combine the nursing services of the hospital under one auspice.
5 Under her aegis, Home Health with the direction of Diane Wilson,
Q has prospered and is now located closer to the hospital to give that
 ` department closer ties to the hospital and to bring it into the view
if of the public eye.
: We are happy she is with us and proud to have her as our new
 . Director.

by S. D. Palmer, M.D.  
For the past six weeks, Dr. Gertrude Luther, physician li
extraordinaire, has helped us here at FNS. "Lu" (identified by one  
of her admirers as "that physician in tennis shoes") is a world
citizen who claims Anniston, Alabama, as her home. Throughout ’
her professional career she has given greatly of herself and her ‘
time to some favored and grateful recipients. Annually for 19 0
years, Lu has gone to work in the Hotel Albert Schweitzer, the g
famed Haitian hospital founded and run by Dr. Andrew Mellon.  
During many of the past several years, Lu has also found time to *~
come here. Now that she has "retired" from twenty-four years of _
very busy private practice in Anniston, she has a little more time
to spend enlivening the lives of others, and has picked more _,
recipients of her good offices. r
Lu and I had worked with each other in the care of patients for  
the fifteen years we were both located in Alabama, 60 miles apart.  
During many of those years she would fly her plane to attend *
weekly grand rounds at The Children’s Hospital. When it cracked .
up in a cornfield, Lu accepted her loss of wings with only fair Y
It is part of Alabama medical tradition to see Lu furiously ii
taking notes at pediatric enclaves — to enjoy the tales of a
vivacious racconteur — to learn from her and to be with her when I
she learns, for I’ve met no one who is more interested in the Q
acquisition of new knowledge. —.
Lu’s manner of speech is straightforward. Pithy. Epigram- Y·
matic. Neither parents nor colleagues linger long in doubt of her ji
beliefs. Her letters are masterpieces of typewritten wit. (In her Hrst ··
career, Lu was a medical secretary for 17 years.) These gems of
letters ought to be in archives somewhere. =.
Responsibilities for Lu at FNS included curbstone-consulting ‘i
with nurse practitioners, and they learned many practical .
pointers in the science and the art of medicine. Lu worked in the *~ 
Clinic daily and, till 8:00 p.m., in the Emergency Room. She saw  `
both children and adults, and in between she held hilarious court ,
with nurses and aides, charming all with her sense of humor. { 
After a short rest, visiting friends and relatives, Lu will go to V, 
Haiti for several weeks. Her spartan quarters there will include a  

l .
§ cot and a concrete floor. There may be a lmoleum rug. Maybe not.
g She will be gloriously happy.
l Beautiful! It is no secret that Lu, in my mind, is of heroic
§ preparations. I do not know a more giving, caring, selfless person
Y than she. From a grateful Frontier Nursing Service she has
i received one of Cecil Morgan’s rocking chairs, and on a brass
  plate is written:
  "The Gertrude Luther Chair in Peripatetic Pediatrics,
, Frontier Nursing Service."
We love you, Lu. Hurry back.
¤ Pausing for reflection upon Lu, inevitably other benefactors
, come to mind. "Let us now praise famous men."
l We have a Level I newborn nursery at the Mary Breckinridge
é Hospital, and essay the care of only well newborns, good-sized,
g and with no major problems. At times we wish we had the
l capability of doing more here, but the number of babies delivered
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  Critically ill baby awaiting transport to the University of Kentucky Medical Center.

does not justify a more extensive service. In the regionalization of e
perinatal care in Kentucky and nationwide, a network of
nurseries with advanced skills is identified and hospitals with
Level I nurseries have the opportunity (and, parenthetically, the
obligation) to transfer to Level II and Level III nurseries the A
babies who require more than very basic care. `
There is a Level II nursery at the Methodist Hospital in Corbin,
recently so certified. A more agreeable group of people could not be
found with whom to work. We have availed ourselves of their W
assistance on several occasions. tp
Most babies seem initially to be Level I, pretty much okay, or Q
else Level III and very sick or threatening to be so. There are four  
Level III nurseries — newborn intensive care units — which *,
generously accept critically ill babies for transfer: the University _
of Kentucky in Lexington, Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington, =
the University of Louisville, and the University of Cincinnati. We .
owe them all a great debt of gratitude.
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"Once the baby is stablized, the transport team is gone and airborne again."  `

A "UK" is our most frequent benefactor. Their transport team
A superbly responds, by ambulance or by air, impressively and
· swiftly. About half of their transports are now done by air, often
 ° via National Guard helicopter. A skilled team arrives — deus ex
{ machina — often landing on the grammar school playground in
— front ofthe hospital. Since survival ofthe baby is closely related to
i its condition before and during transport, it is axiomatic that the
  baby be stabilized prior to departure. This is accomplished by the
gi, medical team who have brought with them all necessary equip-
  ment for intravenous or intra-arterial lines, endotracheal intuba-
{g tion and resuscitation, and oxygen. As quickly as it is feasible, the
  team is gone and airborne again.
  Occasionally UK’s transport team of doctors and nurses is out
on other runs, and our personnel, using our own transport
?Z incubator (a real lifesaver), and the hospital van or an ambulance,
` make the long run to Lexington with the ultimately precious
i cargo.
g No simple person — lo, not even the Chairperson of the
Department herself! — ought to be singled out by name for praise.
Their effort is crucially interdependent. We are grateful to all.

 12 Fnomrma Nuasmc. smzvicm It
by Dr. Lydia DeSantis {
As the present 1979-1980 academic year draws to a close, it is
time to reflect upon the activities of the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing (FSMSN), over these past ‘
months. Admittedly the year was marked by considerable turmoil  
and uncertainty for students, faculty, and staff alike. Yet, it was F
also a year of significant accomplishments; and one in which  
goals were identified for the coming year and for future, long- li
range planning. Perhaps the best way to describe the activities of  
the FSMFN this past year is to say they centered around it
stablization, reassessment, and decision-making. .
During the year, the FSMFN like most schools preparing nurse Y
practitioners and nurse-midwives, was faced with several key  
issues: 1) dependence on federal grant monies at a time when the ,
government was drastically reducing its support of medical and r
nursing education programs; and 2) lack of adequate faculty and F
clinical facilities to fulfill the demand for its program. Both of
those issues led to a third vital decision that had to be made, i.e.
whether to continue as a school per se, to become a clinical A
training site for another institution, or to offer specialized
programs for a variety of health professionals desiring experience .
in rural primary care. In addition, the FSMFN was scheduled to
undergo a site visit by the American Nurses’ Association (ANA)
for continuing accreditation of the Family Nurse Practitioner
(FNP) Program. Continued accreditation was vital so that ,
graduates could take the National Certifying Examination and V
qualify for licensure as family nurse practitioners. *‘
A self-evaluation report of the FNP program was prepared by
the faculty and submitted to the ANA. The report was accepted
without modification. After a site visit by two Family Nurse i>
Practitioners, who were university faculty members, in February,  
the FSMFN was notified that the Central Regional Accrediting j 
Committee had accredited the FNP program for four additional L
years — one year more than the three—year maximum the ANA I
normally gives. ‘
A grant renewal request was submitted to the Division of V
Nursing of the Department of Health and Human Services for two  -

 It QUARTERLY Buimmu is
additional years of federal funding — September 1980 through
A August 1982. The renewal request was thoroughly reviewed by
, Division of Nursing personnel for deficiencies before being
forwarded without revision to the National Advisory Council on
Nurse Training — a peer group composed of health care
professionals, educators, consumers, and students. The Advisory
~ Council is charged with reviewing all grant applications and
  advising the Division of Nursing regarding which programs
é should be funded. In May, the Advisory Council recommended
  that the FSMFN application be approved for two additional years
gg of funding. We are now in the process of negotiating the level of
  funding with Division of Nursing personnel.
Y Both the ANA site visitors and members of the Division of
. Nursing Advisory Council cited several common reasons for their
i decisions. They were that: 1) the FSMFN has a well-qualified
8 faculty that believes in what it is doing and which provides
V excellent role models for the students; 2) the FSMFN offers
Q excellent clinical experience to students; 3) the curriculum is
E appropriate; 4) graduates of the FSMFN have made a tremendous
impact upon meeting the health care needs of previously un-
derserved areas; and 5) there is a continuing need for the
i programs. In addition, the Advisory Council cited the strong
letters of support for the program from employers of FSMFN
, graduates, leaders in primary health care delivery and education,
and the FNS Board of Governors, and Administration.
Prior to the approval of our applications for continued
accreditation and funding, the faculty had thoroughly discussed
, the issue of whether we should continue as a school or become a
V clinical site for another institution or for speciality programs. The
¢· overwhelming concensus was that the FSMFN needed to continue
as a separate entity. At the same time, the faculty realized the
need to reassess and restructure the curriculum. A thorough
Y> curriculum review has not taken place for 10 years and the clinical
  base at FNS has changed greatly in that time. The faculty’s
j  decision received total support from the FNS Board of Governors
R and Administration, the ANA site visitors, Division of Nursing
 ’ personnel and from the two consultants engaged to evaluate the
- nurse-midwifery portion of the program.
I The faculty has since been divided into committees composed
 . of service personnel and students to begin the curriculum review.

 14 momim Nunsmo smvros I
Committees have been formed to address: 1) admission criteria
and attrition rates; 2) School Philosophy and Program and
Curriculum Objectives: 3) better use and expansion of FNS  
clinical facilities for student experience; 4) the availability of _
clinical facilities outside of FNS to supplement the present ·
student experience; 5) skills students need for success in the ;
program, and for developing self-learning packages to aid them in _
acquiring those skills; and 6) content and sequencing of modules,  
courses, and clinical practicum. r
During this past year, the FSMFN and the University of N
Kentucky College of Nursing (UKCON), also explored ways to gp
expand and strengthen the affiliation between the two in- it
stitutions. In the coming year we will seek to establish joint  
admissions standards and selection of candidates for those
desiring the joint program as well as endeavoring to increase the
number of students in the joint program. The UKCON will begin
contributing to FSIVIFN faculty salaries and travel expenses
related to the affiliation. ‘
In the past year the faculty of the FSMFN also revamped the —
method in which content was presented in the nurse-midwifery
portion ofthe program in order to make maximum use of available
faculty and clinical experience. Because of scarity of nurse- i
midwifery faculty and delivery experience, the very painful but
necessary decision was made to omit enrolling more students into p
the school who wished midwifery until we were certain we could
accommodate those already enrolled. When the decision was
made in February to temporarily close the midwifery program,
students in the school faced up to a two to three trimester delay (8
to 12 months) before they matriculate into the intrapartum
portion. Since then, we have managed to recruit several highly _¤·
qualified nurse-midvvifery faculty and to End another clinical
affiliation for volume delivery experience. The new faculty and
clinical site, plus presenting content in a more concentrated form ‘·
has enabled us to reopen the nurse-midvvifery component of the I
program to candidates entering in the January 1981 class. It also
virtually guarantees that students already in the school can
graduate without even a one trimester delay.
Although the activities and accomplishments of the past year
have been great, many problems still face the FSMF N . While we
will have federal funding for two additional years, the amount is _

 . QUARTERLY Burrmru is
yet in doubt. The faculty of the FSMFN appointed an ad hoc
committee to address the problem of funding last September. That
  committee has now become a standing faculty committee and will
~ work closely with the Finance Department and Department of
; Promotion and Development to begin to wean the school from
_ grant monies. Already we have begun to seek funds for a faculty
` position, additional library/ audiovisual aids, and the revolving
= student loan fund. In the near future, we will set guidelines
  regarding what proportion of the school should be funded from
,' private, federal, state, and tuition monies and to begin to seek
Q ways of establishing an endowment fund.
lt A second significant problem continues to be faculty turnover
, I due to "burn-out" and lack of opportunity to do one’s own clinical
i practice. In the curriculum revision and restructuring, we will
build in methods of preventing faculty overload and of providing
for continued growth as a nurse practitioner and/ or nurse-
. Even though the new clinical affiliation for intrapartum
experience will assist greatly, we still need to find and develop a
l variety of additional clinical sites to individualize student prac-
ticum in all aspects of the program, and to enable us to increase
I student enrollment. Finding additional clinical experience is a
long, time consuming process.
In the ensuing year we will continue to address the persistent
I problem of funding, faculty turnover, and adequate clinical
facilities. At the same time we will continue to strengthen and
expand the UKCON/ F SMFN affiliation, restructure the
curriculum, and seek to become a provider of continuing education
through the ANA. The latter will allow the FSMFN to award
_ nationally recognized continuing education credits to students
·° who do not qualify for academic credit via the UKCON/FSMFN
joint program.
Q Much of significance has been accomplished and much
remains to be done. Although what has been done has been
T spearheaded by the faculty, it has been made possible only
through the cooperation and support of the students, FNS Board
of Governors, and the many friends, graduates, and supporters of
the FSMFN.

 is rnomim Nunsmc smzvrca  
by Ray Harmon, MSW l
Director of Social Service l
They come to our hospital and outpost nursing centers with a
variety of human needs; our Home Health nurses find them with
various problems in their homes. Who are they but the many
people of the four county area served by the Frontier Nursing IH
Social Service is an integral part of the health care delivery p
offered to all of the people we serve. We can help an expectant L
mother, for example, whose husband is unemployed or a middle- , L
aged housewife suffering from acute depression. The kind of '
support we can offer ranges from assistance in obtaining benefits
through Social Security, the Veterans Administration and the
Bureau for Social Insurance, to arranging for psychotherapy for a
paranoid schizophrenic suffering from auditory hallucination