xt773n20dk2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20dk2k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1975-12-12 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 12, 1975, no. 108 text The Green Bean, December 12, 1975, no. 108 1975 1975-12-12 2014 true xt773n20dk2k section xt773n20dk2k ummm T H E
1 My first duty as Green Bean's G R E E N
Ynew editor is to thank the re-
tiring editor, Gail Kennedy, for B E A N
serving the past 18 months. She
made more deadlines than I ever
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   egggg we mu °°““"“° oavia Faueii, Editor Ext. 73831
Green Bean will report any item of general interest to the Libraries‘
4 staff, including announcements of meetings (at MIK, UK and elsewhere),
- summaries of directives and policy statements from MIK and UK adminis-
trators, personnel notes and similar items. Contributions from staff
are welcome and could include reports of departmental/branch visitors.
important new publications, meetings attended; in short, newsworthy
_4 items other than "social" notes. `
° Contributions may be submitted to the editor by campus mail or tele-
4 phone. Deadline for each Friday's issue will be noon the preceding
Wednesday. K " ”
M.EEI.m§.$.: K K 4
The Administrative Council meeting scheduled for December 17 has been
.cancelled. The next meeting will be January 21, 8:30 a.m.
`There will not be a Public Services meeting on December 24. The
‘next meeting will be on January 28 at 8:30 a.m. in the Technical
Services Conference Room. *
The 1974-75 Annual Report for the University of Kentucky Libraries
is now available in the Director’s Office. Please contact Pat Lloyd
(7-3801) to get a copy. “
Ebba Jo Sexton was elected to succeed Clair McCann as Ombudsman at
a recent Staff Association Meeting. Staff members can reach Ebba
Jo at the Music Library. _ 4 _ 4 _
The staff organization would like to remind everyone about the pot-
luck luncheon to be held on Friday, December 19th from 11:30 to 1:30
in room 504, MIK south. Turkey and drinks will be furnished.
_ Be sure to bring one of the following, enough to feed six people
and a serving utensil: salad, relish dish, vegetable or covered
dish, dessert, dinner rolls and butter. (All food should be ready
to serve.) ·
Also remember to bring a white elephant gift (that's something around
‘ the house you no Longer want or need) wrapped as a Christmas present.
You don't have to attach a card or name tag, we'll just distribute
them grab-bag style.

Bring your food and present to room 504 between 10:30 and 11:00 on
Friday morning.
  - _
The newest unit in the library is Data Services, located on the second
floor of King South, next to the Bibliography Room. It provides a
new reference service, computer—based literature searching. Through
arrangements with the Lockheed Information Retrieval System and the ·
System Development Corporation, the service offers rapid access to
a large selection of bibliographic data bases covering a wide range
of subject areas in the pure and applied sciences, social sciences,
business and education.
As with SOLINET, the data bases are accessed on—line via a computer
terminal and telephone lines. The searching is actually done by the
Data Services librarian, with the patron present to make suggestions
and utilize feedback from the computer to modify the search as it
proceeds. The search continues until the patron is satisfied that
he has the references he needs. Patrons are charged only for the
computer-connect time and telephone charges for the duration of the
we would like to hear from those staff members who are interested
in learning more about this service, and will be glad to schedule
a time for anyone to observe an on—1ine search and to discuss the
T. Bellardo
Sketches showing American Revolutionary dress will be displayed in
the lobby of MIK South from December 12 through the Christmas
holidays. The sketches were made by an art student from designs P
made by members of Ms. Diana Smathers' advanced class in the Textiles
and Clothing department of Home Ec.
Retirement: Lucille Keating, Law I
Transfer: Debbie Garr from Acquisitions to Copy Service.
LT I opening: Interlibrary loans. If interested, please see Faith
Harders. y
Lateral Transfer Opening: Law Library. Position requires an MLS
and prior professional experience. Librarian's main responsibility
will be to supervise the processing of periodicals, loose-leaf
services and government documents. If interested, please see Faith
Harders as soon as possible.
Professional openings: Art Librarian and Asst. Director for Person-
nel. Both positions require an MLS and prior professional experi nce.
If interested, please see Faith Harders or Paul Willis.

Time Sheets for the pay period ending 12/19/75 must be in the
Director‘s Office by Thursday morning, December 18,in order to
receive our pay checks December 24, 1975.
Effective with the payroll period beginning December 20, 1975, the
minimum wage for all non-student employees will be $2.20 per hour:
full time students will be paid $1.87. In order to minimize the
paper work, Personnel has issued the following guideline:
Employees other than full time students making $2.00 per hour or
more but less than $2.20 will automatically be adjusted to $2.20;
you do not need to notify the Director’s Office.
Students making $1.70 per hour or more but less than $1.87 will be
automatically adjusted to $1.87; you do not need to notify the
Director's Office.
If you now have someone making less than the new minimum and they
will be raised to above the minimum (for example; a student now
making $1.85 an hour and you wish to raise him/her to $1.90) you
must fill out a PAR and send it to Ann Short. If you have any
questions, please call me or Ann Short. Thank you.
F. Harders

  3 Opening for assistant to the head of the Lexington Public Library.
  Contact Mary Powell Phelps for infomation.

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