xt773n20ct7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20ct7v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1929-04-apr16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-04-apr16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-04-apr16. 1929 1929-04-apr16. 2011 true xt773n20ct7v section xt773n20ct7v 

    Minutes of the Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Tuesday, April 16,

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met i ,
regulax quarterly session in the Presidentts office of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky on Tuesday, April 16, 1929.    The following
members were present:   Governor Flem D. Sampson, Judge R. C.
Stoll, Mr. R. J. Bassett, Mr. Joe B. Andrews, Mr. James W.
Turner, Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer, Mr. James Park, Senator H. M.
Froman, Mr. W. J. Webb and Mr. Robert G. Gordon.    Meeting with
the Board were President Frank L. McVey and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Board.

     1. Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the Busi-
ness Agent was presented to the Board and on motion duly made
and seconded the report was ordered incorporated in the minutes.
The report was as follows,


     Dr. Frank L. McVey
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Dr. IcVey:

     I submit financial report for March, 1929.

     As indicated by copy of letter attached., the Treasurer
     of Christian County has paid the *2400.00 warrant and
     $480.00 interest due the Extension Division.    The col-
     lection of this was placed in the hands of Mr. Park but
     the check was sent direct to the University. I have
     placed it to the credit of the Extension Division.



The loss by wind at Campbellsville and the loss by
fire at Quicksand have been adjusted and payments of
$385.00 and 41200.00 have been made and credited to
proper accounts.

The Peabody Fund is now invested in four 4i per cent
U. S. Registered Gold Bonds 1933-38 of $10,000.00 each.
These are now in lock box No. 200 at the Phoenix Nation-
al Bank Building.

Very truly,

D. H. Peak
Business Agent


                                   EXHIBIT "B"

Statement of Income and Expenditures
        Month of March 1929


General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation     42,750.00
  St. Appro.-New Ed. Bldg.   8,411.34
  Vocational Ed. Board      10,120.87
  Special Agri. Appro.      23,082.58
  State Tax                810, 809.90
  Int. on Liberty Bonds        850.00
  Int. on Endowment Bonds    8,644.50
  Student Fees             115,960 77
  Student Fees - Sum.Sch.   31,985.90
  Student Fees - Un. H.S.    3,506.50
  Student Fees - Un. Ext .  17,611.93
  Miscellaneous Receipts    20,975.17
  Gen. Ed. Bd.---New Ed. Bldg; 1,652.40
  Rentals                    1,820.00
  Summer School - St. Appro. ]O,000.00
  hen's Dormitory            6,781.45
                 Total    1 ,14,963. 21

Current    Fiscal
M.-onth    Year
           To Date

2,594.40    11,005.64
2,921.67    26,004.25
45X919.75   856,729.65
                850 * 00
   888.42   116,849.19
   (35so00)   3,471.50
 2,995.82    20,607,75
   976.93    21a952.10
   217.50     2,037.50
    59.90     6, 841.35
SE,539.39 1a171,502.6Q(




Exp enditur Cs
  Adm. Expense and Main.
  AIdditions and Better.

187, 158.6-3
873, 798.57

71 ,070. 32
121,729 50

212, 132.21

  Excess of Income over

Patterson Hall Income
   Miscellaneous Receipts
   Room Rent - Su-mmer Sch.


51 ,487. 75
4,303. 25
55,977. 50

(65,190.11) 175,974.53

     97.40   51,585.15
     79.85      266.35
    177.25   56 154.75

   Expens e
   Additions and Bettlerm.

   Excess of Income over
     Expenditui es

General Fund Income
General Fund Expendi.

Excess of General Fund
  Income over Expend.




(5,788.03)   9 a 943. 5"

56,716.64 1,2279657.7-5
127,694,78 1I04, 239_;

(70,978.14) 185,918.10

Excess of Exmenditures over
Receipts for General Ledger
  Accounts            _ (36,505.21)

Excess of Receitbts over
  Expenditures for the
  fiscal year to date -
  General Fund          220,391.03

(12,724. 85) (49,230.06)

(e83702e99) 136,688.04

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  General Fund
Cash in Bank March 31, 1929 -
  General Fund

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
        Total Receiots

1 , 449. 93
5, 509. 21
6 ,959. 14

136 ,688.04

63 957. 75


106.97    1 ,556. *E-
486.47    5,995. C
593. 44   74552.1 _

39,949. 67
   296. 23





  xj11ense                  382.50
  S tucu.ent Not es        5,737.00-
            Total          6,119 50

  Excess of Receipts over
    7.cuend7itures           839. 64

Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the f is-
  cal to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Ba.nk July 1, 1928 -
  Trust Fund
CaS. in Bank I'arch 31, 1929 -
  Trust Fund

Ex-aeriment Station Income
Hiatich - Fed. ADpro.
k.;iilk and Butter - Cash
 3eef Cattle Sales
 Dairy Cattle Sales
 Sheop Sales
 Swine Sales
 Poultry Sales
 Fa.rm Produce Sales
 Horticultural Sales
 Seed. Test
 Ren t.als
 Fertilizer - Fees
 Pubflic Service - St.
  Public Service - Miisc.
  Feoding Stuffs - Fees
  Ad~amws - Fed. Appro.
  Serum - Sales
    i  - Virus Sales

       - Live Stock Sales
   11 - Supply Sales
   It  - Miscellaneous
State Appropriation
Creaimery - License Fees
   't   - Testers Lic.
         - - C-lassware
   IT   - Miscellaneous
Robinson - St. Aporo.
W. Ky. - St. Alpro.
Purnell - Fed. Apooro.
St. Appro. - Patter,,-:on
      Farm Purchase


.0, ?55. 57
1,528. 83
  983. 86
2,309. 53
Ll, 120. 25

   16. 55
13, 338. 38
  10. 53
  602. 34

   720. 50
   168. 58
9 ,933.93
37 500. 00


1,034.00    112769.57
  105.00     12633.83
  116. 33    2,425.86
  100.69     1,777.89
1,086.48     3,739.99
   23.75     1,828.20
   7.00        53.00
   113.08     3,194.83
1,011.15    10,11315
9,756.50    20,882.75

2,163.66    14, 3666. 66

6,548.9 4   49,887.32
  290.82     37670.45
  13.90       186.85
   37.65       14-0.05
4,883.05    43,1.39.91
   52.50     6,667.50
   116.00     1 ,868. OC

   28.52       749.02
                168. 58?
1,526.935   12,232.525
1,183.58    11,117. 5].




6,879. 50


7 3. 08


20 , 000. 00



Vursery Inspection-
 Nurs. Inspec. - St.
 Cream Grading
 Cooperative Poultry

3xperiment Sta. Expend.
Ad, and Better.

  Excess of Income over
  2,xcess of Incomo over
    Expenditures for the


1,556. 99
1 .2B0.00

 250 220 21



   176. 66


    90. 51
29,896 83


  fiscal year to date -
  Expperiment Station
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  Experiment Station
Cash in Bank !I-rch 31, 1929 -
  Experiment Station

Extension Division Income
Federal Smit-h-Lovor     152,241.30
Federal Supplementary     54,!342. 56
  Feddral Capper-Ketochamla  20,000.00
  S; ts Smith-Lever        11,630. 89
  County and O'her           2,889.15
         Total             841,403.90

  Expcnse                  239,616.32

Excess of Expenditures
  over Income

1,787. 58

11 ,759.15
   221. 70
11 ,980. 85

30,963. 48

1 445.00



16,652. 30

16, 652630

31, 399.82


54,3 -042. 56
20, )000.00
23, 390.04
253, 384.75


(18,985.63) (17.198.05)

Excess of Expend. over Income
  for. the fiscal year to
  date - Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  Ectension Division
Cash in Bank March 31, 1929 -
  Extension Division




General Fund Income
Trust Fund Income
Exp. Sta. Inci-ie



1, 227 , 357e 35


Extension Div. Income

1,67 . 7497

General Fund Zxpend.      91;-4,044.47
Trust Fund Exoend.            382.50
Exp. Sta. Expend.         250, 220.21
3xt,. Div. Expend.        239,616.32
         Tot al         1,i104.263. 50
Excess of Income over
  Expendiitul.s           275,441.4-7
excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts for Gen-
  eral Ledger Accounts    (36,505.21)

Student Loan Fund

(227. 79)

11,980.85   253,384.75
99,663.37 1,779,368. 34

127,694.78 1,04-1, 739.25
      45.00       427.50
  29,896.83  280,117.04
  30,966.48  270,582.80
_188,603.09 1,592,866.59

(88,939.72) 183,501 .77

(.2 ,724.85) (492,230.C,)

    (228.53)     (4e56.  

Excess of Receipts over
   xpennditures for the
   liscal year to date -
   Cormbined Fund          238.708.47   (101,893.10)
Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the
  iscal year to date -
  Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand
  July 13 19.28 - Combined
Cash in Bank and on hand i,-Larch
  31, 1829 - Coinbined Fund

136,815. 37

136,815. 37


     Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expenid-
itures as "Exccess of 71xoenditures over Receipts for General
Ledger Accounts $49,230.06."1


A1ccounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in advance

Sundry Account s



6,693. 33

39 333.03

Notes Payable


72,076. 36

22 3-846. 30





     2. University of Kentucky Budget for 1929-1930. Presi-
dent McVey Presented to the members of the Board the proposed
budget for the scholastic yet l929-1930. After careful ex-
amination of the budget motion was made, seconded and carried
that the budget be approved as a basis of expenditure for
the scholastic yea= 1929-1930 subject to such minor corrections
as may be found necessary.

     3. Library Building. Plans for the library building were
presented by President 2hcVey and a motion was made, seconded
and carried approving the construction of such a building,
and authorizing the President to advertise for bids to be
presented to the Executive Committee at its meeting in May.

     4. Renort of President .  President T1cWey made a report
to the Board which was made orally and not recorded.



     5. Right-of-way on Nicholasvillo Pike.  A report from
President McVey and Dean Cooper on the request of a group of
citizens on the Nicholasville Pike that the University of Ken-
tucky grant a right-of-way for the widening of the highway was
presented to the Board.   The matter was discussed at length
and a motion was made, seconded and carried that the request
be received and filed.

     6. University Astronomical Observatory.   President McVey
presented to the Board the matter of the astronomical observa-
tory which has been removed from the University campus because
of the erection of a building.  He recommended that the ob-
servatory be reconstructed at the head of Woodland Avenue on
the University farm, indicating that this location is a quiet
place and out of the reach of the City and would be fairly suit-
a'ble for observation purposes at that point.  Motion was made,
seconded and carried approving of the recoammendation.

     7. Report of Safety Devices in the Machine Shops.   A
communication from the Etna Life Insurance Company,presented
at a previous meeting of the :executive Committee and referred
to Dean Anderson for recommendation,was presented to the Board
with a letter from Dean Anderson and the following report
from Dean Anderson, together with recommendations from the Etna,
Life Insurance Company.   This was ordered incorporated in
the minutcs and a motion was made, seconded and carried author-
izing the President to have the recommendations of the Ttna
Life Insurance Company carried out.

                      AETNA LIFM INSURANCE COMPANY


     NOTE: The standards referred to in the recommendations
           are explained in the Hand Book of Industiial
           Safety Standards, a copy of which has been left
           at your plant by our Inspector.

Carpentry Shop:
*1. Universal Woodworker,
     a. The circular saw blade should be provided with a standard
        hood, so designed as to prevent kick backs and Droviced
        with a spreader.  See section 7, pages 47 and 48, of
        Industrial Safety Hand Book.



     b. The; cylindrical Jointer head should be nrotectcd by
        an adjustable or automatic guard.   See section 13,
        pages 50 to 52 of Standard Hand Book.
      c. A guard should be provided over the shaper head. See
         section 20, cage 53, of Indrustrial Safety Hand Book.

 *2. The drive mechaanism of the drum sander should be guarded
      as outlined in Sections 324 and 325, pages 36 to 39,
      of Standard Hand Book.

Plumbing Shop:
  3. Drill Press,
     *a. The exposed gears should be guarded or enclosed.
     b. W~ould suggest that the drive mechanism be guarded.

Henry Wetdt Shop:
*4. The exposed gears on the combination punch and shear ma-
     chine should be guarded.
  5. Would suggest that the drive mechanisms of one drill
     press and one hammer be guarded.

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory:
*6. The exposed gears on the Olsen Testing Machine should be

Machine Shop Ls;Lorat+ory:
*7. The 73 feet of exposed shafting should be guarded effective-

 *8. The exposed gears on six laths should be guarded or en-

   . Would suggest that all lathes and milling machines be
     equipped with anproved type cone belt shifters.

 10. Would suggest that the drive ranchaniszms on one hack saw
     and two drill Dresses be guarded.

Woodworking Shop:
*11. The band saw -w.heels should be completely encased or guard--
      ed and all portions of the blade orotected except the
      portion between the auide and table. See item 1, pages
      45 and 46 of Standard Hand Book.

 *12. The feed rolls of tho planer should be enclosed as out-
      lined in iter- 18, page 53, of Industrial Safety Hand Boor'

 *13. The circular saiw should be nrovidod with a standard hood
      so designed as to prevent kick backs and equinned with
      a spreader.   See item 7, pages 47 and 48 of Standard
      Hand Book.



  *14-. One jointer head should be provided wvita an adjustable
       or aultomatic gu-rd over the cutting he Ad.  See item
       13, pages 50 to 53, of Standard Hand. Book.

  *15. The shaper head should be more fully guayded as outlined
       in item  0, ag0 e 53s of Standard Hand Book.

   16, Would s9'ag:est that the drive i,;cnfoqisml of the belt sandc
       be  Ciaded.

Instrunient 1.Thoo:
   17. WouILU ,uiS:test that the lathe be provided with an app3rovc.
       type ccne belt shifter.

   I8. Would cuc-: est 'that the drive :^echanis, of the drill
       press be guarded.

Rock and Cement Test inp Laboratory:

   19. Would suggzest that the drive belt of the testing machine
       near door be guarded.

P'hysics Labor t cy Machine Shot:
   20. Lathe
       *a. Th- nxoposed gears should. be guanrdecd.
       b. Wculd suggest thai.t an approved type cone belt- shift-
           er be rrovided.

  *21. The fifteen (15) feet of exposed shafting under table
       shoul6,. oe guarded.

   22. Would suggest that the cutting tool be guarded and that
       an apmroved type cone belt shifter should be provided
       on the milling raachine.

Pxinting Shop:
   23. Would suggest that the drive raechanism-as of the print-ing
       press be guarded.

'Ziining Laboratory:
  *24. The gears on the roll should be guarded.
  25. Would suggest that the drive mechanisms of the following
       raachines be guardnd as outlined in items 324 and 325,
       paaes 3i and. 39, of Standard Hand. Book.
           a. Fan near center of laboratory
           b. Concentrator
           c. Sieve
           d. Roll
           e. Grinclers



Tractor Building, Farmr Egginccring Laboratory

   26. Circular Saw:
       *a. The sav-! blade should be nrovided with a standard
           hood so desiczned as to Prevent kick backs and
           equi w -ed 1'ith a streader.  See item 7, pages 4-7
           and -'8, of Standard Hand Book.
        b. Would su'zest that the drive mechanism be guarded.

   27. tmery Stand:
       *a. The emery .;wheels should be provided with substantial
           ret.inin- hoods.  See itern 30, nes 54 to 58 of
           Standard Hand Book.
        b. Would suggest that the drive mcchanism be guarded.

   28. Drill Press:
       *a. The exposed gears should be guarded.
       b. Would suggest that the drive r.mechanism be guarded.

   29. Would suggest that the drive mechanisms of the jointer
       be guarded.

  *30. A standard hand rail should be provided on stairway
       to second floor in M~ine Laboratory Building,

  *31. The following transmission belts should be guarded as
       outlined in articles 36 to 39 of Industrial Safety
       Standa ris.
       a. The vertical bell near knife grinder in the machine
       b. The vertical belt near door in the rock and cement
          Gest ia  laboratory.
       c. The t7'o inclined belts from motor to line shafts in
          Mine Tngineering Building.

  *32. The railing on over head platform in Boiler House should
       be extended the full length of the platform.

   The recommendations listed above which are marked asterisks
   (*) should receive your early attention, as we have found
       by experience that the conditions to which they apply
       have been frequent causes of accidents.

       The remainder of the recommendations listed are ourbry
       suggestive, and compliance with them should therefore
       be considered as wholly optional on your part.




President Frank L. McVey
University of Kentucky

My dear President MrcVey:

I have just received your note of the 11th instant
pertaining to the recomnendations of the Aetna Life
Insurance Cornpany relative to certain safety devices
for machirnes in the shops and laboratories of the Col-
lege of Engineering.

My estimate of the cost of Providing these safety de-
vices is $385.00.   We have a difficult time in carrying
on the operations of the College of Engineering with
the money provided for such purpose and it would be im-
possible to take from our current budget this amount of
money.   If money is appropriated for this purpose, I
will be glad to comply with the recommendations of the
inspector of the Aetna Life Insurance Company.

This report might indicate to the casual observer that
we do not give consideration to the question of safety
in our various shops and laboratories but I have been
always much concerned in protecting instructors and
students from serious injury.   As evidence of our watch-
fulness in the installation of safety devices we have
been singularly free from accidents.    The inspectors of
insurance companies frequently indulge in hair-splitting
reasoning and whereas they do much good in the general
work of accident prevention they at times become a nui-
sance in making recommendations for installing safety
devices that are unnecessary.    I will, however, be very
glad to carry out the full detail of the safety report
if money is provided for so doing.

Very truly yours,

F. Paul Anderson



              Aetna Life Insurance Company

                           St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 14, 1929

University of Kentucky

Gentlemen:     Attention:  D. H. Peak, Business Agent

I am in receipt of your letter of January 12th with ref-
erence to suggestions which our Inspector made pertain-
ing to the physical condition of equipment around the
Farm and Experimental Station at Lexington, Ky.

The report of our Safety Engineer indicates that the phys-
ical condition of the equipment in this Experimental Sta-
tion, as far as safety precattions are concerned, is much
below the average manufacturing plant in the State of

The men who use this equipment will be the owners, manag-
gers and superintendents of our future plants in this
state.   It seems to the writer that every effort should
be made by our State Institutions to train and educate
the future heads of business in the great problem of
accident prevention.

nhat will be the future attitude of the young men who
receive their training around unguarded, dangerous equip-
ment in this College when they leave and accept positions
of authority in manufacturing plants.   The National
Safety Council and other public organizations interested
in safety have come to the conclusion that safety begins
at home and in our schools.   For this reason we believe
that every effort possible be made to immediately comply
with the suggestions which our trained engineers have
submitted regarding your physical equipment.

We also believe that every effort should be made to ed-
ucate the students in this Institution along safety lines
and we will be glad to render any assistance possible in
such a movement.

                               Very truly yours,

                                  S. R. Millman
                                  Supervisor of Inspections

SRH*1W       COPY



    8. Report of Mlerorial Building Funds.   President HcVey
reported hant a stater.mient had been received from John R. Down-
ing,'treasurer of the Memorial Building Fund, that certain
securities had been sold and placed to the credit of the fund.
The list of these securities is as follows:

    33,000.  Armour P-la-ware 5-s, 10 43@903/4 less N.Y.
               Com.                               *$2,716.50
               Acord. Int.                            38.50
     4,000    Int. Mere. M.arine Gs, 41l1011 less
               N.Y. Cor.                           4,032.00
     1,000    Same @ 101 1/8 less N.Y. Comr.      1,009.25
               Accrd. Int.                           145.00
     3,000    Amer. Tel. and Tel. 52 s, 1943
               @105 1/8 less Com.                  3,147.75
               Accrd Int.                             86.00
      2,000   Phila. -lec. Power 5Bs ,1972
               @103 less Corn.                     2,056.00
               Accord. Intt.                          lo.50
               Interest allowance @4% from 3/25
                    to 4/9                            20057


$13 ,248.07

     9. Electrical Equipment for Dairy Building.   Motion was
made$ seconded and carried authorizing the President of the
University of Kentucky to advertise for bids for electrical
equipment in the Dairy and Office Building.

    10. Injumies to Employees. President McVey reported that
Stephen Saunier, an employee in the machine shops at the Uni-
versity, had recently lost an eye as a result of a piece of
steel entering his eye.   The President indicated that Mr. Saun-
ier had received insurance from the Workmen's Compensation
Board in the amount of $1200 for the loss of his eye.

     The President presented a letter from Dean Cooper regard-
ing an injury received by an employee at the Robinson Sub-Ex-
periment Station.



                                  Lexington, Ky.
                                  April 8, 1929

     President Frank L. McVey
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President MicVey:

               In accordance with our conversation, I am
     presenting a brief statement relative to the Henderson
     Corbs case.

               Hr. Combs, an employee on the Robinson forest
     tract, was struck on the leg by a piece of timber.
     Some eight or ten days following, he complained that he
     was disabled.   Mr. Jones, the superintendent, suggested
     that he have Dr. Hoge.make an examination.   After mak-
     ing the examination, Dr. Hoge reported sores rather than
     injury, for which he gave Mr,. Combs several treatments.
     The case was reported by Mr. Peak to the Aetna Insurance
     Company.   Their adjuster made a trip to Jackson, took
     up the matter with Dr. Hoge and refused compensation as
     he indicated that the injury on the leg was not a dis-
     abling one, but due to "an infection in his blood rather
     than from the contusion."   The matter is thus returned
     t'o the University, Dr. Hoge expecting to receive his
     fee from us.

                The quest ion is whether we may legally pay
     this fee, it having been refused by the insurance com-
     pany which Vre employ to protect us against such claims.
     The total sum involved is $45.   It is my suggestion,
     unless there is some legal reason why we should not,
     that we secure authorization to make the payment.    I
     should not hesitate to draw the requisition at present,
     except for the possible questions of liability and
     legality that may be involved.

                                Very truly yours,

                                     Thomas Cooper
                                     Dean and Director

     The matter was discussed and motion was made, seconded anr
carried that the bill of Dr. Hoge be paid.



    1.1. Lease of Part of Scovell Park.  A communication from
Asher Coal Company was presented to the Board of Trustees, ask-
ing permission to lease a part of Scovell Park for the purpose
of installing a coal yard.  The matter was considered and a
motion made, seconded and carried that the request be declined.

     12. Bill of J. Pelham Johnston for Professional Services.
A bill of J. Pelham Johnston for professional services in pre-
paring agreements and entering inta other legal matters for
the year 1927-1928 for the University of Kentucky for 12301.05
was presented and on motion duly seconded carried and the bill
was ordered paid.

    13, Refort on Title to Scovell Park. A communication from
Mr. J. Pelham Johnston giving a report on the title to Scovell
Park recently conveyed to the University of Kentucky by the
City of Lexington was presented to the Board and after due
consideration a motion was made, seconded and carried that the
report be ordered filed with the deed to the property.

     14. Dormitory Regulations in New Dormitories.  The question
of dormitory regulations and room rent to be charged in the
new dormitories at the University of Kentucky was presented
by President McVey and the following Resolution was offered,
seconded and carried:  That the President of the University
be authorized to fix rules and regulations governing the let-
ting of rooms in the new dormitories for men now being erected
by the University, and that a rental charge of $6.00 a week
for a room with study be fixed as the rate to be charged for

     15. Gift of Carnegie Corporation for Summer Session. Pres-
ident McVey announced to the Board that a communication had
been received from the Carnegie Corporation, 522 Fifth Avenue,
New York City, making a gift of $1350.00 to the summer session
of the University for the support of summer courses for school
librarians for the year 1929,  IMotion was made, seconded and
carried that the gift be accepted and the Secretary of the
Board be instructed to acknowledge receipt of the communication
and express appreciation of the Board of Trustees for the gift.



     16. Fraternity House Inspection.   In accordance with
.the regulations established by the Board of Trustees governing
the inspection of fraternity houses at the University of Ken-
tucky, a report from the Dean of Men and Dr. J. S. Chambers,
head of the Hygiene Department, was presented to the Board,
read and discussed, and motion was made, duly seconded, and
carried that the report be made of record.   The report was
as follows:

            Report on Fraternity House Inspection

                   Second Semester 1928-29
              Inspection by Dr. J. S. Chambers

Alpha Gamma Epsilon
  657 S. Lime
  Grade B-

Alpha Gamma Rho
  185 E. Maxwell
  Grade 0-

Alpha Sigma, Phi
  433 E. Kaxwell
  Grade B-

Alpha Tau Omega
  239 S. Lime
  Grade C

Delta Chi
  25)E BE. .axwell
  Grade B-

Delta Tau Delta
  264 Lexington Ave.
  Grade B-

House is overcrowded and very
poorly arranged; furniture and
equipment bad. Management is
as well as could be expected
under such conditions.

A dark and gloomy house, poorly
arranged and equipped and not, kept
very clean.

This house is fairly well managed
but is improperly arranged and
inadequately equipped. The attic
dormitory constitutes a dangerous
fire hazard.

A very poorly furnished house, with
bad equipment, very poorly heated
and not very well kept.

A splendid fraternity house but
badly worn. It is not well furnished
and is greatly in need of repairs.
Also overcrowded.

This house is fairly well kept and
managed with the exception of the
third floor which is dirty and very



Kappa Alpha
  320 Linden Walk
  Grade 0-

Kappa Sigma
  430 E. Maxwell
  Grade D

Phi Delta Theta
  MFT   Lime
  Grade C

Phi Kappa Tau
  411 E. Maxwell
  Grade B.

Phi S   a Kappa
  453 E. Maxwell
    d e D

Pi Kappa Alpha
  282 Rose St.
  Grade B-

Sigina Alpha Epsilon
  230 S. Lime
  Grade C

Sigma Beta Xi
  328 Aylesford PI.
  Grade B-

Improperly arranged, poorly heated
and furnished throughout. Also very
badly managed.

This house under present management
is not decently habitable.   The only
rooms that are reasonably well kent
are the main living room, parlor and
dining room.   The kitchen and cookts
quarters are a terrible conglomeration
of garbage, dirty clothes, etc.  Burned
matches, cigarette atube and a coating
of dust cover the floors of the study
rooms.   The attic dormitory consti-
tutes a dangerous fire hazard and is
greatly overcrowded.   Dormitory linen
very unclean.

This is one house in which the attic
dormitory is spacious, well kept and
clean but dangerous as a fire hazard.
The house in general is very poorly
arranged and not well kept.

This house is small and consequently
rather crowded.   Poorly arranged with
inadequate heating facilities but is
well kept and well managed.

A house that is overcrowded, dirty,
inadequately furnished and very poorly

A good house but improperly arranged
for a fraternity house.   Only fairly
clean and not very well kept.

A house that is entirely too warm, not
very clean and poorly furnished.

Having a house-mother, the result is
that this house is well managed and
well kept.   However, it is crowded,
poorly arranged and only fairly furnish-



Sigma Chi
  Rose & Kalmia
  Grade B

Sigma Nu
  173 Euclid
  Grade B-

  Forrest Park Rd.
  Grade B

Ments Dormitory
  Grade A

This is a new house built on the fra-
ternity house plan.   They have a
house-mother and as a consequence it
is fairly well managed.   Arrangement
and equipment is good but the rooms
are not very clean nor well furnished.
There is some bad plaster on the walls.

Built for a fraternity house; well ar-
ranged and fairly well managed. Rath-
er worn but seems to be kept fairly

The attic dormitory is not very clean
and is a dangerous fire hazard.   Othe.-
wise the house is clean, fairly well
fatn4shed and equipped.

Byfr the best student quarters seen.

