xt773n20ct5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20ct5p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1999-04-jun8. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1999-04-jun8. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1999-04-jun8. 1999 1999-04-jun8. 2011 true xt773n20ct5p section xt773n20ct5p 

                                TENTATIVE AGENDA

                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                  University of Kentucky
                                         1:00 P.M.
                                       June 8, 1999


Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1   President's Report to the Trustees
        A.  Strategic Plan Report

PR 2   Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration (No items to report)

PR 4    Community College System
        A. Candidates for Degrees - Community College System

PR 5   Lexington Campus (No items to report)

PR 6   Medical Center
        A. Reappointment to Board of Directors of the FUND for Advancement of Education and
                 Research in the University of Kentucky A.B. Chandler Medical Center
       B. Agreement Between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the Ten Months
         . Ended April 30, 1999
2.    Disposal of Surplus Property
3.    Certification for Abandonment of Facility
4.    Report of Leases
5.    Approval of Lease
6.    Patent Assignment Report
7.    Coldstream Research Campus Building Lease - Kentucky Technology, Inc.
8.    Aluminum Industry Pledge
9.    Anonymous Gift to Establish Thomas P. Lewis Professorship
10.    Buckhorn Professorship in Child Welfare


11.    Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital Pledge to Establish Three Endowed Chairs
12.    Center on Aging Foundation Gift and Pledges
13.    Endowed Professorships in College of Medicine
14.    Establishing the Wendell H. Ford Professorship in Public Policy
15.     Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc. Pledge
16.     Harper Industries, Inc. Pledge
17.     Helen Thacker Hill Pledge
18.    Jane B. Stephenson Pledge
19.    J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, Inc. Pledge
20.     Kentucky-American Water Company Pledge
21.     Marcia Radosevich Pledge
22.     Paul Chellgren Pledge
23.     Professorship in Physiology and Biophysics
24.     Robert Straus Professorship in Behavioral Sciences
25.     Society of Women Engineers, University of Kentucky Student Section Pledge
26.     University of Kentucky Research Foundation Pledge
27.     Operating Budget for 1999-2000

Other Business

Communications from University Senate and Matters Related to May 4, 1999 Board action regarding
President Charles Wethington's contract.


       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
June 8, 1999.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, June 8, 1999 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and
the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Martin Welenken.

      B.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. Ted
Bates, Governor Edward T. Breathitt (Chairperson), Mr. Nathan Brown, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren,
Mr. Merwin Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Mr. James F. Hardymon, Professor Loys L.
Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed,
Professor Daniel R. Reedy, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian Sims, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Mr.
Martin Welenken, Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Russell Williams.
The University administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.;
Chancellors James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents Fitzgerald Bramwell,
Joseph T. Burch, Ben W. Carr, Edward A. Carter, George DeBin and Eugene Williams; Dr.
Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton, Director of
Athletics, Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel, and Paul Van Booven, Deputy General

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

      C.    Approval of Minutes

      Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on May 4, 1999 had been
distributed and asked for any additions or corrections.

      Dr. Stumbo said that an issue had been brought up about the closed session of the May
meeting (section F in the Minutes) and whether the Board had a legal meeting. He asked if that
issue had any bearing on section F. Governor Breathitt answered, "no."

      Governor Breathitt said that the minutes are a verbatim report of the tape of the meeting
that was held. Mr. Welenken moved that the Minutes be approved, and Mr. Chellgren seconded
the motion.

      Mr. Miles said he would like to move to amend the motion to approve the minutes to add
the following statement to the motion: "While Section F of the proposed minutes of the May 4,
1999 meeting accurately reflects what occurred in that portion of the meeting, it is the sense of
this Board of Directors that that action was taken to extend President Wethington's contract did


- 2-

not comply with the Open Meetings statute and KRS 164.170(2). The extension of Dr.
Wethington's contract as executed by the Trustees and the Chair should make the submit the
contract extension to this Board for the extension of that portion of the meeting described in the
agenda for the meeting as "Other Business" including matters related to the May 4, 1999, Board
action regarding President Wethington's contract." He passed out a copy of what had been
determined by legal counsel hired by him to be those violations. (See copy attached to the
Minutes marked Attachment 1.)

       Governor Breathitt ruled the motion out of order for the following reasons: this is a
matter that should be addressed in the discussion of any motions that might be made pursuant to
action on the agenda that has been published. He said at that time he would be happy to
recognize Mr. Miles for the purpose of making such a motion.

      Mr. Miles said, "Governor, it states in the law that anything to be on the agenda which is
one of my -- and I have legal counsel that has given me this information -- that anything
KRS 164.170(2) that the agenda for each of the meetings of the UK Board shall be sent to each
member prior -- and there are six of these violations -- that they look at these and they are not in

      Governor Breathitt called on parliamentarian and counsel for the University, Mr. Van
Booven, to address the question.

      Mr. Van Booven said, "Mr. Chairman, I believe your ruling is correct. The motion is out
of order. The statute cited by Board member Miles is, I think, inapposite to this, because
although an agenda must be sent to each Board member, there is no prohibition in the law that
says other matters can't come before the Board at any meeting, other than at a special meeting.
The last meeting was not a special meeting."

       Governor Breathitt said, "You have heard the motion and the second. All those in favor
signify by saying 'aye' and opposed 'no'. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted and the
Minutes are approved."

      Mr. Miles asked for a "show of vote." Governor Breathitt said there would be a roll call
vote and asked the Secretary to call the roll.

       Mr. Williams asked that the motion be clarified.

       Governor Breathitt said that the motion is to approve the Minutes as sent out to the
Board. He said that his ruling that Mr. Miles amendment is out of order is supported by the
Legal Counsel of the University; Mr. Miles amendment is a proper motion to be made at the time
that it is called in the agenda. He said he had made it very clear to the press and to the public and
in his two op-ed statements that the Board would take up this matter at the appropriate time. He
said he would recognize Mr. Miles at that time, and he can make his motion.

       Governor Breathitt asked the Secretary to call the roll on the approval of the Minutes. He
explained that those in favor of the motion to approve the Minutes should signify by saying


- 3 -

"aye" and opposed "no." He further explained that a vote "aye" is to approve the Minutes, a vote
"no" is to take the position of Mr. Miles. Upon a vote being taken on Mr. Miles motion, the
result was as follows:

                                        Aye          No

       Ted Bates                        X
       Edward Breathitt                 X
       Nate Brown                                   X
       Paul Chellgren                   X
       Merwin Grayson                   X
       Jack Guthrie                     X
       James Hardymon                   X
       Loys Mather                                  X
       Robert Meriwether                X
       Billy Joe Miles                              X
       Elissa Plattner                              X
       Steven Reed                                  X
       Daniel Reedy                                 X
       Frank Shoop                                  X
       Marian Sims                      X
       Grady Stumbo                                 X
       Martin Welenken                  X
       JoEtta Wickliffe                             X
       Billy Wilcoxson                  X
       Russ Williams                                X

       Mr. Grayson reported that the vote was ten and ten.

       Governor Breathitt asked the parliamentarian what a ten-ten vote meant.

       Mr. Van Booven replied, "I don't know, sir."

       Governor Breathitt stated that the Minutes were not approved and he continued with
business. He called on President Wethington for the President's report.

      D.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. The new Center for Advanced Networking has received a $3 million grant from the
          National Science Foundation and the Commonwealth of Kentucky for equipment to
          analyze atomic structures.


- 4 -

       2. The College of Allied Health Professions clinical laboratory science division has been
          ranked number one among the top 15 programs in the nation by Clinical Laboratory

       3. Jeffrey B. Dembo, Oral Surgery, has been reappointed Academic Ombud for the
          1999-2000 academic year. The Ombud works with students and faculty members to
          resolve complaints and grievances concerning academic affairs.

       4. The "nun study" at the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging shows folic acid may be
          linked to Alzheimer's disease. A common nutrient found in multivitamins, leafy
          green vegetables and bread may retard the destruction of the brain caused by
          Alzheimer's disease, according to new findings from the "nun study."

       President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at their

       E.    Strategic Plan Report

       President Wethington said that the Strategic Plan, Progress Report 1998-99, document
had been sent to the Board. The report gives a description of the progress the University has
made toward achieving the goals established in the strategic indicators for the next five-year
period. The first year of the five-year period has just been completed, and this report outlines the
progress made during the last year. He noted that the strategic indicators which the Board
approved one year ago have not been ignored, and the University has made significant progress.
He presented the following slides:


- 5 -



               Progress Report


_0_ 0 K N
  We aspir to enhance the
Univermity ofKentucky's statur
   as one of the nation's
   girat universities


   *    Purpose of this Progress Report is to provide a baseline
         measure for each strategic indicator.

   *    Baseline years will vary, depending on availability of
         most current data.

   *    Information provided will serve over the next 4 years to:
          focus and guide planning, evaluation, and budgeting efforts
          provide information for use in administrative decision-making
         F act as a yardstick against which we evaluate our success

UK   University of Kentucky Strategic Plan       1998-99 Progress Report


- 6 -

UJK    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 1: Have ten or more "target of opportunity" research and graduate
education programs and/or professional programs ranked in the top 20 or the top
quartile of public research universities.

Ranking               Top Programs                 Comparison Group

Top Quartile            -   Toxicology              NRC / all
Top 20                     Spanish                  NRC / public
Top 20                  )   Geography                NRC / public
Top 20                     Anatomy                  NIH / public
Top 20                  -  Pharmacology             NIH / public
Top Quartile            -  Physiology               NIH / all
Top 20                  )   Surgery                  NIH / public
Top 3                      Pharmacy                 U.S. News & World Report/all
Top Quartile               Martin School of Public  U.S. News & World Report/all
                       Policy & Public Administration

 ; UK   University of Kentucky Strategic Plan             1998-99 Progress Report

Indicator 2: Strengthen the institutional commitment to the first professional
degree programs to continue and enhance their national standing.

  -         ~PharmacyL  - ranked 3rd in the nation out of 81 pharmacy
         programs offering the doctorate degree, including both public
         and private institutions. (U.S. News and World Report)

         Law - ranked 50th out of 181 accredited law schools,
         including both public and private institutions; ranked 26th
         among public research universities. (U.S. News & World Report)

       Medicine - ranked 33rd of 74 public medical schools. (NIH)

1998-99 Progress Report


- 7 -

Indicator 3: Improve UK's position among U.S. public research universities
(based on NSF ranking) from 46th to 40th.

          NSF Ranking Among Public Research Universities

42 -

99-00    00-01     01-02    GOAL

96-97    97-98     98-99

1998-99 Progress Report

U1K      University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

L1zndicatr 4L  - Increase research and development support to $145 million
per year.
                Research and Development Support

  $180 -
  $170 -
  $160 -
  $150 -
  $140 -
  $130 -
  $120 -

Source: NSF Re



97-98    98-99     99-00     00-01     01-02     GOAL

IJK    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

                                             _  - - *  
461_ _ _ - - - -- - - -


  $124.8 _________-- - O


1998-99 Progress Report


- 8 -

UJK       University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 5: Seek state support for the sustained financial commitment
necessary to achieve the goals established for the University in HB1.

    * University's application for the Research Challenge Trust Fund dollars
        was approved - $8 million was released for 1998-99 ($4.0 million recurring
        and $4.0 million nonrecurring).

    *  To date, the University has matched $60. 0 million of the $66.7 million
        designated for UK in the Research Challenge Trust Fund for endowments
        to further research and graduate programs and initiatives.

    * The 1998-2000 Commonwealth Budget also included a $1 7.5 million state-
        supported research equipment bond pool for UK.

    * Additional support will be sought in the 2000-2002 Commonwealth

1998-99 Progress Report

JJK       University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

i Indicator 6: Increase by 15% the number of graduate student publications in
refereed journals, presentations at professional meetings, and/or earned recognition
for juried creative products.

Type of Recognition       1997    1998   1999    2000    2001   2002   Goal

 Publications            553      652                                   636
 Presentations            819     939                                   942
 Projects                  22      30                                    25
 TOTAL                  1,394    1,621                                 1,603

1998-99 Progress Report


- 9 -

1JK       University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 8: Increase to 40% the number of entering freshmen on the
Lexington Campus/Medical Center who score 26 and above on the ACT (or
equivalent on the SAT).

                       Percent of Entering Freshmen
                     Scoring 26 and Above on the ACT

  40      36.9%      36.2%-                                        40.0%
  1 0
         97-98      98-99      99-00       00-01      01-02      GOAL
         (Baseline)                Fall Semester

11K    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan               1998-99 Progress Report

Indicator 9: Improve to 55% the percentage of full-time undergraduate
students (first-time degree-seeking freshmen) who earn a baccalaureate degree
within six years of matriculation.

                       Six-Year Graduation Rates


           48.4%     50.8%_____----                           -  


            91        92         93         94         95        GOAL
          (Baseline)                Fall Cohort

1998-99 Progress Report


- 10-

U  K    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 10: Maintain faculty salaries and benefits at a level competitive with
comparable institutions.

                              Faculty Salaries

                                  _ S  6      3     ,    1       3   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~63,3

   Benchmark Median

                              _=_ SS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$8,916

                              _ _ S     6      0    ,    7     1      4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$0,1

 University of Kentucky  _.

                               -                                S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~57,024

                 $0      $10     $20      $30      $40     $50      $60     $70
                                           (In Thousands)
 WIK(r University of Kentucky Strategic Plan                  1998-99 Progress Report

UJIV          -         v

Indicator 11: Maintain staff salaries and benefits at a level competitive with
comparable institutions, or the local market as appropriate.

    * A new system utilizing a salary structure consisting of 24 job grades was
        developed and implemented in 1998

    * Maintenance of the system requires market analysis of salaries at least
        every other fiscal year

Benefits program will be maintained by studying:
    * Annual surveys conducted by nationally recognized consulting firms

    * National surveys of not-for-profit organizations

    * Comprehensive benefits survey conducted by the University's Employee
        Benefits Committee

1998-99 Progress Report


- 11 -

  Indicator 12: Increase the number of graduate degrees by 10%.

                     Graduate Degrees Awarded

 1,600 -
        96-97    97-98    98-99    99-00    00-01     01-02    GOAL

UI K    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan                1998-99 Progress Report

I Indicator 13: Add 40 faculty positions, to include at least 25 endowed chairs,
and endow at least an additional 25 professorships to strengthen research and
education initiatives.

  Additional              As of      1999    2000     2001     2002     Goal
  Positions               6/30/98   (through
                          (Baseline)  April)

   Endowed Chairs            23        59                                  48
   Professorships            52       112                                  77

   * Also, 54 faculty positions created

 JJK    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan                 1998-99 Progress Report


- 12-

UJK       University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 14: Simplify and improve the University Studies Program.

University Studies Program Committee (USP) put forth three

   * Two recommendations will simplify the USP by giving
       students more choice in course selection.

   *  One recommendation will improve the USP by adding an
       emphasis on diversity in the United States.

   *  University Senate must now discuss and approve the

1JK    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan     1998-99 Progress Report

Indicator 16: Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky
Plan for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of
the University Affirmative Action Plan.

         EEO GOAL #1: Increase the percentage of resident African-American
         undergraduate students in the University System to 7.0%.

     Resident African-American Undergraduates as a Percent of Total

7% -63
6% -5.7%      5.8%    6.0%     63
      95-96   96-97    97.98    98-99   99-00   00-01    01-02   GOAL
      (Baseline)                  Fall Semester

1998-" Progress Report


- 13 -

UJ  K     University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 16: Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky
Plan for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of
the University Affirmative Action Plan.
      / EEO GOAL #2: Increase the first-to-secondyear retention rate of resident
      African-American first year students in the University System to 77.6%.
                First-to-Second Year Retention Rate of Resident
                African-American and White First Year Students


80%         77.6%          80.4                                  77.6%
      72.9%  _      73.0%i              ij   j  
70%_ __ _1 __

60% -                             I      _
        94 to 95      95 to 96       96 to 97      97 to 98     GOAL
        (Bas in'e                   Fall to Fall
                    EAfrican-American                 MW hite

U1  K   University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 16: Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky
Plan for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of
the University Affirmative Action Plan.

      / EEO GOAL #3: Increase the percentage of resident African-
      American graduate students in the University System to 5.3%.

           *      EEO Goal #3 - 5.3%

           * 1995-96 Baseline - 4.7%

           *      Fall 1998-6.4%

1998-99 Progress Report

1"8-99 Progress Report


- 14-

U  uK   University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator 16: Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky
Plan for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of
the University Affirmative Action Plan.

          Affirmative Action GOAL #1: Increase the percentage of African-
          Americans in executive, administrative and managerialpositions to 5.0% in
          the University System and in Lexington Community College ( / ).

              African-Americans in Executive, Administrative, and
          Managerial Positions as a Percent of Total (University System)

6% -                                                                     5.0%
4% -   3.6%     3.7%     3.8%      3.7%

      9 5-9 6  9 6-9 7  9 7-9 8  9 8-9 9   9 9-0 0  0 0-01I  01 -0 2  GOAL

TlJW   University of Kentucky Strategic Plan                  1998-99 Progress Report


Indicator 16: Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky
Plan for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of
the University Affirmative Action Plan.

      Affirmative Action GOAL #2: Increase the percentage of women in
      executive, administrative, and managerial positions to 41.0% in the
      University System and in Lexington Community College ( 1 ).

Year                University System

1998-99                     40%
1997-98                     41%
1996-97                     41%
1995-96                     39%

1"8-99 Progress Report


- 15 -

t J I X        -      -

Indicator 16: Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky
Plan for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of
the University Affirmative Action Plan.
       Affirmative Action GOAL #3: Increase the percentage of African-Americans
       in faculty positions to 4.0% in the University System and to 5.0% in Lexington
       Community College (1).

 African-Americans in Faculty Positions as a Percent of Total (University System)

    5%.6                  38%4.0%


       95-96    96-97    97-98     98-99    99-00    00-01     01-02    GOAL

FI1(   University of Kentucky Strategic Plan                 1998-99 Progress Report

Indicator 16: Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky
Plan for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of
the University Affirmative Action Plan.
      Affirmative Action GOAL #4: Increase the percentage of women in
      faculty positions to 31.0% in the University System and to 52.0% in Lexington
      Community College (/).

      Women in Faculty Positions as a Percent of Total (University System)

                       _                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~31.0%
 30%  -27.4%     27.9%    28.1%    28.3%

         95-96   96-97    97-98    98-99    99-00    00-01    01-02   GOAL

WT1K( University of Kentucky Strategic Plan                   1998-99 Progress Report




- 16-


Indicator #18: Ensure that at least 50% of the sections in lower division
courses and 65% of the lower division credit hours are taught by full-time faculty.

    Percent of Lower Division Sections and Student Credit Hours
                      Taught by Full-Time Faculty

UJK     University of Kentucky Strategic Plan               1998-99 Progress Report

70% -


0%                                  I
         98-99         99-00         00-01         01-02         GOAL
         (Baseline)                Fall Semester
                           I-Sections EStudentCreditHours |

Indicator #22: Seek funding to add/or substantially renovate 400,000 square
feet of research-related space.

  * Request for 220,000 square foot Biomedical Sciences Research Building in
      2000-2002 capital request

  * 100,000 square foot Mechanical Engineering Building underway, 1999

  * Phase II, 175,000 square foot Aging/Allied Health Building underway, 1999

  * 100,000 square foot Agricultural Plant Science Facility underway, 1999

  * Phase I of the Animal Science Research Center is planned for completion
      this year; Phase H will be proposed in the 2000-02 capital plan and request

WI1( University of Kentucky Strategic Plan              1998-99 Progress Report


- 17-

U  K     University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator #23: Seek funding to substantially modernize 100,000 square feet
of instruction-related space.

   Quality of        1998-99    1999-00    2000-01   2001-02     2002-03
   Classrooms        Baseline                                      Goal

   Fair                 36%:,                                        0%

   Good to Excellent 64%                                           100%

   * 36 percent is slightly over 100,000 square feet

UJK    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan               1998-99 Progress Report

Indicator #24: Improve the University Libraries ranking among public
research libraries from 32nd to 28th.

University Libraries Ranking Among Public Research Libraries

26 -
                 30th               _________--                *           |
30         - -         ,        .



      96-97    97-98     98-99     99-00    00-01     01-02    GOAL

1998-99 Progress Report


- 18-

U.K     University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

Indicator #25: Complete installation of the campus network to on-campus
faculty offices, laboratories, and classrooms, and to student residence halls.

Faculty and Student Connections:
    * 80% of UK and LCC faculty have Ethernet connections
    * Switched Ethernet to increase the network speed 10 times
    * Over 1,200 PCs available in student computing labs
    * 6,000 residence hall connections to be installed by fall 1999
Network Services to Support Research and Instruction:
    * Connected to statewide ATM network created to support the Commonwealth
        Virtual University and Library
    * Founding member of Internet 2 (national research network)
    * Connected to Southern Crossroads, a regional high-speed research network
    * Internet use has expanded from 4.3 million hits in October 1996 to 26.4 million
        hits in October 1998
UI K    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan                1998-99 Progress Report

Indicator #26: Continue the implementation of the comprehensive plan to
provide state-of-the-art academic computing for students and facilitate effective
applications of such new technologies in teaching and learning.

Student Computing.
    * 1,200 PCs in 20 state-of-the-art student computing labs, six of
        which are open 24 hours a day

    * Over 200 public computers in William T. Young Library

    * Wireless networks installed strategically to support innovative
        applications of technology for instruction

 Teaching and Learning:
     * NETg, Distance Learning Technology Center, FACTS

     * Teaching and Learning Center courses such as "Teaching in the 21st
        Century: Instructional Technologies" as well as individual workshops
        designed to help faculty use technology to improve learning

1"8-99 Progress Report


- 19-

J    K    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan

   Indicator #27: Engage the entire UK community in celebrating the
   milestone of 50 years of African-Americans at UK and use this celebration as
   an accelerator for future progress toward greater diversity.....

   * College of Law presentation based on the famous Lyman T.
      Johnson court case

   * Historical marker dedicated to Lyman T. Johnson

   * Commemorative Video on history of UK desegregation

   * Commemorative Publication on accomplishments of African-
      American students, faculty, staff and alumni is being

   * University Convocation with Bishop Tutu in September 1999

   * Homecoming events in October 1999
IJK    University of Kentucky Strategic Plan         1998-99 Progress Report

Indicator #28: Complete the infrastructure construction for a total of 330
acres and have an inventory of 26 lots available for lease or leased at the
Coldstream Research Campus.

                               Infrastructure  Lots Available
Progress (Timeframe)             Completed         or Leased

Previous (1993-97)                   35              3
Baseline (1997-98)                   66               5
Phase I (1998-99)                   159                13
Phase II (late 1999)