xt773n20ct3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt773n20ct3h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960-05-jun24. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-05-jun24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-05-jun24. 1960 1960-05-jun24. 2011 true xt773n20ct3h section xt773n20ct3h 

           Minutes of Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky, June 24, 1960.

           The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in called
meeting in the President' s Office on the campus of the University at 10:00
a.m. , CST, Friday, June 24, 1960, with the following members present:
Robert P. Hobson, Vice Chairman; R. W. Bushart, William F. Foster, Robert
Hillenmeyer, H. B. Murray, Floyd H. Wright, Emerson Beauchamp, Clifford
E. Smith, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. Paul B. Hall, Thomas D. Clark and
Aubrey J. Brown.  Absent: Governor Bert T. Combs, Harper Gatton, J.
Stephen Watkins, Wendell P. Butler and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer. President
Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson were also present.

           A. Call.

           Governor Bert T. Combs, Chairman of the Board of Taustees of
the University of Kentucky, called a. meeting for Friday, June 24, at 10:00 a. m.
EST, in the Office of the President on the campus of the University for the pur-
pose of considering problems concerning the establishment of an Industrial
Research Center; the financing of the entire academic building program at the
University, and such other matters as might properly be.brought before the
Board for its consideration. The notice of call was issued June 14, 1960.

           B. Stenographic Transcript.

           Stenographic transcript of the meeting was taken by Miss Ann Rodes.

           C . P raxe7r.

           The Reverend Donald Herren, Southern Hills Methodist Church,
was introduced and gave the invocation.

           D, Financial Report.

           Mr. Peterson stated that the Financial Report had been mailed to
all members of the Board of Trustees prior to the meeting and requested any
questions concerning the Report.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Report was
authorized received and filed.



          OF KENTUCKY


June 13, 1960

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

         I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the University
of Kentucky for the eleven months period ended May 31, 1960. This report
contains a balance sheet and related financial statements which present
a complete financial picture of the period for all funds of the University.

         The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the period
reflect income realized for educational and general purposes in the amount
of $ 14, 188, 864. 98 or 99. 1 % of the budget estimate of $ 14, 324, 221. 10.
The expenditures, including encumbrances outstanding, amount to.,
$ 13, 043,640. 15. This represents 91. 1 % of the total Current General Fund
Appropriatiors of $ 14, 310, 282. 63.

                                   Respectfully submitted.

                                   Frank D. Peterson
                                   Vice President
                                   Business Administration



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  May 31, 1960

I. Current Funds:
   A. Geneiral-
       Cash in Bank
       Available Balance
       Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
       Deferred Charges
       Accounts Receivable
       Unrealized Income

$  558, 173.24
   257, 205. 00


Total General


B. Restricted:
   Cash in Bank
   Petty Cash Advances
   Accounts Receivable

$  770, 331.61
    17, 004. 00
 1, 870, 270.03
     8, 000.00

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

II   Loan FUDds:
         Cash it) Bank
         Notes Receivable

Total Loan Funds

f[  Endowment Funds:
        Cash in Bank

2,665, 605.64

$5,448, 202.54

$   46,421.81
   207, 999. 01
   48, 500. 00

$ 302,920.82

$   15, 103. 32
   221, 455.49

Totai Endowment Funds

$ 236, 558. 81

(negative figure )



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   May 31, 1960

      Current Funds:
      A. General-
           Reserve for Departmental Requisitions
           Reserve for Inventories
           Reserve for Auxiliary Enterprises
           Other Liabilities
           Appropriation Balances
           Unappropriated Surplus:
             Division of Colleges
             Agricultural Experiment Station

             Total General

      B. Restricted:
           Outstanding Check Liability
           Restricted Fund Balances

              Total Restricted

              Total Current Funds

II    Loan Funds:
           Due to Federal Government
           Principal. Ballances:
           University Student Loans
           Universitv Contribution-Nat'l
             Defense Educ. Act, 1958
           Expendable Balances


$ ( 98,566.16 )
   221, 339 72  122, 773.56


$   12,795,23



$ 183,702.00

$   74,588.67


95, 000. 00
24.218. 82

Total Loan Funds                                                $  302,920.82

III   Endowment Funds:
           Principal Balances
           Expendable Balances

$ 228,767. 26
     7, 791. 55

Total Endowment Funds

$ 236,558.81

( Deficit )



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   May 31, 1960


IV     Plant Funds:
       A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
             Available Balance, State Approps.
             Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer

          Total Unexpended Plant

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds:
     Cash in Bank
     Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
     Cash on Deposit, Trustee
     Unrealized Income

$ 13, 713, 610. 17

$ 15, 234,221.54


                  Total Retirement of Indebtedness

        C. Invested in Plant:
             Land                            $ 3
             Buildings                        39
             Equipment                        11
             Construction in Progress         21

                  Total Invested in Plant

                  Total Plant Funds

V      Agency Funds:
             Cash in Bank

197, 955.00
  2,519. 82
289, 713.78

516, 027. 03

,213, 336. 23
,490, 962. 00
,833, 167. 61

75, 673,371.20

$91, 423,619. 77

$    10, 882. 05
    150, 967. 19

Total Agency Funds

$   161,849. 24



University of Kentucky
    Balance Sheet
    May 31, 1960


IV      Plant Funds:
       A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
            Reserve for Plant Req's
            Plant Appropriation Balance

              Total Unexpended Plant Funds

       B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds

$ 11, 070, 196. 59


$   5-16. 027. 03

      Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Plant-
    Bonds Payable
    Due to Other Governmental Units
    Net Investment in Plant

      Total Invested in Plant

Total Plant Funds

V       Agency Funds:
            Agency Funds Balances

                   516, 027. 03

$12,690, 500. 00
    355, 115. 73
 62, 627, 755.47

$ 75, 673,371.20

$ 9 1, 423, 619. 77

$   161,849. 24

Total Agency Funds

$   161, 849. 24



        University of Kentuck';.
     Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
     July 1, 1959 and ended May 31, 1960

  I. Educational an-d General
    A. Student Fees-
        Incidental Fees and Tuition
        Trainirg School Fees
        Adult, and Extension Education Fees

        Toi.al Studeint Fees

    B. State Appropriations-
        Division. of Colleges
        Medical. Center
        Geological Projects
        Agricultural Experiment Station
        Agricultural Extension Service

        Total State Appropriations

    C. Federal Grants-
        Divisiori of Colleges
        Agricultural Experiment Station
        Agricui'tural Extension Service

        Total Federal Grants

    D. Endowment :ncome

    E. Sales A-rid Services of Educational Depts.
        Division of Colleges
        Agricuitura.l Experiment Station

        Total Sales and Services of Educational Depts.

    F. Returned Checks

       Tot al Education.al and General

 1 Service Enterprises.
   Post Office

m  Auxiliar, Enterprises
       Men's Residence Halls
       Women's Residence Halls

       Total Auxihiarv Enterprises

       Total General Fund Income


$1, 328, 000.00
    36, 000. 00
    136, 000.00


$ 1,225, 268. 85
    34, 095. 00
    106. 335. 55

$ 102,731. lF
     1, 905. 0.

$ 1, 500, 000. 00 $ 1, 365,3 99.40 $  134. 3W. 60

$ ,141,390.00 $6,141,390.00 $
    978, 500 00   978, 500. 00
    187, 300. 00  l87y 300.00
    862. 500.00   862,500.00
    972. 000. 00  972,000.00

$9,141,690.00 $9, 141, 690. 00  

$  146 009.60 $  128,876.31 $  17,133.29
    866., 791.00  866,791.00
  1,955,811.00  1,955.811.00

$2,968 6811 60 $2,951,-78.31 $  17,133.29

$   43,919.50 $    43,237.50 $       682.00

$   20,000.00 $   37,822.23 $  x 17,822. 23)
    650,000.00    650,466.28   (  '166. 28 )

$  670,000.00 $  (88., 288. 51 $  18, 288. 51)

$              $    1 528, 74 $    1, 528. 74

$ 14, 324 221. 10 $ 14., 188, 864. 98 $  135,356.12

$    4,000 00 $   10,334. 13 $  i, 3334. 13  

$  224,751. 00 $  213,680.35 $  11,070.65
    442,674,00    427,925.49    14 748. 5

$  667,425.00 $1' 641,605.84 $  25,819.16

$14, 995, 646. 10 $14, 840, 804. 95 $  154, 841. 15

( negarTive figure



         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Cur-rent Fiscal Period Which Begar
    July 1, 1959 and Ended May 31, 1960

I. Educational and General
  A. General

  B. General Expenses-
      Student Services
      Staff Welfare
      General Institutional Services

      Total General Expense

  C. Instruction and Departmental
       College of -
       Agriculture and Home Economics
       Arts and Sciences
       Graduate School
       Univ. Honors Program
       Univ. Extended Programs

       Total Instruction and Departmental

  D. Activities Relating to Educational

  E. Organized Research-
      Universitv Research
      Agricultural Experiment Station

      Total Organized Research

  F. Extension and Public Services-
      University Extension and Public
      Agr. Extension Services

      Total Extension and Public

G. Libraries

Appropriation Expenditures

$  260,407.70 $  205,404.34


312, 761.42

Outstanding  Unencumbered

$    6,657.48$   48, 345.88

     8,794. 15   31, 143.53
                  5,438. 691

   161,430.49    127,185.10      15,037.63    19,207.76

$  634,129 59 $ 565,385.21 $   23,831.78$   44,912.60

$  421, 302.59 $ 373,876.87 $   8,128.71$   39,297.01
2,263,200.22  2,043,615.58    20,727.26   198,857.38
   275,518.37    245,581.81       4,539.50    25,397.06
   523,593 06    466,880.45      10,529.65    46,182.96
   578,985.52    524,385.49       7,772.25    46,827.78
   131,450.16    117,846.45       2,345.40    11,258.31
   485,115.39    326,119.87      81,205.02    77,790.50
   43,893.99     38, 1 77.64     1,586.42     4., 129. 93
   108,941.66     91,940.24       3,610.02    13.391.40
   24,043.38     21.017.15         139.85     2,886.38
     6,000.00      3,420.19                    2, 57 9. 81
   514,828.03    406,980.70      87,991.38     19,855.95

$5,376,872.37 $4,659,842.44 $  228, 575. 46$  488,454. 17'

$   55,168.00 $    47,407.36 $      628.01$     7,032.63

$  196,890.33 $  166,080.66 $   19. 700.75$  11,108.92
2,372, 196 00  1,980,733. 01  19C,,806.79  194,656. 20

$2,569,086.33 $2,146, 813.67 $  216,507.54$  205,765.12

$  434,098.86 $  295,698.82 $   89,119.00$  49,281.04
2,927,811.00  2,592,334.32     56,767.25  278,709.43

$3,361,909.86 $2,888,033.14 $  145,886.25$  327,990.47

$  527,257.33 $ 484,015.04 $     7,724.11$  35,518.18



          University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
   July 1, 1959 and Ended May 31, 1960

                                         Appropriation  Expenditures  Outstanding  Unencumbered

 H. Operation and Maintenance of Physical
     Plant                            $ 1, 525,451.45$ 1,200, 444.27 $   216,484.05$  108,523.13

     Total Educational and General    $'14,310,282.63$ 12, 197,345.47 $  846,294.68$1,266,642.48

II Service Enterprises:
    Post Office                       $     27, 300.98$   23, 882. 20 $            $    3,418. 78

IIl. Auxiliary Enterprises
     Men's Residence Halls            $    203,800.00$    195,589.46 $     3,211.00$    4,999.54
     Women's Residence Halls               414,953.00     356,450.92      21,519.81    36,982.27

   Total Auxiliary Enterprises      $    618,753.00$   552, 040.38 $  24,730 81.$  41,981. 81

IV Student Aid                        $      4,000.00$      3,960.00 $             $       40.00

V  Working Capital                    $     74,915.00$     36, 152. 771$ 116,478.12$     5,410.35

VI Clearing Accounts                  $      2,055.27$     21, 1920 39 $  22,804.25$   41,941.37

VIII Debt Service-Bonds Retired       $     52, 000.00$    52. 000.00 $           $
   Debt Service- Reserve                    6, 252.50      6, 252.50

       Total Departmental
       Appropriations               $ 15, 095,559.38$ 12,820, 520. 17 $ 1, 010,307. 86$ 1, 264.7 31. 35

1 Negative figure


        University of Kentucky
 Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Year Which Began
    Ju` 1, 1959 and ended May 31, 1960

I. Unexpended Plant Funds-

Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Balance

Construction. Exp. Station         $
University of Ky. Electrical Dist.
Holmes Hall- Univ. Appro.
Medical School
Medical School Library Acquisitions and
Medical Si ence Building
Alpha Tau Omega Building
Men's New Dormitor,
Northern Extension Center
Western Extension Center
Medical Center Heating and Cooling
Plant Project
Medical Center Activation of Inventories
Southeastern Ky. Extension Center
Women's Dorm Architectural Services
University of Kentucky Medical Center
Hosp, & Outpatient Clinic
University of Kentucky; Expansior of M.
King Librai7
Reynolds Propert W
Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs-
Universit-ii4 of Kentuck.-
Medical Schiool Clearing             2
University of Kentucky Medical Center
Purchase of Spirdietop Farm
Universi1-v of Kentuckc, Life Museum
Urtiversity of Kentuck.l-, Steam ard Return
Line Rerovation
Medical Science Butlding and Equipment
Addition of Student 'Union Building
Alpha Gamma. Rho Frat. House
Sigma Chi Frat.. House
Medica.l School-Dental Wing
Demnal Science Building Equipment
Physical Science Building
Commerce Building
Spindletop Industrial Research Center Site
Spindletop Industrial Research Center
Administration Building

    Total Unexpended Plant Funds    $8

162, 249 17 $

35. 088.72
44, 781.49
132, 673.99

200, 000. 10
70. 027. 45
16.,027. 10
39. 947. 8
78. 568. 98

75, 000.00
61 9062 54
54. 115.73

178, 700.46

19 ?245.00
100, 000. 00

12,145.07 $

30,533.58 $

34, 088. 72

102, 354. 86

99, 689.16
20, 169. 81
10, 226 55

15, 601.97

3,543 21
14, 259.37

24, 230. 19

119,570. 52

  1, 000. 00
6, 088. 94

              100, 310.94
23,445.91      26,411.73
                5, 800. 55
15, 533. 57  325,930.35
17.205. 73   22, 208.05
32,110.46       3 837. 04

   323. 60
15, 378. 90
38. 149.41

74, 676.40
42, 140.43
1 706.95

67,099.52   1 1,600. 9

100, 000.00

19, 188. 40

6, 500. 00

   6,,500. 00

  1, 500.00
IS0 000. 00

10,990. 00

104, 000. 00
605: 671.07
19, 150.00
150. 000. 00
150, 000. 00
298, 400.00
10,600. 00
  4, 000. 00

150,000 00



1. 500. 00

10, 990. 00

6, 249.30
55,973, 20
  1, 999. 00
  5, 670. 00
  5, 670.00
190, 726.97
  3, 750.00

   90, 946. dO
   15, 117.00

2.,062, 580. 27

6, 00. 00

6, 804. 10
93, 924. 88
144,329. 00
45, 092. 76
224, 728.29
  4, 000. 00

  6, 000.00

   (3,000.00                                    6,000.00

3004, 185.23 $  895,021 44 $2,945,138.84 $4,164,024.95

II Retirement of Indebtedness Funds-
   A. Debt Service Fund
   lst P. WO A. Issue
   2nd. P. W. A. Issue

$   36,939.60
    17, 9J3. 40

$      936. 25
    17, 896, 99

$              $   36, 003. 35


       University of Kentucky
Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Year Which Began
  July 1, 1959 and ended May 31, 1960

Dormitory Rev. Bond Issue              $
Auditorium Field House Issue
Library Building Issue
Stadium Addition Issue
Donmitory Rev. Issue ( 456 Rose)
Journalism Building Bond Issue
Dormitory Rev. Issue ( 476 Rose)
Student Dormitories ( U. of Ky. )
Student Dorm ( Kappa Sigma)
Student Dorm ( Lambda Chi )
Student Dorm ( Phi Sigma Kappa)
Student Dorm ( Pi Kappa Alpha)
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1952
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1954
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Cooperstown Apartments
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Six Sorority Dorms
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Student Dorms Reserve
Dormitory Revenue Bond of 1956-
336 Clifton Avenue
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Holmes Hall
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1957-
468 Rose Street
Dormitory Revenue Bonds-342 Clifton Avenue
Housing Bond of 1958- Men's Dorm # 6

  Total Debt Service                   $

ppropriations Expenditures
24,723.25 $   20,625. 00
63,158.78     56, 756.25
80,598.31     35,080.00
19,758.26     19,687.50
  6,289.80      4,046.90
  29,048.50     12, 732.50
  5,029. 93     3, 762.50
  20,007. 23    12,884.18
  10,847. 79     6,442.08
  11,789.73      6,442.08
  10,237.95      6,442.08
  10,843.28      6,442.08
  59,950.50     59,615.00
  31,532. 11    31,392.50

201,958. 15






8, 166. 00
25,866 00


51, 870.00


$    4,098.25
        70. 76
     7, 123. 05
     3, 795. 87



18,750. 00

'*4. 00


47, 425.00


90. 021.25

180. 00

8, 130.00
25, 866.00

(5,235, 00)

895, 000. 82 $670, 759. 39 $            $  224,241.43

B. Sinking Lund Reserves with
    Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1955-
    Res. Holmes Hall
    Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1956-
    Res. Shawneetown
    Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1952-
    Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1954- Res.

    Total Sinking Fund Reserves

    Total Retirement of Indebtedness

    Total Plant Fund Appropriations

 (negative figure)

$   31,340.87 $



102,632. 10

$   31,340.87

104,466. 34

102,632. 10

$  291,785.60 $              $                 291,785.60

$ 1, 186,786.42 $ 670, 759.39 $             $  516,027.03

$9,190,971.65 $1,565,780.83 $2,945,138.84 $4,680,051.98




       University of Kentucky
  Statement of Other Fund Transactions
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1959 and ended May 31, 1960

Restricted Funds:

  Fund Balances

Loan Fund:

      University Student Loans
      University Contribution-Nat'l
        Defense Education Act, 1958


Endowment Funds:



Agency Funds:


          Combined Totals




July 1, 1959  Receipts       ments          May 31, 1960

$2,672,181.74 $6,918,231.63 $6,937,602^96 $2,652,810.41

$   73,424.81 $     1, 163.86 $             $   74,588.67

     3,557 77     16,853.56                     20,411.33
     39,925.60   ( 15,416.16) 1      290.62      24,218.82

$  116,908. 18 $   2,601.26 $     290.62 $  119,218.82

$  228, 242.41 $      524.85 $              $  228,767.26
     6,851.00      1,480.55         540. 00      7, 791.55

$  235,093.41 $    2, 005.40 $    540.00 $  236,558.81

$  163,473 05 $1,178,839.37 $1,180,463.18 $  161,849.24

$ 3, 187,656.38 $ 8, 101,677.66 $8,118,896-76 $3, 170,437. 28

( negative figure )

1. $ 17, 997. 42 transferred from Expendable to Principle Fund.



         E. Checks Authorized Transferred.

         Mr. Peterson submitted three checks, in the amount of $200. 00 each
 made payable to the University of Kentucky, for scholarships at the North-
 west Center (Henderson). He stated that he had been requested by the President
 of the Kentucky Research Foundation to endorse these checks, on behalf of the
 University, to the Kentucky Research Foundation.  Mr. Peterson stated that
 he did not consider it in his province as Treasurer of the University to endorse
 checks made payable to the University to the Foundation, a corporation. He
 asked for guidance and authorization of "he Board of Trustees.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer of the
University of Kentucky was authorized and directed to endorse the three checks
made payable to the University of Kentucky to the Kentucky Research Foundation.

         F. Loan AgreemeP        c  Ky 15-CH-36 (DS) Approved.

         Mr. Peterson Submitted to the Board a negotiated loan agreement with
the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Community Facilities Administration,
Washington, D. C., for $ i, 22-5 000, partially to finance the construction of
central kitchen-dining room a.nd dormitory facilities for girls.  He explained
that the loan agreement carries an interest rate of 3-1/8% per annum. Mr.
Peterson recommended that    agreement be approved and that authority be
granted for its execution.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the loan agreement,
Project No. Ky.15-CH-36 'DS) for $1, 225, 000, was approved and authorized
executed on behalf of the University.

         G. Agreement with thie liUited States Department of the Interior for
Water Invest gation.

        Mr. Peterson submitted agreement between the United States Depart-
ment of the Interior arnd the Uni-versity of Kentucky for cooperation in the cost
of investigation of water resources in the State of Kentucky. He stated that
tne funds involved came from State appropriations for statewide investigations
of surface water, ground water and quality of water, and recommended that
same be approved and authorized executed. Upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the agreement for investigation of water resources in the State was
approved and authorized executed,

        H. Alfred N. Brandonand Paul Parker to Do Consultation Work.

        President Dickey submitted a request from Dr. William R. Willard,
Vice President of the Medical Center, recommending that Mr. Alfred N.
Brandon, Medical Librarian, be permitted to serve as a library consultant
to the Temple University School of Medicine for the period of June 1317.
He stated that he felt that th"is work would add to the prestige of the Medical
Center and its library, and thazt Mr. Brandon could render a valuable service
to another academic institution,



         President Dick~ey submitted a recommendation from Dr. William R.
Willard that Mr. Paul Parker, Hospital Pharmacist, be permitted to continue
to do consultation work in thae planning and construction of hospital pharmacies
as long as it does not interfere with his responsibilities at the Medical Center.

         It was explained that Dr. Willard would periodically check and report
on the consultation work of these gentlemen, to make certain that their outside
work did not interfere with their duties at the University.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Mr. Brandon and Mr.
Parker were authorized to do the consultation work requested.

         I. Mr. Saidi Pand=aitan, Free-Fee Scholarship Granted.

         President Dickey recommended that Mr. Saidi Pandjaitan be given a
free-fee scholarship.  He stated that the Kettering Family Foundation was
making available to Mr. Pandjaitan for the coming academic year $750. 00
per semester, to include tuition and room and board in the dormitory.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, free fees for Mr.
Pandjaitan for the academic year 1960-61 were authorized granted.

        J. Film Services Work Transferred to College of Education.

        President Dickey reported that he had worked out with the head of Ex-
tended Services and Dean of the College of Education a transfer of handling the
film library and rental of the film services to the campuses of the State school
system, He'recommended that the sum of $26,563. 00 be transferred fromn
Account 1380 to a new account to be set up in the College of Education, Bureau
of School Services.  He also recommended that the funds in Account 3394,
designated as Income Accouxit, for Rental of Film Services, be transferred
and made available to the College of Education, Bureau of School Services. He
submitted a budget for the transfer and recommended that same be approved.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in, and the necessary budget adjustments au-
thorize d.

        K. Budgt Adjustment.

        President Dickey recommended that $1,000. 00 be transferred from
unappropriated surplus of the University to Account No. 100, to pay for extra
expenses incurred by the Regist-arl s Office in connection with pre-registra-
tion of students.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred
in the recommendation of the President.



        L. AFROTC and GFROTC Flight Training Contracts Approved.

        Mr. Peterson explained that the University had, for the past two years,
been carrying on air flight training programs for the Air Force and Ground
Force ROTC units at the University under a contract with the Armed Forces.
He explained that subcontracts for the flight training had been made, with all
necessary insurance to indemnify the University from suits incident to the
air flight training program. He stated that these contracts were subject to
renewal and recommended that approval be given to renew them for the
ensuing year under similar conditions as the previous contracts for these

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Air Force and
Ground Force ROTC contracts for flight training were authorized renewed and
extended for another year, and contract was authorized entered into with Bohmer
Flying Service as required.

        M. Appointment of Provost Approved.

        President Dickey made the following statement regarding reactivating
the position of provost, and made the following recommendation:

               During the past four years continuing consideration has
        been given to the organizational structure of the University.  The
        self-study which was completed a few months ago and the visit by
        the committee of consultants from other institutions have contribut-
        ed to the knowledge that certain changes in the administrative
        pattern of the institution were necessary.

               These changes are made necessary because of expanding
        programs of instruction and research, by increasing specialization
        and complexity in modern higher education, and by the rising need
        for effective communication, planning, coordination, and continuous
        s tudy.

               All administrative officers of a university should function
        in such a way that rapid decisions can be made--decisions which
        are based on a clearer understanding of the problems involved than
        the president as a single individual can possess.  The president and
        the chief administrative officers should form an "operating com-
        mittee'v or a v"cabinet" which will give thoughtful consideration to the
        alternative courses of action required for the operation and the
        advancement of the institution..  At the present time we have an
        executive vice president (Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain), a vice
        president for business administration (Dr. Frank D. Peterson),
        and a vice president for the Medical Center (Dr. William R. Willard).
        These men are outstanding and this University is one of the most
        fortunate of which I know because it has persons in these key positions
        who have vision and great ability. It has been increasingly clear,
        however, that as the University expands, not only in numbers of
        students but also in a variety of programs, an additional top adrmin-
        istrative officer is needed.



       In 1954 the University Board of Trustees created and filled
the position of Provost of the University. Upon the resignation
of Dean and Provost Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. , in 1957, 1 did not feel that
I had had adequate opportunity to study the organizational needs
of the University, and as a consequence. I did not recommend any
one to fill that vosition. The position was not abolished, and after
serious study, I am recommending today that the position be
filled--this time very much in keeping with the strict definition
of the term ftprovost"l as used in educational circles. I am recom-
mending that Dr. A. D. Albright, Executive Dean of Extended
Programs, also be named as Provost of the University, with duties
to be primarily in the major functions and programs of instruction
and research. The Provost? s office will have the responsibilities
of planning, coordination, and study of instructional programs, both
on-campus and off-campus. It is hoped that the Provost with the
assistance of the Deans of the various colleges can soon prepare
an inventory of instructional research presently being conducted in
the University. It is Proposed then that this group of persons charged
with the direct responsibility for the academic program of the insti-
tution can find increasingly effective means of coordinating the
instructional program of the University.

       As was pointed out in several sections of the self-study of
the University, systematic efforts to improve communication
processes are important in any large organization. However,
more than the usual effort must be made in universities because of
several circumstances which are inherent in these institutions, In
the first place, the interests of the several parts of the institution
are infinitely more specialized than those of most organizations in
modern society. Furthermore, they cover a wider range of subjects.
In this respect there is no comparison between most large industrial
corporations and a large university organization. Also, the essen-
tial but unusual individuality of thought and behavior of the academic
person presents specialized problems in communication. Similar
problems are often seen in hospitals, in laboratories, and in other
highly professionalized areas of both government and the corporation.
It is one of the task