xt770r9m6605 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6605/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-11-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 2007 2007 2007-11-27 2020 true xt770r9m6605 section xt770r9m6605 Avoiding the 'trap'




ll —Sl)/\Y


Cats focus on taking care of business tonight
before the UNC battle this weekend


Sports, p we 3





CPE aims to bring adult students back to classrooms

mm Laser
ilaster‘Qkykernel com

Cecile McKinney returned to col-
lege in 1984 with a full—time job. one
child and another one due the same day
as one of her final exams.

Now she is UK's Adult Student
Services director and the school's con-
tact person for Project Graduate. a new
effort that will work to bring Kentucky
adults back to college.

In a news conference yesterday. the
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary

Education announced the first phase of

its Double the Numbers program.

which aims to increase the amount of

college graduates in Kentucky to

800.000 by 2020.

Project Graduate. the first part of

the Double the Numbers program. will
target H.000 adults who have earned
90 or more credit hours but have not
obtained a bachelor's degree. said Jim
Applegate. the CPE‘s vice president for
academic affairs.

UK has identified 949 former stu—
dents with 90 or more credit hours as
the focus of a targeted marketing strate—
t1.“ .
“A letter from (UK President Lee
Todd) will go out to all of these stu-
dents saying. ‘We want you back.
here‘s what we have.‘ " Applegate said.

The new effort will work to make
an adult‘s transition back to college
smoother by improving the availability
of financial aid. night and weekend
classes. online courses and other ser—
vices. which are some concerns adult

students have had. Applegate said.
“There will be a lot of issues. but

we‘re at least working with the idea of

an academic ombudsman so
don‘t get lost in the shuffle."
gate said.

Adult students are only part of the
Double the Numbers plan. t also iii—
cludes efforts to increase high school
graduates. community and technical
college students moving on to four-year
institutions and people receiving (len-
eral Educational Development ccrtifi~

Part of the importance of bringing
adults back to college stems from the
fact that not enough children are born
in Kentucky to raise the state front the
lower end in some national education
rankings. such as high school graduates



w ho pursue college. Applegatc said.

According to a study by the Ken<
tucky‘ Institute of Medicine. Kentucky
was ranked in 2005 as the 48th s’tate in
the percentage of people age 25 and
older who have a high school diploma
or its equivalent and 47th in the per—
centage who have a bachelor‘s degree.

Applegate cited a 2004 Milken In—
stitute index of how a state can succeed
in a knowledge-based economy. where
Kentucky ranked 48th,

"If you look at the demographic
data for Kentucky. if we don’t attract
these students back to school. we will
never hit the national average." Apple—
gatc said.

Boosting the number of college
graduates will add money and workers
to the Kentucky economy. Todd said in



A man w alks tow ard the engi nec1 ing court—
yard between thc Advancedb Science and
Cl‘cchnology Commercialization Center and
the Robotics facility while hiding from the
rain under his umbrella during one of yes-
tcrday's many sporadic showers.


The rain was expected to stop late last night
and make way for a mostly sunny day today.

according to the National Weather Service.

The temperatures. however. are expected to
drop today with highs .in the upper 40s and

nighttime lows hitting the low 30s.

Third straight NCAA tourney bid sets school record

If the (‘ats can ad\ancc past the
first two rounds. there could be a few

Bx Kenny Colstgg


After the most successful season
in over a decade. the 1K volleyball
team expected a selection in the
NCAA toumament this year. The team
anxiously sat through the selections of
56 other teams Sunday night. but fi~
nally the Cats heard their name called
for a school—record third straight year.

"I think we earned the right to get
in the tournament." head coach Craig
Skinner said. “But it's not in your
hands. When you go through 56 teams
and you don‘t see your name. it makes
you a little nervous."

Without the luxury of an automat-
ic berth. which would have been given
if the team won the Southeastem (‘on-
ferencc. the Cats (22-9. l3»7 SEC)
were forced to wait as the brackets
were unveiled Sunday night.

The team watched the selection
show on ESPNL' at Sal's Chophouse
and after four other SEC teams
Florida. Louisiana State. Mississippi
and Alabama ~ made the toumament.
the players finally got their chance to
celebrate when UK was called.

“It was kind of tense in there."
said senior captain and middle blocker
Nicole Britcnriker. “We felt confident
when Alabama got in. we felt like we
should get in."

statc toe Western Kentucky
the (‘ats heat 3.} on

likely be

opponents waiting for
A potential rematch with in,
Aug. 2‘) is
But the (‘.its would most
facing defending national

champion and No 2 seed Nebraska.
where Skinner coached as an assistant
from 2000 to 3004.

Before UK can think about poten

tial opponents. it must defeat a Michr
gait State team that is riding a three-
game w inning streak

Michigan State leads the overall

series against l'ls' 3-0. but the teams
have not played since the Lady Spar
tans swept the Cats in three games in
Memorial (‘oliseum on Sept. 20.



Senior middle blocker Nicole Britenriker bumps the ball during UK‘s 3-1 wm over Mis»

sissippi State on Sept 14 at Memorial Coliseum

With only the top 16 teams being
seeded. the unseeded Cats landed in
the bottom half of the Madison. Wise.
region. UK will face unseeded‘Michi-
gan State (1943. 1040 Big Ten) in
the first round Friday at 5 pm. in
Dayton. Ohio.

If the Cats advance. a matchup
against the l5th overall seed and one


l997. Michigan State has also dcfcatr
ed several top—25 teams this year.

If the Cats hope to adv ancc past

Michigan State and play spoiler in the
heavily on their three All-SEC selec<

they will have to rely

a statement to the Kernel.

“Kentucky‘s economic progress in
the future will depend. in large part. on
our ability to create an educated and
highly skilled workforce." Todd said.
"That means having more Kentuckians
with bachelor‘s degrees. This initiative
is an important part of that process."

The campaign to bring back noti-
traditional students will go on “until the
well runs dry." Applegate said. which
will probably be in the next two or
three years.

[n the next few months. UK Adult
Student Services will work with the
CPE and the rest of the university to
connect new. older students with ad-
missions and financial aid services.

See CPE on page 5


of the regional hosts. Dayton. is likely.
And with UK playing less than three
hours from Lexmgton. the team hopes
to bring a home-court advantage with

"We hope to put a lot of fans in
the stands." Britenriker said. “It's not
too far from [.CXlngton so that‘s a
good advantage for us."

tions second-team selection Britenr
rikcr. first»team selection yunior mid
dle blocker Queen N/enwa and alle
freshman team selection middle
blocker Lauren Rapp.

“There are always upsets." said
sophomore libero BriAnne Sauer.
"And it‘s awesome to come out of
your region and win."

Profs. win
contra ct

BLErica Mitchell

emitchell@kykerne| com

Two scientists at the UK College of
Pharmacy hay * received a S1 6 million
contract from the National Cancer Insti-
tute to develop potential cancer treating

After a lengthy application process.
Paul Bummer and Brad Anderson were
successful in renewing the five-year

The two scientists are one of three
groups in the United States selected and
funded by the NCI to conduct studies on
cancer treating drugs.

"It is a huge responsibility." said
Bummer. the principle investigator of
the l'ls' team and associate professor of
pharmaceutical sciences. "Nobody is
untouched by cancer. We are _3ust part of
a massive research effort to attack that

The .\'(‘l uses a network of contracr
tors at rc~
search insti-
tutcs and uni-
\crsitics to
pci form re -
search activ i—
ties required to
develop new
cancer treating
drugs. Anders
son said.

in treating can-
cer has been
slow but sig~
attic-ant." said
Anderson. a
sciences professor and study coanvesti-

The three groups of scientists select-
ed for the contract with NCI work inde-
pendently and are assigned different
compounds or drug substances to work

Beforc a drug is used to ticat a pa;
ticnt. it must undergo research. testing
and clinical trials Bummer and Ander—
son are charged with putting the com
pounds into practical and Useful dosage
forms. Bummer said.

After Bummer and Anderson for-
mulate the drug. a separate research
team will test it on humans or ani—
mals for its effectiveness and toxiciv

“Thousands of people die every year
iii this country from lung cancer." Bum~
mcr said. “That is only one type of can-
cer. If we can get to the testing point
more rapidly. then we can eventually de-
velop new drugs to deal with this
scourge of cancer."

A previous NCl contract assigned
Bummer and Anderson to work with the
compound DB-(i'i’. The drug has local
interest because Tom Burke. a UK phat.
macy professor who died of colon can
cer. and Dennis Curran of the University
of Pittsburgh. discovered it. Bummer

The drug is now undergoing testing
in cancer patients at the Markcy Cancer
Center at UK.

"Hopefully it will prove sufficiently
safe and effective to be commercially
available in the future and be of benefit
to cancer patients everywhere." Ander-
son said.

"Nobody is
untouched by
cancer. We are
just part of a
massive research
effort to attack
that problem."


m 2574915; m 257-2872


 PAGE Zi‘wdayivNovember 27, 2007

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kemel VQP

Nicole & Joel — Baby

























By Linda c. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating, 70 is the easrest day. 0
the most cha/lenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) To-
day is a 7 v Figure out who's got
what’s needed, and what they‘re
asking in return Only agree it it
works for you, too There is never
only one option

Taurus (April 20 —— May 20) To-
day is a 7 7» Let your partner know
what you're working on lt's riuite
possrble he or she has the answer
you're seeking Save yourselt some

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) To-
day is a 7 A There are many ways
to make money, as you may have
discovered Keep looking around,
you're liable to stumble onto a tew







more Use your imagination
Cancer (June 22 — July 22) To
day is a 7 You're pretty sure
what you want to accomplish, but
there are still barriers Make your
intention crystal clear and watch
them fade away
Leo (July 23 -— Aug. 22) Today is
a 6 Responsibilities are in con
llict With romantic urges Show
you're made oi solid stuff Take care
of busrness first
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today
is a7 So'netirries it takes an ob‘
ierttve persrih to explain what's goe
l'lg on right under your own nose in
your own household Dont snap at
a wellrrteaniog counselor
Libra (Sept. 23 ~ Oct. 22) Today
is a 7 You don't have to let ‘he
other guy KilJW how you produce
the results leave a little mystery
it makes you more appealing
Don t tel everybody everything
Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~~ Nov. 21) To
dayisa7 - Others see howimprrr»
.tarit you and your rilrirr'i rig are


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You're the brains behind the opera
tion, and the secrets out. Everybody
knows it
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 ~— Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 - You can find the re»
sources you really need lt's not Cit‘:
ative linaiicmg, it's more like calling
in some of the debts that other peo
ple owe you
Capricorn (Dec. 22 —— Jan. 19)
Today is a 7 ~ It‘s OK to let your
friends help You‘d do the same tor
them Besides it’s good for you to
learn how to delegate, gracrously
You can
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To‘
day is a 7 ,- - You can make sure the
most important stuff is read” when
it's needed You may have to pitch a
fit Your ettorts Will be appreciated
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is an 8 There's nothing more
empowering than love, as you al
ready know Add determination anti
faith, and the pure is as good as

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Shower Details!

1119 DiSH

Nicole Richie and Joel Mad»
den's baby countdown has be—
gun. Thc duo. who are due to
become parents llttdWlnICF. are
planning a baby shower at a pri»
sate home Noyember lts’. "It'll
be small. intimate and only her
closest friends will be there."
says a source close to Richie.
26, And instead of guests bring-
ing them gitts. the soon-to—be
mom (who told Diane Sawyer.
“I want my child to look up to
me and be proud of me"i and
the (iood (‘harlotte rocker. 28.
are asking pals to giye cribs.
strollers and stuffed animals to
the new Richie Madden Chil-
dren's Foundation. which stip—
ports mothers in need. Next
month. their charity will also
donate IOO Mom-toBe kits to
the Los Angeles free clinic!

Jack Black's Sweet Daddy

How good is funnyman Jack
Black at being a father? "I'm
going to enter the Best Daddy
competition and l"m going to
win the costar of December‘s
Margot at the Wedding. 38. says
of raising his l7-month-old son.
Samuel. with wife Tanya
Haden. 36. Black certainly
lookcd like a winner on Noyem—
her 4 in a Be\erly Hills park.
w here he played with the tot and
took Samuel's hands to help the
little one practice walking on his

Brittany Defends Her Love

“Married life is wonderful?"
Brittany Murphy told L‘s at a
l.‘()real Paris and Harper‘s
Ba/aar Ovarian Cancer Re'

search Fund benefit in West
Hollywood No\ ember 7. Not
men the shady past of her film
writer hubby. Simon Monjack.
37 (including arrest warrants for
alleged credit—card fraud). has
cast a shadow on the first seyen
months of their union. The star.
30. says. ”This man is the love
of my me. and l \ery

DTWS’ Sabrina Gushes
About Mark

Now that she has departed
Dancing With the Stars. Sabrina
Bry air tells Us she's making the
most of her partnership with
dancer Mark Ballas. 2 1: They're
dating! “We couldn't stand the
thought of not being in each
other's lives." admits the (Thee—
tah Girl. 23. who starts work on
the group‘s third movie in Janu»
ary. ”You see all this love and
chemistry we have? It‘s so \‘i-
brant. and that's how our friend-
ship and relationship is. It‘s
awesome that we have time now
away frorn the competition to
really grow." And off the dance
floor. they still have that spark:
“We have the same outlook on
so many things. At one point.
Mark and l were like. 'Gosh. I
feel like I‘ve known you for It)

Miranda 8: Blake — A
Fiery Match!

"We have a very interesting
relationship." Blake Shelton. 31.
has said of Miranda Lambert.
24. “She can get so triad at me .
. . then we‘re acting like it never
happened." But according to
Shelton. it works: "She‘s some-


body that l'm going to hayc in
my life a long time

Brad & Kimberly’s Baby

He won Male v\'ocalist of
the Year at the ('MA Awards.
but Brad Paisley cart add Mr.
Mom to his resume too. Kim»
berly Williams—Paisley says the
crooner. 35. is a pro when it
comes to their 9—month-old.
William. "Brad lmcs giving
him his baths." say s the Accord—
ing to Jim star. 36. "We both
take responsibility for diaper
changes." And how‘s the baby
getting on‘.’ "Wonderful.

He‘s crawling and trying to
stand now ‘"

Nicole Kidman's Life After

“Tom and l. we mos ed and
moved and moied." Nicole
Kidman recently told USA To—
day ot life with her ex Tom
Cruise, with whom she split in
2001. “Your sense of where do I
come from becomes less and
less relevant." Her solution?
Settling down in Nashville with
hubby Keith Urban. 40. "We
just bought an acreage in Ten-
nessee. which we‘re really hap—
py to build a house on." said the
actress. 40. “I‘m just not willing
to giye up my life with my man
anymore. . . . We‘re basically in—



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\oyetiilier 17
fill l,’
Page 3


tricl riirtsey
Sports Editor
P5 "t: ."i/ Bib

V r i
“It’. \slykt' t’ tc 'l


Cats hope to avoid a Gardner-Webb
repeat in a similar 'trap game 'tonight

By Travis Waldron


Saturday will mark the first
day of December. the month
when the college basketball sea-
son heats up as the temperature
outside cools down.

Saturday will also bring
t'K‘s first ranked opponent iiito
Rupp Arena this year when
\‘ottli Carolina. No. 1 iii The
\ssociated Press poll. riiakes the
trip to Lexington.

But before that. the Cats
have their eyes on tonight‘s
game against Stony Brook. and
they are not losing foctis. head
toach Billy (iillispie said.

"I don‘t think we‘re in any
position right now. the way that
we‘ve played. to think we're
greater than anyone." Gillispie
said. "So we have great respect
for our opponents. That's the
sign of a team that‘s getting
much smarter and maturing."

Prior to UK’s matchup with
(iai'dnenWebb earlier this sea‘
\tln. (iillispie called it a classic
trap game. Gillispie wamed if
the Cats had already turned their
attention to the final rounds of
the 2K Sports College Hoops
('lassic. where UK was set to
meet two marquee opponents.
they would fall to Gardner—

And fall they did.

With [ENC coming to Lex-
ington Saturday. Stony Brook
tould be another “classic trap
game" on the L'K schedule.

It would not be hard for the
Cuts to view Stony Brook as a
less-than~formidable foe. The
Seawolves are 0—5 and are aver-
tging 11.8 points per game less
thaii their opponents. Stony
Brook has shot just 35.8 per-
«ent from the floor as a team
.Iiid 25.6 percent from behind
the 1-point line. In nine seasons
or Division I basketball. the
Seawolves have just 77 total

[K has won twice since the

Competing in p1 aetieei key to U I\


record .

taking a quick glance at L’K‘s
any blind mouse can see the Cats

humiliating loss to Gardner
Webb. and Gillispie said his
team learned a valuable lesson
that night.

"Unfortunately. we got the
best lesson anyone at Ken.
tucky's ever had as a basketball
player." Gillispie said of the loss
to (iardnenWebb. “But it Is
what it is. and you move on and
hopefully you don't let that l‘l'dp»
pen again. Some hard lessons
are the best lessons."

Freshman guard Alex Lee
gion has seen the first month of
his UK career come and go
without experiencing the buu
[INC will bring to Lexington on
Saturday. and no one __. except
his coach -~- would fault the
freshman for looking ahead to
the Tar Heels. Though Legion
admitted he wanted to play
UNC. he is still focused on
tonight‘s opponent. he said.

"I'm looking at Stony
Brook." Legion said. “ObvioUs—
ly‘ we‘re looking forward to
playing (North Carolina) but
I'm really not focused on them
right now."

Though Gillispie would not
even acknowledge North Caroli-
na at his news conference Mon-
day aftemoon. he did admit the
Cats needed to improve to pre—
pare for the rest of their sched-
ule. which includes four games
against teams currently ranked
in the top 2.

"The time is coming where
you‘re not going to have the
best player at each position."
Gillispie said.

Until tkit time. the Cats are
focused solely on tonight‘s op-

“We’re playing Stony Brook
tomorrow." he said. “That's it."

Patterson named SEC
Freshman of the Week

Patrick Patterson has not
commanded the same acco»
lades as some of his fellow
freshmen. btit the forward
canted his first award yesterday

UK will need that same pride tonight
when they tip-off against Stony Brook. a


Senior gaaro Joe Crawford banks a layup off the packotrartz during UK 5
83-35 Wlil over Texas Southern on Saturday at Rupp Arena

when he was named the South-
eastern ("onference Freshman
of the Week.

Patterson recorded his sec—
ond consecutive double-double
Wednesday against Liberty. scor-
ing 33 points and grabbing Ill re—
bounds. It was the first time a
L'K freshman recorded back—to-
back double—doubles since Jamal
Mashbutti in 1990-91.

He followed that pertor~
riiancc with 31 points. seven rev
botirids. five assists. five steals
and two blocks Saturday against
Texas Southeni.

Benson leaves team

Fresliiiirm walk-on Kem Beri—
son has left the basketball team.
(iillispie ruinouiiced yesterday.

“He‘s not with its anymore
(iillispie said. ”That hurts tis be»
cause he did a good Job for us.
He decided he was ready to
move on."

Bciisoii. a Louisville native.
played against Central Arkansas
and Liberty. totaling five points
in 23 minutes. Benson is staying
at UK to work toward his de-
gree. (iillispie said.


pared to UK s 491 clip. Bttt Stony Brook
knows the success of beating big piogi‘attis



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have play ed in four games. three of which

resulted in wins if and
of course that blemish
to (iardiiei‘»Webb.

But it‘s the games
in between those out«
ings at Rupp Arena
that are invisible to the
naked eye.

Freshman guard
Alex Legion takes the
rough and rugged pracv
tices of UK head coach
Billy Gillispie into ac-

“The way he de-
scribes practiec is like a
game." Legion said. “We can either win a
game or lose a game. That‘s how we prepare
for practice. "

I Ike the games that make up the Cats
311 record. Legion said the team can also
\\'1II or lose a practice. When the (‘ats are
it Iiiiiiiig practices. they leave the gym with a
"sense of pride." the guard from Detroit


winless team this season. ()ne of the main
goals that Gillispie has made for the team
heading into the game is to be more compet~
itive. That competitive spirit begins at prac-

Sophomore guard Michael Porter said
Gillispie has been talking about “bringing
more to the table in practice. like competing
against your guy and having more pride try 1
ing to make each other better."

“He's been stressing it so much. I think
it's finally getting in otir head." Potter said.

But one thing L'K can‘t afford to let go
over their head is playing against Stony

The Seawolves will be hungry for their
first win. and there would be no better way
to get it than against a team that is first iii
the NCAA in all~tinie wins. If [K has
learned anything this season. it's been to not
overlook an opponent even with North
Carolina. the No. l team in The Associated
Press poll. coming to town Saturday.

On paper UK beats out Stony Brook in
most statistical categories. The Seawolves
shoot JUSI 35.8 percent frorii the floor corti—

oii the road. last season tltc Scawolyes trio
eled to Penn State and handed the .\itt;tiiy
Lions a 50~5l loss.

Although [K says it's not sleeping on
tltc Scawolyes. it's easy to get sidetracked
when a school that most people can't lo,
care on a map coiiies rolling into Rupp

"They haven‘t won a game yet. l‘tll they
played \“illanoya very well.“ (iillispie said
about Stony Brook‘s tit‘st gaiiic ot the cm.
‘They play pretty well. They play hard.
and they change tip all kitids ot deteiises. so
it will be a good test for its."

Regardless or the opponents or the sta-
tistics they bring. the Cats have their eyes
set on being more coiiipetitiy e tonight.
much like they '\e been doing iii practil c

Because It they don't play llrllil and
competitive like they 've done
Gardner-“ebb slip»up. and they 't'e caught
daydreaming to the big test on Sanirdriv. the
(‘ats will be iiotchttig another etiiliariassiic
blemish on their record.

./.I). III/lmnit I.\ (I (outwit/ton \r Hit” 1
mull [it'll/Ir”)le /\'\‘]s'(’I'H('/.t'rllli

son. ‘

sitir‘c tltc


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0 (assrdy [lementary 8 00 AM, Cassrdy

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Contor for the Arts

- STAG Bakesale. Student Center

- Kempo yeti deiense (less, 8 00 PM.
Alumni Gym Lott

- National Student Exchange Info
Sessron. 3 30 PM, 102 Miller Hall

- Cheap Seat Tuesdays Superbad, 8.00
PM, Worsham Theater (Student Center)
0 UK Art Faculty Exhibition, 12 00 PM
UK Art Museum in the Singletary
(enter tor the Arts

r STAG, S 00 PM, SC 211

'DanreBlue Captains Meeting, 6 00
PM, SC 249
- Honors Pro
meeting, 7

- The Patterson School of Diplomary a
International Commerce 0 rt House.
6 00 PM. 420 Patterson of ice Tower

1 Elementary

1 Ballroom


ram Student Council
PM. Student Center Rm

. Starbucks


0 Volunteer w/ Beaumont
Buddies, 4:00 PM, Beaumont
Middle School
0 Old Master Works on Paper
from the Collection. 12:00 PM,
- UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

0 BINGO at Mayfair Manor, 3:00
PM, Mayfair Manor

:- Yates Elementary, 2:45 PM,
Cassidy Elementary

‘ 0 Cassrdy Elementary, 8:00 AM,
Cassidy Elementary

- UK Art Faculty Exhibition, 12:00
:PM, UK Art Museum in the

Sin letary Center for the Arts

MLS, 11 00 AM, Cassidy

;- Volunteering at Landsdowne
Elementary, Landsdowne

- Christian Scott Concert, 8. 00
fPM, Student Center Grand

;0 Pro ect Health Meeting, 4. 00
tudent Center Rm 115

t o Volunteering;
gCenter, 3 GOP

E 0 STAG Bakesale, Student Center

t the Carnegie
Carnegie Center

0 Volunteering at Landsdowne
Elementary, Landsdowne Elementary
' UK Art Faculty Exhibition, 1200 PM
UK Art Museum In the Singletary
Center for the Arts

_- Volunteeringflat the Carnegre
Center. 3 00 P Carnegie Center

- Casstdy Elementary. 8 00 AM.
CasSIdy Elementary

0 CCO Board of Directors Meeting,
5‘00 PM, 106 Student Center

0 Old Master Works on Paper from
the Collertton. 12 00 PM, UK Art
Museum In the Singletary Center tor
the Arts

0LTMS. 11 00 AM, Cassrdy Elementary
'-Yates Elementary. 2 45 PM, Cassrdy

,4 STAG Ba esale. Student Center

_. 9 Ball Tournament (Qualifier) 7 00
PM, UKStudent Center Cats Den

0 STAG Meetin SC 211 or SC 220

- Flu Shots, 12. PM 206 Student

‘0 DanceBlue SubCommIttee Meeting.
1600 PM, SC 203

.0 Celebration of Land Grant Researrti/
Stokes Lecture, 2 30 PM, E S Good
.BarnGorham Hail

-' Last Minute Job Search Stategtes
4 30 PM James W Stuckert Career

,- NextFrame F Im Festival 10 00 PM.
Worsham Theater


' Volunteering at the Carnegie
Center, 3.00 PM, Carnegie

0 BINGO at Mayfair Manor,
3.00 PM, Mayfair Manor

0 CaSStdy Elementary, 8 00 AM,
Cassidy Elementary

‘LTMS, 11:00 AM, Cassrdy

0 Sing-A-Long at Ashland
Terrace. 11:1 AM, Ashland

0 Italian Conversation Practice.
5:00 PM, Coffee Island

- Volunteering at Landsdowne
Elementary, Landsdowne

0 UK Art Faculty Exhibition,

112:00 PM, UK Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the

- Yates Elementary, 2:45 PM,
Cassid Elementary

- Old aster Works on Paper
from the Collection, 12:00 PM,
UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
0 Grizzl Man, 10:00 PM,

(for in -I”
l} 00

0 y/tiiimtr’r‘: n at th(
Center 10 00 (AM Car my 6
0 UK Art intulty Exhit) tior‘
PM, UK Art Museum in the
Sin let ary Center for the Arts

To Master Works on Paper from
12 00 PM

UK Art.

the Collettton
Museum in the
for the Arts

0 Volunteer ng at the Ronald
McDonald House 10 00 AM. the
Ronald McDonald House right next
to Commonwealth Stadium

- Ho'tday SwingDDance, 8 00 PM.
Arthur Murray ante Studio



- Old Master Works ("1 Paper
from the Collection, 12 00 PM,
UK Art Museum In the Singletary
Center for the Arts

' Conipline Serwce, 9 00 PM,
Maxwell Street Presbyterian

'th Art Faculty EKhlbltlon, 1200
PM, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts




 3A6: Linear Nearer 27.. 200.7,, -

EL-l'm“ Merge

Messenger-Inqurrer, OWBITSDOFO, Ky

One person was killed
Monday evening when a small
plane crashed into an empty
field just southwest of Owensv

The plane. a twin engine
Cessna. crashed at 5:15 pm. on
Kentucky 554 between Todd
Bridge Road and Fitts Road.
Daviess County Coroner Bob
Howe said before 7 pm. that
one person. the pilot. had been
killed in the crash. but that the
person had not yet been identi—


No one on the ground was

County emergency manage-
ment director Richard Payne
said the plane's flight path was
from Evansville to Owensboro.

Corey Hall. Jeff Hall and
Jenna Hall were driving toward
US. 43l on Todd Bridge Road
after leaving Apollo High
School when they saw the
small plane hurtling downward.

"I thought it was a fallen
star. out of the corner of my
eye." Corey Hall said. “It was
coming straight down. 1 had

Ky. plane crash killsone

time to yell. ‘It must be a
plane. it must be a plane.”

“I saw the red and the white
lights going almost straight
down.“ Jenna Hall said.

Jeff Hall said the family
smelled gas after the plane

Firefighters roped off much
of the field with accident scene
tape to keep people from ap-
proaching the site.

Payne said the Federal Avi—
ation Administration was noti-
fied and said the FAA would
conduct the official investiga—



China—made toys popular despite recalls

EU!” BlumLNs

St. Joseph News-Press, Mo.

From Wall Street to Wal—Mart. toys exemplify
a manufacturing industry that pulled up stakes in
the US.

None of the hype about toy recalls has stopped
the popularity of Chinese—made toys. (Recalls this
year included Barbies with lead paint and Aqua
Dots that digested into gamma hydroxy butyrate. a
date-rape drug.)

Parents place more stock in Santa‘s list than a
manufacturing label.

“It doesn‘t really cross my mind." said Mary
Cobb. a Gower. Mo. mother of three boys. “ln
some aspects maybe it should. but you try to get
what they want. within reason."

Not that there's much of an altemative: About
80 percent of toys sold in the US. are made in
China. according to numerous industry and news

Those include nearly all of the major toy

In a recent trip down the Wal-Man toy aisles.
the only Ll.S.-made toys the News-Press could
find were Crayola crayons. Milton Bradley and
Parker Brothers board games. some K'Nex build-
ing sets and a limited number of Leap Frog Baby
"Little Leaps" pads.

Donna Goodman. owner of Awesome Toys &
Hobbies in St. Joseph. said she tries to find the
best toys at the best price and avoids recalled toys
“like the plague."
