xt770r9m648r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m648r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1998 1998 1998-02-18 2020 true xt770r9m648r section xt770r9m648r  







WEATHER Kit/Hy iii/i! Iz'iu‘m

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Lessons of the past not I

By Brett Dawson

Senior Staff [Vi-irer

There’s pride in Derrick Little—
john's voice when he speaks of Black
History Month. He’s quick to list
reasons for its existence, to stress its
importance as a teaching tool.

But he’s just as quick to point out
the downside.

“'I'here are people who will try to
lump that history into one month,"
says Littlciohn, a civil engineering
sophomore, “and then think they don’t
have to be concemed with it the rest of
the r if they teach it in February.”

iii: a month is hardly enou h to
scra e the surface of significant
blac Americans. From Martin
Luther King,_]r., to Toni Morrison,
even the best-known names from
black history are more than enough
to fill a month of high school or col-
lege curriculum.

That’s to say nothing of equally
significant, if lesser-known figures,
including Carter G. Woodson.

'l'he observance of Black History
Month owes a great deal to the
black historian VVoodson, who pro—
posed Negro History Week. First
recognized in 1926, the week was
intended to honor the accomplish-


By Matt Ellison
Staff Writer

UK officially opened its doors to
blacks in 1948, after Lyman T.]ohn-
son’s lawsuit challenging the Univer—
sity’s discrimination li succeeded.

But the history 0 bla in Lexing—
ton oes back to its foundin in 1775 .

Slaves were among the rst inhab-
itants of this area as they crossed the
Appalachians. Since that time, blacks
have had a rominent role in the his-
tory and cu ture of Lexington.

“Lexington has a very rich and
diverse history in terms of the expe—
riences of African-Americans,” said
Gerald Smith, director of UK's
African American Studies Program.
“But because Lexin on has a rela-
tively small African- erican popu-
lation, people sometimes assume
there isn‘t much history.”

Perhaps the most infamous site in
Lefigntm for blacks is Cheapside Bar

.._.-..-... “,4... . . .

ments of black . , , only impairs
Americans. African-;\mcric blacks' under-
In the early IINHH standing ofihcir

19705, Negro His—
tory Week became

Black History
Week, and in
February 1076 —
selected because
former president

Abraham Lincoln
and author and for-
mer slave Frederick
Douglass both were
born in February
—— the observance
was expanded to
Black History Month.

A month still is hardly enough to
cover hundreds of years of history.
But given the choice, Chester
(Grundy wouldn't think of giving up
Black History Month.

“\Ve always have to give credit to
the power of correct information
and education," says Grundy, direc-
tor of African-American Student
Affairs. “There‘s clearly a need for
corrective history. For several hun-
dred years now, the history of
African people has been erased from
traditional history books."

And that revision of history not

black histor

ts (irillc, located on the east end of
downtown near the current Fayette
County Courthouse. This area was
the home to many slave auctions,
because Lexington was a commercial
and travel center of early Kentucky.

Smith thinks the location of
Cheapside was a key reason for its
becoming a massive slave market.

“Cheapside was, no question, one
of the most important slave market
areas in Kentucky,” he said. “Most
slave markets were located in the
heart of cities, and Chea ide is right
near downtown." Smit also cited
numerous slave iails located near
Cheapside as proofof its importance as
a slave-trading center in the state.

A slave burial ound is located on
Seventh Street getwcen Shropshire
and Chestnut streets. Of the ceme—
tery's 4,000 graves, 1,200 have been

In addition to slaves, plenty of free
blacks were living in Lexington during

" I

_ - .w ~-_.,.. woo-..

V Bieakiiiii ((lhil liaiiiiiis at UK


own culture, but
also hinders the
ability of other
cultures to com—
municate with
each other.

“I think the
greatest benefit
(ofBlack History
Month) is that it
teaches not only
the African—
American culture
but all cultures
about the contributions of African—
Americans,” says Stefanie “'atson, a
Spanish senior. “But 1 don't think that
makes anyone think they shouldn‘t
teach that history all year."

At least that was Watson’s experi—
ence at Cleveland Heights High
School, where she says her teachers
made every effort to make history

Littleiohn took Al'rican—s‘uiierr
can History at Male High School in
Louisville, but that course wasn‘t
offered until his senior year. Outside
of that. he’s seen black history over-

imited to month

”You havc Furopcaii liisioiy
courses and that‘s what they ‘ic sup—
posed to icach." l iiileiohn said.
“lint to have American history
courses that completely ignorc the
contributions of African» \nicricaiis.
that's a problem."

And it’s not lust ,i problem for
black students. \\'hitr students
indeed. students of all ethnic back-
grounds —» can benefit equally from
studying black history. Littleiohn says.

“I'm not saying you can't have
black friends without knowing black
history," he says. hBut it’s helpful if
you're dealing with me to see where
what l'm thinking comes from. It can
help you understand my perspective."

And that understanding is .i key
to communication. which (iriindy
sees as an essential part of improvingr
Aiiicricans' relationships with can
other as the nation approaches the

“Until we come to grips with this
country’s relationships with
marginal people, we can't move for-
ward ," he says. “\Ve can‘t carry
baggage into the new century. The
truth will free all of us."

Senior Smfl‘l/Vrlfcrfill Iim'm also con—
N'ilmtrii’ to this min/c.

full of tragedy, tradition

the 19th Century. Many were able to
establish succesle businesses in black
neighborhoods, located just north of
what is now downtown.

The central business district for
black business owners was Deweese
Street. located north of Main and just
to the west of Rose Street. Furniture
stores. banks and other businesses run
by blacks were all located there.

On weekends and at night, blacks
would visit the many taverns and
nightclubs along this street. Later,
the black-owned Lyric Theatre
opened, which would go on to host
numerous events in the black com-
muni . The Lexington Colored Fair
Association, the largest black fair in
Kentucky for man years, was held
on land just off of Georgetown Road.

Because education was “separate
but equal," many black schools were
established in black communities. The
Chandler Nonnal School, between
Newtown Pike and Georgetown Road,

was the first black high school in Lex‘
ingyon. Paul Laurence Dunbar lligb
Sc ool, Smith said, was a real symbol
of pride in the black community.

“It was one of, if not the best, black
high schools in Kentucky." he said.
Smith cited the excellent quality of
teachers, successful athletic programs,
and its rapid accreditation as reasons
why the black community was proud
of the school, in addition to the
school‘s role as a cultural center.

“From a cultural standpoint, it was
in the center of the African-American
community.“ he said. The old Dun—
bar school closed its doors in 1967,
and is now a community center. Lex-
ington's newest high school. renamed
Paul Dunbar, was built in 1990 on
Man 0‘ War Boulevard.

A complete ' ' of African-
Amleirian histmml'rie 12:: can be found
in erita : ' on Afi'iam-
American Strum OJ: by Lsabelle
Mack—t )vetstreet.

I l‘







February I 8, I 998

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search lfll‘


By Joe Dohner

Mil/ill 'i'lli‘i

Somebody has been domg naughty things to
campus t'tiliipulcl‘ \} slciiis.

.\ few weeks ago, somebody iii.iii.igcd to gain
access to .in account on .i iii.ichinc in the cslab.
'l'hc cslab machines rim Solaris, .i variant of imi.\.
ilic operating system most lincrnet sites use.

L'nhkc \Vindows ‘N and \l.ic( )8. making
iiiiportani changes to unit machines requires ccr—
tam privileges only .i system .idiiiinisii'aior has or
can gram. (raining these permissions without the
sy-stcm .idininisirator's knowledge or consent is
difficult, but it allows a user to do .i great many
things with the iii.ichinc.

The person wl‘w attacked the cslab lll.lt‘lilllt'\
iii.in.igcd to gain these ])rl\'ilt'gt'\, the root privilcgcs.
He then proceeded to set up .in illicit w cb site.

“I lc w .is running a banner site." said .Icfl
L'pdikc. the .idiiiinistraior of the cslab machines.
He used thc sitc hc set upon the cslab machine to
point to other underground websites. mostly con-v
Liming pornography or pirated (1|)s.

“\Vc started seeing some problems about the
8th (of February l." L‘pdikc said. Sysadiiiiiis .ii
other sites also had received complaints.

(Iompuicr Science professor Raphael l‘iinkcl
described him as a user of moderate sophisiicaiion.
and that the cracking happened from outside campus.

“l le didiii hidc himselfcoiiiplctcly‘." l‘iinkcl said.
"I lc's cleaned up very carefully after himself. though."

lust Sunday. the culprit iii.in.igcd to break into a
machine in the iiiultiliib. which is in the coiiipuicr sci-
ciicc dcp.ii‘tiiiciii\ network. The machines in the
iiiiillilab l‘llll l.iiiii.\. .inoihcr iiiiix \.iri.mi. llc e\ploil—
cd .i bug in a common lllll.\ utility to gain root access.
l‘iroiii there. he ran .1 pacch sniffer to obtain other
pt‘l iplc‘s 1|\Cl‘ll;llilt'\ and passwords on oihcr machines.

'l he vast inaiorily of the campus networks arc
ctlicriicis. ln .iii ethcriici. iii.ichincs don‘t establish
connections to one another to talk. 'lihcy instead
broadcast packets of dam to .ill the iii.ichmcs on
the network. The machines the packets .ircii‘i
mtciidcd for simply ignore them.

hi .i w .iy. it‘s like listening to onc conversation
in a crowded. noisy room.

The packet sniffer the culprit r.iii listens to i-\ cry
packet going by. \\hilc he couldn't scc ihc ciitirc
t.iiiipiis network. hc \\.l\ .iblc to intercept cycn thing
in the iiiiiliilab. 'l‘liiit‘s .l trcmcndous amount of data.
and his sniffer processed thc infoi‘iiiation for him.

“\Vc think we stopped him bcforc he w .is able to
rctricyc his output lilc from the sniffer." l'illlkc'l said.
back sysadmin. \Vaync liccch. disablcd .i number of
accounts on the machine yesterday c\ citing.

“It was scary.” said ’Ioscph llogalc. a computer
scicncc scnior. whose account was one of the ones
disabled. “I thought i got kicked out of st hool."

The message that the users with disabled accounts
received when they iricd to log into sac informed
them that their accounts had been disabled. probably
bccausc they were no longer students at L'K.

“\Vc‘rc still trying to track this down." Finkcl said.
“(The computer science networksi are ( IK. but there
are still places on campus that he could have access."

L'pdikc said additional precautions w cre being
taken to prevent further attacks.

Finkcl recommended iiscrs take any precautions
necessary to keep their accounts from bcing uscd.



Clinton sends
out warning to Hussein

\VASI ”NY?“ I.\' *4 President Clinton, laying
the groundwork for possible .iirstrikes against Iraq,
said yesterday that Saddam Hussein has used chem-
ical weapons :1 ainst his own people. (Ilinton said a
diplomatic sofution was still the preferable out—
come. But he said Iraq must agree “and soon" to
full, unfettered inspections of suspected weapons
sites.Saying he still hopes for a diplomatic solu—
iion, Clinton said it must be “a genuine solution
and not simply one that glosses over the remain»
ing problem."

W cm with III'IOI'

FORT \VOR'll l, 'l‘cxas u Former Naval
Academy midshipman Diane Zamora, who con-
fessed to helpin her fiance kill his one—time lover
and then tearfully told a jury she wasn‘t involved,
was found guilty today of murder.

Zamora, 20, automatically received a life sen—
tcncc on the capital murder count because prose-
cutors were not seeking the death penalty. She
will be eligible for parole after 40 years.

(Implied/hm! an; reports.









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DUE MARCH 13th By Mary Dees However, Hookah docs (iratei'ul Head with its ”Were the Fields Grok" would like to maybe 5“
Int; lit/imr leave ior a week or more at similar rhythms and an (in-en helps capture the include more music. te
a time. traveling to places tipliiting guitar heat and spirit oi the hand and new- “Maybe in the future.
contact the likoostik Hookah has like (:olorado, Chicago. swanky chords. comer. lid McGee. it’ll he more than one in
O 1 Ph . 0 Off. pi‘o\cit to he a Lexington other stops throughout the Although its chiei influ— Many oi the songs are night oi music," Lanese . A]
ra ySICIan Ice ia\orite o\ er the past cou- iiiidwest and lust ahout any ences are clear. Hookah recorded irotti the signa- said. I l’
. 0 f I,“ ' l ‘ ii "' Tl ‘ ii ‘-— -~- )1 ice e-tst ot‘the Rockies, cites favorite music from ‘I ture hi tnnu-il concert \Vherever l‘ikoostik r.‘ ‘
pt it years. it. In. pictc I t . ' . . . ‘ . . f . . . :-
UnlveISIty 0 Ken Cky couege 0f DentlSt rock 'n’ roll act has sold out But Hookah does en ov varietv oi grou is. l'rom Hookahville. Hookah travels. hi rh ener- or
. . 13 . I . . . I . . . . . . E ,
(“WES-21” emailziske|0@pop.uky.edu Lynagh‘s to please young. the traveling and gets along hltiegrass to .-\erosmith Hookahville originated gy is sure to iollow. ‘1’
. . '.., ._ i '. . ' . ., .. ' I. , ' . _._.,‘ , ‘. I
More details on our homepage: http:MIMMT.mc.uky.edu/Dentistry/oralphy2.html diutsc hippic~likc crowds. well despite spending most and lsiss, the hand pullsvoii lli l rcdrit ksherg,~ ()hio. ‘ Inl-HLSL said the group s is
Hookah originated in oi their time together. a wide range oi styles. lsiss with a gathering oi 600 to iavorite places vary. “S
(Iolumhus‘ ()hio. in I‘m]. “\Ve‘ll travel in a van all heing a personal favorite 800 people. lt has heen (Iolumhus is good because .
and as drummer l‘iric day. then play a show oi Lanese'. He says in a moved to such locations in it's the hometown. The gt
' ' Lanese ex )lains traveling is together, then stay togeth» news release that he start~ the )ast as the Son rhird House oi Blues in (Ihica o 3‘“
ver use In . t . ~ ~. . . . I. . E. . .. E" g
a crucial part oi the hand. er in the hotel. Lanese ed playing drums with a AlliplilIhC’tlICl‘ in liextng— hecatise it s the House of , -‘
the Kerne| _ “Being on the road all said. “\Ve really don‘t get little inspiration iroiii Kiss. ton, Ohio and now draws Blues." Also Ann Arhor, g“
the time is dii‘iicult." sick oi each other. Some— Hookah is set to release around H.000 people. Mich. and Detroit. ' an
Lanese said. “l’,\'c-ry'riiic- times we laugh ahout how its new live alhum, ll 'lvt-re llookahville consists oi Lexington and 3
i" gets along really well. It's well we get along." rlw Fir/(Ix (ii-UT." (inc/I. This three days ol partying and Lynagh‘s are also on the dr
’ \(IIIIL-[inics hard to deal l-‘koostik Hookah third release oi live one night oi music. The list. 1‘ 1
with hcmg away irom shows its diversity through recordings is a douhle~(ll) Amphitheater opens on “Lynagh's is definitely a C”
home all the time with the its various music styles. helping g'ixe the hand a Friday evening, with a day high energy place to play," 8’
constant traveling." The group hlcnds a heavy iuller image. oi music on Saturday and Lanese said, “the crowd “1
l-ikomtik Hookah is amount oi rock with a “I think the new (II) is the kick otit on Sunday givesoii a great feel."
constantly traveling. hluegrass and even ian— going to he real attractive aiternoon. l‘ikoostik Hookah will
Call 2 “\Vc leave on \Vcdnev iniluenced sound. to the ians. This is the .»\lthoughlthe idea has play Lynagh’s tonight'tétt I
/ day and travel through Hookah s sound olten hand you "'(i to see. not heen seriously consid- 10. and Bogart s in (.inctn-
Sunday." Lanese said. draws comparisons to Lanese said. ered or discussed, Hookah nation Saturday.


No Regrets For Our Youth
Barefoot Charlies


‘Battle III the Bands' IIIIIIIII‘I‘IIW

Sufi I rite/1

The Kappa Delta sorority will
put on a “Battle oi the Bands“
toiitoi'row in the Student (Ienter

should provide non-stop music
until It).

The {our hands participating in
the show are l5areioot Charlies.
Noisegate, Reganomixx and No

minute sets and then Catawampus
Universe and The Shuers will play
solely to entertain the audience.
The ineinhers of (Iatawampus
and The Shuers will also act as



. Ballroom. Regrets For Our Youth. judges for the contest.
8328 nom [xx The event starts at (l and The hands will play 30-30 The winning hand will receive .
time in a recording studio to help _ I i
further its musical career. ‘ i


There will also he door prizes
for students who attend the event.
They include free passes to area
gyms, tanning salons and free
meals at local restaurants.

liighty percent oi the funds
collected will remain in Lexington
child ahuse prevention programs.

sit \14 ‘1’ ‘1! ‘1’ sh \Av \lr \LI ‘1' \il ‘3! ‘J.’ ‘L’ M;


-| N -

T‘“ "f— ‘v‘— r._ *-— H.1_. ._ ' ‘ . , ,‘ ' j ‘ . , .‘

(,— \ I ‘ r“ 3 [:J i\ “j [_ V) J r: —\\ \\ [*1 The remaining .0 percent will go

i K (( _ i s ( . I i L7 . a \- "T. \ :— to the National (ionimittee to

T W H \ L d \/ / J T "j \ I /' /\*.\\ Prevent (Ihild Ahuse ior nation-
/ s_l .L _———.J __.../__ l—__‘ , L M L! _/, "’J, wide ptihlic awareness programs.


Tickets can he purchased
today in the Student (Ienter in
advance ior $3.


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EARN $18 000 ,




Catawampas Universe
and The Sachuers






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Low-budg 61‘ film

earns big/7 mar/cs

By Dan O Neill

. iAUMIII/t' lit/IMF

1n the film industry law dictates that extrav—
agance makes money and subtlety rarely gets
made. Fortunately this decree that governs the
world of commercial filmmaking doesn't have
complete sovereignty over the independent

livery year a faction offilms attempt to give
the linger to this rule of thumb, but the thutiib
usually prevails. This form of art-house insur-
rection does. however, occasionally produce a
few films resourceful enough to break enemy

Perhaps this yeIr s most successful uprising
comes from Hollywood screen legend Robert
l)tiI all and his spiritual film The ipOU/fi’

1)tiI all plays the role of auteur as aLtor
writer director and chief financer of his per-
sonal project about a fire—and~brimstone Peti—
tecostal preacher in the South.

His much-documented character study
he ran 13 years ago after he visited a small
Arkansas church.

He tells the story of Sonny, a demonstrative
Pentecostal preacher from 'I‘exas and truly
original cinematic creation. Somewhat of a
local legend (at least in his mind), we first catch
glimpse of Sonny sneaking onto a car accident
sight to "save" the victim's soul.

Here the film takes a rare position for a reli—
gious piece in that it doesn t take I position It
a.“ Rather it leaves It tip to the viewer to jtidge
Sonny s aLtion as a presumptuous act of arro—
game or a minor triumph of faith. This moral
Imbiguity beLomes aconsistent theme.

()n the surfaLe Sonny with his flamboyant
dress .iiid demeanor falls somewhere bervieen
a IroLk star and I usLd car salesman He holds
conversations with (iod, a la limily \Vatson in
Breaking the ”7121's. which escalate into one-
way shouting matches.

1n conversations with his wifeulessie (Far—




' (:0




is I!

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’i‘! V
O: '
1. I






rah FaIvL'ctt), we find ottt he is a philanderer
and. at times. heavy drinker. llis Iealotry
becomes both his attraction and destructive

This becomes apparent when the emotion
ally-battered Jessie falls in love
with a younger minister and
wants a divorce. Sonny's jealousy
turns to drinking and rage and, at
his son's little league game, the
much-loved town character takes
an aluminum bat to the young
minister's head.

Realizing his actions. Sonny
leaves his sick mother and two
children behind and 11ees to a
predominantly black Louisiana
bayou town. There he meets
retired preacher Rev. Blackwell
(john Beasly) and sets otit to start
a new congregation called “The
One \Vay Road to He II LII ‘ To
recruit parishioners he giILs ter-
vent sermons over the loL I1 I Idto
st:,Ition drops anonymous paLk—
ages of groceries on doorstLps
and offers a Stinday III tss t.I\i serIiL'e in an old
red school bus.

“hat follows is a touching redentptive
piece of Sonny winning the enthusiasm of a
community while exorcising his own inner
demons. But the fill” is quick to reali/c
Sonny's character comes ftill of contradictions



‘Tbe Apostle’
October Film

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‘ . 1.34m] lli/Illl:
Ilillloll. ill't‘
film v/wt‘z‘i ill
the Iver/tricky

/ il’t'i/Nll'

and never revels in his reprieve,

L'nlike most religious filtiis. 'llrt' .l/llltf/i'
never attempts to pass judgment on the eccen—
tricities or potetttial hypocrisies of the religion
at hand. Always respectful without being rcI »

erential. the film offers its stipport
to the idea of genuine belief rather
than .tnI specific dogmatic ltlL‘tiltr

\ltLr IL us of tlt‘lllllt” itid fun

‘ tuning his script. l)tl\'.lll worked out
Ill the kinks to ILhieIc :‘wtieinIikablI'

*‘k *‘k
(out of five)

sttbtlL ereenplay Ioid of ant st IlL
ntelodi aunt (in sun Il oLL Isions,
sctjtiLnLLs looked as it thLI might
head in that direction before
l)tII.I|l. either by performance or
direction. ptilled back to provoke
thought rather than Lonvince.

l'\C11 a closing scene that shows
Sonny coaxing the comerstoii of
Billy Bob Thorton's nameless red—
neck character. remains within the
boundaries of sttbtle reality despite
the contrived circumstances.

.\s director he is equally conv
cerned with maintaining rcalistii.

His senii- doLtiiiIL-.ntir\ look Ind no- frills
stIle LIL ttcs Iii ttnw ."1\Ll1llg encrut Ind indigLr
nous southern 1ee.l .\nd linIIlI as iLtor
1)ttI'all'.s creation and exLLtItion ol Sonny rcp-
resettts his richest character to date in career
defined by excellence.





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“I'm” ‘ a an”

Tlil W‘s first black student Payne, of Louisville. became the The Univetslst fist black football . . . . ‘

Lyrim T. Jamison broke the color University's first black basketball player to actuallypll y in a game m m: wag %gm3fm1%m .
barttlr 311949 with a lawsuit player on June 9,1969. He was Northington followed mm: black W in 1m said“ did not Dawson. mycwummt editor said he
W the all-white UK. Johnson drafted by Atlanta in the spring player named Greg Page who died fat the W“ of m a "M wants the book to serve ave one
"My Wmsummer here under 1971‘ M on the m field. The UK ' ”i M! M ”sure flying to not just one campus group ry I
the WI! of social pressure. apartments are named for Page. W W" it fairly. 1

‘A sense that we were future players’

By Aaron Sanderlord

l Jill/Wt I'a/Ilw'

l’ioiteers forge paths lor otltw
eis to follow. 'lhey risk the sta1
ttis Lpio for potential gain.

Kentucky's wilderness her-
it ige hore witlt it several faitiotis
pioneers wlto were revered for
thLir Ltlllr'dL‘L‘. hut otlters were
hl. Med for lighting son 11 norms.

\\ itlt lL".ltltl try 111 lull swing.
sL1L1ial ltlatk pionLLis who
fought stich itoritts atL iii tlte

(.arlos l)..1wson lL'ii'\
liiamwell. lyrone BLJSHH and
l.yiitan 'l‘. johnson span gener a-
tioiis ofhlack history .11 L'K. hiit
eaclt iitade their mark oit the
campus .titd the (:ommoit»
wealtlt. Bramwell and Dawson
continue to do so.

Dawson is tlte current editor
of tlte Kelli/11171111. the first hlack
yLarhook editor .it LK.
liramw ell is one of lilil scholars
iitcltided 111 l)i1‘t/Hg/rl.1/tei/
. lfi'lo/nalnlerri‘illl Silent/111' oft/11'
Silt/i (Lent/try and is cttrreittly
vice president of Research and
(iraduate Studies at L'K.

’1easoit was the Kentucky
thl‘tlL'lS first hlack editor in chief.
attd _Iohnson challenged L’K‘s
raLially Lliscriittinant adittissioits
poliLies aitd won admission to tlte

.lll1\\llllt‘ sthool iii 194‘).

ll waslohnson's courage tltat
pioiteLi'ed a patlt for the others.
He gt ..idu iteLl fioiit \'1igini.t
L itioti L itiersiiy iit I‘lsl) and
received ltis mastLi s degiLL itt
education from tlte L niversity
of \liLhigait.

lit l‘H‘Llohitsoit eitrolled .it
L K. \lter .1 lettgtlty aitd hitter
Lourt haitle ovL-i' Keititickys
e\cltisioit ol hlacks from all
state universities e\cepi for
Kentucky State. johnson was
met with stiff resistance.

”He said itot heing ahle to
attend the L itiv ersity of Ken‘
titcky was rohhiitg 11s of our
haste rights of citi/cnship." said
_leri‘y Stevens. .l former student
Lil_lLtllllSL1lt.s at Louisville (len—
tral lliglt School from W“)!
1W1l. Stevens is currently serv -
mg as .tit academic adviser for
Central \leisiitg .it LK.

Stevens said all .Iollnsttll
wanted to do was lllltl others to
challenge tlte notion tltat hlacks
were iitLapahle of dealing with
tlte world on its own terms.

'lhere were crosses lilll’ltL‘tl
iii l.e\ingtoit at tltat tiiite.
\\ hen hlacks finally were
admitted. their optioits were
limited Stevens said hlacks
weien‘t allowed to sit with
whites at the cafeteria facilities.

_Iohnson oitly lasted oite suin—
ittei tiitdei the weigltt ol social
pressure. He died last ()etohe r.

“l le was itist .1 very colorful
and engaging teacher who had a
lot of conlidencL iit his students
to get involved 111 c.lt tnging the
world that we vvetL going into
Sthcns said.

“\Ve all itist had a sense that
we were future players in coiik

pletiitg the work that a lot of

people had started relative to
correcting a lot of social mitts—
tice that was very oltv'iolls to its."
Stevens said lohnson saw
things iitost people didnt reL—
ogni/e. Modern \otitlts laLe a
very Llillerent prohleitt than in
his tiiite. he said.
ltltiitk that lie would think
that students are just itot as
involved in speaking otit against
issues of their time (today). I
tltink he would say that young
people shouldn't allow them‘
selves to he complacent."
_lol1nsoit's legacy as .1 pioneer
stems front his helief iii the
responsihilities of citi/eitship to
identify vvortlty causes and
speak otit. Stevens said.
lli‘amwell represents a shift in
focus froitt race to perlorinance.
.'\(l\';ll‘lL‘L‘lllcltts iitaLle hy

_|ohnson and conteittporaries

paved the way for the accont'

