xt770r9m6475 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6475/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1996 1996 1996-11-25 2020 true xt770r9m6475 section xt770r9m6475  





coach loses finale

By Chris Easterllng
Spam Editor

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — It’s

After 78 games and seven non-
winnin season, Bill Curry’s tenure
as hea coach of the UK football
program is finished. It concluded
on aturday with a 56-10 blowout
at the hands of No. 9 Tennessee.

What was likely his final game
as a college coach ended where his
career in college football be an, at '
Neyland Stadium in Knoxvi le. As
a member of the Geor 'a Tech
freshman team, Curry’s rst game
brought him up to the banks of the
Tennessee River to face the Vols’
freshman team.

Now, 36 ears and three head
coaching 'o 5 later, Curry was
walking 0 fthe same field With his
arm around his just-married son
BillJr., and a swarm of media who
were attem ting to capture every
moment of liis last walk off the Volunteer’s field.

“I was numb after the game,” Curry said. “It
seemed so difficult to take in. I guess I started and
finished here (at Tennessee)”

Curry’s record at UK now stands at 26-52, with
only one bowl berth during his time in Lexington,
that coming in the 1993 Peach Bowl. The Cats have
never finished above .500 in his time at UK, his best
record was a 6-6 mark in 1993.

His overall record as a head coach at Georgia
Tech, Alabama and UK is 83-105-4. Curry’s record
against Southeastern Conference opposition is 28—
46, with one SEC Championship while at Alabama.

The Cats finished this season 4-7 for the second
consecutive season. UK also finished 3—5 in the SEC,
which was good enough for fourth in the SEC East-
ern Division.

As far as Curry’s final game, early on it appeared
that the Cats just might send their coach out on a
. winning note, or at least out with a valiant effort.

Thanks to two early Tennessee turnovers — a
fumble by Peyton Manning and an interception by
Van Hiles —— the Cats were able to jump in front of
the Vols 3-0 after Brian Johnson nailed a 23-yard
field goal with 8:20 left in the first quarter.

But Tennessee roared back ahead with a 80-yard
pass from Manning to Peerless Price and then, after
a fumble on the kickoff, UT drove 31 yards to go 11
14-3 when Jay Graham lunged in from seven yartf;
out with 5:38 left in the first.

UK wasn’t done yet, thou h. The Cats drove
down to the Tennessee 35 yard fine, before BillyJack
Haskins, who was playing with a partially separated



WEATHER Cloudy today, high
45 to 50. Rain tonight, low 40.
Cloudy tomorrow, high in the
low 405.

”"81”" Three bachelors paint the

town red in ‘Swingers, ’ a movie that opened

this past weekend. Review, page 2




shoulder, threw a 24- ard strike to
Norman Mason in t e end zone.
Mason made a beautiful, diving "
catch to pull UK within 14—10. '

The Cats would get no closer,
ending any type of bittersweet end-
ing for Curry.

The Volunteers (8—2 overall, 6-1
in the SEC) rolled up 42 straight
points after the UK touchdown to

low the Cats out of the water.
Manning, who will likely leave UT
after this year for the NFL, threw






for 317 yards and three touchdowns
on a l6-of—23 passing.

“There’s certainly no difficulty
discerning what happened out
there,” Curry said. “We gave up
big pla s. We had our opportuni—
ties ear ', but couldn’t cash in on enough'of them."

“I fe t bad because I felt we let him down," Hask-
ins said. “But he’s a great man. He’ll be OK.”

The locker room was an emotional place to be
after the game, especially for the seniors and the

“It was a pretty sad moment in the locker room,”
senior tight end Issac Curtis III said. “Everybody’s
saying good-bye. It’s not like ‘1’” see you next year.‘
Especiall for me. I know the coaches did everything
they cou d in their powers to make this team a good

Prior to the loss, the Cats had rolled to three con-
secutive wins since the Oct. 21 announcement that


"I! fill] or "If lillllli Bill C any (lefi) 1': expressionleii a: he irrurrounded
by members of the media a: he walks ofl‘ the field. Above, he walks to the
team but after hixfirml genie as roach at UK, a 56-10 10:: to Tennessee.

Curry would not return. Curry said the team might
just have run out of gas for the game.

“I think we just spent our emotional reserves
three weeks in a row," he said. “We went to the well
and there simply wasn't enough there to compete
against this kind of team.”

Curry said the past five weeks have been quite a
learning experience for him, both about himself and
his players.

“Since Oct. 21, this has been one of the most
revealing and powerful periods of my life,” he said. “I
told them after the game I loved and appreciated (the
players) for what they’ve done the past five weeks.
They have taught us some things.”


Plan early
to save
cash, time

By Capri Cicero
Contributing W'riter



The “Home for the Holidays”
cliché takes on a new meaning for
students of the ‘90s. It means hours
on hold for airlines, talking to tick-
eting agents, maybe even tryin to
bag the best fare through sur ng
the web.

Whatever the medium, getting PittSbur h
home for the holidays has become ;,«9- ~ »
a major concern for students away 39‘» mam.
at school. -‘ " . ‘
With Thanksgiving around the
comer and Christmas only a couple Newar’,'J' ,
of weeks after, airlines are pulling * immw

in a large part of students’ pocket-
books, especially those who have
waited until the last minute.
Thanksgiving is the busiest air-
line holiday of the year, according
to airline representatives, and for



Vie. ;.

, . swim »I


Phoenix, Ariz.‘

Home “IF the holidays

Thanksgiving prices based on round trip that leaves on Wednesday, Nov. 27 and
returns Monday, Dec.1. Christmas prices based on round trip that leaves on
Thursday, Dec. 19 and returns Monday, Jan. 13, 1997

x Lexin ton Louisville







Program DTTGI‘S llfllll
with losing weight

By Lindsay Hendrix

Features Editor

If you’re overweight and have a sincere
desire to lose weight by beginning a healthy
diet program, and also want to be educated on
how to keep the weight off, there may be hope.

Health Management Resources, or HMR,
has been helping people lose weight across the
United States since 1983. Dr. James W.
Anderson, the program’s medical director, was
looking for a program to help overweight dia-
betes patients lose weight, so they could elimi-
nate or reduce their medicine.

He brought HMR to UK in 1985, and has
been the medical director ever since, seeing
patients on a


wefr'j’éf’eas'j,e Tips loi- diam out
three separate

pro rams to

Hi R, and VChoose low-tat side
participants dishes.

are assigned

to them VOrder food to be pre-

according to

pared dry instead oi in oil,
how much

Mien possible.



students who have waited until


now, it will be impossible for them
to return from their destination
until Monday. Sunday, Dec. 1 is
Sold out on all flights Lexington,
Louisville, and Cincinnati airports,
according to Delta Airlines.
Airlines such as Delta, USAir,
and American all want the biggest
piece of the consumer pie, and a
d part of those consumers dur-
ing the holiday season are students.
Of the three Kentucky airports,
the Cincinnati/Northcm Kentucky
International Airport is the largest,
and is, in fact, amon the ten
lar st airline hubs in e nation.
ile convenient, flying from
Northern Kentucky means sub-
stantially higher prices for virtually
any destination, said a USAir rep-

Lexington, on the other hand, is
the smallest, but also demands a
higher price than medium-size
markets such as Louisville.

Overall, Louisville stacked up
best for several destinations rang-
ing from Atlanta ($68 round-trip
for Christmas) to Phoenix, AZ
(5244 for Christmas). Cincinnati
prices differed greatly from Atlanta
(3261) to Phoenix (32 79).

There is still some time before
Christmas to book a fairly reason-
able flight. But, as airline represen-
tatives say, it is best to plan ahead.
Airline rates change daily because
of deregulation of the industry.

Representatives of Delta and
USAir said their fares ma change
three to four times a day, sed on





ticket availability and competitors
fares. As the holidays near, those
changes are likely to be more dras-
tic and expensive, representatives

What it comes down to is a stu-
dents’ best bet is Louisville for the
best fares, but it is important to
check Lexington before making a
commitment, representatives

If the representative knows a
student is flexible, a better fare may
result. Most importantly, plan

And advice from a student who
has flown home, “Try not to get an
emergency exit aisle; the seats
don’t lean back,” said Michelle
Kaiserlian, a history sophomore.


weight they

need to lose, VOrdar high tat condi-
and how ments on the side. and make
much they sure to limit the amount you

have already

The rapid
weight loss
rogram is
based onaliq-
uid diet.




VStay my irom tried



drinks, which come in vanilla, chocolate and
chicken soup flavors, are powders mixed with


The vanilla and chocolate can also be
mixed with diet soda and coffee for a change.
Partici ants have at least five drinks a day.
They can ave more if they want, but they can
never have less. Although the program sounds
similar to some of the over-the-counter diets



Clamfiedr 5 Campus 6
Crossword 5 Spam 3
Diversion: 2 Viewpoinr 4





Whit wins Crush
by nine pints oi blood

While the Cats may not have won the football
game against Tennessee Saturday, Kentucky
managed to win the Big Blue Crush blood drive
by nine pints.

During the week—long drive, the Central Ken-
tucky Blood Center collected 2,495 pints of
blood. Tennessee fans donated 2,486 pints.

Sally Baker of CKBC said the blood will be
used to make up for holiday shortages over

CKBC received the traveling trophy during
halftime of Saturday’s football game.

Academic team places second in tourney

UK’s academic team competed at the 1996
Lexington Community College Academic Tour-
nament this weekend, finished second in the four-
year division behind Georgetown College.

UK swept its round robin pool, beating Alice
Lloyd College 43-38, Transylvania College 52-
34, Murray State 56-25, Union College 50-19 and
University of Louisville 42-39.

In the championship match, Georgetown took
an early lead and won 62 -22.

Woman throws children all root

NEW YORK —— A woman threw her three
children off the roof of her l4-story housing pro-
ject yesterday, killing one of them, then jumped
to her death, police said.

Chicqua Roveal, 23, threw 7-year-old twins
Andre and Andrea and 2-year-old Shando off the
roof of the building in the Bronx, then jumped
herself, said police spokesman Doram Tamari.

Roveal died at the scene and Andre was pro-
nounced dead at a hospital.

The other children, badly injured, were hospi-

The woman “had been distraught for some
time,” Tamari said, but he did not know why.
Police did not find any suicide note.

Neighbors also said they did not know why
Roveal jumped, but one said she had been having
problems with her mother, who was recently
released from jail.

“Her mother used to go back and forth to jail,”
neighbor Darryl Johnson said.

“She raised herself and her kids. She always
used to tell us her mother was never there for

A law-enforcement source, speaking on condi—
tion of anonymity, confirmed» that Roveal’s moth-
er was released from prison last month. The
woman was not in the building at the time of the
deaths. Johnson said Roveal was a good mother.

Crash panel linds FM, llalcht at lault

MIAMI — The federal hearings on the Valu-
Jet crash brought out some disturbing news:
When you travel on an airliner, there are likely to
be things in the cargo hold that can kill you if
they catch fire or explode.

And in a rare attack upon the Federal Aviation
Administration, the agency that is supposed to
make sure that flying is safe, members of the
panel investigating the ValuJet crash made it clear
the FAA didn’t fulfill its mission.

The hearings by the National Transportation
Safety Board revealed that, before the deadly
crash in the Everglades, federal authorities gave a
low priority to the search for dangerous cargo
such as chemicals and even ammunition.

Testimony and documents revealed that 60
percent of the hazardous materials shipped on air-
planes in the United States goes aboard passenger
airliners rather than car 0 planes, and that the
FAA ignored warnings om its own hazardous
materials, or hazmat, inspectors.

“Lumping to ether cargo, hazmat — anything
that goes into t e belly of a plane — we’re just
waiting for an accident to happen,” a division
manager said in a 1992 internal FAA report.


Bauhaus kills oil Poo-Was llsrmaa

NEW YORK ——- Pee-wee Herman is dead, and
Paul Reubens couldn’t be happier.

The actor who played the ultimate goofy nerd
in movies and on television before his downfall
following a 1991 morals charge arrest has signed a
new sitcom deal, according to the Nov. 30 TV

Reubens, who’s had a recurring role on “Mur-
phy Brown,” signed with Carsey-Werner, pro-
ducers of such hit sitcoms as “The Cosby Show,”
“Roseanne” and “3rd Rock From The Sun.”

He has yet to decide on a premise for the new
series, but when it starts next fall, Reubens will
play a number of different characters.

“Paul is an idea machine.” Carsey-Wemer
executive David Tochterman says.

“We haven’t settled on anything yet, but it will
be more high-concept, like ‘3rd Rock from the
Sun,‘ than a traditional sitcom.”

Reubens did Pee-wee Herman films and had
his own Saturday morning children’s show “Pee-
wee’s Playhouse" before his arrest in a Florida
adult theater.

His career suffered as he was “mind to sup-
porting roles in such films as "Buffy the Vampire
Slayer” and 'Batman Returm.” '


.I d





2 Monday, November 25, 1996, Kentucky Kernel


Schwarzenegger can't beat indie films

Miramax Films
* i i * l/Z
By Josh Herr

ln one of my film classes we
were asked if we had ever seen a
film in which we saw ourselves
reflected up on the screen. Until
this weekend l would have said
Kevin Smith’s wonderful comedy
Clerks, but it is with )leasure that I
must now pass t e crown to

Not unlike Clerks, this film
deals with a group of young peo—
ple who live lives of well articulat-
cd desperation, but unlike that
film writerJon Favreau and direc—
tor l)oug Liman do not take the
comedic route, choosing to
address the pain that Smith merely
implied. Not to say there aren’t
plenty of laughs to be had, but it is
the kind oflaughter that is brutally
close to tears.

The story centers around Mike
(played I) writer Favreau). Mike is
six months out of a six—year rela-
tionsl‘lip he just can’t seem to get
over. He mopes around by the
phone ho ling she’ll call back, and
whines about her to everyone,
including total strangers.

In an effort to bring him back
to the land of the living his
friends, led by the boisterous
Trent, take him out for three



nights on the town. The evenings
tend to result in various levels of
disaster, with only 'l‘rent having
success with the ladies.

Trent, as pla ed by Vince
Vau hn, is easily t e high oint of
the ilm. He is a the kiln of guy
that calls everyone baby. He treats
women like crap, but for some
reason they all love him, which
only succeeds in making Mike feel
even more inade uate about his
own lack oflove life.

As these post-modern day wan—
derers go from party to party,
from conversation to conversa-
tion, a world is created that is so
Inuch like our own it’s disturbing.
It is a world where every conversa-
tion is soaked in film references
and pop cultural trivia, where guys
cuss at video games for cheating,
and complain about who gets to
pay for the pizza this time.

Another source of laughter is
the way the camera quotes movies
almost as much as the dialogue.
The scene in which they mimic
the opening of Reservoir Dogs,
while discussing the fact that
Tarantino stole everything from

There is no triumphant ending
to spoil the truth of this film, just
the knowledge that everything
mi ht be all right.

T’erhaps the most amazing
thing about this movie is the fact
that it was produced on almost no



\ v‘ .I
Pholo finnlshed

llE WORKING MM Steve Buscemi wrote and directed ‘Trees Launge',
hirh opened this weekend at the Kentucky Theatre.

The Campus Calendar is a bee service whit h appears in the Monday edition of the Kentut lW Keinel.
spet ial events and sporting events, must have all intoimation to Student M in ites iooiii

MONDAY 1 l / 2 5 agiices from the Village Video Series:

e Power of Loves," noon. King
Cultural Ctr, ”brown bag”



Huebner (thru 12/06)


Student Ctr












Bldg-2574746 ;


Gym Loft; 269-4505




Center for Contemporary Art:
Mixed Medias by Cam Choy and David

~SAB Rasdall Gallery features "The
Touchables,’ Stone Sculpture by CR.
Schiefer with Photography by Kevin
Lee Johnson (thru l2/18). 257

UK Dept of Art: Faculty ArtWorks
"The Downtown Gallery,“ 200 W. Vine
St. inside the entrance of the PHC
Bank Bldg (thru I/97); 257-2727

Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every
weekday, 12:10pm, 320 Rose St; 255-

Latino Student Asstx iation General
Meeting, fi:()()-.‘):()()plil, I ll Student


Career Center Orientations: Mon,
Wed. Fri, 10:00ami‘1‘ues, Thurs
3:00pm (thru 12/13) 257-2746
Don't Slurp Your Soup (Business
Etiquette), sponsoredby the UK ,
Career Ctr, 4:50pmflam WW5 . ,/


-Ailtido Club. doom-“stink; All inn}

budget, by a group of friends who
just wanted to tell their story. It is
a film about life in Hollywood,
that Hollywood would never dare
to tell, simply because it has a
heart as desperate and fragile as
the hopes and dreams of all the
lonely souls who just want to be in

Trees Lounge
Live Entertainment
* i t *

By Dan O’Neill
Assistant Am Editor

There is no better representa-
tion of the spirit of independent
filmmaking than Steve Buscemi.
He has a history gracing obscure
films with his weasel-ish figure,
and is best known for his career—
defining role as Mr. Pink in Reser-
voir Dogs.

So when the man who hasn’t
appeared in a bad film to date,
writes, directs and stars in a film,
there is definite cause for excite-
ment amon his distinct followers.
His film 7Srees Loan e, a dreary
comedy loosely based on his life,
offers a wonderful slice—of—life
piece that’s sure to please his most
dedicated fans.

Trees Loan e tells the story of
Tommy Basi Io (Buscemi), a 31-
year—old barely living in a miser-
able suburban Long Island town.
After he’s fired from his job as an
auto-mechanic and his pregnant
girlfriend leaves him for his for-
mer boss, Tommy finds trouble
looking for one night stands and
getting dangerously close to
undera e girls. He spends his days
at his gvorite watering hole, the
Trees Lounge, and later picks up a
job as an ice cream truck driver.

He assembled a cast of friends
and fellow New York actors
including Anthony Lapglia,
Daniel Baldwin, Carol Kane and
the young Chloe Sevigny from
Kids. Longtime friend and collab-
orator Mark Boone Junior, whose
face is probably unfamiliar to
most, gives one of the best perfor-
mances as another drunk, Trees
Lounge resident. Samuel L. Jack-
son makes a mid—film cameo
alppearance, providin for one of
t e funnier scenes of e movie.

The togetherness of the cast is

apparent as the appear to be
enjoying themselves, playing off
each others words and move-
ments. All of them manage to give
their characters a likable quality to
contrast the dead small town sur-

Working for such directors as
the Coen Brothers, Quentin

Tarantino, Jim Jarmusch and
Robert Rodriguez, it’s interesting
to see who he mimics the most.
Although certain elements of each
are scattered throughout, Trees
Loan it most closely resembles Jar-
muscfii’s style with its long takes, a
still camera, and offbeat sense of
humor. The extended opening
image of the hapless old drunk,
Bronson Dudley sitting at a bar
stool, looks like something direct—
ly out of aJarmusch film.

While he doesn’t explicitly give
credit to Jarmusch, he does cite a
profound influence from the man
who virtually defined “indepen-
dent," John Cassevetes. Buscemi
creates a dark, bleak atmos here,
similar to a Cassevetes film, but he
instills the necessa humor to
from keep it form rh’eing overly

Buscemi has fashioned an
excellent movie for his first effort,
and thus furthered his persona as
one of Hollywood’s best “non-
Hollywood” performers.

jingle All The Way
20th Century Fox
a a 1/2
By Matt Mulcahey
and Theodore A. Taylor Jr.
Contributing Critics

The Christmas box office race
is on once again, and the first
movie out ofthe gate is jingle All
the Way starring Arnold
Schwarzeneg er. After the sum-
mer action Elockbuster, Eraser,
Schwarzene ger returns to come-
dy in this lighthearted family film.

Schwarzenegger pla 5 Howard
Langston, a hardworking busio
nessman whose job often forces
him to neglect his family. To
make up for this, he promises to
buy his son, Jamie (Jake Lloyd),
the hottest Christmas gift of the
year, the Turbo Man action fig—
ure. What he doesn’t know is that
the toy has been sold out for





Pbm filfllithzd

SIIEEI "All“: Vince Vaughn, ]on Favreau and Patrick Van Horn pre-
pare for a night on the town in the film ‘Swingers.’

months, and so the adventure

jingle All the Way is at its best
when it combines action with
comedy, and this is done very well
through the first halfof the movie.
Toward the end of the film, how-
ever, it becomes overly de endent
on cheesy, sentimentai) lines,
which undermine an otherwise
enjoyable film.

Schwarzenegger is fine when
involved in physical comedy, but
his performance is suspect when
he plays the sentimental father.
His thick accent and lackluster
actin are a liability in the movie.
Anot er liability is the perfor-
mance of youngJake Lloyd, who
plays Schwarzenegger’s son. His
role as the disappointed youngster
does more to hurt the film than
help it. He’s no Elijah Wood.



to follow; 257-4130 ’5.

Bldg; 257soé7‘

-SAB Indoor Activities Committee
Meeting, 4:00pm, l 17 Student Ctr

SAB Multi< ultiiial (.oininil

4:00pm, SAI’) olti< e, St

Student Ctr; 257-8867

Model United Nations (.|
7:30pm, 363 Student (ti




Columbia Ave; 257-5989







-Baptist student Union fleeting at
LCC, l 1:45am-l209pm, I23 Maloney


-SAB Board Meeting, 5:00pm, 203 ,

-Bnptist student Union “TNT“
Tuesday Night Together, 7:50pm, 4

Mieoley Foundation PHAT Tuesday ’
(Praise, Honor & Thanks), 7&0ng
206 Student Ctr; 254mm ” ‘ '
-l‘low To Find Ooh‘t Employment,
sponsored by the UK Career Ctr,
1:50pm. 201 Mathews Bldg; 257-274d a
., ‘ ~536n-3 Basketball Entries due with $3
fee. 4:00pm, 145 Seaton Ctr
-_2.5 mile Turkey Trot Entries due, 3;?
’ 4::OOpm, 145 Seaton Ctr; 2576
41K Ballroom Dance Society: _


4997, Ballroom 8: Win
', ,Dgngsfl’m’ helpful btgtinbt ,

mm 0°99" Aiuwoyl'x‘ ’




, W s- we»

tee .‘ieetinq


iiilent ('li

. 4:00pm. rinses

., sews” “

iiti l‘leetinil,

: 225-8298












g I -TurkeyT .
longing Club,
Loft: 257+:qu ,




. .
allll Meii'd é


Program Carter 0. Woodso
Senes:,:l)r. Paul Taylor, '0
importance of Bad Films,’
*2 l:30pm, I24 lung Cultur

ectsy’fisoprn: :52 g
' Regeptlo’niati‘SQOpm .
_ % stry presents
Paula Lemons, UK, Thpic TBA,


, -Ailtido Club, 8:00-9:39pm, Alumni ‘
it Gym Loft: 269-4505

4.1K Men's Duluth-ll vs. Australia
Exhibition, 8:00pm; LexingtOn, KY”

THURSDAY ill/233


Creative Job Search mégles
severing; the,mfim.w.
#1 2m Mdthews Bldg,- 257327 .
-AS‘l‘eCC Seminar Series pres
Myron Jacobson, PhD. 't‘lewly
cred! .JC 0" .. for the vlmin .

ing: Nike? 0.3” f;

I ’R I I) A"

‘ i‘etal/lnfant


King Cultural Ctr Literary Reading,
teatiiiinii ilieiiilieis ol the Allilation
l'iirlk i. Hopiii Student (ti










I I /'2‘)


,l'luman Pregn 'cy: implications of


ntcir (thru l 1/25)
-Ul( Volleyball SEC Tournament 0 ,
Wm (thru i I /24) "
cy o llllnols
i- SPECIAL nyems

It \\.1\ll ‘ltltlt Ill Hiriaili/ation Hillel
lt“.‘ 4i tllilll \li.llilt.il iliiillei and Hi-

.‘i tll.l l‘.ill\ -‘1 l

.llll ml

" ” iswiii basins




: g _ - ‘3.





in, til ,iti illiilll n Ill) H-oojiiii \I'l

\Il .IH lli\lli A1 in ,3


,1.‘ orchead Stat; Cl 9

yet fences halt

. »- Sunday
iii. - Hf. '


\Ioui int/[dull /'i ' Iii

cation and 'all required documentsth a, "
the Office of Admissions for undér-é
graduate admission for the .1997,

before the begin '
eight hours or 1&5 ‘ e exe f
this deadling'; " if.“ i“
‘Alrrs "& M _
College olfinefirts preserits Alyssa
*Paark, violinist, performing works by
Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky.
Strayinsky, and Saint-Saens, 3:00pm.
Singletary Ctr; $15, $1.2r58; 257-



, Club} Kilo-3:00pm. Alumni
Gyms 3". it,- 269-4305

One of the bright s ots in the
film is a great comedic perfor-
mance by Sinbad, who plays
Myron Larabee, a deranged postal
worker who competes with
Schwarzeneg er for the last
Turbo Man 011. Jim Belushi has

an amusing cameo as the leader of

a black market toy ring involving
crooked Santas. Rita Wilson plays
Schwarzenegger’s wife, and Phil
Hartman rounds out the cast as
the seemingly perfect neighbor
who has ulterior motives.

Despite a promising beginning,
we left the theater more than a lit-
tle disappointed. What could have
been an above-average comedy
was ruined by poor dialogue and
uneven acting. If you want to see a
good family Christmas comedy,
you’d be better off renting A
Christmas Story.

All registered organizations wishing to publish meetings, l(‘( lures,
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Center Catholic Mass, 9:00

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Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November 25. I996 8



IRWIA WHEN WAS the last time UK defeated

Tennessee in football?

“I WAS numb afier the game. It seemed so
difficult to take in. ”
















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1’86 I ".1 Z I '11 JQJ‘QIJIQL 1” “am )In 3"." Bl" Curry, afier his last game as L’Kfoorlmll marl) on Saturday if
. ’i
I t?
Gottil'lell I'llmm's Injury d088ll’t 810W
' d ' d by N wt Manning in blowout
1 By Rob Herbs! He struck with an 80-yard
By Chris Easterllno would sit down and think about AWW'IISPO'TI It'd/W touchdown pass to Peerless
Spam Editor possibly transferring to another Price. Later the “golden boy” hit
school. KNOXVILLE, 'l‘enn. —- Andy McCullough with a 38-
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. —— UK But he said he wouldn’t make There were some prayers from yard pass.
Athletics Director C.M. Newton any hasty decisions. the UK sideline that “Peyton's “We gotta stop stopping our-
denied a rumor that Mike Got- “Right now, I’m just very anx- Place” was on the bench. selves. Turnovers have been
tfried will be named the next head ious to see who the new coach is Quarterback Pcyton Man- hurting US.” Manning said.
football coach at UK today. The and to 0 through a spring rac— ning. Tennessee’s golden boy “Once we can SIOP dOing that.
denial came in an interview with tice an see what e of o fense who has broken virtually every we can put a lot of points on the
CBS’ Gus Johnson during the he runs,” Couch sai , “I just hope passing record in school history board. We’re still a good offense
netlwork’s telecast of the Cats’ 56- it is a coach who will use my tal- lwas hampered by a partially torn and I think we showed that.”
10 055 to No. 9Tennessee ents. I’d like to see a drop- igament in his knee and there He capped off the perfor-
on Saturday. NDIEBDUK back passing system, a sys- was some doubt early in the mance with another touchdown
Gottfried, the former Murra tern where we threw the ball week as to his status for Satur— ass to Price. The bi uestion
S dP'b hhd by d hfild d’ p h ‘d ngqu ‘
tate an itts urg ea coac , own t e e .” ay 5 game. on t c mm s o o 5’ ans )5
was in Birmingham, Ala., to do Couch finally The Cats eventually forced whether that was his last touch~
the color commentary on ESPN's saw some laying Manning to the bench by the down pass in the fabled Neyland
broadcast of the Alabama-Auburn time for t e first third quarter but not because of Stadium.
game. He was unavailable for time since the his knee. Manninglit up the not It was senior day for Ten—
comment. LSU loss when he quite All—American defense for nessee but there has been great
In the interview, Newton came in to take 42. points by the middle of the speculation that Manning will
refused to give any names the uni- Bl”); jack Hask- third quarter. forego his senior year to enter
versity administration is consider- "1.5 place. for a He finished the massacre by theiiNFL'
. f h . b UK 5 I f Couch brief period of completing 16-of-23 passes for We got a quarterback, 16
$563; bfritgtor TonfioNFZ-Zlylgi’d time in the second 317 yards and three touchdowns. (Manning’s number). He'll be
. uarter. “You’re talking about a really back,” Fulmer said with a hint of
yesterday that there _ 1% no . q He then came courageous effort to go out there sarcasm.
announcement planned Within the .5 in and finished the with a partially torn ligament,” The rumor of Manning’s
next couple ofdays. game out in the Tennessee head coac Philip departure has been rampant
But one name that was initially third quarter. Fulmer said. “I’m proud of his. throughout the season.
being considered for the job was Freshman tail- He’s really a tough guy." But Saturday Manning was
in Knoxville for the game. back Derick But at the outset of Saturday’s relieved that it was not only his
Tennessee offensive coordina— Logan also hinted game, the UT phenom who is possible departure that was
tor David Cutcliffe W35 inter- Logan that he might the son of legendary Ole Miss rumored.
viewed by UK for the job, but has leave UK if the girdarterback Archie Manning “In fact he (Tim Couch)
apparently been removed from coach who re laces Cur does I n’t resemble his old man. On didn’t ask me what I was doing
consideration. . not bring a smashmouthzfle of the first drive of the game, the but I asked him what“ he was
Cutcliffe’s offense, which cen- offense which would suit his Illl. HARLOW! Kmrdmfl Vols reached the UK 32—yard domg, Manning said. I finally
ters around a prolific passing strength. NICE 9MB Norman {Mason makesa diving touchdown cute}; in the