xt770r9m641n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m641n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1991 1991 1991-04-08 2020 true xt770r9m641n section xt770r9m641n  



ritucky Kernel

Arson possible cause
of fire in UK building

Staff reports

Arson is suspected as the cause of
a Thursday night fire that damaged
a vacant UK building next to the
Gaines Center for the Humanities
on West Maxwell Street.

Lexington firefighters responded
to the fire at 11:30 pm. at 218 Max-
well St. Thursday night and extin-
guished it by midnight, according
UK spokesman Ralph Derickson.

The fire, which started in a first-
floor back room, burned through the
floor and debris fell into the base-
ment, Derickson said.


“There was no reason for a fire to start."

Ralph Derickson,
UK spokesman


Although a monetary value has
not been placed on the amount of
damage, Derickson said one room
of the structure was “severely dam-

Arson is suspected because “there
were no utilities on in the building
and it was totally unoccupied," De-
rickson said last night “There was
no reason for a fire to start.”

An arson team began investigat-
ing evidence in the house Friday, he

The house has been vacant for
several years, and UK had planned
to remodel it in the near future for
use by the Gaines Center. The
plans. which will not be affected by
the fire, include classroom space
and an apartment for guests of the
center, Derickson said.





UK rugby player Jimmy Abadi escapes the grasp of Indiana‘s Chris Libbert Saturday at the UK
rugby field in UK's Bluegrass Invitational. UK won, but lU took first place. See story on Page 3.


‘J I‘”
4 .
1’ “flu"m




Running for a reason
5K race raises $5,000 for library

Staff Writer

Nearly 400 people took advantage
of Saturday’s sunny skies and 70-
degree temperatures to take part in
the “SK Library Classic."

Race officials said the event net-
ted an estimated $5,000 to benefit
the “Pack the Stacks“ campaign.
which is part the drive to raise $2.25
million for a $750,000 challenge
grant from the National Endowment
for the Humanities. “Pack the
Stacks" currently is being directed
at graduating UK students.

A student who identified himself
as Joe Fulcon won the men’s cate-
gory of the five kilometer race with
a time of 15:36. Dan Boyle was sec-
ond with a time of 16:10 and Paul
Ashton placed third in 16: 10.

Sheila Kalas took first place in the
women's category running the
course in 19:48. Elizabeth Dai was
second with 20: 10.

David Hansek won the wheel-
chair category with a time of 17:40.

Jere Clancy, president of Stu-
dents in Free Enterprise, which
sponsored the event. said partici-
pants were enthusiastic about the
race being on UK’s campus.

The good weather also helped get
many participants out for the event,
said Sue Feamster, executive cam-
paign manager of the NEH drive.

"We had about 150 people sign
up the morning of the race," she

Feamster said the race helped to
raise awareness of the fund-raiser
on campus.

“We are building momentum.“
she said.

Feamster said plans already are
being made for another race in the
fall, perhaps expanded to a 10-
kilometer race.

Another event going on this week
to benefit the “Pack the Stacks”
campaign is a phonathon to reach
this year's graduates. The event had
raised over 55000 as of last night.

The phomthon will last until


“We had about 150
people sign up the
morning of the race,"

Sue Feamster.
campaign manager of
the NEH drive


Plans for future fund-raiscrs for
the NEH drive include a campaign
to target all UK students.

Clancy said Students for Free En-
terprise is an organization which is
directed at students wish to be in-
volved in their community.

Clancy said the organization par-
ticipates in 10 to 12 outreach pro-
grams in the community designed to
“educate people to help them-

He said the group will attend a
national competition of various Stu-
dents for Free Enterprise organiza~
tions from colleges around the
country in two weeks.


A little shelter, 3 lot of care



UK group
helps raise
money for

Associate Editor

Nearly 100 people transformed
UK’s Commonwealth Stadium
into a “Cardboard City” Saturday
to raise money for homeless fami-

Volunteers constructed 21 card-
board houses and raised $6,000 in
pledges that will be used to con-
struct a real home for a needy
family this fall, said Kris Snyder,
president of UK’s Habitat for Hu-
manity chapter.

The UK group sponsored Satur-
day's fund-raiser, which was part
of an effort by the Lexington
chapter to build 15 houses for the
homeless during the week of Sept.
15, Snyder said.

The UK chapter, which is re-
sponsible for raising the funds for
one of the 15 homes, needs to
raise $30,000 to cover construc-
tion costs. The site of the UK
home has not been selected yet,
said Tammy Rodenberg, religious
adviser to the UK chapter and a
student at Lexington Theological

The group hoped to raise
$15,000 this weekend. but Roden-
berg said she was not disappoint-
ed with the effort.

“We estimated high with the
hopes of raising $2,000," Roden-
berg said. “I was really pleased
with it."

Rodenberg said cardboard
homes were chosen as the focus of




Jim Akins lies in a cardboard box (top), while Todd Sullivan and
Claudia Barbour construct a “house" (above) Saturday.

the event because some homeless
people literally are forced to live
in cardboard boxes for lack of
better shelter. The volunteers,
which included groups from UK
fraternities, sororities and the
Catholic Newman Center, spent
several minutes living in their
one—story, temporary homes.
“We wanted to raise awareness
and we thought it would be an
educational experience for our
own Habitat members to see just
how tough it is to construct a



house and how necessary it is for
people to have a home of their
own." Rodcnberg said.

“We found that out Saturday.
When the wrnd started. most of
the houses got blown over or de-
stroyed Within 20 minutes of be—
ing ptit up."

Rodenbcrg said it was important
to raise awareness of the homeless
problem in Lexington. \aying it
was “something that we can‘t

See HABITAT Page 9




Exhibit ‘A Celebration
of Hats: 1880-1969’
will be held today
through April at the
Peal Gallery in Marga-
ret 1. King library; free;
open during regular
library hours.


Your guide
to Major

Page 5.6.
Page 10.


Campus Calendar ............ 2


Sports ............................... 3
Diversions ........................ 8
Viewpoint ...................... 10
Classilieds ..................... 1 1

Director hopes to dispel
myths in ‘Hidden Faces’

Contributing Writer

“Hidden Faces of Kentucky" is an
appropriate term to use when dis-
cussing eastern Kcntucky and Appa-
lachia because the region long has
been perceived as an area set apan
from the rest of the country, said
Ronald Eller, director of UK‘s Ap-
palachian Center.

“But, the people of the region are
‘Hidden Faces‘ only because we
have chosen to see them that way,"
Eller said.

There are many myths surround-
ing Appalachia and its people Eller
said. Myths, Eller said. are mental
images grounded in a small element
of fact that gives one a narrow un-
derstanding of a much larger pic-
“The Kentucky Highlands —- The
Mountains and the Myth" will be
presented by Eller tonight at 8 in the
Peal Gallery of the Margaret 1. King

in his presentation, Eller will seek

to dispel a number of the pcrsrstcnt
myths. The “other America“ myth
and the popular “feuding Hatfield
and McCoy" myth, which reflects a
violent image of the region. will be
discussed. The main focus of his
presentation Will be on the “despair
myth" that portrays the hopelessness
and desperation of the people of the

“The despair myth” is an outsid-
er‘s image of the region, he said.
The people of eastern Kentucky and
Appalachia no longer view them-
selves that way. They know they
can address their own problems by
relying on their strong, cooperative
traditional work patterns and their
families and neighbors.

Even though the area has desper-
ate economic problems. persistent
unemployment, low education lev-
els. poor health care and environ-
mental pollution. there are many
posnive things happening. Eller

See FACES. Page 9





1‘: Kentucky Kernel, Monday. AW118. 1991


0 Movie: 'Breathless' SAB Foreigh
Film presentation; Free; Center
Theatre; 7:30PM; call 7-8867

0 Concert: UK Brass Ensemble,
Skip Gray; Free; SCFA Concert
Hall; 3PM; call 7-4929

0 Exhibit: 'A Celebration of Hats:
1880-1969~ (thru 4/30); Free; Peal
Gallery;during library hours; call
7-2710 (reception 4/8 @ 1PM)

TU FSDAY 4 / 9

0 Concert: Percussion Ensemble,
Bob Becker; Free; SCFA Recital
Hall; 8PM; call 7-4929

0 Concert: Norman/ Newman Duo,
violin/harp; Free; Arts Place;
Noon; call 255-2951


0 Movie:'Misery'; 52; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 and 10PM; call 7-8867
' Concert: The Clifton String
Quartet; Free; SCFA Recital Hall;
8PM; call 74920

0 Movie: 'Misery'; $2, Worsham

. Theatre; 7:30 8: 10PM; call 7-8667
0 Theatre: 'The American Clock';
58; Cuignol Theatre; 8PM; call


0 Concert: Boston Flamenco Ballet,
Inc; 56; SCFA Concert Hall;
9:45AM; 11:10AM and 12:30PM;
call 1-800-435—8687

0 Movie: 'Misery'; $2; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 8: 10PM; call 7-8867

0 Theatre: 'The American Clock’;
58; Guignol Theatre; 8PM; call 1592


0 Movie: 'Misery'; $2; Worsham
Theatre; 7;30 & 10PM; call 7-8867
0 Concert: Lynn Rice-See, piano;
Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8PM; call

0 Theatre: 'The American Clock';
$8; Guignol Theatre; 8PM; call

SUNDAY 4/ l4

0 Concert: UK Concert Band, W.
Dale Warren; Free; SCFA Recital
Hall; 3PM; call 7-4939

0 Movie: 'Misery'; $2; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 6: 10PM; call 7-8867

0 Concert: UK Classical Guitar
Ensemble; Free; SCFA Recital Hall;
3PM; call 7-4929



0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Middle
Tenn; Free; Shively Field; 3PM

0 Intramurals: Campus Rec
Doubles Golf Tournament (thru
4/9); 56, call 7—3028

° Sports: UK Baseball at Eastern


OSportzs UK Baseball at Middle
Tenn; 7:30PM

0 Intramurals: sign-up deadline for
Campus Rec Derby Classic
Volleyball tourney; Seaton Cntr 145;
5PM; call 7-3928


0 Sports; UK Baseball at OLE MISS;

0 Sports: UK Rugby at Cincinnati
Law; call 271-5843

0 Sports: UK Lacrosse Club at
Indiapolis; 1PM

0 Sports: UK Baseball at Ole Miss;

.{fi i
w ., ~ m N; : mecca: of events is collected from tho Student Actwnns. Office 203/204 Student Center Uri



i .t.’
“I i a

must be filled out at too Studen' Activities 0"


Nemty or Kentucky Tho Iniormotion a published or suppltod



is» w . 'f

bv the on-compu sponsor For Student Ovuonzotions or Untvonity Dopartmont s to molt. cntr
re Suommon otPhotogroph: 5 Graphics are encoulogod Deadline: No tutor than tn. Monday procoding tho publication date.




then took off'for J apart, Do ~ ~

Off with ouch

Featuring Storytelling, Discussions, P
Wild Mind Writing Workshops; D ‘

“I fell asleep in the hot sweaty silkiness of the comforter.
I was dreaming I was at the wheel of an airplane carrying
the bomb to Japan. Hit ’em, _I w
mountain. Hit ’em with a
we go into the wild blue “
I dropped one on the brief);

as yelling. Hit ’em with a
,Hit ’em with a chair. Off
~ gh into the sky.



Bob Becker, an expert on the techniques of African and North Indian
drumming, will speak this Wednesday the 10th at 8 pm on “Xylophone
in Ragtime Music” and the UK Percussion Ensemble will feature
compositions by Becker in their performance 8pm on Tuesday the 9th.





0 Meeting: Table Tennis Practice; 510/ year; Seaton

Squash Ct; 730—10PM; call 7—6636

0 Other UK judo CLub; Free; ALumni Gym; 5-

630PM; call 255-2625

0 Meeting: UK Judo Club; Alumni Gym; 6-730PM;

call 255—2625


0 Meeting: Amnesty International; Free; St Cntr 119;

7PM; call 254-0952

0 Meeting: Cycling Club; Free; 9:30PM; call 233-7438
0 Religious: Catholic Student Leadership Meeting:
free; Newman Cntr #8; Noon; call 255—8566

0 Other. Aerobics; Free; Newman Cntr1&2;5:50-

7PM; call 255-8566


5:30PM; call 254-3726


0 Meeting: Student Organiation Meeting; Free; Newman

Cntr 8; im:00; call 255-8567

0 Meeting: SAB Cinema Committee; Free; St Cntr 228;

4PM; call 7-8867

call 255-8566

0 Religious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augistine's Chapel;
0 Religious: 'Encounter'; Free; St cntr 205; 7PM; call 278-

I Meeting. UK Judo Club; Alumni Gym; 6-7230PM; call

0 Religious: Catholic Newman Cntr Night (CNZ); Free;
Newman Cntr 3&4; 7:30PM; call 255-8566

0 Religious: Rellowship of Christian Athletes; Free; 502
Woodland Ave; 9PM; call 8—6556

0 Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Cntr 1&2; 5:50-7PM;

0 Religious: 'Thursday Night Live' at (SF; Free;


0 Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Cntr; 6PM; call


502 Columbia Activities Rm; 7:30PM; call 233-0313

0 Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Cntr;
9,11230,5&8:30; call 255-8566

0 Religious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St ngistine's

Chapel; 10:30AM; call 254-3726

0 Religious: Holy Eucharist & Fellowship; Free; St
Aug'Lstine's Chapel; 5'30PM; call 254-3726

0 Religious: Spaghetti Supper Night; $2; Newman
Cntr 3&4; 6PM; call 255-8566

0 Religious: University Praise Service; Free; 502

Columbia Activities Rm; 11AM; 233-0313


boon tho Coiondor, a Campus Colonda Form



0 Academic: FALL, 4—WEEK AND
REGISTRATION; Call 7-7173 for
more info


0 Academic: FALL, 4-WEEK AND
REGISTRATION; call 7-7173 for
more info


0 Academic: FALL, 4—WEEK AND
REGISTRATION; call 7-7173 for
more info


0 Other: Women Writers
Conference, Ellen Gilchrist (thru

04/ 13); Free; SCFA Concert Hall;
8PM; call 7-3295

0 Workshop: 'Cooperative Action in
the Community'; 510; Volunteer Cntr
of the Bluegrass training room;
9AM-Noon; call 278-6258

FRIDAY 4/ 12

0 Other. Merit Weekend- academic
recruiting weekend (thru 04/13); call
7-3256 for more info

0 Luncheon: Honorable Janet
Stumbo (only woman judge above
the Trial Ct level); $8; Faculty club;
Noon; call 7-1678

0 Reception: Honorable Janet
Stumbo; Free; Law Bldg Faculty
Lounge; 1:30PM; call 7-1678


0 Teach an adult to read—free
training begins April 22

0 Many and varied opportunities for
groul volunteer projects

0 Plan activities with children from
newborn to age 17

0 Be a caregiver/companion at a
daycare serving elderly with
memory problems

0 Put together aids for the blind 6:
other handicapped children
throughout KY

"'for more infomation call the UK
Student Volunteer Cntr at 7-8785




0 Forum: Donovan Scholars -
'Feeding the World: Global Issues in
Nutrition‘ Dr. Hazel W. Forsythe;
Free; St Cntr 230; 4-5PM; call 7-8314
0 Seminar: 'Excavations of a Roman
Villa and Christian Basilica'; Free;
CB 110; 8PM; call 7-7112


0 Lecture 6: discussion: 'Two
Centuries, Two Cities: American
Masterworks from Lexington 8:
Louisville'; Free; SCFA president's
Rm; call 7-4929

0 Meeting: Black Student Union;
Free; St Cntr 245; 3:15PM; call


0 Forum: Donovan Scholars - 'A
Living Trust Instead of a Will' David
Porter; Free; Old St Cntr Theatre;
4-5PM; call 7-8314

0 Lecture: 'New Directions in the
Historiography' Robert McMath;
Free; POT 345; 4PM

FRIDAY 4/ 12

0 Seminar: 'Chemistry of Novel
Polycyclic Polyaza Molecules' Free;
Chem-Phys 137; 4PM; call 7-7086

0 Seminar: 'Cross Dressing: Gender
Constructions in American Theatre'
Gerry Maschio; Free; King Library
North-Peal Gallery; Noon; call



0 MoVie' 'Breathless' SAB Foreigh Film

- Academic: FALL, 4-WEEK AND

° Concert: UK Brass Ensemble

I Exhibit: 'A Celebration of Hats:

0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Middle Tenn

- Intramurals: Campus Rec Doubles
Golf Tournament


0 Concert: Percussron Ensemble, Bob

- Concert: Norman/Newman Duo,

- Forum: Donovan Scholars - Feeding
the World: Global Issues in

Nutrition' Dr. Hazel W. Forsythe

0 Saninar: 'Excavations of a Roman
Villa and Christian Basilica'

- Academic: FALL; 4—WEEK AND

Women Writers Conference: April 11-13


Four days of lectures. performance and education.





- Lecture 6: discussion: 'Two Centuries,

Two Cities: American Masterworks
from Lexington & Louisville'

- Meeting: Black Student Union
- Moviez'Misery'

. Concert: The Oifton String Quartet

- Academic: FALL, 4—WEEK AND

0 Sports: UK Baseball at Eastern KY


' Theatre: The American Gock'

0 Forum: Donovan Scholars - 'A Living
Trust Instead of a Will' David Porter

- Lecture: 'New Directions in the
Historiography' Robert McMath

. Other: Women Writers Conference,
Ellen Gilchrist

- Movie: 'Misery'

- Workshop: ”Cooperative Action in the
Community' .

OSportzs UK Bseball at Middle Tenn

- Intramurals: sign-up deadline for
Campus Rec Derby Colic Volleyball



- Other: Merit Weekend- academic
recruiting weekend

0 Luncheon: Honorable Janet Stumbo
(only woman judge above the Trial
Ct level)

0 Reception: Honorable Janet Stumbo

0 Seminar: 'Chemistry of Novel
Polycyclic Polyaza Molecules‘

0 Seminar: ”Cross Dressing: Gender
Constructions in American
Theatre' Gerry Maschio

0 Concert: Boston Flamenco Ballet,

0 Movie: 'Misery'
I Theatre: 'The American Clock';


0 Movie: 'Misery'
- Concert: Lynn Rice-See, piano
0 Theatre: 'The American Clock'

0 Sports: UK Baseball at OLE MISS
0 Sports: UK Rugby at Cincinnati Law
I Sperm: UK Laaosse Club at lndiapolis


0 Sports: UK Baseball at Ole Misc

0 Concert: UK Concert Band, W. Dale

0 Movie: ’Misery'
0 Concert: UK Oossical Guitar






Kentucky Kernel. Monday, April 0, 1991 - a











Colorado coach
envious of Cats

When Colorado coach Bill McCartney talks
about the UK football program, you get a feeling
that he’s a little envious of the powderkeg of suc—
cess that Bill Curry is sitting on.

It seems a little strange to say that, considering
that McCartney is the coach of the national cham-
pion Colorado Buffaloes. But envy is an apt de-

First, he looks at the EJ. Nutter Center, then
tums to 58,000-seat Commonwealth Stadium, then
to the practice field where the Wildcats are prac-
ticing, then to the left of Commonwealth to the fu-
ture site of the indoor practice facility.

Then he forecasts success.

“The ingredients are cenainly here for that,"
said McCaitney, in Lexington to speak at the UK
football coaches clinic last Saturday. “The fact
that they fill that big stadium and they're going to
enlarge it. The facilities are as good as I’ve seen,
and they’re getting better. Everything is in place
or soon will be."

For McCartney to say something like that, it has
to carry a lot of weight. He has been through all of
this before.

Just eight years ago, McCartney was in the same
place — the second season of trying to return a
state’s football program back to national promi-
nence —— that his friend Bill Curry is.

It took until his eighth season to get Colorado,
which has never been able to sustain a champion-
ship—caliber program, back into the limelight. In
1989, the Buffaloes won the Big Eight title.

Then, last season, they won the conference title,
beat Notre Dame in the Orange Bowl and were
proclaimed National Champion by The Associated

“Colorado had some success in the past but
were never able to keep it going," he said. “And I
think the same thing can be said for Kentucky. a
long-time basketball state.

“There have been some good football teams at
Kentucky, but its never been able to keep it going.
I think Bill will do that. There’s no reason why
this can‘t be a championship—caliber team in a few

After speaking at the coaches clinic, McCartney
— a friend of Curry‘s for about eight years — de-
cided to hang around for a couple of hours to
watch the Wildcats practice.

He wanted to see what lured his friend to the
Bluegrass State.

“There is such an enthusiasm surrounding this
program," McCartney said. “It is tremendous.
Everybody involved is really excited, especially

He‘s just delighted. I think he’s thoroughly
enamored with this place."

Which is a long way from the way Curry felt
and was treated during his three-year tenure at Al-

But even though Curry was going through a
rough period and the Colorado program was on
the upswing, McCartney was the one receiving the

“I might call him up to give him an encouraging
word and he was so much in control and his heart
was so much in the right place, I was the one to
get the inspiration,” McCartney said. “Here he is,
they’re winning the Southeast Conference champi-
onship, they’re ranked in the Top 5 in the nation
and people aren‘t satisfied.

“It was a real mess down there. I’m so happy
he‘s away from all that now."

So are the Wildcat fans.

WLAF is great,
could overthrow soccer

The World League of American Football,
WLAF or “the laugh league" has turned out to be
a tremendous surprise. As long as the public does
not expect the quality of football to be on the same
level as the NFL. then the WLAF will last and
possibly prosper.

It‘s a lot more like college football than the

The league is full of a bunch of guys who aren't
out there for the money. These guys love the game
of football, thus tend to enjoy themselves much
more than the NFL.

They don‘t over-exaggerate their individual im-
portance. Most of these guys can be replaced.
Many stars and coaches in the NFL tend to, in the
mold of Pete Rose. put themselves ahead of the
game, which is a shame. It often wins a great

The guys in the WLAF actually look like
they're having fun, and they play without their at-
torney standing on the sideline — just in case the
coach tries to make them actually give 100 percent
on the football field.

Aren't the “helmet cams“ the greatest? You get
to see the punishment a quarterback takes during a
game. and you get to see basically what he sees —
300-pound defensive linemen, blitzing linebackers
and tiny receivers flashing into open territory.

And the most imponant thing about the WLAF
is it's taking the great sport of real football — not
that soccer junk ! to other parts of the world.

See WLAF. Page 4





Senior Staff Writer

The two-day Bluegrass Invitational
Rugby tournament ended yesterday with
one big problem. No one knew which
team to call champion.

Here’s the scenario.

After the round robin tournament was
over, UK, Indiana University and Mid-
dle Tennessee State all finished with a
weekend record of 3-1.

beat MTSU, leaving UK team captain
and tournament official Tim Keller with
a difficult decision to make.

IU’s case: Not only did the Hoosiers
beat MTSU in the weekend finale, but
they also won the coveted “party
award," having sent about six naked
men in a train — complete with a 300-
pound caboose — across a jam-packed
dance floor.

MTSU’s case: It dominated UK in a
24-0 win on Saturday. The Cats even
had a legitimate right to the prize for
beating IU 15-10.

UK’s case: The Cats beat top-seeded
Indiana in perhaps the most competitive
and exciting match of the weekend. Af-
ter getting beaten by MTSU, they routed
undennatched Sewanee 49-0.

Under a cloud of disunity, Keller
rounded up the team captains to discuss
the situation. After about an hour, IU
was awarded the title, because it played
UK tough and beat the talented, older
MTSU team.

It was the Hoosiers' first tournament
championship in three years.

The Cats may have been the best
team, but they. made one major mistake.
After beating 1U 15-10 in the toumey
opener on Saturday, they decided to let
up on MTSU Saturday, thinking that rest
would give them the edge on Sunday.

Players like Dave “Otis” Barnes, Jeff
Mackey and Ricky French opted not to
play, in order to let some other players
have a chance to get dirty.

The ensuing shutout cost them a

Invitational ends with IU on top

’n w.

SAM CARLETON/ Kernel Stall

A single moment on the Rugby field this weekend at the Bluegrass Invitation—
al. Atterdeliberation, Indiana University was named the Champion.

chance at the title.

Another factor that may have played a
part in the Cats’ 24-0 loss to MTSU was
that while the Cats were still licking their
wounds from the IU game, MTSU came
in fresh, playing in its first game of the

Yesterday the Cats rolled over the Uni-
versity of the South 49-0, not showing
any battle scars from either the action on
the field as well-off.

The Cats won their second game of the
day by default, after Western Kentucky
was unable to play because of complica-
tions that arose from the festivities that
took place the night before — they were

hung over.

But it was the IU/MTSU game that
served as a sort of championship game

[U was looking to revenge a bad loss
to MTSU, which came earlier in the sea-
son in Savannah.

And it got revenge in a 24-10 win.

“They came into our room last night
after the party and said that all we had to
do was raise our hands and they would
ease up on us,” said IU player Roger

The Hoosiers raised their hands and in
them was a championship trophy, not a
white flag.

Mother Nature shines bright on UK,
but Cats a little dull in scrimmage

Assistant Sports Editor

Mother Nature is usually not too kind
during spring football practice in Ken-
tucky. But on Saturday, the day of UK‘s
first scrimmage of the spring, she was
kind —— 80 degrees and not a cloud in the
Too bad the Cats weren’t as bright as
the sun. The simplest of tasks, such as
the snap from center to quarterback, was
a problem.

“We're a careless football team," UK
coach Bill Curry hastily said. “We sim-
ply do not have center-quarterback ex-
change misses, but today there were two.
And I don’t care if they were freshmen,
post-graduates or what they are, that
should be perfect. Ball security should
be perfect. Tackling should be better.
That’s carelessness."

Curry was not exactly pleased with the
Cats' first 90-minute situational scrim-
mage, which concluded the first week of
spring drills. But the UK coach is usual-
ly not satisfied with anything less than

“I expect them to look great tomor—
row," Curry said. “Then if they don’t

look great that day,
then I let them know
that it better happen
the next. If it doesn’t
happen that day, then
the next.

“Ifl feel like we’re
not moving in that di-
rection. then I‘ll do
something drastic —
get them up at an un-
usual hour to practice CURRY
or something that's a special attention-

After Saturday’s practice, the Cats
don‘t seem headed toward those early-
moming workouts.

“The good news is that our squad has
turned it up a notch in five practices."
Curry said. “Some kind of decision has
been made by the bulk of our squad to
turn it up a notch in terms of effort and

“We're still not at championship level.
But you begin to practice at champion-
ship level long before you win the cham-
pionships. It becomes habit. We‘re not
there yet, but we’ve certainly moved in
that direction."

On Saturday, the Cats didn't do their


moving through the air. UK quarterbacks
were limited mostly to deep passes
against zone coverage. which Curry said
is the weak point of their passrng game
and pass defense.

So little came from the scrimmage as
far as the five-man race for the starting
quarterback job. Junior Brad Smith led
the group by connecting on four of five
attempts for41 yards. Junior Ryan Hock-
man (6-11 for 49 yards and one touch-
down) also tumed in a solid day.

Highly-regarded redshirt freshmen
Pookie Jones (1-8. 17 yards, one inter-
ception) and Mike Kinney ((M) strug-
gled all day.

Senior Freddie Maggard, who has not
fully recovered from a shoulder separa-
tion and rotator cuff surgery, was not al-
lowed to throw.

With the emphasis on the running
game, junior Craig Walker, listed as the
No. 1 tailback, shone. He earned the ball
13 times for 97 yards. Redshin freshman
Donnie Redd covered 75 yards on 15

Spring practice, which is limited to
just 15 days this year, ends April 20 with
the annual Blue-White Game at Com-
monwealth Stadium.






After a drunken nap at a friend’s
house, I refreshed myself with cold wa-
ter in preparation for the bash.

I ate some Lee‘s chicken that ironical-
ly was supplied by a generous woman
named Lee, a friend who lived down-
stairs from where I was. Lee also made
some white rice, which went nicely with
the spicy buffalo wings and legs.

There was still mud on the front of my
shorts from the day‘s rugby games, but it
was all right — the shorts were black.
And the place I was going didn’t really
require any clothes at all. Certainly not
clean ones, anyway.

I didn’t play rugby that day at the
Bluegrass Invitational, I just found — or
wild. sweet Sandy helped me find — a
way to get muddy.

I felt a little anxious as I ate and as I
talked to former rugger Mark, the way
one does when he or she is about to enter
a party or a world they are not sure
about. I wondered if chaos would break
loose at the Continental Inn, where 30 or
so UK rugby players, hundreds of mis-
cellaneous UK particrs and 37 kegs of
beer were to mix together under the
hazy, wild and rowdy spell of alcohol.

I rode with Lee, who seemed a little
anxious, herself She had never been to
the famous rugby party either. And she
had to work early Sunday — it was Sat-
urday night, abOut 9 pm.

We made it to the Continental. There
we met some friends and found our way
to the ballroom (“Up there." pointed a
rather perturbed Continental worker).
which was just a huge, square room,
high ceilings, provrding decent acoustics
for the band, The Longfellows.

I walked in to see just an average pre-
party crowd. Groups of people. A little
tension, a lot of glances and looking
around, a few smiles and laughs. A little
horsing around.

Then 1 saw a lineman on the UK foot-
ball team whom I knew. walked up to
him and before I knew it, 8(Lpound mus-
cular flanks were coming down at me.
As an out-of-shape half-athlete who puts
on gloves occasionally, I was crafty
enough to move and dodge the mighty
man‘s blows.

He was playing, I knew. But as the fun
went on — the 10 seconds seemed like
10 minutes a I became increasingly
aware of the fact that the game was dan-
gerous, and I didn‘t much like it. My
heart wasn't to stop thumping for a quar-
ter of an hour.

“You got the best of him," his learn-
mate reassured me.

That made ll a little better. Anyhow, I
beelined from there to the beer line, got
two and took my observation post. I no-
ticed that nearly every man around me
was huge. Big mammoth athletes getting
wild. I quickly realized just out of hand
this party could become with the right

See RUGBY, Page 4

‘Tubby’ Smith swept up by Tulsa enthusiasm

Associated Press

TULSA, Okla. —— Kentucky assistant
Orlando “Tubby" Smith was pleased
when the University of Tulsa made a
strong move to name Nolan Richardson
as the head basket-
ball coach.

He was elated
when Richardson
turned the job down.

Smith, an associate
head coach under
Rick Pitino at Ken-
tucky the past two
years, was intro-
duced Thursday as
coach of the Hurricane
about five hours after Richardson said he
was staying