xt770r9m632p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m632p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1983 1983 1983-01-31 2020 true xt770r9m632p section xt770r9m632p ‘ “J ' "MIX n.7im VI "
A group of wrestling supporters are tok
ing the dropping of the wrestling pro
_ . gram with loss than a grain of salt and
‘ ‘ or. willing to go to court if necessary to -—-——-——~--
4*" _. ..,., f” :. ‘ islup the program gomg See story page
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l. 2 n. . "
M.— “ ., -..*-*____—___-m.___ _ . __ __ __ __ _ .
Vol. LXXXV, No. l03 Monday, January 3i, I983 An independent student new5paper Universny of Kentucky Lextngton Kentucky
‘ .
BUdget for 1 984 ' 9
* ' ' mm
H faces appasutian 4*
‘ , mi
i P ‘
7;”! ‘ '. " l
l Cuts in socnal programs proposed . . "‘ l
WASHINGTON (AP) — President military budget. The amount is a re- l ‘ " . . \y, a" l
' Reagan sent Congress advance cop duction in Reagan‘s original plan for ‘ g « ,
ies of his $848.5 billion budget for increasing military spending over ., . ‘
1th yesterday. and Democratic and the next five years. i .. _ - ‘
Republican leaders agreed he faces His budget calls for curtailing -- (I y _. y » l
a major struggle over proposed cuts spending on programs 5‘10“ 35 {00d WW" ’ R . is
in social programs. a $30 billion in- stamps. welfare. subsidized housing. -: -- - g l
crease for defense and standby tax and nutrition programs for children. ‘ ' - i ‘ ‘3? ,
increases as well as providing a sixmonth " Q‘% g ',., "E .. '
“There will be a bipartisan effort delay in costof-living increases for ‘ . “WW" ’ ' f ‘
to protect" social programs from the blind and disabled and increas- fi‘fln ME ., " ,. ,
deeper cuts. declared Rep. Dan ing outof-pocket costs for recipients ’ ”a; if ’A A
Rostenkowski. chairman of the of Medicare and Medicaid. ’ V -, $5 " h; c 1
House Ways and Means Committee. In addition. Reagan wants an ac— ‘5 " k '-“;U _ . It
"I also think there will be a bipar- tual reduction in spending on hun- .,E ¥ . u *3
tisan effort to cut defense spending" dreds of domestic programs taken We. . , _
below Reagan‘s recommended level. as a group. This so-called freeze "“"wnmwww '
declared Rostenkowski.D—Ill, would be applied unevenly. though. b d ~'
Sen. Pete V. Domenici. chairman with spending on programs such as Kats eat 095 , .
of the Senate Budget Committee. Head Start increasing and funds for The Lad Keys defeated the L ~ . ‘ . ‘ ~ ‘
. ad 8 lld f - . .. .. -
added: “From my standpoint i be- Amtrak cut below 1983 levels. Fed- overhm: esterda at M _ lY cur 095 o ,f’e°r9'°. 66 59 i; . . ...
lieve we can find some additional eral pay and pensions would be fro- Y Y emoria ‘ 0 Iseum o er senior guor ,
savings"inthedefensebudget. zenforayear. though. Patty. Jo .Hedges had a game-saying steal With l5 seconds re— g
in general. Domenici defended the Domenici and Rostenkowski also "‘0'an '" TGQUlallon play (above). Hedges drove UP'COU" and l ‘ l
president‘s budget as “very respon- figreed Reaglan will probabéyb' have launched an off-balance shot that rattled in, tying the score and - . i
sible.” 0 accept C anges in 513” V tax sending the game into overtime Coach Terr ' ‘ ‘ I
. . y Hall (right) dis- I
But he conceded. “It may be proposals for a ss-a-barrel Oil tax I . . . _ .
picked apart in details." and an income tax surcharge begin‘ ptayed her emotions late in the intense contest. See page 5 for 1... . ‘ ‘ 1
The budget ~ predicting a deficit ning in October 1985. 5 °rY~ i DVANHOOS! - . - .
of $208 billion this year and $189 bil~ “HA
lion in 1984 ~ will be released for-
a... .... Unexpectedly large number of voters elect 2 to student government posts
already was deploying senior offi—
. ClalS to defend it. ——_—_ senior. was elected senator from the t'oiiege The new senators will take their offices of Business and Economics has threc st‘l‘i
, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan ByMi-XRIAJOHNSON of Business. and Economics with 40 of 90 Feb 7 at an SGA Senate meeting. [)inkle ators
i said Congress eventually will come Senior StaffWriter votes of business and economics students. she said. They will serve through mid-April. Taylor said he was encouraged to run for
1'- around to the president 5 View when said. ' _ when SGA senators to be elected the last two senator by members of Students for l’tll‘llt'al
it discovers thestze of the spending ., «.--... ., ..-. .. . "ll seemed to me It was anneSpec‘ially‘ good days in March will take over. he said (home. a group which formed last semester
cuts and tax increases needed to ‘ ‘ . . turnout fora speCial election. said J.Vi. Pat- The SGA preSident and vice preSideiit also primarily to oppose the lhf‘n‘pl‘optisvtl man
bring deficits down. Two Student Government Assoc'iation sen» tterson. SGA faculty adVIser and associate will be elected in March They will assume datory health fee Taylor, secretary of Sl’t‘
. “i think in the long run when they ators were elected Friday In a viTIIein 5pc professor otcommunication. offices the Saturday after final exams. Dinkie said his goal is to represent ”a cruia: mar
it finally take a look at what we have (‘ial election. as a surprismgly high number He added. however. "I‘m sure that propor- said student v0ice " »
suggested. that the alternatives are (if students voted at the old Student Center. tionally to the number of people in the col- Taylor fills the seat vacated by Valerie Pel- "iSP(‘i saw there was the need tor a itittcr
1. such that they Will come back to SGA presidentJlm Dinkle said yesterday leges it svery small. legrini. who resumed at the beginning of ”HS ent viewpomt on the Senate . ' Taylor said
i what we have. that we will get most Phil Taylor. an arts and sciences junior. 'l'om Scally. arts and sciences senior. was semester after accepting an internship in the Although Taylor said he “-111 not boa iiiiirim
f, of our budget by the time that Con— was elected senator from the (‘ollegc of Arts runner-up to Taylor with 16 votes. Herald Washington office of Congressman Larry piece for SPT‘. "I would be impressing int-i;-
4‘ gas goes home.“ . . and Selences by 54 of the 90 votes cast by said. Hopkins. R»Ky . [)inkle said. Taylor is one of basic-philosophy. 'he said
He said the Reagan administra- arts and sciences students. according to Joy [)ave Perry. busmess and economics ju- four senators from the ('ollege of Arts and A student referendum on the Robinson For
tion‘s decision to cut back SSS billion Herald. chairman of the SGA special election nior. finished behind Richards with 2'; votes Selences est issue isoneot his ideas. ’l‘aylor \altl
in defense spending authonty was as board. . Marian Fish. business and economics junior. Richards succeeds (iregory' Yann who Richards. former president of Theta t'hi
' big a cut as could be made in the Ward Richards. a business and economics was third with22votes.Heraldsaid. graduated in December. he said The (‘ollegc fratermtyuwas unaunlablctort-omint-nt
. . u I o
1 CIVIl Unre$l ended hUSbGnd S reign MONDAY 0 cut in current spending. which IS to in I
i crease in the new budget. l
, ram t nt From Associated Press reports
l F debu a e to queen animating“... ;
m l
Ry.\ll(‘fll-II.EERB - - - - - i
‘ Seniorsmhwmer CHINA Guerrillas kill soldier in Beirut wasumaron _ Sen poui Lam” 5m 9
yesterday that President Reagan has a re :
; , » 7 .7 7 A. IEIRU‘I‘, Lebanon _ Guerrillos ambushed Sponsibllity to run for another term but he i
Kings and queens. palaces and r0- and killed an Israeli soldier and wounded added ”‘0' Vice President George Bush ;
mance: that's what fairy tales are four in southern Beirut yesterday the is might "0' be the favorite for the GOP i
made of. and that's what the former raeli command said. Lebanese officials said nomination ll R9090" rel'fes» l
(1399" ?f 51kklm~ Hope C00“?- SPOl“3 the Israelis retaliated with machine-gun L°X°lli the new general chairman Ol ”‘9 g
3 out l‘f'lda.‘ afternoon. . and tank fire, killing three civilians. GOP and the senior senator from Nevada l
American born and raised. this A h . . 'd th R bl" 'd l 3
New York debutante was brought up . Frenc priest also was killed by what 50' . e epu 'CG" PreS' 9mm n0d would l
by her grandparents with her elder SIKKIM police called Soviet-made Grad rockets in be UP lO" QTObS 'l R9090" does "0‘ 'U" i
Sister She went to high school iii BHUTAN a Druse shelling attack on Christian East forasecondterm. l
lran. living with her uncle whowas Gangtoko Beirut. A car-bomb exploded later in terri- However considering the political and I
ivhttrhc;1 Aniiricandl-oreign lServices. ‘ tory controlled by Italian peacekeeping economic circumstances {in which‘ we now l
lnliia ml 5 9 ma 9 severe trips 10 “ “’,. troops about 200 yards from US. Marine find ourselves, he really has a responSibilr ;
“R” the first time i was really NEPAL \.1 positions, but officials said there were no 'Y '0 ""1 090i" LOXOI' said On CBS Face
happy." (‘ooke said when she spoke casualties. The Nahon'
at Patterson ()fficevTower'. "it was The Druse rocketing was the first shel- l
ithe fgfiginzelrhagnhviedbgggg fgangi- ling of the Lebanese capital since Israel in— Ghanaians flee Nigeria ‘ .
sionately involved and interested in INDIA yaded fla'sh sumrréer afndpfclnced the evacua
lndia. partly because [ran was very ion 0. Iousan S .0 aestine Liber‘m'on LAGOS. Nigeria — Tens of thousands of 3
disconnected. Organization guerrillas from Moslem West , j
"I found in India some of the con- LnMHns/WMW“ Beirut. Ghanaéans if? N'ihgeria by truck and foot
nections that seemed lacking in nearby Tibet and controversy was terests to a degree. solworked with Many of the guerrillas have been slip- 1:5 er :Dde: If dousonds more mobbed .
Iran. in particularly cultural ones. common between the countries education and handicrafts l was on ping back, however, and the lsraelis said 9 pm Is m an Lagos Owner, '0 bea‘
People kept their same dress. the “The people of Sikkim had a gen the outer edgc ot what was conSid- the latest ambush was launched from an an exPUIS'O" deadl'”° lo“ '“egc’l °"e"5 ’
religion was more of a force. there eral feeling of goodwill toward cred acceptable in Sikkim. What th t d , b d Ghanas 5’0'9 rOdIO mOftllore‘d in too i
was seemingly less of a gap between America. and I had a degree of neu happiness i made for myself was in area a was ””995" o e ”n er (0"? don said man of the Oh n n i ’
richand r t l' v . . .. trol of the U 5 Marine ek n » y a ma S arm/”g ‘
.. poo . _ . ra ity because of the‘great distantc working and puttingout . ‘ " peac eepi 9 C0" overland v.0 Benin and Togo were re 0,. _
Muchrof this later I saw With dif~ between the countries in 1975. one of the oldest monar~ tingent. The Marines denied it m torture and hard m ‘b N p
ferent eyes. But to my youngueyes If the long had not already been €th m the world hwmmt the 2nd 9 s p Y 'ge'm" 0“
that seemed so at the time. she “assured ' Wlih a son from his first . . . ' . * . . lhorlties Some of the people who fled told
‘ g . ‘ ‘ . statt ot lndia Atttr bung under R an. nod f t8
said . . wife. (Eooke said. ' l m sure it would siege for about h”. weeks. the king 09 - 8 ense cu reparters in Ghana their exodus was a
Bat‘k(irill::w' (tort. atluSS’igih Law- haTv'e been much hardc: fofr me ”i and queen came to thc l‘ 5 nightmare of beatings and shootings.
rencc o e. on e s i more ere wasn muc o a cu titre “In 'omin m 'k. l plum“ l- -
, about thetirient shock. (‘ooke said “After lurking most a: a prion; of “'a‘r with( thaat WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Don. There was no immediate response to the
On one of her visits to lndia. around India for two years. t al- mentality of what ,5 freedom -~ °ld R°9°n “’0de Yes'e’dOY "‘0’ “Wing chargesfromthe N'g."°" government.
(‘ookc was intoduced to _Palden ready felt-very Asian. (‘ooke said "ll was all very unreal. defense increases by more than the $55 .
Thoundup Namgyal. newly Widowed ‘The biggest transition was going and there was a shock of the physi- billion recommended by the Reagan admin .
crownel'ldurmncle of Sikkim. Sitkigiois lfrom a student t: a “'(liff‘ and a pub- calcasc of America. - istration would endanger the U S pasnion /
a sma ima ayan coun ry o a ut ic person." (‘00 e sai , “it took me .. , . . . . . h - . , ,
200,000. bordering northerii lndia a long time growing up in my mar , . lt Mk“ d greiit’slrt‘ngt ‘ot thar 0' _ disarmament talks W," the Sowet ’
. . . . ., . atter to move anywhcrt in Sikkim l Un on
and surrounded by Nepal. Bhutan nage. in myself. in Sikkim. to start . , , ‘ . . .. ' '
. . . , am still amazed by tht trecdoni wt .
and l‘ibet feeling the lack of “95".", re h'ivc hereandtakctorgrantctl .. The spending recommended for the mili w HE i
‘ Known for its diversity of econom- sources, ‘(‘ooke has “no” hm)" divorced tory in the proposed budget Will give us
its culture and physical landscape. “As an unformed person it was and her former husband died early: the defense posture that we want They
Sikkim had few villages. mostly easy to Just enjoy the concrctcncss l' ‘t ”i ,) 1, t 1 . ll can do "“5 and mommm a 9,0,, d“ .
homesteads. spread over its 2.800 of life. You were a famier. a this. a (as, H‘" , :rh fl "1,“ ”I": ‘f’n‘ffi i R . g ' i
square miles. that, You had a role it was only :5 “a: “g“ h (‘rhhlug’l‘hul ll! X ”.59. egan said, ‘
H was two years before COORE‘ saw after growing up there that I began gtingo 0 'g 5‘ oo in e a We re in some very serious bargaining Thorn will be variable cloudiness today ;
the crowned prince again. and after to really lack all the process that we \(fi‘ml‘s‘n‘afl‘zh "llxsml‘gd Tl“; now on disarmament and unless you come with corn. sunshine. The high will be in
. . . - . ~~ .‘ ' . s' .‘ ' ‘ - .
:rfely‘drceiddcz‘l‘tl‘lllardre N0 impul “firmghmdhem: l rth to t i l‘odraite it Sl‘ooldSsaui "Thcv halve ,0 that table very s'rong the why s'de tholow '0 raid ‘0” ’
‘ . . 5 (IV? ll “‘f . ‘ . . . i
The king died that year. 1962. and children .. a boy and a girl add been back to Sikkim during the past may think, Well if we iust hold off (on Tonight will be mostly cloudy with a i
Namgyal took the throne (‘ooke ing to the three children from the few summers -- gross or somebody else will cut the budget so percent chance of rain or snow do- I
joined him in 1963 after their widely King's previous marriage “There (‘ooke has recently written her au and we wan ' h°V° '0 “’0'" °b°U’ " V"°P'"I 50'0" morning. "’0 '0‘" will l
publicized wedding She was 21; he wasn‘t a lot of institutional wealth to tobiography. titled l‘inw Changes. The $55 billion reduction is 0 Cut in Rea be 30 1033. ;
wasldti' ,. 't d ed of f the mmar‘chzé‘t‘oike saittih‘hlytifil as: is currently working on a hook gan's original Plan for inrroasing military Rain in "Italy for tomorrow with a l
one???" uTETam'l‘S'ifing-saiigi £i£° ° 3 "“5"” ” " .“n.e‘r"d;i':‘.23l‘?.il QT'Q’J-f‘im 33‘1- "’"‘d‘"9 °"' ”“ "“' "W m" " " "°' """ "°‘"‘°' ‘
wife." (‘ooke said, "She was from “i was able to follow my own in Rallett‘ompany- . ___________________*_______‘__l
A ' I > I

 . . . a, 3
. V ,"i N" v...
carom... . ‘ ~ _ i . ‘ ‘ V .
Illl hold." Andrew Oppmcnn John Oclflln Steven W. Leather Uni S. lad-bl Ln. VIM“... Don ("Mud
Editor in (hm-I Nouns! Ili‘l Ainhiivoi Sponstdimi SpeIIoIPioieIIstdivui Photo Edna: Graphiutdiio: l
P E R5 U ASION [mu-In nonl- “'5". Pike utte- Immune..." .Ir. Mickey venom [um-Mullen “av-«Moot (Mi- Auh I
Monogmqtniioi to' i oit-t 'ii Ass siooIAiIslo-iov AwuumSpoiIs [door sporiulpt0|8(l5 Au-Hont ChiotPhoiogIophei Ion. Dwi- \‘ H
———*‘——-" W
I he Reagan administration I
rea to re eat ast OI'I'OI'S l
Ten years ago last week. a treaty was It was not a perfect policy, but it was a '
signed. ending American involvement in the step in the right direction; it employed \ . » -
Vietnam War. To many. it was a welcome money, rather than lives, and had a clearly 4 .
relief as it ended the horror and nightmares moral goal — something especially in doubt '
which had shattered lives on both sides of during the waning years of US. involvement _.\\
the globe in Vietnam. k ‘v,’ ("I .
When then-President Richard Nixon Signed The Reagan administration, however. has \ \V‘\ y y
the treaty. he communicated to the nation turned back the clock, returning to the pop. - ‘ a 2
his belief that the US. pullout would give a cy of containment in its efforts to quash ‘ - I
long-exposed wound a chance to he? communistuprisings in Latin America. “ ma 12“”; l
.. ,, ,- .. . . . _ . -_ _ it Q
PIN“ Nah hung: yasldpromisgdldaigd tme History professor George C. Herring rec- / ‘- . m I
re ”mt" ”ma” ‘ 0 so lers “ u e ‘ ognized this backswing when he wrote that VIErNAm-
milk?) yea“ m er however South Vietnam the relationship between El Salvador and ' 'b i‘ ‘
' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ? Vietnam is not as dissimilar as some people \ Hill-I973 I
had been overrun by the North. and our . . _ \ . I
. . - ' - . wouldlike to believe. . . .
whole part seemed like a terrible joke. .. _ _ . ed . \ . 4
Instead of learning from that mistake. . The Reagan administration full/(feat Z /[ Y ° ‘ .
most Americans not directly touched by the ald ‘0 the government 0f E1 Sa va or 9“ fl” . :. ..
war lapsed into a state of amnesia. taking as much. the same groundsthat eariler admin- ‘ 0/" .
their motto the silly lyrics of a then-popular istrations had justified aid to Vietnam Whlle \ 2 ”M/A/ ‘
song: "What‘s too painful to remember/We adamantly mSlShhg that El 53”de WOUId \ ’/i [i f/v ‘.
simplvchoosetoi'orget," not become another Vietnam. Privately, the \ j} ~—\_, -
The policy of containment. America‘s ef- preSIdent. and Secretary Of State ”#18 made \ 7 -,
fort to employ force to prevent communism clear their conVIction that success in E1 Sal- . z
from spreading. had failed miserably, vador would help exorCIse the Vietnam syn- ' ..
The Carter administration. aware of the drome and clear the way for a. more Vigor- .
shortcomings of this policy. sought a new ouscontammentofSOVIetexpanSIon.
way of dealing with repression and totalita- Clearly. the Reagan administration, in its I,
rianism It hit upon a policy emphasizing reactionary blindness, 15 leading the country (0 “my" K6 L ~
human rights through economic sanctions. down a road that may lead to Vietnam 11. “E y
are S I , jOl’n Ill" 8, eagan S III S, ear IES an Im WI'I es a 00 umn .
b‘ili lhmllnlfi the dextrometer, (‘arol‘s get OUI 0f bed and go ‘0 work any wanted to meet the man who. Whlle slip sometime In the next two years was college football. there weren‘t {i
l' \ close to M .1 iii Fnday l'm newest medical accessory As you longer. Running 12 miles a day and l was delivering a pizza to his home and join the other 12 million Ameri- very many others beSIdes Willie who f»
wrt'ziig to It‘ll you why ididnt have know the dextrometer IS deSIgned knocking a little fuzzy ball around on Election Night. said to me. cans who currently hold theirs. 1 made baseballaballto watch *
.i I‘iii'.111‘.1‘.i‘l‘.l.spd>l week to allow Carol to test her serum glu- for four hours afterward wasn't his “Damn glad he won He‘s gonna don‘t feel guilty about paying their I guess grief. like anything else. is ‘.-
\i~w i know 1 \'il(l earlier iii the cose. which she has to keep an eye cupof tea. teach this country athingortwo " weekly salaries. but I sure as hell relative And the relevant part In .3
your that l would become the pro on now that she's with child As you Well. here's to you. Bjorn Borg. It Mister, you know what l'ncle Ron feel guilty about paying his this is that. if Bryant had died ten ‘
riiwr columnist on the paper We also know, using it is supposed to must take a lot of guts to bag it has taught me" l'ncle Ron has And there's one other thing. (‘ome years from now Instead of four
with? .ll‘ltllflil on this once. and I told aid us In getting (‘arol over the when you‘re X3 After all, you and I taught me the differences between on. folks Bear Bryant died last weeks after he won his last game. It 1‘
you that Id rather write more often hump Withthe baby are the same age. and I‘ve been left and right and right and wrong week. but to hear tell of it around might have been front page sports ’2
ti- sharper. up my style and my driving 12 miles a day for the last Right is where Reagan Is Left 1s here. it was like God died and went but certainly not front page news ’
mind i thought the daily grind of two«and-a-half years. In between the where the country should be right stralghl to Heaven without even tell- The same goes for Willie g .
finding something to write about. . comings and goings. I sit at a key- now And wrong is saying in front of mg the caterer to cancel the Last The moral of the story is ”115' ,
coiisiriiIiing w hat 1 had to say and J"“ board all day and pound my fingers television cameras that you're Supper. When Jesus finally does come back. I
thei: putting it in the computer HARRIS until they hurt, I don't have the lux- gonna kick yourself in the butt for 1 must confess. even I felt a little He won't get the kind of play Rear :;
would help a lot toward syndication ury of getting fresh air like you do: something you‘reabout tosay gym-k when I heard the ”(.ws‘ but Bryant got Wednesday af- :3
stiltio‘?.lllt‘ this summer And it the most sunshine I get is when I go Hey — if you know deep down that part of it derived from my close as ternoon Thursday morning And
would l‘iclpfhe paper from Journalism to Ml King to do what you're about to Spevl‘ forth in sociation with a woman whose fami- that‘s enough to cause another flood.
But suddenly this past week. i And. as you also know. it wasn't researchioran editorial. the heat of the moment is stupid. 1y tree is a veritable redwood rooted if you know whatlmean i
TIL", out lined not to but there was much of a help _. as a matter of I also can't enjoy the luxury of then keep the spewing down to it in Alabama, She brushed away a Gee. Bill .maybe It wasn‘t such 5;
rust nothing to w rite about on Sun- fact. It showed how bad off Carol having a few million clams in the minimum. Saying something for the couple of tears. 1 expected a big a slow week after all There were at-
day \ou \I‘ got to understand ~ I really is So excuse me for missmg bank. What 1 get paid doesn't even hell of it. then saying you didn‘t news night for the paper I] went so tempted suicides. cyanide threats. a ,
got up late .sunday and l didn I feel the Wednesday and Thursday meet- cover my tuition. Plus. I've got a fat mean it 24 hours later. Is for adoles far as to lust after a copy of the next State of the l'nion address. Josh [In ,
like doing much i wanted to get up ings l was getting her prepared to pink package arriving sometime cents ~ riot for someone whose iin morning‘s Atlanta ('onstitutioni~ but case you don‘t know. he's comingi ;: I
and watch the news with a cup of go to the hospital and get the situa- around the 20th of April, Let's face ger is creeping ever closer to the it was nothing to go to pieces over and the Sljjy Classifieds addressed to 3.)
Milli-e .ind _ crisp English muffin. tion straightened out it. bucko you‘ve got it rough. Real Big Red Button and whose mind is Think about it If Willie Mays died Jim [)inkle I guess I just nussed a I
and instead 1 got up and hurried to There‘s another thing [)0 you re— rough creeping ever closer to the Big Se- tomorrow. would the l i‘lgif)“ Hch lot '1.
get out oi ttiI- house 111 llnlf‘ for our alize what a dead week this has And while I‘m dressing down peo- nilel’recipicc ald leader run a too. .or. seven- Maybeit's becauselm tired -’
1101i". meetiig ior which 1 was been" It‘s got to be pretty bad when ple. I want to say a couple of things l propose a toast: Here's to Ron» and-threecighths by iiiiie-and-ahalf .
late a guy at years old hangs It up be— about our great president. Ronald aid Reagan. the «Ith president of the inch picture of number 24 on the Jim Harris is a Journalism SPnIUV -
thus I was tired I had trouble cal- cause he just can‘t force himself to Reagan. For the past two years. I've l'nited States May he get his pink front page" To me. if Bear Bryant and managingI’dlforoftheKernel ‘ .
————.—_—_——_—————_—_——___— i l
3' l
‘ l
women have of being terrorized by game To most around here. it il'K friends did These people who were is to record it and to remember it weeks allorgaris arein place I l
Women explolfed men and the fear that men them- basketball gamest is just one big so there try to forget “it." but their ex» How can that bI if no one cares to Since the Jan 22. 1973 .Supreme ; ;
selves have of women The male c1al event The basketball games perience cut too deeply for that to be remember it" Maybe such a thing ('ourt decision legalizmg abortion. 14 f
tear of women is expressed and ap» are Lexmgton‘s “Actors Theatre " possmle. Perhaps they weren‘t in as a required course for high school million babies have been aborted.
Il‘. 'l‘it‘ guise oi .i book review oi Part4” 1” it” “mm ”I “‘le oppres H] be the first to admit It‘s fair to jured 0r maimed ltkt‘ others who students is a bit to the extreme but I Seventeen thousand aborted babies ~
g, , , awn my, [lip u‘rn'l'd ”f sion. and is specifically expressed the band to Sit in Section 31 for a survived. but the hurt is still there think it makes my point. If there were discovered In cartons in Los ‘
I w,“ . _ }. my .lohn ”mm" has by using violent aggressmn upon couple of games. they work real They lost a lot in Vietnam they lost were such a class. however. if noth- Angelcs last February The methods »
“who”: m. Hiram” iackoi “mm“. women hard and are enthuSIastic as any buddies. they lost values atid they mg else. it might cease questions used to abort an unborn child are ’
m 1m I”... ind ”‘afurn\ 8, ap Films that capitalize on this type other student. on the average. prob- lost hope They saw sights that only about such horrors as napalm atrocious ()ftentimes salt Is injected
pldmlmd miflvmn H, We”, ‘mlw oi hatred are neither. as Griffin ably more. But putting them there veterans have seen. and they'll into the fetus. which slowly eats
RUIN“. ., rotating m the hatred would suggest. "delICIous. "truly permanently Is not only unfair to never lose those visions The James F Mudd away at the baby's membrane Spe- ‘
.Il Ii»::.I-ii Iillti violent lhf)\'](‘{s_ hp 15 great. ' nor are they a "cinematic other students, it won't serve the charred bodies. burned Villages Ina l'ndecided freshman cialized vacuums are used to suck
in mi‘ contributing in mi. problem acheivemeiit " Partly due to the ig- purpose the move was made for. palm 1. bomb craters. muzzle flashes the baby from the womb. tearing the
”I “HM-H. against women Exactly norant mentality of consumers. such Here's an idea. Mr. Hagan. to in the dark, jungle iiiiii and jungle L-f d d th child to death. Afterward. to ensure
uh” d“, III“. “(sink m mmwg with as (iriffin. manufacturers are now keep the students and the band rot. evacchoppers and ceaseless ' e an e0 complete removal. the nurse pieces
sUI t‘. It’lt’5 .it I llisltwttitx‘r \Iiimii prlouvlns and marketlnz W190 happy and liven up the Arena. Put lines of twdyvhas-s These are all together a jigsaw puzzle. These are .
”r “am I, .r21n.- yin-lug .ilwavs blame cartndges showing an Ameri- the band in a different section every things that the men who went saw. We read with great interest the just two of the numerous methods
the ‘.lt.‘l!lt‘i\ are female The movie can lndian woman IX’IHE tied up and game in the lower arena. say start they are things that the ones who Jan 24 Persuasion article which employed
”Hm... iii P\\('1I;l,i Women is raped by a white man There is also at 31 and go counter-clockwise Bet< fought the war lived with. and they took very definite stand on the con- Surely. an unwanted pregnancy
lauded 3,; mm (from b being a “game which features men with ter still. why not put the band in the are things that the ones survived troversial abortion Issue We are proves a traumatic experience for a
It.issiI \r. .iIi tor tho min-.9 de chainsaws hacking women to death least rowdy section at the game. stilllive with happy to see the Kernel presenting mother Alternatives. however. must
WP»)... k, “Him .,i .Iomm (L, hung Thisls truly pornographic Start the band In Section 31 and the Forget INDEED‘ There should be the readers with the most Important be considered Adoption provides an ,
hot. on I-artii with love lusts Mr Griffin. why do you enjoy see- section that makes the least nmse a requ1red course Iii all high schools moral Issue of today We. however. otherwise unwanted baby with a
and I,;.....i “N. 'hnf “1H shock you mg the films which show an " al~ sits In Section 231. while the band of America that covers the story of were dismayed to see that numerous happy home If only adoptions were
my oi .Iillr .mi Portravlng most barebreasied woman shriek» sits in that section That should liven the Vietnam War in detail The and obvious facts were omitted conSIdered more often. waiting cou-
“tuner, I.\ monsters is .inothI-r form mg m horror ’ a pile of things upright Mr Hagan? course should be taught by Vietnam when forming the conclusion of the pies WOUId not he forced to “all “W
in -1.“”Mp.,.y.-pgi,1mi,.m beheaded females and other Uh yeah' What about the people veterans. seeing as they had first editorial or six years for the opportunity to
it if". mom.- ..i vm. mm”... was ex violent gore" who are moved',’ Well let's say. I hand experience with the subject Many advocates of abortion be étt‘lst’
pandi-Ii 'o 6“([)l1)l' blacks * I aged “0 WU "‘Hll} t'llt‘t.‘ this kind of hopethey react Ina posmve way and could relate the atroctties and lieve that life does not begin at con» ”film‘s are Often aborted «It it
M22” ”r llousc (,1 1m. Blood Lust “entertainment" In the future. you etc much better than someone tear ception The point at which life be stage where lht‘)‘ COUM SUN'IW‘ on
supra... would mph ”(15m '1. should find something a little more David England ching It from a textbook The course gins has not yet been proven and is their own Just as a l“'0'.\'t‘aH)ld
tolIirii'I-d' “mm. W m 1mm” who humanistic to promote than a medi l‘omputer seience sophomore would ensure that America wouldn't the object of much speculation could When will we realize that life
Elves im-omhio mention to Black um which features the mindless forget its “longest war." and Its However. shouldn't the unborn be ispreciousatanyage"
pnmkvmmm I, mm... Oh,” guunds slaughter of human MINES Thlttk [)ennisW Kelly most Infamous war It would also given the benefit of the doubt until
m.p,(.,,,m|. ”me, about it (‘omputer smence sophomore ensure that the mistakes wouldn't be proven otherwise" Science has James Grohinann
‘ Why i-‘ (mifm pnionamm m- madc again by some future poli- shown that at Six weeks the baby‘s Englishfrcshman
movies which trivialize and perpetu K Advance tIcIans who “WEN eyes have developed At seven
a“, ”h, ”Mm“, ”1m“ that are \rtsand sciences senior . . l was told once that the only way weeks the teeth. muscles and genr John Borders
”"1”an by men against women war OIrOCIIIeS to keep history from repeating itself tals have formed And by eight L'ndecided freshman
daily" Is he aiso entertained by
W mm. 0, M... w... Move ,he ban d noon COUNTY by Berke Breathed
gI-I beaten. raped and murdered on In reading (‘urt Anderson's SIM." my»). V156 ME BNKmeS
Ii fairlv regular baSIs here In Lex- <‘0an‘t'tttnR Vietnam. l was shocked .. I . v 2 ’
- . . , Mfr VOW wC‘i ANXliTV Mé URL GJCYA RUM. KleI'E MY
ingtim" To [niverSIty of Kentucky fans by the comment about the student (“)0 pi,“ OF Mpg-vi“ W MAN CAN MID/1w" 10(5, ROMEO,
Whether or not the violence is real everywhere: who didn‘t know what napalm was HUM/6N5 Moallxw ‘le 7743;?) “Vega; 50%"??ng \
. .. - <. . -‘ '7 Mabe . “ost le wueflw M6 kc. HA rex u m
or staged. the voyeurism Is pftho What ls ( tItt Hagan "Wilt '0 do Y " W "“9 that m ”cop youam ewe/c rmnmmew or .
logically perverse There are some Does he think by merely putting gomg to school now are too young to FROM? I / romv/
.. reasons. why a number of men actir ”(‘5 band In Section :11 of Rupp remember what happened in the l \ {.31 i § 7,
_, ally enjoy seeing Images of tortured. Arena the entire arena Will be en- war “ If this is true, then there {1:} ‘ "‘7 g. k) {it} 33 ‘s‘
.4 \‘II‘IlmIZPd women The popularity of gutted by mass enthusiasm" Wake Should be something done to correct "; 4'. I ._ ? ‘ l (U ‘ I
{I such movies reveals a deep misogy» up. ('liff' theirignorance .V: i - f t ‘\‘
““5 ny along with a serious In