xt770r9m6313 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6313/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1982 1982 1982-10-28 2020 true xt770r9m6313 section xt770r9m6313 KENTUCKY " ‘9
er 6 ‘Ni . i William F. Buckley Jr., host of PBS' "Fir~
“ ing Line," taped two shows yesterday at
"f the Lexington Center. In one, Edward
Prichard. former committee chairman
I ’ “~ for the Council on Higher Education.
- used his oratory skills in defending the
, ‘ actions of President Franklin D. Roose-
volt. SeepogeS.
Vol. LXXXV, No. 57 Thursday, October 28, 1982 All lndOpInJOnf S'UdOI“ nOWlplpOl' University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
___—___mthmm h. _ _j
I I I I I “W
Mills critimzes incumbent .
for absence at campus forum Barre. t . ..
___ Social Security, the ERA, draft reg- loopholes." Otherwise, he said. “this " ' ' j , -:‘ if? >
By CURT ANDERSON istration and the proposed balanced— country is going to be in terrible bOWI ‘i 'i' ’ '
Staff Writer budget amendment. economic shape, very soon." j t, 3;, ll *
Mills said he is “definitely op- The race‘s two other candidates, . a ‘ t ' ,5
5—.“— ed to an amendment banning libertarian Ken Ashby and indepen- ' ,
. :bsortion.” He said the unemploy- dent Don Pratt, also appeared at the Homes ”,0” quor- , my fig , H
Democratic 6th District congres- ment problem is a result of high in- forum. 'e’bc'd‘ M'kej B°ker “1“ f; j .
sional candidate Don Mills said his terest rates “that must come down Ashby, adhering strictly to the lOOkS for davl'gh' UP- _ “erg, . _J jj
Republican Opponent, incumbent if we’re to get people back towork.” Libertarian platform, said he op field during the an~ , .. tjg ”a :7 "i x
Larry Hopkins, “imulted the League Social Security, Mills said, must poses “anything” that would limit nuol Halloween Bowl, g " “its... a as 1 J
of Women Voters” by not apppear- be maintained without increases in individual freedom and supports a which -, d “ , rites” ,
_ _, . _ , . pi te Holmes , 1. jj ,, i
l mg ata political forum sponsored by taxes. “There is no easy solution to more limited form of government. H ll . ' H . er ,{ ~ "-:
that group last night in the Student this question,”hesaid. “f am against draft registration," ° °9°'"s °99'" 1. _. j. '2 ,t '
Center Ballroom. On the ERA, Mills said, “I would he said, “because if we have manda- Hall, both l'95hme" ’ y '35» ”it”: a. f we»;
“He knew about this and obviously add my name to the list as a co- tory military service, there’s little to men’s dormitories. ,; agéflgaWr g; , figwas \“t‘
didn’t care enough to come and de- sponsor of that legislation.” He said distinguish this country from a com- Holmes won the game x) geese/v "1 :5. ”2%“
bate the issues,”Millssaid. ' draft registration was ““558” to munist country." at Seaton Field 19-13, £349 ,. A '33:”: = ..
Hopkins also failed to appear at a keep a minimum of six weeks’ we Ashby also said he opposes Social the residence h a“. s % 5%”,W, ' W "
noon campus forum sponsored by paredness in the event of anattack. Security and environmental regula- , , , f "ZW ”gyflf’y/y W " ’ _j
the Student Government Associa- Mills said he favored a balanced tions that “tell landowners what 'h'rd c°nsecume W'"' '- ‘ ' . W . .
tion. budget if “cuts are made in defense they can do with their land." He 53‘2” , j - .
About 50 people attended last spending, western water projects said, however, that he supported the Wfiq . ‘ " _ ;" 2n ,
night’s forum. The issues addressed and foreign aid” and if the govern- now-dead ERA. J.D.VANHoosI/KemeISiuti tr ' W . a“ , ., -. . _,’. ,
included abortion, unemployment, ment “enforces tax laws to close See roeum,poge3 W I, t ,. . 1% e
WV" . = ‘ ‘ ’ is » a”
3.. WV». % g ., " .j: 2
g“ Restaurateurs act' 9' l' d b t
' ‘ A s: at _ BUSInessmen hotels would be the only elements in He said he thought Sunday liquor
‘ .. " -. ' the community benefitting from pas~ sales would benefit the community.
SOY Sunday soles sage. Clark Gross, general manager of
. i . . While most restaurant and hotel Gross Distributing. a wholesale sup—
‘ . WOUld benefll’ CITY managers do not deny they would plier of whiskey and other spirits,
, profit if the referendum passes, agreed. He said he thought the com-
__ _ _ there is some diversity in their opin- munity would benefit if the referen-
lflfifiy I [yr/”SH.“ U . “Mug" 33’ WC“ DOTY ions. dum passed, adding community
‘ ” Reporter Tony Smith, assistant manager of growth was the most important el-
n tit ’ _ Darryl’s 1891, Nicholasville Road. ement of the issue.
1.0. VANNOOSI/Kernel Staff x“— said that he doesn’t think Sunday li- “Lexington is 50 years behind
Don Mills, 6th District congressional candidate, IIstens to a question posed to him last night at o quor sales would change business at places like New York and Europe,"
forum sponsored by the League of Women's Voters and held in the Student Center Ballroom. This is the second i" a series of '9' his restaurant OVEI‘hlSht blll that Grosssaid.
Larry Hopkins, his Republican opponent, failed to appear at the forum. Ports concerning the issue 0f Sunday eventually every local business John Hamilton, general manager
liquor sales in Legington- would benefit through increased tou- of Vertner Smith-East Inc. liquor
. I ' rism. distributors, said small restaurants
H0 klns absences h 3 ya u, 88 If money talks. then Lexmgton's And a liquor distributing represen- could also benefit from the referen-
p Campbell Home Inn and Hyatt Re- tative, who asked to remain anony- dum’s passage if they pay the $300
gency Hotel may have a lot to say mous, said he was not enthisiastic fee fora Sunday liquor license.
paign began. In Hopkins’ words, a give him their support. He repeated about next Tuesday‘s referendum on about the referendum. If Sunday sales become a reality.
By BILL STEIDEN debate would “only be a bloodiet- his performance against Easterly in Sundayllquor 531°5- He said sources in Louisville. restaurants and bars would be buy-
Editor-in-Chief ting." He could add pragmatically 1930, so solidifying his hold on the Campbell House Inn gave $10,000 where Sunday sales started July 3. ing more from distributors, so he
that he has nothing to gain by debat- 6th that even a recent redistricting, and the Hyatt contributed 812.000 to had told him people are not drinking would anticipate higher profits.
_ ing, and everything to lose. increasing the number of Democrat- the campaign for passage of the pro- much on Sundays. The average, he Jerry Morse, director of sales and
ic voters in the district, is seen as posal, which would permit the Sun saidwas two drinks per customer. marketing at the Campbell Home
Editor's note: The following is an onlyamild threat to his re-election. day sale of wine and liquor by the But Smith and the liquor distribu- Inn. said most restaurants that do
analysis. These are his observations ’ I A bad showing in a debate or drink between 1 pm. and 11 pm. in tor may be in the minority among not seat 100 have never served li-
and conclusions. ~ / forum, for whatever reason, would restaurants seating more than 100 local food-serviceoperators. quor by choice.
' . only tarnish his carefully cultivated people and making more than half Bill Dinkle, manager of Chi-Chi’s, And letting larger restaurants sell
It is no surpise that incumbent 6th ' image. And Mills has made it clear the" income from f°°d 531% said he was “absolutely for" Sunday liquor on Sundays WW“ “0‘ bring
District Rep. Larry Hopkins failed he wants to challenge a number of The figures came from a report of liquor sales because it would mean “dirty industry" such as prostitution
to speak at two on-campus candi- Presenting himself as a dedicated Hopkins' claims, particularly his receipts and eapenditures filed with more business for the Nicholasville and gambling into Lexington, Morse
dates’ forums yesterday. public servant thoroughly grounded stated support of student financial the state 398‘5ll'y 0‘ Elections by Road restaurant. stressed.
He didn’t want to. And he didn‘t in the traditional American values aid programs and nuclear disarma- the Committee for Economic Pro- Rob Conway. manager 0f El TOFi- He said most people who make
have to. of family, God and country __ pap ment (Hopkins' voting record on fi- gress. That group is working for ap- to on Nicholasville Road, said Sun- that suggestion are comparing Lex.
Throughout the race toward 'I‘ues- ticularly tobacco country — Hopkins nancial aid contradicts his claim, proval 0f the referendum. day liquor 581$ WOUld “immensely" "18‘0“ ‘0 cities like Detroit. He said
day’s elections, Hopkins, the unques- has become immensely popular with and he recently voted against a nu- Fifteen other businesses— restau- increase the volume of beverage putting lexington alongside places
tioned front-runner, has made it his heavily Democratic but conser- clear freeze proposal.) r ants, hotels and 1'9“" distributors receipts and business on Sunday ~ With ”12 percent unemployment and
clear he does not see any need to vative constituents. Mills has also charged that Hop- _ added another 341150 ‘0 the pr 0' Although TWO Keys tavern on crime in the streets on Thursday"
confront his challengers, particular- He first won his congressional seat kins, whose campaign is mainly sup- sale war Chfil- South Limestone would not be af— was ludicrous. j _
ly Democrat Don Mills. in 1978, beating Democratic oppo- ported by contributions from more Since the start or the referendum {80th by the referendum, Its owner, Indianapolis. Morse said. provides
Mills has issued challenges to de- nent Tom Easterly on the strength than 70 big business-backed political debate, opponents 0f Sunday 5315 Henry Harris, said he was “all {01” a better comparison. The Indiana
bate a score of times since the cam- of voters who crossed party lines to See HOPKINS, pageg have said that big restaurants and It, ' See DEIATE. page-i
I I I \-
FISh' Galnes rece've THUR lowed 0 more steady anti-inflationary Duvis to suspend two fraternities, saying
AY course, ”Will" less l°95 UP and down,’ and the brothers harassed women.
"‘0' 05 a professor, he WOUld 9W9 the presi~ Members of The Davis Women Fight Back
freShman SGA seats MAWMM dent ”maybe an incomplete rather ”‘0" 0" said at a news conference Tuesday that
John Fish and Andrew “Drew" Gaines were pro- “A” based on his economic performance so Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Sigma Nu mem~
nounced the victors last night in an extremely close Stu- for' _ . . . be's verbal" °"°Cked °nd abused 'w°
dent GovernmentAssociationfreshmanelection. Man convicted of not registering ASked 'l ”‘9 ”0"0" W°5 '"H "5 "‘05’ 59‘ women during a slide presentation in June
Karen Shea, chairman of the elections board, an- “005 "economic deP'eSS'On Since the aboutviolence against women.
nounced to the small crowd of hopefuls in'the Student DES MOINES, Iowa _ A lury deliberated 19305, Stlgler replied; ”I would say, In terms A spokesman for 15 Davis fraternities
Center lobby that FlSh' a resident or H3881" Hall, had less than an hour esterda before convict- 0‘ magnitude, ll lS-V d ’ d th ll t' d "d th
finished first in the two-day election with 168 votes, . Y y” . em? _e a 39° Ions on 50' 9 group
while Gaines, of Kirwan Tower, followed closely with '"9 ° 22'Ye°r'°ld mo" °f f°"'"9 l° ”39'5"” _ , _ was °""'me”- °"d 59°kesme" f°r "‘9 'W°
163 votes. for the draft. 3 SOldlefS 8'8"" "1 Lebanon fraternities declined comment. Thomas Dut~
Flo Hackman and Grace Fuel] tied for third with 155 Sentencing for Gary John Eklund. 22, of ion, vice chancellor for student affairs, said
votes each, eight fewer than Games. The margin led Davenport, was set for Dec. 3, The offense “I, AVIV, Israel _ Unidentified gunmen he will investigate.
tshilt‘aodhlgllggfiggdigéslficfwrfigfl‘egul: speculate carries a maximum penalty of five years in yesterday killed three Irish soldiers from the The Inter-Fraternal Council had ordered
Candidates have five business days following the an- |Oll and aSl0,000fine. UN Interim Force in Lebanon of a checkpoint the two fraternities to send most members
nouncement of election results to fileachallenge. Under Eklund “led 05 his 0W” defense l“WY‘N north of Tibnine in central Lebanon, the to women-run workshops after SAE and
rules established after a successful challenge to last in the trial, which began yesterday morning. UNlFll. spokesman said. Sigma Nu brothers confronted 300 women
year’s freshman electionreeults, challengers only have He maintained he was innocent because the The Spokesman said that a large-scale last March during a march against street vi-
to prove campaign Violations occurred to '"Valldat'? the legality of the draft registration low was in UNlFlL search for the gunmen was under olence. The marchers said the brothers ex-
reeults. Before, they were required to prove that Viola- d b d . h . d . l 19 h '_ _ _ d h I ll d b . .
tions, if they occurred, affected the outcome of the elec- ou t uring t e Six oys in Ju y 80 w en way and that all roads in the Tibnine area pose ' emse V95 °"d ye e 0 scenities.
tion. he was initially required to register. were closed.
Despite the close outcome and the possibility of a A federal court in Philadelphia at that He said a fourth Irish soldier was present
challenge; 59A President Jim Dinklesaid he was time had ruled the law unconstitutional. during the attack and has been hospitalized
'Pleasfdhj Wllhut‘lale turtiout {9" g” eltecgon, allmost‘zo saying it discriminated on the basis of sex with shock. \ /
2:22:21th jghbegf thhzismyuearl; tlfeaélerétgiedbdtaild all: because women were not required to regis— UNlFlL is a lO-nation peacekeeping force ’
increasedpublicityaboutSGA'sotheractivities. '9'. That ruling later was overturned bY the despatched to Lebanon after lsroel's I978 in-
He said it was unusual that Gaines, who ran on a tick- U-S. Supreme Court vosion to ensure the security of the Israel- WEATHER
et withhf‘uell, and Fish, _who ran with Hackman, were Lebanon border area. Israeli troops overrun
ele‘clttegtthngtigdglggfltlcizg maggazezbm ticket H he Prize-Winner CfltICIZCS Reagan the-area in the mvasron launched June 6. \
said. ' Since I978 86 UNlFll. soldiers have died
. Gaines, interviewed followingtheannouncement, said WASHINGTON - Nobel Prize-winning "‘ Lebanon, '"ClUdlng those killed in occi-
he, too, was pleased by the turnout. The economics economist George Stigler told reporters yes- dents. Irish fatalities stand at to following
major from Bowlling Green said he is “looking forward terday after a White House meeting with Wednesday's attack. An Irish soldier was 104., will b. pcrfly sunny wlth a high
still: responsibl "y and the opportumty Of his new po- President Reagan that the president's "sup- abducted '05' V9” °"d 5"" ‘5 '“lssmg In the upper 60: to low 70s.
Gaines, a member of phi Kappa Tau fraternity, said ply-side economics" was "a gimmick, a sl0- Tonight will be partly cloudy wlth o
" ‘ he will try to obtain more parking for freshmen resi- gun that was used to package certain Women want frets suspended low M the "‘l‘ '° ”PP" ‘05
dents of north campus and investigate running a profit- ideas." tomorrow will be mostly cloudy with
Esmgggzrgtbgltmwnge involvmg every student or- The University of Chicago professor said DAVIS, Calif. — A women's rights group “uttered thunderehowen and a high In
Sees.O.A.,paga4 he would have preferred that Reagan fol- has asked the University of California at 'l‘. "P”'“'-

Ker he“ I
sinuous. amt-omn- morlmn "cecal.“wflnv Llnlt.lodobe LEVI“. manure
Editor-in-Chtd New! Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Special Projects Editor Photo Editor Graph": Editor
Joel. "Will H any M01 W P. ““00 flldoy ”DOOM ICON. Mmlon Ion VIII “0‘ this Ash
Monoglngiditor Editor-olidltov AIIIII.NI:.»;O;«II- AulstamSponsEdltor SpuiolProioctsAuistont Chlfi'hotogropher CopyDesk(hlel
“mam m "on
Keeping one's word important ' l't'c
As jobs go, a candidacy for public office is resented in government. _ 3, ,;;:./,/,::// , 2 / /- // <24/ 4;; ,/, . 7
one of the least attractive of all. Aspirants In the case of Hopkins espeClally, that ,I 11/2, // [,y/I/ , I). /’ /j/",‘,./1*/,:¢ ./ / ///// ,
for political office often start their days trust was violated thce yesterday. Instead /‘ % ,,//,,f ,1 [My/‘7; of; g, /22’/' 77’ // ,‘2’ ’ : 2"'/' ~ 7/ ' ,
shaking workers’ hands at 6:30 a.m., and fall of meeting, voters here, Hopkins was else- j/ ////7’{, / .1 ,, /;,?f;//; ’ , 3 yt’»,f / é 5,
into bed at 11 p.m., their throats dry, their where -— meeting voters, undoubtedly, but 1/ _ //; ,, / / ,- 22,; ”NOT THE REAL % j; ,.
feet swollen,their brains jumbled. backing out onapromise nonetheless. ,/; 22/ fj‘ “1/, / //// I t . ) g; -’ E
One candidate for Congress in the 6th Dis- Someone should gently remind the con- C / ll \ i, /“’, ‘4 / gtji/ , _.-2;/’ THINGIBUT'AN 2; ,
trict, however, is taking it easy, proving one gressman that talking issues while playing :M \ 21/ 7; /j// . I 3 “'17,”, g; WCR EDlBl-E ; f“
of the oldest adages in the politician’s bible horseshoes or eating fried chicken at a pic- ”/5? ‘. 5 //,' ,’ ” l l /,// ; :____,
— If you don’t need to do something, you nic doesn’t constitute a successful candida- 5/2 W / ;/ /,4{’ f / ' 344/, SlMULATTON"" ,2:
shouldn‘t do it—still holdsu . . ' on ’5 word more than like] ,/ ’ - .3721 - ' ‘./ . 'v
. . . P . sweeping e y , a. 7/ a g -.// . .
Twice in eight hours yesterday, incumbent ' / a : 5 / ../ 2 a ”3" //?’/ 2 "77' Z 13%
Republican Larry Hopkins passed over op- o / / ’ ' :3 2' A. f/ t 5‘ ' ”1%? '¢ 7
. - n e . ,2/ , / - , .7 . ‘_ _-,,,;,, 0/1, H N 7/ ».,-.
portunities to meet With his constituents. The - ’, _ ,. " {g z 4 35/ // O ' K! M I, 2
- No day would be complete Without some- . , . ,. 4, _ ; ,, / LIKE M I
first, a forum scheduled by the Student Gov- . - - ,’ 2 s /f 5 / : , 6 5
. . one saying something bad about the SGA. Its , ,. . -, — ,l . .3 . . , ,», a ELECTIW, /
ernment Assoc1ation, was attended by per- - - - / ~ / i i i , f 3 1;...“ , / é . ..
haps50 people No great loss motives are genuine, its works often good, .~. . // : 3%, r, _ 5‘ 7 , “I”, ///' ,: , a ”M?
But at last mght 5 League of Women Vot- :fietflgre are times when It JUSt does tmea '{ ovum ‘ F0"- [/4531 \ gay : % ////;/ / g //

. I I ' 4" 3m ’ '5‘:- -.' ' e '. E f“ ‘ , ' _..‘é:
fifilsfiilcmg°$$’013egl‘ocgatdca1dldafie 13°: Take yesterday’s forum, for instance. In a // h (3:11” _ é?) ° . ‘lm’y' :3 / ' ' “ 4- % //é
Ho kins “insulted” the d? ‘ch en Sis“ moment of absent-mindedness, the organiza- ," . 4, 1. , ,3 _: .///'4; 3 , \ g g '/ é , {Z 3

“gm b t eh .‘S’ e 3“ ence tion failed to invite Ken Ashby, the libertari- l ,3 I; g g r % , l, // E g E / #7 g, /”/,;.. .,
a esponsors yno S owmgup. an candidate for Hopkins’ seat in Congress, . , fl " g l/ i // ’i. ) f 9. 3 / i" J : (71,." z;
It’s worth noting Mills’ ability to call the to answer the questions of students and other a : ‘t 3 2 / g =._ g / vi; , o ' e2/3.-;
kettle black; he was speaking at a Frankfort members of the community. “1.1L :1 _ . ,y/ , ' ;- / ill/l 3/ , £123.;
Rotary Club luncheon during his scheduled Although his affiliation is with a minor ”um" 5? 3E: __ / "’1’” 5 .‘Ei-l . —_ ,/ fauna”...2......mmu/m
appearance at the SGA event. party, and although his politics are off the A l :_ ’ / / ,l ‘ i E %
The responsibility and reliability of politi- beaten path, Ashby deserves a chance to g .g l\ ' (g; ((/ ' I. i /‘ LC '- “m/A‘
cal candidates are qualities voters are ex- speak his mind on the issues he hopes to ad- , of ‘ /L/l \ 2, . . I 'l‘, ,,/ \\ ' : ‘
pected to consider when making their deci- dress if elected. ,9‘ .nl‘
sions on Election Day. Voters will go hunting Someone once said, “The best laid plans of
for other candidates if they suspect an inval- mice and men oft are laid to waste.” With @
idation of the comfortable trust one has in 23,000 people to look after, the SGA ought to "52 K“ W “W
knowing his or her interests are being rep- lay their plansalittle better.
Even police realize ’drinking’isn ’t the same as ’drunk’
I have always been a guy to re- began. Pulled over to the side of the road, my eyes. take a sobriety test. Would you ton, sir! Thank you sir! yes, sir!” I
serve judgment, and last weekend in After I had downed a bottle and a I waited for the officer to walk up to “Yes sir!" Isnapped. please step to the curb,” he de- said, while feeling my way back to
Richmond I had to put my judgment half, I turned to my friend and said. my car. It seem like an era before “Son, the reason why I pulled you manded. my car.
to a monumental test. For the first “Let‘s-go!" he finally approached my window. over was became you were going Jail. Bread and water. Solitary As I stepped back into my car my
time in my life, I was pulled over by Jmmng us were three other guys. During this wait, visions of Alcatraz thirty-five miles per hour in a twen- confidment. Hard labor. All this and mind was still standing on the curb
the police. And to make matters We were £01118 downtown tOVISItthe and Leavenworth filled my mind. ty-five miles per hour zone. Did you I’m onlyacollege sophomore! t ing to retrace all that had just
worse, I had a few beers before get- bars. After P111118 five people into As the policeman walked towards know that the speed limit was twen- “Mr. Wilhoit, put your arms out to hrayppened
ting in my car. my subcompact car, I had barely my car, the guys were saying, ty-five?”heasked. your side, bend your head back, and g' '
Now mind you. 1 was not drunk. enough room ‘0 5h!“ the gears. Bl“ “Play it cool, Scott. Don’t worry. “No, sir,” Isaid with a sigh of re- touch your nose with your right . “All right; .500“ Way to 80! You
But when you are pulled over by the ————-—— Everything is going to be okay. lief. index finger,” the police officer we Incrediblelnmuw
Police, those few beers suddenly scott. you are sober, aren’tyou?” “All tight." I thought. “I was only said. . sober are!” you? heaviness-
seem likeakeg. S “ Finally, he arrived. pulled over for speeding. Who cares Hands shaking, I managed to get edover and over 383‘"-
Briefly here’s what happened: “Son, step out of your car. Let me about a little speeding ticket any- through the first part of the test. So ended my first encounter with
This is ,the. city: Richmond. My WILHOIT see your license." way?” Now, came the hard part. the boys in blue. After hearing all
nameiswilhOit. I’macolummst. " I. As I handed him my license, I no- “Mr. Wilhoit, have you been “Okay, Mr. Wilhoit, please recite the bad complaints about police bru-
Last Friday, my partner and I ————-—— ticed it was the campus police. drinking?" the police officer asked. your ABC’s,”he demanded. tality, police injustice and police
were patroling the streets. We were we were on our way! “ Great," I thought, “everyone Oh no, what do I do now? I had a No problem, Ithought. corruption, all I can say is — the
thirsty and looking for girls. After Passing by the Eastern Kentucky knows that EKU police will arrest a beer or two earlier, but should I tell “A B C D Q R S uh uh cops I ran into Friday night were
an hour of .cruismg the streets, we University Student Center, however, guy even if he was just in the same him this? Where the hell is F- Dee uh .. ’Oh’ my dod 'th comes after pretty good guys!
deeded to Visn some friends: I saw nothing but blue flashing room with an open beer.” Bailey when you needhim! Q lthought to myself ‘ been ted F 'da
Our friends were drinking beer lights coming up fast behind me. “Are you a student at the Univer- “No sir, I haven’t been drinking. ’A moment’s pause seemed like 3 'Now ‘f I had an?“ “St 3;
and inVited us to 10m in. My partner “Oh my God!” I shouted as I told sity of Kentucky?” the policeman Nottoomuch, sir.” Imuttered. lifetime, The policeman shined his mglhltin’fhbinggs diare thgem this com-
grabbed a beer and our trouble my friends to ditch the beers. asked as he shined his flashlight in “Okay, Mr. Wilhoit, I want you to flashlight in my eyes, waiting for :lti’ment. n ng
' —__——_ ' me to continue. ,
“T, U, v, w, x, Y. 2!" I said. I ,8!!! things be as they may. the 99-
had done it. lice in Richmond are not the horri-
“ ,, _ ble goons I had been led to believe.
L BIT BRS Well, Mr. “limit” I know that Nor are they a bunch of idiots whose
you have been drinking, bl“ I’m not sole goal in life is to arrest UK stu-
going to give you a citation for Driv- dents while in Richmond. The police
.__.______————-———-———-———-———-—————-——‘——-——————-—- ing Under the Influence. Nor am I were just doing their job, and pretty
Semce offers a Wide range of bene- ed by the presidentially appointed ergy when traveling from point A to going to cite you for speeding," the goodlmight add.
, lk k fits that are ised by thousands of Committee on Health Services, the point B. ' policeman said inamonotone. I knew that I wasn’t drunk last
DIS I es artwor students each year. Student Health Advisory Committee, The second guilty party '5 the UK "3‘“, Mr - WilhOit, I suggest that Friday night, and fortunately so did i 'j
Granted, many of "5 may never the UK Student Government Asso groundskeepers. The hedge that you go back to Lexington,” he con- the police. T "V
. . . make use of the Mental Health Serv- i to nd the K t K 1 ~ once fenced stroller-s out of the area eluded.
Why is a drawmg that looks like ice or th I . l . cal h a . en ucky _erhei l5 hen t' of the 1ny
an outtake from Deliverance accom- th eta] IbolECD geoglca serVices or necessary and m the best interests wasremoved w . renoyadonbe “Yes, sir! Thank you. sir! Yes, Scott Wilhoit is a journalism soph- fig.
panying an article concerning a dozhgt-cigsbenaefitrfhersllusdeeril’tlfid b: of the student bodyasawhole. MléllnhgsEnglneeru: {3:21:1th 3:": sir! I'm going right back to Lexing- omore andaKernel reporter. r
study by UK 5°Cl°1°gi5ts Of an Appa- a whole to have these and ol’her I urge you to vote With your head :ll‘e constr‘fictioniscolhplete. ’
1515:1121: commumty m the Kernel on services available in a centralized, $33223” heart. V0“? for the Health I realize that people do tend to _
- ° _ inexpensive, student-monitored and ' step over a short fence, or plow ' is
The emaciated, gaunt, smudge- student-oriented facility? John G- Sehlflte through growing hedges once a path an ers ran "Ital" “*1 :2.
faced coal miner With a rumpled Without a mandatory health fee. Zoology junior has been established, but why not I
cigarette bolt; in his mouth Sitter ble most ( if not all) of the specialty me a bigger fence? (Perferably one *‘f’
lustrates t stereotype t t areas now provided under one roof thatisbarbed and electrified.) t t I .,
continuingstudy results refute. willbeeliminated. campus 1foo‘l‘pa‘l’hs There is a choice to be made on peme "a e s aver y =§§
. Consequently, students would be the future of our latest, and ugliest, ii
I dont need the study results to forced to turn to the much more Sure, what the hell, let’s just turn foot th. Either it is to be formally
know that there IS no stereotypical . . . . . , pa , . . . «will:
hillbilly or coal miner. [was pleased costly andiless accessmle facilities the whole centerof campus into a hned With concrete. thus enabling The workers of Poland tried to tell life and our value system. .,;;
to meet many many different kinds 0‘ the Lexmgton community. Many maze 0‘ concrete Sidewalks. some students to arrive at class one the world Commumsm doesn‘t work, It makes perfect sense, however,
of people while I made my home in students Who would genuinely need This is what we’ll have if every and one-half seconck earlier and two much to the chagrin of the commu— when one realizes there is an inter-
the mountains for about four years health care would not seek it due to possible shortcut between two build- calories fatten nist rhetoric “workers of the world national network of people referred ’
' prohibitive cost, lack of transporta- ings is used. Students who wish to of, it may once again become a unite.” to as the International Capitalist «
Erin O‘Donnell “0": or he“ 0f khOWIedSe about park their bodies on a I“?t 0‘ grass soft place where one can sit down. In business, as in nature, when Communist Conspirators. The pur— g
Poli.sci.senior Whomtocontact. bigger than a bathtub W1“ have to take a deep breath, and rest for a someone is sick or unprofitable, it pose of this group is to create one
UK is one of the few major univer- go to the nearest horse farm. moment, before rejoining the rat dies. However, when a communist world government. he,
sities Stlll havmg a voluntary health This letter is aimed particularly at race. country lS about to die of bankrupt. ThlS conspiracy operates at the ‘5 ..
For health fee fee. All of the other schools in our the large trail that has formed be- cy from a system that doesn’t work, highest echelons of business and ,1“
conference have mandatory health tween the Classroom Building and Sam Buckley Western bankers prop it up. government and has no regard for f *3
~ fees. the Mlnlng Engineering Building Economlcs junior #— national boundaries, international 3.15.? g
The “900'“th referendum 0“ the The average fee at these institu- The area of lawn that this path bi- law or ethies. Its rticular goal is .3 '
pa s ..
mandatory health fee should be a tions is $61 per year, while the pro- sects med to be a good place to A . l f GUEST to gain total domination over the ; 3
matter 0‘ concern to all UK 5t!“ posed fee at UK is $50 per year —for relax between class when weather galns ee world's population and the resources iii;
dehlshl'mgfomteome 03:1“ V0“? “3" services exceeding those of our permitted. I I of the earth. ‘:: g;
no 0 .y ec those us curren y neighbor schools. It is a tribute to lfeel that there are two groups to ~ . In the Book of Revelations, there 27.3%
attending UK: but al§° 8" mm." ”X the Health Service leadership that a blame for wasting this precims Uni- Amendmry health “"199 fee is __.._____ is a dragon um heals the wound of ,;
students. A responsible and "“9"” voluntary fee has beat retained up versity resource. enmulfdnfiemm “g?" our "flag: For example. on Feb. 22, the a beast, and everyone is amazed at if”;
gent vote requires a 100k at our cur- until now. The Health Service has First and foremost, it is the aver- l'l'eal‘llh 5‘. . e um siuret American taxpayers (through the this healing since the beast was
rent Health Semce- reached theend of its rope. age student who is mine the short- 1 “mm“ cf”? ”[253” United States treasury) stated the mortally wounded. Could this be a
As it operates today, the Health A mandatory fee. as recommend- cut to save negligible time and en- 5:09 e,‘:;me are no m eres m government of Poland would not go marriage of convenience between
sew - bankrupt. They (again. through the the ca 'talists and Western bankers '
There are many ”me who would U.S. treasury) paid out $71.3 million who rig/e continued to heal Russia‘s .3
pref" m “um" me" mm“ m t0 pay Poland's interest payments economic woes and rovide them
03 b K ' F0 on a more health maintenance or pre- . . p . . 1,
DRABBLE Y evm 9 . . . . onfunds borrowed from the West. with grain and the most sophisticat- .
hall? fashion, such _as Vitamins, Furthermore, the US govern- edtechnology? 3
GAO, cm I BoRRou unison, PATRICK... mm m 400 outcome 7 no, health fgasme‘t'me'nWm 33°33 ment guaranteed additional loans of The latest deal of the century is
out SHOES roe MN m or, macaw! As, A section “elofooi.” I I, "l- ld'ssubsidm the 31.6 billion from 16 Western banks to the Trans~Siberian Pipeline, fi-
HKLLOMBEN 6W0? la“ so“) e t l of health care of back the Polish communist regime. nanced by Western bankers to make
(06qu 7 ,. . $31323: ll"; food are inactive Poland is already :26 billion in debt West Germany, and ultimately west-
' l ,. , " -- and rt toe themes ' to Western banks and it can barely em Europe, dependent on slave en- '
I . 5 “ 1"“ 7" ’ .. , -1, f Iggeyyou’who archeelth-mainte pay the were“ on thedebt, much ergy. . , .
_ 5. (7 s . Q i f / @f (00 l?" / o (l nance oriented to vote against the lessanythingontheprlnupal! Maybe its time people started
. f‘ ,7, ~ 1%” 3’ O . ,;_; _ referendum on the mandatory It seems odd to me that Western asking our leaders why American
; - ,‘w' . e- ,-. ~ ~ health fee bankers go out of their way to back tax dollars are mod to prop up a
L 2 a—.. 2. , :g_ [[11 L ___‘ .. H _ - ' Russia and her satellites with cred- system