xt770r9m6021_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6021/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6021/data/2009ms132.0013.dao.xml Cosby, William, b. 1855 0.2 Cubic Feet 7 folders archival material 2009ms132.0013 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: William Cosby papers African Americans -- Kentucky African Americans -- United States Freemasonry -- United States Letters. Correspondence text Correspondence 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6021/data/2009ms132.0013/Box_118/Folder_6/118_6_0001.pdf 1900-1912 1912 1900-1912 section  xt770r9m6021_1 xt770r9m6021 12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6021/data/2009ms132.0013/Box_118/Folder_6/118_6_0001.jpg 1837 2871 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6021/data/2009ms132.0013/Box_118/Folder_6/118_6_0001_tb.jpg https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m6021/data/2009ms132.0013/Box_118/Folder_6/118_6_0001_ftb.jpg Cincinnati.
Ohio- Jan 19-'01
Dear Father,
I have not got the money yet. And you must please send it at once. For I am [illegible] to have it. I have nothing at all to go on until you send it.  If Allen had not been sick I would not have asked you for it.  And you said you would do anything on earth to make us comfortable, and you could not help us in any needy a time.  Your answer at once I am compelled to have it today don't disapoint me like you did

hear from you
she is kind to write
to her parents twice
a month the small
pox is awful bad here
i won't have much
money Christmas
i got arrested Sunday
night and it lost
me a little money
to get out of it
if you come up
come in the day time
and come out home
where i work at
what we was talking about it is
to far away he can't
do no good in the
long run it will
come home to him
i would not bother
with it well i will 
have no more to say
i will close good by
hope to hear from
you soon from
your son
x cosby

here is maggie
greendale ky
in care of
the desk? superintendent
you must write
her a letter
don't fail
write it
for my sake

 I was glad to hear 
that ellernetter [?] was 
is all i 
have to say
at present
I hope to hear
from you
and soon Monday. I have been
looking for it all the
no more
from Anna
531 Broadway

 Cincinnati, Ohio
April 21
My Dear Father
I received
your letter Saturday and
was glad to hear from you.
Your letter found me well
but Anna is sick again 
but she is better tonight.
Father I don't know what
I would do if she gets
in the bed again we have
just got a nice start
now and I hate for her
to get back in the bed Father
you don't know how much 
you will help me on the 29
if you will favor me

as you promised me Anna
had helped me so much
and now she is sick and she cannot
help me any more she has
been working ons to help me
to get my debts paid but if you
will favor me as you promised
I will be all right and the 
first I will return to you father
not for my sake but for God
sake don't disappoint me
I promised to pay this bill
Saturday 20 but I could not
get the money so I had to
put them of until the 27
so don't disappoint me my mother
has helped us a great
deal since we have been
house keeping she gave
anna some nice quilts
and sheets and pillow slips
and a lot of things that
would help us along ?
father my last words to
night is please don't 
disappoint me it is ?
very hard all day and
now it is raining and 
it is very lonesome because
Anna is sick here to 
and as once from
your son
Allen B. ?
540 Carlisle Ave
Anna sends 100 kisses to you 
and don't disappoint us

 pictures will be in next letter
they are not finished yet
Cincinnati Ohio
September 13 1900
My dear father
The trunk
came Tuesday afternoon
and I got the letter
Sunday night, as soon
as I reached the city.
I do not know how to thank you for your
kindness. But I do know
that now will be
short letter I will have
more news to tell you
next time. Remember
me to friends, let me
here from you when it is
convenient. Goodby with
best wishes of health
and success. I am your
529 Sycamore St.

forgotten. This writing
leaves me well and I
sincerely hope it may
find you the same.
Have you finished 
your job at ? yet?
I hope you will enjoy
yourself at the fair.
Tell brother to answer
my letter and let me
know how he is getting
along. Here is my
photo and I know you
will not be bothered
with any more rats
and mice. This beats
all the traps you ever
saw. I guess you
know the other three girls. Amy McKinley,
Mary Eliza Hall, and 
Laura ?
Father excuse this

Mr. Will Bosky Cynthiana Ky
 [illegible] [Left Page]
i got a letter from maggie about three weeak ago she told me how nice she was getting along and how well she like it i am going out to see her Crismas and take her some thing i would like for you to send her a nice little box Crismas she would be glad to get it you must rite her a letter she will be glad to 
[Right Page]
The year of 1900
the 12 month
and the 20 day
lexington Ky.
Dear father i seat my self to drope you a few lines to let you no that i got your letter and was glad to hear from you i am very well at this time and hope you ar the same i got a letter from anna francis last weak she told me she had ben sick but was getting better