xt770r9m5x6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m5x6r/data/mets.xml Tippah County, Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Works Progress Administration, Service Division; Preliminary Edition; 157 pages: illustrated, maps, 28 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/no.70/prelim books English Jackson, Mississippi: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, No. 70 Tippah County (Ripley) text Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, No. 70 Tippah County (Ripley) 1942 1942 2015 true xt770r9m5x6r section xt770r9m5x6r A   UNNERSITY OF KENTUCKY
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  N0. *70. cc11¤1>AH commr (RIPLEY)
  I Preliminary Edition
  Prepared by
  The Mississippi Historical Records Survey
  Service Division
Q? Work Projects Administration
  * * * * »•·
  The Mississippi Historical Records Survey
E Jackson, Mississippi
  June 1942

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Florence Kerr, i\.ss;:is·bm1·b Commissioner   —
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’ §
 3 The Eazesienx ai Ein 9.<22r;=.i €—.1;<;binr..<;£ llissiasii-P.p.i is me Of a Maher
;] of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United States by
_} workers on Historical Records Survey projects of the Work Projects Adminis-
]§ tration. The publication herewith presented, an inrentory of the archives
pj of Tippah County, is number 7O of the Mississippi series,
ga The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter of
{ 1955-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed
j historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers, In carry-
i ing out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of
{ historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documents and
t records which axe basic in the administration of local government, and which
»} provide invaluable data for students of political, econordc, and social his-
§ tory, The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the require-
3 ments of day~to~day administration by the officials of the county, and also
? the needs of lawyers, businessmen and other citizens who require facts from
p the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so
§` designed that it can be used by thc historian in his research in unprintcd
E sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources.
TY The inventories produced by Historical Records Survey projects attempt
·€ to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt further to
W sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit of govern-
ft mont, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions
FQ of the government agencies whose records they list. The county, town, and
Qc other local inventories for tho mrtire country will, when completed, consti-
·,A tutc an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local
rg aI‘chiVGS¤
The successful conclusion of the work of Historical Records Survey pro-
i jects, even in a single county, would not bc possible without the support
, of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups
{ in the community, Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged.
E The Survey program was organized by Luther H, Evans, who served as
is Director until March 1, 1940, Minn he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child, who
i had been National Field Supervisor since tho inauguration of the Survey.
% The Survey has operated as a No i;r—wide series of locally sponsored projects
gy in the Service Division, of which Mrs, Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner,
y is in charge,
é F.H.DK@Hl
g Acting Commissioner

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1,, ’ S The Mississippi Historical Records Survey program was organized to
Q finventory State, county, and municipal archives, early American hnprints,
, Achurch records, and manuscripts in collecti0ns.— In Mississippi the Histori-
ii ` ‘ca1 Records Survey has operated as a unit of the Statewide Records Project
j· r in the Service Division, and has been sponsored by the Mississippi Department
.1 ‘ _ of Archives and History and sane seventy county boards of supervisors. The
?§_` Survey is being discontinued in order that its personnel may be diverted to
Q§' activities which have a direct and unqualified relation to the war effort.
ig _ However, this volume is being published in a prelhminary edition, since all
t§ data, except the subject and entry index, had been compiled preparatory to
gy publication. _
i ._ The inventory of the records of Tippah County is the eighth prepared
§ for publication. It is arranged so that the records of the executive branch
Q of county government co e first, followed by those of the recording, judicial,
%_ law enforcement, fiscal, election, education, health, and miscellaneous agen-
jp cies. Included also is a short essay on each agency of county government out-
j\ lining the organization of the agency in Tippah County, its present status,
% the method of filling the office, and the term of office. Since these essays
E? are limited, it is suggested that the reader consult the Inventory 2f_the
if County Archives pf Mississippi, HE. E1, Lamar County, for more detailed es-
Q says than those found in the Tippah County inventory. The records are de-
g' scribed by records series in entries whose style has been fonnalized to give
{ information concerning the title of record, dates for which available, quan-
$ tity, labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description of record
_2 ° contents, manner of arrangmnent, indexing, nature of recording, size of vol-
{ umes or containers, and location.
if This inventory will be useful to officials, to students of research,
JT and to schools. It will serve as a guide or catalog to officials who, be-
. cause of periodic turnover in office personnel and because of the division
iX of duties, cannot be expected to have a comprehensive knowledge of all the
rm records, familiarity with.which is necessary to the efficient functioning
‘, of the office. Writers of local history will find that the inventory is a
E ready guide to all records reflecting political, social, and economic develop-
ment of the county, and students of local govern ent will value the inventory
for locating the records and for tracing the trends of local government. The
j inventory can be used by the schools to familiarize the students with the
I various aspects of local goverm ent, with the types of records kept in connec-
g tion with the administration of local governnent, and with the instruments
Q filed and recorded to protect private property rights.
i The survey of the records of Tippah County was made by Andrew Brown
* who also wrote the historical sketch, utilizing the original, unpublished
{ records of the county as the principal source material.
3 The Survey has followed general regulations and procedures applicable
I to all WPA project units in the 48 states. Mississippi WPA officials have
5 given the Survey their cordial support and assistance. The Survey also
i acknowledges the interest and cooperation of the Tippah County officials,

 -• V nn I
of Dr. William D. McCain, Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives V
and History, and of the Ripley (Miss.) Southern Sentinel in printing the cover Q
as a co-sponsor's contribution. Q
The State office of the Survey profited in all phases of its work by E
the constructive advice and criticism of the National office and its repre- g
y sentatives. This inventory in manuscript form was given editorial review in {
{ the National office by Louise Boynton, assistant editor, and was further re- }
viewed by Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge of public records inventories. Q
A  Ii
_ The original plan of the Historical Records Survey was to publish the Q
Wy Inventory pf the County Archives of Mississippi in 82 units, one for each Y
. county in the State,_with the units numbered to correspond with the alpha- ‘,
I bctical sequence of tho counties. Thus, the inventory of the records of i
Tippah County, herewith presented, is number 70. It is being issued in a it
» preliminary edition in mimeographed form for free distribution to State and Pi
M local public officials and libraries ininississippi and to a limited number Q
of libraries and governmental agencies outside the State. The inventory was H
j prepared for publication in the State office of the Survey by an editorial ·l
A staff headed by Andrew Brown, Assistant State Supervisor. ip
j A list of the publications issued by the Mississippi Historical Records lj
_ Survey appears on page 157. More than 1,850 publications have been issued ij
{ by the Survey throughout the Nation. — Q
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“ - State Supervisor f
A liississippi Historical A
· · " "Records,Survey Q
A f  
t 9 Bridges Building sl it
Jackson, Mississippi ` ? . v _ _Q
June 1942 -~ pf
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J2 Page
P5 ... . .
j I. Histcrical Stctch T
` _’ f 2. Gcvgrnucntal Organization 23
yQ Lcgal Status of th, County. Gcncrul ndministraticm.
QQ Rcjistrctit: cf Eitlp to Ercpyrty. Juiicisl. Law Dn-
Yj fsrccmcat, Ei iucc. ¤l.cti¢As. mducatigm. Public
d “ Tcalth. Jclfazc. €ubl;c'crrks. Lisccll;ntsus
r ` Fuzctivus.
as § 5. Qcusini, Cars, and Accessibility cf th. R cords @5
g} Flcsr Flcms QC
Q Q. A*brnvi f__ A. I
g Vli. Grand suiy QL_
g VIII. District nttorwcj ·. ' C8

Tab}; of Contents Q
 ··  3
IX. County Frosocutinp Attornsr 99 W
I. Sh A _. riff 10i 1
° JCI., Corosior 102 I 
X11. Constables 1CB Q
<--V-—r ..,_ · , , 7 ·- , E·`
A111. Io; ASSwFtOI 164 ;§
LIV¤ Sh riff LS fox Colloctnr _ ]®6 Q
·1 - ~ 1 * 1
LUQ fro suror 111 A
`QUE, Clork of tl; Joari of Supervisor: as Auditor 115 id
. Rooortzu B;r“ Lcgqslts. County Sands. C1 iwsu D1s— _ ~j
Bursoaontso LoQL,rs, ’H
XVII. Rogistor of mloctioos 118 °$
Roéittrotion of Totoro; Rogistrotioz Hooks; Disfriooh- jw
isomowtsq oligihilitj of Voters: Eoll books: Exomotion Q;
C,rti?iootos: Corrupt Ercotioo Prevention. Q
,IY1TI Constr Board of Jlcctiom Cowxissionors 121 11
.·. 0 `I  ,
"""<" . .I...,.»., . .. .`.'- '“ `- ",. ,-,....2 ,. nf  
Ll». »%op,1u11©,1Jtz1s or lm no L1»¤. 122 QJ
Teach rs; Hoports. Conorol Aininistrotivuq Bduoablc fj
Cbi1dron. Fin? ..‘_ cial Ldministr tion: Pay Cortificatoso ;§
I ;.¤·ws; . { i
V L1
§QJ .0urd ot School Dir;ctors 126 *@
,;1. School frustoo: 127 QQ
4Q11. County School Qoand 128 f
QLIII. County Zonlth Cfjioor . 129 Q
, lx
*" "`TT ; - · ' ni- -~ . " `VJ ~·L·`|- r—-~`| "   ' N 7.*]  
1:.;.1. u . Roblc L»I`¤»I’ O1 .1*.*.] CnS ·. ILC UL. 1]Ql.:» 1.·J·-J ,f 
LQR. Ponsion Bozrd of Inqoiry 151 Qy
Y_`TJ; GJFOL;1` as I:;1g_r 154; Q]
;;Vl1. Survoyor 1E5 Y?
" “’" " ’ " ` ' ' 1 V , I . ., ` ,.- ,. ` "" "T _ \ "
1_»11;. do dbg `.L’ Extousxen Dog _‘‘. rtsont ln A3llCU1LUfO WHG homo ooo- 3
no los 156 W
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§ nuolo of Contonts ··_·
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ig XXIX. Dopurtwont of Public Wolfort N lC2
A _‘ .,A>
gi Qijg Cotton`Yoi9hor ` C 7 l45
Wi List of County Officials l4G
.Q Bibliography l52
E . Chronological Index 155
`l List of Publiceticzs of tho Lississippi Iistorioil Rooords
{ Survoy· 157
.3 _
g Laps ind Charts
é Outlimo nip of lississipji 4
Y Jap of Tippoh County, l§3G 5
S Quo of Tippoh County, l5éC 5
iGh;rt of Govornmgntal Cygunization, lSéO Z2
{ Uhnrt of Govarnmontal Organization, lLdG ESB
*$ 4
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I Scale: if in, equals l milc:  
MLP OF TIPPLE COUNTY — l9.¤.¤.¤.2.¤1;&2.&
M} '
é Tiooah County, l of the IO original counties formed from the Chickasaw
QQ Ccssiou of 1852, touches the state of Tennessee on the north, lying about
V? 80 to lOO miles east of the Mississippi river. As organized on February 9,
li 1856, its boundaries began at the point where the Chickasaw base meridian in-
kg tersects the Mississippi-Tennessee state line, runnin; thence south with the
Q, base meridian to the line between townships 5 and 7 south, thence east with
{V township lines to the line between ranges 5 and 6 east, thence north with
, rouge lines to the state line, thence west to be;inminj.l The area of this
V, original county was apnroximatoly 995 square miles. On April 7, 1870, Union
Ei Countyz was formed in cart from Tipoah; on April I5 of the sate year, Prentissg
T and Algorn“ Counties took more of its territory; and on July 15, 1870, Benton
3, Cquntya 500k ; large port of the western section. No changes in thc bound-
1 aries have been Made since 1870.
Q} As new constituted Tippah County contains about 446 square miles, bounded
Qi as fellows:
I "Be_inning at a poiat on the state boundary line with Tennessee
7 one mile cast of the line between ranges two and three east; thence
g cast on said state boundary line to the line between ranges four and
;  five east; thence south on scid range line to the line between town-
;4 skins two and three south; thence east on said township lime to the
fl northwest corner of section two, township three south, range five cast;
$7 thence south on section lixss to the southwest corner of section two,
ii township four, raayo five east; thence east on section lines to thc,
]j line between ranges five and six cost; thence south on said range
ii lines to the line between townships five and six south; thence west
w on scid township lines to the southeast corner of section thirty-three,
y township five, range two cast; thence north on section lines to tho ‘
X southeast corner of section sixteen, township throc,_r;n;o two oust; -
i` thence east on section line: to the Iiwo between range: two and three
§ cost; thence north on said range line to tho line between townships
{ two and three south; thence east on said township line to the south-
Q east corner of section thirty~oze, townshio 2, rouge three east;
i thence north on section lines to b;ginning."5
ll Physical Settiug
§ The underlying geological formations of Tippah County are coastal plain
E deposits of Mosozoic and Cenozoic ages, which dip toward the west at the rate
E of about BO feet to the mile. Few areas of covparable size afford·such
 P IT"@`¤?T¤"l€5“?]"EETQ".‘?,`7?Fi·TT Ti`?
{ 2, Codq 1871, soc. B2.
{ 5. Ibid., soc. 72. _
Q 4. Ibid., sec. Bl.
  5. `EE., Soc.   _
Q 6. Code IQBO, seo. 5957. `

 l l
. - s -  jg
Historical Sketch · (First entry, p. 57) fg His
2 A
a wide variety of outcrops as those found in the county, as is shown in the .€ and
table here given•7 ` é ron
` Q tri
p Cenozoic group ..n- __ Q emp‘
  Eocene system . A r l YQ ond
Wilcox series -, fg one
Holly Springs formation rg BCH.
· Ackerman formation C TQ lon;
X Paleocene system J
· Midway series V . i , r YQ
· . . . Porters Creek formation ' QQ out
Clayton formation _ ifi mum
’ · E ji Vilrw
j“gsozoi_e group ‘   U
Cretaceous system.. _ ?£
Upper cretecoous series , 3} fort
‘ Owl Creek formation Q3 bgg;
Ripley formation . ls} of
·  E3 
The Ripley, one of the most widespread formations of the Upper cretoeeous, M§
is named for the county seat of Tippeh County.° The Owl Crook tekos its nemo l%§ Hjlj
from L bluff on Owl Creek, 5 miles northeast of Ripley, which,hss_boen since ,§
l856 o clcssic collecting ground for Cretaceous fossils,9 - - _ #§ Ind;
These underlying formations, widely different among themselves, are r spon» QQ
sible for the varied topogruphy and soils of the county. Topogrnphicolly, the _fj Chjq
oroa is divided into 4 belts running seproximotely north und south; the Hotchie ,Q3 gquj
hills (generally considered o part of the Pontotoc Ridge} to the cost, the iii @0 1
Pontotoc Ridge proper, the Flatwoods, and, in the western edge, the North Control pi thcf
Hills, The Kotchio Hills are notmbly ruiged, being dissected largely from the {E tory
MeNoiry send member of tho Ripley formation. The Pontotoc Ridpe is underlaid pg osqv
by the limowtones und m.rls of the Clayton formation, end drops toward the west QW
with the normal dip of the formitien to approximately the line of the Gulf, xd
Nohile, and Ohio railroxd. There it gives wgy to the Flatwoods, L low, com- ,2; gsay
pnrctively level repion 4 to 6 miles wide, underlaid by the grey, sticky kl wgyg
Port,rs Creek clay, known locally by the opt if unscientific name of "soGnstono¤" it nori
"jest of the Flatwoods r‘-. the sands of the Ackerman ond Holly Springs formations K, Spa;
rms high me m1i1.¤.l@ . § — cictz
Bi rudj
The best soils of the county are those of the Pontotoc Ridge, which sup- Q] wjt(
port splendid growths of timber ind made good forming land, The Flntwoods Q, and
soil is cold, stiff, and hurd to cultiv.te; the Hatchie and North Central j§,_ Of {
Yills, duo to their sand composition, are comparatively infertile and partie- ops thc
ulirly sutjoct to erosion. _ ldd in 5
· Tippoh County lies in 2 drain ge Qrcisg that of the Eitchie to the north, Qi
‘ `p§ 12.
7TL_*l;_fKmYinfiltiwlipphhfCtnniqrI.inerpl_E£pourcos, p. 20 (hereafter cited is fg 1g_
Conant, lin.r-lfi?;inGY§n§L··· N A-N~*‘mA l ‘ Hf léu
8. 3,*T. ¥ilEErd,_T;port EE ile Q;olo$y ~.·v· ind Agriculture of the Stateppf pigs? Q4
.2?;&ri· v»   " " M"  
Y. lhid., p. SQ. QTQ l5_
  0 C   3     K, S 9 pf] °   l;;··   {I) D  ,   l 6 ·

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r)   Hl>S`bO1°:1C[`.l S1:IO`bGh   (,jj)_*b]•y’ P,  
“é and that of the Tallahatchie to the south. The divide betaeen the two follmrs t
j roughly the Dumas- Ripley and Ripley-Saulsbury roads. The Hatchie and its
{ tributaries flow north into Tennessee, where the main stream turns west and
"Q empties into the Mississippi about 5O miles north of Memphis. The Tallahatchie
y and its tributaries flow south, joining the Yazoo at Greenwood. Tippah Creek,
aj one of the tributaries of the Tallahatchie, flows west through Tippah and
:2 Benton Counties before joining the main stream, being separated from it by the
it long ridge running east and west through Blue Mountain.
{Q The rainfall of the county averages 5% inches, distributed evenly through-
*f out the year with some preponderance in the fall and winter months. The noxi-
iy mum summer temperature is about lOO degrees, while winter low temperatures
p vary considerably from year to year with an average of about 15 degrees.ll .
QV No wild animals are at present found in the county, though the forests
· formerly supported great numbers of deer, bears, panthers, wolves, and smaller
Q beasts. Wolves were formerly such a scourge that as late as 1876 the board
jj of supervisors paid a bounty of $2 50 to $5 OO for their sca1ps.l2
is, Q. Parts of the county, particularly the Blue Mountain ridge and the Hatchie
3 gt Hills, afford some of the most beautiful scenery in Mississippi.
*  .1nd.§—E;s Esnias -
gon- E The region of which Tippah County is new a part belonged until 1852 to the
ie g. Chickasaw Indians, who retained their control even after Mississippi had been
hie yi admitted to the Union in 1817. They were a conparativelyvsmall tribe, related
yi to the Choctaws, and belonging to the Huskhogean family. ° Attempts to trace
ntral ¥· their origin to the Teltecs appear to be based on the presence in their terri--
he 4 tory of a number of rectangular mounds; but there is no proof that the Chick-
d it osawg built these mounds, which probably antedate their coming to the state.
est P
j Despite much fiction masquerading as history to the contrary, the Chick-
§[ asaws were in fact savages differing but little from other Indian tribes. They
3 were, on the whole, smaller in stature and more moral in their habits than the
one." l northern tribes. Though they were magnificent fighters, as the French and
T Spaniards, learned to their sorrow, they were nevertheless indolent to an _
Q extreme degree.1é They had no written language, no songs or poetry, and only
E rudimentary ideas of religion and of healing, both of which were left to
- i witches. They lived in houses usually about l6' x 22' in size, made of poles
Q and covered with clapboards.l5 They had several large towns along the route
Q7 of the Natchez trace, and particularly in later tnucs traded considerably with
~ Q the English and Americans. Much European silver, and chinaware and beads made
if in England especially for the Indian trade, have been found in their graves.l“
2 *
’h» Q . _--l_,________,__,___,_-.. ec -_ ,1.   _ --.1;
_ tt ll. Conant, Mineral Resources, p. 15
_ gl 12. Minutes TBYrd`Ef“SEpErv€Ebrs, 2, ddd; EEE entry 2.
¥S LV 15. Dunbar H. Rowland, History pf hississippi, thp Heart 2f_the South, 1, G4.
_ Z` 1Q. Rev. Joseph Bullen, Extracts from Diary, 1799, (Kanuscript in~Dep¤rtment
L§§f 1 of Archives and History, Jackson, Kiss.); hereafter cited as Bullen,
Q Diary.
  15. THE? .
§ l€· Calvin S. Brown, Archeology pf héssifsippi, p. 3é8

 ` "·   " $7 
Histerical Sketch (First entry, p. 57) ;§ H,
i z
Cn festive eccasicns, such as natienal ccuncils er ball plays, the appear- gd En,
ance ef the Chickasaw braves was indeed striking; Q -3
"The head is, en a het summer day, beund with a handkerchief; Q n_
§ ever it a thick binding ef fulled cleth, cevcred with brecches. rTc Q 2;
the nese hang six bcbs, ind cnc in each ear, the cuter curl cf which EQ VAT
is slit and wrapped in silver. One bunch ef hair is tied cn the tcp ;§ ix
ef the head, te which is fastened in seven lecks the hair ef a deer's QE ,x
tail dyed red, bound in silver; this hangs ever the face and eyes. fh QE.
The face is painted with streaks and spets ef red and black; the beard jpg “"
is pulled cut; the neck aderncd‘rith ·.‘— a dezen strings cf beads ef varim ry
pus shyt;   z. silk h:.nd1;erchiel‘. There is r. bunch ef white fcfzthers   CO_
fastened te the back part sf the neck; if a persrn ef ncte, a black fj PO;
feather. The arms and wrists are adorned with silver bands, the bedy iyl Uwf
and irms "ith .i—. a calice shirt. The dress ef the lever limbs is varicus. VQ ‘T
Lest the dress er celering bceeme discempesed an Indian always carries jQ§ ;O`
- his glass in his psckst er hanging frem his sidc."l’ ‘f, AEI
Nene ef the important events in Chickisaw histery trek place within the Qi ig?
present limits af Tippah Ceunty, which was nerth ef their main settlements and hg P lf;
sparsely inhabited. A large number ef artifacts, mostly arrew heads, cf Indian ,§ `"
manufacture, have been feund in the ceunty but nething cf mere than erdinary QE
value. The most interesting iberiéinil remains are the series cf rcck meunds —Q
in the Hatchie Hills, the age ef which is undetermined. These are ccnical in qi ggc
shape, made ef rough uncut ferrugineus sandstcne, and are frcm lO te GO felt h§ W;
in diameter and 2 tc lO fest high. They ire always found en high greund, QQQ Fh€
and in lecutiens which cemnand a wide view. They are prehably sepulchral,l8 Q} “t]
but ewing te 1 former idea that they centaincd treasure, it has been impessiblc hl éé,
te find one that had net been entered, and scientific expler ti ·.‘· n is difficult. ~Q§ ll`
The presence qf these meunds in the Hatchie Hills, and their absence elsewhere, ‘·.’ ig ii!
is expl ined by the fact that the reek frem which they are made is abundant in sly ‘fr
that regien And unknewn elsewhere in the ccunty.  ;% fi;
·  -¢ I`
An old Indian trail frcm the Pentetec settlements tc Tennessee is fellewed TE? HCI
by the eld New Albany—Ripley and Ripley—Saulsbury reads, which fellew the ridges QQ by
in typical Indian fashien.l“ 'A few Indian nimes persist. The name ef the ceun~ jd .
ty is Chickasaw, meaning "cut eff," and was prebably taken frem the creek ef the QQ _
suse n nc. The talc ef the princess Tip—pah, bride cf the chief Pen-te~te—ka, if lm?
is rrrantically appealing but definitely unpreved. The names ef the 2 largest ff St¥
streams ef the county, Hetchie and Tallahatehie, mean "riv,r" and "recky river" QQ Odl
respectively. An unusual name is that rf Lukesaspa Creek, which means "Rcast fj
Terrapin Creek." There are also a number ef names ending in "~nubbce," such l%[€ EET
as Ashpanubbec Creek. Thos; conremcrate a family rf Christian Indians whe lived Qfl '
near Ripley abcut the time ~f the Chickasaw Ccssicn. The Nubbin Ridge read, fami?Q?§ ?l
· liar in Tipnah histery, is a cmrruptien cf "Nubbee". fj 5G'
 l—   ·,·, { —· ~ •
I7`§"`T@1I"KiTf `" ""W _` ‘¥    A U
lS. Srcwn, Arbheelcgy cf Nicsissipti, p. l2. QQ LE'
1        T5¥e`T“           
I   E Bs

 AQ - ll -
7) tr Historical shetch n- I rr
eg , - A (birso entry, p. or)
ir- · .
Q Early Settlement
Q ’
Q A few white men, mostly traders, moved into the Chickasaw cession in the
% early part of the nineteenth century. Amon; them were L. T. MeKinza, later
pg ?nOL-l1;tn&SSOSSOT and tax collector of Tippah County; Daniel Regan, who
pi gept a trading pest about a mile east of Ripley; and M. G. L. MeCarloy, an
pg Indian ayent. Rev. T. C. Sturat, who had founded a mission near Pontotoe
in in 1821, proavhod regularly to the Indians at an outdoor "¤tand" about 2%
=j zniles east of Ripley, at the present site of Moses Chaoe1.§O M
ih C ·
h Indian dominion in Mississippi ended on October 20, 1852, when Gen. John
A, Coffee negotiated with a general council of the Chickasaws the Treaty of
3. Pontotoc Creek. Under its terms the Chickasaws ceded 6,285,908 acres to the
gr United States, it being agreed that the tribe would be paid the amount re-
la ceivod from the sale of the lands, legs actual expenses, and that the Indians
L, would be removed to Indian Territory. 1 The number of the tribe was estimated
{Q at 5,000 by the War Department, at 10,000 by the Chickasans themselves. T
gg After the signin; of a suoolementary treaty at Washington on May 2%, l95&
“= W. .· . w- .v `1 ». I- ~ ` ’
nd ge tlc eession eas surv Jed, a land office opened at Pontotoc, and tho $@19 gf
&_n, by » lands to settlers begun. The Indians were removed before 1840.
CS tj The govenrmont patents do not show the prices said for land, the only
in Q· ,. _ record in Tipoah County beigé copies of 2 receipts giving prices of $1 25 and
3 EV od 2e