xt770r9m5236 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m5236/data/mets.xml Florida Florida Historical Records Survey 1940 Other creators: United States. Work Projects Administration. 14, [1] p. : map ; 21 cm. Reproduced from type-written copy. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number FW 4.14:F 663c/2. books  English Tallahassee, Fla. : State Library Board This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Florida Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of Florida: Baptist Bodies: Florida State Association of Old Line Baptist, Composed of Missionary Baptist Churches, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration text Inventory of the Church Archives of Florida: Baptist Bodies: Florida State Association of Old Line Baptist, Composed of Missionary Baptist Churches, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration 1940 1940 2015 true xt770r9m5236 section xt770r9m5236 i  T T T T l 1 y y   ENTUCK, T
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g Florida State Association Of Old Llne Baptist,
Composed Of Missionary Baptlst Churches
Q l  :NlvEF=slT¥ OF -&tBl;lTUCl<¥
l State Library Board
Tallahassee, Florida .
l   July l9¤O
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of Florida
Prepared by
The Historical Records Survey
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Work Projects Administration
, State Library Board
Tallahassee! Florida
July 1940

E Historical Records Survey Projects
‘ Sargent B. Child, Director
[ Sue A. Mahorner, State Supervisor
% Research and Records Section
{ Harvey E. Eecknell, Director
t Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor
{ Franklin E. Albert, State Supervisor
1 l A
l . . . . - . . -
1 Division of ?rofesS1onal and service Projects
t Florence H. Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
i Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Pegional Supervisor
{ Rolla A. Southworth, State Director
) -
5. ,
j F. C. Harrington, Commissioner i
[ Malcolm J. Miller, Regional Director
Y . . .
t Roy Schroder, State Aaministrator
E l
· 1

The Florida State Association of Old Line
·’ Baptist composed of Missionary Baptist Churches
is one af the more active denominational groups
in the state, although it is one of the young-
est. It is therefore fitting that the Florida
Historical Records Survey Project has prepared
as one of its initial series of publications,
an Inventory of the Archives of the Old Line
l l The Moderator has examined a copy of the
_ publication and is pleased to call it to the
attention of the association, for he feels
i that there is c need for more careful making
. and the better preservation of our records.
2 x_ _ ,7  
r ·LF¢!f e ’
tr,/. / ·_ _ C#__/{/.»r.r;..»;.é/fw
i Elder W.R. Lanier
i Moderator

 1 1
{ .
K 4
I   I

 I K
The Historical Records Survey program operates as a
series of state-wide projects in the several states under the
Research and Pecords Section, Division of Professional and
Service Projects, Work Projects Administration. The program
was organized in Florida in 1956 under the national direction P
of Dr. Luther H. Evans. On March i, 1940, Dr. Evans left to
become Director of the Legislative Reference Section of the
Library of Congress, and was succeeded by Sargent B. Child.
The Survey is engaged in the preparation of inventories
of, and bibliographical guides to, source materials hitherto
inaccessible to research workers. The Survey program in Flor-
ida, as throughout the nation, includes an inventory of state,
A county, municipal, and church archives, of American imprints,
and of manuscript depositories and collections.
. The Church Archives Inventory represents an important
phase of the Survey for it is through this inventory that
n many unknown and unusual religious records of interest to
historians and genealogists will be located. The records of
individual churches are being inventoried and these inven-
tories will be grouped and published by denominations-
This volume is one of a series of inventories to be pub-
lished on groups within denominational bodies in Florida.
Later these surveys may be combined into volumes by denomina-
tions and published for the whole state. The inventory of
each group includes an entry on the general organization, on
° each active church and mission connected therewith, and on
churches that became defunct while associated with the group.
t The Florida State Association of Old Line Baptist, com-
posed of Missionary Baptist Churches is an independent Bap-
tist body without national or regional affiliations.
Churches listed have weekly services unless otherwise
I stated in the entry. The educational background of the

i pastor is unsnown if not given. The actual titles of records [
i are written in full capitals, assigned titles of records are
E written in full capitals and are enclosed in parentheses,
[ explanatory titles are written with initial capitals and are '
j enclosed in parentheses. All records are located in the
: church building unless the names and addresses of the official
l custodians are given. Records not reported are either missing
g or destroyed.
i This volume was compiled and edited under the direction
‘- of Gordon C. Reeves, Church Editor, in accordance with tech-
, nical instructions from the Washington Office of Historical
Q Records Survev Projects. It was reviewed by Donald A. Thomp-
{ son, Assistant Archivist in charge of Church Archives Inven-
i tories. The field inventory for this volume was made under
E the direction of Miss May L. Touchton, district supervisor.
g The publications of the Historical Records Survey are
I issued for free distribution to public and institutional
j libraries. Requests for information concerning the publica-
I tions or the work of the Survey in Florida should be addressed
F to the Stcte Supervisor, §istoriccl Records Survey, 49 W- DX-
; val St., Jacksorville, Florida.
Q Sue A. Mahorner
i State Supervisor
I Historical Qecords Survey
i Jacksonville, Florida
Q September l, 1940
l .
I -
I .

composed of Missionary Baptist Churches (Com-
' monly called Old Line Missionary Baptist Asso-
ciation) 1935--.
,. ,,The Florida State Association of Old Line Baptist, com-
posed of Missionary Baptist Churches, was organized in 1935
by churches which withdrew from the State Association (of
Landmark) Missionary Baptist Churches.(1) The Old Line As-
sociation is statewide in scope, but at the present time
there are member churches in only five counties. (Duval,
Lake, Orange, Osceola, Sumter).
Six churches; Campbell, New Hope, Pine Grove, Providence,
South Kissimmee and Tuscanooga were represented by messengers
at the preliminary organization session held with the Mt. Car-
mel Baptist Church, 1O miles northeast of Kissimmee, Osceola
l County, on Sept. 28, 1955.(2) Of these churches only three;
’ Campbell, Pine Grove and Tuscanooga became members of the per-
manent organization.(3) -
At the first annual session in 1936, the Temple Baptist _
6 Church, Kissimmee, was admitted into membership in the as-
sociation.(4) The following year five churches: Lake View,
Pleasant Hill, South Riverside, First Baptist Church of Mas-
cotte and the Second Baptist Church, Melbourne, came into
the body.[5) At the &938 session the Old Line Baptist Church,
Sumterville, sponsored by the association, and the McDuff
Avenue Baptist Church, Jacksonville, joined the association.
(6) In 1940 the Dunn's Creek Baptist Church was added to·the
association membership. The only loss to the association has
1. Florida State Association of Old Line Baptist, composed
of missionary Baptist Churches, Minutes, 1936, p. 13.
2. Ibid., 1935;, p. 2. 3. Ibid., 1936, pp. 4, 5.
i 4. Ibid., 1936, p. 5. 5. Ibid., 1937, p. 6. _
1 ’-6. Ibid., 1938, p. 6. . _`

 ` \
5 2 I
  been the Second Baptist Church, Melbourne, which became de-
3 funct in 1937.
! The messengers from the churches represented at the pre-
} liminary organization session, held Sept. 28,’i935, declared
* themselvbs an association of churches and elected Elder W.R. I
E Lanier as moderator and Elder M.E.Taylor, clerk.(7) The T
t group adopted an Order of Business, a Declaration of Princi-
i ples, cn Abstract of Faith and Rules of Decorum. The time and
; place for the first annual session was also set. By a vote
of the messengers the transactions of the association were re-
' ferred to the individual churches represented for their final
l approval or disapproval.(8) As previously stated, only three
I of the six churches entered into the permanent organization.
E The Declaration of Principles which serves as a constitu- ,
' tion for the association is very similar to the Declaration
T of Principles of the State Association (of Landmark) Mission-
i ary Baptist Churches from which some of the churches came.
Q K9) The Declaration states that the association is opposed }
; to Convention or any similar control of denominational ener-
_ gies and provides that this association shall never exercise
i any power over the member churches beyond·that of advisory
  council.[10) The association may withdraw fellowship from
5 any of its member churches if that church be guilty of charges
§ of unorrnoaoxnnss or disorderliness, the accusation having
  - been made by another member church.[iil
\ .
i The general object of the association is "to aid in giv-
E ing the gospel to all men on the gospel or New Testament plan,
T as exemplified by the example of the apostolic churches.“Ii2)
j The missionary work of the association is carried on by miss-
` ionaries appointed by the cooperating·churches. When an indi-
J vidual church desires aid in sending out a missionary to any
  ..........--------- - ---- - —-------—----——— ~ ————-——·-——-- - -·····
{ 7. Ibid., 1935, p. 2. B. Ibid.,l935, pp. 2, 3.
, 9. Seedsepra. 1G. Ibid., 1935, pe. 5, 4-
g ll. Ibid., 193oi p. 16. l2. Ibid., 1936, p. LS-

 \ 5 _, `
' field, the church corresponis wich the nearest sister church-
es, stating the amount necessary for full support of the
missionary and the amount the appointing church will give and
calling on the sister churches to adopt and help the same mis-
, sionary until the full support is provided.(15) Elder J.Grov.
[ or Sparkman proposed by the Tuscanooga Baptist Church and ap-
, proved in 1956 has served as a missionary since that time.
(14) The association owns a gospel tent, an automobile truck
and an electric light plant which are used in conducting ser-
vices at mission points.(15)
The association holds annual sessions at a time and .
place selected by the messengers at the previous session; the
moderator and clerk may select some other place for the acn-
vening of the body if the original church selected is unable
, to entertain the association.,(16) Fifth Sunday union meet-
ings are held but are not specifically provided for in the
Declaration of Principles or the Rules of Decorum.
} Each church may send three messengers to the annual ses-
sions so that there will be equal representation. The asso-
ciation prescribes no qualifications for messengers, the
church sending the messengers is the sole judge of their `
The Declaration of Principles as originally adopted pro-
vides for the following officers; a moderator, a clerk, an ;
assistant clerk, a treasurer, and an auditor.[18) The next
year, 1956, an assistant moderator was added to the list of
officers.(19) In 1955, Elder W.R.Lanier, was elected moder-
ator and Elder M.E.Taylor was elected as clerk, both of these
officers have served continuously since that time. In 1036,
15. Ibid., 1956, p. 16.` 14. Ibid., 1956--, bassin.
15. Ibid., 1959, p. 12. 16. .Ibid., 1959, pp. 15, 16.
17. Ibid., 1957, pp. 12, 15. .18. Ibid., 1955, p. 4.
19. Ibid., 1956, p. 15.5 __ _

 Q 4
I Elder M.E.Taylor was elected as treasurer, an office he has
I also filled to date.(20) The Minutes contain no mention of
` the election of an auditor, assistant moderator, or assistant D
{ clerk, there have been, however, several occasions when clerks D
i bro tem and reading clerks have been appointed by the modera-
2 {OT.
5 The only auxiliary to the association is the Old Line Bap-
i tist Bible School. This auxiliary was approved at the 1938
; meeting of the association.[21) The Bible School held its
first annual session, June 15-16, 1939, with the South River-
i side Baptist Church. Elder Edward E. Swearingen served as
E moderator and Elder M.E.Taylor served as clerk.[22) The
i second annual session of the school was held June 29-30, 1940,
g with the Temple Baptist Church. Elders, M.E.Taylor, J.M.Keene,
E and E.J.Prevatt served as a program committee to arrange the
g meeting.(23)
i Although no committees are provided for in the Declare- U
I tion of Principles (Constitution) certain committees have func- Q
{ tioned at each of the regular annual sessions. These commit- Y
y tees and their chairmen for the various years were as follows:
  State Missions, 1936, N.B.Howard;(24) Inter-State Missions,
1 1936, Claud Partin;{25) these two committees were combined in
1 a report on Home Missions, 1937, Elder J.M.Bryant.(26)
E Foreign Missions: 1936, Elder J.G.Kilpatrick;(27) 1937,
; Elder E.J.Prevatt.(28) In 1938 all missionary committees were
E combined into one, Missions 1938-39, Elder J-M·K€G¤9·[29)
; Bible Schools; 1936, Elder J.M.Bryant;(30) 1937, Eldéf
· Z3. ibid., 1936, p. 5. 21. Ibid., 1938, PP- 5, 6.
T 22. Ibid.; 1938; p. 11. 23. Ibid., 1939, p. 14. W
. 24. Ibid., 1936, p. 12. 25. Ibid., 19361 P. 11. M
L 26. Ibid., 1937, p. 9. 27. Ibid., 1936, p. 10.
, 28. Ibid., 1937, pp. 8, 9.
1 29. Ibid., 1938, p. 5; 1939, p. 11 30. Ibid., 193G, p. 9.

;_m_Ke8ng,(51) 1935, Elder A.W.Brantley;[32) 1939, Lonnie
h Bronson.(33]
b Education; 1936, Elder M.E.Taylor;(34) 1937, Elder
Edward E. Swearinqon;[35) 1938, Elder J.G.KilpGiriCk;(36)
1939, Elder A.E.Taylor.[37) i
Publications; 1936, Cap Watson;(38) 1937, Elder A.W.
Erantley;(39) 1938, Elder J.O.C¤mpbell;(40) 1939, Elder JL
Charles H. Bacon.(41)
Support of Orphans; 1936, Jim Curry;(42) 1937, N.B.
1-;oward,(43) 1935, Lonnie Bronson;(44) 1939, J.W.Willicms.(45)
Temperance; 1936, Elder M.E.Taylor,(46) 1937, Elder J.
G.Kilpatrick;(47) 1938, Ray Watson;(48) 1939, Elder J.O.
p MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES, Minutes, 1935--, printed, com-
' plete file in the custody of the clerk, Elder M.E.Taylor,
Route #1, Box 208, Kissimmee; 1937--, in the Library, John
B. Stetson University, DeLand, Fla.
Highway 22, Christmas, Orange County.
Constituted 1874. The first pastor, Elder Robert W. Lawton,
31. Ibid., 1937, pp. 7, 8. 32. Ibid., 1938, p. 7.
33. Ibid., 1939, P- 10. 34. Ibid., 1936, p. 10.
35. Ibid., 1937, P· 8. 36. Ibid., 1938J P?. 7, 8.
37. Ibid., 19391 P. 11. 38. Ibid., 1936, p. 11.
W 39. Ibid., 1937, pp. 9, 10. 40. Ibid., 1938, p. 8-
Q 41. Ibid., 1939, p. 12. 42. Ibid., 1936, p. 11.
I 43. Ibid., 1937, p. 10. 44. Ibid., 1938, p. 10. ·
. 45. [bid., 1939, p. 13. 46. Ibid., 1936, pp. 12, 13.
97. Ibid., 1937, p. 10. 48. Ibid., 1933, p. 1C.
49. Ibid., 1939, p. 13.

r 4
I A 1
, 6 Q
{ walked twenty miles, once a month fiom Oviedo, and held ser- i
i vices in the home of J.R.A.Tucker until the present white, E
} rectangular, frame church erected and dedicated in 1874. h
§ This group is at present in litigation with another group each A
I claiming to be the original church. (See entry on Pine Grove °
’ Baptist Church in Inventory of the Church Archives of the
E Seminole Baptist Association.] A half—time church, meeting i
i 2nd and 4th Sundays. Present membership, 48. Active organiza-
I tion, Bible School. First settled pastor, Elder Robert W. ·
5 Lawton, 1874-BO; common school education. Present pastor,
_ Elder J.O.Raulerson, 1939--, 682 Herman St., Jacksonville.
t (CHURCH RECORDS), 1874--, 2 vols. Showing minutes of church
conferences and business meetings, membership roll, bcptisms, I
I deaths. 1874-1920, 1 vol., custody·of attorney, George Palmer
i Garrett, 419 Exchange Buildinq, Orlando. 1920--, l vol., (
l custody of clerk, J.C.Dodson, Bithlo.
’ (CHURCH CASH RECORDS), 1874--, 2 vols. Showing all receipts }
L and disbursements. 1874-19ZO, l vol., custody of George P. $
L Garrett, see supra. 19ZO--, l vol., custody of clerk, J.C. I
i Dodson, see supra. _ 3
i (BIBLE SCHOOL RECORDS), 1874--, 6 vols. Showing pupils, S
i teachers, officers, attendance. Custody of superintendent {
t and secretary, Elder J.G.Hilpatrick, Christmas. yy
E C1878——· 15 miles southeast of Kissimmee, L
; via U.S.Highway 92 and Pleasant Hill High- p
3 way, Osceola County. i
E _ Constituted c1B7B. First services in unpainted, rectangular, Z
frame building erected c1B78, also used as a school house I
; until 19MD. This church was formerly a member of the Wekiva
{ Baptist Association. (See forthcoming Inventory of the .
; Church Archives of the Wekiva Baptist Association.) It with- .
i drew from Southern Baptist Convention affiliation c1921. A '_ ,
; half-time church, meeting 2nd and 4th Sundays., Priaint mom-
L bership, 14.i.Earliest known pastor, Elder J.Ci Taylor, . G B ‘

i 7
i 1891-92. Present pastor, Elder J.O.Campbell, 1955--, Lough-
i man. A
Q (CHURCH PECORDS), 1929--, l vol. Showing minutes of church
conferences, membership roll; receipts and disbursements.
Custody of clerk, Everet Clinton, Kissimmee.
‘ 4. CAMPBELL BAPTIST CHURCH, 1882--. 6 miles _'
south of Kissimmee, U.S.Highway 92, Osceola
County. _
Constituted 1882. First services in school house on same site
until present white, rectangular, frame building was erected
· in 1910. This church was formerly a member of the Wekiva Bap-
‘ tist Association. [See forthcoming Inventory of the Church
· Archives wekiva Baptist Association.) It withdrew from South-
. ern Baptist Convention affiliation c1924. A half-time church,
meeting 1st and 5rd Sundays. Present membership, 50. Active
organization, Bible School. First settled pastor, Elder T.l.
Bell, tenure unknown. Present pastor, Elder W.R.Lanier,
_ 195G--, Kissimmee. .
· (CHURCH PEOORD soon), 195©;-, l.voln Showing minutes of
i church conferences, membership roll, baptisms, deaths; re-
* ceipts and disbursements. Custody of clerk, N.B.Howard, {iss-
J immee.
i (BIBLE SCHOOL RECORDS), 1950--, 5 vols. Showing pupils, teach-
; ers, officers, attendance, visitors, minutes of business meet-
: ings. Custody of pastor, Elder W.R.Lanier, see supra.
n 5. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHUPCH, 1952--. South Randolph
i and Portege Avenues, Kissimmee, Osceola County.
Constituted 1952. First services conducted and church consti-
_ tuted in a tent. Present white, rectangular, frame church
building was erected in 1952 at the corner of Clyde Avenue
; and Midland Road. In April 1956 it was moved to present loca- _
_ tion and dedicated. Present membership, 55. Active organi-

 8 i
i zation, Bible School. First settled pastor, Elder W.R.Lanier I
, 1932-35. Present pastor, Elder M.E Taylor, 1936--, Campbell
, `Station, Route #1, Box 203, Kissimmee; University of Florida,
I Gainesville, Fla.
{ ,
CHURCH ROLL AND RECORD, 1936--, 1 vol. Showing church cove- j
Q nant, charter members, membership roll, minutes of business `
i meetings, baptisms, deaths; receipts and disbursements. Cus-
i tody of clerk, Clyde Bass, Boggy Creek, Si miles north of
, Kissimmee.,
i (TREASURER’S RECORD), Sept. ll, 1938--, l vol. Showing rc-
; ceipts and disbursements. Custody of treasurer, L.R.Godwin,
i 420 Mabbette St., Kissimmee.
k ,
l .
I (BIBLE SCHOOL.SECRETARY’S REOORD), July 26, 1936--, l_vol.
E Showing pupils, teachers, attendance, visitors, collections. i
l Custody of secretary, Mrs. Sara Neal, 322 Lily Ave., Kiss-
` immee. _ y
’ St. Augustine Road, near Felch St., South
; Jacksonville, Duval Count'. -
I `L .
l Constituted 1933.— First services in private homes until pres- _
E ent, square, white, frame church with steeple was occupied and .
Q dedicated in 1933. The building was built in 1559 by the _
{ Philips Congregational Church, defunct. Present membership, g
Q SO. Active organization, Bible School. First settled pas- i
§ tor, Elder Edward E. Swearingen, 1933-39, 199O Southampton "
E Road, South Shores, South Jacksonville., Present pastor, Elder ‘
i J.M.Keene, 1939--, Route #5, Box o17, Jacksonville. i
i {MINUTE sooxl, 1933--, l vol. Showing minutes of business ' Y
, meetings, roll of membership, baptisms, deaths, financial
§ reports. Custody of clerk, Olie Foracker, Old St. Augustine 1
E Road, South Jacksonville. ”
i (BIBLE SCHOOL RECORD), 1935--, 2 vols. $hCWi¤G TTT€¤@¤¤€€ ,
[ and offering. Q
i _ 1
xt `

missionary Baptist Church 1933-36), 1933-37.
P Defunct. Melbourne, Brevard County.
V Constituted 1933 as the Valcaria Missionary Baptist Church.
" First services in Valcaria School house about 9 miles south
j— of Melbourne on J.3,Highway l. In 193é the church moved to
a mission tent of the Old Line Missionary Baptist Association,
’ in Melbourne, for about two weeks. Tre church then rented
the Fraternal Building, on the west side of ieloourne, where
· services were held until church became defunct early in 1937.
_ First eettlcd and only pastor, Elder ¤.?.Lcnisr, 1933-37,
· 3. TUGCAHO3@s BAPTIST CHURCH, 1935--. Mascotte,
I Lake County.
Constitutod 1935. First services in present unpaintad, square
L pavilion type frame building erected, 1935. The site of this
{ church was formerly occupied by cnother Baptist Church of the
same name which became defunct in 1926, and by a Community ` `
Church. (See forthcoming publications in this Church Archives
V Series,) A quarter-time church, meeting on 4th Sunday. ?res-
Q ent merbership, 52. Active organization, Bible School. First
settled pastor, Elder J.G.$pcrkman, 1935-37. Present pastor,
‘ Elder Whites Hancock, 1939--, Bithlo.
LEQGE9 (Minutes of Tuscanooga Baptist Church), 1938--, l
i vol. Showing minutes of business meetings, membership roll,
— baptisms, deaths; receipts and disbursements. Custody of
f clerk, Arthur Alexander, Mascotte.
UKIVERSAL HOTE HOOK (Bible School Fecord Book) 1933--, l
{ vol. Showing pupils, teachers, attendance, visitors, receipts
· and disbursements.
;` miles west of Highway 29, Kenansville, Caccala `
i County.

 io *
L Constituted 193é. First services we;e held in building erect- >
X ed in 1904 by the Lake View Baptist Church 1590-1926, defunct. I
L This church disbanded when its building was damaged by storm. 2
I [See forthcoming Inventory of the Church Archives of the We- i
[ kiva Baptist Association.) In 1937 the present white, square,
I frame church was erected, using materials salvaged from the V
I old building, dedicated November the same year. A. half-time
E church, meeting 1st.and 3rd Sundays. Present membership, 21.
i Active organization, Bible School. First and present pastor,
A Elder Whites Hancock, 1936--, Bithlo. ;
? (cameos REOORDl,1936ee, ltvolinpdhowingzminutesrofebusiness 1
E meetings, membership roll, baptisms, deaths; receipts and
1 disbursements. Custody of clerk, H.Z.Harvey, Kenansville. i
  (msn; sceooi. Rscosol, 1939--, 1 vcl. Showing pupile. t9¤¤h— 3
' ers, officers, attendance, visitors; receipts and disburse- ‘
é ments. p
l MD. OLD LINE BAPTIST CHURCH, 1936--. Sumter- y
§ ville, Sumter County.
i Constituted in 1936. Sponsored by Old Line Missionary Baptist
2 Association. First services held in association mission tent ‘
[ on Highway 23, for a period of several weeks. Then used the
g First Baptist Church building in Sumterville for approximate- '
; ly 3 years. Early in 1940 the membership bought and occupied I
Q an old school building, g mile off Highway 23. Present mem-
i bership, 40. Active organization, Bible School. First pas-
` tor, Elder J. Grover Sparkman, 1936-37, Webster. Present j
j pastor, Elder Whites Hancock, 1937--, Bithlo. Church not 1
Q holding regularly stated services at present. -
; PERFECT CHURCH RECORD, 1936-, l vol. Showing list of mem- F
Q bers, financial records; receipts and disbursements. Cus- i
; tody of clerk, Bill Conley, Sumterville.
i (BIBLE SCHOOL RECORD), 1938--, l vol. Showing list of pupils, Q
Q officers, teachers, attendance, collections and disbursements. A
E '
1 , y

l Custody of secretary-treasurer, ers. Agnes Traylor, Sumter-
` ville.
7 McDuff Ave., Jacksonville, Duval County. _
Constituted 1937 by members from South Riverside Baptist
Church (see entry 6). First services in present commercial
structure, a rectangular, gray wood and concrete building,
i remodelled 1933. Front part of building used for church,
i rear part for pastor*s home. Present membership, 99. Active
_ organization, Bible School. First settled and only pastor,
V Elder E.J.Prevatt, 1937—~, Z9 HcDuff Ave., Jacksonville.
. (csuscs RECORD), 1937--, l vol. Showing minutes, membership
roll, bsptisms, deaths, financial records. Custody of clerk,
C.H.Bacon, $@15 Dillon St., Jacksonville.
U (BIBLE SCHOOL BOOK), 1937--, l vol. Showing attendance, of-
Church St., Mascotte, Lake County.
, Constituted 1937. Sponsored by the Old Line Missionary Bap-
tist Association with some members coming from the Bay Lake
j Landmark Baptist Church (See forthcoming Inventory of Church
Archives of the State Association (of Landmark] Missionary
* Baptist Churches.) First services were held in association*s
° mission tent adjoining present site until present unpainted,
f rectangular, frame building was erected, 1937. Present mene
bership, 8. Active organization, Bible School. First settled
` and only pastor, Elder J. Grover Sparkman, 1937-39, Webster.
I The church is practically dormant at present.
"Composition Book" (Church Records), 19H%-—, l vol. Showing
minutes of business meetings, membership roll, baptisms,
_ deaths; receipts and disbursements. Custody of clerk, H.G.
j Hawkins, Mascotte.

  “Composition Book" [Bible School Record), 1939--, l vol. l
Showing list of pupils, teachers, officers, attendance, vis- ,
‘ itors, collections and disbursements. B
g 13.. DUNN‘S CREEK BAPTIST CHUPCH, 1939--. Dunn's _
V Creek Road, between New Berlin and Storrat {
1 _ Road, 4 miles east of Oceanway, Duval County. y
Q Constituted in 1939. Sponsored by South Riverside Baptist .
i Church {see entry 6). First services in present rectangular, i
‘ brown, frame church erected in 1959. Present membership, 9- ¢
; Active orgonizotion, Bible School. First pastor, Elder Ed- 1
‘ ward E, Swearingen,—1939-40, 1990 Southampton Road, South X
, Shores, Jacksonville. Present pastor, Elder J.M.Keene, 1940--, {
i Route #5, Box 617, Jacksonville. Q
i t ·¤
1 · ·· » *
5 "Composition" (Church Records),.1959--, l vol. Showing min-
utes of business meetings, list of members, financial rec-
[ ords.; Custody of pastor, Elder J·M.Keene, see su¢ra. i
1 1 1
E i
, . A . 1
= 1
E r r r s 1 i
i i
i A H
Q _ .
5 ‘ x
j . . i
L _ . `
1 s

i Alexander, Arthur, 9. Garrett, George Palmer, 6.
, Godwin, L.R., 3.
‘ Bacon, Elder Charles H., .
5, 11. Hancock, Elder Whites, 9, 10.
V Bass, Clyde, 8. Harvey, H.Z., 10.
1 Bay Lake Landmark Baptist Hawkins, H.G., 11.
Church, 11. Howard, N.B., 4, 5, 7.
Bell, Elder T.J., 7.
Bible School, 4.
g Brantley, Elder A.w., 5. Jacksonville, 1, 3, 11.
I Brevard County, 9. John B. Stetson University
Ai Bronson, Lonnie, 5. Library, S.
fy Bryant, Elder J.N.,‘4.
Keene, Elder J.M., 4, 5, 8,
Campbell, B.C., 1, 7. 12.
Campbell, Elder J.0., 5, 7. Kenansville, 9.
t Christmas, Florida, 5. Kilpatrick, Elder J.G., 4-6,
;§ Clark of Association, see Kissimmee, 5, 7.
Elder M.E.Taylor, 3, 5.
Clinton, Everet, 7.
Cormanity Church, xcscotte, Lake County, 1, 9, 11.
9. . Landmark Baptist Association
Conley, Bill, 10. see State Association (of
Curry, Jim, 5. . Lanmnark] Missionary Baptist
Churches, 1, 2.
I Lake View Baptist Church, 1,
. Dodson, J.C., 6. 9, 10.
Dunn's Creek Baptist Lanier, Elder W.R., 2, 3, 7,
’ Church, 1, 12. 9.
Euval County, 1, &, 11, 12. Lawton, Elder Robert W., 5, 6.
Library John B. Stetson Uni-
1 vcrsity, 5.
t First Baptist Church of
, Mascotte, 1, 11. NcDuff Avenue Baptist Chirch,
y First Baptist Church, Sum— 1, 11.
~ torville, 10. _ , Mascotte, 1, 9, 11.
( Yorackcr, 0lie, B. Melbourne, 1, 9.

‘ 14 {
t Moderator of Association, see South Kissimmee Baptist I
I Elder W.R.Lanier, 3. Church, l.
i South Riverside Baptist .
E Church, 1, 4, 8, 11, 12. `
Q Neal, Mrs. Sara, 8. Sparkman, Elder J. Grover, ,
t New Berlin, 12. 5, 9, 10, 11. f
{ New Hope Baptist Church, 1. State Association (of Land- V
E- . · mark) Missionary Baptist
i . Churches, 1, 2, 11.
, Oceanway, 12. Sumter County, 1, LO.
, Old Line Baptist Bible Sumterville, 1,·1C. E
i School, 4. Swearingen, Elder Edward E., (
` Old Line Baptist Church, Sum- 4, 5, 8, 12. i
terville, 2, 10. 1
I Orange County, 1, 5. E
E Osceola County, 1, 6, 7, 9. Taylor, Elder J.G., 5, o.
, Taylor, Elder M.E., 2-5, B. l
1 Temple Baptist Church, 1, 4, t
i Partin, Claud, 4. 7. Q
1 Philips Congregational Traylor, Mrs. Agnes, 11. ,
E Church, 8. Treasurer of Association, J
` Pine Grove Baptist Church, see Elder M.E.Taylor, 4, 5, '
1, 5, 6, Tucker, J.R.A., 6. _
i Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Tuscanooga Baptist Church, ·
i 1, 6. i 1, 2, 9-
g Prevatt, Elder E.J., 4, 11. ‘ " ‘
} Providence Baptist Church, 1. i
{ Valcaria Missionary Baptist '
Q Church, 9. {
2 Raulerson, Elder J.O., 5, 6. Valcaria Schoolhouse, 9. i
Q l
5 L
Q Second Baptist Church, Mel~ Watson, Cap, 5. l
i bourne, 1, 9. Watson, Ray, 5. L
E Seminole Baptist Association, Wekiva Baptist Association, ,
  6. 6, 7, io.  
2 Southern Baptist Convention, Williams, J.W., 5. y V
2 6, 7. (
r ,

9 Inventory of the County Archives of Florida:
Ho. 8. Charlotte County. 1938.
. ‘N0. 11. Collier County. 193B.
N0. 1é. Duval County. 1938.
i N0. 18. Flagler County. 193é.
I NO. 25. Hariee County. 1939.
No. 26. Hendry County. 1936. .
No. 46. Okaloosa County. 1939.
Mo. 54. Pinellas County. 1943.
E N0. SE. Sarasota.Coanty. 1939.
A Inventory of Federal Archives in the States:
E Series II. The Federal Coarts. No. 9. Florida. 19Qj.
B Series IV. The Department o