xt770r9m4c22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m4c22/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2007 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 82, No. 4, Spring/June 2007 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 82, No. 4, Spring/June 2007 2007 2007 2014 true xt770r9m4c22 section xt770r9m4c22 Volumc 82 Number 4 Sprmg/June 2007
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Us ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS l
Nathan Lee Appointed President & CEO - Jane Leigh Powell 2
The Joumey - Nathan Lee 3
Field Notes — Barb Gibson 4
Beyond the Mountains — Barb Gibson 9
Dedication ofthe W.W. Hall, Jr.
Center for Mothers and Children - Barb Gibson I2
Frontier School of Midwifery
& Family Nursing News - Di: Susan Stone I4
Old Staff and Courier News l7
FNS Remembers Board Member John Henry Sizemore 22 2
In Memoriam 23  
Urgent Needs 32 A .
Cover: The Mary Breckinridge Hospital and newly renovated W.W. Hall, i
Jr. Center for Mothers & Children. Photo by AnnDraia Bales. t 1
----—--———-—— 1
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is published at the end of I  
each quarter. Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$ 15.00 for In- ‘.
stitutions. Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 4l775 and   A
at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to i
FNS. Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc.  
All Rights Reserved. The Frontier Nursing Service does not share t
it’s d0n0r mailing list.  

  Introduction to Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
  Mary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the
  world - Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After
Q1] the death of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life
 it expected of women of her class to devote herself to the service
  of others, particularly mothers and children.
 fi] Mrs. Breckinridge established the FNS in Leslie County, Ken-
 ,1. tucky, in 1925, as a private charitable organization sewing an
r  area of 700 square miles. It was the iirst organization in America
;·  l _ to use nurses trained as midwives under the direction of a single
 { medical doctor/obstetrician, based at their small hospital in Hyden.
Q Originally the staff was composed of nurse—midwives trained in
 g England. They traveled on horseback and on foot to provide qual-
’  ity prenatal and childbirth care in the client’s own home.
i=  Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastem
 i Kentucky. FNS, Inc. is the parent holding company for Mary
 y Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc.,
  which includes six rural healthcare clinics; Mary Breckinridge
  Home Health Agency and the Frontier School of Midwifery and
 3 Family Nursing which offers a Master of Science in Nursing de-
Q  gree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner
 é and Women’s Healthcare Nurse Practitioner.
 N Mary Breckinridge’s home, The Big House, located at Wendo-
yl  ver, is a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn. For more information or
 I, reservations, call 606-672-2317 or e-mail fnstours@yahoo.com.
  You can also access our website:
  Frontier Nursing Service - www.frontiemursing.org

 r r
Nathan Lee Appointed as President & CEO
Jane Leigh Powell, Chairman 0f FNS Board of Governors
V At the April 27th Board meeting, the Board of Governors appointed  
I Nathan Lee as President & CEO of FNS, Inc. Nathan has been  
{ with us for three years as Chief Financial Ofiicer and has served  
I as Interim President & CEO for the past year. Nathan is a native i
l of Kentucky and he and his wife, Blair, have one daughter, Palmer. I
i I
  Even though Nathan’s background is in finance, which has been i
r invaluable to the FNS, he has embraced the history and philosphy
  ofthe Service and has become knowledgeable in all departments.
  One project that Nathan will pursue is developing and increasing `
  the endowment which is such an essential function of every not- i
C for—proiit organization.  
  The Board welcomes Nathan to his new position and looks {
i forward to working with him. We hope that you will feel free to
call him at Wendover.
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. Nathan Lee, Newly Appointed President & CEO 0f F NS, Inc. I

  The Journey
p by Nathan Lee, President & CEO
  The joumey of the Frontier Nursing Service continues and I am
humbled to have the opportunity to lead the FNS into its next
chapter. It is with a deep sense of reverence for our history, pride
in our present and excitement for our future that I have accepted
I the challenge of the Board of Governors to serve as the ninth
  President and CEO of the FNS.
  For me, the word "joumey" conjures up images of footprints on
  a trail, not unlike the footprints left by Mrs. Breckinridge and her
  nurses in creek-beds and on mountainsides during the early days of
  the Service. On our joumey, footprints are never solitary, however.
  I take comfort in tracking the footsteps of my predecessors . . .
Bill Hall, Dr. Rogers Beasley and Helen Browne, to name a few
. . . who worked with such success to carry on the mission of
  Mary Breckinridge. I take further comfort in the fact that while
  this journey may lead us into untested waters and uncharted
l territories, our direction has been made clear. Indeed, on this
I journey our path has been well marked with footprints extending
  past the horizon and far into the future. They are the footprints of
‘ Mary Breckinridge who reminds us even today that the work of
_ the FNS will never be done until the last mother and child have
{ received the care that is their due.
i It is my privilege to lead the FNS on this journey and I look forward
I to the challenges ahead. I ask for your prayers, your support and
 , your continued friendship. Yours are footprints along our path as
I well and I look forward to continuing to make this journey with
i you as we strive to advance the work ofthe FNS in the mountains
l· and beyond.

Field Notes {
Governor Ernie Fletcher Visits
March 5th, Govemor Ernie Fletcher chose Mary Breckinridge
i Hospital as one ofthe locations to promote his kick—off campaign {
L_ for "Get Healthy Kentucky? The Govemor presented the cam- l
pai gn to increase public awareness and to encourage more people `
to start playing an active role in their own health.
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1 Mark Birdwhistell, Secretary of Cabinet of Family Services (lejt)
_ and Governor Ernie Fletcher (righ0 Presenting Recognition 1
I Award to Nurse—Midw#e Laura Manns-James it
Q "Gazing into the F uture" Meeting  
I March 13th, Mallie Noble and Nathan Lee attended the "Gazing '
I into the Future" Session at the Leslie County Extension Office
  where a group of community leaders came together to share their
  plans for the future of Leslie County.

2 Field Notes - Continued
Mary Breckinridge Hospital Renovations
Recent renovations at Mary Breckinridge Hospital include the
g Chapel, Provider Lounge and a second conference room where
{ "Centering Pregnancy" meetings will be held.
I Dartmouth Medical Students Visit
March 1 lth - 17th, seven medical and public health students from
Dartmouth Medical School arrived at Wendover for their iirst
Spring Service Trip. During their stay, the students shadowed
healthcare professionals at the clinics and observed a variety of
surgeries at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital. The students also
volunteered to work on projects in Hyden including the distribu-
l tion of food for the Leslie County Food Pantry and with Save the
Children after school reading program at the Hyden Elementary
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Dartmouth Medical School Students

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  Field Notes — Continued  
i University of Maryland Medical School Students Visit  
  March 17th — 23rd, five medical school students and one nursing  
  student from the University of Maryland arrived at Wendover  
J for their annual spring trip called Medical Breakaway. While in  
i, Leslie County, the students taught sessions on nutrition and the  
Q effects of smoking at Big Creek Elementary School and shadowed  
  healthcare professionals in the clinics and hospital. The students I
  also volunteered to paint fences at Wendover.
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  University of Maryland Students
Y Hospital Radiology Department Upgrade _
Y The Radiology Department at Mary Breckinridge Hospital began  
{ oifering MRI services during April and will install a multi-slice CT Q-
i in June. They will now have the ability to perform Angiography I
studies. The Ultrasound Department has also been upgraded with [
I two new digital ultrasound systems for better defined images. i'
Patients who formerly had to be transferred to another facility
will be able to have these procedures done close to home and in
a more timely manner.

E Field Notes - Continued
I Annual EasterE Hunt
Friday, April 6th, Mary Breckinridge Hospital held its Armual
t EasterE Hunt in the H den Ci Park. Des ite the cold weather,
l y
E the event was well attended with over one hundred children par-
i ticipating. Winners of the Easter Egg Hunt were Houston Brock,
i John Buckle, Nick Feltner and Tara Cantrell.
Hospital Ladies Auxillary Recognized
April 20th, the Mary Breckinridge Hospital Ladies Auxillary were
recognized for their hard work during National Hospital Week.
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i Field Notes - Continued  
  Employees Recognized at Civic Night I
April 24th, the following employees from Mary Breckinridge l
  Hospital were recognized for their dedication and committment. J
Q Teresa Dixon, Quality Improvement Officer; Dr. Gabor Laufer,  
1 OB/GYN Physician; Nathan Lee, FNS, Inc. President & CEO; g
  Dr. Robin Whitaker, Family Practice Physician; Larissa Maggard,  
  Physician’s Assistant; Connie Hubbard, Risk Management and I
gi Medical Staff Relations; Brenda Pennington, Housekeeping and
  Zona Turner, Housekeeping.
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{ Left to right back row: Teresa Dixon, Du Gabor Laufei; Nathan
Y Lee, Dr Robin Whitakeu Front row: Larissa Maggard, Connie
{ Hubbard, Brenda Pennington and Zona Turner  
I i
Wendover Guests  
= From March l, 2007 — June l, 2007, Wendover hosted a total of  
845 guests including special dinners/meetings/tours and overnight l

S Beyond the Mountains
E Nursing Advancement Professionals Annual Meeting
Q During March, Denise Barrett, Frontier School of Midwifery &
7 Family Nursing Development Officer, visited with representatives
E of Senators Mitch McConnell and Hal Rogers in Washington,
  D.C., for the Nursing Advancement Professionals annual meeting.
Q Mrs. Barrett updated representatives about the work ofthe Frontier
  Nursing Service and asked for their support of our efforts.
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Senior Legislative Assistant Scott Raab and Denise Barrett
Workforce Competitiveness Dialogue Meeting
  April 2nd, Linda Craft, Director of Nursing, attended a leadership
  meeting in Hazard, Kentucky sponsored by the Kentucky Com-
  munity and Technical College System (KCTCS), "Workforce
;· Competitiveness Dialogue". A round table discussion was held
{ regarding the barriers in filling positions with trained and reli-
! able staff

I Beyond the Mountains - Continued
l Nursing Leadership Program
L April 5th, Linda Craft; Edith Hensley, ER Manager; Nina Hensley,
  Med/ Surg Manager; Kevin Cook, OR Manager; and Margaret
  Wright, Matemity Services Manager, attended a Nursing Leader- *
A ship Program sponsored by the Kentucky Board of Nursing. The
  Workshop centered on responsibility and accountability of nurse
i leaders and the nursing staff.
I Rural and Critical Access Hospitals Meeting  
i April 18th, Linda Craft attended the Kentucky Hospital Associa-  
E tion’s Joint Meeting of Small or Rural and Critical Access Hospi- F
i tals in Louisville, Kentucky. The meeting consisted of discussions  
  regarding issues affecting Rural and Critical Access Hospitals l
i including those pertaining to rural health advocacy issues, grant I
.f funding utilization and performance improvement. I
i National Nurse Practitioner Faculty Meeting  
{ During April, Dr. Julie Marfell, Chairperson, Department of Fam-  
J ily Nursing, and Dr. Suzan Ulrich, Chair of Midwifery & WOlU€H,S  
l Health, attended the Annual National Nurse Practitioner Faculty  
l Meeting in Denver, Colorado. They completed a poster presenta-  
  tion entitled "Increased Attention to Increase Retention". l
l i
E Kentucky Coalition of Nurse Practitioners l
g and Nurse-Midwives i
j During April, the Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing  
; hosted a preceptor training dinner at the Kentucky Coalition of  
i Nurse Practitioners and Nurse-Midwives meeting in Covington,
Kentucky. The presentation was done by Aggie Hoeger, MSN,
I CNN, FSMFN Clinical Director. The training was well received ,
and included nurse practitioners and nurse-midwives from the  
Midwest to Canada.  
I l

1 Beyond the Mountains - Continued
i Dr. Julie Marfell was recently invited to her daughter’s preschool
S in Lexington, Kentucky, to talk to children about being a com-
munity helper. She told the children about her role as a nurse
practitioner and about the Frontier Nursing Service.
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I Dedication of the W.W. Hall, Jr.  
{ Center for Mothers and Children I
I On April 27th, the FNS Board of Governors, staff and community  
1 members gathered at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital to celebrate I
, a very special event in the history of FNS. A dedication and rib- {
bon cutting ceremony was held in the newly renovated maternity  
services wing named The W.W. Hall, Jr., Center for Women and I
Children in honor of former FNS, Inc. President & CEO, W.W.
I (Bill) Hall, Jr.
  Mr. W.W. (Bill) Hall, Jr., began the process of the reintroduction
I of matemity services at the Hospital almost two years ago when
I the FNS Board of Governors approved his plan and shared his
  vision. Bill became ill during May 2006 and was unable to return
  to work. The Board of Govemors and staff continued the process
II until the work was iinally completed and the Center opened dur-
  ing February of this year.
  The Board of Govemors and staff are all very proud of the Center
  and are looking foward to carrying on Mrs. Breckinridge’s work
I in providing care for mothers and children.
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Le]? to right: Nancy Hines, member 0f Board of Governors,
Nathan Lee, President & CE 0, Jane Leigh Powell, Dr: Michael
Carter and Ken T uggle, members of Board of Governors.
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Jane Leigh Powell and Nathan Lee

  Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing News
Q by Du Susan Stone, President & Dean
  The Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing (FSMFN) j
I continues to thrive. We are currently preparing to start the reaf-
  limiation process with the Southern Association Colleges and ‘
, Schools Commission on Colleges. ln preparation, we were asked
  to describe our current student body. Here is the description:
Y FSMFN currently has 456 students enrolled. Of these, 214 are in
» the nurse-midwifery track, 183 are in the family nurse practitioner
I track, 38 in the women’s healthcare nurse practitioner track and
  19 in the ADN-MSN Bridge Program. A11 students are registered
  nurses seeking graduate education. Over 95% of the students
ij continue employment as they pursue their graduate degree. The
y students range in age from 23 to 64 years, and the average age is
  39. Most (95%) of FSMFN’s students are women. The majority y
1 (89.47%) of students are white. Other races represented in the
student body include African American (6.14%), American Indian
F (1.54%), Hispanic or Latina (1.32%), Asian (0.66%), Native Ha-
1 waiian or Pacific Islander (0.22%), and unreported (0.66%).
  With the growing student body comes new faculty: Laura Hol-
  lywood joined our faculty in January 2007. Laura is both a CNM I
I and an FNP. She currently lives in Warwick, New York, and is I
1 attending Columbia University in pursuit of her Doctor of Nurs- (
. ing Science. Rhonda Johnston, PhD, FNP, is a very experienced  
I teacher as well as clinician. She lives in Pueblo, Colorado, and Y
I is currently teaching the Decision Making in Health Assessment L
l Course. Tonya Nicholson, MSN, CNM, joins us from Dublin,
Georgia. Tonya is an alumnus of FSMFN and is currently teaching
~ in the Antepartum Course series and the Theories and Research it
series. Rhonda Arthur, DNP, CNM, FNP, is also a FSMFN alum-
nus. She lives in Floyd, Virginia and recently completed her
Doctor of Nursing Practice at Case Western Reserve University.
Congratulations Rhonda! Rhonda is teaching Role of the Nurse

Frontier School of Midwifery &
Family Nursing News - Continued
p Practitioner and the Primary Care series. Karen McCrai, MSN,
FNP, FSMFN alumnus joins us from Cherry Valley, New York. She
» is working as a Regional Clinical Coordinator as well as teaching
in the primary care series for the FNP track.
T ln the fall of 2006, we reported that FSMFN began work on the
Pioneer Project. You may remember that the purpose ofthe Pioneer
Project is to collect the stories of alumni of the Frontier School
who graduated between the years of 1939 and 1989. These students
attended school on campus in Hyden before the graduate school
transitioned to distance education. The project aims to recognize
the Pioneers’ unique contribution to the Frontier School and to
the fields of nurse-midwifery and family nursing. To date, we have
had fourteen interviews completed by our students. These have
S all been posted in our on-line fomm system so that other students
can share in this rich history. Following is an excerpt from an
interview completed by Ashley Young, Student Nurse—Midwife,
of Luree Wotton, a 1957 graduate ofthe Frontier Graduate School
j of Midwifery.
. “Studies and clinicals occurred simultaneously and births to
  attend were quite the commodities. Students had to take turns
i attending unless there was severe inequitv in numbers. Often
  the students worked over a 12 hour night shM and then attended
  classes in Mardi Cottage during the day. Ms. Wotton reminds us
l that birth control pilot studies had emeiged at this time, and the
7 pill regimen was gaining popularity even around rural Iivden.
She summarized that the communigr liked it but that clinicals
D sugjfered. Women were jojmtllv realizing that they were no longer
necessarily destined to have 7-10 or more children despite their
‘vetjv loving marriages ’.

  Frontier School of Midwifery &
{ Family Nursing News — Continued
: “Ma1y Breckinridge had retired by this time and was stayin g pri-
  marily at Wendover lt was said that her vision had beenfailing,and
I that 0n the occasion that the nurses went to Wendover_ for Tea, they  
y routinely told Mrs. Breckinridge their names when she greeted
l them at the door There was a question, though, about the_/ailure _
{ o/`her sight. Ms. Wotton reported that Mrs. Breckinridge would oc-
  casionallv stop in the hospital ward and could see an infant ’sfoot
? without a sock_h·om across the room, and directly assign someone
  the task of covering it. Although Ms. Wotton s experiences and
l relationship with Mrs. Breckinridge were limited by this time in
  Mrs. Breckinridge ’s life and career; she expresses her inspiration
1 and simply states, ‘She was something else ’.
  “Their_fearless leader was none other than Miss Lester who
J taught them well and watched them closely. She was a task ori-
? ented woman who was also mothering, even overly so at times.
  She guided and watched the girls’eve1y step through Frontier
{ Undoubtedly she possessed the traits ofa talented and skilled
  nurse, educator and woman."
l As the collection of interviews grows, we are planning to produce a
I book of these stories. This will undoubtably be a best seller among
i nurses. Thank you to Denise Barrett, our Development Ofhcer,
. for her creative thinking and her actions on this project. We plan
· to keep our readers up to date as this project continues.
l If you are a Pioneer who has not been contacted about this
project or know a Pioneer who may want to participate, please
F contact Denise Barrett at 859.253.3637 extension 5014 or de-
nise.barrett@midwives.org. We would love for you to join us in
this etiortl We appreciate everyone’s support and interest in this
I project.

Old Staff and Courier News
Lucas McDonald (Courier ‘94), San Diego, California - During
2006, Luke finished an intem year in General Surgery at Balboa
Naval Hospital in San Diego. Luke is now in Okinawa for a year
  with the Marine Corps ilight wing serving as a Flight Surgeon.
Luke’s long term goal is to return to San Diego to complete train-
_ ing in orthopedic surgery.
Joan Court (Stay Nurse Midwye ‘49) Cambridge, England
wrote that she is 88 years old and that FNS was a highlight of
her career. After leaving FNS, Ms. Court worked in Central
Government until she retired at the age of 77 years. Ms. Court is
the author of a book entitled In the Shadow ofMahatma Gandhi
written in 2002.
Libby Borden (Courier 1960), Norfolk, Connecticut - visited
Wendover during April. She wrote about her time in 1960 as a
Courier. See "A Courier Story" in this Bulletin.
Kate Fox (Courier 2003), Wiscasset, Maine — wrote that she thinks
of Kentucky often and fondly. Kate graduated from Bennington
College in 2005 and now lives on the coast of Maine working at
an environmental education organization called The Chewonki
As part of an effort to reunite with our former Couriers, Nathan
Lee and Barb Gibson are interested in meeting with Couriers in
different areas. Our work at FNS sometimes leads us different cit-
ies and we would love to have the opportunity to meet with you. If
you are interested in getting re—acquainted with FNS, please send
a note to Barb at 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 or

  Old Staff and Courier News - Continued
  Former Courier Coordinator Susie Hudgins Stewart Visits
€ During the week of May 7th, former Courier Coordinator and
i Wendover Manager, Susie Hudgins Stewart, visited Wendover
. . . ( ·
j with her husband Brad, and their dog, Jack. They parked their RV
g at The Livery for three days and enjoyed the beauty and excite-
  ment of Susie being back home. We were all saddened by the news  ’
  that Susie’s dog Trish, and also the resident dog at Wendover for
  several years, died sometime back. One reason for Susie’s visit
il was to bring Trish’s ashes to be buried in her favorite spot on the
  hill in front of the Garden House.
gl Susie and Brad live at Jekyll Island, Georgia. During summers,
  they spend a lot of time traveling in their RV visiting their children
lj and grandchildren. Another highlight for Susie during her visit
if was that her friend Noel Femandez, former FNS Social Services
I Secretary, was visiting Wendover during this time.
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Susie and Brad Stewart and Noel Fernandez l

Old Staff and Courier News - Continued
Former Courier Carolyn Gregory Visits Wendover
May 17th, former Courier Carolyn Gregory visited Wendover with
, her friend, Dr. Lawrence Conway. Dr. Conway, is the President
°` ofthe Medical Mission Foundation in Toledo, Ohio. The Medical
p Mission recently donated several truckloads of equipment to the
J Mary Breckinridge Hospital of which we are very appreciative.
Ms. Gregory was a Courier in 1947 and worked closely with Agnes
Lewis in the Maintenance Department. After leaving FNS, Ms.
Gregory worked with her husband, Hugo, teaching workshops
in speech stuttering therapy around the world. Ms. Gregory also
worked at a hospital as a Speech Therapist for stroke patients and
was later in private practice in Evanston, Illionois for 20 years.
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Carolyn Gregory and Dn Lawrence Conway at Wendover

V Old Staff and Courier News - Continued
. "A Courier Story" by Libby Borden
I Thefollowing are excerpts written by former Courier Libby
l Borden during her time as a Courier at FNS: W
l In 1960, when I was twenty, I volunteered as a summer Courier at `
  the FNS in Wendover, Kentucky. I was a sophomore that spring _
and my days were Hlled with swirling skirts and flowered blouses, Q
fancy dress parties and picnics on the banks of the Charles. I  
I listened to Copeland’s "Appalachian Spring", vaguely aware of  
my summer plans, fantasizing about beautiful mountain lasses  
l skipping through the clover with their lads.  
I When I arrived at Wendover with my two fellow Couriers on a  
, searingly hot day in mid-Jul