xt770r9m417g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m417g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1953-05-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 22, 1953 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 22, 1953 1953 1953-05-22 2013 true xt770r9m417g section xt770r9m417g The Kentucky Keirnel




Suky Denies Plans New
To Force Beanies

Staff For Summer And Fall Kernel,
UK Freshmen 1954 Kentuckian Announced By Board


Io Inlciilion Of Hazing
Says Leller To Kernel

To Head UK



Denials of piojxsing to have freshmen wear
for two
were sent to the Kernel this week lry Beth Callivan.
secretary of Suky, student pep organization.
At the last meeting of SCA, on May 11, John Faulkner, president of Suky, told Assembly memlers that plans were Ix'ing made
to revive the custom of having freshmen wear
Faulkner explained that freshmen

'V '...7


vould be required to wear beanies
for year, in order "to distinguish
freshmen from upperclass men and
to promote school spirit." In addition to this, he said, freshmen would
be required to sit in the card section during all football games.
"Do Not Intend To Punish"
"Our suggestion that freshmen
wear beanies." the letter read, "was
not made either with the intention
of punishing or hazing) the fresh- men for being freshmen, or for the
purpose of compelling them to buy
beanies for our own profit."
"Furthermore, is continued, "we
do not intend to force any freshmen
to wear the beanie. We do intend to
make them available, and that is all.
The choice of buying or not buying
a beany is left to the individual."
At the Assembly meeting. Faulk- said that plans for some kind of
punishment for not wearing them
were being formulated by Suky. and
that they would be presented at the
next meeting of SGA. Faulkner also
told a Kernel reporter that buying
beanies would be required, if A. D.
Klrwan, dean of men, and Bernie
Shively, athletic director, agreed.
Thrown Quite Alone'
"Freshmen often have." the letter
said, "the feeling of being thrown,
quite alone, into a bewildering new
world. The "wearing of a beany
could give them a common denominator of identification as a group."
Faulkner's reply to the question
of whether veterans and other older
students entering the University as
freshmen should be required to wear
beanies was:

New executives for the fall
Iveritucki.m and summer and fall
Kernel stalls were named Monday at a meeting of the Board
of Student Publications.
Noi Peers is the new editor for
ihe fall Kernel and Jim Perry is
the new editor of the fall
Jean Grant and Doily
Sullivent are the
the summer Kernel.



Jesse Tapp
To Speak
At Luncheon




Kernel Editor

Jesse W. Tapp, one of the University's most distinguished alumni
and one of the nation's best known
agricultural economists, will be the
nrinrinal sneaker at the annual
commencement luncheon for crad- uating
June 5.
Tickets for the ,uncheoni
CST) in the
uled for 12 30
gtudent Union are now on sale
purchased ln the office
They ca
of Inormation ln the AdminiStra-ne- r
Uon Buildingt the
cmce ln tne gtudent Union or
from the deans of the variQUS

0rlginaUy the commencement
iuncneon was intended for the
seniors, their parents, relatives,
friends, and for the alumni, chairman of the Commencement com- mittee Hambleton Tapp announced
this week.
"It is hoped that a large number
of graduating seniors will attend,"
he said.
Tapp, a native of Corydon, re- -i
ceived a B.S. degree in Agriculture
from UK In 1920. He received his
M.S. degree from' the University of
Wisconsin in 1922 and did graduate
study at Harvard from 1924 to 1926.
He has been president, director.
and chairman of numerous govern- older students just don t want to mpnral n ffpnnpc ann hat .hppn rq.
sociated with various agricultural
Would Feel As A Group
The letter from Suky explained president of tne Bank
that the use of caps would be one in San Francisco.
making the freshmen
method of
feel that they are a group, since UK
does not recognize any class ts a
unit, such as a freshmen class.
sophomore class, etc.
-The Suky Circle regrets that JiCSSOOOIJIYJIO
there has been some misunderstand- 1
inc about the request It made to
SGA last week concerning the pos- c,
sibility of introducing, for a second
The music department will
the custom of Hearing fresh- - sent Jo Ann Thomas, mezzo-mc- n
beanies for the first few weeks soprano, in a vocal recital tonight
of the fall semester," it said.
at 8 p.m. CDT in Memorial Hall.
The recital will be given in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for a Bachelor of Music degree in
Applied Music and is the first vocal
recital given at the University
under this degree.
Miss Thomas has appeared as
soloist with the University Chorus,
The "Green Pen," freshman
choristers, and the Women's Glee
theme publication, will go on
Club. She has also had title roles
sale Monday in the Campus
in the operas presented at the UniBook Store, John A. plover anversity during the past two sumnounced this week.
Price of the pamphlet will be
Viola Kiviniemi will accompany
10 cents.
Jo Anne. Several numbers on the
program will be performed with
flute obligatos played by Edwin
Stein and David Schmeider.
The program will include three
selections by the modern Finnish
composer, Yrjo Kilpinen, which will
be performed for the first time in
Phi Alpha Theta. history honor- this country.
The program will include "Et
ary society, initiated 12 student
members at a dinner Monday night exultavit spiritus meus," "Sheep may
at the Student Union. William H. safely graze," and "Far beyond all
Townsend. a local attorney, spoke other pleasures by J. S. Bach.
The second section of the program
to the group about Gen. Casius M.
will begin with Johannes Brahms'
The new initiates include David "Botschaft," and "Nachtigall," folWells, Tom Ramage, Janice Vanden-bosc- lowed by Yrjo Kilpinens" "Tyton
Sally Hill. Martha McKinney, Laulu," "Lemmen Laulu," and "Pro-logiJudith Griffin. Monroe Billington,
Part three will consist of "The
Judith Fauquier, Dean W. Lambert,
Mrs. Preston Johnston, and James Mustard Seed." by Fred Hines, fol- lowed by examples of Howard
Townsend told of the experiences Swansons'
"The Junk
of Clay while the general was editor Speaks of Rivers,"
of the "True American." the first Man," and "Joy."
The concluding portion of the
emancipationist newspaper published
line. program will include "C'est Pextase
south of the Mason-Dixo- n
Clay served later as President langoreuse." "Chevaux De Bois."
and "La Chevelure," by Claude DeLincoln's minister to Russia.
bussy; and Psalm 137 by Ernest
Clay Fights Described
Clay's fights with Bowie knives Bloch.
and pistols were described by Town- - send, and he read a news story of
Clay s marriage at the ape of 84 to AlUITini
Dora Richardson, a
The speaker read a report fromjliip Ym nipH intp V
the sheriff of Madison County to
Graduating seniors are requested
the county judge about a "possie
comitatus," which described a visit to fill out their applications for
of the posse to Clay's home, the membership in the Alumni Associageneral's reception of the group tion as soon as possible, Miss Helen
with cannon shot and the posse's King, executive secretary announced this week.
hasty return to Richmond.
Preceding the dinner. Townsend
The applications have been mailwas made an honorary member of ed to all graduating seniors. Thej
the society. Holman Hamilton, a should be filled out and returned
graduate student, presided :ii
to Room 124. SlUtK'iil Union.
and the dinner.

Kernel Managing Editor

UK Barbershop Cited

For Posting Prices

If the Kentucky State Board of
Barber and Beautician Examiners
has its way, UK may not have a
The board cited the University
and Frank D. Peterson, University
comptroller, to "appear for trial on
June 1, 1953, for the very serious
oifense of posting prices. . . ."
Peterson wrote a letter to Attorney
General J. D. Buckman, Jr., asking
him to dvise and if there was such
a law. what action should he take
on behalf cf the University.
"We question whether or not
there is a law against letting the
customers know the prices. The
barber would have to tell the customer the prices in the barbershop
when the job is over; we see no difference in telling them before they
get them in the chair than telling
them afterward." the letter said.
In ah interview with a Kernel reporter Thursday morning, Peterson
said that ihe "price list hasn't been
r ...

posted in the baibership since
"The barbershop is for the convenience of the students and does
not attempt to make a profit," he
Lexington barbers recently raised
the price for a haircut to $1. The
University continued to charge 65
cents. Then most of the Lexington
barbers cut their price to 75 cents.
The barbers complained that if
the University did not provide the
barbershop facilities, students would
be forced to pay $1 for a haircut.
The sign, Peterson said, was
placed on the wall inside of the
shop to let students know what
prices they are to pay, since they
come from all over the state and
other states and are used to higher

Kentuckian Managing Editor

Kentuckian Editor

UK Trustees
Issue Bonds
For Housing

The annual UK Alumni Association banquet will be held Thursday
night, June 4, in the Student Union.
Dr, Thomas D. Clark, head of the
Department of History, will be the
principal speaker. His subject will
be "From Bustles to Bathtub Gin."
Dr. Clark has chosen this unusual speech title as one which
typifies the first 25 or 30 years of
the 20th century.
During commencement week, special reunions will be conducted by
the classes of 1903, 1907 and 1925,
and the banquet theme is based
on memories of this period.
Reunions Scheduled
The regular scheduled reunions
that will be held during this week
are for the classes of 1910, 1911,
1912, 1913, 1929, 1930. 1931, 1932.
1949. 1950, 1951 and 1952. Dates and

times on functions pertaining to
the individual classes will be announced later.
Included on the program of the
banquet is the announcement of
new alumni officers for the coming
year. Presiding officer will be William H. Townsend, Lexington attorney and current alumni president.
Donovan To Extend Welcome
Dr. H. L. Donovan, UK president,
will extend greetings to the returning alumni, and a musical program
will be presented by the University
quartet. The quartet Is composed
of Virginia Lutz, Jo Ann Thomas,
Aimo Kiviniemi and James King.
The Rev. Robert W. Estill. '49.
will give the invocation and pronounce the benediction at the dinner at the dinner program.
The banquet has been scheduled
for 6:30 p.m. (CSTi. Alumni officers
have requested that persons should
plan to arrive as early as possible
because the University will operate
throughout the week on CST or


Continued on Page

(Continued on Page




;. ,:



'Crcen Pen' Sale
To Ieiiiii Monday


will be $2.
Picnic Arranged
A picnic has been arranged by
the Alumni Association as a spe- -

l)r. Chamberlain

History Society
Initiates Twelve




Kentuckian Business Manager

cial feature. It will be held on the
concourses of Memorial Coliseum
at noon Thursday, June 4. Returning alumni, graduates and faculty
members are invited to attend.
Reservations for the picnic may be
made in the alumni office. The
price will be $1.25.
Returning University alumni will
O a.m.,
register for activities at
June 4, in Room 124 of the Student
Union. Tours of colleges and departments where special exhibits
have been arranged will precede
the picnic.
The annual commencement luncheon has been planned for 12:39
p.m. June 5, and the regular commencement exercise will be conducted at 7 p.m. in Memorial Coliseum. Members of the 1903 class
will be presented Golden Jubilee
certificates at the program.


Miss Edwards is a member of Chi
Omega sorority, the
vice president of the Freshman Y.
Jones is a member of Sigma Nu

fraternity, a representative to IFC
and SGA. a member of Lances, the
College Chamber of Commerce, the
and the Spike Shoe Society
He is also a member of the UK
track team.
Miss Grant is recording secretary
of Alpha Gamma Delta social sorority, a member of the Mixed
Chorus and the College Chambei
of Commerce, and is president of
the Fayette County Young Republican Club.
Is In Mortar Board
Miss Sullivent is a member ot
Mortar Board. Chi Delta Phi. Theta
Sigma Phi. Troupers, and the Guignol Players.
Miss Renaker is a member of
Theta Sigma Phi. the Mixed Chorus,
and the Student Union House Committee. She is social chairman of
Boyd HaU and secretary of Suky.
Members of the Board of Student
Publication are Merrill McCord,
editor of the Kernel: Fred Bradley,
editor of the Kentuckian; Ann
CRoark. SGA representative: Dr.
Niel Plummer. director of the School
of Journalism; and Frank Peterson,
comptroller of the University.

Polio Expert
Is Sigma Xi
Dinner Guest

An internationally known
expert. Dr. Albert B. Sabin.
will speak tonight at the annual
banquet of the Kentucky chapter of
the Society of Sigma Xi.
Announcement of the banquet was
made Monday by Dr. Arthur C.
head of the UK Department
of Geology and president of Sigma
Xi. The banquet is to be held at
in the Student
6:30 p.m. (DST
slow time.
Dr. Sabin is professor of research
Tickets to the banquet may be
the alumni office. Room pediatrics at the University of Cinobtained in
124 of
Student Union. The price cinnati and a fellow of the affiliated



Other Kentuckian staff members
named are Katherine
managing editor, and Ray Jones,
business manager.
Diane Renaker is the new managing editor of the Kernel for the
fall semester. Louis DeRosett and
Jack Royce will be
editors for the summer semester of
the Kernel.
Perry Is In ODK
Perry is a member of Sigma Nu
social fraternity.
Omicron Delta
Kappa. Lamp and Cross. Keys.
Scabbard and Blade, and the
He is treasurer of SGA,
secretary of Lances, treasurer of
Phalanx, and business manager of
Miss Peers is a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma social sorprity. Theta
Sigma Phi. and was in the Women'
Glee Club. Mixed Chorus, and the


At Alumni Banquet

UK's fraternity row came a step
nearer to reality last Friday when
University trustees awarded a $710,-00- 0
issue of UK dormitory revenue
bonds to a group of Lexington and
Louisville investment firms.
The loan for the six houses planned will cost the University an
average of 3.4534 per cent interest
a year.
Sigma Chi,
Five fraternities,
Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha,
Pi Kappa Alpha, and Phi Sigma
Kappa, have already agreed to
participate in the fraternity row
The Cosmopolitan Club, an or- -'
ganization of foreign and American
students, has expressed an interest
in the sixth house. Each house is
Peterson stated that he had not designed to accommodate 48 men.
yet received a letter from the AtA local construction
firm last
torney General. However, the Louis- month was awarded the contract
ville Courier-Journin an Associ- - for construction of the six small


Dr. Clark To Speak




(Jets Appointment

To India Mission


Angelica in "Love
play. "In tlie line"
Aim Brown, Mary

Appointment of Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, UK vice president, to a
State Department mission in India
and Pakistan this summer was announced by the University Board
of Trustees at their monthly meet-

C1KLS hack up Moss N ance and Jo Ann Anderson, wlio are Valentine and
For Love." Cuignol l'layers'
adaptation of the Restoration
are, from the left. Dee Dee DeSanto, Muilcne Young. Jean Morrison, Dottie
Jo Bishop, Bi tty Bruce Brown and Leila Sherman.


ing last" week.
The gToup granted him a four
month leave of absence beginning

July 1, to enable him to make the
The objective of Dr. Chamberlain's mission will be to try to give
the people of these Asiatic countries, particularly those associated
with colleges and universities, a
better understanding of America.
Dr. Chamberlain said this week
that he would speak to faculty and
student groups at institutions of
higher learning in India and Pakistan, and would confer with college
administrators and faculty mem-

Guignol Presents New Play
. A musical comedy version of William Congrove's "Love For Love"
will be presented at 8 p.m. tonight
and Saturday night in the Guignol
Theatre. Fine Arts Building, by
Guignol Players.
Director Don A.. Clayton, drama
graduate student, adapted the Restoration period love story and also
wrote seven new songs for the production: "Love We're Bound For
You." "Angelica." "Silver and Gold,"
"Love Song," "Sinners in the Hands
of an Angry God," "I'm a Counselor" and "Love For Lpve."
In the cast are Moss Vance as
Valentine; Jim Hurt. Jeremy; Nor-vCopeland, Scandal; Edward
Williams, Tattle; Nancy Don Freed.
Mrs. Frail; Jim Holioway, Mr. Foresight; Buddy Wilson, a servant;
Barbara Francis, a nurse.
Jo Ann Anderson, Angelica; Pay- al

ton Adams, Sir Sampson Legend;
Claire Wood, Mrs. Foresight; Lillis
Beam, Miss Prue; Jimmy Inman,
Benjamin; Suzanne Swayze, Jenny,
and Addie Rose Toole, Mrs. Buckram.
Members of the chorus line are
Leila Sherman, Mary Jo Bishop,
Mnrlene Young, Ricky Caldwell.
Bftty Bruce Brown, Dotty Ann
Brown, Delores DeSanto and Jean

Jimmy Inman is choreographer:
Bailey, stage manager, and
Loraine McGlone, assistant director.
Lighting is by Jim Read and Lois
Cammack. Costumers are Addie
Rose Toole and Leila Sherman, and
Claire Wood and Bill Eddy are in
charge of set and publicity.
"Love For Love" is the story of
three love affairs. Valentine, profligate son of a wealthy father, incurs

his parents' displeasure by his extravagant ways. He is thus in danger of being disinherited in favor
of his younger brother, Ben, who
is away at sea.
If his father should choose to
disinherit him, Valentine leels he
would be unworthy to press his suit
to Angelica, a lovely young heiress
with whom he is desperately in love.
Valentine's father. Sir Sampson,
is staying at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Foresight, a wealthy couple
whose stepdaughter. Mus Prue, is
brought in from the country to
make a match with Benjamin, Sir
Sampson's sailor son.
A friend of Mrs. Foresight. Mrs.
Frail, determines to marry Benja- min lor his fortune, and enlists the
aid of Mrs. Foresight, who contrives

Continued on Page


is one of
The UK
several American educators selected
by the State Department to visit
foreign countries under its educational exchange service. He will return to his campus duties Nov. 1.
Dr. Chamberlain is the second
member of the UK faculty who has
been selected ln recent months by
the State Department to lecture in
India. Dr. Thomas H. Clark, head
of the History Department, toured
India during a part of the first semester on the same type of mission,




To He Distributed
Starting Tnesdav

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation. During World
War II he served as a Lieutenant
Colonel assigned to health improvement work in this country, the Orient and Europe.
In 1942 at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation laboratories. Dr. Sabin evolved
a vaccine against encephalitis. Later
he was rushed to Okinawa to supervise the vaccination of more than
armed forces personnel
threatened with this disease. None
of those vaccinated were stricken.
Dr. Sabin received the Legion of
Merit "for exceptionally meritorious
conduct in the performance of outstanding mervice in connection with
the investigation and control of certain diseases."
Ten local persons who are in scientific fields will be initiated into
the society at a ceremony which will
precede Dr. Sabin's address. They
are Saul Gordon. James Gormley.
Edward Griffith. J. R. Gump. WU- liam M. Keely. Dr. Erwin Straus, Dr.
James T.. McClellan. Karl Lange.
Lewis Cochran and Betsey Estes.

("lav Named Head
Of Faenltv Club
Physical Education Instructor
Maurice Clay was elected president
of the UK Faculty Club at the
club's annual election Wednesday.
Other new officers are Dr. Leslie
Poste. head of the Department of
Library Science, vice president; Dr.
Willis Sutton, assistant professor of
sociology, secretary: and Frank D.
Peterson. UK comptroller,
Prof. W. L. Matthews of the law
faculty and Prof. R. E. Shaver, head
of the Department of Civil Engineering, were elected to the club's
executive committee.

The 1953 Kentuckian will be
distributed next week on the first
floor of the Enoch Grehan Journalism Building. Distribution of the
books will begin at noon Tuesday.
Presentation of receipts for the
payment of senior fees or for the
payment of the advance sale subscription charge will be required on
Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday.

Students who have lost or mistheir receipts may obtain
their books on Friday and Saturday.
The schedule for the distribution
of the Kentuckian, as arranged by
acting business manager Ray Jones
and editor Fred Bradley follows:
Tuesday. 12 noon to 4 p.m. CST.
Wednesday. 12 noon to 4 p.m.


Thursday. 12 noon to 4 p.m. CST.
Friday. 12 noon to 4 p.m. CST.
Saturday. 7 a m. to 11 a.m. CST.

Senior Engineers
To Present Skits


Senior engineering students will
present skits satirizing their protheir
and accentuating
characteristics at the General En- gineering Assembly at 10 a.m.
Thursday in Memorial Hall.
Glenn Mills, chairman of the En-- 1
gineering Student Council said that
this traditional program is always
presented "the day after senior
grades are in."
At the end of the program the
juniors will move down to the
seniors' seats at the front and center of the auditorium, and the
sophomores will move over to the
junior section.
The freshmen then move over t
the sophomore seats and their seats
are left vacant for next year's


n sii'i t immerous complaints from students
p.'l:Vni on campus, definite
the parki-ian icing t.:kt i:i ati attempt to alleviate the
unsuccessful in its effort
i i'
now a faculty committee has
.1 mi!'. '
:. ":i urg an'ed to investigate the prohlem and to
(i ii Hi la' Hi.
!":. n M. M. WhiV appointed a committee of
i',c. ii ;'.iili'd la. i)r. Joseph U. Schvvendcman of the
(' ngraphv l)i-ix'iif. to make a thorough
s'udv. Uec. ntly (line students were added to the
n,ii.'ttf. Th.- - gioup has spent over a month
'. i:ig into the pp. .Mem. hoping to find some solu-- ;
to pass ii to lh- Administration and SGA.
An hourly check for nine days was made on the
crs parked in the permit areas. The committee
!ii w a detailed e:i lit noting the nnmlxT of parked
.irs ii iiig p nnils. infractions in the parking areas,
,'i, the nmnlvT ol tickets issued to violators. All
these s,i!ist'Vs w re turned into percentages so that
pa .il paikmg situation might Ik studied.
suit, the committee rejxrrts that of the 672
e:"s observed o'ie morning in Parking Area 9, 71
The remaining parked
r iiit wer.
.us ether had no permits or had Ixvn issued
ir other areas.
addition, on the ha sis of an hour's observation,
the committee noted tliat 15 per cent of the parking





















Kyian Staff
Deserves Praise

For New Annual
salute should go to tin's year's staff of the
Editor Fred Bradley,
for a job
Managing editor Julie Blumenthal, Business manager Jim Ferry, and their stair have more than just
succeeded in putting out an annual.
T his year's Kyian is noticeably "different." More
pictures are included and eflective designs in lay-nhave ln'i ii drawn up by the staff. These improvements have largely been made through the
Tin's has put
use ol a new type press, the
more work on the stall memlxTS, but has resulted in a saving of almost $2,000 in the yearbook
than 51.5(K) of this money was put
1'ito additional pictures.
Heretofore, a letter press operated by commercial
p: ters lias Im'cu used. With the new press the
students themselves take care of the design and
he out ami it is practically the finished product that
is turned over to the printers to lx? run off on the






Columnist Offen
Her Suggestions
For Idle Minnies

space in that area was unused. This figure, however, is not too representative of area parking in
general since the check was made at a time when
the demand is not so heavy. At any rate, something
like 155 more permits than there are parking spaces
are issued each semester in order to keep these
spaces filled.
At present, the physically disabled or handicap-pet- !
hold preference when parking permits are
issued; faculty and staff are considered next; hardship cases come third; and commuters are fourth.
As a result of the study, which is still underway,
the committee recommended that the city appoint
policewomen to handle the traffic, largely composed of school children, at the two traffic lights
just off the University grounds. Consequently, the
campus policemen, who've been unable to supervise
the parking areas adequately, will have more time
to cope with the parking violators.
The committee has also drawn up a questionnaire
to be filled out by the students, a copy of which is
printed in this week's Kernel. Other coplies will
be distributed in the classes.
SGA, in an investigation last semester, contacted
city officials in an attempt to make parking legal
in front of Memorial Coliseum, on both sides of
Harrison Street, and diagonal parking on South
Limestone Street. But they were told that none of
the suggestions were plausible.
One unrestricted parking lot which appears to be
overlooked by students is located on Rose Street
behind the Agriculture Experiment Station. Other
than that, there doesn't seem to be any additional
space near the University which could be converted
for parking purposes.
The committee expects to make a full report and
recommendations the last of this month to Dean
White which will be turned over to the Administration and SGA for approval. Should the recommendations be accepted, no action will be taken,
until next fall.
One encouraging sign . . . since the study was
begun, Dean White reports that there have been
fewer students coming to his office complaining
about lack of parking space.

As another public serv ice to Ke- -" I r
Pan will attempt to catalog ia, th :' ;s voe
can get done in the 10 minutes U t'.Mrn Jass
If your next class is just down the In. y.i can:
1. Talk to the professor almut the grade he ge.e
you. if neither of you is long winded.
2. Do last minute work on your next c lass.
3. Read the morning paper.
4. Stop and talk to someone from your hometown
:r k'ik'I'o'i.
y ou haven t seen since high school
5. Make a telephone call.
6. Smoke a cigarette.
7. Get vour mail (if vou're




.....til'If vour next class is a little vv.iv
(as we say in Kentucky) over t!i

l'j.52-ThKentuckians are expected to arrive
mm the binders Saturday. Watch the bulletin
.irds lor information concerning the distribution
earlv uet week.



Graduating Seniors
Overlook Luncheon
In the past few years graduating seniors have
;, overlooking a Commencement event planned
jx cialK for them . . . the Commencement lunch-'D- i.
Instead of having a representative group of




tduaies and their families attending the lunch-'Mare present,
too often only faculty inemlx-ri his isn t as intended.
Originally, the luncheon was designed for the
si mors, their part nls. relatives, and friends, as well
us aim, mi. but for several years, few graduating
s. iiinrs have thought well enough of the idea to
show up for the afiair.
The faculty committee in charge of the luncheon
his considered appointing students to the commit-ii'- .'
in h)es th..t vv'tii their participation interest in
he rvent might ii urease. Tliis shouldn't be nec- "en though faculty planned, it is designed
st :i i! for
students and should appeal to them.
The tact that th "re is a SI. 50 fee involved should
i.ot defer too m.mv seniors. They would have to
,i;;v ior a nil .,' elsewhere, and why not take advan-- "
of a fin... i hahce to share a meal with memlxrs
v our gl adti.it ing i lass.
i i'
for the ailair may lx obtained from either
the Office ot Info:n:ation iii the Administration
eliding, the Social Director's office in the Student
''lion, or from the office of each academic dean.







Psychology Has Weird Effect
Unon Sensitive UK Student
Coming up the walk was the answer to a hungry
psychologist's prayer. "Hello 'Dreamy'," I said,
"how is your pet bat getting along?" "Dreamy" Nyte
gurgled up to me and ai j.vvered, "Oh, she's fine.
But I've got some news for you."


You can t trust anyone .anymore.

It used to be when anyone said something nice
to me, I would get all glowy inside, like that person,
and speak a sincere "thank you." Now all because
I don't even know if I like myself.
of psychology
Now everything has a double meaning. I am reminded of the story of the two psychologists walking toward each other on the street. As they pass,
.one tippixl his hat to the other and said "good
had gone by, the
morning." After the
mused to himself, "Hmm,
I wonder what he meant by that?"
Things like that can warp a guy's thinking. Suppose someonei , a college student, pays a compliment
to another Is that person REALLY being sincere,
or is he saying. ""Ah. Here is a great chance to endear myself to Dale Carnegie."
I confess. Tarn completely in the dark. I can't
tell when complime'nters are true
of the "evil art." That is the evil are
of "guttering up."
I was walking to the psychology annex and saw
a buddy across the way. Not wanting to le obvious, I ducked under a parked car, trying to avoid
me and commented
him. He crawled in
"did you notice how queer Dr. Bigquirk acted in
class t.xlay? Gee, he's really an odd duck, huh?"
By then I was warming up to the subject (the car
engine was idling) so I told him straight, "yeah;
bye now." As I crawled away he gave me a quick
smile. Since I knew he was type 103 ,as descrilx-by the psychology department, this worried me.
Did that smile mean there were two possibilities-- he
was suppressing a desire to bite little holes in
my new sport shirt, or did it mean he was repressing an emotional conflict within himself to write
his name in the fresh cement in front of the Anthropology building?
I sighed. "Oh w ell, I guess I'll never know. Unless, of course I see "Dilbert Dimbulb" written In
the cement tomorrow. As I trudged on to class, I
lixiked nervously around me. Of course it was too
late then.

campus, you can:
1. Get a coke.
.2. Give someone a message.
3. Lx)k for the fountain pen you lost the p r.
4. Check a lxxik out of the library ii you don't
have to search for it.
5. Turn in a term paper.
If your next class is on the far side of the campus
you can:
1. Do nothing but walk fast.

well-wisher- s,

Suky 'Amends9

Beany Proposal

Ix-sid- e

Dear Editor:
The Suky Circle regrets that there has been some
misunderstanding about the request it made to the
SGA last week concerning the possibility of introducing, for a second time, the custom of wearing
freshman beanies for the first few weeks of the
fall semester.
Our suggestion that freshmen wear beanies was
not made either with the intention of punishing
(or hazing) the freshmen for being freshmen, or
for the purpose of compelling them to buy beanies
for our own profit.
The Circle lxlieves that the use of the caps would
lx? one way of making the freshmen feel that they
are a group, since the University does not recognize
any class as a unit, such as the freshman class, the
sophomore class, etc. Only a few months before
coming to the University, the majority of the freshof a highly organized group
men were memlx-rknown as the senior class.
Most of us remember how our senior classes
made trips, gave a play, had a class will; we thought
of ourselves as, and enjoyed
memlxTS of a
closely knit group. We realize that the University
represents a great change from high school days.
Freshmen often have the feeling of being thrown,
quite alone, into a
new world. The
wearing of a lxany could give them a common
denominator of identification as a group.
Furthermore, we do not intend to force any freshmen to wear the lieany. We do intend