xt770r9m3n7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt770r9m3n7w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1929 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 01, 1929 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 01, 1929 1929 1929 2012 true xt770r9m3n7w section xt770r9m3n7w      ;. ; , ;    I  .    :     ;   
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I   One month ago we, the officers of the Alumni Association of the Uni-
ii versity of Kentucky, presented to you the first issue of the Kentucky
if   _ Alumnus. The first issue of our new magazine had been for a long time I
ii i one of those seemingly unattainable things for which we strove. It was a
    - "Castle in the Air." However, sometimes an air castle is realized if the
i ‘   builder of that air castle dreams and plans and works enough, so we finally
E I realized our air castle in the form of this magazine. To be sure the first
  j issue was minus some of the stately corridors, towers and turretts with
A   which every important castle is well equipped, but nevertheless we feel a
i J goodly measure of pride in our achievement.
V » When the first issue was mailed, the editors had worked, thought and
 L V lived the magazine for so long that its final appearance was to them not
L   A i so very good. Still it was out, the ground had been broken and a start  
Z p   Q in the right direction had been made. But withal we were a little doubtful
`  · V ‘ . as to the reception that the members of our Association would give to our
 · . _ offering. For a week we waited without any very great number of encour-
  aging replies. Just when we began to feel that we had failed, letters
, praising the magazine began to come in in numbers. To further prove
 A that the Kentucky Alumnus had been accepted by the Alumni, payments
A for dues began to come in until at the end of the first month of the new
. i year for our Association there are more paid-up members for the year
A   just dawning than ever before at this time.
_ . · We believe that the Kentucky Alumnus has made good and that it will
A   j be a factor in building up our Association to a point where it will be of real
Q 5   benefit to our University. This' year, as last, the officers have set them-
_ l i i selves to perform certain tasks for the Association and the University. »
. Last year we promised the Kentucky Alumnus and the Alumni Directory.
g . The Alumnus you have already seen. The Directory will be out and ·
~ _ mailed to all those who have paid their dues, soon after July 1.
 s For the expressions in appreciation of the Kentucky Alumnus we are  
. deeply thankful. To know that our efforts are not going for naught hear-
 A · _ . tens us in the task that we have set for ourselves for the year just be-
`?  » ginning. A little active backing and cooperation will do much in aiding
 ` those of us who are trying to carry forward the active work of the As-
    ..`    c

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  Umversity ol Kentucky ,
Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  
Volume] JUNE, 1929 Number2  
Editor and Manager i
Marguerite McLaughlin, ’03 Helen King, ’25 .
Wayman Thomasson, ’30
Dr. Garrett Davis Buckner, `08, President  
Sarah G. Blanding, ’23, Vice-President `
Raymond L. Kirk, ’24, Secretary-Treasurer `
W. C. Wilson, ’13 Dr. George H. Wilson, ’04 Dr. E. C. Elliott, *02  
Lulie Logan, ’13 Wyland Rhoads, ’15  
Walter Hillenmeyer, ’11  
y Official organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky.  
Published monthly, except ]uly and August, by the Alumni Association ’ I
of the University of Kentucky, at Lexington, Kentucky Q
Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postofiice at Lexington, Kentucky, ri '
May 22, 1929, under the Act of March 3, 1879
, C 1**

  .   _ 4 · 1:EN.*rUc1<>¤·<1 of Service, 54 years of
· who have loved these men as part and parcel of 1°€“°h‘“g 011 11111 $111111 01 the U111V1111S11y'
1   the life of their Alma Mater, the honor paid to D11     P11yO11’ 111111111111111 111111 O1 11111 b11S1,1111O111,11
iheee eid friends ie tinged with i,egi,et. authorities on the ossification of bones in this
· 1 country and in Europe, and the only man in Ken-
. MGS1 of thm 01 ¤<>¤1‘S€» W111 1‘<=m1¤ <>¤ the tucky to be listed ih "American Meh of $(3191108,11
i campus, carrying on the work that in the past ~Whe»e Whe iii Amerieein =·Whe»S Who ef Am€1·_
i · few decades they. have done so well, while one, ieee Phyeieieme and Sui.e,eenS’~ and =¤WhOiS Who
1 1>¤¤1$¤· ?`€¤··‘<=11 W}11 ¤·€1¤1‘¤ @0 he e¤¤€S1m1_h¤m<= of American Authors," was also the htet man to
J in Virginia. Taking them, in order, according 'to edmihieiei. eihei. ih the eiiy ef Lexieetee
 _ the precedence of age, a brief sketch of the life The Stem, ef his eehievemeiite in the Study Of _
1 1 O1 each follows: the ossification of bones reads like fiction, so re- i
 ; Dr. M. L. Pence, a native Kentuckian, born on markable and thorough have been his investiga- .
Q a farm in Daviess county, August 8, 1854, worked tions and discoveries. Born in Palmyra, Mo.,
 1 on the farm until about the age of twenty, at- April 3, 1856, Doctor Pryor became connected
  tending the public schools until he was sixteen, with the University as medical examiner in 1886, I
 i ’ and making, according to his own statement, lit- while the school was still an Agricultural and
i tle progress along that line. At the age of twenty Mechanical College, beginning his class room work _
  he was sent to a private school in Ohio county, in 1890, and in his 39 years of achievement, Doc-
  , taught by Prof. John Clark, under whose tutelage tor Pryor has never faltered in his service to thc
Q 1 he made a fine record. At the age of twenty-one University. 5
  1 he received a first-class certificate, and began Doctor Pryor first became interested in X-ray 1 1 I
 . teaching in the i·ural schools of his home county, research work in 1900, and in this work he made 1
11.1 ~ -,4; .. .  3*11.1

  several discoveries concerning the growth of the States, a Fellow of the American Medical Asso-
bones, being the first man to establish the differ- ciation a member of the American ' '
a SSOC13. 1OIl
. ence in the ossification of the male and female for the Advancement of Science, of the American
ll . skeletons. He also discovered that ossifications Association of Anatomists, Kentucky Academy of
G 9 S began much sooner than had originally been Science, Research Club of the University of Ken-
` thought, and corrected textbooks on the subject, tucky, Kentucky Education Association, Sigma ,
with the result that these discoveries have been Xi, Pryor Pre-Medical Society (named by the stu- A
. · » » . . . _ _ }
incorporated in textbooks in this country and 1n dents 1n his honor), Omega Beta P1, P1 Gamma g
Europe and credited to Doctor Pryor. Mu, and Kappa Alpha, social fraternity. V E
_I_mS Since Doctor Pryor first became connected with In 1927 Doctor Pryor read a paper on ossifica-   E
' the University of Kentucky, he has been a mem- tion before the Anatomical Society of Great Brit- l i
it M ber of the City Board of Health, the Fayette ain and Ireland, in London, and again before the i E
Of County Board of Health, president of the Fayette Society Ecole De Meedicin in Paris, in December { {
blgur . County Medical Society, first vice president of of that year. This paper, ‘Differences in the Time i Q
mate the Kentucky State Medical Society, a member of Appearance of Centers of Ossification in the E
actor of the Source Research Council of the United (Continuued on Page Twenty) 3 2
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Six members of the faculty of the University who recently have been retired with the title "Profess0r   i
1 X-ray ` Eme1‘itus." Top row, reading from left to right: Dr. M. L. Pence, Dr. ]. W. Pryor, Dr. A. M. Peter.    
le made Bottom row: Dr. McHenry_Rhoads, Dr. Harrison Garman, Dr. Glanville Terrell.   , 

s   Seniors Become Alumni Business Meeting Is Held  
  Class of 1929 Has Five Hundred and Eighteen Newly Elected Officers and Members of Execu- _ `·_,  
  · Members to Be Graduated tive Committee Announced G b;l_ Ir
L On Monday, June 3, 1929, 518 new members The annual business meeting of the Alumni  
· { . were ushered into the Alumni Association when Association of the University of Kentucky was  
. { i degrees were conferred upon that many members held in the University Commons immediately fol- g tl
.   of the class of 1929. The new members of our lowing the University luncheon, Monday, June 3,   ti
Q 2 Association were officially welcomed into the 1929. At this meeting the officers and new mem- _ h
Z A ranks of Alumni at the luncheon immediately bers of the executive committee were announced. H U
,2 I following the commencement exercises by Dr. G. The secretary’s report was made and an amend- Z _
$5   Davis Buckner. This is the largest class that ment to the constitution of the Alumni Associa- _ il
. Q has ever been graduated from the University of tion was passed. » ·
  g Kentucky and one that has S€€h th€ University ih The officers elected were, president, Dr. G. Davis A tl
  Q the midst of its P1‘€§€ht D€1`i0d of Yapid g1`0Wth· Buckner, ’08, chemist at the University of Ken- _ Vi
Q A The class of 1929, besides being the largest tucky Experiment Station; vice-president, Sarah
Y A class to ever be graduated from the University, G. Blanding, ’23, dean of women of the Univer- O:
O ~ is in many respects a remarkable group of young sity of Kentucky; secretary and treasurer, Ray-  
  L men and young women. They entered the Uni- mond L. Kirk, ’24. These three officers served in It
` ‘ versity at the time when the term "collegiate" the same capacity for the year 1928-1929, and °'
  was at its heighth of popularity. They came at the nominating committee did not- see fit to nom- ~ _
  _ an age when it was predicted that the collegiate inate an opposition ticket. W. C. Wilson, ’13, and °‘
    e youth was not of the calibre to last through the Walter Hillenmeyer, ’11, were reelected as mem-  
S full four years at a college or university. They bers of the executive committee of the Alumni E
'   A » not only lasted but made up the largest group Association for a term of three years each. Lulie b
Q ever to be graduated from the University. Logan, ’13, was elected a member of the execu-
  Numbered among the Ineynbeyg gf the glagg Of tive COITlH'lli}iI€€ to S€I`V€ Oui) lZh€ two y€3.I`S 1`€I`Il3.lI`l- ‘  
Q 1929 are young men and young women who are ing of the term of Mrs. E. T. Proctor (Marie ij
· ` destined to carry the fame of the University of Louise Michet. ’16), Wh0 1‘€Sigh€d· MTS- Proctor ii
. · Kentucky gut; into the World and Whg, when in is moving to   to live ill lZh€ fl1lZLll'€ 3.Ild - K
V years to come, return to the campus at reunion felt that she could T10t S€1`V€ E
j . ahd h0m€€0mihg times Will btihg With them The amendment to the constitution of the t]
· remee errd reeerds thet will been new ieureie upon Aiomoi Association which wss offered ood passed ‘ p
0 ¤ our Alma Mater- at the meeting is as follows: "The president of Ig
;   At this commencement a new departure was the Alumni Association of the University of Ken- a
_ i ‘ inaugurated. The degrees were conferred upon tucky is authorized to appoint six members of the b
  l ‘ the candidates in groups and the diplomas were Association as associate members of the execu- ii
» l later distributed from the office of the registrar. tive committee to serve for a term of one year 0
“ This shortened the program considerably since each. These six Alumni to be chosen and ap- t1
 » . it would have taken a great deal of time for the pointed with the consent of the executive com-
` whole 518 to pass across the platform and receive mittee." This new measure was offered by Miss - si
their diplomas. While it removes one of the old Margaret McLaughlin, president of the Lexington · s
° customs from the commencement exercises it Alumni Club and ex-officio member of the execu- _ h
  makes it less cumbersome and lengthy. tive committee. She offered the amendment ·
_  V ‘ This year the Graduate School which in the last aft€Y the members of the executive committee .
‘ few years has grown with a rapidity greater than had discussed the matter and authorized her to   V
 ` 3ny other department Or college, egnferyed gd- D1‘€S€nt it to the Alumni at the annual business v
 i ‘ vance degrees upon sixty-five men and women, meeting. This was done in order that interested _ O
  This is by far the largest number of advanced and active Alumni over the state may take an 1.
  degrees ever to be conferred at one time by the active hand ih the mahagameht of the Alumni r
  University of Kentucky. During the last year Association and the furtherance of the interests o V
; there were more than 500 students registered in of the UmV€1‘Sity of K€ht¤€kY· r n
  · the Graduate School of the University. Number- The report of the secretary-treasurer will be t
Q ed among these are several candidates for the de- found on another page of this issue Qt the Ken- S li
  gree of Ph. D. tucky Alumnus.  
    -    . L··e—*.i V it "

[:2;; Us On June 3, 1929, that part of the roadway on two persons clothed in gray and devoid of color
f01_ " the University of Kentucky campus which ex- except for two small pieces of ribbon, one blue  
18 3,   tends from the Science Hall to the Pres1dent’s and one white, which were attached to a small  
1€m_ g ‘ house, was used for the format1on·of the pro- c1rcular piece of cardboard, that was pinned on  
Iced. ~ 1 cession for the Commencement exerc1ses. thelbreaitl of elacihhof tie tiwo gray-clag marghers.    
_ · Beside the road extending this distance were ‘V€¤ Oug €11‘ U1 W3S g1`€3 Y 0¤ Dum- . g
fg; A signs which read "Band," "Trustees," "Faculty," bered by the others, yet they walked proudly,    
A _ "Alumni," "Seniors," and other signs designating u¤fdlt€!`i¤g and ¤¤&f1`d1d· i  
Mvis   the locations of the separate groups of the Uni- As a matter of fact, those in the procession    
Ken- s versity. preceding the two belong to that grave throng · ;=
Larah A At half-past nine the campus was a busy scene called erudltes and those following are classed as Q sl
[ivan of persons clad in academic caps and gowns hur- ¤€0DhYl5€S· y j
Ray_ rying about in an unusual manner, and altogether i In another sense the scene presented a picture V;  
ed in it formed a pleasing sight because everyone seem- similar to that of early Christian times. The ;, ¥
and ed happy and friendly. king, Judges and executioners proceeding down   A
t _ The campus of the University _ the hill, followed by the persecu- {.
I'l0l'l1- ‘ ’ * . 1 ·
L and . of Kentucky now presents a   nlziév ted martyrs who were 1n turn E
’ greatly changed aspect from that .   followed by a long line of mourn- 2
  A of a short time ago. Today one   p;,_A_ I  ers dressed in black who realized  
Lune finds an orderly arrangement of V     full well that within the hour they it
buildings, walks and shrubbery   t   too would be classed with these ,
’x€?u` _ which immediately catches the  2 ».: :    »__.-.~.=—e      two (University) martyrs.   1
maui- eye and holds one’s attention in -   ··-·i Y · £°`    — The cry went up from the on- §
Mama rapt amazement. Forcibly there -     .;_i 3,3, ,~.,. E looking throng, "Who are those   2
ioctor is brought to mind the fact that   V_.c Q_; .c_.·. Q _..          two fearless individuals w h o   ;
6 and E an artistic yet practical guilding .   :__     travel thus ?" Those present who   `
hand has splendidly fashioned ` Q  { ____;_ E     knew, understood and had some  
f the . the svdimbls thm- NW6 hss     Y      ii   A .,.. as i iaiis.   t.se»     ,.,   midi, Said- “S*‘“t y°‘“ ‘“f’““"  
iassed played its part as only it can in   _   ····‘     ‘i,_,._. gg »...   ~·i·:   ,;,.: — that represents the Alumni As- gi
ent of Kentucky. The grass, shrubbery   *       sociation of the University of  
?Ken- and trees were bathed by gentle A-   E - »  __,  "   Kentucky."  
of the breezes which had an added value     V_.:     And so the procession went V  
execu- in that they cooled the usually   __:,.  n   slowly down the hillhanld ilnto tlge N
a ear over-heated natures of the Ken- i  ' ``    iii:”`: `  ```Vii```:`’ii'"°;`V”'iE``l Z"   in ``   `   `'''`i ` " "Tem le Cor oris"w ic t ego s i ,;
ldygp- . tuekians present, DR G' DAVIS BUCKNER had ti‘)anSf01‘l1?n€d for the l`lOl11‘ iI1t0    
t com- g The word was finally passed along the line by a shrine where the neophytes were to be conse-  ’;`
y Miss - some military looking persons that the proces- crated and changed into that little appreciated  ri
ington · sion was soon to move and each should assume Kingdom of Alumnia. 1  A
execs- _ his designated niece and remain digsided- Those two martyrs wha had trudged detached  4
dmdnt ` Thr! band Played mid lihd m31‘€h Was OU- and were seated unobserved in the great throng  
mittee -» The colorful procession headed by the band even though one ranked as the president and the  
her te   wended its scholastic way down the hill and as a other as the secretary of this local mythical   gi
1Si¤€S$ whole it was a very impressive sight. The casual Kingdom of Alumnia, felt a keen glow of pride   i
31`€Si1€d - observers along thc line of march, standing in and warmth as the degrees of bachelor were   A
ako Pm respectful attention as the procession passed in awarded because they were no longer lonely. if ,
Xlumni , review, noted a line of uniformly-gowned persons Their number had been increased by 518 and they
tBI`€StS A which was varied only by the colored hoods which felt that in the future when May is passing into _
,`· » marked the academic degree of the wearers. But June that the martyrs who march down the hill _,.»
will be i ‘ the more discerning observed that the long in the Commencement procession as Alumni of the   E
_Q Ken- _ Q line of academicians was broken about midway by University may not be ashamed of their number.   t
  ; tg
 sv `  .·

 E f  
is • • • •     X:
1 E lVl€IIlOl`lEll Blllldlflg ls [)€Cl1C&l€(l i _1 1
Q I , t
  ` i Kentucky World War Dead Commemorated by Beautiful Auditorium on -
‘   _ University Campus; Funds for Its Construction Raised by f
F   Popular Subscription I
j   i At the close of the World War there was start- tion was effected and a general committee was i
j   ed in Kentucky a move to raise funds for a me- named. The general committee was headed by . t
y f morial to Kentucky’s sons and daughters who Edward H. Hines, of Louisville, who had been Z
, gave their lives in the service of their country. named state chairman of the fund.
1Q   The building, as it was planned, was to be built On July 10, 1919, the mst meeting of this gem
    A UPON the campus ef the _UmVerS1ty   Kentucky eral committee was held in Louisville and it was
;   and to Serve as a memorial and e utlhteman pub decided to follow the general plan of the Liberty
E ’   pose as Wen _ Loan Drives since every county already had been
Q ; On Thursday, May 30» 1929» this dream et seV· organized and prominent men and women from
j ; eral patriotic citizens became a reality when the each formed the cdmmitteed With this fm- a
` g j · nienieriai building which neW is kneWh as Merrie- basis the quota for each county was fixed and the
f Q _ rial Hall, was dedicated with fitting ceremonies. drive fd,. funds began .
» - ` Bmsldent Frank L' Mcvey presided ang the prm- The committee decided that by placing the ,
c1pal speaker of the day was Hon. Patrick J. Hur- . . . .
, . . building upon the campus of the*Un1vers1ty of
  ley, assistant secretary of war of the United K , ,
L - entucky a two-fold mission would be filled. It
. T ; · States. Governor Flem D. Sampson accepted the . . . . ·
· ; . . . would be primarily a beautiful and fitting memo-
l . r . building for Kentucky and Charles N. Manning, . , .
. · ¤ . . . rial to Kentucky s war dead, and it would be use-
_ i · who was chairman of the executive committee of . .
F . . . . . . ful to the University of Kentucky and the state.
. the Memorial Building Association, gave a short . . . .
. . . . . Also since It was to be used by the University of
. . history of the building and the efforts to raise the .
I funds . Kentucky the maintenance costs would be taken
' f.
g _ The programfor the ceremonies follows: Cam _O _
L PROGRAM OF DEDIOATION OEREMONIFS OF With the campaign duly launchedlthe workers
z · MEMORIAL HALL, MAY 30, 1929 began to solicit funds. The campaign had pro- `
 ’ PRESTDEN FRANK L- MWEY PRESIDTNC gressed for some time when it was seen that the
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