xt76ww76x13h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76x13h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1949-05-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 9, 1949 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 9, 1949 1949 1949-05-09 2020 true xt76ww76x13h section xt76ww76x13h ."l





































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 l hinutes of the University Faculty May 9, 1949

:ixdthat they be approved by the University Faculty. The resolutions
were as follows:

Resolutions on the Death of Stephen Thaddeus Sanuier

by the Faculty of the College of Engineering, University of Kentucky
at its regular meeting on April 25, 1949

Stephen Thaddeus Sannier was born in Lexington, Kentucky on
June 1, 1891. He was educated in the parochial schools of Lexington.
was a member of St. Paul's Church and of the Lexington Lodge,
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.


He came to the University of Kentucky in May. 1918 as instructor
for the military technical training of World War 1 soldiers in the
university forge sh0p.

After the war. he remained at the university as instructor in
metal forging. At the time of his death he was Supervisor of the
Metallurgical Laboratory, College of Engineering. University of

\“ He wan an honorary member of the Kentucky Chapter of Triangle and
in 1945 received an honorary Kentucky Colonel’s commission.

"Steve", as he was affectionately known, died of a heart attack
on Friday, April 8, 1949.

BE IT RESOLVED. that in the passing of Stephen Thaddeus Sannier,
the faculty and students of the College of Engineering and the
University of Kentucky at large have sustained the loss of an able.
loyal and valuable staff member and friend.

AND BE IT RESOLVED. that a coyy of this resolution be forwarded
to his family as an expression of the high regard in which he was
held by his associates and as an expression of our sincere sympathy
to them in their loss. find, further, that this resolution be made a
part of the minutes of this meeting of the Faculty of the College

fl of Engineering.



C. S. Crouse. Chairman


R. C. Duncan. Jr.


J. S. Horine


Approved by the Faculty and Staff of the D. V. Terrell. Dean

ah College of Engineering

“ The Faculty approved the resolutions and requested that they be
presented to the Board of Trustees and that a cepy be sent to Mr.
1 Saunier's family.











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fff? Minutes of the University Faculty May 9, 1949

Dean Slone, of the College of Pharmacy, presented recommendations from
that College for changes in courses, as follows:
Change Pharmacy 21, Theoretical Pharmacy. From 4.5 sem. hrs. to 4 Sem. hrs.

Change Pharmacy 22, Practical Pharmacy, from. 3.5 sem. hrs. to 4.0 sem. hrs. fi
,. l ‘

Change Chemistry 31a,b Organic Chemistry, 6 sem. hrs. credit each to wrang—
ic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 5 sem. hrs. each.

Drop Materia Medica 25a, b, and 26a. b, Pharmacognosy. 2.5 sem. hrs. each
Introduce Materia Medica 27 a. b. Pharmacognosy. 3 sem. hrs. each.

Change Pharmacy 25, Pharmaceutical Economics, 3 sem. hrs., from required to



Combine Materia Medica‘38, Toxicology and First Aid, 3 sem. hrs, with Materia
Medica 137a. b. Pharmacology, 4.5 sem. hrs. each. to form Materie
Medica 138 a. b, Pharmacology and Toxicology. 5 sem. hrs. each.

Change Materie. Medica lla.b, Anatomy and Physiology. 4 sem. hrs. each. to M
3 sem. hrs. each. » 9

Change title Chemistry 33, Quantitative Analysis. to Quantitative Pharmaceutical

Change title Chemistry 101a. b. Organic Pharmaceuticel Chemistry. to
Advanced Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Change title Chemistry 103a. b, Pharmaceutical Chemistry. to Advanced
Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemist y.

Change Pharmacy 121a. b. New and Modern Pharmacy, 2 sem. hrs. each to
Pharmacy.123, New and Modern Pharmacy, 3 son. hrs.

Add new course. Pharmacy 122, U. S. P. and N. F. Drugs. 3 sem. hrs.
The University Faculty approved the recommendations from the College of 0‘
Pharmacy. 3:

Dean Pardue read the following recommendations from the Graduate Faculty:

That the nonethesis plan in Education ( plan 2 in the 1948949
bulletin of the Graduate School, page 11) be modified as follows:

m ma; ~..-_‘Am‘a.~zs s..- . -

At the option of the Department, the Master of Arts (Science) in
Education may be qualified for; upon the completion of 30 semester
hours in graduate courses with an average standing of 2 or better
and 36 weeks in residence. and no requirement of a thesis . At least
12 of the required semester hours must be in Education; also a minimum
of 12 of the required semester hours must be in courses numbered 200
or above.

It is further recommended that these new requirements go into M
effect for new students entering in the 1949 summer session and therea win
after and for other students recommended by the College of Education
and approved by the Graduate School.


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hinutes of the University Faculty May 9, 1949

The University Faculty approved the recommendation of the Graduate


Dean Stahr, chairman of the Committee on Honors Bay, announced
the Fifth Annual Honors Day Convocation, to be held Wednesday. May
ll, at 10 a.m. He outlined the program and urged the attendance of

Faculty members.

The Faculty adjourned.

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Maurice F. Sea .


Minutes 23 the University Faculty June 2, 1949


The University Faculty met in special session in the Assembly
Room of Lafferty Hall, Wednesday June 1, at 12:00 o'clock noon.
In the absence of President Donovan, Vice President Chamberlain

presided. Members absent were:

A. E. Bigge, Alfred Brauer,’ L. l.


Carter, Louis Clifton, May K. Duncan. Carsie Hammonds,‘ R. D. Haun.
J. S. Horine. M. Jongeward. P. E. Karraker, A. C. McFarlan,‘ Roy
Moreland, 8. Ac Mory, Jr., Frank A. Fattie,‘ Irwin T. Sanders, J. B.
Shannon, Earl F. Slone, D. G. Steele, William S. Taylor,‘ Paul K.

Whitaker, and Robert Wharton.

The minutes of May 9 were read and approved.

Dean Seay presented to the Faculty the names of candidates for

degrees at the June Commencement.

All were certified as having

completed the requirements. and the Faculty voted to recommend these
persons to the Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated.


Robert Delano Adams

Mary Jane Agnew

Jeanne Taliaferro Asbury
Henrietta Hempstead Avent
Joseph Harrison Bailey, Jr.
Sara Elizabeth Ballenger
Juan Jose Balzola. Jr.
Russell Leon Beatty
Richard Gordon Bell
Robert David Bell

Nancy Meredith Bird
James Curtiss Blanchard
Mary Lindsey Bridgewarter
Mary Elizabeth Bright
Julia Duncan Broaddus
George Edward Brooking, Jr.
Juanita Brown

Martha Rebecca Bryan
William Coleman Burke
Jean Jamison Burrell
Jimmy Noel Buster

Carolyn Wray Byron
William Monroe Byron
Lee Syers Caldwell


Elizabeth Wright Catlin
Lois Gwendolyn Cheek

Joe Prewitt Chenault, Jr“
John Carroll Cheshire
Helen VanArsdale Coleman
John Edward Conner

Sue Ann Crawford

John Richard Crockett
Joyce Mae Crutchfield
Martha Elizabeth Davis
Walter Thcmas Davis
Leslie May Dearing
William Taylor De Witt
Bettye Ruth Dotherow
Thomas Burton Drescher
Robert Dwight Dugan
Keller Johnson Dunn
Mary Ann Elliott

Anita Jacobs Engle
Francis Daugherty Faulconer
Mary Lou Fields

Jane Rash Finley

JoAnne Finnie

Silas Barry Fisher