xt76ww76x10r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76x10r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1914-12-04  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 4, 1914 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 4, 1914 1914 1914-12-04 2020 true xt76ww76x10r section xt76ww76x10r W"..mm.mmmm~

The faculty of State University met in regular session
in the faculty room of the Gymnasium building, on Friday,
Q“; December 4, 1914.

a President Barker presided at the meeting.
0n roll call the following were present: President

Barker, Professors Allen, Boyd; Baker, Brown, Brumage8 Jarrel,


Chelkley, Curtis, Dentzlor, Davis, Ferquhar, Frankel, Freeman,
Gilbert, Gillie, Grehun, hiss Hamilton, Professors Healy, Heep-
er, Jones, Kastlc, Killebrew, Kinney, Lafferty, Mathews, Hexson,
Melcher, Killer, Noe, Nollau, Pence, Peter, Pryor, Rees, Roberts,

Rowe‘/Terrcll, Tigert, D. Terrell, Turner, Tuthill, Tuttle,Under-


wood, Weaver, Webb, and Zembrod.

The minutes of the last meeting were read bymthe~secre-


tery and approved es reed.

Dean Miller then read the following amendment of tho


Association of Kentucky Colleges; presenting it with the re-

commendation that it be paesedi

The Executive Jommittoo of the Association of Kentucky
Colleges and Universities at a meeting held in Lexington
on October 12, 1914, voted to recommend to the association
at its annual meeting in December, the following amendment
to its constitution:-


Art. I, See. 2.

1 Members of the faculty of any other college or

‘ university in Kentucky which employs at least six(6)
professors giving their entire professional time to
college or university work; and which requires for the
baccalaureate degree the completion of a four years
curriculum embracing at least one hundred and twenty
semester hours, exclusive of physical training; and
which requires for admission to its Freshman class

not less than fifteen (15) units approved by the com-
Ab mittee on accredited schools of this association; and
1? has from tuition and other regular funds an income of
not less than fifteen thousand ($15,000.) dollars per
year; and has accessible to its students a library
adequate to the needs of its various departments, sys-
tematically catalogued; and has enough scientific
equipment to provide for at least two full years of
laboratory instruction in each of the fundamental
sciences, i.ez chemistry, biology and physics, shall
be eligible to membership in this association and shall
be recognized as members upon the acceptance of the

to which they belong, by the executive committee of
this association.










 vW-Wothm-me-I c ,

g The mofiion was secundad and carried unanimously.

The Athletic Committee was the firsn one called on for





W a report. Mr. Henry E. Curtis, the treasurer, submitted the
4% following financial statement of the Athletic Committee for
i the year 1913-14:
RECEIPTS- State University, Depnsit foes $4314.30
Season tickets 190.00
Subscriptions and misc. cash 10.40
Games 2180.10
Phoenix'Third Bank, Discount _ EOthQ‘
Total $7694.80
EXPENDITURES - Coaching, etc. $1095.00
Equipment 674.46
Contracts, etc., Games 4188.81
Misc. expenses 1133.83
PhoeniXOThird Bank, note and int. 507.50
Balance ___ QQLQQ‘
BILLS NOT PAID - 0.0. Callawny & Cc. Equipment 27.70
A.G. Spnulding & Co. " 168.00
The Sutcliff Co. " 207.71
The Thomas Co. “ 36.00
Combs Lumber 00. Floor in Aud. etc. 679.54
Led. Drug Co. Supplies 29.15
The University Press, Printing 89.85
" " " , Interscholastic 8.50
A. Brumage, Expenses 70.16
Dr. C.F. Dale Acct. 15.00
J.D. Purcell & Co. Supplies 10.00
Dr. 0.3. Leaming, Acct. 16.00
Beckner Prtg. Co. Printing 14.§9_
On motion this report was received and filed.













 V Judge Chalkley presented the following motion, sec~
ended by Prof. Rowe:

RESOLVED: That the report of the Athletic Committee
be certified to a special committee, consisting of DrnTutw
tle, Dr. Maxson and Prof. Roberts, who are authorized and
instructed to investigate the present state of athletic af-
fairs of the University, and report to this faculty at a
special meeting? to he held on December 18, a statement of
the existing mode of control and direction of athletic af-
fairs; and further, recommendations for future control
and direction.


request of the chairman of the Athletic Some


mittee, Preeident Barker appointed the committee named in the
resolution, to audit the accounts of the Athletic Committee

‘ and to carry out the provisions of the resolution.


Dr. hustle, secretary of the Committee of Deans, re-

ported the following recommendations, which were adopted:


I Students transferring from one college to another
must make written application to the Registrar. This
i/“x application will be referred, together with the student's
' record, to the Committee on Course of Study.

It shall be the duty of +he Registrar to inform the
deans and parents of the irregular attendance of any stud-
ents and to furnish at regular intervals class standing and
other information that will aid in dealing with delinquents.

«ll -m.t-

Jhen a student becomes irregular in any class or class-
es, the Registrar may suspend him from all classes until he
has made satisfactory exnlanation to his dean.

Entrance examinations will be held the week preceding
the opening of the first semester and on two other dates
arranged by the Entrance Committee.


') Regular exxminntions for the removal of conditions

\, will be held the week preceding the opening of the first

a semester, three Weeks before the close of the first semes-
ter, three weeks before the close of the second semester.



: A registration fee of $5.00 for all students enter—
] ing the University after the regular registration perioda




11%” A fee of 351.00 for the failure of any student to com-
I) plate and file with the Registrar his second semester class-
ification before the close of the first semester.

A conditioned student must pay a fee of $1.00 per

semester for each condition carried over from +he previous





A fee of $5.00 for admission to entrance examinations
after the regular examination period.




All students

a semester.

lege, credit in full

have not upon the record of the col-
for all entrance work, a fee of $5.00

After ten days a fee of $2.00 to change from one col-
and a fee of fifty cents for each change

lege to anonher,
in class.

(Signed) J.H. Kastle, Bec’yo

On motion the meeting adjourned.



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