xt76ww76x04j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76x04j/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1981 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1981 volume 5 number 1 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1981 volume 5 number 1 1981 1981 2020 true xt76ww76x04j section xt76ww76x04j CK$

A Central Kentucky
Jewish Association

Judith R. Levine, President

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Based upon the results of the election in December l980, seven persons have
been elected or re-elected to membership on the CKJA Board. Elected for a three—
year term are: Sue Friedman, Marilyn Gall, Martin Kaplan, Marilyn Moosnick
and JoAnne Randall. Ms. Gloria Katz was elected for a two—year term, and Dr.
Jesse Neil was elected for a one year term.

Mrs. Fanny Miller was apppointed to a one—year term and Mr. Martin Barr
was appointed to a three—year term, both by Temple Adath Israel. Dr. Markell
Kohn was appointed to a three year term by Congregation Ohavay Zion.

The members of the Board of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association
and their term of office are as follows:

Michael Baer (l98l)

Martin Barr (Temple Adath Israel, l983)

Marcia Blacker (Congregation Ohavay Zion, l982)
Steven Caller (l98l)

Rose Darmstadter(l98l)

Sue Friedman (l983)

Marilyn Gall (l983

Kenneth Germain (l98l)

Charles Gorodetzky (Temple Adath Israel, l982)
Martin Kaplan (l983)

Gloria Katz (l982)

Markell Kohn (Congregation Ohavay Zion, l983)
Judith Levine (Hadassah, l98l)

Helen Levy (l982)

Fanny Miller (Temple Adath Israel, l98l)

Jack Miller (l982)

Marilyn Moosnick (l983)

JoAnne Randall (l983)

David Rose (Bnai Brith, l982)

Arthur Salomon (Congregation Ohavay Zion, l98l)
Allan Slovin (l982)

David Wekstein (l982)

Jesse Neil (l98l)

At the first meeting of the Board in January, l98l the following officers and
members of the Executive Committee were elected by the Board from the Board:

PRESIDENT Judith Levine


TREASURER Michael Baer
Member at large Steven Caller
Member at large David Hekstein



A record 2l0 Men's Division pledges were received in l980. The l980 total
pledged through this Men's Division effort of the CKJA Annual Campaign was
$l43,397. This amount includes specially designated pledges (e.g. Project
Renewal). The Group Leaders and solicitors who made this possible can take
pride in a job well done and deserve the community's thanks for their dedicated

As previously announced, in order to recognize more appropriately the
generosity of our Men's Division contributors, we are publishing their names by
gift category. The names of thise who indicated they did not want to be listed
by gift category and found under the leading “General List”. Names are not
listed of thise donors who asked to remain anonymous, Nomen's Division gifts
are not included in this publication.

Because this is our first attempt at this particular method of published
recognition, in many instances our solicitors forgot to clarify or to record
whether the contributor had any reservations respecting the manner of recog—
nition. Therefore, in preparing the following list of contributors, we have
sought to minimize any misunderstandings regarding those situations by
placing the name on the “General List“ whenever in doubt. If you believe an
error has been made in the designation of your gift, please contact Alvin
Goldman at 269-6049. Please note, too, that it is not too late to submit
or increase your l980 pledge.

A report of the total funds received from the Annual Campaign and their
allocation will be published in a forthcoming issue of the CKJA Bulletin.


Grand Benefactor ($l0,000
and above)


Steven Caller
One anonymous contributor

Benefactor Member ($5,000
Irving Rosenstein
David Neil
One contributor whose name
is on the General List

Sponsoring Member ($3,000—


Michael Ades
Stanley Rose
Don Sucher

Donor Member ($l,500-$2,999)
Leon Cooper

Alvin Goldman
Steven Goldstein
Charles Gorodetzky
Maurice Hymson
Michael Lerner
Nilliam Michalove
Ronnie Rosen

Allan Slovin

2 Anonymous

2 on General List


Patron Members ($500 - $l,499)


Louis Ades
Robert Baumann
David Bolotin
Irwin Cohen
Harold Fine
James Frankel
Kenneth Germain
Hans Gesund

Jack Goldenberg
Martin Kaplan
Kenneth Mayer
Sherman Miller
David Paritz
Morris Rosen
Stanley Saxe
Charles Schwartz
Alfred Strauss, Jr.
Herschel Neil
James Neil
Joseph Nile

ll anonymous

l3 names on General


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Sustaining Members ($lOO—$499)
Hillard Aberson
Lucian Barnes
Louis Diamond
Joseph Engelberg
Alan Fine
Andrew Fried
Ted Friedman
Milton Gellin
Marshall Gerstel
Ben Goldfarb
Nathan Golton
Arthur Graham
Oscar Haber
Sheldon Hymson
Ben Kaufmann
Max Kovinow
William Leffler
Robert Lerner
James Levenson
David Levine

Sam Levy

Leonard Lipton
Mark Luckens


Members (up to s97;99)


Mat Barrett
Siegmund Benjamin
George Cohen
Norman Gordon
Jules Heisler
David Joffe
Edward Kramer
Robert Kuehne
Jeff Levin
Simon Levy
Joseph Liebman
I.A. Miller

Jim Mischner
Phillip Nardell
Robert Scher
Martin Solomon
Sheldon Steiner
Charles Stern
Robert Waterman
ll anonymous

2l names on the General List

General List

Eugene Mervis

Dan Metzler, Jr.

Ben Miller
Jack Miller
Joseph Miller
David Dsser
Allen Paritz
Gerald Roth
Stuart Silbar
Bryan Steinberg
Herman Straus
George Szekely
Jesse Weil
Abraham Wikler

Joseph Wile, Jr.

Jerry Zuckman
23 anonymous

26 names on General List

Harvey Abend

Ben Baer

Michael Baer
Norman Bass
Peter Behrendt
Robert Belin
Jacques Benninga
Phil Berger
Marvin Bing
Siegmund Bing
Julian Bloomfield
Louis Boyarsky
Alan Brock
Robert Case

Jack Cohen
Robert Cohen
Steven DeKosky
Louis Dubilier
Louis Elvove
Robert Goldsmith
Kenneth Graulich
Jake Green

Mark Halleck
Stanley Isenstein
Leonard Lerner
Eli Levy

Melvin Levy

Herbert Liebman
Paul Mandelstam
Emanuel Mason
Marvin Meyers
Jerome Miller
Raymond Miller
William Milman
Franklin Moosnick
Monroe Moosnick
Seymour Moskowitz
David Newburg

Harry Silverman
Sam Smargon

Ed Stein

David Wall
David Weinthal
David Wekstein
Ed Wides

Mark Wides
Joseph Wolf
David Wolsk
Myron Zuckerman

Bertram Peretz
George Proskauer
Richard Raff
Robert Randall
Sumner Remer
Joe Rosenberg
John Rosenberg
Sam Rosenstein
Steven Rothke
Nat Sandler
Morris Scherago
Bernard Schwab
Ben Shraberg
Hyman Shraberg
Alan Siegel
Malcolm Siegel




At its December, 1980 meeting, the Board of Directors adopted the
1981 budget for the organization. The high1ights of this budget are as

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Executive Committee $15:415”wes‘to Lexington in 1981.

Community Activities Committee éfl3;475‘,57'

The committee is responsib1e for the Forum, Camp Sha1om, pre—schoo1
parties, Israe1 Independence Day ce1ebration, and an Israe1i Fo1k Dancing
program. A1though the Committee expends this much money, it a1so generates
income from the sa1e of tickets to the Forum and tuition from Camp Sha1om.
The net cost to the community for Camp Sha1om is $2,210 and for the Forum

In addition to the above—Tisted expenses, the Board expects to provide over
$160,000 to the United Jewish Appea1 and a variety of worthy charities.

A comp1ete copy of the 1981 budget is avai1ab1e to any member of the Jewish
community who wishes one. Contact Mr. Martin Barr, chairman of the Budget
Committee at 278-7078.



Tu B'Shevat has come and gone, but not our opportunity to commemorate
the ho1iday. What better way to ce1ebrate the ho1iday than to p1ant a tree
in Israe1 in memory or in honor of someone specia1. Lexington has its own
area in Israe1, estab1ished by Hadassah, where our trees are p1anted, the
Youth Garden of Centra1 Kentucky. The cost of a tree is $5.00. Remember,
trees may be p1anted throughout the year and are a1ways appropriate. To
p1ant a tree contact Anita Mersack 266—0953.


The Central Kentucky Jewish Association seeks to hire a half—time
community worker to facilitate the delivery of Jewish community ser-
vices, programs, and fund-raising activities.

Responsibilities include: cordinate volunteer activities and train-
ing; enhance communications; referrals to social service agencies; and
general administration.

Applicants should submit resumes by March 6, l98l, including ref-
erences and salary requirements to :

CKJA Search Committee
Allan Slovin, Chairman
2l05 Island Drive
Lexington, Ky. 40502

Camp Shalom, the Jewish day camp operated by the Central Kentucky
Jewish Association, seeks a director for the three-week l98l season
June l5 - July 4, l98l.

The successful candidate will be at least 2l years of age, and have
experience with children and/or camp experience.

Send resumes to: Nancy Hoffman
34l3 Pepperhill Road
Lexington, Ky. 40502

Deadline for receipt of applications in February l9, l98l.




Our third Forum event of the l980-8l season will be held on Sunday,
March 8 at 8 pm at Temple Adath Israel. Murray Horwitz, stage, screen,
and TV actor, will present AN EVENING 0F SHOLOM ALEICHEM. Mr. Horwitz,
whose performance is brought to us by the JHB Lecture Bureau, has created
the world of Sholom Aleichem for theater audiences in Manhattan and Phila-
delphia, and for colles and community audiences throughout North America.
Reviewers have tagged Mr. Horwitz ”The Jewish Mark Twain."


Overwhelming community support for the Forum Series enables us to offer
ticket holders a fourth event this season. We are pleased to present Ms.
Sally Fox on Sunday March 29 at 2:30 pm at Temple Adath Israel. Ms. Fox
will bring us her special JEWISH INVOLVEMENT THEATER, which enables the
audience to participate in open—ended plays in which Ms. Fox portrays
several different characters. Ticket holders are encouraged to bring their
mature teenagers to this dynamic dramatic presentation.


Susan Gerstel
CKJA Forum Chair




The Executive Committee is pleased to announce that the following people
have assumed the responsibility to chair committees during l98l.

Campaign Committee - Allan Slovin
Men's Division Steven Caller
Women‘s Division Gail Cohen
Budget Committee - Martin Barr
Community Activities Committee ~ Kenneth Germain
Community Relations Committee — David Nekstein
Social Service Committee— Marilyn Gall
Each Committee chairperson is presently assembling a working committee. If

you wish to be involved in any or all of these committees, please contact the
appropriate person and volunteer your help.



In addition to the activities of the Board, as described elsewhere in the
Newsletter, the Board approved formally a relationship with Louisville Four
Courts (Hebrew Home for the Aged). Under this agreement, which is still to be
approved by the Board of Directors of Four Courts, the Central Kentucky Jewish
Association will be able to place five residents of Central Kentucky into
Four Courts based upon the need of the person and where the applicant is on a
chronological list. If and when the Central Kentucky Jewish Comnunity has five
persons in Four Courts and a sixth is on the top of the waiting list, there will
be discussions and a decision made about the sixth admission.

In return for the right to admit non—Jefferson countians to Four Courts,
CKJA will donate a one—time capital gift of $l0,000 to Four Courts and will
agree to provide up to $2,500 per year to Four Courts if they incur a deficit
as a result of admitting residents from Central Kentucky.

Four Courts will give CKJA a position on its Executive Committee, Board
of Directors and a vote on the Admissions Committee whenever that sixth Central
Kentucky resident is being considered.

Although the Board of Directors hopes that no resident of Central Kentucky
will need a facility such as Four Courts, the Board believes it IS incumbent
upon the community to provide a resource such as this to the community.


We would be happy to have you worship with us on the occasion of the
Bat Mitzvah of our daughter Susannah on Friday evening April 3rd at 8:00 pm
at Ohavay Zion Synagogue.

We also invite you to an open house in Susannah's honor at our home
34l4 Brandon Drive Saturday evening April 4 at 8:30 pm.

Steve and Macki Bobys



Transylvania University, CKJA and the National Council of
Christians and Jews are co—sponsoring a two day program which addresses
the issue of prejudice in our country. The program begins on Tuesday
February 24th at 7:00 pm with a film The New Clan followed by a talk by
the film's producer Eleonor Bingham Miller and a panel discussion among
Dr. William Turner, Professor of Sociology at the University of Kentucky;
Mr. Porter Peeples, Executive Director of the Urban League; and Dr. Carol
Spotts, Professor of Education at Transylvania University. The program
will be held in the Recital Hall of the Mitchell Fine Arts Center at
Transylvania University.

Beginning at 9:00 am on Wednesday in the Morlan Gallery of the
Mitchell Fine Arts Building there will be papers presented by students and
faculty on various aspects of prejudice. This will continue throughout the

At 7:00 pm that evening in the Recital Hall will be the showing
of the film Gentlemen's Agreement. Following the film there will be a panel
discussion among Rabbi William Leffler of Temple Adath Israel; Reverend
Ronald Byers of Second Presbyterian Church; Dr. Ben Lewis, Professor of
Religion at Transylvania; and Mrs. Marilym Moosnick, co—chairperson of the
Community Relations Committee of CKJA.


The entire community is invited and encouraged to attend any
and all of these activities.



The Central Kentucky Jewish Association continues to offer scholarships
and loans to members of the community. There are three different programs for
which a person may apply:

l. Israel Study Program — open to children enrolled in high school who wish
to spend some time in Israel on an academic program. Each applicant is
eligible to apply for a $500 scholarship which is awarded by the Board
based on demonstrated leadership and potential for continued leadership
within the Jewish community.


Camp Scholarships — open to all children who wish to attend a not—for
profit Jewish camp. These scholarships are based on financial need and
are awarded in various amounts depending upon the number of applicants
and the extent of the need.

3. Emergency Loan Program — members of the Jewish community who find
themselves in dire financial need are eligible to receive emergency
interest—free loans from CKJA. Each applicant is treated in complete

For additional information about any of these programs please contact
Marilyn Gall, chairperson the the Social Services Committee. She may be reached
at 269—6598.


 (neutral Kentuckg 312mm]

Aaantiafiun Elnrnrpnrateh
_ PO. Box 23086
Lexington, Kentucky 40523


Non-Profit Organ‘
P A l D
Fermi! No. 719
Lexington, Ky. 40585