xt76ww76wz9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wz9d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 2007 2007 2007-04-06 2020 true xt76ww76wz9d section xt76ww76wz9d \\’\\ \\'.l\\’|\l'l\’,\'ll ( ( )M

UK Boxing Club members operate in obscurity,
but are contending on the national level

l N” )/\Y

:\I’R|t i, _uiii“

s“ scone.



(‘lll'llRAlli’N } §Ii\[ «its 0! l\l)ll’l\lll7\( l


First VP candidate calls for focus on ag. research

By Jill taster

ilastur‘g‘kykei net l’O'tl

lht' Iii'st nl Iniir IIitiditlIitcs Ini thc
llk‘“ Vitc l’i't'sidcnt nI Ros-saith Pthl'
Iinn said taking an audit nI icscai't'h
spcnding Iiiid int‘icasing studcnt lah
Ices Inc a ten nt Ihc IliIiiigcs hc \\ntild
niakc at l'lx'.

During an npcn Iiiiiiiii ht'ld icstt'i
da} attcrnnnn in thy l’attci'snn ()It'iu'
limit-r. IIindidatc ('i‘ai; l . \I‘sslI-i. nI
\it‘gintzi l’nl)tu'hnn‘ lnstitutc and Statc

l'iiiwi‘sit}. did tint \\.llll tn f_‘|\L‘ spu'itn
dnllai' IiiiinunIs and pciI'I-iitagcs Ini pn
tcntial changes ht‘ \\ntild iiiIilII' In lk“
scIith spending:

l‘lll'lllCl' stud) and disItissinn \Hlll
llk‘ [‘l'tthsl “Uttltl l‘L’ ItL‘CIlL‘tl l‘Clth‘
spcI‘itiI nunihcrs Inuld lit- stIiII-d.
Ncsslci said

"I \\nuld lic i'I'liiI‘IIiiit tn cniiii' iii
hcic and in_\, ‘inu dn this. this and

til the (‘nllcgc nI .-\;.‘_i'iIultiiic and 1 HI-
St‘icnccs at Virginia lcch

"h is Innlish tint In dn an audit
\ihcit )nii liist kl‘ll‘ik‘ h'I't'c,“ llC said

.\hniit 15 pcnplc attt-ndI-d IliI' Iniiiiii
)cstcrda) altct'nnnnI and man} aslII-d
tiucstinns L'UllL'L'l'lllll}! thI' IIiiididaII's
pi‘ini‘itics lnr Iillntatiii; i'cst‘atth Iiiiids
Mnrc InIus sliniild hc :.‘i\cii tn ,igi‘iIiil
tuiIil i'cscaith, spct‘iliI‘Iilh tnnd iiiitii

tinnI Ncsslci said
"I \inuld \cntiii'c Iii sa} Iigi'iI lllllllt‘
and iclatcd Iiclds haw dnnc iiinic In tho

Iliis.‘ " said \csslci. tui‘iciit diit'ctni nI
thc \irginia \giit'iiltiiial l,\pI-ii!iicnt
Statinn and assm i.iII- dcan Int icscai'ch

UK narrows search With

Donovan says
he'll stay as
Florida coach

By Chris Miles

I ‘l‘ lQSILk‘VKE'V“, I W“

l'hI' scIii‘Ih Ini thc nut hcad
Inth nt Ihc l'K nicn's liaslIct
liall pi‘ngi’aiii ltlLthtl nn 'lc\as
.»\I\\l ltcatl t'nIiI h llilli (iillispic
_\c'stcrda_\ owning \\llL‘ll l'K i'c
cciwd iwi’iiiissinii In speak \\itli

l’ci‘niissinti Iaiiic a to“
lintiis Iittci‘ ilk" sL‘Itl'c'li IIiI‘I'd a
scthaIlI '.\|iI‘n l'lx' annniint‘cd
IIiii-tInniitc l‘llll} l)niin\an had
le‘klllL‘tl [U I’I'tItIilIt as lllc ltL‘IIil
tnath at l'lni‘ida .\ II'\\ linitis
lIllk'II l‘I'\as cnaIli RalI Harm's
alsn l'L'llilflt‘il his naiiit~ :iii'ii thy

"('nacli (iillispiI' is niiI' «it
ihc tnp t'nat‘liI's i'l llEC Iniiiiti‘)
and \w II'rtanii\ dnn’t \iant In
lnsc hiui." lc\as \I\I\l \thlcti:
l)iiutni' l’iill li_\iiic said in a
stattrniciit “ \t Iltc \Illllt.’ lllllt‘. l
dnn‘t “ant In stand in tltt- \in).
iii an} iiiciiilii'i‘ nI iii_\ dcpart
nicnt \thi isants tn c\plniI- an
Ulltcl Ul‘lltlllI ll llk' t‘l slit‘ lL'L‘ls
that's iii Ihcii licst intci'cst ”

.-\I\I\l \ias H in in Big I:
(‘niilcrcnt c plat IliI‘ ska-Inn he a
Ini‘I' (iillispit‘ _tll'l\L‘tl tll ItlllJ
Nintt' thcn tic has lcd llk' \gr
scasniis and has i‘I-aclicd a pnstr
scasnii tnnrnaiiicnt :wi} )cIn
[his past (iilltspn'
carncd Ii 3— _ the l‘L st
in \‘llUttl lllsllil‘\ and iiiadc ll
tIi IltI‘ :\\\\'k" l" I»: ”it" '\(~ \\
lttlll'llIllllt‘lll as a \n 1 sI-I-It

last \wclI. (iillispic Iipiccil
in pi'intiplc In a \l 7" itiillinn
dnllI'ir tnnti'att c\tcnsinii, '\\lllLll
uniild giw hiiii Villtflllll



(iilltspic \\.is tint ilit' Imp
Ihnit‘c hit man) ('.its this lint
linpcs nl l)nnn\an lllllllL.‘ lll’x‘ \.i
cant Inachin}; inli cndctl ‘Ixitli an
aiinnunt‘cinciit M l is .\thictiI
llircttni .\litIh BIii‘iiI‘iIir? IliIi‘. tht‘
t\\n had spnlIcn _\cstcid.i\ nini‘ii-
[Hg and tliat thc much \\as tint
IIIII‘I'I‘sch in lt'Ii\iIig_' l‘lttlltlII
\lan} liclictcd l)nnnian.
uhn unn his sct‘tind straight nIi
tinnal llllt' \lnnday iiniild M
the Mad stittt‘ssni In Iniiiici'
lthid tnIiIli ltililii Sinitli. \\lti'
lL‘ll last \’-L‘t‘l\ lit l‘t‘ llit’ lthttl
tnIith at ihc l'niit-isiti nt \liii


pics nn a fitlrlti runrd in tlirI‘c ‘

is HIM ”t‘.1_ll ‘

it"sfilllli ' .“



m L7 K must find

.i\ciagt' I iti/I'ii 'llItl‘. piniizI-diIal iI‘
sI‘arIli.” lit- said

l'K's ltip ,‘tl lliisiiiI'ss l’laii Iai’s Int
Iiii intit'asc nt WI)“ iiiillinii iii iI-sI‘IiiIli
\[K‘lltllltL' pm iI-Iii

.\III'i lt‘Lll \I'Ius nI dtitililc IliuII 'ii
I'It'Iiscs l l\ s Hikittl Ul lttlslt'cs \iilt‘I‘I
iii .lIinuIiii. tn iiiIi-I'ast' nut )II-Iii s In
itinn li\ ll lk‘ltt'lll lll\' KI-iitIiIlI‘I (‘niiii

Iil nn l'nstsI'IniiIIIii‘\ lduI‘IiIinii IIippt-d

lit-nI-Iit studcnts. \I'sslt'i said. paitl) tn
l‘k‘lp llllllll thI- llusincss l’lan gnal nI
Ilt'IicIising; IliI~ t.iIulI\ tn student iIitin

"I think i! \w'iI' giving: In start
Iliaigiii; iiiniI- Ini thI‘ k‘lllIKIHHHlI “c
liIi\I' In itiIiI'IisI' Ilit' Iiiialit} ” \t‘sslc‘r

"\\ ltal \iitl llIi\t_' 'IIi Iin is make sui'c
lllt' \‘illthtllstll ls \‘iitlll lllI' (\lV'I‘ \lUl

lais.” lit‘ inid

Itiitiiiii IiiIiinst fut l l\ a! " pI'iII'iit Ill \l‘: Ililillllt‘llII: Lal‘ II‘I~ Int sttidciits is

iiu~nnnaitnquhsiiusiIannIaga Research 'iw'fi


could aid
in USP

By Linsen Li
.;.,.,V~, ~
l ix .s .Iiiinii: l‘l 'iistitutinns
Ilinscii in :iIiitiI'iiaivI- iii a hint
ivai llIlllI‘l‘IItl stud} Iii iilwiai Iii'ts
lllt \lIlIl‘.
iIal taIIwIs .iIII IiIIIII (in nut

l ‘ s
i! iI"I'ta .uIs I'IltiIIztiwii

I IittIlIit Rd in

Itiu'leL'Ili'L \ \lll

ln inc IliI sIIid\ is :xticiiit'
i\ .itipnitant' said I IiiinuI‘ Ra)
\iII' piI'siIltiit It” liistiItiIinnal
l<\'\t'Illi_l., l'VItlll‘i"lL' Iillil l llI‘k'Il‘ix'
izI-ss ‘Ii s aiintIi .:I:I»i,i.ai,nii that
"\ \‘ ‘sr ‘ I
liinxi him iliI'
ii‘,‘ 'linI I

llic sYIIII'I
tiiimigl: :sI‘im st "

III-tits Lllll\‘I'll 'li“l‘. lll’I‘ Iniimi:


liI‘sliiii.:i. I Iass pIiit'. 3l .iII' 1!: IlicsI‘
IissIssiiiItits. .i tllllt‘lgl Ii"
Il‘Iitiii: ”BI-ii


.fitiiii: '5‘.

l \li'~‘1I

a C( inch

to match Dom wait

it \tii: IIIri ‘ lhIll liiiii llllL' :1“!

\i t‘ItiitIIiiiTIiItI*liiii‘ \i'll

l‘llk' \i‘lllLtlll‘C \\ lin Ian lwat ll‘:


l lt il'lilII
IiiIlt ll

l )l‘lll I‘. It"

lll‘llll\k il




lins llt"
II n \ xi
llIi 1,


:‘I llsi ll\



v '.'Ili\

,Ii lllt‘
tit: Hit-
"1 I man

\I lii‘i‘ls

T lllt‘ llll'u‘


'.lil\ tint
'i'; ilitx :lisll
' iI'.I;.il

.sliat stur

si‘i. ’ w i ‘_ 4C , ‘ .' I ',' 3i, ‘I' all \lII

IiiiistiitiIc tiiiiI‘s and tin IliIIisttax

’ltI' lt=I"iiI" l l‘I t\sI\'Illl' 'st
Itllxl I 'sk‘l‘it‘llt i.‘lst' ‘l:\ '

l l\ ,nIiI lllllL‘ sI‘aiI ii “is?


In a sIIitcniI'iit it'lt'Iiscd \L‘s
tcrda}. llainhIii‘t said hc had

Coach ' : iririfi

Grad programs rise in rankings

By Erica Mitchell

emitrhnll-(Zikyknr'iei r on»

Scwral l‘K graduate programs an‘

In lltc ltilt‘sl l\\llC til l. R Ne\\s & \Mifltl chnrt

inIiga/inc. “lllkli lcaturcs thc rcpnrt. '
Best (iraduatt' Sthnnls 300%."

The [K ('nllcgc nt l,a\\ has adianch hi ll\L‘
rankings In Nith platc in all uniwrsitics and Ilst

plau‘ Iiinnni: piililit ltl“ \(ll(X)l\

l'K (‘nllcgc nI Nursing Iiisn .Itl\IlllLt‘\l Ihi‘t‘c

rankings tn 3(ith platc and thh placc a
lIL tiniwrsitics
"We “ni'lt \cr) hard

ordinary.“ said .lanc .\laric Kirschling.
Nursing dcan

She said this ('nllcpc nt Nursing: is plcascd that
the latest l' S \cus AI Wnrld chiiit rankings piit
thc (UlngC “llhln the tnpltl with graduate niirs

lit): prngrains in thc natinn

lIlkUll}I stall. and stii
dcnts tn make this wilt-go stand apan trniii the

In Iinl‘iiiiiiiIiiit' 'l‘Ii! llI

’ ll‘iL‘ i Slil llltlIL' llc'il ,JIi 't

Ina. llillL' an I'EIII l‘li\,".i'I

min 'i: (l.tlllt\‘Ill\t‘ liii'

liiiilt Iin liis Ii~.\ii '.\v‘l liI

llt“s\t‘\t‘l. Kilsillllil‘.‘ iiiIidI- ll \lk'III Ili it iinl
tiigs .iiI'n't tltc linIil gnal nI thc ptnuiani

"\VL‘ lltllld ilii this hit I‘Itltlslltt‘sI \M‘ Ilti ll It" 'I‘tl
utatc tlit' \Cl‘\ licst lllll\t‘\. Iiiliii'c tatultjx iiursc it'
scIiiIltcis and licalth Iaic lL'IHlL'ls that this natinn
nccds tilt“ and hit tht' Iiituit'f lsii’sIliliiiy said

Despite thc pnsitiw ':in\I's lit IliI laxs pin
th'dlll. (‘nllcuc nI l an l)t'Illl IhllIlll \Istal was slI'p
tiIaI ahniit thc rankings. saint}; llt\‘\ Iln iint .iII ll
rItlL‘l} R‘l‘ll't‘st'lll lllt‘ qtlItllH iil lIi\\ sxlllN‘l‘s

"lht‘l \ \I‘\\s rankinvs .Ilt‘ sn I\iti'll\ Inn
It‘iwd that ”in s.i\ \I‘i\ liItlI‘ ll'Htll thI‘ Iiii.ilit\ «it
Hit: (‘nllvgt' nl l.i\\ ni l l\ s tnp .‘tl aspiratinns
\cstal said

thn .islIt'd it he \\.is siiipiist'd \\itli this tin
pi’mt‘nitait in rankings \t'stal Ill'Illll tlIiiilitt-d thc
IittiirIiu nt thI' rcpnit

l “as iint p-iitittilaih siiipiisi'd li\ llli‘ Ilianut'
in thc ranking l‘t,‘\.lll\k' l Ilnii t l‘t‘llk\t' it In N a
ijfltkl itiilitatni nl illl.llll\IH lit‘ said ‘Kiit h rapid


l l\ Iiltiiti


lining: pith
lni\I'IsiI\ In

llI-d\ l iiiii

('iillcgc iiI

Rankings . a» 6

Fiat may it... Subsequent issues 25 cents.

Hass pink-wit i"ilIl I.


llIiss :ipt‘iit‘d ii;

I, '. l iii
.ihl litith

. .Ii! it‘IHIC
'i’la‘iiip l\rac
‘4 i lllltlk'l

DeLotell Survey

Alum tells stories from
examining over 500 bodies

By Josey Montana McCoy ~~ .‘ .- iim u . ,. a Hat

\ii- .Iiii I:j \ .t;.i'l\ ,iiial dI'striittinn

llihs li‘kI‘i‘i is lit" W',‘.ili

llll: l’hl\‘ l-‘l‘u‘ ‘ "‘ llass I'M' IiI‘Il 'lv'. lliitl\ [.irni rc.

ll l Iliuiil l‘t‘tllt“ Ms' \I'Iit lit it; l{l‘\l\ , ,l ‘l \IIth\‘\ls ill thrcc

I.” If ilitiiiiigh the

ilhat iiiiiiiiit'i isi 'I p l I: I . -: i‘ ‘ ~ gs: ,: I an” l‘ndics Ht
t\sI'ii!\ a War. ' Hass inzd

.\ ItIiii l'i It 'tiI":rsI'l\I's In In
‘itid. s l“'\Il'K‘\l lii lltc roe

,i‘ K M A Kl,


l «I s
i" 'lii ' ‘I ;I .- s_ 2‘ :tt' ' 13;! ‘sultt‘s uncn

\lllllll‘;‘l'll‘L'\ RI st .ilI l‘ l I‘ll i i ,_ ~ I ‘t‘ i jl~K “In“ lIllllt dllCl’
lll’I' llnih lIll'l‘ lint-I -'ii‘. ' ' ,
iiiIin lmdit's III-I .l\ .IndI-i I-ii in, ~ 'I I I U. 1

l ImiiiIatI-d per
II' iI liI-is nttI‘n Inn

tinns siiI h as 'Ist'IitliI‘i :rist: M

l ‘I w 1 l 1 I \. Iill‘ llItss sIHIl ”Hill it I\

sL‘tilItlttitI t‘l ltis ftt'ltlihiil :‘I II I i I I' . '- m ad I ll‘ ilt‘ and “hill

dead linItii s iiiniitlis and

~ - Body Farm nage 6

Newsroom: 257495, mm ' 257-2872

~ I



PAGE 21 Friday, Aflll 6, 2007











By Linda C Black

'u get the Jifld/licitfl“ check the
Jar 5 rating it,‘ is the tiniest din 5”
the tm‘ot vita/lengthy

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Unit;
is a 7 Its UK to (eel like vi ll : at:
have anythtnii you want Cunt ’ifl
(lkl' that now however or you ll v it:

.tte gust the titan sitr

Taurus (April 20 — May 20l To: iv
«.16 Let the intuition: ritii: xv:
without you silnxitty in";
Allah Knit) yrnr, H‘ "at P't‘lf‘i s .. I'
they ll get tired t‘t annoying y'i‘o and
an on to another iii-Lid

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Ytma.
‘s i6 Prevrtii- Hit‘ very best out?

at? and tr serviru that you . .1" 3i»
'. let love not money out an? is:
4 wt better satisfied

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today



is an El Resist the temptation to
ltllirttt,‘ the task that needs to be tin-
tslitzzi now Plan to Work late and
[WW the weekend too inii'll be In
‘he "road (or it then

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a

(3 Slowly year. it- tiiiiliiiii better

Dani even think about it Seen
\"ti E1 totget your tat "It ‘\ WU get ”1'
‘.iii‘.t,“d in .i tawifi‘n‘ at'nu After

ti iittlt turntietitniii out. out Tough
.l (‘IH

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is

i 7 You ran t‘ii t .1: the uath in


SE; lUl Il‘t‘ ;il"*i’ ytitl ”nst
szill t Wuil. out ti.» fit his to:
sort». w. (y (my, . kit (inst, (\rtli rtli-

t:‘ t"i'id:
Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) it day is,
-t.' »' rel. re .im a aziinatiye l."
our work Vita t” \t‘llllltl a new
\lyl" ltsbiiiiging i'2'hw'iit1rtt1y My
[Kart trill tinyane liiiw Will do ll

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) In! 1y
r‘. air 8 it i. tr‘ .iitt’in'i t‘-.r‘l‘

.% the la, tlI‘t‘s Tlli'

sat‘tmrt you it {retina} (Wu (and




ones makes an the difference let
them know

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 LtSIt‘ll very carefully
to your tarrirlys concerns You dont
have to fix anything, yust let them
know you heard That‘ll free them
unto lit the problems themselves
Capricorn (Dec. 2 — Jan. 19) Tu-
lay is a 6 Make sure everybody
‘s C(r‘tl on his or hut assignment
Then retire to your sanctum sanetb
rum irrt a tit ride!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To
day is at: *1 The good news is
that ytrlJ ". ‘: :tkli‘il good money The
bid 'li".\ -. you want to spend 't
Bt- wry . ‘ l 1hr: next few wueks
or you :1 old in in the hole

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is :i 9 Assume restionsrlirlit‘y
in l‘u'yds that wurls tor you at???
tuttily keep r‘nrititillrriti interest in
at at (‘rt’llr iii it-nn if this
means lllr‘lll] (melance istl be it ‘r'uti
«in r lirstltn’



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Season two of

the hit MTV show
ends with a moving
truck — and lots of
burning questions

The season [\Mi
M'I‘V's The Hills aired on April
3. with star Lauren (‘onrad get-
ting a new roommate: l’al :\ud-
i'ina l’atrrdge moy es into the l.os
Aiigelcs apartiiretit, while tor-
nier BIT Heidi Montag motes
out ~ so she can toe with con?
troyersral boytr'reiid Spencer
Pratt. Meanwhile. (‘onr'ad's
coworker Whitney Port is w arts
mg to hear it. she has graduated
l'roin intent to fashion coritrrbui
tor at Teen Vogue. (iot all that',’
Conrad. 3i. discusses the ruicy
stult' yoir didn‘t see this season
w ith LTs reporter Leslie Bruce


ll Spencer arid Heidi break
up. could you be triends again’

Of course. I one Heidi. l
was in a similar situation with
her last year when l rrtoycd out
with my boytrrcrid llason
\‘ittl'rlc'll Tic'lill .tllii I hill'ciy
talked. but .is soon as w c broke
up she was there tor me and it
only made our triendship
stronger. I‘m the last person
who should criticize sottieortc
tor making a poor decision
when it comes to guys l’oor' def
cisrons are all I make with guys

Secret #2
Does anyone like Spciicer.‘
l have yet to meet a person

linale ol‘

w your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun g Kernel ‘ Ql


about hriii. It was like that he
tore we were men on T\'.

Secret #3

Are you still close with for»
mer lling Brody Jenner"?

Not really. Brody and l say
hello when we see each other.
biit we don‘t hang oirt Just the
two of ris.

Secret #4

Your childhood friend .len
Bunney' hooked up With Brody.
Will you ever reconcile with

I don‘t think so. I gaye her a'
chance to share her side of the
story. and she didn’t tell me any .
thing real. They didn't show this
on T\'. btit she put me on speak-
erphone iii troiit ot e\ery body.
including Brody This wasn‘t a
light aboirt a guy This was
about her trying to make me
look like an idiot and being a re,
ally bad t'i‘ierid.

Secret #5

Were yoti surprised by airy-
thrng that aired"

I didn‘t know that Heidi had
anything to do with Jen and
Brody 's hookirp [until i saw it
on l\']. She said. "It was all
ten." and l beliei'ed her. livery
thing we‘re doing is recorded by
cameras. so we get caught l was
so angry attci I watched that
episode. I was shaking

is it (HTTICUH to be taped
while tightrng w'ith yoirr

trieitds '

it's hard to make out with
your boytriend. but not to light
with your trrends. I‘m not going



to hold back iii troitt ol' the cant
era. l haye nothing to hide. And
I don't think i get mad at people
for bad reasons

Secret #7

Why do we rarely see Whit»
ney‘ outside ol working with you
at Teen Vogue‘.’

Whitney has a lull schedule
at the l'ni\ersity ol' Southern
("ailit'or'iira. and she has a
boyfriend who didn't want to be
tilmed. l-ortunatcly. she‘s gradu
atiiig way soon. so you may be
seeing more ot her in the nest


Secret #8

is your boss Lisa lane real-
Iy' that scary '.‘

She‘s serious about her Job
arid can detiiirtcly be scary. but
she‘s a really nice woman She
has daughters who are about my
and \V’ltitric'y“s age. so she -un~
derstands Us And she does jiikc‘
around with as sometimes. like
at the Oscars shoot when she
was throwing shoes at me

Secret #9

What‘s next tor you and new
RH“ Aiidr'ina"

We‘w done the speed—dat-
ing thing where you go out w rtli
guys and don't call them. and
now we're both ready to start
seriously dating. It “I” be good
to haw a roommate who‘s at
ways around again. We‘re going
to (raw a lot ol ttiri liyrng to
gether. It doesnt matter where
we are. we always haw liin


who has something nice to say
> ‘ Interviews...




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200 7

National Intercollegiate

April 2nd - 7th 0 Kentucky Horse Park



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 Asst Sports EdllUl
(:mnlestvkeriiel com

April t),

Chris Miles

N‘ .

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ByJD Williams
[in l is 1mm ;" cit ri‘ivl“ .:hiui' Min:
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‘.c liiigu s «it \IUJHHQ .l
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’l"s li.::il ‘ll‘ '(si- a: mini “Htwiii: :s

tis haul il lil‘i {Lilli 'Iiui‘. .im -il i‘ic sthnlul

iuisll:\c il';'iiilc xii “i

ship spin's l hi: s 'hc :iiutlmli lc‘llll‘i
.iinl llic\ sin this is MN ‘1‘ hull!
!llk f‘l'\il\ “i .n'i ,izt Hiuu.‘ iii \\«il,l\
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"i itwuiiilis'imkciir 1111-? "i H i -~i.\- 'h.' \lllllll' ‘wnlx 'Tllti' "


“3&5!" f”



, g , .Kids don’t stay long enough when they
“hat? a lot of success. Twenty years ago they‘d
all be coming back. The whole thing would
start: can you three-peat?

— Florida head coach Billy Donovan talking about
his championship lineup who deCiding to go pro.


UK boxing team largely
unknown despite success






.\ lillllllliil l.|\‘\' liniii I.isl )cai's
3mm Sunthmslcin ( t‘lllt‘lt‘lht‘ \thll h.” Illlssg'd ilip (HIIH‘
pionship hast-hull ltNllll \ milil hc luck “1”] .I hunil
In ”’10 [K MUNICiKl .Is swim .I\ llc\l

Prescusmi \li \Hh‘lhtl” “lllllk‘ltl
(‘r (‘nllln (Email! Is nut c\.pctlcil lw
sec action tonight .i_-_'.:insi Iciiiicsscc
hut tmlltl hc li\till.il\lc in»! ncU \wcl
Cn\r\ sci'ics.I}:.I1iisl \.in\lcvl\iil hinul
ukull lt‘llli ( iillt‘ll \lllil

”We ic.ill\ Y1‘\“1"llll)f‘ilkk (H
hcn Mild


U K baseball

By Eric Lindsey

u '1s-iyil‘kyki" w

is until \\ c iicctl'


l'iii .izii.i/c.l .ll Hlll I‘llx'll‘k

\Kllhull' ( HHS“

,i [ll\‘\\‘llk\‘ lllllll llic i‘

(«mull in icliiiii ”th‘

\ .llhlt‘ll‘lll \\ c
lx'Il‘hl” lellills

,‘li' \Ii‘i

hand surfsci} an \IJHh
tissuc in his li.in«l

l‘hiiii: ..; lmiiiy iiiiis .1Hl1 " l‘llll Ht ll
Whit h .ulilcil lliici iiii'f. n9, .sssis \ii I um

t'tmgili~ .l iuniui llHlli l cvuulnii.

< hi lt‘l‘ulll



Pll\\|h|]”\ hc silll ‘iili'lil iiiil ii!.:\
"I? \H‘ hm l lisc ( ii‘.‘.::il' ii"


writ ll sliiil
lluliii}: Hit (4% l‘is‘nuzt li'h iun llic\ i .
liisl \L'JL ( l'\\le|l lmihul I‘H mlh ”i


iiiisi \l'l'llil\

l ,

In “t‘lllf; llllllit‘tl llii *sl ilcfczisin

.iiiii ll] llic NH ’ \lllllllt,‘ llli‘ iucst .isun

I‘ll lhc \n ll runilsctl ( .iis :33 1 l.
llllllt‘IHt'lH 1 ,1 l

\l'('i Luc all .iciiiiisl lcn

IN \l(‘l tonight .ii
(\ x" in! illt' lllsl «il .1 llilct‘ L'liii‘t‘ st:

ll\‘\\t‘t‘ Ill“, 1:.

hii ll‘.‘\

.l llu (lus Ahi lilnvu" 34mm!
siiim losing vii \lississiiu‘. \Milt an

Likt hi til I stiimi; Ilia? is

iota llt‘sii I‘ll .l 5" \‘ill in; l isli'lll

lt’illl\~\y\ \7"t
mi\ 'i~\.‘t 'il‘ (ii

htl. \JHl lhcu |ii«l..\ lll,f!il pitihcl

ls .l\ L'iuu. \ls il”\(‘l‘l\ i

i‘l. l'

lht‘s .llt ti ic ill] llml s lls
crniil .it smiic l‘l‘llll. iiiil u. wisl in
'I tlncsnr llJl‘l‘i‘l this ‘ucivitl
llL‘JlllW iis ‘

l‘ur lhc panic. ( nhcii “ill All“ ‘\
nsc .lll uiilisiml linclip 1h.” hc hiss
licnclitcil hum l‘itc|\ immune tun
pl.i\cis .ir Ihc lop vii lhc liiicii',‘ uhw
tllk‘ hull. ciixihlc ml lt‘Jll'llL‘ UH

lni 'hc this! si\ iniiiics (nht ll h is
.til on will llll‘ill‘l \L‘lllk‘l l‘l'llikl \z,
tuiic llclcsus Inlli-uwl sciiin' MC
-1\ play-i \1ikc llmxu:

llclcsiis i‘iiuhil l'nii his ‘Mvii "ii‘
surprisc Hc is .i l\l‘l\.l| Icmlull hillci

mi ght lose former star for the season

i . , - 1 .iv.‘ i
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_l w li. - - l‘ ti.iiii\
“i«‘\‘» ~f'm» ‘si .is tiwiii lhc

(ti's iri ich'i’ at i-

lliwuv mills ‘l‘ (.i's i: "J”!HL’

l\ i ii \ l“! is 1‘ \ll‘lt‘ll
l‘us s i‘ ii ‘i \, :‘tncntucc
V . n v . v '
I? ti " " i'il "l ‘ i'lk‘ \\:I [Ll‘

l‘lw‘i .c\. 'h. ( ‘. -.x 'l sing} .inil .il
i“\,~ ( I"i\'ll Ms Uncnps
s 1' ‘Hdéxl sLIElcll.

-i\i’l.It liit ‘ 0 "tin -v p .i\.;r

( when
\.l2\1 I‘K s l.i1!l'lk-ll insi‘imlmnal "



April it

mum Entroniiu Bonn

Megan Boohnkl. e: to i i‘l‘ ta
KIM! Smiley, i'lllldi‘} nit ail tat
Wu Blevins, . ii '

“s M1! "

8mm Konkol. l s w lil'
Jonathan Smith. .-
Chm Miles, .is- 'ai'

*Lii "s 7’ i',’


Birth control price
increases are a
necessary burden

I'K stttderits learned this week
that the prices of birth control pills
sold by University Health Services
are doubling and tripling.

Because of a deficitrreduction
bill that (‘ongress passed in 3005.
[HS can't receiye the oral contra»
ceptiyes from pharmaceutical drug
companies at a discounted rate.
The 25 different brands of pills
were being sold to students tor Sltl
a month.

Now. the L'IIS pharmacy sells
more than half of its birth control
pills at full price. which is general
ly about $30 a month,

This is unfortunate for stu~
dents. btit it shouldn't change

Students will likely continue to
btiy the products because of how
easy and effective birth control
pills are.

But. if students are concerned
with the price increase. there are
alternatives to the pill.

t‘ondoms. diaphragms. the
patch. the ring and the birth cori—
tr'ol shot are other ways to prey ent
pregnancy. biit they aren't as etfec»
the as the pill.

The story that ran in the Kernel
on Monday said that condoms are
85 percent ettectiye. and Lll‘
aphragms are 7‘) percent eiiectiye
And although the ring and the shot
are equally effective as the pill.
they cost itist as much and some-
times more.

liven with those safety inear
sures. abstinence is still the otily
way to completely prevent pregi


nancy. Students should always
consider that first as the only guar-
anteed way to prcyent pregnancy.

It seems like colleges were an
unfortunate oycrsigltt in an other~
wise relatively normal congres-
sional bill,

It‘s olwiously not t’K‘s fault.
since the drug companies aren‘t al-
lowed to give [K a discount any—
more Aiid certainly. I'HS isn't go-
ing to sell the pills at a loss.

So now. either students are go-
ing to have to btidget an additional
Slit a month. or I'HS is going to
hay e to find some way to subsidize
the cost of birth control for UK

But with the latter unlikely.
sttiderits w ill be forced to find a
way to pay the additional charge.

If ilie pills are really that lllls
portant to the students. they wili
still likely find a way to pay for
the pills. Dr Greg \loore. I'IIS
health director. compared the in-
crease iii the cost of pills to the iii-
crease in the cost of gas prices

"You iust deal with it." he said.

It is unfortunate that the btirden
is going to be iallitig on college
students tor the price increases. btit
it might be worth the cost if stu-
dents can ayoid unwanted pregnan—

The price lllsl'k‘lHL‘ might be a
pain tor many students. btit it's not
nearly the burden that having an
unplanned tlllltl would be

Study area unique,

innovative —— but
TVs are overkill

(inc ot the new es! :ewels Hi the
already layish \\ l‘ \oung library
is The Hill» at \\ l‘s lot atcd in the
basement ot the library. [he Hub is
.i iti‘yy siliilf- .it'L‘a lliaIK it l‘.l tllllL‘l’


ilLllls git lil sitiily and lit il‘_\ .tlitl
get .:\.\.i\ liorn distractions

()nc oi the TVs hangs from the
wall iii the entrance to The Hub.
greeting \isitois with library air
littilllst'llit'llls \\ liile that informa—
tion is certainly iiiiporiant to many
\lllilc‘ltl\. there is surely a way to
sillllllltlllltitlc‘ it that doesn‘t lllr
\ol\c e\pensi\e l‘\ s

Ilie lliib was i'enoyateil using a
\‘l‘illlli giant lioin Todd‘s ('ampus
I‘iipioycmeiii tiiiid. and w hile the
I\ s might cost telatt\ely little
compared to tlic overall budget.

slil tioiii other i .iriii‘iis oliciitigs
\ew \Ill\l\ ciil‘l’iies with iiio\
able walls ailow students to make
study space bigger to boat iiioic
iveoiiir \l sitiallci
\ iiexy sirn k l‘al

sandwich and \tlilll\ riia

lot more pi'iya
. tyiili rollec
tlllll‘c'\ l..'~

' l. .
.iiciis .yi‘i’t

i‘jiii‘lc _‘.|l Ill ilt‘slg‘llals‘il

il the

sltlil‘ ll‘,

tl'c sci iii.i\ ;' Lilim ill‘l tl\

" i-ii i'\.'i'\.\\!i\rc i'Isi' illll \ iii

limo .i iiiili- .tway wlitii slllltls

Hi i ‘.t'l\ iiollat should count. espe

\ .tlll.ll‘:k'



sliiiii‘it L'?‘ ‘.t iv 'vc a
._ ially wlieii ilo/cns or other carn-

piis tlt‘ilitl‘llllt‘llls would liaye liked
any liiniling .ii .ill for renovations.

Ilioueh Ihc ”tilt is inrio\.itiye.
money could Itaye been spent on
things that the libiaiy was already
ill need til

s'tiilt. share on

ltiit 'hi :iiiiiiiplc llat st iecii I\
air. out oi the -.or traits

with llic lltll‘ Iiic I\s

lll‘.‘ thousands o: ilt‘llill‘-

N li's'll\
i'.tt It « I‘sl
\t‘t‘lll Itl

llr' ii

waste ill iti aica wlicii stti


Note to Readers

l'nsigned editorials reflect the \iews oi the Kernel
Iiditot'ial Board, They are written independently of the
Kei‘tiel's news coy erage. ('olumns. letters and cartoons
reilect the view s of their authors.





Send a guest column or letter to the editor to

Opinions Editor Wes Blevins. Please limit letters
to 350 words or fewer Be sure to include your
full name, class and major with all submissmns.

E-mail opinions@kykemel.com

Weekly Poll Question 77

Did the use of laptops instead of traditional polling machines improve
the voting process in last week's Student Government elections?

Vote onlinc at wwwkykomlcom




» a.“ s.'



DANIEL THOMAS, Kernel cartoonist

Presidential candidates might
consider ‘Idol’ for real exposure

I‘ve decided to quit college and go
into television production. My iirst se-
ries will be called American President
(no. this is not
based off the
moyie with
Michael Douglasi.

If American
Idol can produce
millions and mil—
lions oi \iewers
each week. arid
can toster hurry
dreds of articles.
thousands oi
blogs and the love
of America, I
hay e decided that
I can do the same with my new teleyie
sioii show. Instead of ioctisiiig on ”HIV
steal taletit. I‘ll be auditioning for the
next president.

UK. so I‘m not quitting college I
haven‘t spent the last three years
working to giy e it tip now. The poiiii
I'm trying to make is that Aiiiet'ica has
seemingly abandotied the presidential
race ioi' .-\meriean Idol.

\‘yliile I was wandering around on
the Internet. I came across a clip ot a
story that AB(' News had run on


(iood Morning America. They had one
of their reporters go out onto the
streets of New York and test the cm
lens to see if they knew more about
American Idol or the candidates for

Not surprisingly. the majority
cotild name every contestant on Idol.
btit almost no candidates for president.

It‘s not a shock that America fo-
cuses more on pop culture and less on
politics. (ioyernment hasn't been the
best lately; it‘s been unsatisfying to
many. And pop culture is always en-
tertaining. w hile politics can seem
more of a dtity than a right.

So can yoti blame those our age
for not caring’ The voter turnout for
college students and recent graduates
is aby smally low. so politicians hay e
spent less time caring w but we think.

It we aren't going to vote. their
why spend money and time conyinc>
ing you to \ote tor thein',’

l’olitics will never be as appealing
as American Idol It‘s not necessarily
the responsibility of government to be
entertaining; it‘s their responsibility to
do their Job. But that doesn‘t mean
that politics can ney er appeal to the
yotirtger generations.

It has to work both ways. though.
With the presidential election around
the corner. pay attention to who‘s run-
ning. Maybe if candidates saw they
could get votes front us. they would
tone down their dry speeches and be
genuinely interesting to students who
may not be political Junkies.

I‘m not asking for the future presi»
dent to have a Howard Dean moment
and show so much enthusiasm that it's
frightening. but it shouldn’t be too
much to ask to have them care about
what matters to us now. not what we
may eventually be concemed about.

American President probably
won‘t be a hit teleyision show. be»
cause no candidate can cause the kind
oi media attention that American Idol
contestant Sanjay'a Malakar has gar-

But let‘s face it: Politics doesn‘t
have to be dull all the time. It's time
for Washington. [).(‘.. to ttim to the
younger generations and show them
that they matter and that they are will-
ing to listen to us and show us that
politics can be appealing to all ages.

Megan litfmmu H (”Mirna/ism ju-
nior. li-mui/ U])tlllr!l1.\(" lolrcrnela'imi.

t.i«:'i'i‘i«:Rs 'I‘() 'l‘lrlli notion

86 should leave coach
search to Bamhart

The tirsi hall oi the April 5 article
regarding St 'i‘s demand ioi Athletics I)l'
rector Mitch littl‘nlltll‘l to ”'pay top dolA
lar' ltil' Hilly Donovan" seemed like al
most a ioke when I tirsi read it.

I agree with the anonymous senator
quoted iii the article: "Is this real ’" I am
aware that there is probably a ceitaiii
arriount of money is I‘K‘s budget that is
allotted to only go toward athletics. so
the money paid to Donovan wouldn't
otherwise go to ediic ation or any other
element of the uniyersity 's well being to
begin with

But it is frankly idiotic that 80 had
nothing better to do w itli their time btit
to try to help usher in a new coach at
any cost. that l‘s when a lot oi the stii
dents who return to [K for non-iiiedical
graduate sttidies do i