xt76ww76wz8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wz8t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2006 2006 2006-02-08 2020 true xt76ww76wz8t section xt76ww76wz8t FEATURES



Local author on modern marriage:
It's a guy thing PAGE 4


Former UK soccer goalie prepares for pros after
being drafted by MLS PAGE 3

e rnel


Wednesday, February 8, 2006



Celebrating 35 years of independence





Same drive,

different spin

For the past 14 years, Herb Henry could’ve
made excuses to forget about sports entirely.
But he’s refused to resign himself to the
sidelines in his wheelchair.

By Adam Sichko

The bullets * two of them ~
exited the unseen gun in the
hands of the unseen shooter with
two pops that sounded like fire-

They entered Herb Henry’s
body. And they robbed him.

One piece of ammunition
lodged itself in Henry‘s spinal
cord, the other in his chest. Henry
crumpled to the floor, numb all
over and struggling to breathe.
Maybe immediately, maybe slowly,
his dreams of professional foot-
ball — and his ability to use his
legs ~ disappeared. Forever:

Henry had started the final six
football games as fullback for the
University of Louisville as a fresh-
man, even scoring a touchdown.
Henry had played basketball at
Louisville’s Doss High School
with former UK star Derek Ander-
son. Henry had been able to walk.

But Henry rarely thinks about

that night in the winter of 1992.
“That’s counterproductive,” he

It’s not like he has time to
dwell on it anyway. His basketball
coach, Julie Duncan, is exhorting
her Hill on Wheels team to get
back on defense, so Henry turns
and races toward the basket as the
Forest City Flyers bring the ball
up the court.

He grips hard with his right
hand, making a sharp turn and
cutting off an opponent. Cluck!

His opponent reverses course
and aims for the corner, but Hen—
ry, giant upper arms pumping.
sweat rolling down his broad-
shouldered frame, beats him to it.
producing another collision and
another crunch of wheels slam-
ming together.

Henry, 32. used to live for the
crack of his opponents' helmets
and shoulder pads hitting his own
on the football field. Then. two

See Henry on' page 6

. -...

Top: Hill on Wheels' starting lineup gets
ready for tipoff Friday against the For-
est City Flyers.

Above: Herb Henry pursues a loose ball
in a game at UK's Seaton Center.

Left: At the end of each huddle, Hill on
Wheels teammates hold hands and yell



By Josh Sullivan

After last night‘s game in
Rupp Arena, Tennessee’s Chris
Lofton got a visit from former
Wildcat fan-favorite
Richie Farmer.

“He was just talking
about how he wished it
would have worked out
for me up here," said

The Maysville, Ky,
native wasn’t recruited
by UK as a senior at Ma-
son Co. High School and
last night he showed
why many Wildcat fans
have spent two years
mourning his move down Inter-
state 75.

The sophomore guard buried
the UK men’s basketball team
with a shower of three-pointers
and last minute drives, scoring a
career-high 31 points to lead the
Vols over the Cats for the first
time in nine meetings, 7567.

UK held Lofton, Tennessee's
leading scorer. without a point for


Lofton is a
great shooter.
He just killed

N0. ll TENNESSEE 75, UK 67

Cats crash to rocky bottom

the first nine and half minutes,
jumping out to an 18-14 lead.
Then, the barrage began. Lofton
knocked down four straight three-
pointers in less than four min-
utes. The fourth, a deep
launch with UK guard
Brandon Stockton in
his face, gave the Vols
their biggest lead of the
game at 31-21 with six
minutes to go in the

But the Wildcats
went on a 15-8 run to
close the half, drawing

Tubby Smith to within three points at
UK head coach

3936 going into the
locker room.

They held Lofton in check out
of the gate in the second period as
well, allowing him just one layup
and one free throw in the first six
and a half minutes. But his fifth
threeof thegamegavethe Volsa
5045 edge with 13:20 to go. He
knocked down two more threes
on consecutive possessions to
push the lead out to seven at 58-51.
Lotton’s sevenof-lo performance

mmwmam .

UK senior guard Patrick Sparks cannot watch the action during the final moments
of the Cats' 75-67 loss to Tennessee last night in Rupp Arena.

from behind the are matched his
career best.

“We tried to defend (him). but
Lotton’s a great shooter," said UK
head coach Tubby Smith. “He just
killed us,"

Despite the marksmanship
clinic by Lofton, the Cats kept
clawing back with a run of layups
and dunks. scoring eight of their
44 points in the paint in just a

See Hoops on page 3





New chief
staying put

By Megan Boehnke

North Carolina Central University is
expecting a response tomorrow from po
lice chief McDonald Vick on its offer to
keep him in the position.
said the university’s
chancellor, James H. Am-

The offer comes after
UK had announced Vick
as its new police chief
one week ago following a
yearlong search process.

“Chief McDonald
Vick is a graduate of
North Carolina Central
University and a member of the NCCU
family,” Ammons said in a statement he
released yesterday. “We value his contri~
butions and we have made a counter of-

Vick spent 18 years as an officer in
Durham, NC, before serving the last 10
years as the chief at NCCU. Vick makes
$68,466 a year in his current position and
is set to make about $93,000 at UK.

Last week, The Kernel reported that
Vick is a defendant in a sexual discrimi-

See Chief on page 2


New dorm
doors’ locks
not so secure

By Brandon Cannada


Faulty locks on bathroom doors are
raising concerns with some residents of
the newest dormitories on campus.

“You can get the door open with just a

‘ penny.” said Grace Shear. a resident of

New North Hall on the corner of Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Euclid Av-
enue. “My friend down the hall is para-
noid that someone is going to walk in on

The same problems have been identi—
fied in the Baldwin. Smith and lngels stu-
dent housing complexes. all of which
opened last fall. The new dorms feature a
semi-suite design where four students
two in each bedroom » share a full bath-
room between rooms. All four of the
dorms are co—ed and have a 24~hour week-
end visitation policy

The four dorms opened back in Au
gust. the first new dorms to open on cam-
pus since 1979 and add an additional 684
beds for students on campus.

Though no major incidents have been
See Locks on page 2

turns UK fans
green with envy

Recruiting is always
a hot topic around these
Cat fans like players
who can shoot like those
Larry Bird-Michael Jor-
dan McDonald's com-
mercials from the early
‘905: off the moon, off
Saturn. nothing but net.

Cat fans like every- Chris
thing about McDonald's IIS II
when talking about high gngfi
school prospects: if
they‘re an All~American.
they should be wearing blue.

Cat fans like all the players that are
wearing blue. no matter if they agree with
the recruiting that got him here or not.
They always come amund.

But Cat fans hold the players fmm in-
state in a special place.

Chris Lofton, from Maysville. Ky.
scored 31 points last night in Rupp Arena to
guide his team to victory and increase their
SEC record to a oonferenoebost 8-1.


Newsroom: 251-1915




Pic: 2 | Wednesday. Feb. e. 2005


Continued from page i


nation lawsuit in North Car-
olina along with NCCU. the
university’s chancellor, the
university’s police depart-
ment and other officers on its

Deona Renna Hooper,
who filed the suit, was an of-
ficer under Vick at the NCCU
police department for 11
months before she was fired
in 2002 after allegations of
insubordination and leaving
the scene after an accident
where a police cruiser was

President Lee Todd said
yesterday he hoped the nega-
tivity surrounding the law—
suit doesn‘t deter Vick from
coming to Lexington, even
though Vick has already for-
mally accepted UK's job offer.

“The negative publicity

and the questions in his
mind - that‘s more of the
concern 1 have," Todd said
yesterday “He's got a landing
spot there. That’s got to make
him feel good."

Still. he sees the counter
offer as a good sign that
NCCU is happy with Vick's
performance there. Todd also
said he believes that money
is not likely to affect his deci-
sion about whether or not to
stay at NCCU.

“I think once you make
up your mind that you’re go-
ing to put your name into a
search and go through that
process, I don‘t think the fi-
nancial piece is as impor—
tant," Todd said. “It’s a sig-
nificantly bigger job than
what he has now. and I think
that professionally it is time
for him to grow."

Todd said he talked to
Vick on Sunday night after
hearing that he was having
second thoughts about ac-
cepting the job at UK.

“I asked him not to make
a negative decision, and to
hold off for a bit,” Todd said.
“His wife is employed there,
they could choose to stay
where they are. But I think
he likes the challenge and I
think he’s at a time in his life
now where we can sell the
professional challenge more
so than the financial side of

Todd said what he appre-
ciated about Vick during the
interview process was his
emphasis on being an active
chief and interacting with

“He loves the college cam-
pus. You have to have an af-
fection for that group, you
have to have an interest in
it," Todd said. “(The lawsuit)
has been dragged out some.
but I think we've gotten a
stronger feeling for how well
he's done on the campus he's
been serving.”




Continued from paqel


reported. officials are still
unhappy that the potential
does exist for “unlawful”
events to occur.

“It's not a big deal if you
know your roommates. but I
could see how it would be a
concern if you didn‘t,“ said
Elizabeth Wilhoit, a resident
of a new “suite" styled dorm.
“i haven‘t heard of anything
more than just pranks hap-
pening, but you want to feel
like you've got some privacy
when you're in your bath-
room. You‘ve just got to rely

on your roommates."

Jim Wims, the director of
Residence Life said UK is
pursuing the possibility of
replacing the problematic

“Making a change in
locking mechanisms is a op-
tion that we’re considering
but fire codes are slowing the
process down,“ he said. “Any
change would need to be ap-
proved by the fire marshal. If
we installed a lock that could
be locked from the outside,
people could potentially be
locked inside of their bath-
rooms, which would violate
fire codes."

Gary Beach, Lexington
fire marshal. said escape
routes must be maintained
in case of fire.

“No matter where you are
in a building you must have
clear access to an exit,"
Beach said. “If someone is
locked in the bathroom,
that’s a obvious fire code vio

Ben Crutcher, UK assis-
tant vice president of Auxil-
iary Services, said his de-
partment is aware of the
problem and he hopes to
make the lock change over
the summer.

“It’s clearly a problem
that needs to be addressed,"
he said. “Whenever the fire
code situation is resolved. we
will have a better idea of how
to hopefully fix this prob-



Restraining order issued
against Paris Hilton

testifying that Paris Hilton
assaulted and threatened
him, a Hollywood events pro
ducer expressed relief Tues-
day after persuading a court
commissioner to issue a re
straining order against the
waif-thin celebutante.

“I'm going to sleep better
at night knowing that she or
her henchmen can't come af-
ter me." said Brian Quin-
tana. after leaving the court-
room. “Usually. it's the celeb
that needs protection.“

Hilton’s reps pooh-poohed
the court order, saying the so
cialite has no desire to social-
ize with Quintana anyway.

“She‘s fine with the idea
of not going near him," said
publicist Elliot Mintz. “Just
as he does not wish to be
near her. she does not want
to be near him. It's a perfect

Hilton. who denied the ac-
cusations but didn‘t show up
to tell her side of the story in
court. spent the day else-
where in Los Angeles getting
ready for a “promotional
event." Mintz said.

The hotel heiress‘s attor-
ney. Howard Weitzman. said
he didn't want to put his
client on the stand because
he “did not want to create a
media circus."


Quintana's lawyer,
Richard Lloyd Sherman.
scoffed: “She didn‘t want to
show up in court to be cross-
examined because she knows
she's full of it."

Court throws book at library
patron with big debt

TOWSON, Md. — If
you’re two weeks late in re-
turning a book to the Balti-
more County library, you're
likely to get a phone call. If
your book is four weeks over-
due. you’ll receive a notice in
the mail.

And if you‘re Philip Ak-
bar Shabazz, you‘re sent a
letter that begins: “You cur-
rently have 402 items over-
due from the Baltimore
County Public Library. Fees
and charges for these items
amount to over $8,."400

Library officials say they
suspect that the books were
sold. Shabazz. of suburban
Randalistown. went to court
Tuesday to face a felony theft
charge -— .. and was convicted
and sentenced to three years
behind bars.

Shabazz. according to li-
brary officials, went from li-
brary branch to library
branch to check out hun-
dreds of books. most of them
titles dealing with the black
experience. He used. they
said, as many as 10 different
library cards.

On one day alone, they


said. he checked out more
than 60 books — at least six
times as many as the typical
adult library patron.

“To my knowledge this is
the first time we've taken
somebody to court." said
Deborah Wheeler. assistant
director for the county li-
brary. “We‘ve never seen any»
thing this large."

Officials: iran makes plans
for nuclear test

ian engineers have complet-
ed sophisticated drawings of
a deep subterranean shaft,
according to officials who
have examined classified doc-
uments in the hands of US.
intelligence for more than 20

Complete with remote-
controlled sensors to mea-
sure pressure and heat, the
plans for the 400-meter tun-
nel appear designed for an
underground atomic test det-
onation that might one day
announce Tehran's arrival as
a nuclear power, the officials

By the estimates of US.
and allied intelligence ana‘
lysts, that day remains as
much as a decade away w as-
suming that Iran applies the
full measure of its scientific
and industrial resources to
the project and encounters
no major technical hurdles.

comm: rnou WlRE nzponrs




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Feb. 8. 2006

Chris DeLotell
Asst. Sports Editor




Continued from page i


minute and a half.

A fast break dunk from
senior guard Ravi Moss drew
the Cats even at 60-60. Two
possessions later, a three
pointer from Moss put the
Cats up for the first time
since the 10minute mark of
the first half when they lead

But everything fell apart
after that. The Vols reclaimed
the lead 6463 on a dunk from
forward Andre Patterson and
never looked back. The Cats
went cold for the rest of the
game while Lofton heated up
once again.

Lofton ended UK’s hopes
of» pulling out another dou-
ble-digit comeback victory by
striking from inside the
perimeter this time, knocking
down three buckets and a foul
shot for seven points in just
over a minute to put the Vols
up 7365 with 21 seconds to go.

As the clock wound down,
he raced down court after a
steal by backcourt mate C.J.
Watson, begging for the ball
in the corner. But Watson in-
stead hit junior Dane Brad-
shaw, who launched the ball
toward the Rupp Arena ceil-
ing in celebration as the clock
wound down.

Asked what he planned to
do had he got the ball as time
ran out, he replied, “I don’t
know, I was going to do some-
thing I probably shouldn’t
have done. I’m glad they did-
n’t throw me the ball.”

Sophomore guard Ramel
Bradley did not play due to
what Smith called “off-court”
issues. He can return for
UK’s next game, Smith said.



UK sophomore guard Rajon Rondo tries to corral lose ball during the



Tennessee (75)





5 l]
200 27-61 H? l

Kentucky (67)



Field‘qoai shooting UK 45 2, 01443 Freethrow
shooting' UK 46 7, UI (>4 7 lechmcals none
‘lurnovers UK 15, Ui l2 Blocked shots UK 2 , Ul3


Cats' 75-67 loss to the Vols last night in Rupp Arena.


Continued from page i


But he was wearing Ten-
nessee orange.

“I’m tired of hearing the
Kentucky talk," Lotion said.
“They did what they had to do.
they had higher-rated recruits
coming in.”

“Yes,” head coach Tubby
Smith said when asked if he
ever second-guessed himself
for not recruiting Lofion.

A lot or a little?

“I said yes,” Smith replied.

Lofton wanted to come to

“I probably could’ve

walked on," Lotion said.

Then, the most telling
body language since Smith’s
despondent sighs into the mi-

crophone during his post-
game press conference.

Lotion shrugged.

What does he care?

He’s better off for not com-
ing to UK, to have his scoring
talent buried in a system that
creates blue-collar defensive

Up until this year, that was
OK, because the defense was
stronger than a last-call Long

But now that the field goal
percentage defense is higher
than Courtney Love on vaca-
tion, the lack of offensive con-
sistency is a glaring issue.

When Hopkinsville‘s Ravi
Moss dunked to tie the game
at 60. then hit a Spointer from
the wing to push UK ahead 63
62. it looked like the corner
once again had been turned
and the Cats could close the
door on the Vols at home.

Ollicials Tony Greene, Karl Hess, Tom fades
Attendance 24,184
Records: UK 15-8154). Ul ”7303 l)

But later, Tennessee ripped
off nine consecutive points,
sandwiched around five
missed $point shots by UK, to
take the insurmountable 73-65

The last seven of those
nine points were scored by
Maysville‘s Chris Lotion. To
round out his career-high 31.

“He just killed us," Smith

UT head coach Bruce Pearl
was all smiles after the game.

“You know what a great
sound is?" the coach said.
“When before the ball even
gets to your shooter, you can
hear the crowd going, ‘Not

After Lofion wreaked Cat
carnage all over Cawood's
Court, the question is, Why
not him?







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Goalie keeps hi

By Chris Miles

Andy Gruenebaum should have
been overcome with fear.

A decisive shoot-out that meant life
or death for his team was about to take
place, and Gruenebaum was the guy
who would have to take all the bullets.
Tumbleweeds might as well have rolled
by, the referee might as well have begun
whistling the theme from “The Good,
the Bad and the Ugly," a bell toll might
as well have sounded in the distance, be-
cause this was big.

In front of a sold-out crowd, the 2000
Kansas High School Boys Soccer State
Championship was about to come to a
conclusion with a penalty-kick shoot-

After a hard-fought double-overtime
game between two rival teams,
Gruenebaum’s senior season, in which
he had been named a high school All-
American, came down to this. He, the
star goalie, would have to save the day.
Gruenebaum’s heart should have been
pounding through his chest.

Right before the penalty kicks start-
ed, as Gruenebaum was putting on his
goalkeeper’s gloves, his coach, Tom Hol-
land walked up to him.

Holland was nervous.

“Andy . . " his voice trailed off,
searching for words of encouragement
to make what was about to happen a lit-
tle easier.

But before he could find any,
Gruenebaum cut him off.

“Don’t worry, Coach, 1 got it,"
Gruenebaum said, his voice calm as he
flashed Holland a smile and gave him a
pat on the back, then left the sideline
and jogged to the goal where he would
make his team’s last stand.

Gruenebaum, UK's former goalkeep
er, has been in some tough games, but,
as Holland said, “He seemed to always



s pro dream alive





Former UK goalie Andy Gruenebaum was picked third in last week's Major League Soccer supple-

mental dratt by the Columbus Crew.

come up with the big plays.

“He was a terrific player. The best
kid I ever had.“

Holland remembers the 2000 Kansas
State Championship well.

“After he told me not to worry, I
knew we'd win," Holland said. “It was
Andy‘s senior year and he blocked four
out of eight penalty kicks."

Gruenebaum‘s high level of play
took him from that state championship
to UK, where he spent five years as a
Wildcat and earned myriad awards in
the process. He was named first-team
All-Conference USA and All-Great
Lakes this season and was among the
nation‘s leaders in goals against as a
sophomore and junior. That style and
skill has now landed him as a drafted

player with the Columbus Crew. one of
12 teams in Major League Soccer, which
is considered the highest level of soccer
in the country

“You have to want it to play at this
level," Gruenebaum said. “This is prob-
ably the most stressful thing I have ever
done. There is a lot of fitness: it's more
focused and more productive. This is
professional and you learn to be profes
sional. A lot of guys get drafted and de-
cide they don't want to do this.“

Gruenebaum is now training with
the Crew and is fighting with three oth-
er draflees for the third goalie spot on
the team. There is, again, a lot at stake.

Leaving as one of the best'soccer

See Soccer on page 10



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Feb. 8, 2006


Douq Scott

Features Editor

Phone: 257-1915

E-maii: dscottOkykernelrom



Local author puts male

perspective on

By Keith Brooks

People are not just asking
what women really want
nowadays, they are also turn-
ing their ears to the concerns
of men.

In the book "VoiceMale."
by freelance writer and au-
thor Neil Chethik. the nature
of marriage and its nuances
are explored and examined
from a male perspective. The
book, which includes anec-
dotes and excerpts from actu<
al husbands. gives an account
of what men really look for in

“I think there‘s a growing
interest in hearing what men
have to say." said Chethik.
Chethik. who was recently in-
terviewed by Charlie Gibson
on “Good Morning America.“
believes the book enables a
voice for the male crowd
which was characteristically
dominated by their spouses.
The book became so popular
with audiences after the
broadcast that 5,000 addition-
al copies were printed.

“VoiceMale” divides mar-
riage into four primary
stages. The first stage is the
first three years of marriage
or the “Newlywed Period".
followed by the child rearing
period from years four to 20.
The third one involves the
“Empty Nest“ period with
years 21 to 35 and the last pe-
riod is reserved for mature
marriages that last beyond
that point. Along with the in-
terviews and testimonies
which are sprinkled through
out the chapters. Chethik also
gives constant references to
how marriages worked in the

“Around 1970. marriages


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changed radically." said-
Chethik. “We‘ve gone through
a watershed in marriage."

Chethik. who has been
married for 19 years himself
graduated from Northwest-
ern with a degree in journal-
ism. After meeting his wife in
college, he moved to Lexing-
ton in 1991, and since then has
worked as the author-in-resi-
dence at the Carnegie Center
in Lexington. After the suc-
cess of his previous book.
“Fatherloss,” which gives a
resonating focus into how
men deal with the death of
their fathers, Chethik decided
to focus on men again. but
this time with marriage. By
using random phone surveys
and one-on-one interviews
with husbands around the
country. Chethik was able to
grasp a perspective on how
men function in marriage.
The book is revolutionary in
terms since it presents men
as more intricate and human.

“What I wanted to do was
hear what men actually had
to say." said Chethik. “I didn't
interview any women for the

From his observations.
Chethik noted men tend to be


the most unhappy in stage
two. or the child-rearing
years. This period can also ac-
count for a less than joyous
sex life. As the marriage goes
on. however, he mentioned
that men tend to see sex as
less of a factor than compan-

“Most men are pretty hap
py in their marriages." said
Chethik. “For the most part,
men tend to waive the pros
and the cons and for 809094. of
the men, the pros well out-
weigh the cons."

One of the most impor-
tant things that can lead to a
happy marriage is equal con-
tribution to housework, ac-
cording to Chethik. In “VoiceL
Male,“ Chethik explains that
if a woman can see her hus-
band helping with chores,
then women are more than
likely to be satisfied along
with the men, with better sex
being one of the benefits.

“If a man contributes fair-
ly it seems to have a lot of
ramifications for the rest of
the marriage." Chethik said.

Overall. Chethik believes
“VoiceMale” provides an out-
let for husbands who have
been perplexed dealing with
insecurities yet were too em-
barrassed to admit it.

“I‘m hoping that the book
humanizes men to them-
selves." he said.

Neil Chethik is scheduled
to speak about marriage and
his book. VoiceMale in the
“Books and Beyond“ series at
7 pm. Thursday, hosted by
Natasha‘s Cafe downtown at
112 Esplanade. For more in-
formation. call (859) 259-2754.

fiaatures/u kykernelcom



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Steve Martin stars as Inspector Clouseau in “The Pink Panther," a resurrection of the film franchise that
starred Peter Sellers in 1963. Co-starring Kevin Kline and Beyonce Knowles, "The Pink Panther" opens Friday.



inspector Jacques Clouseau.
The man. The mystery. The
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lous and neurotic. Steve
Martin is probably the only
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Beyonce Knowles and Kevin
Kline ("A Fish Called Wanda,"
"The Emperor's Club") take up
supporting roles in this tale
that again has Clouseau on