xt76ww76wz04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wz04/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-10-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 2000 2000 2000-10-13 2020 true xt76ww76wz04 section xt76ww76wz04 LEFT OF CENTER

titaniudamos Bond

The cunning

In celebration of 15
days of 007 on TBS, we




shall delight you with
quotes from everyone's


favorite randy secret


Pussy Galore: My name
is Pussy Galore.

Bond: I must be


Bond: That looks like a
woman's gun.

Largo: Do you know a lot
about guns, Mr.

Bond: No, but I know a
little about women.

Diamonds are Forever

Bond, to Ms. Tiffany
Case when she comes
out of her room,
wearing almost

Bond: That's a nice little
nothing you're
almost wearingll

Bond upon meeting Ms.
Plenty O'Toole:

Plenty: Hi, I'm Plenty.

Bond: But of course you

Plenty: Plenty O'Toole.

Bond: Named after your
father perhaps?!!

From Russia with Love
Bond talking to Tatiana:
Bond: You're one of the

Friday the
13th is a
Cats fan’s

day I

U.S. warship bombed in Yemen

At least six dead, 35 injured: President Clinton calls
bombing of the USS Cole an apparent terrorist attack


WASHINGTON In a sinister slip
through Navy security. suicide bombers in
a small boat tore a gaping hole in a US.
warship Thursday at a refueling stop iii a
Yemeni harbor on the Arabian Peninsula.
US. officials say. The blast killed six mem~
bers of the crew, injured 35 and left 11


The crippled ship was tilting slightly in
the harbor at Aden. Yemen. but the Navy
said it was not in danger of sinking.

No one has claimed restxmsibility. I)e~
fense Secretary William Cohen told a Pen
tagon news conference.

President (‘linton said the attack on the

USS Cole. one ofthe world's most advanced
warships. appeared to be an act of terror
ism. the worst against the l'S. military
since the bombing of an Air Force barracks
in Saudi Arabia in 1996 that killed to

"We will find out who was responsible
and hold them accountable.“ (‘Iinton

He dispatched to Yemen investigative
teams from the FBI. the State Department
and the Pentagon. (‘Iinton also ordered a
heightened state of alert for all I‘ S. mili-

tary installations around the world.

After the attack. ambulances rushed to
the port. and Americans working with
Yemeni authorities cordoned oil' the area.
The ship was listing but still atloat Yemeni
police sources said without elaboration that
a number of people had been detained for
questioning; It was not clear whether any
were susiwcts.

The State Department issued a world
wide alert. say ing it was. extremely con
(‘et‘iied about the possibility oi violence

See SHIP on 2



most beautiful girls
I've ever seen!

Tatiana: Thank you, but I
think my mouth is
too big!

Bond: No, it's just the
right size, for me
that is!

Never Say Never Again

A nurse is standing on
the other side of the
room. Bond has just
had a medical

Nurse: Mr. Bond, I need
a urine sample, it you
could fill this beaker
for me?

Bond: From here?


Bond and Xenia Onatop
having conversation
in the casino:

Bond: We share the
same passions.
Three. anyway.

Xenia: I count two.
Motoring and
baccarat. I hope the
third is where your
real talent lies!

Bond: One rises to meet
the challenge!

Tomorrow Never Dies

While in bed with the
Danish girl, Bond gets
a phone call:

Moneypenny: James,
where are you?

Bond: 0h, Moneypenny.
I'm Just up here at
Oxford, brushing up
on a little Danish.

The World Is Not Enough

In the Swiss Banker‘s

Cigar Girl: Would you like
to check my figures?

Bond: I'm sure they‘re
perfectly rounded!

Bond and Dr. Christmas
Jones in bed:

Bond: 1 was wrong about

Christmas: Yeah, how's

Christmas only comes
once a year!

-Drew Purcell

THE '411'

7.7 5.4

There has to be an
invisible sun that gives
it's heat to everyone...
that gives us hope when
the whole day IS done.


5 . i‘.

VOL. 38106 ISSUE 8236


it; 2;. fig) ., '
Call: 257-1915 or write:


paper mon

Smart cards: Latest
version of cash finds

way into wallets
By Patrick Avery


Everyone knows technolo-
gy costs money. But soon. tech-
nology may become money and
may safeguard against theft of
hard-earned moola.

Smart cards may be leading
this march to a cashless soci»
ety. writes David R. Warwick in
his book. The (‘as‘h-Iv‘ree Society.

“Bank robberies and cash-
register robberies would sim
ply cease to occur." Warwick
writes. "Security costs and in-
surance rates would fall. Sales
of illegal drugs. along with con-
comitant violent crime. should

Warwick hasn't convinced
everyone, Edward Willett. a
computer science sophomore.
believes that other people could
use the smart cards for good
and bad reasons.

"It could possibly get rid of
certain types of crime." Willett
said. "But then again the crimi»
nals will find some way to
screw us."

Several forms of non-cash
options exist already.

(‘redit cards allow people to
charge a purchase. Debit cards
take money directly from bank
accounts. Prepayment cards.
including telephone calling
cards. allow people to store a
certain amount of money for fu-
ture use.

Smart cards would be an
extension of prepayment cards.
Iii addition to storage of money
for future use. an internal mi
crochip would allow iiiforma
tion storage for economic


The thought of not carrying
around cash appeals to many
individuals. concerns remain.

“I'm not too hip moving
straight to digital anything un-
til it is tested out on other
things before our money." Wil-
lett said.

James Black. (‘ollege of Ar-
chitecture technology coordina~
tor. was one of the first people
to own an American Express
Blue card. the first microchip

smart card in the L'nited States.
Still. he remains skeptical.

“It’s possible people will
abuse the data that can be ac-
cessed." Black said. “Ifyou look
at it in terms of a religious
standpoint. some people believe
that one sign of the end of the
world is a cashless society,"

Though the end of the
world may not come soon. one
thing is for certain the cash-
less society draws near.

Bringing big
acts to campus




Winn Stephens, assistant director of Student Activities, discusses
future plans with member Chris Rogers, right, at the SAB office.

Behind the scenes: SAB members say
getting the best entertainment isn't easy

By Lamin Swann

l’oet Maya .-\ngelou. jazz organist Jimmy Smith and "The
Ladies Man" himself. Leon Phelps. have hit the entertain
ment scene on campus. all brought to you by thr- Student Ac-
tivities Board.

Behind the scenes. it is not a piece ofcaki- getting the hottest
and latest showstopping acts. speakers and movies to come on
campus. it is somewhat like a big (‘Ul‘pill‘iiiliiil board meeting.

The brainstorming for bringing acts starts with dialogue
from members of SAB.

"Ideas come up at SAB board meetings from members on
who they would like to see come to campus." said Brandon
Scheldt. vice president of SAB

The chairs of the SAB committees meet weekly and commit-
tee chairs hold separate meetings with their committees.

“We see if the venue is available to come and perfomi. Then
we will see if we can hold (the size of) the venue (at l'Kl." Scheldt
said. If successful. the event goes before the SAB board. The fi-
nances and logistics. among other things. also go to work and
then the venue comes to campus.

See SAB on 2



Get spiritual at
Lexington festival

‘It will be a great time': Franklin Graham

leads weekend of Christian music, speakers
By_Erin Curry


Students and Lexington-area residents will have an oppor-
tunity to see some big names and hear messages that support-
ers say could change their lives this weekend at the Greater
Lexington Festival 2000 at Rtipp Arena.

The festival. which begins Friday. will be led by Franklin
(iraham. son of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham. ()th-
er attractions include contemporary (‘hristian music group
Third Day and singer Michael W. Smith.

"It will be a great time for college students to hear a clear
presentation of the gospel of.lesus (‘hrist iii a non-threatening
environment. Saturday night will be especially ftiti with a focus
on students and the music of Third Day." I'K Baptist Student
L'nion President John Sansom said.

Doors open at 3 30 pm each night. and Frieda Campbell. ex-
ecutive secretary of the festival. recommends people arrive by








2 l FRIDAY. ocroecna. 2000 i :.""‘,W¢¥t Kennel ~



The Low-down

l’ve been
at this job
for eight

years 110W.

and this is
the first
case of
I’ve seen.
the contra
band is
drugs or
food or

— U.S. Attorney
David Barasch
regarding the
prison quaia

sperm smuqqlina
caper at

Allenwood mini-

prison in


Israel rockets Arafat's compound

GAZA (‘l'l‘Y. tiaza Strip in a day of incen-
diary \ iolence that lett Mideast peacemaking in
ashes. lsraelt helicopters rocketed Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat‘s compound 'l‘hursday in re-
taliation for the mutilation of three lsraeli sol
diers by a mob of enraged Palestinians. The day
began with i'..\'. Secretary General Kofi .-\nnan
and (‘l.-\ chiet' (ieorge 'l‘enet trying to broker a
truce to end two weeks ot'dziily fighting. But it do
generated swiftly. with both sides unleashing
pent up rage President Clinton implored i’alesv
tinians and [smells ”to stop the bloodshed to re
store calm” and begin talking rather than fight
in; "i call on both sides to undertake a ceasefire
immediately. and immediately to condemn all
.ii‘ts of Violence.”

Dow ends down 379; Nasdaq falls 94

.\'i{\\' Ytiitly' The Dow Jones industrial av
cragz- plunged about :itit) points yesterday while
the .\';isd:iii (‘omposite Index recorded its lowest
close this \eai‘. :is‘ jittery in\estot's reacted to the
escalating \ ioleiice iii the Middle iiast. Stocks al
ready in a steady tall noseiincd. pushing the
How to its fifth largest largest point loss ever.
itlllli‘ii‘il by rising oil ltl‘lt‘es on top of persistent
it‘ it‘s about corporate protits. including an earn
iiizzs warnings from stalwart Home Depot. The
lion closed down .iT‘lZl. or Ito percent. lit
to ’ifli 3:1. the- lowest it's been since March. The