xt76ww76wx88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wx88/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-08-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1999 1999 1999-08-25 2020 true xt76ww76wx88 section xt76ww76wx88  

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«wen-«nut .. .. .





The long,
dry summer


& .
0uake in Turkey
kills thousands




I? a
Six seconds
and holding





turns ugly


Picking sides?



7.? 6:6

Grab an umbrella.


Km: tunic t;

iIDL. mos lSSUE uooz



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Call: 2574915 or write:



If you
we've got
you covered
Section B









By Jill Gorin


There’s a whole lot ol'digging
going on on campus. that Is.

(‘urrent L'K construction pro
jects include a new career center. a
communirations and network t'a-
cility. an anitnal research renter.
the enclosed Commonwealth Stadi-
um. a new fraternity house and a
new mechanical engineering.r

IlK‘s new H.000 square foot ea-
reer center will contain 1.3 larger.
up-to-date recruiting rooms, a 1000
square foot career library and a
comprehensive planning library.
“There are about 500 compa-
nies that interview here on cam-

Building a
better Big Bl

What is that? A few new buildings began construction over the summer.
It's just the beginning of a series of new facilities changing the campus.




pus every year.” said Law retire
(‘i'ont'lr Iliret'tor of student ser
\‘it-es. "so the recruiting rooms
will be helpful ”

The t'etttet‘ will also eotitaiit
three Video lt‘lt‘('()llll‘l‘t'lll‘t‘ rooms
that will enable etnpltwers to at
eess students. and students to at-
eess the internet for online job

"This will probably be the
most state-of-theart career center
in the country." (irourh said.

The new eommunieations and
network systems facility hopes to
eombine two aspects ot‘the rampns
itito one team working together

“The major goal ot'the I'omput
er S(‘l(‘li(‘t‘ department is re
search" said Mirek 'l‘rus/exynski,
chairman of the eoniputer seienee


Bigger Blue

Career Center

Location: Rose Street (Across
from Singletary Center)
Expected Date of Completed:
January 2000

Cost: $2.5 million


Communications and Net-
work Systems Facility (CNS)

Location: Intersection of Rose

department. "lint we ii.t\t' expel“
tise in networkinu. so we work
w Ith campus rominunit :ItIonsf'

’l‘his t'at‘ilitft' will Inilude ”I:
tires tor the (‘t‘tllltllltllt’Jtlittll\ do
partment. \‘lslllttii l'tt‘liil". and ror
porate partners and ottII-es and
labs itn‘ ll st‘teiit'e anti eiet'tt'it‘al
engineering stall. mud
l’riskney. assoetate \ lt"‘ president
ot‘ intormation systems.

The finishing touches are be-
ing put on (‘onimonwealtli Stadi
utn's tarelift. The new renmations
inelude enelosed end mines. to
viewing; boxes I in III earh Muller)
and about H.000 additional seats.

"We will have the abIhrx to e\
panil further in the t‘utin‘e.” said




4.4.. ‘



.: T35“?

Animal Research Center
Location: Woodlord County
Expected Date of Completion:


Street and Maxwell Street

my 2000
Cost: $4.8 million

By Mark Vanderholt


The return to st'hool has also marked
the return of the heatlai'hes :Issoi'iated
with parking. and some students sa\ this
war Is as [tillllllll as ever.

The (hills handirap parking lot has
been mined and the tines tor lllt‘tllll parlt
iItL1 h.I\e azone up

“i l't'.ll| ml the\ ’\e Illlllt'tl lllttl't‘ \lHt es
hi" ”it" I entwineIIt.” >.‘ hi . nne
laid, it ',‘lI|tlll(llI' student III linuhsh who
we» handicap pnliinu'

'l'hw tIIllis parlour lot no lontiei ‘t'l'\t“s
the Ilisabletl It s the lntui't-
new lilt't h tlllt Il en nn-ei lit" bIIIlIlIIr:

'l'hw llitl hilt" sirtt ex on |,Iin:n'\ in l\>‘
hi ilHl‘l tlI (lit Hit it\ Hit :II IIIIIlIIIIIv

\ll li‘.‘

\ll“ 1" {l}.

, I

Expected Date of Completion:

Fall I999




Parking changes anger some

have been converted altnost entirely to
hantlit‘ap spares.

While this keeps the amount of handi
rap parkinu up. mam disabled aren't hap-
p\ with the tiew loration.

The area on liihratw l)ri\'e Is farther
t'riIm Patterson ()fl‘it'e 'I‘tmet‘s am] the
t‘lassrooin liuildinu. and the route is Inore
llltlll't‘t‘l. 'l'aul said

'l‘aul l\ not In a wheel than: but uses
handiiutp paI l\lll'1 lit‘t‘:tll\t' til ,I tll\:tltlllt\
that llltlh'N ll tlIt'tII-nlt toI her to \\:lll\

\lote lllllt\, lllt'llllt‘\ .Intl staiis inalw
:iettitr' tlt‘ttlllltl e\en Inoie tlllllt'tlll loi
those e ho Ill't‘ :lllI'Ittl\ r-h IllenLJetl b\ the
it llt littitl nu l\InL: lot to I’lasst‘intttl

lll‘l tl’l lltl\" also slants «I In Iain
Ind ~~IImI lltlt tIon w Ill beroIni Int I-~ne
lit' 7- ll'!

It ‘t‘tltt‘ltllt‘ III .Itlllllllldi tlltllt it' do i



December 1999
Cost: $9 million

XAE Fraternity House
Location: Rose Lane
Expected Date of Completion:

Cost: $7.5 million



The new communications and network systems building at the cormer of
Rose and Maxwell greets visitors on the North side of campus.

Commonwealth Stadium

Expected Date of Completion:
By the first football game-
Cost: $27 million

For more intormation visit
the UK procurement and con-
struction website at

leg and had to walk around on erutehes tor
a while. they‘d be singing a (lllli‘l‘t‘ltl
tune." 'l'aul said

'l‘aul \Illtl she's I'ontat'ted her state rett
resentatiw and other Qtnt't‘llllit‘lll (tth‘tt
I‘ies‘. and the\'\-I- \eenn'tl eont'ernetl about

'l‘he giwernnient him not be m Iltll
t'ernetl about .I ‘stllll‘t‘t‘ ot tlespan teI III Int
\ttttli'ttts paritins: llltt'\ Ios»
sittzunl 1..» int ;1t\lli'lll~
said at] III’II I Il lilon l l'1\ill Int:
litdldltlili \t‘i \ let's

'l‘lltW tittlslwt' in WI‘. tit tititj' the lii’lt
Illlt' lli't " \ IIIl \illll ll tlltll‘tltt
\IIliltiItnIIt‘I '\II‘;\ l}lt'\ II

\l on students ltll“iil lie MI I,
tilt ‘I' :-
l'lr‘ tittlhl -, II"

li'tillt \: to
iron; \b“ - ‘1,

li Hts

t'litliv‘t l n 1!

ltl\lil llw

lt‘II 'IIIIvtliI‘III






 A2 iLiVEoNtsiiitiLAucusi 25, i999 twitcitrticitv «crust.

contract dispute
ended with a

Staff Report

The end of the 1999 spring semester at
UK marked the beginning of a dramatic
feud over President Charles T. Wethington,
.lr.‘s contract. But the feud ended in the



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Workers put the finishing touches on Commonwealth Stadium's new scoreboard. The first UK
football game is against the Louisville Cardinals September 4 at 3:30 pm. at Commonwealth.


Continued from page At

Russ l’ear. l'K's assistant
athletic director for t'acili

Sigma Alpha Epsilon's
new 29.000 square foot
house is nearing comple-

“The most recent t'ra-
ternity house was liuilt in
1960." said Tony Blanton.
l'K's fraternity advisor. "so
this one will he stateot‘tlie-

and 150,000 members agree!


art." The house will hold 32
people and be wired. like
the library. tor the l'niver
sity network. he said. .\lon
e); to lilllltl the house was
prot ided by \_.\IC :\lllltllll.

Land in central campus
is being prepared tor the
mechanical t'lltllllt't‘l‘lll'.’
building. (‘onstruction is
set to begin in late October
or early Noyemher when
blueprints are tinalixed.

()l’t‘ campus. l'K Agri-
culture‘s animal research
center in Woodford (‘ounty
expects to open next spring
and will contain lieet'. sheep

and swine units. as well as
a dairy. l'eed mill and teach
in: learning center. re-
search facilities and labs.

More cotistt‘llt‘liolt can
llt‘ expected iii the luture.
l'lans are being made now
tor a new $1 1 million Heart
Institute to be located atlitr
cent to the l'l\' Hospital and
a 83:1 million l’hase ll ol‘Ag
iiig Allied Health. to lie lo
cated adjacent to the
Sanders-Brown Aging (‘enr

Mark \‘anderhot‘l' con-
tributed to this article

Delta Zeta

summer with a compromise agreement.

Faculty and staff members and the me—
dia cried “foul" when the UK Board of
Trustees voted to give Wethington at least
an 18-month contract extension. a 19-per-
cent pay raise and improved retirement

The Board of Trustees met in a closed
meeting on May 4 and discussed an exten-
sion of the president‘s contract through
2003. which would have contradicted the
board's 1988 decision to require top UK ex-
ecutives to retire at age 65. According to
the terms of this new contract, Wethington
would have been 67 by the time he retired.

Wethington‘s salary was also raised
from $192,651 to $229,439, a figure compara-
ble to the salaries of UK‘s benchmark
schools‘ presidents.

The Louisville Courier-Journal. the
Lexington Herald-Leader and the Kentucky
Press Association filed a lawsuit seeking to
rescind Charles T. Wethington, Jr‘s con-
tract extension as University of Kentucky
president, claiming it stemmed from an i1»
legal closed meeting of trustees.

“I feel without a doubt we violated the
law." said Billy Joe Milles. board member.
“it‘s not like we ran a stop sign. This is se»
rious business.“

Milles stated the board acted without
regard to Kentucky's open meetings laws.
pursuant to KRS 1611.170.

Debate was intense at the next meeting
on June 8 anti a motion to rescind the con-
tract was made. but failed with a vote of 10—10.

A special meeting was called for June
29. and by then a new contract had been
worked out. The board voted unanimously
to have Wethington retire in 2001. but stay
employed at UK as an assistant until 2003.
According to the new contract. Wethington
will serve as president until June 30. 2001.
Then. from July 1. 2001 to June 30. 20051. he
will assist the Board of Trustees atid the
new president in development and
fundraising. including a major capital catn-

He will also oversee the plan to make
[K a Top 20 research university and will
still receive a 19 percent salary increase.
making his salary 8229.439.


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“-m.‘ .






A . - ..
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with the hose running all the
time uses 90 gallons.

0 Keep a bottle of drinking
water in the refrigerator
instead of running the laucet
for cold water.

0 Recycle wading pool water
for plants, lawns and for
bathing the dog.

0 Start a compost pile
instead of using your garbage
disposal, which uses a lot of

Dealing with

0 Use a bucket of soapy
water and a sponge to wash
your car. Save the hose for
rinsing. Wash your car in
sections and rinse with short
spurts from the hose.
Washing a car for 20 minutes




0 Use a broom, not a hose,
to clean driveways and side-

0 Clean garden produce in a
tub of water, then recycle
used water and give the
plants in the garden a drink.
0 Water before 10 am. to
prevent evaporation which
occurs fastest during the
hottest part of the day.


Above, Robert Rumford drives the tractor as
David Clem hands a stick of tobacco to Jason
Alcorn on the wagon as they take tobacco to the
barn Wednesday, Aug. 18, 1999, near Minerva,
Ky. Rumford said the drought hurt the size of
his crop which he estimates will only weigh
about three-fourths of what it should weigh.

Left, UK Physical Plant Division trucks use
water recycled from local pools to water the
grass at Commonwealth stadium.

Morning is better than
evening, when the dampness
encourages growth of fungus.
Water only when grass shows
signs of wilt. Grass that
springs back when stepped
on does not need water.

0 Take shorter showers.
Avoid leaving the water run-
ning while shaving or brush-
ing your teeth.



ii 1V1 l 'ilg‘lle’l’)’ 01» l\'l§.\”’l‘l 7(1K i’


I “H ’l)l§.\"l’ .~l ( ,"l ’l l 'l "H 1918' I>’().~-l I? I)

Welcome Back

If you are interested in
getting involved call
3514325 5‘]

Or come by the
363 Office Room at
.495 Stu dent Center




------- .~~A.¢.A.~.o.4-~-..-.~-'

«curricxv KERNEL l WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1999 l a3


The long,

dry summer

Severe drought clamps down harder as Central Kentucky
waits for the hard rain to fall.

By Tim Staley

W; weir: ii

lh‘imn \Hllll‘i'J,
llmrm's. (ll'll‘Il ill) immh

ll‘yuu i'uiiliiii‘l ll‘ll. l.v\
ingmii has hwxn in Iln- Iiiiel
(lle min ili‘uugliI,

All Iil'(‘tinII':Il Ki‘iiIIiI'lu
has l‘llll‘l‘t'll .'l \(‘VI‘l‘l‘
(li‘ouglil. lll IkivI. :II‘I-Imliiiu
I0 Ihv .’\':IIiuIi:Il \VI'Jlllll‘l'
St‘l‘\l('t‘. 'l‘hv \I‘l‘VlI‘I' iisws
the Pillllll'l‘ l)I'riiI;.'lII lll(ll'\L.
(l l‘llIlIlL’ sisII‘m lm' [)I‘I‘lutl.\
()i'nlnini‘iiizil (li‘i'nvss.

’l‘hv Kl‘llllll'lxfi‘:\lll“l'l'
('zm \\';III-i' (‘niiipziiir till
lomxil \Ull (Ill .\Ii:4 13 .\
WziIo-I' Shui'I'igv- li‘iill .\lI‘I‘l
\ms lwuwl lmiiiiii: nun l',\-
sviiliiil (Illlllilill' \\;ll"l' Iiw
for :1” l'l“~lll<‘llll£ll. l‘Ullllllt‘l‘r
vial and lllllillt‘ ininIiiIiIm
('IIsIuIiivI‘x. This includes
lzmn naming. (ll'l\l‘\\'£l_\'
washing. \‘whiI-II- \\'fl,\lllll;l
41ml I‘illihu ul‘ primiw [nulls
:iml IiiuiiIuiIix

How-win \\.’lll‘l' lil£l\ be
Used In iii:iiIiI:IiIi VI‘f-Jl‘lllllll‘
gardens. [Minx \lll‘lllix £lll(l
(Illlt‘l‘ "wwh" plums 'l‘his
‘\\.‘lll'l‘lllf.£ llllhl lilllll“ Ihv
(i(l(l ('\'t‘ll M'lll'llllll‘, which
has hwn in I‘lll'I‘l since Ilw
lIt‘L’llllllll! ml lll" \lllllllli‘l'.
'l'his sI-lii-iliili- l_\ (h l'ullmxs.

.\(lIh'z-.w-> I‘llllllltl iii
mltl Illlllilll'l‘s, \\(ll1‘l‘ (Ill
'l‘uirxilui. 'l‘liui'stluy :Iml
S:IIIII‘ll wilui'I.‘ l‘; Ill\ll'll)
lIlI‘Il :I lllllll|lllll'l In \lilll"lll\
III IllI‘ I‘t‘siilwin'v lmlls Mill
ll|l> Iui' ("IIHM'IHH‘J \\.ll"l'
ll\' l.\ :Ilw Ill llH' i)l4ll‘|‘\\ HI
lllxlulllllpi lmx I'lnv. \hnm-i'
liviuls. I'ixiii: \\..III-I‘ lI'lll‘.\
lllllllt'llllllI‘H {lllll ll\ll]‘.j v...
[I'l' l'l'l’_\('l«‘ll I‘I‘niii ('m lElI.’
Imwi's .‘lllll .‘lll'I'llllllllll‘lllllil
LiiiiIs llll' (lllllltml' pimp-NW
l'IilI-sx \rimw i'wliwl

('(Ilm‘s iii lllI‘ III‘JII' I'IIIIII‘I:
llll' iii'm lli.‘l_\ lw Iiinwrl llllH

’l-Liiiwi‘:zwiiI-\‘ l’hiisu.” (willing
mi. I'wllll‘llh ul‘ (‘vnIi‘le
liviIIIIi-lxi Iii illl'llli‘l' l‘l'lllll‘i‘
\.‘..ll“l' ll\{lL’i' in :m (IIlIllllUll'
iii HI In 33 [ll‘l‘l'l‘lll

iII .uliliIinIi In llll‘ rum
lzlll I’I‘l'I-lk’vrl \t'.\1(‘l'(l11_\’.
llll'I‘l‘HSlI‘l'\ v-mi'v .‘llllll'lplll-
‘lil mm» mm I<)(l:l_\'. 'l‘hv
Iziiii \\lll hwlp l'I‘Illlt'l‘ the

\"U'I‘HX. lilll ‘\\lll HUI ('unw
I-liml lw wliiiiiiiziIinu Ilw





, .._

4 )4...

Jim Barton, wal

ks among corn rows on his farm on Huffman Mill

1% ,


Pike in Lexington, Ky., on Aug. 12. His 600 acres usually yield
about 100,000 bushels, but this year he only expects about
25,000 bushels. Kentucky's crop losses this year will likely top
those of the 1988 drought, which was one of the most disastrous

in recent memory.

fully furnished
4 bedroom



‘ ‘ ‘~-'0~-~M-.--fi-~da s. - > -~ ‘-

‘f'vidual leases

te bedrooms

" ness center

rec room

alarm systems

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tennis, volleyball
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copier & fax available


Limited Number ' t‘ I g
of Semester ‘


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Imedag .. fl) I --e_.L - ‘l'bm'jl
git. i i ' L-.L .1;












~. ,‘AA. -A

' ,-‘








Rail killer
in FBI




LIMEs'rowE soIIAnE :
APAmnEIu-s f1

'11. 1\' 15 R' 11111111 I)1'11\\(:'11t11'

11115111111111 R'111111'11/ 111111.511 1'1-:11 11' 111111 15 Angel 1.1111111'111 R111'5e
1111111111115 15 51151111111111 11111111111 51' 11 1111,15 111'1‘11 1111111151 111'1111'111'5
11‘111511 1111' 1111111 11111 1111111'111 111 l K student Christopher M11101: along;
1111111111 1' :1p1 111‘.\l.1111155411111111111. 1111111 the l K 11111111115 111Aug1151
11 111517

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K111111 11151'11:1|11|11111111'

1111 had 11111111 :11'1'11511111 111' INS111‘111'111151111111'1111 1’11511.'I‘exas.on
.11111113. 1111111 1'1-1111151111 1111111'5 1111111' and allowed to return to Mexico.
l.\'.\‘111‘1‘111:115 11:11115.111| 111111 11'111'11 1111.111a1'11 11115111111112- Ra11111'11/ was
\1'111111111111'1I111151111111111'1111‘11111'111111111'51111111they 1111 K1111 him up.

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111111115an1111:111'111111\1111 111111111111111'111'1111111 111111111111.“

\\ 1111111 1111111'5 1111115 5111'1'111111111. R11511111111/ 1111511111111 tollouston
11‘11111'11.'111111111'111115 111t111'1'11uat1111 111111 1111' 1111:11'11'11111ht hou1‘5 about
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:11111 .11111111111'1111111'111 111 1I111a1'11a..'\.'11111111 l)111111111'1111/. a 211-1'11'11'111111 Nearly $71000 already has been raIsed for the "“10me“ among
51 111111111.1 11 11111 Maier' 5 friends and university theater department patrons and associ-

H11 111111 1111' 1.111115 l1‘1'1111hattributed1I111I)1'11ak 111 t11111'a511l11 ates.

"11.111111111111115 111111 11111 111.51 11111 11- 115 .111 1111 111111111. 1111.. 111 AccordIno to the wording of the endowment as many scholarships as

AIIeQEd murderer surrenders t0 aUthor'tles Located Across From the UK Medical Center Complex . I
In Texas after extenswe manhunt 1 i
°ExcdlortMaintmneeand Oilfielmciullandfledroom 3' 1
l1\1111111111111511111111511111111111111111 1'115t 111 111111111111 .1111\' 1:1. ”hm”? ' ’ -_ I -
R: 11: tel R11511111|11/-R'11111111/. 11111.1111111111“:1'1111111111K111111'."1111ne11 .Wagj?fis . . Fm, MM "Mam I
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.'I1111'Kp111111 1111111I’:1511.'|‘11\a.5, Free radar“ [awry Fm Am I
“111 51111' K' 11111 1115 11: 11111. | 51111 R out 1111' hand and we shook ,
11.111115. .11111 1111111 I 11:111111111‘11111 111111 and I111 11. '15 111 1'115111111" 511111 I

254-9 l on Q .










Friends and lamily mourned the loss ol Christopher Maier, a theater major ll.s Time“ 111 Look into Your Future... ‘ l’
at UK who was killed In an attack In August, 1997. Angel Maturino .1’
Resendiz has been charged with the murder and laces extradition from \ out 1e5umc 11ccd5 a World Renowned ( ompany which oilers '1
Texas where he has been charged in other murders. extitement 11nd the opportunity to grow personally and


Scholarship established for slain UK student

LEXINGTON, Ky. - UK has established a theater scholarship' In honor
of the student who was beaten to death by the railroad killer.
Suspected serial killer Angel Maturino Resendiz 15 charged with killing
Christopher Maier, a third- year student from North Canton. Ohio Maier
was killed Aug. 21, I997 while walking back to campus from a party A
woman walking with him was raped by Maier' 5 killer.

Marriott‘ .5 Vision Statement 5ay5 Every Gue5t Leave5
81111511111 II you want a job that allows you to honor this
11.511111. then Marriott 15 the place for you.


We‘re hiring 1155111'ia1c5 now who have the desire to Look into I
the Future and 5ee their goals come to life.



(‘hcck 11111 the openings below and call or stop by to
complete an application.

.1111- 51. 11 1111111111111 5.1111 1111111111115 1.1 11151-111111: 5 1:1111111 11111111111 the endowment can support will be awarded each year to UK theater iii-iIII-IIQHII 1iiI1i:I1\11-11 -.5 =1iifliiiiuoljirg'iih5 1.
.11'1'.111 1 1115 51111'111111111‘1 students who have “a passion for theater, generosity oi spirit, a caring (.FHQI “ 1‘1-'1: L (:11. L L _ ; ‘
attitude towards all, as well as a zest for life. " ” ‘ “’I “ ‘ H ‘ " .

1115111111111/ 5 5111' 1' 1111111111' 11.141111111111111 1111111111111:155111'11111'1151111111111.
I1 115115. a psychological evaluation .'11111 [111111115115 that 1111111111111 1111
5111‘111111.111..'111111111'111115 511111.

Contributions to the scholarship endowment may be sent to the UK (“KIWI 5111-11-15 1'Dining Rm'“ Aucnd‘ml 1};
Theater Department, 114 Fine Arts Building, University of Kentucky, . . . . . ,. '
Lexington, KY, 40506- 0022 Marriott 5 (mllln (rate Re5ort

(‘11111piI11111‘1'11111 5tali‘an1l\1'11'111'11po1't5. I800 Newtown Pike





()am ~ 4pm M ~ F ‘

' - 1 PH: 255-111 15 .11 FAX: 2511—11115 1

(AngEI Maturlno ResendIZ) 18 Our man. Alld he Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V (

knows we know There’s no dOubt in our mind ” \1511 out HitingI Hall on Monday August 30fr0m 9am to 7pm I

' ° in the Ballroom A T5200 hiring Bonu5 will be paid to everyone 1

-$gt. Mat mu, who interviewed the suspected rail-riding killer and is convinced he is responsible for the slaying of Chris Mater in 1997. 11111.1 111 11 11:11 (or 11‘ 111111 1111111 in 11115 Ad prior to Augu5t 30) 1
alter the) have completed 91) day5.



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Creole is e mail -. m A»
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soy what?

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Saucers! one:

all the ' ’l tomato o 23' nit-1h:

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:ta ”tsrij‘.’
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. ldtll fit; 1,.- h-. ,..




Clinton visits Kentucky r: is: m: sq m i: W“ garages“)
l‘ President Clinton shakes hands with the citizens of Hazard, Ky., after ' ‘ W *"wwwwwm-wmmm—J
. speaking there on July 5 as part of a four-day tour of poverty-stricken '
areas. Clinton wants to extend the country's good economic times to its Where the C I I m be ['3 Hang!
inner cities and rural areas- from Appalachia to Watts- areas which the '
administration is selling as an $80 billion untapped market to interested .Cllmb Cheap for the Month Of
business executives and investors. August With a
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‘4 Fourth time's a charm 'FU” Pro Shop
‘ CAPE CANAVERAL. rim Space Shuttle Columbia finally 'G r OUp rates for Fraternity SOl' or lty
‘ took off on July 23. its third attempt. Commanding the shuttle
' was Eileen Collins. the first woman commander of a space and Other Groups
shuttle. ' - -

The launch was postponed twice due to fuel problems and .GUIde SGrVICG to Red RlVer Gorge
once because of lightning. Shortly after the launch. mission - - -
controls detected a small problem in the control systems and a lee US 3 ca“ for 8” Of your Climblng
possible leak in the hydrogen fuel tank.

Despite these difficulties. the mission went smoothly. The ASSOCIATED PRESS needs
crew successfully deployed the biggest and most powerful X- '
raytelescope, the$1.5hillion (‘hzmdmObservatory The long walk In Morocco 253'3673

Collins brought the shuttle MW” “’1‘ a flawless landing 9“ President Clinton walked with Prince Moulay Rachid upon his arrival
We “WWW “1 ‘JUI-‘Y 28' it “'3“ only ”W 12th night landing {0" Sunday in Rabat, Morocco. Clinton attended the funeral of King Hassan II. 2416 OVGl’ Dl’.

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Check out the E-card Xpress. fake a class r ., g M W w
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Want to know what all those initials mean cm was "grail“ R0“ "‘m'o‘f L‘s * i

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A6— lyepkts‘oiu, AUGUST 25, 1999 l KENTUCKY “Rm...









A young man rides past the Aziziye mosque, whose minarets were toppled by the earthquake,
in Sakarya, western Turkey on August 17. The worst recorded earthquake to hit western
Turkey killed at least 18,000 people and injured thousands Tuesday, destroying buildings and
cutting off power and water to millions living along the heavily populated Bosporus Strait.


UK Bookstore
106 Student Center Annex

Fall Rush Hours
8/25-8/26 7:45 a.m.- 8 p.m.
8/27 7:45 a.m.- 5 p.m.
8/28 9 a.m. — 5 p.m.





devastates Turkey

Humanitarian efforts intensity to get country back on its feet, health
disasters follow natural disaster that will go down in history

|S’l‘ANBlll., 'l‘urkev (.-\l’i 'l‘urk
ish officials broadcast appeals who
for everything froiti tents to hulltlo/
ers to help begin rebuilding shattered
lives after last week's earthq