xt76ww76wx5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wx5h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-04-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1996 1996 1996-04-03 2020 true xt76ww76wx5h section xt76ww76wx5h  


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By Ty Halpln
Senior Srafl Writer

-— Just getting to the Final Four,
much less winning the national
title, is quite an accomplishment.
Winston Bennett, a UK assistant
coach, knows from ex erience. In
1984, Bennett was a lifeshman on
the Cats’ Final Four team that fell
a art in the second half a ainst

eorgetown, shooting 3—0f— 3.

“That was so tan b,”

Bennett said after Mon ay’s NOTEBOOK

76-67 win over Syracuse.
“There was a bitter taste in my
mouth after (losing to George-
town). But, I was young and
thought I’d be back soon. Looking
back, I realize how tough it was.”

Bennett — in his second year as
a UK assistant — thought the key
for the Wildcats’ title run was the
team’s cohesiveness.

“I’ve never seen anythin like
that,” said Bennett, who di hit a
shot in the second half against the
Hoyas. “I thou ht these guys were
close last year, ut this season, the
intensity and Friendships have
been tremendous.”

lillllllll III'OIIII til. Bil RIIII

After winning the national title,
UK reserve center Nazr
Mohammed and his teammates ate
a post—game meal.

An apple was included in their
boxed feasts.

Mohammed, symbolizing

either the way the Cats won the
Final Four or the celebration that
would ensue, took his apple in his
hands, then twisted, crushing the
“When you’re all rown up
maybe you can £0 this,”
Mohammed told UK coach Rick
Pitino’s son, Ryan. ‘

Ryan grinned and nodded his

lane IIGIIV?

Upon arriving in the UK locker
room after cutting down the nets

at Continental Airlines Arena,
junior point guard Anthony Epps
let out screams of joy, hugging
anyone that would return the ges-

Then, Epps saw UK associate
coach Jim O'Brien, who handles
the Wildcats’ scouting. O’Brien
splices game tapes for film sessions
the players must attend.

“Hey, Coach 0!” Epps shout-
ed. “No tape tomorrow!"

O’Brien laughed, then said:
“You guys are talking about
no film like you’re the ones
that have to put it together. I’m
the one that should be glad that’s

Another eruption of laughter
filled the room.

".Y. lllfllll Ilhllll I. Will.

The New York Post ran a story
Monday with the headline: “PITI—

The tabloid newspaper, which
has a reputation for questionable
journalism, went on to say that
Pitino is skilled at turning around
programs, but inept at finishing
the job.

“I rank that on my Top 10 all—
time worst headlines,” UK Athlet—
ics Director C.M. Newton said.
“That’s just awful.”

In any event, Pitino took his
first national title in his third Final
Four, two at UK (‘93 and this sea-
son) and the other at Providence

All-Final "I? III-

The VVildcats landed two play—
ers on the Final Four team, with
senior Tony Delk takin Most
Outstanding Player ionors.
Freshman Ron Mercer, who
scored a career—high 20 oints
against Syracuse, was also se ected.

- Two Orangemen also made the
team: senior John Wallace and
sophomore Todd Burgan. Mas—
sachusetts junior center Marcus
Camby rounded out the team.

lllt's Bennett recalls 1984 debacle


rail)l in the (beer done by the Cats before earl) game this xmran.

uniclt hitters

A few Final (Four) thoughts;

VVVith the win over Syracuse,
UK is now the most successful
program in NCAA Tournament
history with 70 wins.

VThe Wildcats’ 38.4 shooting
percentage was the lowest in a
championship game since 1963.

Wildcats lilast visiting Xavier 16-0

By Bob Herbsl
Staff Writer

You’d think UK was playin slow-pitch softball not
tieir last four games the
Cats’ pitching staff has given up 49 runs.
But yesterday evening at Cliff Hagan Stadium, UK
looked to two freshmen for some help.
Omar Henry and Eric Bishop combined on a two—
hit shutout as the Cats clobbered Xavier 16—0. Both
Xavier hits were infield hits byJayson Gale that drib-

college baseball. After all, in

bled about 30 feet.

“We got a great erformance from our
liers,” said UK head
coach Keith Madison. “Our pitching staff

two freshman pitc

has really been struggling late y.”

It was the first collegiate start for
Henry. He pitched five innings, giving up

one hit.

“We were glad he gave us a good start
and glad he had the opportunity,” Madison

said. “It won’t be his last.”

It was the first performance for Bishop
in a week. He is coming off a concussion and bruised
shoulder which he received while being involved in a
rundown at Morehead State last Tuesday.
of one-hit ball.

“It was a pretty good er orrnance today,” Bishop
said. “I just think I shou d be coming along quicker.
But I’m not down or anything. As long as the team

Bishop pitched four innin

wins, I’m happy.”

Coming into the game, Bishop was 1—2 with an

ERA of8.83.

The offense for the Cats was led by Pete Pryor. He

was 3-4 with two home runs. Having a potent offense
is a luxury for the pitching staff.
“It’s always good to know the offense is gonna hit

for ya,” Bishop said. “You can always count on them
to put ten runs on the board for ya or close to it.”
Along with having five starters with an average
above .300, UK has a team batting average of .305
before yesterday’s performance. They
scored 33 runs in the past two games.
“We’ve scored a lot of runs this year,” The offen—
sive production from UK came from virtually every

ave also

angle. Every UK starter except one had at least one




UK takes 011

Morehead State
to at 6 p.m. at

£17] Hagan




The Cats (17-12) knocked out the
Boser, after only one inning. He gave up
five hits, five runs, and picked up the loss.
Xavier (1 1-16) was knocked hard early.
UK proceeded to score three runs in each
of the first three innings.

Next up for UK is a rematch. They
will take on the Morehead State Eagles at
Cliff Ha an Stadium this evening at 6
p.m. UK lost to MoreImad 9-6 in Morehead last week.

“If you looked at the score, you think Kentucky
was flat,” Madison said. “It’s just that Morehead plays
in their ballpark very well.”

At least on Cat is looking forward to the rematch.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we come out and drub
them tomorrow,” Bishop said. “Everybody on the

starting pitcher, Brock

team knows we owe them and they shouldn’t beat us

to be 'n with.”

U will start sophomore Jeff Townsend (3-2)

against Morehead.

Board approves illllillllfi illl' softball/soccer complex

By Gary Wuli
Staff Writer

The Univerity’s Board of
Trustees approved fundin for a
new soccer/softball comp ex last

At the meeting, $990,000 for a
the new complex was allocated
from the Intercollegiate Athletics
quasi-Endowment to rovide ar-
tial funding for the acility. he
addition has an estimated project
pricetag of$1.5 million.

The UK Athletics Association
has a total of $510,000 in hand,
but needed the additional funding
in order to begin construction of
the roposed facility.

“ t’s a temporary transaction of
dollars that we’ll ut back in just
like we did with t e Nutter Field
House,” said UK Athletics Direc-
tor C.M. Newton.

It is expected that the funds
drawn from the quasi-endowment
are to rmit the project to pro-
ceed. he money will be restored
from pledges made to the project,
from the transfer of excess rev-
enues from Blue-White restricted
gifts, and from future UKAA

I l


operating balances.

The committee also approved
funds for the renovations of
Donovan Hall, Hag 'n Hall and

Greg Page Stadium iew Apart-
The mone will come from the

issuance of t e the UK Housing
and Dining System Revenue

The renovations include air
conditionin for Donovan Hall,
Ha gin Halfwindow replacement
ant? exterior renovation for Greg
Page Apartments.


VThree UK faculty members
were named research professors
for 1996-1997.

They are Ronald Bruzina, hi-
losophy; Thomas Pirone, p ant
pathology; and Andrew Sih, bio-
ogical seiences.

Research professorships were
established in 1977 to recognize
outstanding research achievement
and to enhance and encoura fur-
ther scholarly research p uctivi-

Recipients use the $30,000
award to cover their research-

related expenses and their teach-
ing duties so they may devote
themselves to full-time research
activities for a year.

VThe honorary degree recipi-
ents for this year are: Doctor of
Arts to John Henry; Doctor of
Humanities toJean Weiss Calvert;
and Doctor of Science to John R.

VA proposed Master of En i—
neerin degree program will e
offere by Kentucky industries,
consulting firms and governmen—
tal agencies who are graduates of
accredited engineerin rograms.

The programs wi offered
throu h off-cam us services.

VThe Boar of Directors of
the Humanities Foundation has
changed its membership to reflect
the current administrative organi-
zation of UK and to replace the
Director of the Honors Program
with the Director of the Gaines

In addition, an alumnus mem-
ber and a student have been added
to the board. The amendment
chan d the total number of board
mem rs from 15 to no fewer than
15 members.



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‘— i

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