xt76ww76ww4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76ww4c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1986 1986 1986-10-09 2020 true xt76ww76ww4c section xt76ww76ww4c \ . t .
I Vol. XCI. No. :2 atom "94 Unwmitv of "mucky. Loxmg'on. Kentucky Independent sinco 1971 Thunder. Odd»! 9. 1906
o o - *- ~
g for debate competition ~ :2 i f - . . .
”a Ni 01' spring semester opening '
I‘.‘ lit. “H “UPH‘ acr0ss the country. Patterson said. '
.\s.slsl.tlll \('\\.\ Editor "I've new: had anybody-[turn down I , ' gyityi'uurznma —-—-—-———-—-———————‘—— . ' ’
ian invita ioni un ess i was an ‘ r!“ . 3 " ont'i ti Wr't r . . . . . . .
D n m. In n... ”mm of the Ken. emergency... m . “a! . ' u "g ‘9 “It is about time to have something dedicated , . ;
' “‘3.“ “‘"m “"h‘m‘ ""9 mgred‘em ,Tummg do“ 3“ ‘“"".a“°“ ‘0 3h“ . 2 at, , Coming soon to the IUK campus is to Martin Luther King on this campus nearly . ' , ' ‘ ._
“” W" . lxentucky round robin might be Slm‘ H. F p , the long-awaited Martin Luther King . _ , I ' ' - . ' .
“Mimi {it hone-a t‘unaing [0 [Wm ilar to turning down an invitation to W :1 a». \‘ a Cultural(‘enter. IWO decades after hlS death. -’ I 4 , ‘
l‘lilt‘t' "1 ‘ “'W ””1“ 0“ ‘ " "0““ W3 the NationalDebate'l‘ournamcnt w ' The cultural center. whi h wi l " -. ' ' I I I. ' ' .
top ilt'lhtlt‘ trams will "run for the “An invitation is one of the most ?’-‘ S ”I; _ - located on the first floor ocf melsfi \ Inunl \‘ eddington. . ,- I, . . .
ltt.\\‘ in the 13th edition of the Kenv prized accumpllshmenis in forensic ,__ _ a 5 dent (enter, “I” open its doors in accounting senior ’ . '_
lllt k; lhot'oiiglthred round robin, cottipcltlltm," Silld William South- 1 J4 v.1 w * , mid-January _ , ' J l ‘ "
'. 1“”“4” m“ ‘8 (icl’mem' “ho have “W1“- director ”f debate at the Llnl' on. we .i .3 Chester (lrundy. director of the of- . .' ' I i.
: ""““' “""l' “5 1“" “3-" as (‘alifor- l'f’l'b't‘)‘ 0f Redlands. located in ‘1’ ’ .' V I a? / l fice of minority student affairs. said he hOUb'fi’d in the center‘s conierence QUita Beeler. a telecommuinca- " .l l. i .‘ "
» 1 l “ "‘1” mm“ 1” the Kentucky “WWW"(lill'f‘lrnl‘l ffitfi, 1/" mam unexpected problems slowed m0m.”GrundI\'said tions Illllllitt and iiieni‘tn-i oi Delta , ,' . .-l
i ”Hi ”I m" ”Mk? ”MM to “nd out Southworth, Wh" l5 coaching a 3 down the progress of the cultural Financial setbacks “15" ‘l‘h‘i‘ll lllt' sigma Theta sororit} said the cen» ‘ ‘
All” “I“ “I” ”W “illl‘niimt‘m 50‘1““ teaiii iii the round robin. said the cetiter center sinitialprogresshe said ter “will hymn” ail cmrimgc at [K I , '. . 1 I ‘
‘ tltll.ilf‘l'\ call "the cottitttattd pt‘rlttl“ iormat oi the tournament and the -I.\\. P \l II‘R\()\ ()ne (Mm dealt with architectural "\\e do have a small budget to It will help many blacks identify V .
’ tit-”WWW”("l'llt’i—"UN'(lt‘hille quality of the competition provide design The design had to be beginacquiring books for this collecr with black leaders of the past and '-" ' ‘ ' ‘-
1 1,“. “Wm.“ round robin. which the "purest way to determine the round robin participants are so tired Chaim-ii to comply with the fire tion. but we would appreciate rer PFC-Will ' ' _:
l .\ the last oi it; klllil, lg such a Spp. nationalchampion " tltat they go oii not to do as well,” safety code(irund} said. cetving donations of books by arid The cultuial center ’is long oier~ ‘- ‘* - ‘ .‘ , , _ 'I
' t'iitl experience that a team invited Eight rounds over the course of said (‘hrissy Mahoney. a Dartmouth The cultural center will consist of about Atricattn‘imertcans trotn an\ due.” said Vincent \leddington an , , _ ‘ . —‘
I l.il‘|‘l_\ turns down an invitation. \‘eslet‘duv and today agalmt top economicsandtnathsenior a conference room with moveable onewhowouldliketodonatetous accounting senior and member of . - ' . -_~
' nial -| \\ l’iil'i't‘sott. l K'S (“WWW leam aityer top team are enough I” The round rohiii begin ii l‘t'i ,\ chairs and tables that could be used Frank Walker. the cultural cen- kappa Alpha P” “mm”? H“ '5 - V V ‘ i l .
1' iii it‘lfllt' tire debaters tor the Henry ('lay l)e- d” effort I” ”Mk“ m“ iu‘m'i regional as a reading room . The larger rooml ter‘s director. said the center will “lituf, Elma“; l]1\‘}l"'l71:‘lh"llg (:Ed i' I ', ' ' .
. It has gotten to the point that h‘”°"' whichbegintomorrow tournament "qmck in a horrt. l’at “”hh‘f” d stage for ”mil.” cultura' help l K ”mm” more blacks be 1.“ ((. 0 - id! m. 1“ 1ft]. .11”? ”’3. If .. -" * .
‘ I . . . _ I. , . _ | . . . [)ltit iiitions and lectures Library cause it M“ help blacks Idmtm iampus nearly twoduaiiisaitu his . . ,
= .. .c. oi the tiiiiiot teams (01m lrttm lhe ( la) is anticlimactit in that teison said and audio equipment “I“ be avail- with culture pluralism m mum" death " , . ' - ‘
. . alileat the center People Of other races-will also be ell Jason \Xalket' a telecomniuntca- 3' ,
f Former K Overnor S eaks tonl ht .. \lith completion of the architectu» ucated on Ait'o-.—\niet‘tcan culture. m tions ll‘t’slllttan. said it will help in- . . . ‘ -.
O ial design. the adyisory committee said tertacial relations on campus be- 3 .
is now ll‘.\iil‘.t-il in the second phase _ , cause it could bring blacks and . . ‘ . f ‘
H. .l \\ lg tiliflltilt signed to take a seat m the [7.8 Senv These men could he potenial WHIP oi the project . . . t Klatg situdents at l l\ feel positiie whites together - . . .
i'ontriliuting “m” ate (‘arroll was reelected the nor candidates." said "will Weaier. "\M- are waiting for the furniture .(Mtdl~ {It tication oi the iiiltuiiil (arrie “lllt-n a business inarket- v . . _ . ‘ ~ 1
iollowing year [0 a fun term as gov tlieclub‘s president to Lil‘l'lH‘ and are still identifying ‘9“ “ mg ireshman. said the center is a . . '
.lllll.ill .\l ('arroll. mm,“ Ken» ernor ' _ artwork. artifacts and other items “The Wm” M“ enlighten 5nd WM idea but mam PWlilt‘ 3”” ‘ . . . ‘ .
.m k; wwm‘m M“ speak tonight I” (‘ari‘oll entered politics m 1%] as ‘ttther tentative guest li-i tiirers .il‘t' 'liai will he apart of the center's tn- (19mg at [K and g1“. the blacks i,” th:nk 11 > lib! lttl‘ltlifl‘k> .' -. I ‘
.‘ top in .it :28 student (‘enter state representative from l\lc(‘rack ('Md} stumbo: \lallam \E'H‘WN'” l“”""‘l“~"¥1”- (1”de 331d campus a sense of unity I will sup “lt cultural center is a great ‘ , ,
carroh is the iirst speaker iii the en (‘ounty lie was reelected the “NH”?! ”thm'lw‘m" “‘ “ The cultural center will feature 9“” m" center." 5‘1“ “Wk 31'1"” “31} l‘W “'hllw Y“ km” “hm” black i .. - i i :
' Itistiiiginslied ltetnm'ratic Guest ”9-“ three Wm“ and m 1963 “U5 The ['5' chapter (,1 (“imp 1mm, tttu>ic art and literature of past 35 ellati undecided sophomore culture. ’ said Susan Rush. a pre- . . i a .1
‘ illvlltllrllr SUNS." ”WINK“! l)_\' the (:lkflfil l Supefkert “1., 197,1 he “as (Tats is still in the process of lttlllll “ (.1111 nib t'i)l1:(‘mpt)raryu “H.155 and ”ll 15 SUmellttttg‘ that is needed for tttedtt‘eshtnan 4 '
o. igi Democtats t (t ‘3‘ “U“ndn gournot mg its organization. she said And “1“” ”t ‘\ ro-Amuuan apprecta- blacks on this campus so they cati "The Martin Luther King (‘ultural . ~ ~.
('at'i'oll was sworn in as the .‘ytth “We think it's a good idea to have the lecture series is one way the ““n meet each other and get together to (enter is definitely on its way and ' . ‘
goiernor on Dec. 28. 1974. succeed- Democratic guest lecturers speak at group hopes to increase its \isiliiltt) "We are also trying to build a socialize." said Missy l'nseld. a tes- all the had rumors can he forgot- . l ‘-
itii; iioi Wendell ll Ford who re- [K with the primary coming up on campus small library collection which will tile and merchandising sophomore ten.”(jrundy said . .
. .
C (ll 1' ht ' 'l ' '
‘ a ~- ~» -~ an 6 1g Vigi raises ,
W...” , I, .
. u 1?“ “ {7.1%. 2»
a . « . I m awareness o repressron . .I .
‘. - = * N * * B) nasiiissizii'i‘ in on gents the deliberate and '
1"." '"‘ ii" .. New . I - I i l ' i ‘* . ,» ‘ ""‘ :4: - . Staff Writer aftsicttiatic destruction oi a racial. ‘ ' V
7‘14! ' " H v . _ . ‘ :_.~.W 31"; 1-. _ political or cultural group 'l'rowl I ‘ .
‘i‘ . , . - . ~ , ’- {Te-":3 . »; * . 3 «i; ;: A candlelight \‘lgll to raise aware- mid
W; "a 3“" ”_ fl. . ' , i ‘H' ”:3 neSs of religious repression around Thy. l‘atholic (lunch ”I Latin _ , 1
W w s.‘ ' a ,‘y . i; 3 ~V -. . > ' «it the world was held last night at the .\merica also is a \‘ictim or religious * '
' :.. ' , 3’ = f ' . a1$$\: is » ‘5 £35?! amphitheater behind Memorial llail repression. said Regina \\ ink. secre- 2 _ ,
_ - 3* if -‘ .. The annual event. sponsored hf» tar) ofl'K‘s.»\mnestI\ International . .
., . ’ _- =1 “ ~ . . the t'K chapter of Amnesty Intertiar This persecution has occurred pri- - f . ‘
.3: .3 f3» 1’ 1x: ’ I - . f . ~.; ! tional. was attended by about 33 peo- manly since Vatican II. when the . ’ - .
‘ ‘ " ‘ . ‘ " '* ‘ ple atid included ttiusic. speeches church ended its policy oi telling the . . i , ‘
. ’ fi 2“.» . , andashortcandlelightceremon} poor to accept the status (lUtt and - ' j, - 3
. ‘ a _ ,7 . . 3‘ a is eta-II. I“ ‘ It is a "horrible thing when reli- follow their governmentshe said ' ' , .
' . i s . . ' 5/ ,. ‘ ‘ :'- y! . ‘5 ~ gion becomes a diy'tsive thing. when , . 1 - ’ .
’ . ' . l ' " K j ’ ’ '3 A it is used as a weapon to control pco- .1anle ht’l’vln‘“? >PWChV ‘lllllki a ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ - .
‘1‘ N “ m‘ t, i - 5 ‘ ' J, ‘4' ' ple.“ said Steve Freeland- {WV-“dom :Qlllll .\It:tt;(t“1((d:t‘ (:21 5i('t)(r‘)lt‘iiil 13:11:: V I . i I
Ix " l _. .. , ;‘~" M 3. ofl‘K'scha ter " l' ‘ | H i . 5" "i .i , ' '
‘ . " mi;~sI ' 3’ M s - \ . ()ne t’Xilfllplt’ of this religious re- Latin “‘“‘°“‘an religious leaders « ' ’,
. t" . i. . .~ ‘3'; ‘ ‘ pressinent is the continuing pet‘secii- “h” had undergone “mm“ and , ,i .' ‘i l .. 4
.~ . we ”’51,: r ‘ l' l .. : Mil? tion of members of the Baha'i faith death line ““1“" “‘"l many helm“ . : " ~
I :- . l‘ .. in Iran. said Rick Troxel. professor ers alt" “liwmm ““3“” the 1' ‘ ' ,' '1 _
.. 5"“ 5 ‘“ " .5' ‘ is ,~- N. w t. . . w . if“ ‘ of math and education at Berea ('ol- Latin American WWV'lm‘m” prefer ' . . ,‘ . ‘
.1 . ., g I,” ’ L. & "E‘T‘RT‘W‘ sing-II \_ . . * . i. {t lege. a (hrist with "a muzzle around his - t." .- .
‘..I e tin” - '. .. I ) mg. ‘ i i. The Bahai faith has endured 13o mouth. a role m“ "mm“ '1‘” not A .. . '
in ~ * . i ' ,\ a... ‘ . ' ' .. " years oi tx-rsecution. but its condr WM“ ., _. ' . ' ' "
L 1* r" if a“ ' ’ M. f l. . "0" '5 WWW" toda} in that “the In addition to the speeches ‘lie . 'v 'I.
' —-—- _ lll‘élntittli gowrnmetit itself is the \igil included music l’f- :tut .i; tin- ' I, ‘ . ‘ -
Maxi; ‘ - religious hierarchy and therefore [)arkn855.” a trio whose songs pt‘t)~ ' . 1
' 1.. '3 if '2‘" " , . . the natural enemies of this reli- tested Violence and promoted tree~ ' , ». ' .' f
‘ -,“~K,w ,. I“ gion are in the position of power. not dotn . - ' l . .' ' .
V ‘ W » ’5 i” ‘ '3; only in the religious hierarchy but , . . . ' ' .-
. _ :.I‘...._ . , ‘ also in government positions." Troy “1“ Klimt)" M”Us" “WV l‘“ “‘t ”l '. i - ' 3,:
. g f »,‘ ‘ ' m 91$“an briet lecture. tltc \.iltlt‘\’l‘tl Aninestj. lite: :ta' oital. ’ . . . ; _
I ; .1 ' . ‘ Those of the Baha'i faith are "oiii- {d'lild'hwl 1"”10' “ ”"IH‘M'I l" ‘m . . ' '
v < I” ‘-. cially regarded as unprotected infi— Jfl '. . '- f ’
' i i * dels" b} 1h“ goiernment. 5“ they 'l‘assie. a second-year education . . ' . . '
IIIANNAVI‘ Korno‘Sia" are continuously subject 10 arrest. graduate student and iornier presi- . . --
Hard as a I'OCk imprisonment. confiscation of prop dent oi l‘K's Amnesti International _ ‘- _ ‘ -
erty. "HUN” "t “5115- mm dental “l chapter. said the orgatti/ation is a - Ii
employment and ”‘9 ”til“ to 3550"? non-political group which not is , I
Dmighi Clayton and Jim Shumote both civil engineering iu- for r) geology exam yesterday afternoon in the geology lob0< ble.hes.iid through a lot oi "grass-roots letlet . - ' ' f'
mots revtew rock and mineral characteristics in preparation rotory, Th". persecution meets the qualiii- writing ” ' ' '
cations oi the [Med Nations‘ char— _ . _ - .
. " f";;.1'j 23‘7“ I. . , '
Senate can did ates talk ab out campus
“I. world's "longeshrun- . . ‘ '
l‘.‘ l \ “l \\E W’MFHR one who might not do as good a job his life. but said he is ”really inter» shake" for all minorities oti campus (urtis Jackson said is the key to mng musical ~ The Fon- , I
“All “I'll" as senator as I will.“ the elementary estel” in the function of politics and and make people more aware of uniting the ireshinen oi the l'K cam- tastiks ~ Will be 99" l
. education freshman said. SGA SGA pus is communication formed _tonight at the
l‘llt‘i'lll‘m l‘tl‘ freshman senator Two issues Graham put high on The tllltltK‘ltlt‘tl ireshmaii from is ‘lnstead oi Just complaining about 5959“,; Theater. For a pro- z
3"‘1' 5'3““ ior today 0‘ the ‘3 candi- her agenda are the improvement of advocating unification of the fresh- Mike Crosbie would liked to see it ipl‘Olllt‘l’HSl. I want to do some- “w m mm
(LINN fl"? Pill“ Will be running on a campus lighting and security. man class as a main part of his plat- the lack of parking available to thing about them." the telecommu- v ' '
“m“ and ”"99 W“ be running in form freshmen. dorm—room privacv and nications freshman said Po” 2' I
I (hilwmklmlllytx h t Deena ()mhres. a biology fresh- catnpusvsponsored social functions
”\W “l ‘ C “59" 0 represent man. is seeking the office because Lucy ()gburii is seeking the office chaii e Runnin with Jackson is \lai'k ‘
the ireshman class in the Student she wants to become involved in a because. "I wanted to get involved "l-‘Eeshmen are getting the bad ”\ managpsvchology freshman “‘0 W mm'
(it“t‘mmf‘m Association 59W"?- part of SGA and have a voice in de» and I felt like I would do something end of the deal." (‘rosbie said of the ‘mman “:0; mum,“ ,h ”the u . Cam" and Donnie, 0'9
Howey er. students will be allowed termining issues important to the to get freshmeninvolved ” parking situation. “It just seems ot “.l.‘.”n’“.fi“ \. laks ‘up if some: hoping to set milofloms on
\_ to cast their vote for any two candi— studentsofthecampus ()gburn. an undecided freshman. like funds should be able to park thirlxisn‘tright 3pc ‘ i tho UK gridiron. SO.
il-HR‘W‘." “15h plans to address such issues as ini closer itothecentralcampusi.“ g l m P0906
llt‘l't'T‘ilIOOk atthecandidatos Nancy Bridwell does not have a proving the parking Situation for (‘r0sbie. a metallurgical engi- ' .
definite stand on any particular freshmen around campus and mak- neering major. is running on a ticket Paul Ladegast and Brian Sumner i . » ,
James (‘ratt. a political science campus issue. ing the campus safer at night by in- with Mike Dehlinger. think the best platform is not haying ‘
freshman. said "it is time that the “1 need to hear both sides of all stalling more lighting a definite one
tl‘i'fihmt‘n 8‘ UK receive an Efftxtive the issues before I take any partic- ()gburn is running with Tim llem- Mike [)ehlingerI a political science
“Wei" StudentGovernment.” ular stand on anything yet.“ she bree. freshman. has not made any “AS senators. “'9 $05! “'8'“ ‘0 act ‘
. If he is elected. Craft will “think said. statements on any issues with the as the middle men between the '1 “m .-
oi the freshman class first and fore- Bridwell a civil en ineerin fresh- Tim llembree thinks he has an ad- exception of the University's alcohol freshmen and the SGAI" LadegaSL .“’ M WM! 0
most when voting on istudenti legis- man is “fining Maguse shegwanted Vantage over his opponents policy concerning mle over {m a psychology freshman said. "We're x ~ ~ “a' t“
mum to "get involved in the campus deci- “l have an idea about what goes 389 0‘ 2‘ the": to represent what they want. . h. M” . '0' h
storm and help other students have a on in the political arena.“ the pre- .1 ‘ h '01 the notwhatwewant. ~ w h I" " ”‘
Laura Graham didn‘t want to take voice inthedecision." med freshman said pret y muc agree w' - .. m * m it“
an) chances of having a running . way 'tK bash (the alcohol policy) A lot of freshmen have never -m m - h u
mum . . If elected. Hembree will try to im- now. he said. "If people want to seen each other, Sumner, a pre- , .* . ;*
Dough“ Nelson. running wtth prove the parking and lighting prob- live in UK housing. they should med freshman said. “and they need m.” ' ' .
H‘ ”"1“ want to run with some- Bridwell. has "ever held an office in lems on campus. try to get a “fair abide by University rules“ togettoknoweach other," V‘, “ -. r .
.. c‘

 . . . ’ ‘
- ‘ 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL my, acrobat), 1m
. ‘ \ ~'- ._-._._,_......___ —&fl_vwflm
5 . ”It...“
. 7 Arts Editor
" ' l ' WuMlllar
‘5. \ Assustant Arts Editor
“ ‘ ‘I ~ _ .. . . . .. . ,. , . . . . .- - -- .-..-.. - ~ tsse '~ '-~\::‘"\. ~,“~‘: "ssHz-::3>¢.«$;;:~..,-.srem“-etxe:___;,_a;-<.~;j.;~:-:;g~_zcg~‘.;.-._A;~*-.-;-:-.~.;_;:mr-‘-'-j\:..§::§-.;:_t\:-.:.-§;'-'-‘-\:§;::g:;:;j\»::.;t-;gif‘s‘e‘c ~ _-..:-:;:---.;:-. --.2-,::'-=.\5;$.x\\
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“ :. 3‘ ‘ l ' T iii-iiigr:..'Z:§l:.:::“‘:-l" .... ..f‘iiii; II ' if". " §1§2§®K1\\W?\‘W‘§§W§R+WOC‘mmtmmemenfi.mx:«mmwxwma“seesawsmmwv\meemwwmm ~-
1‘ ‘ . 'A L i g o o ’ o
. s 9 K n S m CPS
~ - P antastlcks opens ’- Versatile ' g
. a - . _ l
. , .. . m»
. o. t _. ‘ vs}? ""3 . .
. ‘s t s. . ,4
,. ._ . 2 . come to campus tonight
._ -_\~;‘,.'.'.:.‘ V. W " . . )
UK theater 8638011 , . ..
,." ‘_ ‘ 3:;‘1 _ . L ' B) \\'ll.l.Rl-I.\'SH.\“ and they blend together incredibly
-- . 1 . ~ ’ - .. . y . .a t - . ..
7‘, 1'2». . . . ~ 1 ‘_ ¢ tontrihuting “rttei‘ well
(“e-V. ht ln 1 n l ‘ ,. "~ I Y4 :’ . Because of the King's Singers
'(h'i't' g,_ g _ ‘ 1.x f \ ' ‘ ‘ The 1986 Artist Series \t‘lll open to- range and versatility. critics ha\ e
'-.-..* 93$? ' ’ ni ht With the sounds of music M; be un labelin them "the most verr
‘|'1\‘»‘=’..-' ., \- \ . , . lk h 1. . d'\' '. . l . ' 1h - Id”
-.~'."".:';‘_} lh k \hll t tit tl aetuaH.‘ get to knmt each other. to ‘. it . artistsni tyt (V.B(‘]I‘(hs;'ll{.ttl i\ .‘t'u‘ sati“egioupti:i‘ t “.03.. -dx x 1‘
I: 2.5,”;- \m . A . km“ the commitment theV've \ ‘25 .. ,, man. oats) (armit (.1 ant (min t “an ( pron ( a \u ( en tt‘
3;"; S" “ niide It \ ‘ henx duh thing {(-31— a . ‘ ' 4% _‘ (‘arlo Menottio tainment over a range oi Illlllt‘tlll
illr‘il' e . A s ' _ . .’ k .‘ ”_..” _ > . '~. ‘
". {‘3 5-;‘33. x a. 1 " 'l‘e itiltgt‘H'FUn' ttlLblt'dllOidkeun t; * 5 ,5 .,-:.,, 'Sueh vis the repertOire of the material that .s as interesting to pro
'\\ -- . , ~ .mrttt opens to “It speaks to anvtxxlv who‘s ever . $336 . . hingsbingers. _ ple u> [leollltlth said Alastau
I. “*-i .' ~ ' '_ ' 5'3.“ . ’ '. ' ‘. u ,. , ‘ , ‘ ,. . .,
1 {IV-"ft. “ 7, , . ' _ »_ Hut“. been m low Although it 5 romantic. . . , . 5 ~... . #3,. ._ The tkings bogus tons? Vol llulim. ont‘ot tn stoop! s‘tuo oi It};
i 3%." Ziiii ‘ 'as' its ’...\ Meet: run it shims )ou that until _\ou‘\1e been 4 i “illlllfrf’n‘l” JVUUW l . {:1 PA?» ”ll! {“U" “‘5: ,1” “”xl” ”‘1‘“ “-1 ~‘
,“-‘_.’-;"’i’;x; 2 . . .(‘.\j~\ it: ltroadwa} hurt a hit Without a hurt the . ' 1"‘_ "i i\' dim” Hum?) Jm: 1:0.) (l :mt . I“ (rhymwnbumu ‘1')”:th
113$." 1; _..".3? 1,. .« 1,1 .1 ‘t'x itaeers the produc- heart is hollow ‘hesaid '~ 1’ "i: p 1““ 0”" Ant ion} {0“ am .imon The King‘s Ringers \wre Mumipd
\.- en‘s“ . . , ,. ... ,. ,1 'h* ., _, th . , . , y .../9 > ._ , (arrington. and bass. ( olin Mason 3 ‘ . ‘
T - 1 . . .: tWi i . t Betatm ot .t airman nature 0. 2. :_ up: "The ma h. t‘e‘lllV “mm“. -- in 1968 at kings (‘ollege at (‘am
5~.'.__.‘;::f‘.l;7_é ”\ *' i' L -=' “F7 the P141)» m" tiutgnol Theater has I r“ . 31$; ' Q; 5 5.!“ VHS, [in ‘ir (“1.“an mid ulilie bridge l'niu-rsit)‘. and hate gained
Luigv‘fill‘v ;- _ 1 ' . .- ',‘I“k1'.lt".i"fi tea beer. L'ttn‘iplt'it‘l} redesigned tor this ‘ r. g * ‘ ‘ ‘ g p lame m ~\l]lt’l'lt'1l h\ 'lppt‘ll‘lllLl m,
.,._,_ 59;». . _ ,. . . 4.. . .. . . ., .. , . ‘1“ ., ,I. . {_.. " .1 arts programs Ihe\ appeal to e\» ' - ‘ * .
‘ ~ .-f ~ - ~ ...t. s m tun-tn. ptitoimantt \H u mmed the . .. -s * 9”.th .. ' sueh telension programs as the
“Iii-'5 €'4‘.‘.“i..fi .-.. H * ::t :m r. gage out ,iito the auditorium. and ‘ 5 :5 ‘ (‘ . "Tm”k‘l” ”m“- I ”1" HTML“ Sll‘m
‘: t’s'._'.~’.1'_,:‘.\. . 1...: x“... ' _z> Louisa i1t‘\l>(‘tl .t s}steiit that allows people ”"t' ' - . . These} 51" langlishmen 1”“ “9” HM "FVt‘llllW [I the lmp‘ '
‘u'qr-',l;‘ _ ‘ ' _ 1&1an \1‘1-t .U fill up till [llt‘ “age ii!‘ par‘ 0f the 0‘ .; :. g a‘ a» ,_ kl10“‘il {07' ”1911‘ Vprl‘ClSO VOCfIIl [iill
":~- .- ' .; \111'..t‘.Y .izit‘. Ha: eiixiroiiiiientf Rogers said .. '. ' . . *1 ’~ .. - . . ~ 1 ... lent, irrmerent Biitish humot ant J_ 'l‘ht‘ Artist Series. “hit'll is spur.
. .f'it'.'5_-.§ _. _ 5 ..‘x. L. “Hawk Le Vt“; pg being staged a lot differently ‘ . .. .unwn «Weston broad repertoxre. “ “19h ““155“ ”l soring tonight's exeiit. has solil near
:t-Hg .: e Ll’W'ylt .thu tan 4‘. hert- than it '.\;l> an \eu York. \xhit‘h The Fontostlks O PmdUU'Z‘" J m“ longestvmnmng mUS'CO. In more than 1-500 songs, The” set m' l) 73 pereetit ot its >Ul)>L'l‘li‘llttll\
1.5.531} {\ _ . ' ; ..Hne .t-rr. Yttt‘ 1 sl‘ntt‘YilillL‘. ‘~\t' always tr} to do H‘eworld ope'w‘ *0“:ngattre<1.~_;i~tul Theater eludes madrigals. folk music, \icto» the Km)“ NHL‘PFS (” I. ..m;
I";-'“v..~'.;"'j,;3 ’ ' .. st'r’wm‘s 'it‘l‘t' 'l‘lit' Uh‘iti'l it} the department rlélil 10“) l.)&llla(l_\ andeontemwran nu] 'l'heip \uil [7“5‘1lll) ltt' ‘3 ii'\i
'- ;".".'Jsj . . 1 . in.“ 1-1 mm .3 .1 ”a: 3. li‘.‘ {._. (tum. Bt‘oadna} pro- ma ufiguna the “worming; :at Ito) I‘l‘e Fluitastibs' will \‘lltJu‘lH ts' composmons Some ot the eoniteni HUM.“ “\‘Hmm. [me 5,,.,.,,_.,.,._
J’..‘l.!‘- . t, . .~ > ‘1 WM.“ M duetions but to look M them \ch dial-.gmtlv5 3‘. }\..«g;\-1p‘,¢(. 5p 5, t}. «1»: t~|nlgl1t. tomorrow um: eutww porary compositions have been writ hum“...
«2'5: 71'1“. 1131.: , - . -\ .. , TFit- Lit‘ltx‘tJ lt’t’she}es he said {itiue terrier 'l‘lmse Aitz‘ puttfiau 1 Night and (If 8 D "I U" 15 1/ tenespeetall) torthem‘ ) ... ‘ , . . ; .. e . ,, ..
t‘t . .. ..: mm The [K i‘nwluetior; of ‘The Farr "t‘rttzque (vine: twsrf- tn at". aw“ 15‘. WI”: 0 3 p m rmztiriee on "Ihe_\ re so pl’t‘Cbt‘. said ltotialtl H l '(i t "H" 1"», t} ‘ _r’
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“ - . \ ._ . ... > ”)de “n, fink)» h the “r5e‘ at “ tnepla) night 3‘71 31.23.25“ 2-,” , a... (M! I9 Titkets (ire $9 tor“ stitdt nts \lonsui. dirlttoi oi lllltlt’l :11 alluate L H ' n .w' . ’ .,,_ I‘M .
‘., » 1 ' new he} first theater department series called tiekets for 53-. .x “er. s .i so. llk‘.‘ Mi 36 tor general pubHr For rese' mid!es 1“ music we) Jr“ 50m“ ”1 :3.” in}, 1,}. ....M.‘ .‘ i-l- ' in";
:"rfff." ,3}? , . . . .5 2 The). \iamsfagt Productions " The 5e 53 'ttt'lfl'h 00113511592 the best vocalists he ever heard - t" A h M \l I "1““ ”' ~ " ~
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Director, actor, Singer, dancer Ben Vereen adds pageantry, pizzazz to Pippin , . . -« -~
. ' ’. C, K‘ '.. '
ByTIMCARTl-IR ’l‘lie lilttxl lllilttIiIt' ut these themes Pippin's first sexual experience is , ' ‘ w '1 '
Contributing Critic THEATER REVIEW is a \er) strong anti \i.ir sentiment made into a writhing ballet 01' bodies ' _ I_~ . ‘.
In an llltllt‘llllt‘lll (it lt‘IlL’JUH inspired with him as the center oi motion. ’v ' ' ' _ _ ,--i , ,
“Pippin," which Tuesday night __ umr l'ippiii‘s lillllt‘l' l\ lrequentl) The plays battle geenes become .. " t. .'
opened this season‘s “Broadway Itt‘ttl‘tl inking IUI Unit's Iit‘lp Ill graceful. §|0w.m0[ii)n enactments of i ‘ i . 4. " 'r '5 “ ' ‘
Live at the Opera House“ series, is gl‘iipht‘d lh“ UNI-{mill “H’WI‘WY 'nlush’iit'l'lllfl lii~ eileliiit‘.\ Alter grist} Violence ' . , '_ .‘
one of the best road shows to come production. and it appears that ('mrleintigile Mn» lllt‘ Ilitlllt'. Vt" Perhaps the high p0int of the eve “ ‘ . ' ' I . ,-. I}; "' " .3"
to Lexington in recent years. ”WC“ ”l “I“ ”Imam“ In” “'"Wlk‘d reen Iztttiit‘liex int“ ihe \(il't’ltsllt‘ ning came after the show when \'e. f I .- ~ . ’1 , y I.’
The show. while not musically and ”1““ anti '.i.ir suite 'itluigt ' In a good reen offered to “party" mm the au- . ,- ~ , r; . I a; 1:“,-
dramatically extraordinary, p05» The numerous dancers and slnH, example ut the \Iiltit s iiiuentiit), (lienee He began With a wrnderful f x, 1 . “-1 a.r,,:',-,' 3; :f "1'.
595595 great SPeClBCIC and conta‘ t'l‘.\ are m mmlanl. glorious ”Hilton (Itizt’ih wt iilmdi ttl‘llh .ind It‘tl‘ .tre cover at Van Morrison's "Moon- I, ; 3.1.3,;er ""4 ['31' if."
gious energy as a whole. "Pippin" 'l'he lirillidntli colored L‘U.\lulllt‘.\ and thrimn will“ the \Iilgt' ‘vKIlllt‘ Vereen dance ' and an equally wonderful ac— \ g h . ‘ "’ ‘13:. , , r‘“,
director and star. Ben Vereen. was backdrops nre t‘_\t't'alL'I]lliiJ, and \lllib eompanying dance routine, While V‘I . .' ”7- '
exuberant and tirelessly energetic erinipleinenmi'i til the rest or the The plti‘. iikmm- iwiitlullh .t nuni continuing to sing, V'ereen came into ' _ \ ‘ ,1 I -'§".'7""'."‘L-7-
throughout. 41““ “1" thtb UV Slt‘W“ >1 hitartr her til iiiteiestine lItt'flIl'tt‘LlI lit". tt‘t'> the audience to deliver handshakes ‘ ’ ,_ 1;! .1, 3"", I-‘r'J-y-J‘UII
The shows negligible star) takes “Uixlspell” \ihile unexeeptional. 'l‘he mini-t, \‘ereen .ii pul'llL‘LlItll'. and kisses to enthralled audience ' ‘ 5w ‘ this"I::"iy'i".-:?,iw3'.
place in "780 Al). and thereatwuts" tire engaging and L‘nt‘l‘ilt‘llt The tail» utten liretik i'Iltil‘ttt'It‘l' .inn spurts to members This continued until \‘9- . i 2 * ’r .;.:‘,;-‘r1;r‘4.;‘..’-{ z.’
in "the Holy Roman Empire and t‘nlt‘d east, lllt‘lUdlllg lllt‘ spectacular the audience AIIII other eds: iiieni men had nstted all three levels of ' i i 3.151;. 43.4313 it}:
thereahouts.” Pippin 'Sziin Sealamo Yereeii. dues ei'erythmg 1“ lt> WWW hers £l\ tlii-viretws \ereeii ih lilt' the theater and returned to the stage I . I It: ,‘g3,. I'Iér" ,.._r".':_",'.of
m), the son 0t Charlemagne and heir to HH‘I'WHH‘ lht' t‘t‘lilllH‘ \‘t‘dkltt‘5> "Imittltlli; l’l.i-.ti Il'l‘.t‘l'.\ till tlit pe tor his final spectacular dance rou- ’ ‘ . f 5 - _.j; 3.3.2 '-..",v.:'f(';",g
to the throne. is a youth searching Ul lllt‘ ”lillt'l‘ldl and, llllli't‘d- lllt‘.‘ dl‘“ riplieri (II II‘it‘ ... nun .tnil tillers (-nm tine .3 if}. I. .:_'.j-Y,?f:
for l'ullillinent and meaning in life “tilltlt't‘tUlh MK‘L‘WBIUI nientdri ..nti .lll‘. m- in l’ippin Lb the The final performance of ~plppm~ ? i I,."{-;‘,;‘:".'l,.7,l“;;
The rathe” thin storyline is .iided The themes addressed I); the pin} l’ldfv l’ll's’l‘tM'W will be tonight at 8 p m. Tickets are . :‘If'ifi-iyrl'9jivI:!'»;-‘z{f
gH-“Ili liy it“. 5})(hctuculdl‘ prodiie tire ten .illll are dealt \i'ith onl_\ in \liieh til 'Ilv- ..etinr. ill the phi); has $44 50 and $39, Students may receive - 1 '7: ' . $5..':33'f'f,_;.,_}‘.-"iii-I223:
tion numbers that appear through piissinu The} are, himeii-r uni-n Ilt‘t‘l‘. tintii~tnti2ieil lllltl suit/ed u 50 percent discount on all unsold WOVOCOUIHsvor ”mow..." sum sf'..:1'7:_':l3:"¢_":‘.f': {135“
out Huh Posse directed and ehureo- \t‘l". t'It‘\ er ll‘t‘ullllt‘lll (Itillt't‘ l’lillltlll'\ that work \em zu-ll tit-hers 15 minutes prior to curtain Ben meev 3,0,3 w and directs app, 2‘ .. , ; , ,. , ,I!'{t‘.',"tf‘
i 1‘ .5. 3.: fifth-23‘};
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Mathematics CONTESTS it ALL FRESHMEN : . 5355,53 rift-1:255?
* "1163} tit/'3'” I} ‘
a a 0 ‘ 1.13.), .’._ -,:;.}‘ .- I '1...
Virginia Tech Regional William Lowell Putnam 3 All. LCC STUDENTS Ir .,z',s;-;, ,;3..1.u,‘_t}f;l
. . . 1 .. .f.._ if._ ant-J's: ..t v;
Mathematic Contests Mathematics Competition - 1 . {pp 23-3 31,34,151
I ",fijfffil‘ 2.3115: ..-
Sat. Nov. 1, 1986 Sat. Dec. 6, 1986 3 ALL MEDICAL STUDENTS . 5“"'"‘”4{'"l{‘i""It!"
b ”s‘1"‘-"'"/’t'l- 'I'v'
'* war." A: "at" i '
Total of $200 Cash Awarde