xt76ww76ww01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76ww01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1982 1982 1982-10-01 2020 true xt76ww76ww01 section xt76ww76ww01 4 I C / e 4"
7?) 6 , Late-night notes
44 472/242? -'~'. ‘2‘? llntnlghtor introduces After Hours, a
4" yagéé 4-”‘4 ti new feature on musical entertainment
4,- ggé‘l’gi/éé ’ l offered by Lexington's drinking estab-
r/efigag‘g’v,’ ,‘. lishments. See pagebfor details.
:3», /\’i‘ \
4_ I; 0
243‘ .4 .
Vol. LXXXV, No. 38 F ' —
riday, October 1, 1982 An Independent "06.!" newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
__.__________._._ _
X I II a GII'U a" or
poso p .ufiwo .
I s one Marine, Injures 3 . , 5» .
————— out and the moment is in con- Cluster bombs supplied to israei l ~ " ‘ $3 isomson' :
3 By ”Ext; :1,“- "41:1 DY trol, White House Deputy Press Sec- by the Reagan administration were it I ' . 7L ' , em " 1
W“ ‘55 ”‘6 rotary Larry Speaks said- dropped on West Beirut by israeii ‘ ~ nr .. -
Gemayel officially opened the air- jets this summer. causing a public .3. ‘ ’ . ll 3“” '
___________ point after a nearly four-month shut- uproar in the United State, which ' 3' ' i
3 he... W... A. m... ‘33“ New“: manager‘s“ l . ' ’1... ‘ ~ ' is '
, — - . ., m srae. " . '
ploded part of a cluster bomb blew ing forces in which he proclaimed Army Lt. Col. Lee Delorme, a ' 'vi ‘- *- 8. '3
up at Beirut airport yesterday, kill- Lebanon’s capital a “unified city,” Pentagon spokesman in Beirut, said - . ,_ ‘ P ' 5. ~. " ‘ "
mg one US. Marine and wounding free of Israeli troops in both the in a written statement that one Ma- .. t! '3‘ . ... n. f ' g ,
mfigkgx trippgd on it, US. 13440:]? western sector and the rine was killed and three were in- 31 , . ‘ . 36- A.” . is."
ensai . s ianeas. ‘ured, one seriousl , “when some - ‘ ‘ ' . on... o " ' .
The casualties were reported after A red and white Middle East Air- finexploded ordnanc)e was acciden- ‘3 f ‘l ‘ ' F” r .. ‘
several hundred Marines waded lines jet, with Lebanon’s flag flying tally detonated. . .. The incident . ' “Q "" «an-i: l n
ashore to help guard the field just from the cockpit window, landed at was not the result ofhostileaction.” ‘2 . n l. ’ '3 ‘ .v-
mud by PrSident Amin Gein- gihewgwgoztbofi agnoebygigzeu: 34:2 he'{jhe444Maritnes444were gfiuatedshtiy e4 ' ’ ‘ .. {if .. 444-3 . ,4 Q '~ ‘ . '
- . ico er 0 e am i om , 1:» , . ~ ‘ ' - - , vi-v so.
40ne of the survivors was in se- tearfully embraced relatives setting Guam, where one died in surgery? ,3! A’M‘ei‘w . " 5- . f “ “if“
rious condition with groin injuries foot on their native soil for the first the statement said. It added that one 3a 1’ 5 f. ’3': f"! 7‘ , 3 l
and the other two were slightly tirnesince Israel invaded June6. of the survivors was seriously in- n, if ”3 , .. ' l W, . o ‘ ' " 3 - l
wounded, the spokesmen said. Hours after the jet touched down. jured in the groin. another was 3‘" ’ " 3 “m l ‘ I :5: l

The casualties were the first suf- an explosion rocked the southwest slightly injured in the arm and 3“ , ‘2: . - 3 , l l
fered by the Marines since they de- end of the runway nearest the Medi- shoulder, and anotherinthe leg. ’ . , ' -- ‘ 333“ " .
ployed in Beirut this summer tohelp terranean. The blast occurred at Pentagon officials in Washington ' ,4“; ’ . ; "333 no I l t;
oversee the evacuation of Palestine about4:45p.m. (10:45a.m.EUl‘). said the Marines hit were part of a ,- "3' i , an“ .

Liberation Organization guerrillas Marine Lt. Gregory van Houten team clearing mines at the airport. I“? l w" " q
from the Israeli-ringed city. The said the explosion occurred when He said all were enlisted men. Iden- i " " .
M“, inos returned Wednesday on the men tripped on part or parts of a tities were withheld pending notifi- - . 3333‘s “ 1
their second peacekeeping mission. cluster bomb, an anti-personnel cation of relatives. 4/ I l
4President Reagan said the casual- weapon. He said each part thrown US. officials said about 300 Ma- " l . l “a, l I
this would have no effeCt on the US. out by the cluster bomb is “pressure rines came ashore in the amphibious ' l
commitment to remain in Lebanon sensitive. If'you jar it. or hit it, or in landing yesterday, bringing to 1,200 in, l
“mil 1939“ and Syrian mm are any way disturb it,it will explode." See uuflou pages 4444 .4 4
I I , 'I .5 h .-4 l
Man trades Air Force for studies . . ' ' . o' l
Seeking to serve students : _ , M a
——_—_ a . . :- ,. year students, hesaid. . I . 1’1” 0%{6%'
By CHRIS A84“ W44 ”#3 _ 4 “Making sure there’s coffee, mak- " / . 44.4%,»
0093' Des“ Chief *3 o ’4 3 ms sure there's Ping-Pong balls or i. ,4 . " wove.
tickets to the football game sounds .W‘ l ' ,5;.. " " 21%)?
___________.__—— ,. ’ , o trivial, but when you do intense type “ ' ' . '7 . at ' Mignon
. . . . IE -."““:::;”.-‘f: of work these People are doing. you 3 or“ ', ~12! oo’ H.
an 4 gifttglerd m4a series on lead- don't need that additional agony." 4.. g ,-, -- I ' , fl
organizations. __ . . ,_ ._ 4 ,. 3&3 Law school and American Bar As- 2‘ “ . 33% ,l
,. $444.4 .4 sociation lations advise students _ .. 4 3-494 444,44 ‘ "I,
be? one student, law school has 4 . . , g, to concentrate on academics and “ - 4 f " ' l , 34% 5;} no.“ . . 443
n a transition — not only in the m . .4 11,14“; their mn.acaden1jc work. Vest 4/ 55,3: 4 ’ ,4 , :42, )4 _, “ 3 fay, ' ”t, ‘n.
“limes: on lpreparation for class - . 4 4». 4- 4 said such guidelines may be ideal in ‘- ' 4 . . 4 , «ii is”, 2,33 z . 3,1,“
34114448 4ytica wntins. bill 8150 lo gig; . psi theory but are becoming harder to o ‘n‘iQ3’3,,Me“§3o‘::, *oi,‘ 3, ..' 33:1" l
chll 814141134 ‘de e, we“ 44 4,, follow because of students’ financial ,4 . *3 , “3‘3 t f"?
de tweafi‘n Prion. m of the sun = “1133 problem- , , , , ‘ ; . it
yei'rs in them 333‘ Sl'o‘dr - , “W" the “Dad‘s 3" student ' ' ' " ‘ " ' " ' m... 3
4 4 4 a - 44 . 44. oans it makes it almost imperative ”m “mum“
2:102? émolllgn 1976 With a bach- g 4 k for students to work outside 20 or ontdoor easel l
. " ' more hours. ‘

“I wanted to get out for a while LLOYD VEST “His not a question of tt' Chris Long, art freshman, takes a break from sketching Memorial Hall yesterday and admires l
and do something else,” the third- aside a nest egg; ",5 taking gmmg the work 4of an acquaintance. Long was drawing the building, erected as a memorial to the
year student “£4 “rather than basic day-to-day needs." state 5 reSIdents killed in World War l, for an assignment in her art class.
going through un rgraduate, make He said 75 percent of UK’s law ”FM—mi
31344324133 egrrgemgrttbiizrf' 0444 students use the loans to finance 8 ' ' ' I e

4 _ 4 cc ice their education. Those who are sin— t t Ass t t t b dd
(fill Special Investigations. probing CAMPUS LEADERS gle must make less than $4,200tore— '68 Dela Ion V0 es 0 open I "‘9
4 epnyfnharges Ialgalinst base person- main eligible, he said, which is not -
2,13,:gmfzmw: 3nonon o no 3 onion noon on football and basketball radio contracts
1 ' I
ture of his wrairullt4 dictatfed that his of- things happen ad has worked to- figgsw$i§fixos§£§£fmt
iceisednor oruni orms. wardthat. what he 'd ‘ - ' ‘ ’ '

Vest’s term as SBA president is 44 e aren’t really any ing dents 8445:4144 “ihricmfwhfnforlejitiu- By STESVElltltsttégmeR Bernie Vonderheide, the director problems With the present contract
nearing an end, and he said he is issues over here where people are tionsinfinanzja] aid began c p0 or :f [3K :ngoriiiationSei ”m and the holder, Vonderheide sald' “and we
pleased with the pert nce of the up in 4 People here are always “A program like that should have ea 0 e committee that recom- have asked the Kentucky Network to

_ 4 4 orma arms _ 4 _ 4 _____.__________ mended the action, emphasned make their best offer.“
orgamzation sboardof governors. so busy. There is Just an incredible a grandfather clause where stud t - . . . . . . .
“I can’t think 04 an issue w amount of kh 44 en 5 _ there was no dissatisfaction With the President Otis Singletary, chair-
y here w40r ere. _ 4 4 who have made some very serious The UK Athletics Association resent tr t 'th th K of ‘
the vote 04 the d 04 Th 4 4 of the 4 4 4 4 p con ac W! e entucky man the board, said the contract
wash», unanimois .5 he 88,30wa to e ”mtg: t , ba ‘F'Smmncl: career choices44and financial choices board of directors yesterday voted Network of Imitsville, but the bid is renewal was approached this early
had a real hom ,no ' 444v: served: 14:; Sic di ’ su are not demed. unanimOisly ‘0 Open the bidding' on being opened “to bring‘ the contract to aVOid confusion when it expires.
d Each (4:: 4i: group 4:1 as 4prov: ntgr ers. 4a venf 11849113? Students are concerned about an the UK football and basketball radio uptoits current market value.” Also, future contracts will not con-
boar . shed see an orien ion sesswns or its - See LAW, page3 contract,which expiresinApril. “We have not found any seriois tain a renewal clause as has been
the case, allowin com tit‘ b‘d-
. "45 said he's '4'“ sure if he’ll remain in the field °l lion below the amount contained in the budget Con- ding on the contragct ”era’s?“ (1.x-
FRIDAY on... D. m...
pOSSI iiy esrue ou is e urray presi ency. - - - etc irector i gan said
H A The “hears board 0, 4449444444 in May decided H Drunk dnvmg bIIInear passage he expects at least three to five bids
. 4 would not extend Curris' contract beyond June 30, to be submitted Wit-h the next six
Wright fomdgmlty OfMUIdOI 1982. Curris attempted to salvage the position, but VASH'NG‘ON _ 4The Senate yesterday neared weeks. The contract “S currently va-
said today he no longer wants the iob. final passage of a bill designed to prompt states to lufgatgssfi"? 4 4
FIANKFOR‘I’ _ A Franklin Circuit Court iury yester- The board already has begun a nationwide ltoughen the” 3:)”: 0904;”, drunken driving. the pandfng arCorfimadrsi‘wecglffildegtgigfig
day found Sherman Wright guilty of first-degree search to find someone to succeed Curris, who “13:9 rouse o4 '9 woy eaths. and building a swimming facility
manslaughter in the killing-for-hire death of Ernest stepped ""0 the P0" in the mid ”7053 e 4egis otion, passed Wednesday by 'he House and a field house which would be
G. Amburgey of Frankfort. 04:1 0 v0tce vote. offered $l25 million over the next used in inclement' weather for out-
Wright was convicted in the Feb. 3 d th 4 _ _ t ree years to states that adopt strict laws against doors rts.
burgey, a state engineer whose body wanes focffndrl‘n Gong, pa"! ”"8 OS dru?::nsderri4t;e4rs. , d , d h H mSingrl'gtary repeated criticisms Of
a wrecked cor olon side a road . . . . e was expec e o to opt ' e ouse e UK‘S swimming facilities and re-
An autopsy do4e44m4gned mm Amity :eo4r40l304gi42L024 wast-""310" __ opting instead for an evening of measure in order to get the bill to the White House ferred to a special fund to finance
ogunshot wound. 9 Y political hpar:yir4i4g, Congress :bandoned its race for President Reagan's signature before Congress inch projects. The fund reportedly
The 'ur recommended o 14- 4 4 ogomstt e coc yester ay to eep the government recesses today. as apprOXimately $5 million and
tence. Tlieyponel heard closing gregaurmZhltssorln 5:; from 490mg bwke Upon the midnigh' 59°" 0' the Earlier this Year' the Senate passed Similar coullgbeiusedinanyoftheprojects. ‘
case Wednesday afternoon before retiring to be in new fiscal year. drunken driving legislation, but the measure did not 1.3mm" to that, I think theres
considering the evidence. 9 But negotiators for the House and Senate incorporate all the details of the House version. 24423:;zzgzrhgzewtgnatngwgr m an:
Late Wednesda the 'ur foreman 4 Id F kl‘ reached agreement on a compromise spending Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.l., the chief sponsor of those" Singletar 'd H 0 any 0
. . Y' .' Y . 0 ran '" measure the said would win swift a royal on the Senate bill. redicted the Sen t Id ado t boar“ y 58‘ -' e told the
Circun Judge Henry Meigs that it was deadlocked y pp p o e wou p d It should also seriously conSid-
but that there was 4"” a chance the panel could today, and o Reagan administration spokesman said the more comprehensive H0059 measure in 0"der '0 er keeping the money on reserve
i reach a verdict. Meigs ordered the iury 4° convene there probably would be no interruption of regular speed the legislation along to the president. “as potection for the future of the
again yesterday for additional deliberations Alto- government operations. Athletics Association. or as a hedge
gether the panels am about 14 h :d 4 Although agreement on the compromise bill againstinflation.“
Wrightls 4°49 beforeffeliverin 444° vefd'zstcons. e""‘9 came several hours before the midnight deadline, \ Show"? instructed ”‘88" ‘0
Meigs did not schedule gsentencirf '404 Wr' ht congresional leaders decided against a late-night / summaliml’m'“ alternatives for
but decided to hold sent _ 4 d 49 '9 . sesswn to pass the measure on an evening when °°“3‘.d°'a“°,“ at the next board
b th 4 4 4 4encung ° W °' Veldo Am- major social events were scheduled for both Demo- meeting. S4ingeltary said the only
4 urge|4y,4' t. VfC'ldfns W'lhdow Who pleaded 90|lly '0 crats and Repub'icons A — problem With the wojects is the fl-
comp m Y omur er in ecase. Th - 4 4 4 nancing. The Athletics Association
Mrs. Amburgey faces a possible life sentence. a stopgap spending plan WI” keep the entire / still has about 10 years remaining on
government in busmess until Dec. 17, thereby as- a m-year 312 million bond issue
. suring a post-election session of Congress in which used to finance construction of Com-
4 Mmymu “'8 OPUOHSOPOH lawmakers will debate regular money bills that monwealth Stadium. I
i "'- 4 4 4 have not yet been approved. VOJIY will b. sunny and warm wlth a hlgh In “Somebody needs to look at the
MURFAY — Murray State University President Con. For domestic programs, the catch-all measure the upper 10s telow IOe. plusses and the minises,” he said.
stantine Cums said yesterdy he plans to pursue dif- generally is within the budget that Congress set for Tenlght will be clear with a low In the low «“Wwe‘ve already put this stadium
ferent professional interests when he loses his job "59" several m°mh3 09°. "‘90"an many programs to mldso. . into long-term debt With that
next June. will be froten at roughly the 1982 levels. "mung," "m b. “m“, and 9| 0‘ smdlrm 4(41ut tgere. Sobgidgbidy has to
In a news conferen t h' ' . t ' ' ' - can no pay or I an some as to as-
ce 0 is campus office, Cur On de ense Spending, it calls for roughly $6 bil warm wlthahlgh In the .0" .0“ sum the liability for it. and that‘s
this board."

_ .__
[tassel |
Illlltoldon Amen-loan Joni-Wu Mont-mum Llnll.Kodobo 1.0. um Ion-w
Editor-inschiol Nowe Editor Art! Editor Spor" Editor Swifll Proiom Editor Photo Editor Graphics Editor . »
Jonesldwlnuonh Muster Intention“ Moylonouon nmmm... my...“ Mun
MonoolnoEdltor Editorial Editor zl'lil';:m3:;. AuletomSpomEdltor SpoclolhoioctoAuistoM ChidPho'ographor Copy Dooli ctiiot
___________._.—. .._ ._ _ .__ .
‘. 33'. l
., I j-“vf; t
.132? ‘
an ator ee 00“ e GCI e a O“ .
. . - i - - .1353; I
The Student Government Association Sen- mg students Opinions of the health fee. But 7 5T , . 3 _ iii
ate’s decision at its Monday night meeting to surveys of diners in the Student Center cafe- lF U'OFK W H 'TUT ED U Tl‘r, Unix/5m + Adm iNS'll‘a‘l'lm *7 }
endorse a mandatory Student Health Serv- teria and phySlcs graduate students are A MAN IDRY W» 55, Tl l
ices fee for all full-time students is in the nothing on which to base an informed vote, DA 11102 D 90490: ovarhmen+ ,
best interests of the University community. particularly on an issue of this gravity. 3 WHO W0 ULD PAY Assoc la i0 h . 3
Jean Cox, administrator of the health serv- What is needed3is_either a well-publicized SUCH A FROG! RPM.) [1 The UK, S‘l‘udyi'l' 80d ,
ice, has said a dearth of funds would force referendum on this issue only — adm1ttedly 7 3
the reversion of the 10-doctor comprehensive an expenswe and drawn-out process —- or an 9 g SCF‘OOQG MCDUCk 1
health care facility to an infirmary unless expertly conducted poll. g . ‘ 7- I
the health fee is required. Currently, the fee And, the concerns of students opposed to s 3 (A, , «3, 33/ D 3. d Clam all N-.. 3
is voluntary. the fee need to be more adequately express- a 7 35 -’ e P , 3
There is no arguing the merit of having a ed. 5’ l _
full health service for a facility as populous Although these students were taken into i t [1/ a Guy COtba l6 (‘0 I
as the University. The center’s 45,000 visits consideration in a series of amendments to ,4?! . ,
each year speak for themselves. the Senate’s recommendation, including a , ~ . I
But the Senate's vote does not settle the proposed exemption of students already cov- THEREFORE, WHO CIT-he Universl'l'y Ati'llhl STMTEOh
issue. According to Cox, President Otis Sin- ered by comprehenswe health plans from SHOULD HAVE THE T . l ' l
gletary wants the students to decide for or the fee, many have not boenadequately ar- Glam-r SAY w D TheSfuden'l Governmen Assoc“: ion ~ .
against the mandatory health fee them- ticulated.3Tli3ls isa necesSity if an agreeable WHFTHER OR NOT U Tl.‘ U K S'f‘ d ‘l’ B d I
selves. He apparently hopes to use some compromise lS tobereached. .- A PR 0 (1 RAM 2. . . V on O y .
gauge of student opinion in making his rec- 3 o SUCH D U SCPOO c MCDUCk 3
ommendation on the fee to the Board of It appears the incredible confusion of the IS IN ST l TU lED' . D m ? 1. ' w”,
Trustees. University phone system — further aggra- C mp6 .
Originally, the plan was for SGA to hold a vated last Fall semester when hundreds of 3 ,3 33 D C! Caballero
campus-wide referendum on the health fee. phone numbers were changed after the pub- I}: , U7 Wt. .
But the idea was scrapped in favor of the lication of the annual campus phone directo- v" , ,. , “MW” pow“? xulau.
Senate vote because of fears that voter turn- ry - will finally be eliminated by the instal- . / w I «seesaw? / ,f 2 Wl Mum-1 LRISVE so:
out for the referendum, to be held in con- lation of anall-new up-to-date system. , me s‘WDFIf’T/‘J I i. W whimgfi
junction with freshman elections, would be It’s about time. Like any other organiza- g _ ‘53 WWII.” W“ (‘1 3 < who»- * -'
toolighttoberepresentative. tion, the University’s lines of communica- ‘ w .l ,. " \S N; i - 3‘ ’ ~.
The senators’ votes, however, are no more tions are vital to its ability to function. "And ,6 ”r V. - all; “W \_ 3
representative. Some senators presented the phone system’s problems have definitely - l , ' I I ~ ' S? h, goggij"
polls they said they had conducted concern- impaired that ability. " 5 ' a? " ' g ' H ' ‘
3 - u Sunday IquOI' sales should be passed

‘l l 33% 5/ A half-page ad jumped out of last something undertheproverbial rug. berejected by our citizenry. realize they have no right or power
W l I ‘ fl 3 'niesday’s Kernel at me. The ad was Why are all these bar owners of— And, like any oppressed group, to legislate morality. Stormy ser-

i 3 3 \5 presented by the Committee for fenng such trifling resistance to the they have learned how to keep quiet mons about the pathway to damna- «

3 "5" i Economic Progress. The ad ex- P1090531 on thereferendum? This and getafootinthe door. tion are further evidence their real

'3. l plained the facts (as it called them) momentous decismn could bring Once the voters have soundly ap- argument isareligious one. 7:
3E , / about tllle issue of limited Sunday li- __-—___ move‘glfimgw 5816 (£311 believe They are arguing for prohibition

‘ ‘ , / ’ W38 es. ,2 they ' ), r owners ‘ point out of alcohol, plainly enough. They only 1;

‘ ’ l l ‘ - I ,557/ I Note that “’0'" “limited." It,“ be 5 Q James — not incorrectly — that the propo- base their arguments around this

!! /Ԥ (I important later. _, _ ' sal. is an unconstitutional restriction poor excuse for a deterrent law be- gt; .

F Ngv‘ifigr-i‘ \ "73-, I /£ I“: I?! The people who placed the ad ' _ STOIJ- of trade. Perhaps there willbe an: cause, unfortunately for them, it is :33

~ {57 r" ,lllr‘.‘ F7 / I 5:..2fllo were very subtle and ingenious In 33 .. other referendum on “unlumtecl all they have left.

. M ' :2pr 4;. a 3. u...“ 1%! uli CE theirsu-ategy. They dotell thefacts, —— sales, but by then the outcome Will I am not a “drinking man" my- gr.

f3, ‘7‘ ~ 3% ' ,v 't . . ~- ,;-" 0 _ plainly and with quotations. They them vast revenues as well, but in- beobvious. self. I have tried liquor but general- r
. ’ \‘N ‘g/vkfi , ,4, 3 ' Ci are polite and straightforward when stead, limits sales to large restau- In the coming turmoil the bar 1y prefer other amusements when gr“

' . ll £7: \‘ 3i- .21 '. .. | they declare this issue tobe either a rantsonly. owners will be much maligned, but theyareavailable. ’

-. I \ ‘ l f-‘f \‘l‘sfne‘ ‘1‘- : choiceornochoice. The answer should be plain. Bar they will at least have the advan- l drink beer occasionally but turn i

3 3 33‘ 3, 3: Ill 3 i, 5 Vi, There is little or no emotion in unmet rs believedwhether true or not, tage of being right. It is fortunate, it down more often than not. I lead .

' ' ’ their argument.’l‘hey are confident. a re eren um proposing “un- considering the staunch opposition to even preach alcohol awareness at
1% WW HNEVORE lN COMMON SlNCE l W PRESMNT...” first...” But, I think they are sweeping limited” Sunday liquor sales would unlimited sales will face, that the college parties that served kegs for .
present laws are a clearly unconsti- entertainment, until I realized you
. I I tutional mingling of church and don’t get invited back if youdothat. ? '
state. Still, I predict Lexington will vote
nemp eye 3 cu e we a repair lg ways n... W... ,.. new .. I t... .. m em
in 1933. What possible reasonhcogld about this vote being the last, espe-
3 _ there be for Sun y to carryt e u- cially when church leaders notice
WASHINGTON — With nearly one 200,000 workers may have deserved pairs of hantk over the next 10 ination with such an initiative and biom honor of continuing Prohibi- the foot in the door has become leg,
in 10 American adults out of work, the labelof “opportunistic." years. lead the way. tion when biblical references are ex- thigh and torso. .. ..
we expected hosannas and hallelu- Nevertheless, the Democrats may _ , _ We the party’s younger leaders eluded? The people who will vote dry in
jahs to follow the House of Rep- soon find that only an umbrella Add to “1.6891013 millions 0f 001- Will try to articulate the benefits of Wouldn’t Monday be a better day the coming referendum probably
resentatives’ endorsement of a $1 back-to-work program, styled afta' “'5 created In the private pronuction 3 mixed “30901th the “P O’Neill for a break from alCOhOli ENDS think they havea light, or perhaps 8
billion jobs program last week. In- the Works Program Administration, and supply 0‘ materials for. infras- set Will almost instinctively rely on folks a chance to sober up after the sacred duty, to dictate the thinking
stead, we heard very little, and will carry this country through these "Home hem. and you revive two nostalgic damnations of those Who weekend? Or perhaps we should habits of their neighbors. These 5 '
mm complimentary. 3 roughing 3 politicaHy-atltiractive goals. pride have ice watermtheir veins._ take the drunken drivingargument pious but misdirected frienth will be 3
3 The reason for tlus stunning ret- During the Depresswn, the WA an F80 ica tY- But when the Democrats discover to heart and outlaw drinking during voted down, and this nuisance legis- 3' ‘
icence is that most Americans, employed as many as 3 million Of an such r am that compassmn 606“ sell llke It the happy hour each day, smce this lation will go the way of previom “1
thanks largely to Ronald Reagan, Americans and could again — if the wand chamvesetb my,“ wimp”? 3 used to, theY’ll haveho chonce but to is the time when people are most blue laws.
rank public jobs programs with the Democrats are willing to face up to dictable arra of criticisms __ “$3” counter With something that benefits likelytobedriving home. Back to the Dark Ages from $33 .
devfl's work. sucha program’s benefits. tion corrupt yand incom tent man- all Americans. _ Does anyone really think it’s a co- where it came. j ,
“iii”. Ironically, the Democrats’ best agement fiscal “gigs and ©1932 FleldEnterprlses, Inc. incidence that opponents of the sales And then, dear readers, the real 3
. l ' sales pitch is inherent in their much- mistargeted beneficiaries _ none of are thick with members of the cler- battle begins. “.5.“
.- 3.“ GLEN maligned Jobs proposal; repairing which the Danocrats have success- Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer gy? .3.
a find the nation’s infrastructure. Altbmgh fully count! it! are Pulitzer Prize-winning national Our religious leaders are well- James A. Stall is a theater sopho-
, .4, 3 a, ,5 3 R O‘Neill only feebly touted this aspect ' °°lummet3~ meaning, I do believe, but they must more and aKernel columnist.
, n SHEARE of the “emergency” program while Conceding the inflationary impact . .3
, on the House floor, it’s certainly one of full employment, however, the ' ' -__———___— .
That public works fuel inflation, with Which most Americans feel in- Democrats could point to the good 3
bust budgets and breed systematic creasinsly comfortable. examples of public leaderslup. In- 3...:
corruption is a common perception As Timothy Noah and Dan Well eluding that of the Cahforma Con- 33
that Speaker 'l‘ip O’Neill and the point out in the latest issue of The servation Corps. (Successfuuy run.
Democrats have done little to dispel Washmston Monthly. repair and up- one misht add. by a former Army 33,,
since they introduced their WW1 keep of the US. interstate highway officer.) 3
”59”.“? . figmm-fimfih :ouldrequire mg They could compare the cost of Male obllgatlon Mr. O’Brien, your own gender gem through today’s quagmire of
And. its for this reason that the i 0" ers annually such a am Wm, that of a few . . . . . “el - ,.
“emersencY” jobs program which ins the 19806 — tops America’s list 9"“ u d , 0.8 . . needs ‘0 00'3”" Its mponslhhtyr “at” "“5": and mad“ ”ck- a
, . f . _ - weapon systans and propose that a Ramon F- non, obi/lowly too. . Spread the good word: The Clash a
would ptit more than 200,000 Amel:l- ° ghezdgtg’nllgggfifiweeau able-bodies, unemployed Americans could not have/been thinking clearly Lisa Wagers care! 1%
cans finalizanlyerglck tggh 2‘11; sewers mass-tramit 8;?“ a: be eligible, if not required, to work when he wrote about abortion in his Family studies senior Not only that, but its music with 5%,
Semnate y B n 638 In secondary roadways may . if forgovemmentpay. lettermtheSopt.29Kemel. . rocking bass and drum is sheer 33,.
Clearly the Democratic pmyvs a US. Conference of Mayors’ pro- It’s unclear whether the Demo- ”lyifmdggcted, figmfixmmbn? L'kes the CIOSh $333!"??? And, youtcan dantie 3:

.. . - - - - -- -,- . l. c ones sensiivevocas
traditional advocacy of government J°¢t1°n 15 fight, as many 33 4 million crats can capture the nation 3 “‘8‘ Yet, isn‘t fixation Cheaper for a FACT: The Clash is the second are a delight to the soul, while Joe
teammates; are his.“ ””555 .33... ”inimimnsflesiw Simmer’smmwm ‘~'

. _ - - - are. i e unwant c ild on y to e orious a ama- tely evokes ecstacy and horror.
:ugnbzas, 218311 lgr?veriiriilentaig'tf Kernel OPINIon Policy grows up and commits crimes, what dorian Milk Jug Band. (Bassist Paul Simonon, meanwhile,
is as foolish asco ham e aboutprlsonexpenses? Hate and War got you down? Not definitely evokes ecstacy.)
a leson Dri e penny Roodors of tho Kontuclty Kornol oro wolcomo to Secondly, he thinks women exer- looking forward to Armageddon It’s a matter of life and death. If 3
91,?“ “mm two ”“33“ m Dam oxprm tholr vlomon the editorial poem else treedom overtheir bodies and time? The Clash can help. Tired of we are to keep rocking, the Clash
ocrets and Republicyans have demon- Lotfors can be brought by In poreon to tho Kor- enjoy themselves in the process of working for the Clampdown? Got hasgottoget this worldtolisten.

nol ofllco or oddrouod to Clndy Dockor: odltorlol getting pregnant, and ends by say- the police on your back? Want to Manju Bhapkar .

titrated 8 film to support l8!“ odltor, 114 Journalism Iulldlng — UK. Loxlngton. ing they could easily avoid getting know your rights" Tune in to the Mathfreehm n
resetting jobs pograms. House and Ky., 40506-0042. Writ This may be true in most Clash! ' a
SmiteéogmAag-ifi 303:; 32305111,; Loflors should be limited to 350 words or lose. uses, butwhat about rape, incest or This band is_oui to saveiheworld! Anju Bhlplm
gt train as many as 2 million Whll" 0“." Oplnlonc should bo llrnltod to 050 words abuive. drunken husbands? The Clash’s sincerity shines like a Lexington

. or one.

worm. Mt possibly give no “3“" To bo coneldorod for publlcotlon lotion should ' '
. O
enceofwegcs. . ho 'Ypod ond doubIo-Ipocod. Vlrlton must also In- DRABBLE I by KeVIn Pagan \
Similarly, 3 W American cludo tholr nomoe (typod ond elgnod), oddroeeoe and l . . .
Comervetlon Corps, which has al- rolophono "gnu". olo with tholr "'0". cloul- lMlT, 0A0. SPkllE‘l'MT WLE WONT 60)“ WHAT liJOULO ”WEN IF I VON T KNOU. LETS
ready won Home W31. would fluflongoygonmflon "a"! UK, M5 Ll‘El‘. W UH“ WAVERS‘. “K7640"; MT AROUth * H FlNV WT.
only provide l0? 30.“ WWW Lottors from roodore who have no dlroct connoc- n W UFSETS WE NATURM. WATTING EVER‘ITHING M 5:
1°” “1d Mt 40v”) summer posi- tlon wlfli tho Unlvonlty on also wolconio. I ' DALMCE OF LlFEl. THEN FOUNO MNO‘hNGN @699: f - 3
“all. admits Sidney Howe 0‘ the lndlvlduole eubntlnln' common” In poreon .1 ’ l‘ U 2‘) 3
[lumen Environment cehtfl'i l leed- should brln' UK In: or drlvon' llconeoe with ”torn. 1‘ . . -. kt , i
Wmtedthew- tho ldonflt of wrltore who eond lotion by no" wlll E t i ,_ “ 3 // .3
in he has of probably 11 million bo vorlflod [Moro the letter will bopubllehod. I 5 3: / 43. l l
to 18 million unemployed thll ll“: Tho Kornol roeorvoe the right to odlt for .rotn- Cl“ ' ‘ \ . t
and dim purport- for early new mot. clarity ond length and to ollmlnoto llboloue g _ .,.-j:\ g
«y (the adminlmtretlon “ 9"” motorlol. __ _ If! .g;‘;;;.-_x:':,~_‘,
hlntiru the mm of lest), the . —— ~ 7:: 533-33.; )_ :g .
Dancer-ctr tcnporary reprieve, for In — s . J -,—— 0, ,
. , i

 .g: THE KENTUCKY «server. My, com 1, no: - 3
Ne V k robbery trial security 'resembles armed camp'
2 . . .. - - - . - ISeIrouOdIm."
small . Despite the yaVIty of the case — The shouting stopped. Clark looked Between beingin jail and in this “ ..
. . W a “'l‘histg‘av:&rene the county spec- all six defendants are charged with up likeachastened child. court, I prefer Jail,” added Donald m mule?” ‘ {I‘veimm’ 1;;
3 By ' " d Leonard Wetnflau one robbery and murder - the court- The first skirmish was a standoff, Weems,41,reputedBLAmilitant. “W Stolarik, pond
AssociatedPressWrita‘ tacle, “3 ' - you and your ancestors who wait
’ of the Chicago 7 attorneys who new room atmosphere was far from but then there was the battle of the Four of the six defendants have to Afr-i and tol in the
represents defendant Kathy Boudin, soberin the first weeks. armbands, donned by the defendants been allowed to remain in Jail rather g": ace .. ca 3 e ‘3
m a Weather Underground leader Stolarik was vilified as a “slave to mourn killings of Palatinians in than partICIpate In pre-tnal hear- ":8, Pl '. '1 here .
‘ m A" “helm 1930., master.” Defendants called them- Beirut. When Stolarik ordered the ings. Their attorneys, led by Lu- T0, commie '0 81 ,m _In 1:!"
" NEW CITY' NY' —M:nin Stemt A Rockland .County Visitors Bu- selves prisoners of war and said bands removed,afuror erupted. mumba, wearing a loose, brightly sm'bblwhmt at'ttlt' wider“ a 1:
*5 mCMZ‘f‘: 0: 'ffs rd reau was formed to aid visitors they did not recognise the govern- “Don't sit up there telling us how colored African tunic, carried on toricam Wv Sit 111,8 umba
the yarm Wydm‘mgimof 1 ad by the trial. and some local ment'srighttotrythem. to dress! You dress the way you theircause. . 333."! . . ”Sufi Lum
‘ ngtlolarik New] in- merchants are renting office space ‘Free the land!“ shouted de- want t° diss. I think you robes “We 3"” ed by the mm id nothing‘ until Lu-
3 Jmtzcde etaldet mat-e consyicu- to news organizations for as much fondant Judith Clark, 31-year-old look silly," said Chokwe Lumumba, freedom fighters not to partICIpate 18M?“ 3;!