xt76ww76wv60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wv60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1980 1980 1980-04-28 2020 true xt76ww76wv60 section xt76ww76wv60 C l kt ll - t Cl- . Cl Kent CkY'S '
By KEVIN OSBOURN serving time at the Kentucky State drick cited in Kentucky's prison tory.’ isaseriously overcrowded place inmate has access to any other tions not to enter the wing, because he
Stall Writer Penitentiary near Eddyville. Kendrick facilities, I . . . The overcrowding isaverydanger- inmate.“IAndersonI said. “If heIwantIs could be siezed or taken hostage.“
. pi,“ ofa three-par! "my, spent much of his sentence studying Overcrowding heads the list of ous and serious matter." Anderson to stab him. pipe him or rape him. its Anderson also saidthatthe only real
’ The conditions in Kentucky‘s state lawbooks and writing legal problems now facing Kentucky‘s pri- said. “because the prisoners are com- almost impossible to stop Ihim.“I protection an inmate has is to have
prisons have deteriorated to such a documents. sons. according to Lloyd Anderson. pressed into a very small place." At La GraIngethe guard is notinthe another inmate: known in prison lingo
degree that a lawsuit won by inmates Although several lawyers later fin- the attorney for the reformatory He said the main body of prisoners dormitory wmg iIifter it is locked down. as “the daddy. to protect him. “To get
from the Kentucky State Penitentiary ished Kendrick‘s work. his efforts inmates in the lawsuit. Anderson, a at LaIGrange are housed iInI"an open Anderson explained. ‘the daddy. Anderson said. “you ve
and the Kentucky State Reformatory resulted in a consent decree signed PTOlCSSOF 0f law at the UlllVCYIS'ly Of dormitory sIet-qu"andthat Ills“ ' €59 . “J“Sl imagine youIrseIlf when the Elm" got l0 give IlllllIlI sex. money or
’ will force a majortoverhaul ofthestate Aprii4 by us. District Judge Edward Louisville became involved With the Open dormitories that overcrowmre lights go out and you re in your bunk some kind of serwce.
prison system Johnstone of Princeton. Ky.. that will case as a result of his work for the causes the most volatile situations. bed. he said. “Anyone can come in lIroverci-2wdiIng is reduced and the
The lawsuit was begun by Jerald force the state to spend nearly $50 mil- Legal Aid Society of Louisville. "After the prisoners are locked cud rape you or stab you. and no one faCIlitIies‘co~« litions are improved. the ‘
Kendrick. nowoutofprison, who filed lion in the next four or five years to “The number one problem is over- down. which means that all the resi- Cuii do anything about it. The guard is Situation in Kentuckys prisons would
the document a few years ago while solve the long list of problems Ken- crowding. and La Grange (reforma- dents are locked into the building,any not there. In fact. hes under instruc- Continued on page 4
V I LXXll N H3 [Yniversity of Kentucky
0 . . . 0. . '
Monday. AP'" 28 I980 In independent student newspaper ' Lelington. Kentucky
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2- = " 2? ,2 1 a 222.... ‘22 ’ ,. :2 T; 5’ it - Bi BARRY SGHWHD Vince was the 9th member of ii.
_= =10 2:. l r: ; ti 1' 222% ~ .-. I 1/ fry/é ’43,. i2 3;}: . I; y;"” Assocmted Press Writer Nallonal SCCUflly COUnCll who
2 f- .: = I .= .2442 _ " 2% .2 .2 ,1 .' ’ '23 5’47 I I ,, I K 2- 4,51; . _, Washington ~ Secretary of State said. But afterward, he supported the
, ' .- I75?" I» .22 ”“19... -. a» 2; t“ t; 1‘ 32,21 W‘ $.& 1325' . Cyrus R. Vance. the only top adviser administration in explainingthe oper-
.2 .74 y ...-2 a, l‘ ». yd .: 2 to PreSIdent Carter to disagree Wllh ation to foreign governments.
\ I 2 Ni ., ,2 2a m ., . ' " 2g 2' ' 2 i the ”SC”? 9P¢lall°ll "1."?an reSIgn- Vance’s disagreement over the mil-
\ = , - " g ing. administration offiCials told The itary venture was only one ofa series of
. 2 ..-, ,4, ..r" ‘-’ 5 ,- . .- . '
#320212 ,_ =. ' , ”I; I " o2 y . _ 3' , .I As’o‘m'fd PT?“ last night. , , setbacks for the soft-spoken former
I "r’,’ ,1 12” . 2, 2;, ”f2” {2:22. 2.. I V .. .2 .I. c 2:. , ., 2 . Vance s rIeSignation. which is C0nSl- Wall Street lawyer. whose approachto
’ ”W 224” -’ if” ’7" ”V “V 2 e- 2. r22 ' “ '2 - ' " " - 2 dered imminent is certain to add to - - -- -
. 22 .352 .20., whit-2 I .721] 2 . .2, ,. 2 .2. . =- it 22.... 2 2 5, i . 2 ‘2' 1;”- ,2»... . ‘. _ foreign policy was one of conCiliation
" t‘ “ 4 ' - " . - ~ 1..., A 1 \. PreSidcnt Carter 5 problems followmg rather than confrontation.
2. 2 ’ ' . '12 a -- V t J .22 , 2 22 ' 2.2- i‘ , the collapse of the mission in a remote
" ' "‘74-'22“ 'I . " ...,in. :~-==.“-.I.‘, F ;. 7. 2.2 -~..... desert in Iran. Again and again. he ended up onthe
'2 . U , l I' ”W" ' ””' “"7? " . 3.2.72. “They had a good relationship but short end of power struggles with =
' , tI ' ' both the president and the secretary Zbigniew Brzezinski. the determined
W217 concluded it was impossible for him to anti-Sayiet national security adviser
gmwpflxmsmm ' H. . function as secretary of state.“ said a who played a prominent role in draw-
? y’ ‘7 = I I " senior administration offictal. who ing the United States away from
2% h: )2. = , 1 ' ‘7 , _ refused to be identified. detente with the Russians. -
2 i ‘ '- 2,1322 flit . ‘ 2» 2:295.“ - -' ="-‘*‘ ’?~'=. '
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g _II 2 -I, .2 4.1%,;I1I . I. , , 2,II ,I. 2. IIIII ., ..Ir IIIIIII . gsfigiglt/I “if: ”I? 3,3;‘jfimwfi, 16,.th t c _0ut fest/Va
I " ' I h M By may LANDl-IRS/KernelStaff 0 a] I J '
Daddy Dumpling (leftland Zaccio(right) were running neck and neck as they at the Kentucky Horse Park. Zaceio. a Burling Cocks trained gelding. won
. cleared the final jump during yesterday 5 Sl7.500 Pilliar Steeplechase Stakes the race by a nose. (Editor’s note: lchthus Ministries, a nary. over 5.000 prc-tickets have been
student-owned organization based at sold for lchthus 80. “History has been
2 Attendance drops by mpercent Asbury Theological Seminary, pres- for crowd-size to double from pre-
2 . enter! its lltli Christian music festival “'65." Van HOOk 53.“ I I
’ 2 . Or this past weekend in Wilrnore. More Between Monday and Flld8Y~ IAPtll
ea than 8000 pflmm braved chilly. we! 25. hasty last-minute details Will be
weather to offend, many from attended to: last-second ticket sales
. . . . , . , ., _ , , ' and confirmations. louds eakers
By TLRRI DOtNh spectators mingled in the infield and year‘s l0.000. Apprommaiely $26,000 length lead prior to the lastyump. but hundreds of ""1“ aIway. . 2 . - p
, w - ’ 2 . Since its conception, as an alrerm- "Nailed 35 the stage '5 completed.
stall mu along theIrail. I has been donated toIthe fund between was hard pressed for his Victory by a live to Woodstock in (969 lchthus (a concessions brought in and warmed
The chilly temperatures along Wlth WW and l979_ he said, fast closmg Daddy Dumpling in the . . .2 ’ . . . _' '
- 2 . . , . . . , 2 ' Greek acrostrcfor Jesus Christ Gods over, d°l¢ll5 0f P°ll3 JOhllS lllled llP-
lhc High Hope biceplcchase at the the threat of rain limited the attend- Zaccm. thc Burling Cocks trained final eighth of the two and one~half SonSavior) has mixedassorledChri's- “and prayers.“
Kentucky Horse Park yesterday could ance at the l4th annual Steeplechase. gelding. nosed out Daddy Dumpling mile erSh race. tian music ds takers runnin for ***
easily haye been dubbed a mini- whose proceeds benefitthe UK Child in the featured $l7.500 Pillar Steeple- Zaccio. assigned I48 pounds. was on .p . '. g . ' ' 2' ' w'
’ ~ ~ - - 2 ~ 2 2 hours to enthusmstic audiences. They begin arming lll ilmore
Kentucky Derby with the elite sealed ren‘s Cancer Research l-und. (oordi- chase Stake. Zacmo. battling for the ridden by Richard McWadc. and is Thefollowr’n isonere rter's views early Thursdav. wanting to claim a
, iIn their secludcd boy seats lacmg the nator Dr. John Garden estimated l000 lead from the start with Daddy Dum- owned by MtS- MW“ ('2 \ltttdt‘t‘k ”l of (he Mmosphg‘." at “mm. y good spot for their camping gear.
finish line. wliilctlic gcncrtiladmiss‘ion people attended. in contrast to last pling and Tan Jay. opened up a six- ('ontinued on page 8 Limited facilities force everyone tolive
By WALTER PAGE that much closer together for the next
0 a Staff Writer three days_
kend. lhe remaining protesters identified themselves almost impossible.“ But healso said that"iftheAmer- S' h S d d S‘ . 'I By 2 pm. Friday. the Ple‘PnIlgl’adm
and promised to appear in court during the next few icans guarantee not to interfere in our internal aflairs. C'g 55' 0“" “I; Z" a ‘Ifma'm' 'hlets startscearIlIy 1:00 peonle :"c aIIrea y
state weeks. a solution could quickly be found." an y wrapp r . n p p there. an 00 says. or 9‘” ours.
,. . blow in the wind as a few stragglers the volume of incoming increases.
TODAY IS THE lAST DAY th t K t ~k'2 lhe demonstrators objected totheSlQ billion cost k the wa . out of the Wilmore . , bef h 6 .
. may re ister io \OlC'ln‘lh‘C Ma 21 :3 CInITL 1m” of the (IS Michigan and the nuclear missiles it will GUERRILLAS ENDED THEIR til-day occupa- [game roulrrid y straggleIIrstandIering m 1 ho: I80
' g. y . pr mary. a so '8 carry. l'he submarine was planned as an underwater tion ofthe Dominican Republic Embassy in Bogota. g pg . , p.m. 0f ma] we 90"” to c. .[ us . ' ,
the last day to change party affiliations, . _ . , , y ' _ , lchthus 79 has ended. remnants of Program chalrman Phllip "Fllp'
, launching platform for multiple-warhead intercontin- Colombia yesterday. flying aboard a( ubanyetlincr to ~ - 2 ~
Registration is necessary ifa \oter has been purged , 2 2 , . . . . 9000 enthustasts begin filtering out - Benham emcecs the event. Soon. thc
, entul ballistic missiles With a range of 4.000 miles. Havana. All Ibofiheir diplomatic hostages. including - - - 2 2 . . . 2
from the rolls. has mmed since the last election or has U S A be d D' A , 1 d to distant States. distant Cltlcs. neigh- building crowd forms a semt-ctrcle
recently moycd to Kenlucky‘. Th m b5“ :1” 1°80 VSCnCIO. 1w": T; ‘ , , . boring cities and to Asbury Theologi- around the roped. open-air stage.
”“8 year's primary ballots will include the presi- THOI'SANDS OF «1035- lO percent 0f lh‘ R :Fm IassaI or; gom enerue 7‘ ‘ Cd . 0mg?” cal Seminary. Sponsor 0f lChthS for One Truth. a Christian rock 'n‘ roll
dential candidates. each of the mayor parties‘ canal. nation's auto production and the future of one of the ”I”: 'f‘ :3: all; by”, were re “fie 1;?“ how the |0th year. Already. beforethe litter band. brings the audience to its feet,
...-2 ' dates for l' S, representanw in the state‘s seven most familiar names in US industry could hang in 61 "din”; u” , yuIs anflI [00:10 I It ot c,” has been removed from lchthus 79. the young people waving their arms
congressional districts and candidates for one its. the balance as the Chrysler Loan Guarantee Board ”If “ '"8IIISCI::CIII°. :ch OtItn to ayana along With plans are in progress for lchthus 80. and cheering as they would atany con-
Senate seat meets today in Washington. ‘ e 3mm 3 n ' l c" 5“ re“ Soon. Steve Wenrel will be elected cert except the cheers have a dis-
nation The melt“! was called h)‘ Iltcast"! 5‘97"“? (" THE SOVIET UNION has introduced ballistic general chairman and a central C0"?- tinctly different sound. A Istanding
William Miller.thc boardschairman.who hassaid he missiles into ”81“"an that are believed to carry mittec will be chosen. From this ovatlon for Jesus surprises the
UP“ AND ['8' COAST (WARD ”5“” W“ M” a“ for a dcmmn 0" the SI '5 billion 'n loan gua- nuclear warheads and have sufficient range to control nucleus. H months before the fact, uninitiated.
sels searched the stormy waters of the Florida Straits rantees Chrysler (I‘m? IllCCdF l0 survive. Thetottering entry into the Persian GulfI Indian news reports said lChthS 80 Will bC COHCClVCId and born For the next six hours. the gamut Of
yesterday after receiving reports that two "Freedom M1 Jautomaker '5 PCTIIOUSI)’ low in cash and has "Ol yesterday. , plans are drawn. mu5ical grOUPS emotions runs through the colorfully
Hoiiiia" boats one carrying 200 refugees were met all thc interlocking goals of the legislation that The press Tm. of India said a new 3mm miss". suggested and culled to fit next year‘s bundled crowd everything from .
sinking established the guarantees last December. capability in Afghanistan is seen as “a counterweight theme. and myriads of other dettIIils sheerjoy to dismay.trom exultation to
One ham radio operator reported that a Soviet World 10 the American presence in Diego Garcia."the US, prayed over. “More thaIIn anything sorrOW. fromIexhilaration to exhaus~
treighter sank two small boats. but the Coast Guard base in the Indian Ocean. else. WC VC PCP" Playlllfi- Mlke Van tion. Sporadic showers dampen thC
said it could not confirm the report. The (‘oastGuard AYATOILAH SADEGH KHAl.KHAl.I. a lead- However. a Western diplomat in New 0:th India Hook. publICIty chairman says. quilts and sleeping bags. but not the
. also said distress calls were received from dozens of mg Iranianiudsc. said yesterday that ill In“ 29 US who is following Afghan developments said he had A year ‘0 lhc IWCCI‘end later. lhc enthusiasm.
other small craft as inexperienced skippers ran into servicemen died in the failed attempt Friday l0 "5C": not heard of nuclear warheads or ballistic missiles in Plans Wl" bear ll'llll. cvellluall)’ anOlV' “At times the crowd was really
trouble in the 90-mile crossmg between Cuba and the the American hostages. the land-locked country. ”l8 0"" 900 PCOPICt IlmOSlly Asbury responsive." Van Hook said. “Usually
Honda coast. The leader displayed maps. machine guns and the students) in the planning. and 8.000 in the greatest response is Saturday even-
bodies of eight seryicemen at the US. Embassy in weather the festival. ing. but Friday. after a moving mcs.
TWENTY-Slx OF THE Ill PROTESTERS Tehran. He said the remains of nine had been reco— *** sage, we had over l.000 kids come to
arrested at the christening of the nation's second Tri- vered and at least 20 more commandos died."but their THE FINAL WEEK 0F( LASSES will begin with Just four days before the kickoff of the tabernacle. Later. the same even-
dent submarine are scheduled to appeartoday in court bodies are powder now “ While the bodies were being depressing weather today and tomorrow. The fore- lchthus 80. the bare skeleton of metal ing. another alter C8" PTOdUCCd the
on disorderly conduct charges stemming from aninci- displayed.the hostages were betngtransferredtocities cuts for both days call for mostly cloudy and cool and wood that is to be the stage Sits same results.” . I
dent Saturday in which they lay down in front ofthe throughout Iran. with p chance of light rain. Today‘s high will be aloneinthe Open natflffllalflplthfllfl- “The response from "195‘ “Ids ‘5
gates of the Electric Boat shipyard Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr. in an around 50 to the mid 50s. Tonight‘s low will be in the Under the clear spring sky. the struc~ really amazing." said Charles Ellison.
After being arrested. the 26 refused to tell police interview with French radio. said that in light ofthe low to mid 40s. and tomorrow‘s high willalsobeinthe ture has been built quickly. and will 46-year-old graduate Istlidcnt at
their names and were subsequently held over the wee- t‘ S rescue attempt. "a solution with the Americans is low to mid 50s. soon be taken down just as quickly Asbury and one of250 trained counse-
--.-.. w... _ ,, , _. ______g___________________ l css than it mile away. at the semi- Continued on page 4

 ., ,
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a}? ,,
KENTUCKY Debbie Mtlhniel
l.iliior Ill ( liiirl Muli (freon Kim Aubrey Thomas ('luk John (1., (hit) Lenders
Kerne h) lane" Bob ('oclirlnc [lllt’rlulnnlt'nl lztliror Spurn hi or Him/or ol Pholiigm/ihi
(If) Willis fvvoi um lt/iiotv Plul Minn
\lunuginu lili/or ( indy “die: 5. 1. Robinson _ Brim Rklterd David Mum-rd
chlti Rudd lots/uni A‘\”\lu,” 5PM" hm“, l'lioto llunukl"
Steve Mnscy l.in Downrd ( o/n liliiorv htli'rruirimt'n/ Iii/nor
editorials & commnts (tint/tin ,lllltll Ii/iIoIiul Inuit: ' ‘
__—____.-.-._—————__~_ fl,
f'ldb Crt d' hld'tb t" t ’
. Rescue at e , ut 3 er, a Visors s ou n 9 na ion 5 scapegoa s
()n l'f‘ldil) morning the nation was informed ofthe Reaction nationwide and worldwide has varied as’ During ('arter's press conference Friday morning. youngest of the hostages. 20-year-old Marine Sgt.
failure of a rescue mission designed to free the hos- well In lehran. Iranian President Ahol Hassan Bani- (when he informed the nation ofthe mission's failure) Kevin Hermening. Mrs. limmsatdee deeply regret
tages in Iran. An attempt to end the si\-inoiith-long Sadr declared that the rescue attempt was only part of that “We will not give up in our efforts. Throughout the actions of our president."
hostage situation collapsed when three ot the eight a larger plot by the United States to overthrow the this extraordinarily difficult period. we have pursued “We would like to apologize for that action. she .
rescue helicopters broke down revolutionary government. and will continue to pursue every possible avenue to said. adding that she also spoke for the family of
l’residaiit (‘arter cancelled the mission asa result of “(‘arter‘s declaration that Iran‘s central power was secure the release of the hostages." He further states another hostage. John E. (iray'es.
the helicopter failure which would have kept the mis- getting weak and that he believed that they cannot that the l‘nited Stars. and its allies would seek “a Perhaps though the best estimation of the feeling
_ sron front successful conclusion. three hours alter the protect the hostages' lives any more and that‘s why he prompt resolution ofthe crisis without any loss of life surrounding thC aborted rescue mission came from
task force of helicopters and (1130 transport planes. accepted a military operation with humanitarian and through peaceful and diplomatic means.“ The across the ocean. British Foreign Secretary Lord Car- 1
i ' carrying a Lltl-man strike team. landed under cover of intentions is all a lie." he said Saturday from Tehran. mission then will hm e little impact on the diplomatic rington put it this way. "ll it had been a success. we
darkness in the desert about 250 miles southeast of lhe militants meanwhile have announced that they approach which tit- finited States would seem bent WOUld all have been applauding l‘m extremely sorry
lehran. Shortly after ('arter ordered the task force to will move the hostages. dispersing them throughout upon. Sanctions will be leveled against Iran. but while that it didn‘t SthCCCd.“
i terminate the mission. one of the five remainingoper- the country. 1 his move would seem to preclude the direct military actim: is still an option. a successful And that's probably the way most Americans are
iitional helicopters crashed on takeoff into one of the success of any similar rescue mission. rescue mission w ()Uivil now seem out of the question. feeling about the situation as well. Carter could have
ox (alto Hercules transports and both craft burst LS. allies seem to feel that the decidedly military As one White H oitse aide said. “It‘s a choice between been the hero. bUt he also risked being the goat. You
into flames rescue attempt will only serve to escalate the crisis. sanctions and notirzrg, and nothing is not a policy.“ can condemn him for waiting so long to make the
l ,ng “Como,“ “out killed and four suffered burns. lhe allies also questioned the timing ofthe rescue so In Russia. the oe‘rtctal Soviet news agency. Tass. move. but it's hard to fault him for his courage and
. lhe inrurcd were evacuated with the rest of the team close on the heels of a European commitment to termed the mission an “agressive act“ part of a determination. especially in an election year.
but the bodies of the dead crew men were left behind impose economic and diplomatic sanctions against developing campaign of “provocation“ against Iran There comes a time when the hard decsions must be
’ v, along with the helicopters and the burnt-out (f-l3fl, Iran in an effort to forestall any military resolution of that has brought the United States to the “brink of made. Carter and his advisors felt that the time had
l‘ie mission had been a well-kept secret. Defense the hostage situation by the United States. insanity”and created. :i“serious danger"to peaceThe come and that their plan had as Carter put it. “an _
' Secretary Harold Brownclaimed in a press conference Defense Secretary Brown defended the timing of official Soviet positron does not necessarily reflect excellent chance 0t SUCCCSS.“ Brown agreed that the I ‘
that satire day that informing the natiori'sallics would the operation on various grounds. among these. the that of the the RUSSlt'll people. and many have dis- mlSSth was“operationally feasible“and that thetim-
have compromised the sucess of the mission and fact that “all diplomatic efforts so far have failed.“ played their oppositon totheir government‘s support ing had been reasonable. No on could f0reseetheinor~
further that only those who had “an absolutely essen- "that there was no reason to believe that the hostages of groups holding diplomats hostage. In a Tass com- dinately high failure rate ofthe helicopters. In normal . >
' tuft pint" in the mission. even “Hill” the Defense would he released any time in the foreseeable future.“ mentarythe mission has oeen labeled “a banditattack servicethe giant RH-53 Sea Stallion hasa failure rate '
pcpmrmonr were informed on .i tiecd-to-kitow hosts, and that there was a danger posed to the hostages by on a sovereign state“ that “grossly violates all the ofless than 5 percent. lnthis mission that rate reached ‘
. t. .i result. the nation was shocked. lhc Student the deteriorating security situation in Iran." In addi- norms of international law." Fine. but what about almost 40 percent and caused the mission to be
( enter on today attcirioon found a capacity crowd tiori. Brown pointed to the “physicaland psy'chologi- lran‘s violation of inernational law? (iranted two SCtthCd- NO one COUld anticipate that the withdra- .
on hand lit the l\ room for broadcast of the cal effects on the hostages of‘prolonged captivity/"and wrongs don't makca right. but the accusationignores wal from the area would claim eight lives.
. nationally—tclcv iscd lliovvn press conference and the that operational factors. such as higher tempt‘rat-irCs what brought on the conflict in the first place. namely We mourn that loss oflife.just as wemournthe lost I
. , ‘ related tincttigt' throughout the afternoon It also and shorter nights in Iran “made it necessary to ».' ovc Iran‘s blatant violation of international law in regard opportunity to get the hostages out. but it seems less 1/
'_ found many coinrncntingon the stupidity of President rclatttcly quickly." to the immunity of diplomats and their embassies in than fair to make the president and his adminstration ‘
. _ ,liinmv ('artt-i " l fiat asshole.“ they were saying. and While most allied governments have indicated that foreign countries. the nation‘s scapegoats.
‘ ' - ll‘. rather less mild language But on the other side of they will stand by theirdecision to impose sanctions 'l he rcaCIlttn of :lr. .elatives of the hostages has It is far too easy to sit back and criticize something ,
the ledger. there were those who praised the presi- on Iran. the aborted rescue has increased the tensions been generally one i f shock mixed with a feeling that which fails. when we would be alltoo readyto praise it .
_ dent‘s actions. saying that the tcscttc needed to be between the l'nited States and her allies. l'he failureof the operation slould l'.(".'er have been launched. Most if were to succeed. If nothing else. the hostage situa-
' attempted. even it perhaps tltc .ictiori ought to have the mission has also caused some to speculate on the vocal in her conlemtttion ofthe aborted rescue mis— tion should by now have shown us that there are no
. - ' been taken much earlier in the captivity of the 5} effect that the aborted mission will have on the sion was Barbara tum. who took part in the press easy answers or simple solutions. only the more feasi-
‘Wlstls‘lth‘ lk‘ld ”l lt‘hltl” “P““ll‘ ”l ”W l'nitcd Stilt“ conference in l‘ehrait Saturday. The mother of the hle options and the better efforts. '
' L 'dd ' b k ' d h " ' ‘
, l ys oo rem/n susw y .\-.\\\ _
l I I OOkC aim __ , ' if;: — ‘ ' ~ -\ \ .
-- we elected Jimmy Carter In 76' L a, t 3. a. . so. - w
. lllOTlEi-t Fulfill "’"v- ' iii ~l’ ‘
. w v I
. \fany pc-tplcaicsayirtg "I voted for asked them to iiitagtnc those l)cmo- l‘l‘lll ('tlhlmltlk‘c- lht‘ht’ meetings ht‘ [MAPV H2 .st’l ,% ' ' '
. ' .|.riim\ (airti bu' I'll llt“st.‘l do ll ctats when. iii the Hill degree Miami dt’w'llht‘s werein fact held. lheseplots PR' -‘s—‘ . . Fox ' "‘ ‘ :eéry" ‘
' . .tgairl'y \o tiiariv. in fact. that sonic-of siiittitiet weather. all the am “CFC In fact discussed Some of them CARTeR "u i . “ \‘ y ." re
. its wonder how we ever erected the conditioning went out. damaged “t‘lL‘ Citlllt‘d 01“. 1 ‘ "' 3
- titan May be it‘s fortunate that (i fioi- beyond qtiick repair and the tempera» '\lld WW hil‘ to remind oneself thill — ex . l .
. - don liddy has opened his mouth in ttiic inside the hall reached Ill) or the meetings “ch hs‘ld and the plots \ ”2T2 2-4- I; , j . ‘
i ‘ . tirrie to remind its more degrees." discussed by people whom Richard ‘ :71 .7 l‘ i
. . i iddv \Ili. rim mall was the .rno \ison hired and who had easy access . ‘ z (, .T‘iqu— -— l
. ‘. yummy“. Hm“. “11mm!” talk but to the White House. One has to recall _ ‘t ‘ l
. m,“ in livSLillllllhlttglill‘rll‘v entitled that one of the plotters was no less - 1
, ' \\l||_ hc ilooc pf. d hm“ which “I“ b d p ’1' thantlieattorney generalofthcl'nited O‘\ ' '_ . _ «- l '
cause other months to gape wide ’8 en re 0 States, . I 1 2“ p E (d7 i
' listct. to this ttvvl‘lllll of an alleged ‘\nd 3“ ‘1‘ ””9 puts down I lddli‘ ' E ‘ vkrgh ‘ .
I ‘ \.rrrr.;-yclir;isrr hunger; I “lily .indjivlm “—— book. ‘mc rcmcmhc” qUIIL‘ Clcurl.‘ Ii ' 'I‘ g . ' y \i m \ l\ j 7‘: : i
, , vtiittrt-i: .thiittt hiring pctiplc to rift-st tin-rt- is much more of this kind of why we elected Jimmy Carter We ' (n I It é' a l _ / I l l , ’ , i
. . ‘. la!“ potential (gymnncudmmc nnrcnlo thing tn l tddy‘s hook. incltidingades- elected him because he was and is an ' I _ if” . h iq _ l\ ' ’3 —« .
_ tho Ropribh..in convention ciiption of how .lcb Magrtider honest mart. because he possessed and ; l D "‘3‘" Y i m. (E . \ ”In”, ‘ e; ‘
.‘ r iddy ~- I m“. m.“ ”whim. prolcs- allegedly wanted l ”my. hired call does possess a strong sense of ethics . _ f ‘ v ”1‘ l l f”? .
-~ ' : sionai hlll'.‘l\ who have accounted girls readied for his own gratification llhd ”“111th “C “ant people of l ’ ill ‘ '~ . _ ’ \lqsw ' l
' between them for 33 dead or far. and how. for some time. (‘harlcs (‘ol— honesty and ofhigh ethicalprinciplein l“ ‘ t - j
:ttcltiding tw o hanged fiotit a beam in it W” allegedly pondered tht‘ problem ttl our government. id N‘I I \ l
, ' garage “ whether to poison columnist .lack Argue 1“ “C may about “hClh’s’I' " A :Q :1" "
i .' \fttthel "llirvv iittith will tltcii st'lr v\nderson \th l bl) or whether to “1”" hit“ been an effectiye president .' ’/ l
' , v ices tovt accept l.idd_\ 's proposal to kill him in a or whether hC hi“ been it 5”"“8 leader. . ,‘ ‘-‘ ‘I ‘-' l a???“ . (a/ l
-. IV . [with "l iketol‘ Professionals cvciv carefully contrtv ed automobile lhil“~‘t‘l‘l’lt‘55Cd “’mt‘ dttUhtSOh l't‘V'h l 1 f h‘ .‘H . -:fi‘ / l
i . I r\\llL'lL‘ sit they don‘t come cheap " accident NCUFCS. _ y f /' , f "’ 2"; (K l ‘
'i 7 l ‘slitchcll "\\ ell. lct's not contribute One Pitts down this book with a Bl” (iordon l‘lddl‘s book reminds a“ l}, 'I// / "' 'l‘ll W - j
i' any nioictlran wc hatt- toto lhccolfcrs sense that Howard llttiit is right w hcn U\ ”lhhlll “UCWHPCd‘ ll \httllld send 11 j .l A " - -'/ I) \\ - human-— l
, m ”mum/Cd “1min- he suggests that 1 may. mental stabil- shudder down the collective national K r I If-» " l
'. ' . llcic's another quotation. this dcs- ity is in question spine \l '1" "p . . . 2 ‘i
l . _ ' ' - cribirig a meeting in which I iddv pro- \evcrtheless. l iddy‘s book squares ‘ l
. i . _' 'f posed platistodisitipt the l)ctiiocr.itic with the known facts aboutthe Watcr~ Tom Braden Wl'ltfi ll syndicited ‘ ,. - ,7 I, l
' _- ' . ('otiv cm for: gate crowd as the facts were uncovered column Olll 0f Washington. D-(I This ’4 ' ‘ l “ " ~ , %,?f‘§,fl'§fi".flm ;
i ,. ,4 3 .~ ”l \cii lohn \frtchcll smiled as | during the courtroom trials and by the is his last Ippearilnce ofthe sem liter, —v~. Ll /‘ .a’ ‘7' l
l . V .‘ 2- - l R tl/‘y‘ ? "lie . 2 W
,1 L l- -l 1 /*\ tit ._ 4t 41. - i
V. . ‘ V. , t ' . “2, ' . a!., ’ ,l ‘ if???" y,
I . , g 7" lhe [\(‘lllutlyl kernel welcomes all contributions Letters: l n .> “ " l t , it Wt g. ’ l l
.l '1 . . - from thel K community for publicationonthe editorial ShOUld be 30|inesor less and nomorethan ZOOWOTdS. ‘ .-- -‘. t ‘ t‘ 4%“ v ‘/ . « 7t /' '2 ‘
‘v .‘ and opinion pages They should concern particular issues. concern: or ‘ / .x i3 J y . g t as}: ‘
’ . events relevant to the UK community. \\ . F's "‘7 Ml) '7’ » ‘
I v. . letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed \ Fl I l r' ‘7“; $14) " 2’.) ' (V O l
' ' , . J" and triple~spaccd. and must include the writer‘s Signa- t ’ «4' . / filfi‘fif/ '4 d“ l
' .i . ' ' turc. address and phone number. l'K students should « l' .l,. ‘4. g c) gy’fllfll‘ / l j _
" ‘ include their year and mayor and l niversity employees Opinions: t . ‘ s / f .‘| F» (:27 > [My '__I ' 7/1", Vl. ;
, should list their posit.on and department Shhllld h€90 lines or less and should give and explain 1 1“ v}. . ,. .449, y“, ,, f” If _ __;/ /l ‘ .r g I ,,//I ,
‘ ’ a position pertaining to topical issues of interest to the ‘ " I'M/7&3 . ‘ ,2. “" “‘35” M / 1
. " lhe kernel may condense or rejectcontributitinsand UK community. ‘ k) h '7 l“ “V g. . 1 ' """'""’"'-lltl. "/3 j y, 2‘ . 7/ " \ l
y . 4 ' frequent writers may be limited l‘dllOl’S reservethe right i f6 ,’ f/b ll’.‘ ”/7 / -- i l
to edit for correct spelling. grammar and clarity. and .1 kt ’3’ 2 l
_ , may delete libelous statements. \ i1" '. i
- . ’. ('ommcntules ifihlé-‘g’ , - . .} ~ 3
. . (‘ontributions should bedelivered to Room ll4Jour- ShOUld be 90 lines 0T lCSS. Wlth "0 more than 800 ‘E\ If “i ,. ’ f ‘ ‘Il\
. nnlism. l'nivcrslty of Kentucky. lulnlton. Ky. 40506_ words These articlcsarc reserved forauthors who. inthc . W l . / a gas.“
, editor‘s opinion, have special credentials. experience. i 1”" ’ . ‘ 'fi . g3 ' . i 94‘ l
‘ ‘, for legal reasons. contributors must present a [K ll) training or other qualifications to address a particular _- . .Ngl/ ’ 't ““ I ‘ , til‘pi' l
before the lwrnel will be able to accept the material. subJCCt ‘ ' I)?" , ,9; v t»..,/' l
. M\ ,1' ff! / \f _./:"r‘,.':;' .16 l
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