xt76ww76wv2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wv2n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-10-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1975 1975 1975-10-20 2020 true xt76ww76wv2n section xt76ww76wv2n  

Vol. LXVII No. 55
Monday, October 20, 1975



an independent student newspaper I


2] University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky


Fourth kidnapping suspect is arrested

(Note: Information for this article was,
compiled by Bruce Winges, editor-in-chief:

Ginny Edwards, managing editor; Walter
Ilixson. assistant managing editor; John

Winn Miller, assistant managing editor;

Dick Gabriel. assistant sports editor: and
Ron Mitchell. staff writer.)

The fourth suspect in the Oct. 11 alleged
kidnapping of Luron Eugen Taylor was
arrested at 11:40 pm. Saturday by the
Lexington Metro-Police at his residence in

Noble Leroy Butler, 23, of 4315 Shasta
Trail. was booked at Metro Police head-
quarters at 4:37 am. Sunday. He was
charged with kidnapping.

Jefferson County Police assisted Metro
police in apprehending the suspect, ac-
cording to Asst. Chief Frank Fryman.
Fryman said two Metro police officers
traveled to Louisville to make the arrest.



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Feature Editor

Saturday night was a calm one for Unit
I, ('ampus Police. True, there were some
minor calls but nothing big. The blue and
white police car was cruising campus.

()t'ficer Wayne (‘arpenter was giving
(‘harlie (‘on n. BGSjunior some pointers on
police work for a class They had just
talked about how calm it was for a
Saturday night

Then the radio beeped and the police
dispatcher came on. ‘Unitl. Unit]. Tran-

Kentucky bows
to louisiana State

Sports Editor

BATON ROL'GE. LA.—The Louisiana State football program
has been suffering through hard times this season. Included in
its 14 record was a heartbreaking 10-7 defeat at Nebraska and
two pulverizing losses at home at the hands of Texas A&M 39-8
and Southeastern Conference (SEC) rival Florida 34-6.

The lone ray of hope coach Charlie M
squad could foresee was to play Kentucky in the friendly con-

fines of Tiger Stadium.

UK and LSU have met 14 times in “Death Valley“ as Tiger
Stadium is so quaintly called. Kentucky teams have left with one

victory and one tie.

Saturday nigh‘s battle was as predictable as the other 14
games. LSU ran its record to 2-4 with a l7~14 win over a
struggling Wildcat team which saw its season mark dip to 1-4-1.

' Continued on page 10


cClendon ’s ravaged

The suspect‘s father, Noble Butler, said
his son was mistreated by the arresting
officers. The elder Butler said his son was
taken at gunpoint at his residence by two
officers clad in blue jeans and fatigue

Joe Catt. Metro police media liaison,
said Butler or any member of his
immediate family could file a complaint
with the internal affairs division if a Metro
officer Was involved.

Fryman said that Butler's arrest was
the result of an intensive investigation
involving 20 detectives working two 12hour
shifts daily. Those detectives have re-
turned to regular duty. Fryman said, and
will be permitted to take regular leave
days and vacations.

Edwin Kagin, Butler‘s attorney. said he
will arrive here from Louisville for
Butler‘s arraignment today.

Also arrested and charged with kidnap-

ping are: Elmore Stephens, 23;John
Bishop,22; and Robert Channels, 22.

Stephens was an tight end on the 1974
Kentucky fc-wtball team and Bishop is a
former Wildcat team manager.

Taylor, 24, was allegedly abducted from
his apartment at 1261 Village Dr. around
11:30 pm. Oct. 11, according to Catt.

Several UK students have been ques-
tioned in connection with the case,
according to T. Lyn Williamson. assistant
dean of students.

Acting Dean of Students Joe Burch,
however, said his office is no longer
involved in assisting Metro police in their

“Frankly, through our assistanceato stu—
dents connected with this case, “Burch
said“ we became objects of questioning
and we didn't want to release any
information that was part of a police

”Our role in this case was not like the
traditional role of the dean of students
office," he said. “Students usually have
minor difficulties with police, but this
time. this is a different situation. It’s a
reversal of our normal role.”

. Burch said the dean of students office
will continue to aid students at the request
of Metro police. Students can be ques-
tioned by police without first contacting
his office, he added.

Taylor‘s photograph has been distri-
buted to media and law enforcement
agencies in all parts of Kentucky, southern
Ohio and souther Indiana, Catt said.

Fryman would not comment on whether
the 24-hour police surveillance on Darlene
Taylor, the alleged kidnap victim‘s wife,
has been lifted.


sport a bird to the Small Animal Hospital
from the stadium parking lot."

“I looked at (‘barlie for a second. Did I
hear him right?" Carpenter said. “Could
you repeat that?"

“You heard us." dispatch said.
"Transport a bird. B-I-R‘D.”

“(,‘onn and I just laughed," Carpenter
said. "But we took-off to find out what was
going on.“

l’nit 1 sped across campus toward the
stadium lot. There they found a lO-pound
looney bird floundering in a mud puddle.
"I think the poor thing thought the parking
lot was water and tried to land,"(Tonn
said. The lot was wet from 2 days of rain.

The loon (pardon the term) was
wrapped in a towel, put in an apple box and
rushed to the animal hospital. “He had
scrapped his feet pretty badly trying to
land on the pavement.“ said
veterinarian Dr. Larry Item. “He‘s
a water fowl and can't take off on land."

The loon was sitting calmly in a four-by-
tour wire cage in the hospital. Pages of the

Bird hospitalized

is Police involved in 'Iooney’ case


Sunday pa per were attatched with clothes
pins to “keep the noise and activity out.“
The loon seemed unaware he was the topic
of conversation.

When the light hit the loon. he started
flapping around and squalking. “He's
really strong.“ Item said. “We had to tape
his beak togetherwbut he still peeks. It
takes both hands to holds his wings
together or he’ll get away."

At the mention of escape, the loon looked
up hopefully. “Not yet buddy," Item said.

Loons. as such, are uncommon in the
Bluegrass area ——its not everday one drops
out of the sky. They usually just pass
through on their way south for the winter.

“You‘ve seen this kind of bird on Wild
Kingdom before." Item said. “He‘s the
kind that flaps around across the top of the
water and then takes ott. Real un-
coordinated.“ The Icon made a
threatening sound in the back of his throat.

Item em said that Conn would come and
get the loan today and take him out to the


resevoir. “The loon needs water to take off
from,“ Item said. “And I think he‘ll be
healed enough tomorrow to try it. We don‘t
even know what to feed him so he‘d be
better off getting started south again.“

The looney bird ruffled his light brOWn
feathers. twisted his white neck over his
back and looked crosseyed down h is sharp
beak. He seemed bored with the whole

“Yeah. I think he‘ll be able to make it,“
Item said.

Despite his abrupt introduction to
parking lot asphalt. the loon did not break
any bones and surfaced relatively

"We took X—rays and checked his wings
and legs for breaks," Item said. “His
pelvic bone seems to be a little separated.
but maybe that' how its supposed to look."
he laughed. “I really don’t have much
experience with looney pelvises.”

UK President Otis

A. Singletar)
consoles \Iilu
Siganos after ”K's
loss to LSU Saturday






Letters and Spectrum articles should be addressed to the atrial Page Editor.
Room lid Journalism Building. they should be typed, dowlespaced aid simed.
Lettes should not exceed 250 was and Spectrum articles 150 m.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor



, Letters




(Editor’s note: Because of the number of letters and commentaries received by the
Kernel, there is no editorial today. in cases where a number at letters and com-
mentaries are received about one or several subjects, more space will be devoted tc
readers' views. All letters and Spectrum articles should be typed, double-spaced and
signed. Letters cannot exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 750 words.)




As a fervent Kentucky football fan of
more than 10 years’ standing, I
devoutly hope that John Vogel’s predic-
tions for this season turn out to be just
as accurate as the ones he made
concerning the Muhammad Ali-Joe
Frazier fight and the National League
pennant playoff.

Joe Sharp
Mathematics Dept.



In response to the controversy over
men running for homecoming queen we
would like to suggest a possible
solution. Since by nature men and
women are physically opposites, they
cannot be judged on the same basis.
However, men have expressed an
interest in being a homecoming candi
date so why not have queen candidates
for females only and king candidates
for males only?

The candidates could be judged by
both men and women on goal direct
edness, poise, personality, and general
appearance against the candidates of
their own sex. A ”queen" is defined as a
woman and a ”king” defined as a man,
therefore this would remain true and
both sexes would equally be repre

Susan Marlin
Leigh Meers
Elaine Hafner

James Bonds


Hey, come on: That US. Senate
Committee investigating the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) is way out in
left field. While these James Bond types
are occupying the headlines by over—
throwing some peasant huts, we’re all
missing the really big news.

If the Senate Committee was really
on its toes, they’d be investigating
polluters. That’s right. If they cared
enough to seriously research the matter
they would find out what the rest of us
have known since 1970. Namely, that
the polluters are involved with alien
beings in an international conspiracy to
change the face of the earth for their
own ends, whatever they may be.

Maybe they come from a dying
planet. Maybe they come from the
Bermuda Triangle. Maybe they come
outof the ”Out of Order" dryers at the
Chevy Chase Laundry.

But one thing is certain. They’re
here. Among us now. A large number of


alien beings who look similar to us and
a few brainwashed Exxon executives
from lower New Jersey.

What can we do? Forget those Camp
David tricks. We’ll call a real national
alert and have the Marines man
thousands of diesel trucks all across the
country. You see, these aliens can only
be seen in their true forms at night
under the glare of diesel headlights.

Meanwhile, the Army Corps of
Engineers will be building con-
centration camps for the ”polluters” to
be put into until the full facts in the
matter can be ascertained.

Pass a lawagainst lying and that will
take care of most of the politicians.

I am confident that we can marshall
our vast resources to combat this alien
menace. What a bicentennial
celebration that will be!

Wake up America!

Steve Mayes
senior education

Idea man


I understand that not too long again
the Kentucky-Maryland football game
was carried on television regionally.
Undoubtedly, millions saw this en-
counter. Unfortunately, out here we
saw another game involving two West
Coast teams.

But my point is this: the National
Collegiate Athletic Association will be
selecting Kentucky again in the future
and hopefully for a nationally-televised
game. Or maybe the Wildcats will go to
a major bowl game in l976 or 1977.

Years ago (I hate to admit it but it
was around 1949-1950) as sports editor
for the Kentucky Kernel, I suggested
several things to promote our fine in~
stitution. I guess I was ahead of my

But one was to do away with those
standard University band uniforms and
dress ”The Best Band In Dixie” in
Kentuckycolonel outfits. l have learned
that his was finally done. But it took
around 20 years!

Another idea was to find a harmless
dye andtintourfootballfield with "blue
gras” for the home games. I realize
th is oftendraws smiles but it would be a
tremendous promotion and unique, too.

Particularly, if and when Kentucky
gets on a future nationally-televised
football program. Don’t think the
network announcers woulch’t comment
about that! It IS the Blue Grass State so
why not try this out for next season?

Tom Diskin
Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
Class of l950







The confusion over
morality and legality


By Richard McDonald


The Student Senate action of October 6,
passing a resolution in favor of recognition
of the Gay Students’ Coalition (GSC) as a
legitimate student organization, has pro
duced much discussion on the UK campus.
Several letters and editorials about the
action have been printed in the Kernel.
However, in most of the statements
opposed to the Student Senate action, a
disturbing thing is noticed—morality and
legality are confused. Most of the writers
stated they felt the resolution was wrong
because the majority of UK students are
morally opposed to homosexuality. Simi~
larly, they state that homosexuality is, and
should be, illegal because the majority of
citizens are morally opposed to it. Indeed,
at the Senate meeting, many senators said
they were opposed to the resolution
religiously and morally. Chuck Turner, in
his Spectrum article of October 10, stated
he is opposed to the resolution because
homosexuality is illegal, and because he
feels that homosexuality is immoral. I
assume, because of his comments, that
Turner feels homosexuality is illegal
because most people feel it is immoral. If
this is true, he is equating morality and

l, as a Christian, am also opposed to
homosexuality morally. However, we who
share this view must realize we can't use
laws to force our morals on others. We
must realize that the us. is a pluralistic
society, not a homogeneous society. In
other words, the US. is a nation in which
diverse groups have the right to maintain
their individual identities by participating
in and taking an interest in their own
culture; the US is not a society in which
minorities have to sacrifice their indivi-
dual beliefs and interests in an effort to
imitate the majority. This pluralism, in
the form of freedom of worship. was one of
the stated purposes of the founding of this
nation by the pilgrims. Pluralism is the
principle on which the Bill of Rights is
based. Pluralism is the basis of the
separation of church and state that is so

important to the Constitution. Since the
US is a pluralistic nation, there must be a
place for both gay and straight.

Many people say they are opposed to the
Student Senate action because homosex~
uality is illegal under Kentucky state law,
and they imply that the law represents the
will of the majority. One such argument is
contained in the Turner Spectrum article:
“...we are trying to stop the formation of
an official University organization which
promotes illegal homosexuality...can you
consider the support of the "Rapist Student
Union' or the ’Student Association of
Thieves’? I’m not saying that homosexuals
have anything in common with rapists or
thieves except that all three are illegal.”
Again I state that the US. is supposed to be
a pluralistic society. And in such a society,
the purpose of law is to keep order, not to
enforce the will and morals of the
majority. Rapists and thieves disrupt
order, homosexuals do not. A person’s
sexuality doesn’t effect his functioning as
a citizen; it doesn’t prevent him from
fulfilling his duties and responsibilities as
a citizen. '

Those in opposition to the Student Senate
action must realize the resolution doesn’t
mean the Senate supports homosexuality,
or that the Senate agrees'with' a'n’y action
the Gay Students’ Coalition may take. It
does mean that the Senate recognizes the
right of gay students to form a student
organization. To quote Law senator Jerry
Thornton, ”The federal constitution guar-
antees free association, and gays are being
denied their first admendment rights. If
UK, the student government, and the state
government are to stay committed to
fighting all forms of discrimination, they
cannot continue to deny homosexuals their


Richard McDonald is an Arts and Science



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By Russel Pelle
Noncy Diebel



Why all the hysteria over Student
Government’s recognition that gay
students are entitled to enjoy the same
rights outlined by the U.S. Constitution
as other citizens?

The outrages against the Gay Coali
tion have developed from sanctimon
ious moral indignation to actual harr
rassment and thrests of violence. Each
individual on campus has their own
views on morality and religion, but
these views are a personal matter and
are nto to be imposed on others. One of
the most progressive advancements in
the history of political rights was the
separation of church and state.

A recent letter to the Kernel iIIustra
tes the absurdity of individuals trying
to impose their moral and religi0us
prejudices on others. Several students
quoted the Bible to inform of us God’s
own directives on how to solve the
controversy surrounds the rights of
Gay students. Leviticus 20:1314 "If a
man has intercourse with a man as with

a woman, they both commit an abom
ination. They shall be put to death;
their blood shall be upon their heads.”
We hope that these students do not


interpret the passage literally and are
not seriously proposing that gay stu
dents not only be denied the democratic
right to form a recognized campus


organization but actually be put to

In fact, there have been threats made
on the lives of gay students, although
probably bot by students with such lofty
moral principlesm as the Bible-quoters.
It is not necessary to threaten or attack
a candidate for homecoming queen to
express the opinion that the candidate
not be elected. Students who object to
the idea of a gay, male homecoming
queen do not have to vote for one, but
there can be no question of a candi-
date’s right to participate in the
contest. The gays on this campus are
not imposing their moral ans sexual
views on other people. They only ask for
the right to have these views, and to be
recognized as a ligitimate organization.
Threats of violence on gays are threats
upon each person on this campus.
Personal moral views are held by
everyone~~if one set of moral views
are squashed, where is the stopping
point? How far will violence go if it gets
a hold on this campus?

We, as individuals dedicated to the
cause of freedom and democracy, must
put an end to the outrages against the
gays, since these outrages go so far as
to threaten every person’s individual
rights their freedom of religion, sex
uality and morality. Support of the
right of gays to be a recognized campus
organization is needed now, before the
present situation explodes into Violent
political, religious and moral opression.


Russel Pelle is a sociology senior and
Nancy Diebel is an anthropology soph~
omore. Both are members of the Young
Socialist Alliance.





By Craig Olson


For Ed Kane (Oct. 13 Kernel),
Zionism is guilty of bad ”conduct”,
apparently before 1948, while the
Palestinians have committed interna-
tional violent crimes against innocents.
This is the same brand of hypocrisy
that would blame the ghetto insurrec-
tions of the ’60’s on Blacks—~instead of
on years of white racism and grinding

Israeli propaganda argues that be
cause of anti-Semitism, Jews cannot
achieve equality or freedom from ha»
rassment in any country in the world.
And so, Israel was established as a
haven for Jewry.

But the claim that the interests of
Zionism and the interests of the Jewish
people are the same is simply not true.
Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, such as the
Jerusalem ”Guardians of the City”
mavement, view Zionism as a prostitu-
tion of Judaism. Black Jews and Jews

and Jewish conflictions

of Middle-Eastern origin have repeat
edly protested against the repression
they face from the Israeli government
and businesses. The Israeli League for
Human and Civil Rights, led by
BelsenBergen survivor lsrael Shahak,
has protested Israeli treatment of
Palestinians. And increasing numbers
of Jewish workers find their civil
liberties and standard of living threat-
ened by the Israeli war economy. All
these groups of Jews in Israel are
coming to oppose Zionism and support
the formation of a democratic, seCUIar

But even more importantly, no
country that establishes itself by ex
petting the original inhabitants and that
maintains itself by a systematic cam-
paign of discrimination and terror can
be a safe haven. Let us look at the
record of the last 30 years.

July 22, 1946. The lrgun, Haganah,
and Jewish Agency blew up the King
David Hotel which housed the offices of
the civilian administration of the

government of Palestine~killing or
wounding 200.

December, 1947»February, 1948. A
series of attacks by the Palmach,
Haganah and lrgun claimed well over
100 lives in various Arab villages and
Arab sections of cities. There were 9
attacks on Arab buses and 4 passenger
trains were mined.

April 9, 1948. The lrgun and Stern
Gang captured the village of Deir
Yassin, famous in the area for being
sympathetic to the Jews, and killed
over 200 unarmed civilians. Older men
and young women who survived were
then paraded in chains through a
Zionist stronghold in Jerusalem. 20 of
these hostages were then shot in a

October, 1953. Israeli troops attacked
the Jordanian village of Qibiya, killing

November, 1960. Israeli troops at»
tacked the Jordanian village of Samu,
killing 18 and destroying 140 houses.

June, 1967. The UN Secretary-Gen-
eral reported that Israeli troops had

attacked the UNEF Indian staff on 5
occasions, killing 11, wounding 24, and
looting their property.

February, 1970. Israeli planes bom~
bed an Egyptian factory, killing 70
civilians and wounding 98.

April, 1970. Israeli planes bombed
an Egyptian school, killing 46 children

May, 1971. The Arab villagers of
Akraba were asked to sell their land to
Israel. They refused.

April, 1972. An Israeli plane sprayed
chemical defoliant on the Arab wheat
fields near Akraba.

February, 1973. A Libyan civilian
airliner was shot down over the Sinai,
killing 106.

Then there is the torture of Arab
political prisoners, the forced emigra-
tion from Israel of Arabs who fear for
their lives, the letter bombs sent by
Mosad, the Israeli secret police, that
explode in Lebanese post offices or in
the hands of Syrian poets. The question
is who are the real ”terrorists” in the
Middle East?

Craig Olson is a Lexington resident.






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The Kentucky Kernel is pleased to
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news briefs



Ford proposes
food-stamp reform

WASHINGTON (APi—President Ford plans to send food~stamp
reform legislation with stricter eligibility standards and emphasis
on helping those below the poverty level to Congress Monday.

White House aides say the new plan would save the taxpayers
“over $1 billion“ and target more money for the neediest.

Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz is scheduled to outline the
President‘s proposals in testimony at the Capitol Monday and a
White House briefing is expected Monday morning.

Ford has been highly critical of the present food stamp program.
He has called attention to loopholes and cites it as “another
massive, multi-billion dollar program almost uncontrolled and
fully supported by federal taxpayers.“

He has called Congress‘ attention to statistics he says show that
“only 10 years ago there were fewer than 500,000 people
participating in the program at a cost of $36 million,“ while today it
has “expanded to 20 million and the cost to $6.8 billion.“

Kissinger in showdown
with House Committee

“KASHING'I‘ON (AP)—-Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and
the Select House Intelligence Committee may be headed for a
showdown on whether Congress can question operations officers on
('S policy decisions.

Kissinger has defied the committee‘s subpoena for an operations
officer‘s dissent memorandum on Kissinger‘s handling of the
(‘yprus crisis last year.

The committee may decide as early as Tuesday whether to begin
steps toward citing Kissinger for contempt.

It almost certainly will not accept his compromise offer to
personally give the committee a general summary of dissenting
recommendations he got on the (‘yprus crisis and reasons why he
rejected them.

Kissinger wrote the committee last week that he had to defy the
subpoena because turning over the dissent memorandum “would
inevitably be destructive of the decision-making process of the

Lower-level officers must be free to give him criticism and
advice. Kissinger said. without either fear of public disclosure if
they're wrong or grandstanding in hopes their recommendations
will be made public.

Kissinger also told the committee he had to protect the Foreign
Service from the kind of congressional abuse it suffered from the
late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthey. R-Wis,

Euthanasia case begins

MORRISTOWN, .\'.J. (AM—A trial beginning here Monday on an
application for a court to authorize disconnecting Karen Ann
Quinlan's life-supporting respirator pits the two legal concepts of
mercy killing and an individual's right to refuse special medical
practices against each other.

All sides in the case agree that Quinlan is still alive. whether
defined in traditional terms of respiration and heartbeat or in more
modern terms of brain death.

New Jersey Atty. Gen. William F. Hyland and Morris County
Prosecutor Donald G. Collester have joined the case because.
under state law, causing a death. mercifully or not. is homicide, a
violation of criminal law the government is obliged to prosecute.

The petition before Superior Court Judge Robert Muir Jr.. was
filed last month by Joseph T. Quinlan, adoptive father of the
21-year-old Karen. The petition seeks to have the attorney general
and prosecutor enjoined from bringing criminal charges against
the plaintiffs, the doctors or the hospital, should permission be
given to shut off the respirator.

Paul W. Armstrong. a Morristown attorney representing Quinlan
and his family in the case, in a pre-trial brief indicated he would
argue that recent court decisions have given individuals the right to
determine their own course of medical treatment.

Foust offer denied

FRANKFORT (AP)—-—The Democratic and Republican candidates
for state auditor have denied that they offered to keep the present
auditor, Mary Louise Foust. on the payroll after the Nov. 4 election.

Democratic candidate George Atkins Jr. said that hiring of staff
members, including and assistant auditor, should be based ”on
professional credibility and technical ability rather than on
political expediences.“

Republican Richard Combs said he asked Foust “if she would be
interested in continuing to work for state government.“

Foust. who cannot succeed herself in office, said Friday that both
men offered to keep her on after the election. But she indicated at
that time that she didn‘t think either candidate was trying to buy
her support.



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New federal act provides the right
to inspect records for inaccuracies

Ry MONTY N. Ft)l.l€\'
Kernel Staff Writer

A federal privacy act went into
effect last month which gives
citizens the right to inspect some
personal information that is kept
by government agencies.

It a person finds the file con—
tains inaccurate data. a federal
tudge can order it corrected.

In a telephone interview
’l‘uesday. l)a n S, ’l‘uttle. an aide to
Sen. Wendell Ford tl)~Ky.t. said
the law was designed to allow
citizens to go directly to federal
agencies for inspection of
existing files. However. he said
most requests seem to be
channeled through congressional

The law stipulates that
agencies may only release iii—
formation when a citizen makes a
written request directly to the
agency. But 'l‘uttle said
congressional offices have im-
plied consent to intervene on
behalf of individuals.

’l‘uttle said the law restricts the
collection and use of citizens‘
tiles. For example. unless
another law requires it. agencies
are forbidden to keep track of an
individuals political. religious or
other activities protected under
the First Amendment of the

“Although not
responsible. the Office of
Management and Business is
coordinatiing the release policies
of other federal agencies." 'l‘uttle
said. Most requests for in-
formation involve the Depart—
ments of Defense. and Health,
Education and Welfare."

Not all personal files. however.
are available for the individual's
inspection. ’l‘uttle said. The
privacy act excludes certain
"classified ma terial.” some ('ivil
Service records. and in-
vestigative data maintained by
law entercement agencies.

Although the law was passed by
t'ongress in 1974. it did not take
effect until Sept. 27 of this year.
'l‘uttle said. He added that this


delay gave federal agencies time
to prepane release policies.

'l‘uttle said Sen. Ford's
Washington office receives
inquiries about personal files

nearly every day. For example.
'l‘uttle said. wives of military
servicemen frequently call to
tind out where their husbands are
stationed overseas.

Another provision of the law
established a seven—member
study commission to investigate
the use of credit files and the
increasing use of social security
numbers as a source of iden—
tifica tjon.

’l‘uttle indicated such use of
social secun'ty numbers might
eventually be restricted.

Federala gencies a re. however.
still permitted to exchange some
personal information.

In spite of the new law. federal
agencies may continue to ex-
change routine information with
other agencies. For example.
'l‘uttle said. the Internal Revenue
Service will continue to give tax
information to state authorities.

Polling may have been illegal

By I).\\'II) BROWN
Kernel Staff Writer
tNote: This article was
previously printed in the Kernel‘s
special Saturday edition. It is
reprinted those who
missed the special edition.

here tor

Dormitory polling methods,
used to record student opinion of