xt76ww76wt71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76wt71/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1971 1971 1971-12-08 2020 true xt76ww76wt71 section xt76ww76wt71 The Kentucky . - ' .

an Independent newspaper published r‘ ,

by students at the university of kentucky , 1_ , . . .-

' \Vednesday, Dec. 8, 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 “,11 LXIII My 4,"; 1 '1 ' '1 .

Poll shows students favor store, lawyer

By BONNI BROCKMAN nineteen (78 percent) supported the Legal Services The corporation would not deal in books llk'\l ’i, .

Kernel Staff Writer fee, while 484 (22 percent) opposed it. semester. but would sell anything lrom ”records to ' ‘i '~ , .

A random poll of UK students showed 88 “All we were looking for was a rough idea of drugstore items" to supply capital tor my

' percent favor a student-owned bookstore and 78 where we stood,” Wendelsdorf said. The sampling student-run bookstore to begin “liupt'itliiy iii . ‘
percent support hiring a full-time Legal Services was representative of the student body. he August of 1973:” wcndcisdmi and

attorney, Student Government President 500“ explained, because student with different majors 1 :

Wendelsdorf announced Tuesday. and class standings were polled. Fee begins soon 11 11 1,1.

The SC survey, taken during NOV- 10-23 Because of the student support received, both The $1.50 Legal Services fee will be accepted
pre-registration, was originally billed as a proposed programs “will be tried”, and, a Legal from students early in the spring semester.
“campus-wide referendum.” However, a lack Of Services attorney could be hired in January, Wendelsdorf said. ._1 _1 11
poll workers at the pre-registration site’s, ongampus Wendelsdorf said. As for the $1.50 bookstore fee, "we’ll wait and i, i.

- gave SG 3 random sampling instead, 531 Susan Bookstore corporation? see what it looks like. If we generate enough .-V I. I: ‘
“Wash“ SG Student Affairs Committee The SC president wants to develop a student capital on our own. the fee won‘t be necessary," '.
chairwoman. _ corporation to build capital for the student-run he said. 1’11?
’ Two questions bookstore. He said it could be incorporated “over _ 1 j. . .‘
‘ Students were asked if they would pay $1.50 the holidays.” If either Of the programs fall or are canceled. all ' '1 . 1 1.2.13?
each semester forastudent-run and student-owned “The corporation’s board of directors would student donations Will be refunded. Wendelsdori
bookstore and $1.50 each semester for a full-time consist of Student Government people, said. '
attorney at SG’S Legal Services Office. non-Student Government people and faculty. “Our ultimate goal will be to make the
The survey found 1,417 (88 percent) students They can decide to sell whatever they want to corporation independent Of Student fifi
willing to pay the bookstore fee and 196 (12 sell,” Wendelsdorf continued, “but I assume they Government." Wendelsdorf said. “This is so no
1 percent) opposed. One thousand, two hundred and would deal with high turnover items.” future president can abolish it," " j
Amid rain and overcast skies. must not advocate degrees of expendiutures .
govemoroelect Wendell Ford was sworn into which are without reality. . ‘
office a few minutes after 3 p.m. Tuesday. “If you demand that Kentucky give you 1'
Democrats from every section of the state economic security.” he continued. “you j '
poured into Frankfort Tuesday to herald must not forget that Kentucky‘s strength
their new leader and watch the five hour comes from each person standing on his feet. 1.. if -._-
inaugrual parade. It is not a matter of what we are. but of 7
Crowds varied with the weather. When it what we are able to bef‘ ~ - 1,"
was clear thousands lined Capitol Avenue: “Our acts omission are often more 1 T;
New man when it was raining, they faded into shelter. revealing than those of com-mission,“ he
There was no accurate turnout estimate, said. “We see this when we refuse to i ;'
but it was far less than the expected 50,000 consider the value of the elderly to society. if." -
0 to 75,000. Police from almost every county when we don’t listen to the young who do i ' '
1" Frank 0 rt 0 and district of state were on hand to keep indeed have sound ideas.“ 1
. the peace. . Carroll‘s roll ' ‘
Ford 1began hls four-year ”Fm as Carroll said that as lieutenant governor he i. . . w
Kentuckys chief executive by saying the id have u a t‘ ul 0 1 f - .
W d ll F d challenge for all Kentuckians is to avoid wou , 1 p “C ar1 C n1cern or , f.
. enVironmental control. crime and drug '
en 8 0r self-seeking. f rcement rural develo merit urban
“Before we are Democrats, or Republicans en 0 1 . ‘ , 11 p 1 ' 1 .. " .
problems and a good educational system. 1 ,,
or Independents, before we are any of the -1 .r
things that separate us,” Ford declared, “let Largest parade ever '1 .
us upon the altar of our state place 3 Over 200 bands. marching units and floats ' _
personal sacrifice and stop treating that altar trekked the “V3 miles from ”10 Cdgt‘ 111. ‘1 ' . :
as a trough out of which to feed.” Frankfort to the Capitol during the largest . _- 1 ', 11
“If you demand balanced budgets, you Continued on Page 5. (‘01. 1 1 .1. =1! 11.
som1111111111111 ‘ Vmfia 1&1 1 * ..1 ,1 11 fi, .’11"1.'-1.<:;I11 111 . . - $1 111 , 1.1 1 1 11'
.. - ':‘= K -* 2. V i fib‘i‘i it 28" » IV -' ' -
to» .' ~ . as so are it .
It 111,- $111 11 11 11 . .3. 11111 _ 1 1 . 1 1 1.
’1 r 11 3 we a 1 1,... _. ' 1 _ 1‘
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st» _, z _ a... »- ,.
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1 . 11 1‘11 ~ 4%” 1 ,1 - 1' r ,1111 11 11 1 1111 1111 1
Former Gov. Lowe Nunn looks ‘11 ° 3 :11“ .__ . 1.1,. .
on from the background as _1 i“ . C 1 .. * ‘1 . ' ;
Wendell Ford is sworn in as - i M‘ q 1. “ .
govemor.(Kernel photo by David ' 1 \ ., i" ‘9 . '~ .
Rose) " ‘ ‘. \ (,1q1 .11
. , mm“ .. . , 1} T t . _
‘ .1 . i’ , v.1
' ‘ . J . 7
D d' l ' 11 t' cr'si
BY TIM BALLARD ‘ ‘ CO mmunications and thought on the environment to nature; and the “/0110 of the Will‘s Downs said. “We ' ~ 0
Assistant Managing Editor Environment." 1 crisis. They are. he said. the growth" SCllOOl. Wthh “ms ‘0’ as inhabitants of the earth have ‘ _ ' . ‘
“The specific responsibility of “TeleViSion‘s 50b is to put “minimalism." who consider POPUlallO" stabilization. no place to go. We will not be ‘ . ",’
journalism in the enviroment forth the "9th about the other things more important;the He termed lh9l35t¥1(‘”l‘lh¢ taken by surprise. as the irish . 1
crisis is to lay out the facts so Situation. It ‘5 then ”P. to “doom-niongers." who claim it ”“39“,, and the "‘0‘“ wet“ The” ‘5 ”lentil“ . . ‘ '
they are certain," Hugh Downs humanity to make the de1c15ions. is too late to dc anything; perceptive.1 1 understanding and public ‘ . 1 1
told an audience of 2,000 in Our 1mistake 18. looking to ”50398803058." who blame H“ we fix the population level awareness of what is happening. _ ' e .
Memorial Coliseum last night. 388110193 We ”118011118 to have to industry and the administration and then redefine progress. W} “Something has to give. . 1 I
Downs. host of NBC‘s do lt ourselves,“ said DOW“: in office; the “public priority" may be. 0" the right ”“CK- because about two billion ofthe 1‘
“Today" show from 1962 until He added, Communications school, which complains of too commented Downs. three and one-half billion people ' . n
his retirement in October, was must get across ideas that are much government spending on Repeat of 18408 on earth are not eating properly“ .‘ . ‘
presented by the Central unpalatable. 1 1 things other than the Comparing the present and the rest are plundering the ,
Kentucky Concert and Lecture Seven philosophies environment; The “Rousseau" situation with the conditions in resources.“ 1
Se ries. His to pic was Downs listed seven schools of school. which advocates a return Ireland during the potato famine continued on Page 2. Col. 4 « ~
— - - I

 B-THE kENTl'CKY KERNEL. \Vr‘dncsduv. Dec. 8. NW] ___________________________________________—————— '-
‘ ‘;§%"‘€?e?€ip 232010”:v’fi'efi’gé’aipfiflp’é’e'p? .OiO'.?ip'nWflp}$?’fi?é’é’?{; .
m C 11 f Ph 11 1) til
i 8..» ‘\\\\“ § 0 ege o armaey WI 3 6
2i: .0. “'0, {l 0
‘ " ' ‘ d b ' h f ed
A - ~ t at
. i. :' ,5. meme" 0., § rug 3 use w1t acts, uc Ion
g ’1 .fl .5...‘ chi-sauna. 0, 1}, .
, , , .\ ’ 0' )3» UK’s College of Pharmacy is subcommittee of the student high schools, but members have
' x I, ', ‘3 joining the fight against drug c h a p t e r o f A merrcan also spoken before adult
, g l 5 abuse. Pharmaceutical Assocration, comrnunrty organizations.
. t. 5 ‘ I g {3) Beginning next semester, the “but only to give the true facts The group uses mice, rats and
. , ‘3 6 I ‘3 student chapter of the American in the matter so people can rabbits to demonstrate QTUB
1 ’ j I, 3““.v' 3 Pharmaceutical Association will make a logical decision when It effects. “We show th": reactions
_ . 3 h I' é ,4. 1‘ send out volunteers to the UK comes to the use of drugs. of animals to the vanous drugs
3 3 3 . o. 5“.“ I) community colleges to speak on The pharmacy student and correlate these to reactions
. ‘ '. STEAK nous: fetal various aspects of drug misuse. subcommittee receives most observed H} humans,”
' l i .I. ,4 A ccording to Richard invitations from junior high and commented Levrne.
. 3 3 . ‘ i . Doughty, pharmacy professor
~ .1 ‘3 . < N“. ...‘ § the lectures will stress the abuse 0
.. ' .' 3 , ‘_.. \ \\\\““‘.\‘\\‘ § of legal prescription drugs. Downs says medla
' .. , ‘ ROUNDUP DAYS 5?; 0 Educate", d t , ~
, ~ . ; _ . . 3 “ ur purpose is o e uca e
. ~ So round up the family and herd em mto the Mav- people on the problems of 1m ortant t0 800l0gy
' . f 1 .~ erick for this great money—saving special! . durgs,” he said.
. ‘ I' ' , -. Wc’eeeeém memes/egg, .\ “We thpe we can git rt aCI’OISS Continued from Page 1 Any efforts to improve will be
' ., l _ i Wednesday, ......._..._.... Spam" (‘5 to peop e to use rugs on y Downs claimed there will be a opposed because special interests
, W when they need them, not to . . . - - -
1 . 3 . ) a, l l h f h . 1 change 1n our way of life by wrth deep socral and political
‘ 1 l ‘ CHOPPED SlRLOlN ‘3 R “iy on t”em or c emica necessity. roots will feel the “crunch” and
' . . ~ 3 - [ c t\ stimulation. h . ’bl resist, Downs claimed.
- , _ _. _ DINNER 1% The program, although still in C orce possr e Downs joined NBC in 1943
, 3 . ; {i the formative stages, will receive “We have a choice as to after servin in the Arm
/ 3 3 . ,3 .. ‘3 . Includes Salad, Choice of Potato, Texas Toast ,1 Q3; 3 grant this week from Merck whether it will be the . . g ‘ h , ' yf
‘_ . — ~ , 1‘ ,‘aeeeeéeeaeeeceeee'eeeeewccezézeeeecI. ll Sharp and Dohme a local drug abandonment of that biblical Dims 18: urge-t. tdg “8.“;in
I i «- ' i .32 We Serve Only USDA Choice Western am is manufacturing firm. injunction (‘Be fruitful, and A ron,‘ 110’ as n en ‘1 er
a 1 _ . - . i “n. . . , . . whale, conducted an underwater
, . _ ‘ >0 Beet, hand cut fresh daily on our prennses r 1‘ multiply ) or disease, famine or . . .
' . ‘ ' .‘ , N f,“1!.‘!3?.!2‘;’.,*>,$ {.3 Don’t preach clear war ,, continued Downs mtervrew wrth an aquanaut and
,’ ; 1 " ,l FREE PARKlNG ‘tg‘fifgfl 3 ti .. ,- h nuR k’ ’ th t “vil‘zation is experience weightlessness in a
. . , . . _. § No Tipping! _ Come As You Are! 3. ‘3 v}; ,«sf I) Our purgozc is not todprlelac ema:l mgtur ancr ()in itself flying space pad at Patterson Air
' , - 1 2420 l a :35. as the .eV‘ls O lugs‘ 5‘“ ate appa’e“ y. "lg .’ Force Base.
' ~ 3 . . ' N CHOLASVILLE ROAD mums: Levrne, chairman of the Downs sard every country rs
,- . . (Next to Mr. Wiggs) ; three-year old drug abuse “drifting toward some kind of
f ‘ ‘ . WWW??me ecological doom.” 6 ,
' , , . 1 _ . Clark outraged

~  8 LOCATIONS '1’ Kent 5
. .- . ., .._.- _ . LANSDOWNE indictments
; . - , 3V . . ‘ . SOUTH LAND (AP)—Former U.S. Atty. Gen.

_ . . . . , Ramsey Clark said today he was

-' ‘ :1 ‘ ‘ . ‘* TURFLAND “personally outraged” at what

' . ' .' j. " , keep your clothes .mfulfi as a rose «, » VERSAILLES ROAD he said was the injusticetiiongdZO
_, . . , .‘ . . “33 ~ Hl-ACRES . persons In . .

, .. '- « " ' 1970 Kent State Umversrty
. - . j disorders.

. The indictments were
.- pecra s or fud en is 0f

,_ . ' ~ evidence.

,3 3- . Clark was an attorney for
. 3 - . an acu fy Craig Morgan of suburban
f - . Columbus, KSU student leader

3 . . and one of those indicted.

‘3. -. 3‘ h. .9 GOOD ON THURSDAY At a news conference here,

- ' S ONLY Clark said the indictments and
' ~ .1 ._ .. their later dismissal showed “a
i 3‘ I. _ »_ .‘ failure of criminaljustice here in

[I i -. » Ohio. I do not think dismissals
., .313}, have rectified it.”

-. ‘_ :3 ‘3 DRESSES TROUSERS l. Both Clark and attorney Niki

L 5‘ .' . , 3 .. . Swart’x. of Cleveland Were hired

_ . .‘ .3 .> 2'Plece SUITS c SLAC KS by the American Civil Liberties

. | . Union to represent Morgan.

". ‘. j RAINCOAT SWEATERS Neither received a fee for their
.1 . 1 ,v . ‘ S services.

I ‘ r . .I " 3/4 COATS I each SKIRTS Morgan said his family had
, . ‘ ‘ . estimated it would have cost
3. 1 l SPORT COATS J each them $20000 to $30,000 in
3 ,3 attorney fees alone if they had

» to pay for legal representation
.3 . : 3‘ during the 14 months the

.3 I. ,, indictment was hanging over
. .4: . L him.

. , ., . ,- t “What does the normal man in

,_ .. . , . , Ir s aundered .0 ..

,~ himself under indictment for a

. ._ ,_ ..’- crime he knows he didn’t
:- ' j ; - '. : Folded Or On Hangers f r s 00 commit,” Morgan asked.

31 . Never any limit on quantity 0 . Clark said his investigation

. . .3 3, . _ showed that Morgan was trying

. . . ,3 _ . . to keep the campus cool during
‘. ‘ 3 3. 1 3 The PertWIIIab Papers by Don R050 and Ron Weinberg the weekend of the disorders.

1., , ,. ,. -3 ,. .- ,- '3 . ,- '3 - - r 3‘ 3 Four students were killed in
x, ‘1 '3‘ ' , , . ,. , g g ”it .3» nae/1.x) x Hopi; .7uL/5L: ~. ixrzy ‘W'Ai arr/v"? My? .4017». g % the confrontation with Ohio
., . . _ 3. f .1 .. (A 3 :3 ,1/1" ~ 7, ,._ - c1 1 , sabre/AR a Wan. 7134/27/51. ,Ag,‘4,,,2y)«; ,L;;;;;; A' z 91/. :1 ’4!" rag/m; ?‘< National Guardsmen. The troops
.' l I'. -' T ' xi 1 U7” 1 " ‘ PM 7.58.1er heel/W: Foe/w) 4 screw/5.1» AND HE AL/ WA supprvv H were sent onto the campus by
.. . , . ~ . . 4 . .2 f (I. I,” not 1,. 4 y .3. {/P R5’4.30/l" fol? 'Yc/Pt’E/2 elem/WI: .. ”AM“, Q; then Gov. James A. Rhodes after
. .. V. .3 ,3. ‘3 I 3. , : 3, 6.1%,, 3;: ,4." .tuM 7f- [3; 7 IVE Bl ACKB/iL L/A/G NE F 7.15; [—5/704/17/0/1/ [BO/”75 W/L1 (é t‘WO nights of rioting that caused
. . V. 3 ., . .13 . [ mo 2 Few. .. > row/[2 N ‘ NfL/AH‘ page o/V Ms House... [:1 “O"S‘derable mommy damage-

1 - ' -‘ J 'i » ”/5 CT/VE FOR CV W/MT W745 /f q
. . .. “ . » ”r > 4 ' ' \~ . “——

'_ .. , ,- . . . , . ME ,7 : £4137 T/ME FREDDIE?" ”7;“ THE ACWV/T '5

. , » . .. . /ES Sou/V17 .

. . , , . e. g . ,. _ .. . a W . A' ,- 5 Thcflentuck Hen-rel
_ . _, , , . , ,. Esau/r50” PUER/LE” 'J
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" - @‘e‘ @‘j . W .5 ”on . 2‘ rHANX ' , , if! ., ‘ asiaeraidli{mafigmifii
’_ .1 ‘ . ‘. . N”) W “:1“ ‘ k k \ , / _ I!“ . ,/f 3 . 3 e . , Q , ., . . / school yell? Imest livellda man!
. ' > - T ‘ ; ‘° » f ‘i '3'" ' ‘? ‘ , "hill ,1: g 9 v » . "/ 13/ e. .1. x 25m “$2222 .....:::m
N ‘ . .' m _- a: , ‘2' y; . w ‘ ail/1’19?” F621 ‘ .‘ v. 42% ,f N‘ i ‘ , , «gglfl Published by the Board or Student
. . D 7 35$ ,: 2/‘4 .lfl'l Jig" VAFER . ‘ .7. 3 , Q it}, /‘ ‘. Q 5 Publications. UK Post Office Box «as.
w 1 . O ‘u » agar I .r i r / ”will! \\\\\\\’. 1‘.‘ ~ ‘ é “ - “a Begun as the cm" m w“ ”‘d
. . 3 - 9, C". 7? gift}: '/ -_': *7 I 3,, ‘W Jr... mi M‘“ e '4, \3 ‘ ' . ""i ’Q— ‘ ill. r? ls ' C; ~ 53.3255??? continuous” as we Kernel
‘ '. . t r) x: it, . .‘- :.. < i j a". ‘1 M7 - \ u ‘ / .‘ \ "L i if: Eff” L ’ i» 6’: ‘ i? Advem'ilns published herein is in-
' . ‘ ll “I“ ,‘ix ' - ., .. v V" .‘i ,/—r ~ - FM‘ ' . , “ii-a \. it»... ‘ended to help the reader buy. Any
. . , u. . A... , . .. m.- a W ,3 .3 x 3 7..."... ,1 seek Ave: swarm: “are“
, . 1 "' '-" e are.
a I

ON CAMPUS Hrs: 9:00—5:30   I ,  

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' Try Our Charge-Free ‘I’Q‘ I 300
Lay-Away Plan! 0)

 I—TIIE KENTI‘(ZKY KERN EL, \Vednesday, l)(‘(‘. 8. I971 _____________________________________—————
,1 55;;- :’~g:;;_;3:{:;tgjgt , :gggtggt_;_.;g;:;, : 3353335EggsEggzggégigigsgggfgi3:531;;3:35;;;:g;;:;:;£:3533;:3;3,;_.;.;E3i525gEgE{23E533:;5333553355533353555335355553E1355:312:?E533EE5E55355}3353:}E523E1333:557:E=E}:£5351535515355335551SEE?3535533514525E533E5552555§35£53353532535555535335:35332355553555353355255535353535E5353355§3535§EE35353535353553§353355535§W
, g I‘ i t] l 9 From AP reports
0 , minister is being added to the - - Malik accused China of voting .
N 1X01] list of allied leaders the President Unlted Natlons against a Soviet resolution in the PakEStan
- W A S H 1 N C. T 0 N will confer with prtor to. his UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Security Council” “Simply RAWALPINDI AP—President
' t A P ) Preside nt Nix o n VlSltS t0 the Communist capitals. AP—The UN. General Assembly because it was Sovret. Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan
entertained visiting Brazilian Presidential press secretary called on India and Pakistan “This,” Malik said, “was announced Tuesday night that
- , President Emilio Medici at :1 Ronald L- Ziegler said Nixon Tuesday night to order an reminiscent of the worst days of Nurul Amin, a 77-year-old East
. White House state dinner WOUId have liked to have talked immediate cease-fire and to the cold war.” _ Pakistani would be prime
’ ' ‘ Tuesday night and declared that this month with'the current withdraw their troops to their He again labeled the Peking minister ’01. a new central
» . . . the occasion reaffirmed. the prime mlhlStef. Emilio Colombo, own territories. representatives as “socml government for Pakistan. Amin
' ' “stron and close” friendship 01 but because of the Italian The action came 24 hours traitors.” . . .
g . . . . . . said Zulfikar Ah Bhutto, leader
‘- the two countries. PICSIdentlal election scheduled after the Security COUHCII The speeches in the assembly . , .
. . . . . . . of West Pakistan 8 biggest party,
. ' He raised a champagne glass to Dec. 9. It was felt by bOth Sldes acknowledged its inability to generally stressed the need for would be deputy prime minister
. toast the Latin American visitor, that a later date would be deal with the problem, because speed in view of the large-scale and foreign minister.
' ‘ I I V. expressing “affection for Brazil" preferable. of Soviet vetoes, and handed it fighting.
“ ’ . i k and for the Latin-American Ziegler didn’t indicate what to the veto-free assembly. I I d Amin, president of the small
' . V ' family. this date Will be or where the The assembly vote was 104 to re an Democratic party,.is one of the
‘ . . -‘ In a responding toast. Medici talks Will be held. 11, with 10 abstentions. BELFAST, Northern Ireland two East Pakistani members of
, - ‘ ‘ also sounded the note of Medici is the first chief Of a The cease-fire resolutions (AP)—British troops, police and the National Assembly elected
" I ' friendship. Latin American military carried no binding force, but its milita fanned out along last December without the
' I ‘ . f The dinner ended the first day government to be invited to the sponsors expressed hope the Northern Ireland’s border with support of Sheik MuJibur
. '- of Medici’s three-day state visit United States by Nixon since Indian and Pakistani leaders the Irish Republic today hunting Rahman’s Awami League.
. " r to Washington. President Nixon Nixon announced his China mp. would bow to it as a reflection the killers of a part-time soldier. Part crushed _
’ earlier in the day spent 90 Presidential press secretary of world opinion. At the same time police and y
‘ " ; minutes with MCdlCl in the Ronald L. Ziegler described India, howeVer, served notice troops in the republic were The Awamls won 167 of the
' ‘3 . ' ' second of a series of summit Tuesday’s session in Nixon’s in advance that no resolution searching for 10 masked men 169_ assembly seats from‘East
" 4 ’ - ' talks with allied leaders in Office 35 very cordial and said it would be acceptable unless it who raided a military drill hall, Pakistan, givmg them a majority
.' . , advance of Nixon‘s Peking and covered a broad range of issues. recognized the East Pakistan held up 20 part-time soldiers and of 2-1 in the assembly: But When .
’ " MOSCOW trips. bOth global and hemispheric. insurgents and won their stole their weapons. Sheik MuJib ”1518th on
T . ' Nixon met Monday with Ziegler said the tWO presidents approval, The Northern “gland autonomy for East Pakistan,
’ . t. . " Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Wi“ . meet again Thursday The adopted resolution was mflitiaman, 31-year-old bachelor Yahya Khan ordered out the
' _ Trudeau and will confer within morning and then 155119 3 .101!“ basically the same as the one Dennis Wilson, was in bed in his army to crush the party anduits
the “9-“ month With the statement. killed by a Soviet VCtO in the farmhouse 400 yards from the supporters, Jalled Mullb,
'~ ' .‘t principal leaders of France. Security Council on Monday frontier late Tuesday night when outlawed the .party and
' ' -, V... Britain. West Germany and Kent State night. three men burst in, and shot cancelled the election of most of
- » H . . Japan. His China trip is . Heated exchange him,police said. its representatives. .
. I. . _ scheduled for Feb. 2I-28 and his RAVENNA, Ohio (AW-The The assembly debate began The m en who shot Bhutto, 44, heads the leftist
. - ., Soviet visit for late May. state Tuesday dismissed for lack Tuesday morning and continued him~presumed to be Irish People’s party which has at least
. .1 , , - . . The White House disclosed of evidence the remaining 20 through the afternoon and R e p u b l i C a n A r m y 90 seats in the still-unconvened
, . - . Tuesday that the Italian prime cases against persons indicted in evening. It was marked, as the agents—escaped in a car. assembly. Amin recently became

; -‘ .l ' the May 1970 Kent State Security Council debate had Security SOUICCS feared they head of a new Unlted Coahtion
. ‘ . - . __ ’ , University disorders. ‘ . been, by a sharp exchange may have crossed the border. of seven rightist parties opposed
, . .‘ NOW — IS The Time The Sdtatehs “decisfig; 13:: between Communist China and Wilson was the third member to Bhutto.

' ' >. ‘ ,. ~ announce S or y a t I the SOViCt Union. of the nonsectarian Ulster New laws
m .' T0.Reserve Your Helen Nicholas—the titth person Peking’s deputy foreign Defense Regiment to die in 28 A ' t 1d f'
I’ ' t .' SprIng TethOOks 10 be tried-was acquitted m a minister. Chiao Kuan-hua. noted months of civil strife. The he niggewo Ylehj’imelihisn agrill:
. I charge 0t interfering With a a statement carried by the Soviet overall known death toll now .
. , _ f. f . WALLACE 5 Book Store fireman during the May 2. 1970. news agency Tass to the effect stands at 182 planned . to publish6 a new
-- ' V ' f ' ‘am us ROTC , ‘ ' - ‘ - ‘ , . constitution on Dec. 40. But he
, burning 0 d t P that the fighting involved Sovret In the Re ublic men can m , . _
. .'- ’ 3..me b 'ld' - - . - _ p , .y.g said he did not think the

. . . ' , _.' , ‘0 AM“ U1 ing. , secunty because of its prox1m1ty machine guns stormed territorial bl ld b bl t h ld

. 1.. ‘_' \“G .nt/j In earlier Portage County to the borders Ofthe U.S.S.R. _ 1 t t' _ t assem y wou e a e o o
. ‘ y .A ‘ “ o‘N‘//'miuou§5.‘ Common Pleas Court trials. two Charge army V0 un‘eers prac icmg a its first meeting as scheduled on
' ‘, "m d' t 1 d d ujltv one u - . . - ’Droghedaw county Lough, on Dec. 27 because the war with
‘ " ' JUSTA SHORT DRIVE SOUTH dd‘" J“ 5 p F33 Q g This 15 blackmail and a Tuesday night. I d- h d d- t d

~ If " '- ON LIMESTONE—U5. 27 was found guilty on one COW“ menace to China as well as all Shots were exchanged but no 11 1 a _ a. Is?” p e
, . f - by a jury and charges against the neighboring countries of ’ . communications With East

.- . . - Adm $1 50 Starts 7:30 . . \ . . _ , one was wounded. The masked Pakis‘an
' ‘ . : ' . . ' ' another were dismissed for lack India and Pakistan, , Chiao said. men ordered the vol‘mteers to L . . . .

, f ‘ .1 OPEN FR|.-SAT.-SUN. f v'd> n H -_ - , - . . ‘ , ‘ The new prime minister also
. , - ._____—____.- 0 e 1 ”1““ . . D‘Stlnbu‘Shed 50““ stand against a wall while their 'd Bh tt Id t N' w
. t ., Atty. Gen. William wBrown representative, what exactly are training center was looted of 15 sai u. o wou go o i e
7 , .‘ held a brief news conference ou ilannin to do. you might . . York this week to lead the

. . . . . . y I g rifles, two machine guns and - - -

' :‘ . _ ._ W W Tuesday in his office to formally as well tell us here.” ammunition Pahistam delegation at the

. t \f- ~. I I, - Z‘O’flfl’q . announce that the remaining 20 He repeated his charge that Army and police patrols United Nations and no other
* M I cases had been dropped. “the Soviet government is the . cabinet ministers would be
. . W / . . cordoned off the area, but were named until he returns

-‘ ‘ . ' ’ / A I boss behind the Indian ham ered in their search b '

., - . , _ ”411/ .1 (outmmruumsaltu . ,, . P Y —————___—_
‘ i ‘ [V - . agress‘on' thick fog- Hundreds of cam on KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS

‘_ .'_ “ . - S T n A N D - . Counter-charge the main highway from Dublin BRING RESULTS'
.1" " a)“ 5 I53 EAsr MAIN ST 255—5570 : sovm Ambassador JaCOb A' north to Belfas‘ were searChed- ——-————-'

. ‘ ' 3' 5:4 4 : I I n .

l : 1" ‘ ‘ .9 : “Bis '0 : I 4
g . . , . : CE“ ; P ,JPat PI‘ [1
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.- 9" _ _ I m 5. Mini sI. 254-6006 I O I ‘l
1 . Now—z—HITS :


_ h ' c/hmvtgg’ous 3 C R A F T S M E N
' I ‘ ' f‘ . : Denetlafl-D I I N L E A T H E R

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11'3“.“ . I. :‘IIIOIIIOOIIOIIII: .Handbags .Belts .MOCCUSinS

. , 3 .‘ -‘ Thetur's . '
1 .1 . :t . . . I, \ . c 0
. . .. . . his «1 . KENTUCKY . - Sandals - Umque Buckles
' ,- w a ,- ' fig” Bests-II» . me MAIN ST 254.on : . A d O h I
_ , . .' .-,.,,- o o
a -, : - , - n t er nterestIn ThIn s

2- -. .4 . NOW hm Run . ; 9 9

z " « womenMitsmnmuwum d I ' I


.‘ .. ;~- * j; ‘ John Marleyflay MIlland : . ”E :

J 1' ’ .. , fathom iiihhmuti RBWIEDGMINSKY I RIGHT I I
; ._ _ ., y, .. I ”was: : nurses ; LOCATED AT 343 s. LIMESTONE I
. h I}. :2 ,.,,(:_:-.m:un , t h Wt - (Next to Maria's Pizza) i
' , - a . l SOUNDIRACIALBUNAVAIUBE] :12 ,, \ _3 t : ecn [E I 1.
. , _ ,- . i I mmmwpm ~ -~-- . OLIVIA HUSSEY - ll?
- ; ~ —— ALSO —— : TOM BELL . Hours: MONDAY-FRIDAY 11-9 — SATURDAY 10.5 1;?

., '1 Robert Redford—Michael hum ; jUDY CARNE : 1Eg

, . ' , . u u - - .

I i t , ’thtle FUUSS & BIg HGISY ' . .0 I a a I. o I a o o o o o 0 0‘0 §E%fi_g::h_-_4 .:::_:iL

 _ ——————-————-———_ THE KENTI‘CKY KERNEL. \Vednesda}, Der. 8. l97l 1'; '
Vasectomws and lubals available here , .
$233555. O O O 9 O O O
n1 he or sta 6' It s a t t '
, , . s on ma Ion
Getting yourItubes Clipped could do a lot to If a tubal is performed within 12 hours after done about 10 in 25 years and none of them have
help your sex “it . . childbirth when the uterus is enlarged, an opening gone on to have children." ’
Both the ”‘31“ sterilization OPCWUUH, the is made in the navel. The fallopian tubes are cut No one said they regretted their sterilization. All '
nt vasectomy, HIT"! Itht‘ female sterilization Operation, and the ends are tied or stapled with silver. Some said it was the best possible birth control measure .
an the “”7111 ligation, 3W available in Lexington. doctors use a more effective procedure where they for people who had enough children. All said their .
at Those who have had them here say they are remove a small amount from each fallopian tube sex life had not changed and had perhaps , ,
ist relatively painless and work wonders as a birth and staplethe ends. improvcd‘sjncc they no longer had to worry 2 . I
he control method. Tubal ligation under “laparoscopic control” is about pregnancy.
Tal Vasectomies are done in the doctor’s office. less traumatic and more modern than major ~ .
in Patients are released immediately after the abdominal surgery. The patient may be released . ' ,
er Operation. But women having tubaLs stay in the the same day. THE REN . ..
y, hospital and are not released till the next day, In this modern operation a small incision is . ' _'.
er Don’t take long made in the abdominal wall. Carbon dioxide is Across from Ea H d B l - ’
A tubal takes about 15 minutes while pumped into the abdomen, allowing, a better view 5 3" °w 4 .
all vasectomies last from 25 to 35 minutes Both of the pelvic organs. The fallopian tubes are burnt . . ,‘ . V _
- . . - ' with a mid *l“ -t V t . ’I l c t 'ft , th’ 1' ' Appearing leely ’ ' "
he Operations are done under local anesthesia. ‘ L “L m “”er d 1‘ “u d (I W ”W . .
of -f~:'-'birdf'ii.'f':'-53:151:35-'-:3:1. Wield: ‘5' ' .- .':‘:1'3:.’-.‘ 1 .‘,.:::.-:-.-'-:‘:.v:-'..-::.'.vv.:.;~»;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;;-.;.«.; hardencd' . !
-» .- » . . - . - _. . v. _._;.; -;-;.:.;.;.-. 3.;;.;.;.;.‘.;.;.;.-.;.:.;.;.:;;. How the work I I
3d The ms and outs of almost per- . y . T W 0 plus T H R E E . - . . ..
he . . . Tubals keep the egg trom reaching the uterus . . ,
ur manent sterilization. and the sperm from entering tube. Ovulation and . f -.
533E5332353E3;3.333BEBE-23352355333353?3553:53531E?5355233535335332532351'EIi33:35i5E3E24353553E5253353FE3E3i3E5i3.53%52353:”E5E5Z5E5S533iti‘53553f:133Eiiiiififészizlfiff-',5;i;35:E;E§E§E§¥§Eg§§gfg§g menstruation continue normally. G O-G O G l I'IS 5_9 D a l I)’ x ,
. A vasectomy costs about $85 in Lexington. Tubals are effective immediately after the . . ~ , _ . '

Tubals run about $150. Anesthesia costs may operation, bUt after 11 VHSCCNNTW usual pregnancy Dancmg 9-, NItEI)’ . I -' ‘

1e boost the total. Tubals and vasectomies are precautions should be maintained until six weeks . ’ ‘

St available for less through Planned Parenthood. have passed. Ha HOUI' 6-7 9-70 Mon. thru FI'I. -' . ' ‘

t . . . . . I _ . . .

y In vasectomies small mcrsrons are made in the Are permanent? ' ' .

:n . . . . . . . . I 5
walls of the scrotum along the vas deferens duct. A Both tubals and vasectomies can be sur .

. . . . . . gically . . . .
)nn section 0f the V35 ‘5 removed and remaining ends reversed. but they should be considered permanent NO cover NO Mmlmum ' ‘ ‘ I
he; “Erged- h 'l f h l 1 since the reversal rate is low. The possibility of ' {-
y is stops t e low 0 sperm at t e cippet pregnancy after a reversed vasectomy is about 25 3 .
is cords. percent. according to Medical World News. ' FIRST AREA SHOWING! ' '-
id Tubals A Lexington surgeon said the reversal rate for . ' 4 W W‘“ “79'“ St I’ 7 30 “ 7

‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ ‘l ‘ . Or 5 I .‘ .I ‘ I a
of There are numerous techniques for tubal tubals was even lower. Five percent of thoseItho I , PH. 252 4495 . II I I
ligations. are reversed go on to have children, he said. I ve , AUTO THEATRE Adm $150 . . ‘ ' .
ist —-—-————-—-——-——————— ' > I' ‘ ' ' '
ist - I I . .
s N - F f s utlildnd THEEV/LsP/m... - -
a .v , . .
ne ew man m rank art: 0 . ~ . .. . y . ,
Dr; ‘@ ante/n .77.“?‘7-5. g. . . . Vi? .II . . fl II I ‘ . . .
W I F 1 out Hanodshurl RIL/ ohm 217-1641 ‘ /& x %fif~ . . » .
‘;0v. enl