xt76ww76tg6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76ww76tg6w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1999 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 68, no. 4, Winter 1999 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 68, no. 4, Winter 1999 1999 1999 2012 true xt76ww76tg6w section xt76ww76tg6w   A ¤V.·—VV_-V,.,,.,,,,,;_.
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‘ ’· ’ ’ { •,,»' • Kentucky Alumnus magazine * - ,,,_·,  
g A; _   V g ·,..•°· • Notices of alumni activities in your area ~ Q ` ll
l   it • Automatic membership in your local UK Qiscounts: T —· tr
Alumni Club M _ S b _ t_ _ ‘ i
9 S ,
P • Athletic ticket opportunities (when available) agazme U Smp Ions ‘ ,-._ · _,i·   ;
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ • AAAAutomobile Service '·~’  
• Eligibility to participate in worldwide ‘+e,;,;;;;
Alumni tours ' C*"R€'“a‘$   .
QQHQHIS 8,’X,’ClLl,$il9Qly • Eligibility to apply for group insurance ° Hotels
.T()]‘ CUJQ  ° Oppvrlunity to join Spindletop Hall • University Press C 1
,   • Voting privileges for UK Alumni Association ° Smpp'"9 ’ ·
,9qS$OCldllOTL M€Ynb€r$· Board of Directors • Entertainment I
For more information or ift membershi s, call the UK Alumni ` i
· . . l
Association at 606/257-8905 or 800/269-ALUM (269-2586) , i
l or send an e-mail to phcoll2@pop.uky.edu. _  
l\lumni E P
\SS()(‘Iill l(lll King Alumni House • 400 Rose Street • Lexington, KY 40506-0119 A I
» :

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L ' , .;x€   Winter 1999-2000 Volume 68 No.4
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‘ l§0g¥;FR] dd 1999-2000 OFFICERS FEATURES   ‘   ` A--• _
‘ S et it “`“  ··—·—·c
fridsioersonal PRESIDENT · ' N   "`i-..",,;;_;l
» C,,,,, 0,,,,,,,, _ _ Coldstream Comes Alive.
V _   . I Robert E. Miller _ _
P"? ?”'?"” . Warre/resrer The Universit of Kentuck Coldstream Research Cam us
Ig Z7'lS;Dl}"£lIZO71HZ · . · Y · Y p
r tbe Kentuclay PRESIDENTELECT is fulfilling dreams like that of Howard Settle ‘7O and others.
» · I . .
l giggegzé;. [O §;)ZgZr;},~;:??;’7 66 Story byjolrn Scbarjfenberger; Pbotos byjw Rogers and Tint Collins 9
UK. ’ ` . . . .
pim).- MASURER A University Is a Place. ..A Spirit
_ gcflgggjline Ann Brent/Hatter ’71 These words of former UK President Frank L. McVey (1917-1940)
Nanqy provide the guiding essence of this look back over the last century.
g%g€;3l;0é97   Story by Linda Perry; Plyotosponi UK Archives and the Kentnckian yearboolas  
- _ all Q}!  
= Tbe Kentucky
A x Alumnus is ASSOCLATTON STAFF Where the Heart IS
published 606-257-8905 Actress Ashle udd kee s UK close to her heart as she she herds her
l quarterhi by the 800-269-A] LOW Y P p
i University of www.ztlgv.edu/Alurnni Using Career'
` §$'lmCf€l’ By Liz Howard Denioran; P/Jotos: Cbitcle Perry, Lee Nyonms. Pamrnottnt Studios. KET—T\'  
` fj;$;_jjfjg"~ me Kai T2 Demolition Man
K€nfM¢l<¢y_f0t‘ ASSOCIATEDIRECTOIV L.L. "]ay" Schwall ’59 built a business taking other people’s businesses apart.
its dites—paying EDITQR
‘ members. Ljz [—[Ou/ward Demomn ’68y 75 Story by Linda Perry; Pbotos by Paula Bzrrcb and Tint Collins  
__ ) Opinions  
I H0! riecessati Jl jennyjones-Goodwin
l those oftbe h  
Univewitv of Asstsr/iivTED1ToR  
K€77Ul€l~€V UO" Q/_ Linda Perry ’84
_ the UKAlumni ` UK Beat _ _ _ _ 3
ASSOCm;;O,,_ P[BUCRELA77ONS/ Concept Furniture; Tuition Rates; Research; Campaign for Greatness Report
POSTMASTER-‘ jobn Scbarfenberger  Orts
ggzffegfxgz COORDIAMTOW Music City Bowl Team; Alumni in the NBA; Bookshelf entries 7
to The Kentucky MEMBER_5`H]p
Alu,m,,,SY l PgggyH_ Comm Out of th€ BIIIC
UKA[?‘"¥"’ UK alumni and faculty identified as leaders; Club photos 27
Association, STAFF  
L€xi71gl`077, Brenda Bain
Kelilufkj/’ Linda Brirrnheld Patterns _
40506-0119. Nancy coomer- Michael Shadoan ’88, ’9O receives The Inventor of the Year award from NASA. 30
V jobn Hoagland ’89  
Cbarles Livingston ass O QS
Canolyn Rborer _ _ __ _ _ Y ’
Sarab Setderrrarr Class by class updates and the spotlight on wnter jennifer Sinclau· 66, 68 31
Darlene Simpson  
` Lee/·*· Zulm Presidential Perspective
·   \X/hat "America’s Next Great University" means. 38
r; \ .
l * ·<·* 
l - J I- R 
. l ’
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New Trustees UK Panhellenio ins Award,
Three new members of the UK Board of B€COm€S Most Decorated _ _ _ 2
Tntstees were sworn in at the September 21S! The University of Kentucky Panhellenrc Council received national acco- l
meeting. lades in October at the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) in Tampa.
James Ht Glenn HI of Owensboro, at iuniot The council received the College Panhellenic Committee Recruitment
_ at UK, is also president of the Student GoVen»l_ Award for its recruiting functions during. the 1997-1999 biennium. The
ment Assoeintion H-is SG A position includes council competed with 52 other universities with 10 or more sorority
being it Voting member of the boztrdt chapters. The 1999 honor gives UK Panhellenic more NPC awards than
Gov. Paul Patton appointed Alice Stevens 2mY Other SOYOHW COPHCII in the ¤3tlOn· _ _ l
Snsild and Elaine At Wilson to the bcmdt The award was given to UK for its excellent open bidding procedures, l
Snniks oi Gteseent Springs, is president and thorough member recruitment training program, rigid institution ot NPC
eliiei exeeutive ollieet oir SSK Go in wut-suW_ guidelines, control of member recruitment functions and numerous
A Wilson, of Somerset, is director of social work Pmmotlonal materials-
services for Oakwood Intermediate Care
, Facility for the Mentally Retarded in Somerset.
The newly—elected chainnan of the UK
Board of Trustees is Billy joe Miles, owner of
Miles Farm Supply, Inc., from Owensboro. TuitiOn T3_bu13_tlOH  
Steve Reed is the elected vice chairman and
~ Daniel Reedy is the elected secretary. l
, ., . ~ -1 . I - - *3%% 522%%% 5%%% 5%%% 5%%% 5%%% 5%%% 5%%%
l’i l   5 yl lg l  _ Increase Increase Dollar Percent Dollar Percent Dollar Percent
\ i ‘ li t   A ,   ; | Increase Increase Increase Increase Increne Increase
1 , li l I I I . l __ l,. ¤¤~¤·—¢ 11-[1111
i ¤· .· me 5
l i `   V , td   My., Undergraduate 140 11.7% 140 10.4% 75   5.1% l
I · · "‘ . . z r; 'f .
l i l i V ; >, in _ · ·’ g‘   ig   I U1l<>s>’ llmgmm ts ¤‘=¤¤l<<> 257-2696 rei mm information.
crop species specifically for molecular
farming applications," said Maelor
Dams, d“"°“” OHHRL UK Student Chosen as Top Speaker
at Debate Tournament
A UK Womants   Brian Islay, a senior bisinesshmajprifronir Denver, Up.,  
Celebrates   Years Of Service was c iosen top spea er at e Ixatrona Invrtationa ·
Collegrate Debate Tournament. The event was held · V
{ The UK WOmgn’5 Club enters its, 90*h year Of this y€3.I' in Cedar Falls, Iowa, 3[ NOI’[ll€I`I1 lOWzl if K
service to the UK community. University. ` I
Ong Of [hg ways        is V   COIIlp€[€Cl     d€l)3.[€I`S fI`O1Tl   SCl`100lS
[he Club Serves the egrrmqurrjty `   ‘,'`   in 16 states. UK had three teams qualifying for the
is that it provides scholarships ‘ "' ` l`i‘‘‘''' elimination rounds.
valued at $5,000 to women ,   The UK Debate Program has a long history of
who are students at UK, are 25 i championship performances. Among past National
years of age or older, and whose Debate Tournament First Speakers are Paul
education has been interrupted   I 1 Skicrmont ’97 in 1995 and 1994, T. A. McKinney ’91
for some reason. Recent recipi— Pg * in 1991, Steve Mancuso ’82 in 1982, jeffjones ‘81 in
ents include; Melody L. ~  r i_.s _ V ' " 1981, and Gil Skillman ’77 in 1977.
Holliman, physical therapy; Tara   __,, _ _  
A. O’Brien, nursing; Kimberly ·k_,       _ _ i _
, s_ BOML physician sssisism; * V   — ·--... In the omce of tlye future when tt s time for i ~
Msrgsrer iq Qninreroi 3 doe   i , s a meeting, you ’ll just roll your i
[Oral (jgrldjdgre lr] [he Cgllege gf Educ;]-     CO771plli€I“ to 6l Cll»£S[(3I' 6177361 .   .·
tion; and Marsheila J. Tincheg social work. Q   piece of concept ofncefurniture was unveiled ata ,
All women members and wives of the ‘l c 7 Lexmark international exposition in late October in ·
l l1lS¤1lcTl0l`lfll, €ldmlf1lS¤¤llV€, cxtcnsicn   V Boston, Mass. The workstation was created ky_lerijr·
\ aucl l€S€3l`Cll Stalls cl lllc UlllV€l$llY are l   Masse and Ryan Gojf both students in the master of
cllsllilc tc iclu uic clul>· Tllc club lrcsu 3     1 nne ttm pi-Og,-ttm tit the cottage Orme Am. cmrtat
l Vetter Ol mel ml cultuel eclvltlcs   t from imttmmrttmtmrtttn mtmatr suc/2 its mt
, throughout the year.   c ` ._ _ _ . _ _
 .   i tires, recycled aluminum and sun/lower seeds, the
§   M   products are the work of Lynn Sweet, an
sj; r·*i r' instructional aide in the college, and Pete
"S _ _ .   Mendel, Lexmark design manager:
lil I
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From the Office of Development   I I i
I The rr O ri s
A Call To Greatness ~
UK launches historic capital campaign I
The University has issued itself a challenge: A Call T0 nearly $225 million of its projected campaign goal. ·
Greatness. A call to raise in excess of S400 million “Initial progress is very encouraging," said Terry
that will help propel UK colleges and programs to Mobley, chief development officer for UK. “ We need i I
even higher levels of excellence; provide more this powerful momentum to continue, and Fm sure it
I _ student scholarships, fellowships and assistantships, will based on the current level of loyalty and support e
· \;· and faculty chairs, professorships and lectureships; from alumni and friends, as well as from the amount of .
" and to provide the infrastructure to develop new interest from new friends we are meeting every day in `
academic, research and service programs to meet the our donor discovery process."
needs of the 21st century. The call is also to recog— The campaign already is paying dividends. With the I
nize that UK has a responsibility to the citizens of incentive provided by the RCTF, the University was able ·
Kentucky as well as to the citizens of the U.S. and the to find contributions to establish an unprecedented I .
world. number of endowed chairs and professorships. During
‘ "We have set a high standard for ourselves, yet Fiscal Year 1998-99, the University more than tripled its `
national competition drives us to reach even higher number of endowed chairs bringing the total to 66,
standards to prepare students for success in our with a total of 126 endowed professorships. These _ n
global community," said President Charles T. endowments are powerful tools for all major universi-
Wethington jr. ties to be able to recruit world-class faculty. Another . ‘
The six targeted areas for campaign fund raising campaign goal is to secure the same level of commit- .
‘p__ ~ r V.,.—,   are faculty. students, academic programs, libraries, ment for endowed student scholarships and fellowships l
p` J   _ public service, and new and renovated facilities. Of in order to bring the brightest students to UK.
  r.··‘   the campaign goal total, 75 percent is earmarked for The campaign is scheduled to be completed by june
g   faculty, students and academic programs. Wethington 2003. A formal, public announcement of the campaign .
  said it is important to know that learning and discov- is slated for September 2000 when the University will
__ ery are at the heart of UK`s mission and the campaign celebrate its progress to date and invite the general
p goal reflects that. One important reason the campaign public to participate in helping its university meet the
is critical is that the portion of U K`s operating budget call to greatness. In the meantime, the University is -
I from state appr·opriations declined from 38.6 percent working quietly to identify potential donors and  
  , in l989—90 to 26.1 percent in l999—2000. And al- increase momentum on campus and in the community I V
p  though tuition has risen over that period of time, it so that the Campaign for the University of Kentucky ‘
IL  still only accounts for approximately l0 percent of will reach its goal and strengthen academic, research ‘ 1
· Vi UK`s $1.1 billion operating budget. and service programs. I V
‘ . The campaign officially was launched in june
1997, which coincidentally corresponds to the More in/(urination on the Ca1npaign_/bribe University of ~
j beginning of the states Research Challenge Trust Kenra;/gy may be obtained by contacting the UK Qyice ry'
E Fund program. To date, the University has raised l)we/ryiinenz at ( 606) 25 7-391 1 or 1-800-875-6272. ` _
I .`..
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y Front row (L to R) - Third row (L to R) - Johnson, Nick Heald, Burke, Tramaine Gaines, Mike Beshara, Richard Rob Manchester, i
t   Jimmy Haley, Andy Joe—Mike Anderson, Marc Samuel Patrick Wells, Edgar Evans II, Drew Coach Guy Morriss,
Smith, A.J. Simon, Grayson Smith, Omar Fifth row (L to R) - Gantt, Anthony Wajda, Ashcraft, Keith Head Athletics s
James Whalen, Gordon Smith, Roger Sullivan, Jerry Legrand II, Matt Brown, Coach Mike Chatelain, Trainer Jim .
V Crowe, Matt Dusing, Matt Layow, Jermaine Ronnie Riley, Mitt Major Derek Smith, Quentus Madaleno, Assistant
" Lee Wesley, Jeff- White, Brandon White, Crowe, Ryan Murphy, Seventh row (L to R) — Cumby, Nick Seitze, Athletics Trainer
. Snedegar, Cheddr Garry Davis, John Matt Schneider, Jamal Student Assistant David Otis Grigsby, Sylvester JeffAllen, Graduate
Acham, Anthony White, Rader, Aaron Daniel, White, Chris Demaree, Emerick, Brandon Miller, Jared Lorenzen, Assistant Athletics
I Jimmy Robinson. Seth Hanson, Mark Nolan DeVau¤hn, Doggett, Terrence Kip Sixbery, William Trainer Patrick
y ` Second row (L to R) ~ Perry, Kendrick Dusty Bonner? Calhoun, Derrick Tatum, Orr, Assistant Strength Sawyer, Strength &
j _ Coach Tom Adams, Shanklin Mike Beirnc, Chris Charles Hamwright III, & Conditioning Coach Conditioning Coach
I Anwar Stewart, Jeremy Fourth row (L to R) - Gayton, Derrick Jonathan Chapman, Scott Brincks Marc Hill, Graduate
Bowie, Derek Homer, Edison Hubert, Joel Johnson, Bobby Blizzard, Artose Ninth row (L to R) - Assistant Strength &
i Kenneth Grant, Eric Bryan, Dougie Allen, Dennis Johnson Pinner, Octavius Bond, Coach Tim Keane, Conditioning Coach
` Kelly, Coach Hal Anthony Kelly, Sixth row (L to R) - Brad Pyatt, Jed Bassett, Coach Tony Franklin, Jamie Givens,
, Mumme, Alex Herman, Vincent Harrison, Neal Josh Parrish, Richard Derek Abney, Emest Coach Scott Highsmith, Graduate Assistant ’
V Quentin McCord, Brown, Corry Doyle, Hardin, Adrian Patton, Simms, Coach Coach Darrell Patterson, Strength &
l 9Marlon McCree, Willie Mike Kamphake, Morris Lane, Chase Chris Hatcher Director of Player of Conditioning Coach
9 Gary, George Massey, Martez Johnson, Harp, John Robinson, Eighth row (L to R) — Development Mike Keith Comeforo.
Coach Claude Bassett Patrick Wiggins, David Mike Scipione, Matt StaffAssistant Josh Fano a, Student Coach Coach Sonn D kes
g y y |
’ Bullock, Jeremy Davis, Randy Garver, Coach

 l""_ ` °" W A ` T ""' T " - , ·
  .e§£`7;.i,.   l V
i   ii  .-   1; tr · { g
i Post-Season Honors l i
i .   4,,,   _ _   Former walk-on ames ' ‘
.     niiiieii,   ini ealile- l Speclal Cl"""°"’S. . . .
  ,V A ere: ,   _P ’ , __   Coach Tubby Smith, like all of the coaches and players ,
Z l . Gum US S smh CODSCHSUS l A al l shares time with many good causes. Smith’s latest project is l A
§ lSll_Alll°nFZln lll lh? Cml Ol . /   for Special Olympics of Kentucky. This coming.Feb111ary ,l
l _ __y_ ,;,,.1;   UA _ sA:t__ x    On _ l someone will drive away from the Balgna garnpdirg SnEth’s ,` .
i . v··‘·_:   ‘''; I   ` “` ‘ _ _, l“ l _ i · ` Ford Ex lorer. ust 5,000 chances are ein so or t e li
l f f l {   llle mlm ln 199/ mel [HSN- A l drawingl?TheyLre available from the Specgfal Olympics of- i 3
l     lllll lm? l""‘ll Ol“<`i"‘l “’llll ` i tiee in Franltrnit, 502-695-8222, or in Lexington at Paul "
l · ll1f~} l'—2lHllly, HIS lU()[ll€I` [DTC- & 5   FOrd Of KIOg€r Outlets l t
l [`>Ll[`C(.l il I]()\\’ l:LlI`1lOUS \*`lCl€O `/[[)fl(;‘$ Wbdléll I
[ of his high school exploits ' i l
l V r`p.~ V         _ for hint to take to Coach Hal Murnme. You may have   (@13/gggy Otherwise knOwH as prOf€SSiOna1 baS_ I  
’ · -t *· · —   1 -  `·'’* ’   SQCI'] l[ OD   · 1 ketbguy [V`,/Q fQ]`]']’]€I` UK pl3y€1`S have ended up in l  
l ‘·"*'"llllllllll lll flllill e. Other post Scllmn. hlmms mclllllcd AH_bEC Cincinnati playing for the Cincinnati Stuff in the Interna-  
i first team for senior linebacker jeff Snedegar, [wml Basketball League- Wayne Turner and Anal  
;     rmt ASSY SMS   W*?¤ls¤· S¤i>h¤· Edwards   on ine season’s ieeei. UK nun-ii nay will  
    ”l"l“ °l“l°“Sl"S Sllfll ASlll"llY W“l°lS= OSS Ol be january is at i nm. in riistai Center. Schedule and i .§
d     ll ll l l l Scllcrfll Elflllq    had  Step lg dllrm%   ticket information is available from Tom Bergles at 513- l l  
1 Lgiluggi aguet season, mat name secont eam 43560107 100 Bmadway, Suite 500, Cincinnati, OH {  
l U ,,7/· :i;.;-im   ` ' '" l You’ll find these other alums on the court in the NBA: i  
3 s    '“ ' . Coach Dan Issel and Ron Mercer (Denver Nuggets), l i
  , .i—i—   — ( M Take It I0 I Cggich pn; Rjley and jamal Mashburn (Miami H€af), [  
5 . I ., A _ All the Next Derek Anderson (Los Angelas Clippers); Rex Chapman    
3 ‘ _ _ Level l (Phoenix Suns), Tony Delk gSac§amento Kingi), Nazri , l
l   _, - Mohammed (Philadelphia 7 ers , Antoine Wa er an ` '
  A Tough December l . E,   S · S Beggigztc Walter McCarty of the Boston Celtics, and Scott Padgett  
i _ i ‘·’ l _ MQUOX and (Utah jazz). Kentucky led all Southeastern Conference 5
l   for W·l— =t >*<>¤¤s [sam of l inert on net vear`s eienreveinente. Chris l°SS`SS‘ SSVS TSS SSS PSSVSS T  » — l
l   supporting players who Their goal is ,0 make SOm€ HOSE in 3 to be “tougher than I imagined.     CQLIUCH I E
l l ll““‘l lll Sl°P llllll Sllllllclll return engagement in the NCAA tour- Fmd Out how COUCHS deléfmmav Fmlllllz L i | a
l roles. and the loss of four t m,m€m' l HOD 21HCl COflfiCl€¤C€ Cl€j/'€l<`)P€Cl U   . i
  players had coaches, awt, haw Our work Cm Om fm US, from a football placed in his bassi— , ll g   l   . l \  
i r>*¤r~·¤‘$ =·¤<* time altks nut with the leiitleniliip of nni eenreie, SS when he WSS SSSS l° SSS l”Sl t  i°~      J e i 2
,l scratching their heads in and 2, Consistent dem, {mm Our FOP pick in the NFL draft and the lead-   . “"_ __'     I i
l l)““`°llll°“ll· . wards we can be a better team than mg mOk1€ quarterback In ,3  l A   il `ll  .  l  
  The Cats put it to-   lust Vw,.-» recently released book, Hm    _; i_
l ¥°`lll“`l` lll lll°` lllll`llSllllS`   Seniors, guards Erica lackson and Couch: A P"SS"’"f°’ the Gama by »l°S’1l`l“ ¥ S llll°°”%‘lT l
l   wilt ¤·<»»¤i~~·i¤¤~- i trim nit;. an center·Shantia ml S¤<>¤SW¤¤aS Jam MCQS . '“"‘* ‘tSt’     l
K Thc w,ldL.,,,S· 5()_p,,,,,[ Owmk Hm Expected to pmvide the and Dave Baker. The book is available from mayor na- r l
l lllfllllllll lllllllglll lj(l`"l(ll leadership while forwards, junior   [wml bOOkS[Of€S and many lOC?ll Oud€tS' _ l
_ was second to the   14,,,,,.,, MC1,dO“.5 md Sgphomme l A book about fans, Catmezma, also has hit the stores. {
* llllllll “llll lllllll ll lll l· lll I.a'l`onv;i Mcl)ole. are counted on for Tlw phqm album_Of del/OE€d’ and Sometlmes Outm,  
l)cccinlver Msn. thc whsiswn, Scoring md dgfensivc geous, fans chronicles UKs basketball faithful. You ll i ;
i stair iieaiea iii iiiie team. ts¤;>g¤1ZsBC¤¤€*l gmt;} f¤rg>¤§,g€df¤1‘;§*g{l Ksghtlfv l i
· ‘ an i am owie. ou’ a so int entuc vis, ar er’s ,
  Significant MOVES gw g   A Mark president Bill Samuels, john Michael l l
l The inen`s soccer lczitll captured the Mid—Arnerican   lrlill l  ii il     l   , lVlOlltgOm€l-Y· and llls bmlllel Eddle Wllll Slllg`  
(Zonfcrcnce (jliarnpionsliip and then faced defending ll" lttl   ily mg PSllS’Sl TYOY Gentry _ _ l `
~ national champion Indiana in the opening round of   ` ‘ - Alsfl ?lm‘?llg lll? Ellllllllll lll lh': SQOS are lll€ ,
l thc x<:.·x,x soi~t~ei- ‘l‘oui·nanient. This was rlie iii-st eon-   i A- A S r  A riii ASSOC_l*lll°ll S l°l€SlFl‘S‘ll elw DS